Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1916, p. 2

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kliumkuiflifwotli at tlm bono of llio iwldea uirotil rilomm on mmoli lwh olfl ada daughter m mr win wood to atltert llrodorjuk 1 llrnnto lowustiikat ltm al tlm nnlilnnriiof tho itridoa purou miimlimii mi wwiiiuh day tttl march 1111 by hnv it 1 cameron murrnv fjliivtnn lnnglrixt of llnlilimfrtil tnwhil chun duughlui of jonathan jinn il if all alciturohvillii on mouduy april 3rd 10111 iivl hpenoor hull in hb7lih year mldou vi i in iuiueaing on monday und april iui0 dames molkm ell ngod oo y bilanwa at pettnplooe mnn on thoh- day march 2lt huh thomas almoin 111 11 71th j 0r watwiw in kuuabiiiif on hnturdny lot april 1111 dermic ogram w ifo of john c watson hum uojoaro elj5 jltfrm 3fmc jws tliuuflday alllild 0ll editorial notes tlik wlvvll ku cltv gnfm ii llhb puftl bylaw adopting tlto pay light hnvinir lien to take e ttaot on tlto fourtli humlu of april when clocka will bo ndvnnced nun hour unil will remain one hour lu ndvai el atandsrd tlmo until tho thlnl htinday of september in each year thin will giioii hour additional of aunlight in ilia evening mill stieet to be improvbd massaoaweva township coukoil tdk drain or war conditions on nun pliee in canada ie beginning to toll long ago indeed ww materials tuch nn motnta yarns and olotha were inllnenood lint now new high records are being registered in meats and sugar llolh tlioao fnikrtant food ktuqi took another rlaa during tlio w4k aa food product contlnno to lie heavy it will be a long tlmo hoforo uohato any material reduction in prices till lkai iv wnm ol ui rnmct including aocloty nnn lltr l mil freglats ii4t atlilauook oniinncir m in ergatla antl alcohol trm nic tl y itrrlei that large percentage of tlio rawijc ol daalh am due to intnilcatlng tltpiora whleh oonatltute ilia rentes t i unlit on tlio vaputdlo ami that it ncccfiar in atari n reform for the upbuilding of franco after th war iw iu ablb 8 1 keui on tlio trolilliltlon nil ih ut ijitfuuturo on tuouluy hon mr lifmrvt thprmier defurod tlint no bwulbl tdati would claim that tlio prolilli uto bwjuur would allwlnato drltillnff en urtly uuttlm annual drink mil of tlio provlttmwaafroim 30000000 to 40o0rto0o anjiftu bill idoroly out flu in lml it would still imi a saving of ten million dal tora afuuyirhf for all tlio oiiondituro on war juirou by ontario to date contract lot tor llonvy coatlntr or mnoadntii nml tarvla with shitrphntid pin lull woioc soon to he commthced at uniwillndi4 uiijxrntloii mill htrout ih in n colio noiiio wrnui limit llnproiotnonl lltin iprlnf in coimeuilnn witli tlm oounly find mm i ii uyutom wliloli will put it in itiiioli iwkoroondltloii after a tliorouli hcruplnir mioli uu wuh jiuoii ul nprliitf n coillntfof tlnvo to four hiolio of orimliwl itono will lio put on and iollod witli a lentil rollur tlmn u coatlnjr of l tarvla of tioivy liody will lio liruliwl in aftor nnot lioi rolling n op drmwilntf of nlmrp nnnd uill lo irlon and nitotlier rolllnir will fol q tlio contriietor for tlio work in k ii ii of toronto wlio lina imd u mo ttvper euro in rond imlmiiiu and liaa muoli unlti fnctory work to lila crwllt ho filled a coiitrnotnt onbvllle inat rummer wliloli liljlily npoben n ly tlio oniaiala of tlio ton n 1 1 io itiiittfir ot tlio contmot oatno up i joint nicotine of tlio council and leading cltloiia ulin lind liobn invitml to dlftmiaa tlio mnttor with tlio council on alonday oicnlnp ft mod tlio tinnnlmoua opinion lint tlio worli ulioiild lio undertaken nnd thorontruct uim lot uevtday oku true tor iiy will cominonco opera tions uitliin a fou uoolin and uill ruali tlio work through no n taintorforo ultli tralllo bh hltlo iih poiuiildu tlio cont of tlio work will iw flic por wpiaro janl aooounu passed at