Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1916, p. 3

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wall papers cihiing iaiult window siiadkii pun tain 1oiiis marriage lkonkou isiiuoil geo hynds sky homo io mllcn from toronto about 0110 liourii rlilo in a place they call georgetown j a whiouglihy rouiiliu he until about too furmn of different ulmpui anil iuoa no fnngy tnlk no idlo yarnit ho uuru hao got some prluit if your farm intuit to good your ptuntu gatling inu just take a trip to georgetown goad faruin to you holl slum qflie ttan 3fxcc ri5s thurhvay may ii i bbirr local items the strew bat ha appeared sgal pale green springtime la everywhere in the roads are getting downlo normal condition again uv it e jonai of kincardine ac eupudtb pulpit of tlte ilaptlut church on titituuy tiiittdaya glorious spring weather brought out uearly all ilia motor car of the fcomul unity a ifsmlltoo tootorut was lined in obalph but wk for driving ovr a boul vsrd while in ue lloyal city with tlte advancement of spring out tuo lmpoi amenta to homes and home sur todttdiugu are uianlfctt nil over town our strata bofiti a bit lonely without mr iiwn in khaki tlioy wore always in bvubwicm the tissl four or five moutha motlier ia noxthunday wimi while carnation out ol your love to her tad to show your raapct to her memory ttia are busy tima far tba fsnars bow that tlte wwl weather has hven super 6daj witli dry iuya anil bright sunshine warning u lulng seut out by tba iteg latiajr tlaiural tliat physicians of tint pre view wbofall to rvguuir births will le protu cuud beading operations aro well odtanoad it tbla taction now tho high winds end bright sunshine hate tt tho land generally in good condition uovaruor mctlihlwn of ilia county jail is moving into the new gaolers ru tdeao and turnkey held will occupy iho premuee at tlia goal seated by tho goalsr all awura of dogs in milton aril re quired under by law in procure from the town clerk a dog tag before may lt if they uagtect proceeding ara taken in court against thata mr e f karl has purchased i ho old registry oftlc building and will uw tho connection with lb building of bu new store and hep on main street reformer ilia high school entrance examina tion will u lield juno 21 i3 and 21 and tb pdblla school irailuatlon from juna lsta23 aojordinu to a circular iuued by tba education department tba man who dumped that load of tupaftinnuatd tin cana and other rubbish on tbatklaof main rtroet near soeno should ba ooupelud to removo it forthwith it in an aya aora and an outrun to the locality btjabds o a0h tba rjtflr initltutos to bo mowed lotdmomcomphonslvo orean- ltuon after so years or lleinrul servlco thm arme inutltutei of ontario ono of tba oblaat atprloultural oruanlutlona of tba lyavlbm was oaublialied in 1hh1 by iv jam uilla ekpreeidont of tlut on- urlo agtlflultural collage ouelph the itutltuta has benn a medium throurb which tnut ootamandabla worb boa ean tlm in brinalnb to tho fanners of tlu pro vl new untodmt agricultural informa tion thla organliation hau been moat llbanuly iuppottl by iho departmant of aflrioultum and much appraouitad by a larga patmenuffa of tba funnora of hm lvovlnoa tiiom uho are claaoly associated with tba itifttltullon and otlur okrloulturar jaocutiana and offoiu bavu dacuiod nfur oarciul anqulry and coimldoral ion that if tba inatltuto la to maintain its hlh aund- ihij aa an educative auriouttural institu tion it laust bo roorttanixetl tba new organlutlon li to bo known au a board ol auriaulturo oaob board oovarlntr tba aame urrltory an the old institute in all aectlona boiitb und cast of llaaboka any parum intoronted in ajtruiultura on tho payment of tho annual faaof 25c may itecomo a momlier of this board wboas directors ahull cnnslut of i a two ruraanutlvoa from oach farm ert club or junior fariuera aitaoolatlou b onaranmjwiitatuo from oach afjrl cultural joclety o ona wpwiiontatlvo frflin each lewn- ahlp uulau uiore ara nono of tho abovo oataiaj orflanlutiona in the townnhip wlian two mawbara may be appointed d dutrlot ilepromntatiia tbraa tupreianutivci from thn duulot womans iimtltuto ona bolng tlia duttlob teoreury i tba praaldont vloa president and taeraury of ota iarmora