Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1916, p. 4

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stye rlojt ywe tytcas riiditmriav aiurrj mm uantams jokt uu ii 1 iiihni inn a liuv l 1 mil- k lluluklrli iimlll -irr- thut llllf ii haivtrt v iru- 1 mlk 1 nil tli lull olimn 11 ijiutd imi 11 xi timli i tu color hlnu r l gilletts lye eats dirt llllt dimm tllftuullt llltlo immi1111 1 think ill play u jobs t for iihj viiu uuaw can funny 1m awllmtoiiiril and so our ilml twif inn lien or even nxkm that uuy and mvry day tlie clilldiii went a searolilntr ull arointd hut bantam hn ut ery mill aim did not nwto a wuwl wbao luutar came tin child wit lauithod at bantams funny trlok it bro ifuts lkarnino karnlug witliout tbouulit is labor lost thought without learning 1 perilous confucius ii might be n very clever man by nature for all 1 know but be laid so many books uivou blu bead that his brains could uot move hall hlstoru msko meu wise wv tn witty the matbouistlfa sub- uij nstorel philosophy dep mortis gravi ionic and rbotoric bl to coouod ilaeou not fenou is wises tr his usrn- lag wit end wudom in bora wli a maatwdsn kndhrttcuoa does net pravent hu- of time or uuukm and tnuukw utettleelvwa are oftao tb beat ustlors of all frvoud batiaaru awat clixkd j- t lit w bloo id tb bmm ult vuu tlui u to u wotbir b1ifeiudbluuyfcstuuld lutkci- widblarf oh uh jobbmd j- ftu ubjbuy otur ulbiu pi j hoped ymj tad this sf ufttaoa jesthasfed drreldj llr jolrij touch dallgbud- yoer molur in at hecs f oli a abrd jmu jut sa bwftbib jmo goo 6t fctopi a wt u b6oi uu uu tonight children ory for ruichens castoria i 1 1 mi iiii 1 1 n 1 111 1 1 nat long uo tliti nonilml inwj of a new york linuua wu nov6l t auk tit ftotual hoatl tlio rcrtson ttiraho liivarisliu hptmr- unco of u oailnin uiiul of cliow cltow on tlm illtitur lablfl tlioliuklmtvlw oohvidomi tliut hclmnifoinirlit no nuula with rolit mya tlio kow york bun weve had a flva wmlmtiiiimrlsnmwitl th6m itjokld4 liatutld mildly and thy are not wrtlouurly good at bwl tliy ar avtljit plcklwt mturntd tb nuith wif fwjtvliftt dffutntly aim any u ay uliti cfliiilimdlnfiirollii uiii lliey mutt tx wtan iumuu tlbr n athi mivei imltlcn left of th orltfln lliuhh 0ll m prinlon 1110 fiiurrupud owthmti hut i dont boa why i fcliould llp ootuuu uviii motrd hottlm of chow chow tht f dotit ilk juit uouu w luv hat hum- iwr in iha houba youar flying off it a tbit u uiual hdjd th tauni wifa ironically hut bot iw- oluntly wlut i wjpjltif t4 uy if youd flr ma tlm wu tttu- you fca iuut ttopjar r bdiuli lurthih tli on tlty hava on tiia r-afiuuj- ormrv- iniuu and ao tlta plckua willy oat u odly uu ostiu a houu and i sot a 1oj thy ttimrjy tdubt ha uj up bjara th -prhi-vla- aaaocl 00iiltiiw making the little farm pay by c c bowsfield iiiimi nun in 1-h-1-1-t- city won by wor mr inklnir farain halnk eojvliicod that mnlfr mojorn eoddllfotim nurlculluro lit inn or th boat rylnk voontlono many who wlab to bocomo farm art irielui ida mrwontf without oxitorlnnco nml hliwl mti who am cnpftblo of limn- uuiak tluoe tay not havo mm omblul to buy laud in aucli cuncn roatltitr ntfofdw an opportunity t ruako u auccoaful urt iltiylrik oul- rlkht i tho bottof plan iiowovci ttvea if tbo atart ban to 1 math with place of rtvo hr ton acre tottbor euah trontlna or tbo nystmii of mbarluk proflta tuoy provir natlpi factory invot ligation niiown tlmt flftyoluht caah tchnnta in ono dla- trlct made nit annual labor incomo of 1908 whllo 10b abaro tonnnta mndfl only 1831 or 63 loaa tbnti tbo eaab roan xu tbo dry aumraor of 1010 tboao flkuroa woro lint rovraod tbo dry aoaaon eompotlfld coab renter to atari d tbo burden or all tbo loan whllo tho abaro tenant waa halpod out by bla landlord that aoaaon twontyhmvon caah tonnnta received 0bd acalnat 1727 avorago incoino