tho moroh moot ing last wook llio followinif aoooutiu woro wtid at tlto moating of miuuuuwoya townalilp couuoll unt woo it i oumotuitowiulilp town lino art- oount a 11 ltitiu kir hoard of heuuli iiimiihoii towiihlilp townllito ac count dan hnrvloo reiialrlnir ixldoo if wolili flood auppllml lifra torit by ordar of hoard of 4h7 2t0 oar 01100 100 every dollar op taxes are in collector harvoy has alfa in won tho dktlnotlon or a clean shoot council mot on monday moiling mom bora pront iuo ifyndx ttoavo i and alav holt p a hundekon clxirua i liuiloy and v if hmltli counotllor the coninilttoo on linnnoo prowinted ttntir miionili rnnt nnd rocommondrd mj uifiit of at run nt ui fiilloun win itld uurknt roinoltty 8 110 w ii cilmnif iiuir i no wui itiubii i ilhir nt coinotory i 00 lluntlc 1ii1hm1 co hur for linll m 01 dill jnluphiina c inoaaa joli n hlrnpwm aanltary lnbmotor dr carbort refund dour tax captain malion toward expanwia of man of company a ifutli iutt on liimoton qa 00 arthur tranmom waa appointed path- mautor instead of damoa haw ii ton resign ed ilv 2 and john littler waa appointed luhtowl of tleorgo 0 onion realgnad dv the keavo and moura molydt and irutnmot ward appointed a commit too to inveutlgat tbo oauin of tlia water flowing over tho ouolpli road at lot 37jv council ailjournfl to meb onmoriday may sotli at 0 30 abiaa a oourt of ravlilon ami appeal and other butlne joilh maiuiiau clerk a curious animal tiik irwrmttlmel on commercial tnivel urt tkatlltay want intoxicaiiiift liquorn at buia was effotively tattled at a meottag of tb oourlocotntuorcial traiellcru aa ocliiloa at london on bit unlay objc uoa was taian totlia improafilon which it waaolaitacd ha got abroad roganllng llio 4tooelatlona attitude ou probllltlon waa a that lha commercial tra levi last not ih favor of aeonttnuanoo of tint i r 1 1 j rat lloaaw aytaiw wawantnoliqui lieenw but do want protection for jm ttavlllkur public and more particularly foi twcfliaertul uilvelure deourad ona offl 6ial urcm ka baan aald of th way that tho ualud biaum iuatidfaoturra and tradarn bavbm coining monay out of the war it u rfrjilrig to note tliat the uniud suu la payug toll to tlritlala ahlppara to tutitut of tdoo000000 a jear iau y4r britain total ohlpplng trade ranowal iuommhi by smo 000000 tlia tnulo laagua uiat la la tlia way of being formed batwaa hritaln and bar aluca and tliolr owrtiii docointofla in opponition to oer- fcdaay to w out into affect when the war eld will giv urllltli iliipplng liumiwli- t4 fcaimilnflf power of hirge proportlona oarotuyrt aubuarlna activity haa done away with m good many ilritub ablpa but tba 123 vhu taken from lennany alnco atupiu 10u materially reduca tlia nal leari to jwuin la ahlpe and tonnage a b0ho p0b canad soldiers scttt from ttolgluhi by pu gftor myada to uu pathep bdevd mytidj luw ifyiula roolvid on tuiay a uuf frotd bla aon ite oaa hynda n wbiob wu aaoiomil tba apuodbl umta wltob foliowa i a bono voroakadian rolmkub and orilkitt wbad kny klnor ami country call ma ami tld wautad at tho front wb44tha tbrapuel khalb are buret i ng u tba air i wcaatka f in fury eharga and were aaut to baar the brunt abd th toll la calll for aervloe ill 1 umao obotiu wbaa tka roll fa eallod for aarvloa ill ha ibem wbad tba kalaevu line aro iirokon and bu armlea out ol aranoe wbd tba ualgun ilelatloun wo repair wbeo tba flual wufttora orilarod nnd tlto bugto aoumli advance uay tbood of dutlloa blp two to lie lhr cbowa i what tba roll la culled for service 1il bather wua tba all lea tuaroli tlirough 1ruaaln wlui foe in full retreat ttutb our liearla lie kept front hatred ih our pyer whm tba right of mind la enilod in n eruahlng latt defeat abdturoiria called in rcrlluill bo tbara ohotuj i wbau tba roll la oallid for urvlce 111 u tbml wfaaa fortn laat poat la sounded tin 