intitulo for llw uravloua year g tba board ulll have power to add to its numbers by inctudinpr roprewmutlvoa from any other agricultural organlxatlon in the riding or from a board of trade or publicity asaoolatlon tba board shall also oleot n repraaeiiu- uva vaoutiv oomtulttao wlrnas duty it ball be to uporlwi all tho work under ukeu by uia board of agriculture ta alia ol be itoahlw of airlonlluro fcball bato improvo tlio natumol thepuhllo masting held in each dutrlct controlled by a boanl vawer meeting than form etly wilt bahehl bub energetloofforu will ba tnado to mako each one of u highly banaflolal uatura only the mct coiai- uob skakerrt will bo employed ami each will be to far an ttuoh oau lw aocured a apedalbb fn the particular line of agrieul- ur twavsjiloo in uia tllatrlct where ha in senb to apeak the ptople inoat add l tod to waallnir uote ara tlioaa wlioe time 1 not their- own a spirwllhrlfb li neraon who save 1ih monty lorn rainy day and then praya for rain news of local impoftt kxclmngo of pulplui hoxt sunday itoi a ii hlgglumti m a of hu flmirgaii church jeorgalowu and itcv v ii k hmlth m a of lit- alun acton wlllevchnnge pulpits hoitt sunday nvonlng oftlolql visit of miuoriia d d 0 w itav urn tvanllk uanua i i 1 m of hamilton dulrlct no h will make ida annual oillclal vlalt to walkar ilft a ai a ii unkt moivjay avenlnpf ah the membors of the craft heru will make ai elfort to attend thla inurektliigatauion moraine sorvloe ror sunday sohoola iloth knox and iho baptlut hum ay hohoolahava obaiigod the hourj of aervloa from the afternoon to tho morulng the wrvlce of knox huuday kchool will onintn onco nt a quarter to ten und that of the naptlat mchool at ten a in during the u inner montha poraiom and womens initltutas the annual dutrc meeting of hal ton farmers und womens institutes will be held in acton on wad u ay afternoon june 1 1th an iuteroatlng programme will be praenld tea will ba served to tho delegate by tho lad 1m of acton communion and kocoptlon sorvloo the hacramontal hrvloas in tlte xluho- dlatciiurch luat kunday wbre larjrly at tomled ami of uuuaual interaal afur an imprcnuhe aemvon by itav mr atlon a recaption urtlce was held when five adult uora racelvel lutochurcb f alio wall ip the aacramont was adutinlauml to a urge inber ofcoimtiiiuicaiitsataoagwiumnware ubllmc of u i wtlufa an aoton boyk suooos the luyulaud albarta prwa gitw i inuroutliig wrluup of mr it v minwii of that pbum wlto u an acton luy and vlaltad fiiemu ltr last wlutar llluktrations of hla oommudious uaw raid- enco and stock burns and the ihack in which lie flrtt raaklail when lie wit to hajaland are giveti mr caupballsfann coiupria itoo crea of which ooo ate ua- icrcrop tjut yar lie barvetlad vu00 hujinla of grain tho can vau tot the battalion colora hi lullea who to euccaufully carrud it the hom lobnumoanvaaaforllka 114 lb uttallou colors on monday uat wa inoal gensroualy rnfalvad tba hundsoioa oltt2 ulng oallmud with the rural uhoou st to bear from it la to he hoped our slattr towns will rwpond as en ihmluttlcally it will uun a grat di to all the wciman and girls to know uiat our hoj a are marching away the prouj wuitmini of their own colors hot over ib miles ah hour ciilol uwuii will ksapbls eye alert on mo tori its now who ara tampud to e- cuxl tlio fetatutory tped limit down tlia half mile of new roadway on mill utraat from tlia j t it tracks to tlio lortisr of main hlreal with tlia ollmluatlon of tba rauad crossings tlisre is a hoautif ul sedooth and ev roadway and it will ba a grat atnptation to in- craaa ajieed over tliat soetlon motor driver who have a coaajdaralton for the ighu of patlaitrum and tba provislerta of ilia law and its coaanuaac will forbear prlcb or sugar soaring in the general rat of food and other commodities to hlflliar levels sugar ssaitui to lie loading tin way ordtrrua r ports this weak tliat gradulatetl is selling whola- aslo in ontario at jflifl to 6h41 per huudredwelthu till scorn pa rod witba7l a year ago end j 21 in i0m is a meat un welcome increase the chief reasons for the steady and sharp incline in values are tlio itlwuufe of freights from cuba where connidarahla utooks lay at shipping points and insistent demands from