Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1916, p. 4

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fltlje 3vrfir jm fjrrss jlflltmdu ma in mill a talc of tu trail tliu lir m midtlin r uit nil mid uiinr f irii t ir of idikuii no l li ft l m ll ritrlniiiiiiitmil ii ive umiu it i t of r u i ii t rwiif i it nil lliaimilil liijili rind an fetch up i w tuip mitiwhoru it itioht ikifwn limy kniiwo i i ii iiou t mt up 1 1 1 n no jihiko f rlflhi mid wroni in men i ultit lieett ikurftwl ull my llfo an muy not he yi i an when iwm rlinp who loolii ubthouijh haagonauilray iwanbtothlult homurtod rlu1itu only lost lil way i ilk to ihlnu the uood in folk y fur out weitrhu tlia 111 tli trail of ufa la mlddlln hard nn lot of it uphill i tliw phioe where there sin t no miidea or slrrnboardii up an so it partly uues work and part lack which wy you nlisnoo to jo t ive seen the trails fori noma myself an when i had to choose i wuntnin when i struck out 1 it wv win or loss i ba wbsti ihii man whonoalth nn ihauah hftj irons utniy i want to think ho started rljht on only lost hie wsy lv seen a lot of folk start out with grit ami punk to seals th hills that purnlonvsr there nn some how lose the trail i ive tmn em stop an start uffalii not sure slwub tli road au found am ht on some wind trail al moat before tlwy knovsd i i seer am elrclle tired out with ovary pathway mlnj wilneulb before em inoimuln hifth hii slouutie and swamps behind t im imii am clwlln uirouftli tlia dusk wheu twlllftlit ttattln qrsy an looking for th main bhjh roadpoor chaps whove loit tlialr way it aint ao far froun wcdit w wrong- li trail aint hard to lose i theres tl rdleaosfcrivo my horse to know which one to cliooaa i tbamrldfcnobuulaaor alcnuoani up to keep you ott tit track t wroaaafcowotltoaa whllaaa driven snow at rlaht look awrul black i don t up to be no udoe of riht or wrong in man i iw loat lb trail aoinautft myself an way mt loat eflsln i au wban f ohsp who looka an tlioi xwanttoabovawy hand in lila p him iita um way i anonyraoua i iiiinaalnua emwlo ol r j in 4 itluihimoil tlmt vr win inii ijiiniii 1 1 nun i nu tun it mid nl ull lllllu id him lllltll llpktll tit 1 1 it i uimt nail iiiiki lipnn tllo ullubtut piiivo iiiiidi u inxi uny hitht minilonl fn un iimn t im ml uikluutcll tit flio i ut nr toinit nit innrti uenrtid lliitu tlm i i illill mill hcllttlo piiht llioni wlieii null fiiiul vi lilcli thin iuirl toiirh in lilt lit will lintnl nwliitf linok llu lull unit nip in lio till with furv homrtliikii llln blow fa llu uwn n iidttli lioi vilio liiniaiillv ro in llu ton mill litilf h dnxcii fithotin nlnu nti rnplilh llitrr tlimimu hut lltlillnir uolchl iiiui noltlih llio iiinrrel ttin umnllm cnnvlu ucutllliiir oti mid tlio lnilur pinmilim lilm far hitlf nil iiilii rnniilntr tillmlk imrhmiinl mill rnichlim himiiki h hi ilnht mnl loft with mu iilpponi lot thfiiw onnio enrwlnu o vlmllctho ui luonli 111 1h triinuiinl nil uwea v otlmr into inij hold nr cruel hy itn mid tliov imibt ho orj koiiiip iii riicli dthrr llien for nmotilt iliom von tint ilml tmtiip tlint lin j jitat cnut hiflr itulnn unow whllo uoft ond holp loan th taataat owltntriara iou proplo hnvo nny liltii of tlm mpm ixao nttnlnod by iimno llali tlio ilnlnlilii nml porpoluo nro porhnpn hip oulfioot of nil the til tier inh lm hrcn noon to tfnrt round niul roiiiul u ah amor proitodlni nt hntnt cm uoven tern nml olrbfecii inllon mi liour prob- rjbly a linn i to m hub f hip umrkt rol fnmlljl nt itu loot oitild nintt tor ohic dlutnnont forty tnltco mi liuur knlm on too mid trout milni tor ft pnrtlculnrly when nt com pi la hint tliolr minimi upannlnir inlnrntlon tipalrcum herri nc in uboalu iiuho nt n nloady ten or tuolvo nillun hut idtirlicrcl minli fnptor hhulrii ihoinli nut huh enn bulm nt n ureal opcod when oxcllod thoy will ilnnli nlonjr ut un imicli nn c out coil mllch nn imur but onllunrlly four or ho mil en mi hour la tliolr apeed lonln ncnlu nre tmitli mora naody amt certain