1 brae tba alfent ford iw at niot woo of utlno labia will be- war whm iuvllle aouhda in heaven anil tba artula of tlia fjird 8in tba holulujali cliorua1il bo them ohtmih i wbati tb rail is called up yonder ill be then tie ifynda wrote tliat tbla win tho popolaraoogattbo toeetlnglii the ymc a taaat which kerveathacunadun aoldlera whlob b aiuoded on sunday march i2ih ur ktobort w iredg of kwuelug townablp haa purobael a 100 farm from ur harry fimltbblng tba wat ball of lot is it tba 3rd oonoeaalon of kaquaalng towabip ula w uada by jf a win loaaby laorgetown eihoo the com mil too h report waa adoptail cnjit lvijilfttt waited uon tho councl i thank tlio council for tho use of the town ball and refuelled tho uio of the park fur drilling purpose tlio captain olao referred to tho town hall celli uhioh ho innpocte an i found io iw in an uuunltnry condition ha uaid ho might llnd it ncceaaary at tlm to uu tho coll and ntkod permission to have tbo oulu wldteu juhed and lu put in iron coin unniuul ivnnupluu a niion tho captain to pro acii ullli tho work mi jested and fur the mmxif tho kirk mr n i mcbim coinpl lined that ow- injx to tho cuitlnjr made by tlio toronto huliur an uilluny ut tho crowing on muin btrcct tho drutnugo bail damaged tbo btrcct und canned inconvonionce to biro and damngo to bit prokirt the council instructed tho htrou ami wnllcoimiiiiuo to look into tho matter nnd thochirl umj instructed to write th luiluny company to remedy tho nrnltor to furusj hoy uiro concomod tut collector john harvey haudad in tho roil fur 1015 ovary dollar of which boil i ww n collected moved by c k iulley oocondl by w ii bmitli that tho collector liavlng return cd the colloctora ittll liaving ooluotcd all available taioa therein the ume be accept ed and ho lorolieved from all rspanalbllity in connection therewith oarrud tho council tlien adjourned no opposition yoiohlbltqm pro hi i or- ileartt wllllriff to hint iii koputatlon by doing the right thing now the second readin0 passed unopposed tlio ontario prohibition act ped u aeooud reeding amid prolonged appuuw from both aide of tho houae on tusday night par narly all boor bafora that ppcaberv from tba oppealtlon and from the government rank bad oongratuuted tba inemur on tlta stand he had ukan and on tba bill bo boil brought down han v if heartl blinwlf in ungthy and fervid ipaoch which blaown upportaa an j those on th other aide of politlaa alike greed in regarding as one of tba gnutot ho oier hail drlivered dubrd that in twinging down tba bill bo bad dona tuarely wliot appeorail to mm to ha bla duty tliat ha would havo felt himself a traitor to ida country recreant 6jlilduty if lie failed to l0nunughiuhaii1diwut in hie political downfall an aamo of ida batt bupporier luul prod ic ted that it would n w howell baderof tlia oppotiuon evproiaod hla hearty nonourrenoa with tba hill any ntjguatlnti that tha opnoaltion inlubt mabo would ba entirely for the good of tha hill and not raid any desire to ob- truct the goi ernmertt crews co tbo fnrmora nro buay nuking maple njrupnnd preparing for other spring work mr chan taylor who has beon vlaltlng at mr flonrno ornharn the uut tbrea worho rolurnml to lil- homo at merlugo h4k laub vrook taking a number of imrmia which ba purchaaod here with blm 51m tilor nnd children will remain few month longer visiting her parentu mrs w lnlrd and llttlo nelre ulna vhjlllafluutnn acton vultodat mr jaw imnbloa a dny lnt week mind margnrot djiuiib who ha tioeii 111 ulilimtoiitiiclitrotibla for aoverul niontba wnntlotbo hopltal ouolpli an monday for troiitnibitt her many frleuda bora hnpa dho mny noon rot urn completely ro- nlorod tn honltb mu llhaa orowaou in visiting acton friniuu mr and mr algorcrlppa who moved tn ac ton lust fall bnvo returned here mr uu i mr krcd crewaon acton vuitcul