kuropaforraw and refined suppllss willi the heavy con sumptlve asbon approaching conditions look bad from the buyers standpoint aoton citizens band heorganised aoton citizens band which has been rather dormant fur several months had a uell attended und enthusiastic meeting on monday evening ofllcurs for the yar were elected as follows i bandmaster jno a hill i chairman wm laird managing committee k v moore o ii llrownand geo agnsw llegular weakly prcctloa will now ba held and tlia prospects ara escsllant for a splondld band this summer open airoonoeru will shortly ba resumed ami oltlxens will lie given an opportunity of showing in a practical way their apprec iation of the many public services freely rendered by tlia band a balance ol near ly a hundred dollars remains to ba mat on tlia new uniforms secured last year the autoraobuuu experience on tuesday nlaht an automobile re turning from berlin got stuck in the mud they sent out the b o 8 signal of dis tress and the ubiquitous ford arrived to glvo first aid it stuck a hupmohlle next wont on tho errand of muroy it atuok a chevrolet followed suit nuou the overland not to lie outdone awlftly left the city it stuck finally iho contingent arrive in uualpli in tba woo uma hours of tlia morning ouelph mtroury any motor druer who liaa an doaorod toupprooch ouelplt from any oj tho leading roads east wast or south can rasdlly understand tba above the streets on the outskirts ol tlia itoysl city and soma inthalioaitof the place ara worse than anything found at any other point in ontario presented with wrist watch on tuowlay evening last after the reg ular mooting of knov young peopleft tlulhl itev j a wilson on behalf of the uulld presented pta ernest barr with a beautiful silver wrist watob tlia watch loretbalnltlabiriluontheback mr wilson in presenting tlia watob spoke ol iho groat amount of work that pta barr bail done in connection with the guild hla fufthfulnnuajullils willlngnemtohslp ha was sorry to lose ternesb from the oullj bub was glad that be was going to fight for klnpf und country and honed lb would not lie long tafore became back pta barr than spoke in fitting terms his appreciation of tho gift ha thanked the members of tho tlulhl and mtld tliat ha was glad to do hi- duireo the work in connection with li guild balllwafad pte a k hume of beak son of mrs august buntle flth una left bub week for tho old laud where ha will help fight for hlb country mr joseph allan intends adding a place to hla burn the atone rnasena ata now busy building tba foundation the hsnramental service la uia uetbo- illht church here war wall attended mr a k vaunatler baa gone to cel- ling wood where lia baa taken charge ol a large loe yard there we are glad to aca the maasles patlenla ere able to be oui again social and personal mr finloir kuiinoy was iioih from tor- ontnuvar hunday mrs anna maddoau viblted friends in toronto this wok mr john m warren of toronto was in town on thursday mrs hwppi and babe of toronto are vltltlng friends here mr klwood oakas of guslph visited friends hare last week mua katie morris of coronto spent huiulay with aoton friends mr harold itavlu ami children liave re turneil thu week to mitchell mr victor luutnn ol toronto nuulo a week end vult to acton miss bessie husband of toronto spent riundey at tho tiarsntal home mrs joseph hoi mo has returned from a visit to her daughter at ilstrolt kevsnd mrs o h v hmlth went in forest ontuewlay to visit friends liter ur jetferson artley of msrkdau was tlia gueu of chief iawoo snl family last week mils lottie e rtieight went to london yetterday to spend a week or so wh rel atives lliera mrs john henderson of kasasgawaya spent a few days with mrs a hender son lakt waek if john maaltouaul tomnlr who has baen vty 111 from blood poo ing is slowly recovering itcv joliu macnelll and mr krnest war ran of toronto warn gnssts of mr j l warren wlien in town mrs m mecaun of draceuldge has raturuad home afur spanding ilia past two weeks with friends here xlr robert ftcott whawauillforeoouple of waaks in march was taken ill again on saturday and is confined to his liouss mr w parosll has baan apolnlad a guard at tha ontario luformstory at uualpb and baa commatiead bla dutus