onntcrn writer uakon blulo nlonc nt lurrlflc tolocltloa acowfhulow rz i mm tlia srabub erlutltul in hlttory i hava klllad mw man than hav fallan la all tit war in th wothl i hava tumad uoira man into brute i have huula mlllloua of homaa unhappy 1 hava traiuformad many amumoua yathi into hopalaaa parajita lam alcohol plahllnaa 6lty mll lotto tbo moat of tlio halibut ore caught wltli tho hook nnd linn tbo flahltiir howotor una notblmc tromy or aport- itic nbout it tho tinea nro droppod down into tbo oca in audi n wny that tbo bnltod hooka rest on tlio bod of tha ocean tbo llnoa mm of creat lonfitb omo of them nro elxty wtte long whon loadod with flab it taken tha toam onfiliio on tbo voasol tbo bottor part of day to wind thorn up they aro dlvidod into koctlonn each wctjon havlnff a float or buoy that roata on tlio aurfaco aud la markod by m tla ht tho daytlmo and at nlabt by a light tho lino ilea waht ou tho bod of tha ma attached to it nro handroda of hooka and each lioou la halted th halibut awallowa tbo halt and la caught oit the hook and hold tbero until tha lino is drawn up theao flak alwaya feed on or cloao to tbo bed of tha ocoao t mjlrim c tafc chamberlains tablet bloukara eaji aaaly know whaa utalrehll- draa ar trouhlad with wortua and thay lowbotlma a applying tlia baat of raw diaa sjotbar flravaa worn eiuruio ator ooroa orippla tha faat and nuka walking tartura yat aura rallaf in tlia ahapa of ilolhvwaya corn our la within raach of all anvuwof ufa ravaala that tho thing wa ttsoat ratfrattad at tha tlrua nr tha onaa to wbloh w owo moat now tbomor bo gaaia law to tntarfara with lhakluituroftlma lanla patuua bclontbttu hnvo uo or explained to tholr antufactton tho llcbt known pop ubirly na tho wlilo thowuip and ahto known n liinla fntuua tho pbo- tiotnoiion baa- boon ottrlhulod to tbo cotnbuatlon of cnrltonn and tnilphtim icultod by biilphurotod hydrogen tlda theory haa boon abown to lio n fallacy by porsodi who linvo pnnnml tlialr hands tbrouali tlio uo cnllcd llro nud felt no boat tho atrnnc llro ilea fastest over comotcrux mid over low lands and awatnpa whon no ulnd is blowlnjf suporstltluiim lorsons nttrll- nto tbo fllckorlnil flrtu to iho ami i a uf th dood tho in out pluunlblc theory b that tha phenomcuuii u iluc to ra dioaetlt emanation m rlutnu from bo- uaatb tha ground tinners a cold settle on her luig cautjfif oreaf pain thccunst was dr woods hotway pine symp ulaa d u ihcktdnx ut cauteijuu out wdta havltut urlvra neat beddu frou uf wood norway vina ymp x thou ht i would writ aad till youoftxiyakpfldc wbeuiflructnui out from kniuikl i contriuted a uvau cold owlaf to tho cbauff of clbtiata it aeitud od my luiurfl and caused ua a kfeat deal of pdlu i trial awry retnoly i could think of but tfot no nuef my fauier who hid heard a stuat deal about tho sood dualities of iv woods norway wad bjrup advlied me to try it i did a and x am pleated to tay fouad id- ueduu relief x ooly took otto botlla and it cured ta ooaipletely my uotw had m sevcrt cold alto and iv woods nwy wo ayrup curtj br m w nevr fall to teco h bottle of it id tha boum bee that aoaa of those socalled plm iyrupa oh handed out la you when you ftd to yorf drujvbt or dealer and ak for th- woods u u put up la yellow wrsppaj threej pin trees tha trade tnark i pries 3sc and wc manufactured only by tha t11ui- hum co unuted toronto ml all uih arborti euul hut their ual ity u apt to nd right uuire to b worthy of truau that our frlsnilw hpoas fn us tsa uolileacblavement vailumiu wtfuooyknowimo if of all humtii uiuodlm tliu wullett i not lo know that you am m failure horn paople ho about rtulutltiff aomplaoenoy who ar in vatliy uthtla apaolbveii iwhauatliay hsvo enoliaueil self rcnpeoi for rsnutatlon lerlutm thoy liave lr teril iiflnolple for ueultli uiay liothut inataadof dnlm their lt work uiay urn utlaflad with doing proflublswiuk tby ore failure without knowing it one who realbtm that ho has wad a fulliiro u in u oompantlvaly honaful ooudltloit for