frtoiuu libro oh ruiiday a rtttherdiaailroiiaflroocourred bora on hatunluy fniviioon about ii oclock mr dinginaii wbolian tho farm of w k crippb on tho urunioia fcldo nmo tbo urw rentel rnuml tbo fit tin of lbs bouto wax on ire with tho airong waib wind previillinglt was iuiwaiblotlllter to oktinguuli tlwi ira or get out tha furnlturo and elfeot mr crlppsbad liuuranoe of 2t0 ou ha liulldiug but mr dlngman hail nolnhuthnm and oven but ma clothing the origin of tho flm la unknown tlm rotrnlhr ninellng tit ibn wotiioiia inatltutff will ho buhl in tha council ctuunlxr on iriday april ftb nt uirea the 8ea cew oave riaa to tha lattd of tha blrwna tha dugong or sen cow la a pe culiar ntilqial it roiiomblcs tha in miliar boo i but it ban no bnlr ou tlio body mid la uioro iionrly rolntod to tbo porpolacu mid wbalou xlila milmal la found ou ibn aliorom of tbo indian ocemi ubout llflcen do- croeu ou cncli sldo of tbo oijuotor fiom limit africa to auatmlla and nlao lu uio lied aoa it in u tuurluo miliiuil which uuvcr aucotidu tlio rlvura uh food conautlug chlolly or acuwocd mid tho nlcno round in tbo wulcr vonm aso it wns reported to lm o iwm round in laruo hcrda at lovornl hnndrtd in ill vidua la nnd io hoo bciii ho frnrhui nu o ullon llaolf to bo toucliod ulili tho bnud or mun in uccni jcmh liowoi cr it la mot utili mil in tn and ibrocu und lina ih in rrj hi nnd wnry lis icah hnu i km ii miril ej bi n delicacy nnd it hi uiiikhi dim tba malay kings clnlin u rojnl prokr ty all tboeo tnkon uitliin tliclr dnumln its habit ff rulaluu hu round bond out of tba water nnd ifa urvat uttac llou for il young whlcb it cnrrloa uu dor tbo fora flu nro thought to bmo glvon riaa to tbo legeiul of tbo mor mabj in allusion to wbkb tha tin mo alreuui was given to this order or taatmnnu it is recorded thnt it wnu wltb tho fcfalu of lb dugamr or sen tow thnt i bo jows wore iltiwled to vol tho taboruaclo und not with bud gor ukliis au translated in tbo uu tboruol vuralou of tba nib la now york vomt peethumous ihlfuanca ihd rolatlons between man nnd tuau eeoaa not with ufa tbo tbad haro bo bind tbou tbelr tuetuory their esatu- plo and tbo eavvcts of tlidlr action tbolr loflusaco still abided wllb us tbair nauua and character dwoll in our thoughts and hearts wa llv and coui- faiuno with them lu their writings wo oujoy the tenants of their isbora our liiatltutlans bavo boon rounded by tboja wa aro surrooudavi by tba works of bo doad our knowlodsa and our arts aro tbo fruits of tbelr toll our tnlndj haiva been formed by tbfclr in- ttructions we r tnot luumauly cou fiacfed wltb tusm by thousand da- uudoncleft tboao whom w havo lov- w fa ufa r atlll objects of our ddn- ut aticl bout uffoctlous ytmt pow- it ovar us wtnoln audrsws norton- haw ta frs the fuc of rata whan l was a boy our farm was tltva whb rau a contributor talis lu trkrui told birwalda w noticed tba rat wra eating tba rain and driukbiff tbawatar of m alt- tuxg bo lu a coraer of tba baru bo whij tba hn batched ajd was uo- fd vm put fctrycbnlna lu tba water aad tba flrat ulgbt killed twutytbraa mts tud tba bdcood nlnauen ka14ei ibbl ft good huuy uioi want away to dla tba bt way to fcet rid or rats is to faiake ibau bo ruatofcned to drink at oda puc and thou poised tba wiur natural lib jmia leal dbrdw natural ibo u a met of a puitlo to aouia fopia wbo waajei if tba law rwogubtw buy uu- uitural ufa it doos uot but tba old cohjtaou law did tvcognlta un tiuuntu hi diuttb as well us natural ouo wbta a turn or wotasu takes lbs mo nastic vow peopla mill uq6iit of it s itavlaa tbo world lu luedbtavaj tlnieat tbit was eoualdared m fortd of death and tlia pbrasa uatural llfv csuio into uja to dascriba uu avbitoura tertuuiated by tbo gntvo not by lbs couvent or tba abbey new york mali tka oliht bible trtwi is in tba royal library at