tltare miss mama mainprise returned to her aoltool at ilracehrldge last weak afurspwub lug tlia caster holidays at bar fathers borne bare h w avlaofl m a ii d was at toronto on monday to sjy rootl bye ta hla lirotliar kappsr hoy licbly who vs leaving or overssaa mr karl itawson who has been attend- lug tu blbu colhige in toronto has re turned to hla home at klngaland bask afur paying a short vuit wltli mrs r luweon and mrs i a hendrsoh aoton mr goorgo barlier returned on tuawlay from a trip to vannouvar ami other points w4t he nays that while ilia butlnea rush of a faw years sgo is lacking there is grat imiirovemant over tha conditions ol hut year miutabv motes pta krnest barr is in charge of tlia re cruiting station here now anil will welcome all new recruits who may apply pte nellie of ik battery gualpli spent few days thla wk at tba horns of bis grandparents mr and mrs jamas soott third una pta james cowan son of lira william cowan georgetown a member of the ahtb battalion wss killed la acumi in france on tba loth april pta joe kennedy cf tlia 05tb battalion toronto was home for a last weekend prior to going oversees tlia tata si pacts to teste this weak among tba oiiloers and msn of tba ihftli battalion there is considerable speculation as to where they will go to camp the as tiling of thla question will relieve tba minds of many cliamplon monday was m great day for tba trek lag of tits soldiers of tlia 101th battalion acton platoon marched to u ii ton milton to oak villa burlington to milton and georgetown proceeded to orangeville by train lieut ii m kennedy after marching the men of actot platoon to milton en monday took ilw llrut train to orangeville whence ha hud i men ordered to take charge cf one of the companies ol tho 104th rat- ulton hector maodonald son ol dr john u uacdonald has enlisted with the engineers and isatniagaracuwp hector la one ol actons eons and although only fifteen on be 12th march be u over elk feat in height the ladles of tha i ii 1th battalion auxil iary wish to extend thanks and hearty appreciation to tlia happy quartette olub for tbeir generous donation of sim tha pro- needs from the patriotic daoce given by them last friday evening ur v j speight georgetowu received the following tneaeage relating to bis ion pte norman hpalght of tha motor ara bulanoa carps last weak t slnoarely retrret to inform you 3j1203 pte norman bpalglir medical service ofnolelly report ed admitted to kant and canterbury hospital canterbury april cfllh gunshot wound in knee will send further lufor matlon when received adjutant gener al on saturday even inn an informal and vary enjoyable evening was provided tha acton soldiers by the neworganised bat talion ausiliary n the parish hall an abundant spread was tirevlded and tlia boys enjoyed the evening to tbefull ur smith tha president bitted hare and there among the man and tha maids and matrons who ware assisting did everything possible to give tha guests cf tlia evening an enjoyable time tba oongreccatlon ol the baptist church entertained the aaldlara of aotoo platoon in the church last thursday evening very hospitably au enjoyable programme waa rendered with james l warren esq in tba chair reeve nyoda mid one of his churaoterutloally appropriate addressa misejeaniileorrungapalhotlo number misses near and martin gave recitation and lieut ritchie provided a number of excellent selections on the gtamapboue appetising refreshment which ware fully enjoyed by tint soldiers were liberally die pensed lieut kanaady tendered the cordial thank h of tha member of tha platoon for tho reception the members of aoton platoon paraded to the methodist church but sunday muraliuf under command of lieut ken- iiody in hla aerrnon rev mr avlaoo referred very appropriately to the brave part our soldier are taking in the struggle to uphold tlie cause of right ol great britain and tha allies tha regular parade by tba soldier todlvlna service in the various churches every burnley morn- log since the orgaulmuon of the platoon ban bean matter of much satisfaction tlia men have always been reverent 1st their demeanor attentive to the sermon and have joined heartily in the congregational singing wlutrevor the service ha been bald