hit raalljutlw of failure may fpur him on it retrieve hu oj hut thero h llttto hois forthunm who u notigratuutliik libit elf of having mumeilail attha vnry mninnib lhab ha has i falluro nipped u asked tbo defaulter who wo arranglqff for trunuiiotatlim to mi ico bavantyou homotlilun hpcclal mr touruur no replied lbs tkkot num pardon me but i have rhlmod in tbo dotactlvo appenrliib nt hint in taunt with a pulr or niool nnii ler heros bomotnlnc ururlii fur tn wrists- bupposo yon try cm i ehangtf a pearl superstition tbo undent inlutbltunim r lixlli imd a very p ratty uuiwratitlon ninuniiii the orbjln of jwarla tluj- lullowd that at certalo uauuux llu mli i flu rod dowdrops utwn hip uild ulilili tho oyster ilaatlu in hit u itim f bratho roclvod mid luld until tliej faardeuj and locarno ituru puiiur end happiness ttuiro uro miiiy plciimnm riim in tbo boarth fur impplncxu lux huip i- little liapplucum for blm uh pleasuiv ileauuro l ihnt tut e when your tiuilihoim nii in t ml tho uroulnc lliiiiplnuo in wliai u feel when thoy uo- bom tim aao studious uoy lather did you eter study aritbtuotlct i nlhrr hint innnni ly or courso i ktudltn aritbmitle utudlous iloywcll i nni ihu hip eolw root of father hautllyi it a b louff wblw sine 1 studied ir u tboug why h heoaud thtm highspeed why ur jhi uiwum toaatuijf tbo joy hdersv dryscrood wall lucaus thoy ar ajwaya rannbig down eomobody or oihr jerry i have traced my ancestry back to oil iruh klyf pat8ur thats jay what chiet haa a dead mas to d4fttd biniawlit autsdrpool ltm die the mutt fur tiwrhln whed the back becomes larnd it u a mu qp kidney yhouqlc boons kidney flllo cure tbo acbhuj back by curuijc the aching kidneys be uthe it is really the kldimys acnuii and not the back doana kidney xhus are a special kidney and bladder niedldue tot the cure or all kidney troubles mrs ilouutt gousliaw 0b3 ifannldi avu torottto out writes k taka ktvat pkosurd hi writing you etutla the beoeijt x have received by tilng looans kidney ihlht about thrro years ao 1 was terrilily afflicted wltli lame back and wai so bud x could not even sweep the uoar x was advlncd to try your pulh and before i had uud one htat there was a xi vat improvement uinl ttiy back was muf jb better however i kept on takiti thnn until my hack was completely tun hi x hlifbly rccotmiiend jjoans for mnm luuk tiouus kldiuy mils ore tliu urlliial pill for tlm kldneyii ux that our trade mat l tho maple leaf appears on the rru ppcr ltoanu kliticy pllh nro 50c per box 1 ik ntcn for 81 2fc at nil iuan or mailed llrn t on receipt of price by ttw t milium co limited toronto oat l hen order hut direct specif dosmu kroundllisutadbolbmns f a v ulod mid hardly trld drill berg iiutiiriloroil dm recruit to hund ouuyi it ujm dm llrwb ojniiiatid they olkeyed promptly iknd oliloiitly wrltwi mr ivtt llidji in mi 1 njflmi prtkii- i nut mild lliti drill mrrt nil to ull you i h ipi t lliilo ntory nf m 11 oh ii i iiihmi at it minn ulmii i umu untiling nitini hum a kill uf hlxiut thnntyortrn old unnia in o jjuui hid a iidk of laud wo i lor j 1 wan very hind of them loud ooldlnr- jdyd ulihnm fur lowuro i did hood iui gold wltli tin i uu now it uppauod tlmt utt tuiido n mova juut iniforo ouo jiutrter iluy imd in tlm urry my fivorlto toyn gat lnt i wan lipid i i urut into teuri and my nollior witlnl moon tliolimd i romamber uud flia kimi lljii fc tako on ubnut it willln oull llnd our lead noldiora ona day and ramurkud tlio drill uereant wltli iiiiuluii and oyelng tha room it mi i mo wuil if tlio old gola wonlu aint at lust oo tno true decline substitutes half ihe ills of life an cittud ly constipation when oio bowel become conitlpattd tlio stomach beta out of order the liver iloen not work properly and tlieti folloivs tlio violent alck headache thu wuirneji of tiie etomacli imldilntf of wind heart bunt water brash blllousueaa and a beneral feeling tliat you da not care to do any tiling keep your bowels regular iry using milbums laxauver lilts tby will