or tonanta who were abarlnf vor a lanro ttumlier of farraa and ovr a lone period of yoara tho cnab man aooma to com out nbnad ho haa tho srootoht rlak tbo lartfoat n- voatmoiit and tbo lilshont incomo a larro numbor or tenant farina netted tbolr opermtora income at followa caab rental j170 partnerablp 11301 ahnro caah 91110 a capi tal of so0o h nsoded by tho youuf hapy tha maid of color bad told th ubuwi aba wm to ba btarrud vv11 uirv aaid tba uutiw 1u mry to yoi tut i iuppo it la ail to th bl how load bava you kaown tha tuaal abottb two wia uaau uy i mo laar tluu that t doot you think yod ought to wale and gfc to boow uiduturt ko uua ajtoultoaj uapaay ef i ireawwl bias aay bttwihomvr would hujtry wni muaoiuh vint cadju duly got m c6k oh da lmd dla uojula but all ha aakl waa hyttdojuualoaatigarl uystraotouj i i woodar wbala da uauar wbl bins cuoood ohuullaa bmh oajdyl ttr d he wl far a pcma wot joload tha elub wban tie back becomes lame doama kmtujr ahlla crura the atffaj bade by tatfa tho tubing kiday b- wth fe it u really ihoflowya sddai ftodaettbeutk doatrt kidtuy ua an r totdai udoay sad buddtr tnucloa cor tb t rf u kidney trouble av lotdja ootuhaw 6a8 tut aw vontibx oat wrltea t tab nut plti to whtitm you atoutw fbaj benefit 1 have rclvd by uabu doaav aodiuy puu about three ytart ao x mi bsrlbly wclta with lama back and wu ao b4 x could not vta twtp tho floor x wu advifod to try your pitta nd bdotv x bad md otu box ut wa krt ljprotiiit ud toy bxk wan fawdiuttti howvx kept otl uklfi awbuuj baec xjoaaa tlday vtiu an tbo orithiaj bw rov tbo udua 8m that our tiado hi tbo maple teal apptah ca the wraptuv until uty bade waa oomphtcly highly rooounaid doan doaaa atlwy fiti an fido pi- imw j box fof l2flj at all dealt or ualkd dirtsrt on reufpt oi bxforl2flatajltllcrt llrtsct oti wrlpi of ptfea by tbo t uubura co utflted vonio oat wbtd cvduuif dlrtbrt pttify doaaa children ory ran rittchers c cahadav vuiow tin caiudlaua liv oottia to tallu aa hvr bora tba natura tj a ootiudoii wealth atkl tha qiat part tly pbiy in it tha auiwwitiul idaalluit which tha can- adals hajhllhmtoiuliadhlaooauhkifoaiid wlut hm haati dupalud by a flu whlfli holds that proftvm laoua s bitur of htorn duty and aacrifloa aod not aphaaa of fatal iwn canadu haa ukan up tlta load hha a uodlnu hor aona to eufftf aud dis oa lb uttufuld of kuroj and asia illuor bh la rultijf toonay for toana and war fundi rba liaa ullmjid a vulontlta vlaloo of truaeoimnouwuub and by liar action baa not only saved horulf from ainutfltloa and daoay but la furarvtir and p4rptaunjr a society wuiar tlun canaila yet oaa with in whl oh ha can fulfil all lac bop aiuhl tlooa and aervloa do not allow wornu to lap ilia vitality of your eblldran if not atufldad to wotjj may wok irraparatila liana to tbaowutitu uon of tlie infant the httuauffararaeau uotvoloa thairalliuant but thai art many alja by which utothara are matlo aware that a doae of mlllera worn 1owdar u aaoeaajry xlieae powdata act qulfikly and will avpal wortna from the ayaunt without aay inootiventenoe to the child castoria l0umrorovm3ovan to rutvo the ehlhlreti sound and baalthy utbeflratcaraof a mother thay oaitnot be healthy if troubled with worm uee uothar oravoa worm ksunalnitor the aplder wbloh triad tevau tjuaa fine in lb with the exploiter who toaste a rleh graft atuaof eway with a he would beauuob altnplar matter if it war not for the nuuar- oua persona whoaraalwayearoundkmplntf tab in auatralu the original floware were aoantle but the leaver odorlfaroua in itranoe tobaooo ahop prldutf ere ubuklly granted to the widows of army and navy ollloere the teople who make mistake uad the world the perfect paojje work fortbeta rtinniiiff orraiidaaml counting oelumna of fltfur ukmhiwbomk kdtuuod bad juat beffun to attand tlie mbllo whoot and