it is a coincidence that tha first and last church pardee ol uio platoon were to the hathodlsl church great lecture on napoleon by ftov john maonelll tho eloquent paator of walmer road baptist church toronto sflehdid nmbersw mr ernest w tim confidence- of ilia girls red croas club in the sppreoletlon of tlio people of acton of lilgli class lectures and concert wan neb mleplsood when they engaged itv john msokslll b a of walmer road baptist church toronto to pivo his lec ture on napoleon and tit present war in the town hall last wednesday evening a largo audience nettamuad and their appreciation of the eloquent lecture and the vocal numbers by mr ernest warren tenor soloist in rev mr mscnelusohurch choir was amply manifested tho uctur on napoleon was a masur- place it abounded in hlatorloel detail vivid description and eloquent word pla- turw portraying outstanding features and events in tl life ami career the character and genius of the auuulng little cortl- can the uoturer showed tliat bla stupendous personality got nothing from his ancestry ami rave nothing to posterity his extra ordinary ambition was soluah in tlia extreme he was a lorn header anj liad all lb qualities of a great soldier he strode upon the stage cf europe at the pity al oologies i moment ills supremacy came wbsn quite a young nun ha crown ad blmsalf emperor of france at the age of 15 at oj he died en eslle under british guard at the far off island of bt hsuea napolsods active publlo life comprised five parlods of five years each 1st as tlia citlun 2nd lhasoldurt 3rd tit consul 4th the etuparor i lib tha exile tu unfolding of his great draii of world pow waa vividly rshaarsed his slnuter ami salfuh motive were ever uppermost lite the kslsar ha done in our day be steeped europe in blood todey tlte kalaar aspires to emulate napoleons vic torias but he lacks naieuone gnlua strategy and diplomacy all through hla years of popularity and tower it was great britain alone which lield napoleon atarma ungtli britain was hla one graet fee hha stood as champion of the fraadom of tlte popi titan as she dose today as then so to day britain liotds tlte key to frwlom for all europe wltli nelson at tho bead of bar navy aba was mlstreas of tlte sa at tliat time a aha la today jallleo commander of her navy now can repeat trafalgar if noceaaary the blasphemous spirit of napoleon waa strongly pointed out and tlte similarly buspltemoua altitude of the kaiser with his notorious lie and gott csprassiona was staphs ud the lecture abounded in eloquent des criptive pasaagas but the story of lb utile of waterloo was perhaps tha moat vividly tcu and realistic itn wealth ol dsull repealed a marvellous acquaintance not ly with tlia haltlsflald and itn environ ments but of the varloua movements of tlio farce of all contestants duriug tliat histor ical day 18th june iuis the large audience listened with rapt attention for an hour and a half to tbla wonderful recital mr ernest warrens number were greatly enjoyed 1kb splendid tenor voice was in perfect form and tho numbare pre sented oal lad for tlte wide oompas and range which his wall modulated tones are so capable of aooompllshlng his first number the marseillaise was moat skilfully rendored miss lauretta gray waa tha talented accompanist tli chair was ably occupied by rev h w avlson m a u u the funds of the young girls red cross club was considerably augmented from the door reoelpts howe destroyed at stewarttown on tuesday evening of last week tho home of mr geo b thomson stewart- town waa discovered to ha on fire and deiqilteall efforts to save it waa totally destroyed considerable of ilia furniture downstairs uus saved the ore ia thought to have been start from tba kitchen s to particulars of gunner roy hurds death was killed by a german shall at b 46 a hi on april oth 1htehestihg letter pbotf his captaih mr thomas hurd reoeuod tlte following lelter on tuesday t in the field april htli 1010 thos hurd esqi aoton canada bear mr hurdi i am writing to evpree to you and your tho sincere sympathy of the ofuoere non commissioned ofrtoers and men of tbla battsryhl tlte great loss you liav sustained in the death of your son roy although he hail but recently joined us he had