clear away all tlie effete matter which collects in the system nnd make you thnk tliat life is worth living mr ll w watson m johtf njj writes i have been troubled with coniupatlon for the last thro yesas and during tliat time have tried several remedies all of which failed to help me a friend reoomineuded milbttraa lau- xlver pills and after using three or fceor vlali x felt ilka n new man x m uow atill taking them and am positively has tliat i am on tha road to recovery x btrousty recommend muburavi imt liver ihlls milburas lavaliver pills ore sbe per vial o viola for si 00 at all drug stone or dealers or will be mailed on reoetpc of price by the t mllbuni co limlll torottto ottt u pekt op vviiayt a chicago man wus telling aomo weird ttorlea of tha atoekyarda ami he moil honed an inatanoeof a man dropping sixty feet from tha window of uu abliatolr without being in tha leant injured whal 1 uaa the indlgnsnb protest of u hearer 1erliapa cold the unrrator calmly i uliould add that tlioy were pigs feet maittfoavj iliitniru 0mb oh the lawvhtt tlitro are urns legal question that a wltnoui cannot anawer by a alropl yes or no ant a brow heating lawyer will sou tlmea take advantage of title fact on of tblsclaas was one ilamandlng tliat a wit uom answers certain question in eltlier the negatuo or alllriiiative i cannot do iv aid the witness there are nome questions that cannot bs snawered by yea or a no as everyon knows i defy you to gue an anampu to th court tlmndared tlia lawyer tha rotort came in a flub i are you till beating yeur wlf a alokly grin spread over tha lawyers fe and he ut down castoria sot ittfiuts ad ciilirtb in tat far owr 30 yaars oonqueru asthma to hs rllj frotu uu urribla utiffocating due to athua is a great tiling hut to be safeguarded for tlia future ii even graur kot only da iv j 1 kellogg a aathma lumedy bring ircnipt relief hut lb introduces a new era of lire for tlm eillioted sybtsustle inhal ing of amok or fumes from the retoedy pr- vaots reatuoks and ofuo eootsaprmaa sat ours gmting slissp s oy at a uiaa la on way a girl has of pulling uio wool orar his ayes tho grab trouble of leading a aua teoaay to tul him ovr is that he do a t always com up with tlia uds children dry for fletchers c astor i a health cannot ha looted for in tbo child that is subject to wornu liecaure worms destroy health by crcuthn intel naldliturh auoss that retard development and cause serious weakiimi miller worm lndr skel worms and are so lenoflohd in their action that lhn syitenis of the jiula buffer era are reuorod to haaltltfulnesi all hie discomforts anil dangers of worm infection aro removed and aatufaotory growui la as aured an ounce of prevention la worth a pound of cure huts pound of cure a worth a ton of i told you so when a woman switches on her batteries of wrath some men wilt spd others wont palpctation of the heart buddeii frfglit or emotion may cause a momentary arrot of tho henrts actioti or saine excitement or apprelieuilon may set up a rapid action of hit heart thereby causing palpitation palpitation asaln is often the result of dhjettlva disorders arliiim from the stomach or may lie the result of over indulgence of tobacco or alcoholic drinks the only way to regulate this serious heart trouble is ton a miltiumi heart mu nerve illlt mrs t nicbolli iutowcll out write i va wrjl and run down my heart would t iiitnt und i ould bw weak and tliy rrll a friend ail viied me 1 1 t o 111 i rn llcnrt anil nervo pill i win i d at once to ute them ait u in t i i filt mueli stronper i cannot lc jour ircdlcine too highly for it hit one mc a world of good mil bum heart find ncrr pill ar boc per bos 3 luixc for bl 2o al oil dealers or mailed direct i y tltc y uuburu co limited toronto oat taxed to capacity a friendly american whobul jutarrlvd in loudoo brings a story of ed lion ft grat iaventor was preaantat a dinner n ksw york to which count lurustorff had also fouiul his wsy tlia count spoka of th huubsrof ships which