fouud a new friend a child of whom kdwunde mother had never beard who thla uttu walurr ahe aakeil it be a aloelltua boyr yea tuaau ha la i repliwl kdmuntl tmthualutuiajly ddea be aay any twufthty worda purauaj hln mother no replied kdmunif wltli emphajja itd im not ifolntf to teaoh him any i children cry mr fletchers castoria tba trantre of the modem torpedo a near ly h000yarda ort fjerwan ulle la four tlmee the leogtfa of aa koftluh mlla all the world love a lover even if he la a married nun and the object of hla aflao- tie la bla wife they who think before they apeak may not bavo to worry what the who have beard theot apeak think you will haw find time for anything if yod want urn you mutt make it charlea uaaton the city of london owbraoea 038 aoree of acrea a cold settled ob her lugs causing gret pain- the eiine was dtt woods ntmrway pine sympw idhw t m imcicehiuf tit catiurhiea oitt whbea havluc derived irst benefit from dr wood norway lne syrup i thought 1 would write and tell you of toy enperituoe whan i flrat tame out rrotu liound x contracted a lever cold owltlif to tbo chutwc of ellrtute it aettlod m toy intik mi i canned me a mat deal of pain i trto j every remedy i could think ot but cot no relief my father wba had beard n uroat deal about tbo kood qualitica or dr wood norway fide tiyniu udvlaod mo to try it i did ecu aud x am pleated to eay found ut media ti relic i only toot- one bottle am pleated to aay found ut cjicf i only tool one battle andltcunedmtfoomplttely my mother ilio oni xfouovay com oar taaea the ooma out j by tbarooca try it and prove it had a mrvere cold alto ami ttr woods norway woo byrup cured btr ao w never all to keep a bottle of it in the houae ek that uotio of tboao aoaued phia yrttpe an baaded out to you when you to to your drtifrixt or dealer and ask foa xr woode it u put up in a yellow wrapper utreo pine trees the trade tnarkj price xtoaodqoc uamilactttrtd oaly by tbo t hit- bum ook kmltwt toroatov oat pvtw pjjibj undcraund why play ao iniporunt a part in fuaur oaubratlona the reoa fa that uia mdtur uw for- bade 6tfg dmlhtf lent and hanoe at eauar the hungry mediaeval lonulaoe re turned to thjr favorlu dlh with rajolo- luff with ua today when lent no longer forbid siit tha la no reaaoo farfaatur- itiffuteot vpott our 1uaur sunday baji- faac hinu uut wa do ao it la the ptwtty survival of an 0u0uu ouatora in kluabethe ut he who ate reab di injr ldt waa fined cx he who ao much aa had meat in hie houae waa pilloried or eat a ihe mooka hut the rleh a uauaj dodged ui harh laoud lawa and they who beuld affoid it bocurbe iioumj to eat meat in leot vor thme lloeaaea a lord waa eharnd w uilll- iuiabnhjfat 14 bhltliujre and aoomuooer 7fchlltiba tbattenihto cmupy cdugb yen vaew lta tua4muahu ymi wluwuturlkit wricamwlraa tl tutei feiv md aaj pala ik bsau4lu chamberiaims iihimeht the man with aauima aluoati lonfia for death to end hla aufferiojf lie aeea ahead ooly year of endleaa torment with inter vale of reat which are themaelvoa fmufthfc with never oeaaloo fear of hsewejatuoka let hlai turn to iv j ix kelldave aathnia lumedy and know what complete relief lb 01a olve let him bub use it faith fully and be will had bla tuthma a thlegof thapait the mats who a wlterehl beoatue thick oat eroeud bla path friday alwaye dm bate oate anyway to he xouaee bin- eelf for hie uperattlod merrylajr eeeme to be a rallgioa with some people taacker lu wltat year waa the battle of waterloo fought t pupil dont know teaehar ita adnple enough if you only would learn how to euluvale artinola memory remember the twelve apoatlea add half that number to them tluuve eighteen multiply that by 100 thata iftoft take tlie twalve apdetua again add a quarter of their number to them thata flfuen add what youve not thata 1818 thata the date quite altnple