won for himself a place in the esteem of all ranks of this unit and bla death is keenly felt by us all roy waa killed by a german shall at 0 40 a m on april 0th durlbg a bom bard msn i of our poaltlon he died in the fulfilment of hi duty re was burled at the soldiers cemetery at hennlngheub by his comrade and a cromu puoedatblshead tlte service was conducted by major cre- gan chaplain he was laid at rt in grove no 1314 i may say tliat this cem eury is well hahlnd the lines tnd is well eared for your son died for a great cause tliat right might live and he will not have died in vain luusve me your elnoerely j c uaii captain c v a o c lthhdlattery 3rd can arty lido hows this we olfsr one hundrd dollars reward for any case of caturrli thai cannot la cured by halls cats r ih cure halls catarrh cure luu been take by catarrh suftjfrs for tlte past thirty flv ysam and hairbocoiee known as tba teoat raliable remedy forcetarrh halls cats rvb cur sou tbroutth the blooj on the uucoua surfeit expelling the poison from the mood sud healing the dlaaeed portioea afur uklng halls catarrh cute fcr a sltort time you will see a great improve- want in your general health hurt using halls catarrh cure at etc and got ru of eaurrli band fir uatlmortlala free v j cheney ev co toude ohio hohl by all urugirue 7so more and more macdonalds prove their price style and quality ascendancy through- i out a widening vicinity r mora ntid mora nro people lcnriting that their personal and home needs can bout be cared for bynblg utoro r wtier variation nro wide and price mngetiaru broad mid whero au bore rq quality ia tho main stronghold r week of nilvanclng finds hundreds of home and thoiuuinds of people proving mncdoiiald bctlorti oi stylo of price and of quality tlilu weakly newspaper brings you but gleanings of our weeks stern news t chllcfremsi waah erraea have come in plentoous selection from american and canadian makers mlddlou for women and chil dren aro numbered in the bun dredtt many now style ideas being featured a new shlrt 3pclil for women is fuaturwl this week in navy and block serge at txto rof ulils olrlk die in 3 too year also a special em broidery bargain offers regular tl a novelty tlounclng with pleat ed and hemstitched frill and oin- bioldered hearting for sash forosc yard jtid the fancy drcun pat torn which roqulreannly ono yard of this flouncing pkek sllll moir lmw suits have mada their npio4rance in tho womens rcndytowoar dennrt- mout natw mllllneiiry creetlonst are constantly levaalhig charming variation of prevailing utylea a crpet barailn feature value la axmlnster weavtt worth 3oo ysrd today atl is metna top coata in a seloc- tlon of tweed mixtures aud shower proof cravunstlen worth from jrooo to visoo arc elenrliig at imloo mens 13 suit maka a bigger showing here than can lie found within many miles apodal style for young men for medium and for stout builds boys sulta with two palm nf bloom or knlckeni aie buiidrela strong priced from uttto to d e macdonald bros 1 s guelphs lbabino and largest store g s wyultuabt mattaoiwuu fcnj crnvjcn 3trle guelph ool r mil ton contraeta ror tarvla macadam at tlte masting of milton council on monday availing a contract was made with caeuaetor law for the laying of tliat sec tlon of main btraat waatward from the malhodlit church to the flrat line with tarvleaud brokanstoneslmilartolbaroad bad jiut- lahl here tl deputation from u 11 toe wblob inapeeuil tit work in progr hare bat week reported very favorably having no atone foundation audi as acton bad the milton road has to be built eight inches thick and bare three course of stou and hot tarvl the oonlract price for tha milton job uhab per aquar yard aetoee coat cjc specials for this week mens mna working lio4rg j aj fer tvs mdna pine khoee cuarlug at v odd pants claarlhg at t90 btoreya working bhiruut 19 mans raincoats regular ljoo for htm udies ladl bhoa cuaring at childrens hhoea siks ii to se ladla ralncoeta regular jm 409 gmcerib 100 lbs ludpaib bugar for hytt toh raislnu ifk- pkg currsotd isc prlb canned com kaaeor uwius 3 for stxc helladoah regularise a pkga for 4 he oamm baid rou traratu wt aooy 7wt- shxe the brick store opposite now post office g mens and boys caps f