hertaany ltd built slooe the war began lis was lulee ej to rvapactfully enough although a little oouly because the syupatlil- of the party war not wlb him or tlnaany whaa h had slopped edisoa laokad up sad fciij in e still uaall voice and with a serious face i uuat not th kiel cauai be vary crowj j our vuuluaoyy stealth for tfkk women for forty years lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound has been womans most reliable medicine here is more proof kcplgmnw llnarlng u tbo llfp of tho hal lor i4d tho rolllckltig spirit nf tlm mnvy in tho old dy in nifloctod in tho uti- clont nautical oplbraiuh und voruoii n col hint ion of wlilnh is puhllidii d in thu 1000th tin m imii nf iho hymn arid from which vti buvo inudo tha following nxtraota a sailor who had thu ml fort mm to be thrown upon tho nock of his horse whllti riding otio day provokod hi tragi comlo verso opocttttor ceaao your cruel gloe from taunting josts refralui bum tis no wondrous thing to see a sailor on tbo manor 9 tho following la equally ontortaln- lug- a lank a leak tbo sailors cry the vossol heaves and rolls and ovry heart with dread beats high- all eom despairing souls kxoept ono rollow abort and fat a welshman x suppose who cried a leak im glad of that ob bring it to my nose no voffotablos bawo wo had for many a tedious week oh look you now hor heart is gladf theres nothing llko a leakl tbo courngoouu spirit of tho an cient drltlhh mariner is demonstrated in this abort and witty epigram en titled a carpenter lioforo a sur geon a ennnon ball ono fighting day rim doubt it not i bore camo in u marry cnptnlnn way and took away hla log crlon ono a nnrgoon bring with spend tho f met ura lot blm vlow no said our morry frlnnd indeed the enrpontar will do hhtnfliig on lulltor tbnro aro tricks in ovory trade and n ntory told by mr malcolm rtnrk in tho pulno of tho world hint hire i momorlcn akcnlnrion llluatnilrii tlm niihtcrfuges wlilth liavo ixmn om ployed by jouniallsis of i loot htrrot ruch win tho fntcrcnt token in the execution at now rat o or waltiwrlgbt tbo murdoror of hi rrlot lauo lu whltoclinpol in 1s7 hint a provln- i rial nowupapcr dotormlnod to irsuu a bpaclal edition giving an nrcount of tho j ant scene a romarkublo plcco ot entorprlno in thono dnyn tbo ratirosoiitatlvn of this jour nal says mr fltnru arrived in iondon on tho two of tlio oxnriuion but to bin dlamty round a tlekot of ndmlsiilon to tlm prison hud not boon obtained nnd it v as ton lato to mako all application to tho lord mayor an ingottloun frlnnd iiald ho thought ho could solve tbo dlmciilty this frlond forthwith proceeded to a haunt of tbn llnors ho booh dlocaverod mt ono of tho fratonilty was in possojslon of a ticket it watt sold for two guineas coupled wltb the condition that a doacrlptivo re port would bo furnished to the liner who had engaged to do it for a country paper tho ingenious friend returned in great glee to hla companion thu apodal edition was a verit able triumph and a yaunr man who was not in nowgato at all prepared on elaborato descriptive report for the other paper tbroe days after the liner told mo in a ot of laughter that he had received a most cordial latter declaring that bis account waa tbo beat that bad appeared in any journal uboi- la suitcase carry your own 11 ro boat is tha motto of an lull on inventor o pl- parno who bos visited england wltb what la probably tbo most ambitious llfeuvlng appliance on record when not in use tho apparatus la packed into what looka llko a mans suitcase measuring 34u by to by bin and weighing 30k when dis aster la imminent the passenger brings the suitcase on deck broaka the seal and the apparatus opens out and become a small boat if it is necessary to abandon the ship tb paanger step into bis pri vate boat dosss ibo outer cover and uuncbsa bis craft by burling blniudf overboard tbon according to xi r plpruo th apparatus rights itself la tb water tha top cover i thrown op4u and the occupant 8 ads himself