stockholm among other curtaatll a tnauuscript work known as tbo giant ulblo ou awouut of its oxlraordliiary diuquslous it nieasuros 00 con lima- tura lu length and hi co centluialuin in braadtutuat is about hi by 10 inches it requires tbrort mm to lift it tboro aro 000 pageu but bovan havo booti lust tba iarrlnunt of whlcb tba boob is composed nhpiirwl tho bklns of 10o nsscs tbaro uro two columns ou each pugo nnd tho book contains tbo old and now teuiiinwuts with extracts from jtuephuv its initial iflttors avo lllumluiitud tbd bluduitf ts of oak four und unuliulf eentlnulorai lu thokuex whait paahlana luted por years in tlwos past a fnnhlon lasted wltb slight uaodldcatlons for onrs mueb tbo aam fashion wntlnunl through tho long reigu or ijjuiu xiv und an other through that of louis xv wbll tho udleat of tbo wtddlu ugos uevur thought of varying their costumes am tor tba cjrmks and tba itotaiitis gvu rauott suooeoded guomilnu with lit uo chaugo ba femolo dr iiml yet all tbeaa ladle of tho past wuro more ur- tuiucally dressed than tbnso ut tmlsy usny no doubt spont inoro lliuu iboy oud afford but when iby bud costly dress they kept if und did not throw it nway to roplaco ii with un tbcr loudon truth delhis iran pillar at dolbl tbero atlll oulutm mt iwn pillar fifty feel blub und ltwu iuchoti in dlatuoier mailu of tlfiy pound blooms weldod lugetbur tills pillar it hi suggiestad may ba nnttjrdrd as tho doycti among irudueln uf tbo heavy leou industry his dual i tlio dcnlbit should wako a good sol dlcr why sov ovlook an noellenfprokririhietialieon i horf drilling si good dent or hi arranged everybody weleome umc ttostoa tratiucripl uhbhousb aaomowhabsnoiantbiitlntereatlngdoou inont in relation to ltmehoumi aohool nuly onlne into thn batldn of your oorroajiondent tlio other day ft waa an iigreaineilt iw twoeu the trutateea und mlun clara k hlelhl who wa engagod oh akalataut tefloher on january ut ihita at tha natary of lux antium payahlu half yearly the truhloeu who nig nod thi agreemoiit thlrlyflvfl your ago ware john moore john tjridy and kara fteey prlenda here have news of ha death of tlm bhanksntpetuplece mau formerly of ijmebou on slkt march mr hhaula waa in hi uh yatr he waa born in tiwpiealng und farmed in this townnhlp until ba went to manltolm about thirteen ywraogo helefl twononu jolui t at hojiie and llobert who la at tlio front in prance fighting far hi king nnd country on wednesday afternoon march uotb a quiet wedding waa celebrated at the home of mr and ura jonathan lane when tluilr only daughter itaobet klma became the wife of mr murray clayton long- street eon mr and mr longatreet iu1i- naiad theoereraony wu performed by tlia paatorof the bride llev k p cameron and took place in tha homo the bride waa given away by her father mm waa gowned in her travelling auit of copenhagen hluo allk poplin with white hatand willow plume she carried a houjuet of carnation tlia brldramalj mlasplorencefj scott wore a gown of belgian blue wltb bat to match and carried a bouquet of aweet peau the groemaman was mr james long treat brother of the groom tha bridal couple were tlio recipients of many beautiful premuta after a dainty wedding rufat mr and mrs longatreet left for hamilton and other points to upend uialr honeymoon mr ami mr john kannetly and mlaa dorothy ofouilpti ware rueataof mr and mrs w cowdy over sunday mha w ivofin of toronto visited her parents over sunday llmehoute aohool haa ben clord for a tow daya owing to the llhum of the loach- or mkm bliaw wholaaufferhig fiom second attack o la grippe mr woaloy lino of toronto apcnl hun day witli bla father mr it lino mr hon lolbhighoui of toronto wuu home over bunday ueapau aympathy from their many friend is hteudad to mrs mcdowell and family lu their aad tiereavameut through the death of t lie huabaud