showing today newest lines in mens and boys caps the very latest styles in eiilith and amer ican bhaiieti and cloths special ly priced from ssc to its r e nelson wyadbaai bol ouultm dn stahhhhbhuhwbjwhmuhubhmhllllblhuhmwblhatmkl buy made in canada goods big bait we ohserue that the men who catch big fish use bit bait and go where hie fish arc tlioue who catch little iih use little bait and simply sit and wait men who are alter bii business use big ndvertisjnp spare they know you can raise more corn on two icres than au can on one more people see a bit advertisement if thire is a picture in it more people see it this is a picture ape merchants who hire a store and buy a stock and sit and wait will have their shelves half full of nutnfdate roods next year worth only half their value if you advertise you keep things going ana get full price for new goods mhhmmmmmstmsimmmmmumsiuummm m m 1800 sumieb i800 m s suitings 5 mkdelomebture jj 5 leave your order now for a spring suit and at avoid disappointment easter sunday j 5 hats hats j m vour new hat is here positively the new est and everything new in furnishings w c deverell the clothier acton out u m st m ml i u i 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ii u i i h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 i it i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i i i i i 1 1 iii 1 1 model 490 chevrolet 675 47100 p 0 bl 0shawa made in canada this is the car that has caused such a sensation throuohout canada and the united states tubchevroletisthecarsirewdaudpartlcuiarcorbuyoraarebuylngfttid if you would examine it and note the eeleat equipment and many superior feature yon will not be aumruuwrat the enormous sale it ia enjoying you will wonder bow it can be sold at 675 and why anyone would think of paylugiiooo and over for cam that are nt any tatter equipment nor such beautiful hue not nearly ao well finished and havent the cbevroltt ia made la canada the chevrolet la the product of w c duraut ono of th greatest and foremost car men in iho woikl the chevrolet u ono of the strongest motor cor companies in tlia world tlio chevrolet la built and every part of it is guar anteed and backed by tlte wall known and most tollable firm of mclaughlin limited of oshawa tho chevrolet la equipped with au electric itnrtlug arid lightning aystem a may be found on much higher pricedcar tha chevrolet la equipped with tho simplest aud most efficient carbureter of any car reganlleaa of price the canadian curtis aeroplanes are equipped with the aame carburetor the zenith the chevrolet bos one of strongest and almpleat engine she considered in ttie world the chevrolet la equipped with cantilever type rear spring ef chrome vaouome steel heat treated anil tested tho chevrolet front springs are a double side action shock absorbing spring riving double eltlcleuoy overouy other alpgle type the chevrolet owing to it own individual construe hon with overhead valve atld direct ignition la the easi est of all car on gasoline the chevrolet i known o the wlutrtl of the hills aud will climb any lilll on high that h is potudble for any car to climb tlio chevrolet la light strong ineapenslve to buy and the upkeep li below normal the beautiful atreamllue body the heavy mohair top vision windshield speedometer ammeter electric horn and abundance of power and speed with many other exclusive feature put the chevrolet in a clou by itself the chevrolet lis a stream line body with crown fender molutlr ullored top clear vision wlud shield ammeter speedometer and elaotrio horn the chevrolet steering device la a very strong double spur adjustable to wear gears aud lu u con- sluctcd aa to give the operator meet aocuralo control of hla car the chevrolet owuer hathomaovd now in any city or town n canada ua there bo will find u service station that will welcome him and give rani service order now a tha rapid salt ol thla wonderful car in fast overtaking the manufacture i on exhibition at willoughbys show room i i a run limb or hicraii uwav oh mock j a wiixouchbv proprietor georgetown jambs woods sales manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m4oo4m4mm t u 1 1 n 1 1 1 1

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