sitting in aa absolutely unalukable fablp to women who arc suffering from borne form of woman special ills and have a instant fear of breaking down the three following letters ought to bring hopc north craiuuui wih when i wan 10 caw old i got uuirrlou nnd at lfl yearn t riivu hlrtli to twinw owl it lofl mo wltli very jwwir health i onuui not wulk itonuh tlio iloar ulthotit hminjf to ull down to rtht nnd it waa hnnl for tno to ltwt aiuiiit and d my work i wont to a doctor and lio lom nui i luul a iipbiooineiit and ulcere and would liuvti to liavo un operation jlitu rlfrliloiwtl mo no touch that i did not know wlmt to do having hoard oriardiit ihnkhamh vtrtitalilo tyniiumiui k thought i would rivo it a tilnl uud it timdo mo an jwohuhovor x cannot say vnoimli lu lavnrof the liuuiam nuiodlaa oiavuh abuaoh noiili omjidon wk tstimokty rvom ouahomii towfiw oicll wlion i boran to lako if yd in ifi imnldiran vuttntahu ooriiuiund i hooiuoii to iw rood for nothing i tttod oiuiily and huilhoiulaounainuflliof tliutlmn and waa inbtiliu itookltniniin iwfotv iiiy lltthj oltlld wau born and it did mo a utmdci fid amount of troodutuiot ti mo inovor lull to roramiulnd lvilu lilplnliliimih voffuuihln compound to ulllnp women lwcntmo ll iioh domi m much for mo mkl a l mccaiilanii boo have ht lawton ouin from a grateful maautchuactu woman j itouhurr ufash t wa hiiirorinir from inllnm niatlon mid wan oxamltuml by a phyhiolmi who found that my trouhlo woh efliuotl by a dbipliuymwiit my hviiiptoitu woro itoahnp down iuuih liaoknolio and hiiikhihii llvor ithotlhovoml ulmlhof nuitll- oliui thim i wan aiikotl to try tydla k hiikhamu voifotnhlo comnouiul it hnti tumid mo nnd i am iiluiuu d to bo lu my unttal fmod health by uflljik it uud hljthly lvjoommond it mw it m omkhiii 1 hiiyiuui jpitrb ifoxlmry miihh ytui vronf himshui tulvloti wrlttt to ibydlu is iliihlmni mndlehtp hut fiontldintlnl r41111 mufisu voiir bit ur u 111 ih oimtirnl rttul uud uuhwohm by u wotunn uml liuld in utrlut stouudltfiioe ksec tar th hsbbatb all over f cot land observed a well known golfer tho habbatk is imspected in a most romnrkabto way golttug one day in the autumn on the tit andrews links i said to my raddl augus ruan tho leaves aro rail lug the grtun la turning red and brown winter will aoon be upon ua and do you get much caddylog to do la the winter angus angus frowmid gloomily na us said be blowing hla nose therell nao tuuckle caddy i a lu winter if its no susw its frot if its no froat its anw if its neither frost nor anew its rain as if its nn ip suro to be tbo haw- batb great woauii thor q it i reported that the ufltuh hoard of agriculture aro framing a treat achomo for tbo employment 01 fomalo labor on the laud and an ac tive canvass may shortly be cou- tuouced tvyjur hundred tbousaad wo men will bo required to take tha places of tho malo agriculturists who bavo joined tho colors new ahmirtosnraph xaveaiiosi a reucb oclauujit la workhig upoji a phonograph which imluuoth hu man voice by passlug compreaeed air through pbntographlcallyprojaaej holaa ia ralpldmiwlnw alius usiwo tub haterlal ay hand when somebody aooomplislies tlia thing pronounced impossible by wuaaeras it ia generally voofffiliud that lb might have bseadou lonr before n new forces have been introdueeil into tlu world since cree tlon uud tlie alrhlp was a noaalldllly to the triau of tha stone age had they known bow to us thalr material if we make a sucmu 11 life it will be in a prat measure threujih hurtling to utilise tha material at ham and the lowers that are in us in stead of waltittff for nan nndowwenta ohjldren cry for rletchers o a 3 tori a lu travelling tlie road to nuece some people always want to out aoroaa lots you never can tell a man may ha per feotly houoat and still havo a iliffaient urn brella every lima it ralim lleliiud the tlarkeab cutud the win is shin luff but hint beautiful thought wont keep you dry if you baio been caught out lit the tain wilhomt an umbrella for infantw