you aee to remember detee ff you will only adopt my ayatem palpitation or the heart budded frtibt or emotlou may eauae ttotnentory arrest of the bcorta action or noma excitement or apprehriiiloa may act up a rapid action of the heart thereby cauuyr palpltatloci palpitation again la often the reeult of dlgeetlvo diwnur arlalng froru tbo afomach or may le the result of over indulgenoa of tobacco or alcoholic drink the only way to regulate this sriou heart trouble u touaa milburoe ueart aud nerve 1411a mr 1 a nlcbolj lifltowcu oot writea j waa weak and run down ay heart would palpitate and x would take weak and ditty epelli a friend ad- vued me to try mllburaa lfeart and nerve ihus to x atarted at once to use them and found that x felt tnacb etrooger i cannot praise your medicine too huhly for it haa done me a world of good unburn heart and nerve pills are 80c per bo 3 boxes fonti 2ft at all dealer or moiled direct by the i aamurtf co limited toronto oat 007 host out 09 yhb 0abdbh a man of considerable wealth and ery oooaeuntioue aa well waa obliged to dleulu hla gardener for dlhoaety as the gar dener had a wife and family dependent upon blm however tbe rleh man gave him etaraeur and framed it n this way 1 1 hereby oertlfy that john lleorv dodg haa been in my employ as a gardener for three year nd during that time be baa got more out of the garden than aay other man i have ever employed castoria for infanta midi children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of the irani trunk ra i iaubbnouil ttlaln i ti f t mr fit j if llm t1 wlleli bxaci copy of wrapper in use for over thirty tears castoria th 10 mr of olmjfn groceries prcvisi rl h i 1 f mit it ij vkll i nilla nft it j ii livingston makk voui7 onndatn yield itg liuit mtabbrctt tota tin ml liatmn tbayryiiull iroiiilnnff ond inuill- it fir specials for ths week mc m to avoid operations these throe women tcffl how they escaped the dreadtful ordeal of surgical opatioim hospitals ara great and necessary itistihitjons but they should be the last resort for women who buffer with ills peculiar to their sex many letters on file in the pmkham laboratory at lynn mas provr that a great number of women after they have been vam rinded to submit to an operation have been made wul by lydia e pinlhami vegetable compound here ore three such letters all sick women should read them mahooue w1i wrnt to tho doctor aiul bo tnld tuo i wuftt bavo on oturatlon for a oinalo ttoubtou nnrl x hsiod to bavo it dona as i hail boon warrloa only a ahott thtio x would liavo torrlblo vaiub and my hbiuls and foot wro oold all tho urtwt x toolt tydla k likhiunv voaotablo com woutul and tnu cured and i fool tatter in dvory 4v x irivo you uormuniou to juibllsli my immo beoauao i aiiihotllankftil that i fcolwoll ntralil aim fhi ukiiwkv juarinetta wlj palwll midi winm i flrat took jha tl ptnlthawvvomtewlooomtwiuidlmniisortmdovii xriufomido tublea thobxoouia not do aiul our datw sahl x would havo to undowo an operation x oould itawlly v ic without holp bo when x wad fiboufc tho vwratablo compound nnd wjint ifcliiuldonawotbont x tlioughfc x would try it x gob a holt 0 of rvdla k xnkiuvmv votfotablo oompound aiul a purkuko of iytl i jk mnkjmmri haaiatlw wash and uwd thow oocohllup to ulnctlona hioy iwlnod nw and today xnm ahlo todp ull my workund xnin w ov miy taos xjhryvb 060 sulwaukoo avo jeut dotrolt mich xlellovue iv i suffered wora than toiifttio can toll with tarriblo boaruurdowaxmtaiuaad inuammittlnn i twud bovoml dootoro nnd thoy au told me the luuno story thut x novor oould ewt wo 11 wjuioub imotieiationandxjthitdniauied tlio uioiirbt of that i abjo tried n good many oueaanodldnoii that wora roooinnumlod to mo and nono of uuun holpod nu until frioud advbiud mu to give rytlla k iinli- uam vootktomnnoiuul a trbal