and father hemmmx- spring novelties in bright new goods mallotyi strawberry plant fur satisfaction and profit lfliidiifvarlgle par ooo 1llty tlants vacll of four cliolca varlo- tlo early ntid into for loo send ror prlco lut n m hallomv ftl outarto new waists in silk crept and voiiuh in while black and natural liliant- ing all ihe new idcaii lon bleevch twoway collars etc very attractive valueu new collars in profuiiion of ntjlc and material- verv special french kid gloven in white lilnclc inns and browno scarce goods at 110 a pair limited quantity ladiei plain cashmere hose black sizes 8 to jo at a pairwc 10c ilkc 10c imported ginghams in checkti and fancies i c and ljc a yard special vaiues in linen hand toweling thia week from old contract fivo patterns at ljjc a yard henderson co hjm exchange your western town lots wu will allow full valtio for n limited amount up in ono tliouf and dollnra worth of wtaicrn lowu iei in oacluingo ulih n vlittht difference tonh or term for fully improved iituldo projur- ii ci in tlm elhoa of lnndon or oiiilpli incndlng nwi r vau tkiirlc light gnt coniltit aiilo walua street cam pant prupcrtha and in well built up factory die- rlcta oreotoctrtehlcntlat tbero proporliet turn nulck andjaro right at homo iwrllo for par ticulars to omo h raiiiflleld 447 woolwubtfl quklpir specials for this week mens moua working olioea reg as for 3yb uenv plna blioaa clearing ot odd pants clearlncr at ltmt btoroya working bblrts ut mens raincoats regular ij ao for ladies ladles htiaea clearing at childrens bhaea ilta 1 1 to a ladlea kaincoats retjulnr ijoo grocebies ioo 11m redpatb bugar for whh raialns iocpt g currant iscperlb canned corn pea or ueaua 3 for tfjttc rolled oats regular 15c 9 pbgs for ittc 7vv- shxe the biich starts opposite maw post office sao itw tuu ih why why why watch our can we sell bread of such high quality at 8c per loaf bacsusa wa blru no help we bava no buobkoeplug espouses wa have small rent thurefora tha con- sumer gels tlio buuefll why not pat rati iw tbj man who kuils after tba welfsro of tho poopla nnd who gives them a product tbut inuusurpawuid for rtialily tbo re is no waidu for our bread keepr niolkt to loug that it is olton burd io couvlaco bo me people that it is the day before baking window for fancy hahing hurfor superior bakery i sa chisholm phone 20 acton ont to the motoring public we have jubt completed our tiro repair shop and at the present time have one of the beat tquipped tire repair plants in the dominion of canada we are now in a ponition to handle anything in the repair line if nu have tires to be repaired we would advise you to get them done early phone write or call we alto have whatever you require in acces- bories guelph tire sales and vulcanizing co 133 upper wyndham st guelph ouyuuovrlayir php ihohuiba the merchants bank op canada otthu 1m4 vs ttorni kt cdmmjt jfthrikt ii rinhily described as eco y noinical management a shrewd busincus man is bpokcn of an thrifty be cauco he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lien in tlio principle of saving ono dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at iar capita paid up hkmrvm punda amd wmoividud poplt tnxooxoa 1mb h acton branch f a mac lean manager sueh a comfort i in tuich a toiuforl not to have to i mil when tins wen titer ib colli ami i li i my hut it i i l dtine in bad wlmiher that luhtno ii tiliin it tiiivctino many hit mi r many iirccinus iiiinumi cwiy il ly tlie year till 1 t llill itcitllu lilloltltl bo witli an il thi iim itivd imt iitnud in he wj no i tihtiioii charge jiirt a im ill mniiil n ntal i out the cotipmi below itivl in nl h tn us lodny ttip ucl ttlijilitiiiq co ol uwuijl jsstiirtwsjffla wia atcll tilephann u uf ftmatiit tt4htuntni pleate ant me tilunil ltculettce tluphon settte ilthj abbcruflmunla