nnj cblldron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signatu of bjuct copy of wrapper in use for over thirty years castoria vue eewvauw the merchants bank op canada cuuuhjmu4 1u llmmbi u cdmjul jfthrift isrirlitly deicribed as eco- i nomical management a shrewd business man m spoken of au thrifty be cause ho saves pcrhapu only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real uecrct ol his succcsu lies in the principle ofsavinp one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton branch r l whitman manager w6e advertisers alphabet bv richard a foll a ih for advertiser top of the hbt b 11 for businehi for which hell pcrmt cs for the customers brought to his ntore ol for dibplaj which brinls him mill more e ib for everybody reiden of uewe f is or followup wibe merchants use g standi for goodwill nf fortune the start h iu for honesty of which its a part i is for inventiveness in cop and cuts j ih for jonahs who itav in the ruts k in for kindliness ihown in unod du l in for lassies who marr the lads m ia for money they sue up to upend n in for nlw things tlu y buy without end ot opportunity to hnd all this trade p11 for ptrmstency it known no down grade 0 i for querit for advertised brands it ih keaulli the right mtdiuni lands s i succeis heep on ull it conn t ik for 1 ota salt see how it humn us understanding of cumomers nceda v ii for visum- who has it he leads w ih ivdum to advtrttie long x is 10 multiply the plan cant go wrong v is lor ye iming live men hive 10 grow z iu their zeal mice the right uny they unow tilt grand trunk railway iarjrjlnoicu thai n hi 1 1 1 ll m i il t nit hi m inli 1 mrirrn tmc home or quality groceries and provisions itnir iportuutm ntn clcaiiullliu f hi dilj i rlii sinuu- vou uro n i7il d u tlum rirrit hrtud nnd mmt rtonr mid idlrj vcgctidilcii fruits uud j r uvinostone mill ct acton ferry3 fen 3 vcretnblc good r ihzdvcfjetfllloaconi r t rood secji wepro- j aod reeds li infer- j ct 3 ij obvious i everyvvlier ctdanhua d pa on laqucnt a d urzltvoc0 itrffi sugcessrul gardening tlio firrt comlitlnn in yfim ueed tliinnlintr wb ulior for plea fitifa or prnfit cunnot ufford to runilik llu m it hnvo the tast noed that money enn bu our bm imhi in lulling critically tented tart fully rdtcttd ptdl grco nocdn wllt jjood rccdh good coll pro perly prcjmriil nud tlio neces- wy care tlio garduner may expect renultn tiecaui o nil nature in working for liim digin riftbt by planting perrys hocdu d m fehby ftr co wlajtor oalsrl many iiavh uhlfsvko ueuv v8qolc iiuat in flllxt luflli btw ll o tumiiil on ilia i tiua n 1 c1ii1m fllil tomomto ohykmio i filly n llmm our tuitlr iiuiidmi tiiou mnw o r trtuu- rifheui mu m w ii 11 iar wilia arwliwim boots shoes bubbbrs all linus o footwojir s at rlglit price a c all men a rubbers at j3 bargain ihncas r tii u i il vc m uccoil kzjzj w wltiliams mill sir 1 acton cement k c00pci1 acton cemeny contractor for hrulics silos vvilkn floors walls ctl aliu actnt for de ltval silo- separatoru etc hikii crnde portland cem ent for tale n empire business college the only collide 111 canada roach- ill ill typewriter keyboards six months course day 30 night s15 expert instruction in pitmans shorthand tjpuwntink hookkpcpinc and all other snb- jucth necessary to equip you with a thorough blihiness education 346 broadview ave toronto ontario ihopuiiirohs williams mr co limited ihincipal mr p m douglas j hcton liybky anl bus liki ilnviiiji mirtluwld uioikld mid quodwili of tlio inthinifch frum mr a mieumi i nlliit willi tondikiilo tlio patron ijru of thu puhlic comfwtnhlti rifn winplied at riiiioiiiibtu rilni mjuilul muni 11 to hiipplyliir ciiiivuiiintih fur wlimiiiffh ami funornlx moti r urn ammliul wlutt re- quirt d uuh mukw allmaimb i c atkinson mill st acton ont misjts i promptly secii ittull corthlrlis ask for ttiir invnntobti ailvisbh vblcb vill be sent fvs maltfon ft maiiion till fiihnillj ht montuiiai

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