tho unit linttlo hulpwl i iti r takinff u and now i dont know what it la ti ho nick any inoro una i am dsounkr up hi webjht x am so ytmra om and wobdi uu ivuinlu it wiu bo the riqim nlbaiuki to mo if i can hayu the omior- tunifrr to reoommosid it to any othor mifforiiip womwt juibb juksj vuouzwtttm loss j fanhattan bl north huo bella vim fa u yon mmuet apoeui odvloe write to ryduh wnlilnn read am aihnvnml tbf a woman onl bold la atesot tontld nc a iauriujiitip vauu man who is to start farming on tbo cash basis how is bo gota to tat this amount fn many cases it is im possible katlior than plod alonif a farm band or sivo up the ontsrprlso nltoffetbar a man would bo wise to look to some othor ystom or reoutur partnership ranting solves this pro blem tho tenant boro furnishes all labor tho landlord all hud and aeed aud tho stook is owned in partner ship this plan la elastic some times oltbor of tbo parties may own all the livo stock and machinery partnership arm are likely to be handlod bettor than the others both sides will aim to koop up soil fer tility and bo governed by progreiuiivo ideas in a partnerablp the landlord bas a voice in nil matters which re late to permanent betterment gen- oral upkeep and the type or forming that is to bo practiced this ayatem ot renting la beat adapted to the young man with small capital who la willing to work under tba supervis ion or a landlord there should be a friendly understanding before a contract is made it both side agree oa progrejalva methods the arrange ment will be advantageous there should ba a full understand ing u to the polley or carrying all tbo live stock that the plaeo will support whether for meat produc tion or dairying this contemplates oil fertility aa well aa the annual profit from live stock or milk it is also beat to have a clear agreement aa to tba amount of effort to be given to milt and truck raising and tlta way trees aud gardens are to be haudled if two earnest and intelli gent wea get together in a deal on this basis thai will be mutual satis faction and iucoaaa ona stock armer who bas won fame as a breeder of angus cattle believes la tba partnerablp system or renting if x am going into tbo cat tle business i am going into it with all my might bo said nnd i will uot bav time to look after tbo work in ihe fields ua ballaved that tho only way to solve the labor problrui on a farm was to rent out the ishd to bis hired waa wir onethird in terest id all the crops produced tba tenant furalahea all labor for the jetting in or tba crops and barveet- hg tbem ifa uvea on the farm in a tenant house without rent itosults from the last years efforts wore quite oatlsmctory tba renter share amounted to 1360 besides which ba had bla rent frea and mast of his living this ought to be en couraging to the young renter this mans capital was virtually nothing tba landlord furnishing all tho ma chinery toola and seed he kept the pastures for its own use in cattle feeding mens mons working dboea retf 43 as for mens pine shoes clearing nt odil pau clearing at ttloroyu working bhl rts ut mens unlncoalb regular 1 1300 for ladies ladles olioeo clearing at chlldrena slioeti sltei i to 3 ladles raincoats reirulor 07oo haat tlm rou u tit red imu i rbbroti tocdn tin ml liattt iroiiilnntrcnd jnu ini tjiy prfttloee 7 iii b vff o vnrrf bid eropa t emta aoo 49 flko itw noo aso ttfnb 10c pbg 13c per lb ttic groceries ioo iba rcdpath sugar for i raidina currants i canned corn peas or deann 3 for i rolled oats rogulir sjc o phg forelttc i l 1 7vf- shxe the bxicr store opposite new post office i jubas as a bertlluter the farmer who burns wood for beating and cooking should carefully store the asbtii and not permit tbem to leach as the have a peculiar fer tilising value they uot only con tain potash and phosphoric