the jllrlhoblct ofljnrch adon ii w avisiom wa dd silnlaitmp buhdav akkllll otl a m bubjtict i kikjoliilhermoii to w m b ancillary vvo mhiulo tulk to boys and glrhi- anthem tlm homeland i m a roit social reformer aultioui tlio uny thou caveat sunday school ttt 930 jtlll wfetlooufet oaftdlflnktt wantkd ijjtleulkkcki man who eau itlvt 000 i wo 1 day pw wmk ol lil time apply at skxttlng estates wi11h you liav imi1 ilvtuli0 li4aanr lu no ti mm 11 on wlili tli uiilltic or ji mut tall jnuf lawyer you wlablltobali 1m mui tall ynur tawyar you u lu iii afljon vltwfc rflllho house and lot for hale aiidlolliairpartlauui i iifell kunnkdv aoten teajiing iaifir4rttooall itlurl of lmln- aal aaiiaulliiaoaal ttliw ulowtiis kardio aud ruovioarumliur a 11 uitoiiiu 0- ulllhtre ateti kitick heniiiknck row ualh tiiav ooruforuljl lirltib retmtue tm ih oflrtir ol uill ii ulllnfatati liuu aelen if ramaiw atwlrie ll ta lu ilajidoouilliouliluanwlyruviiuikr aimiy lo ll otllvstku llll wo tl adlm hnithk8fr salie owk rifilfcuu ally out clrjjau oalilliicr rulnamir jrear bu1 iiiowimiiiv lirohhi aluo wars hi fnl ami mat lulns bva ymi 1ila aul uriti rmolj- ijil tlir ann lavun m ll nanitakv tvork 11113 unoavluiiol haa now a enrurls ul- tary nutfll nl umitnr hujauj u wlnj- to aaaeute all rr tor elnlua clou oij ft4 lu a ilinrauahlv ultity and tiuy miuhtr laavluu hi iurnila id iat wjiuiy ootkliilitii uv wiwblu ilia uaal i uy ba rotoiiiimialiou orlin vltl i a lureaibi alunuoo v willialltl ooitivo toa cliureli ulrr aatau folt palik mx tot hrj au1 ai watw hull utu ittilil jcum t4ui rtrt dlotu rsom bltabu il iuiry wuulaliiht imr tin audlalouii uwuiid t bllar yuh idibam aiaoa llapiiy tliimalit wa- aad mw oral turjaliiio uw tut aala war iriueura p- notice the bpring tenu in shaws ilual- nets bchoola toronto from april srd msrgea into tha summer term or july and augunt start now and ba ready forpoahion in autumn no vacation irea catalogue w ii gbaw irvs tlik pitbmc health oitixwhs alltt hktcuksluo to coejkly w1yi1 vuu hjuuo iikalyh att xtoticu uharsby tlutul all wllul r attduhqulijirtuifuileaull llinlrfliij till illii umuia a e4h aat4atfe whuliway vojuxunt tlia publle ualilt mod te tali uuim uiat ilia ilmi ai 11 fauie llaliu act lurnlilttlilarf ilua tfus of bti mwu ut mli of umw aad imw of wavwd- iiaai in pita lt vo iwt ar lljea mil nujfcrj tt ttoot lv urne f wllb uajw bp lar tro auy bumjiua claamfcl will be lulmiy an auiury ova iivwna kxveef ibeuusuclity aatou uanb umb isu to 4 a wondehrul burner wiiv muih vouh bbvhslv ifvoueaumhaveuiaiaaorfjaauu ubt lu r bouia ai hie uua but m your ell ufcup liave it iiullaj t runt itayo ttimu ii itaa elibw saa or jiui ttw wliln uala uyo tamp lluruar flu voubb til la i i tlal he- ilia luliuuli wat iiia- mtfiliy audi aavluapaii mur uuav luii ui ii win piv t wllb iii blmmpaalbuauiruwl ailoau oil fry it uj vnu will it lo wlibout lr mihiilotrakluh wtiialtniauy liuiuilial ua a eulah ui it la iiaajl in uu aa au ohiuary burner orjar today or write for itoiltut eiraalar asamawani4 awariwure if if hall sri ah ukhuh ohv oltilatvf iuoll iii hut ua aui- d new wonder lan the touiout tlia regiineraltau 6 tutu roalurlan anna niton and rook- hlto pellowg piiioavaphil7 tlio alrl ol 111 qomiu wut batuhdav apmili ilroariwav ulllvonal latura homdav aihit io bpuoilo 4 of tlio uroba cola tuiiodav avhiv 11 wnr plcturou wkdnkhoav apbiibj 111 tlio last ojilsodo ut tbro niauca of blnliio rl gregory q a the hub tiiosort of n auit von want is ono which fltii nnd becomes you nnd which conforms io tba other domaiids of both utyle nnd the money if men rcnlty knew just haw tlio clothos wo nuike look and wear they would all coma hero order your uprlng halt now and got your choice of the new spring geo f agnew custom 1ulloa mill st acton

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