acid lu appreciable amounts but also con tain magueala and lima aud when applied to ihe land thoy also act in directly to increase tho avallablo ni trogen eooteubi of organlo matter in the soil hilf the ills of life rt 0tatt4 by comttlpatiom wben the bowtfe become eotuupated the atoouicb gets cut of order the liver does not work propeiy and then follows the violent sick hem laches the souraeae of the stoauacb bdebiug or wind heart burn water braid bluousucaa and a general fading that you do uot care to do anything keep your bowebt regular by usliut muuima laaillvrf iws they wiu clear awdry all tba effete tnabter which eottects in the system and nuke you think that ufe u worth living mr b w walsan st jofao nd x i wrlte have been troubled with eotuupatlou for the last three year and during that time have tried several remedies all of which failed to help me a friend recomthended mubunre laxa- uvtr xhuv and adtef uelng uuve or four vials i felt ilka a new man x am now till taking theigif and am pdeluvdy sure that x am on the road ia recovery x strongly reoommend mtlbtirnst aita- llvrr iiui muburns xjasallver pith are soo per i vial s vuus ow 1 00 at all drug store or dealers or will be uauod on raodpc 1 oiinotltumwracajamast toronto or a tmilhhiiiimiiiihl i4 empire business college the only college in canada reach ing all typewriter keyboards six months course day 30 night 15 expert instruction in pitmans shorthand typewriting dookkecping and all other sub- iects necessary to equip you with a thorough tufiness education 346 broadview ave toronto ontario pttopblerobs wlularm mg co umlted principal wr p m oouflas i rnvm v v i uu u n t rrn in mm i m successful garden the first to nd it ion la good need thegardonttr wlmtlier for plea sure or profit cannot afford tumble he munt iiovo tho leit feed ti money can buy our imilnrsi is cell ih k critical tented cart fully wkctwl pd free seeds wltli good b0ed rood toll pro lerly prepared and the uece- tay care the gardener may eiipect reaulm becauko all nature is working for him riegin rlglit by planting perrys seeds d u fehhy at co wlaieer many iiavl senlitflsid uatty vaaanalm must a 111 14 ulgbt ilia itwbtatil nil ilia suiott qb anj cliarla fltrata vomohto ohymhio it lully il llm- nor ciipnlr utit kwow ou liruotf uwi jiplr wrliaform boots shoe btjbbers fofrvvv joffltldsbscsf actons electric chopping mill robt h lasby proprietor having purchased from mr b f caldwell the elecltic chopping mill outfit and oodwill ol the business i desire to milicit a continuance of the generous patronage of the larmrrs and general public mill will he open every day careful attention given ever order and satisfaction as sured r h lasby 7 he merchants bank op canada jtt ahlmoscfkooiwaeir ft ut rtht priceva b all men a rubbera ot tt bartfain vncoa w mill sireel acton cement k coopew acton cement contractor tor bridges silos walks floors walls etc also agent for de laval silos separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale jrthrift is rightly described as ec- nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause ho saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but tho real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par ojunrjmlmu u- wijotxuxa niubbvai fumm mfa vmnivmtumomn vjm w acton branch f a maclean manager kcton and bus liki3 having puruiancd tliullvoraiil snotlwlli of iho iiiikiiuhh from ir a uccanu i solicit wltli oniiflduiilu ihu ruitroiingonf tbu public cnmfortablo rigu supplied at rvtiiioiiublo rulch ktujclal nil ent inn to supplying cotivtfyarictth for weddings smtl fuueralh uolcr cera furnished when re quired gauas vamstra jnuo trainh l h atkinson mill st acion out atent jrwiijiivsupifiii makiokftmahom ml llnlvlly hi montilkal

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