ht jvttxw sttt ft voiittmlc xli no 18 uvrv uulmcrliltoh lm ail acton ontamo tttimsday molttting may 38 1910 aaostilrlptlom wlcbl00 lirihaimi sestghik oopibs thiumg obnts vllje rtaii lfe pics vuku 1111 ta uuildiho tiiix qvulut acrow ok unllaj hui all sultsflrllklons dltuiaiilluuwl wbd 111 tlllia for wlilcll tlioy lit ihwd ij has attplifl tlia data la which svary aul ioii- loa ianem uduotat on lliaaddrasa lalwl advmkruimu luna tanum s harts uoul 10 mitts rr noni ttall hue tor tirsi itmullau kud b eeuiu jtr una air eli subs qaaat ibtarllou cautrsal tllij 1y alvarilss kdtsu loc u or lliallua mur m annum 10 twiu pj tueli lull lussrllon yearly eat umu to kilutf tiiaiiur lucoiila iwr luoli each lussr tlsd advatlamsnls wlilic it sitenlfla dlriuittoiis 111 be liiaaris1 lit fol 1 1 mi 1 clisrasl toaor i talf transitu adsrtlaaiuaiitauimt be 11j ad wfijb haaova advaituaniauu will lis eiibuhsj bhilk i rf4u1 vo olisua diuimi tbau fclwr tilaulltiuxl ilia u ftoiupodllou uiuai b tid to a vstluwv rm ajiaa4uttls6llataj monthly ii i uoouu suilor anj iroptllr vuaittmh aolmtorp h03 gray u d c u ucglll l u0 1 sidpscaoat ttxlvv fl oumaw aiauaullrrteil uapuul aaaocisyiow uvo oiatnuk ll osiod oet t ostropatily d oloiiijiji-vl-ilirtit- ilia ooj ilol la w yubu u loai luteal ilwl aelaii u vuuhoj j at dl hhon tuvaicuw ilosb intuitu lil i ami wusv ti aeloii cuiuomactic mvtl u1uclu ii iiolloway 1 tuivarbucta- eiij uolulua oolpljonl trraiiyiuq ujij b- iolli iwllllastlla bfl- 0 us win amfersou ulll iuil aai wood tutv ufsjuliy yltitjiv hod vvluy oi ib wlt 0 s u tovu vltkrlnary uw lawiirtn vmtwuihabv huuoluj aata oplitk flnjuu0lru vfcjiiltiiry c0iij 1al oasealoiia lilmb uui llllltl oaju 4ay tw 1u4l1 ijownly htitj 1 u n a j maakihhom ksiara fiauorroat oaavhrlakjaa ommuui aus la rwnryuaa dl k ivufuur tlilitof aoj otary pullu d il j u dhll d d u i l odu a 11lllw coitih ulll tflj trtauua d auckxivavko ia gflhau oib wdhan wyjii4ailll qalpli0duil- 0rwlul4tuafcu wa hoolia ol all lild fwri tkil4ia m abbia01s lioknhiig 11 p uoattm u 0a ulattlui todsmj vw wu oum a0von r- for ihu cooutlu of wailltiqtnu halloo iv kuj duuciiu ami tliw lty ollluolili lmlm ftojaotwi wiili mliadamon ami unou kwaxmlabu mini v b ul i raladnn ultktwiajlu lf14anwj io ntiuimitnn hiiii ilia imll wtimu imi uuuivtiin au ti lalsu an lailvar- tialu1imu bo lualih urijbia it ft ml vuvu i uuu 1 aelau will rwniliu luuuaillaiu ailauiiou d am3jc njlvkn surveytt flulhllvlnionw 1limn re- esru doicrltloiiii hiiki nrttn etc wrtihcateiifor punlmnura ml mort sflueett burvoja for artln tln hull- eraaud mimltliial cnunttlu dralu a report uutlmaluu oil merchants bank bldo oumlhi ktioti smc ony j is chkevbrs boou ainucn quibtalflltut oimltfhouc llaaluuid utmablnsa bound lulluidaoiuaauit btlbaublui ui ru tluu laitura in qotd on hlblat llymu tho old and rollablo granite and marblo dealers wh hf- ihaliiiranlilrvra mil lrlj miuhv ol h1 hlmlaiif uooiiii miihi an i hamuinh wntit wimlldiirot toiturotihlnmurtfaivlialtt ml mlui tliua itvlufi nr nimuiiira ill imv awt w iivm n luut miiiiunitm knl tho only umhahloalii tliw uninlifloii wlin eaiioi at httjuitli ioaim iuhy wn rn uiv fiiikm f rnu liuiili m f nnr ciuiai iita in vdwmtakliilnuiarilurimi w lulu oiln r iihva to jml law a htu in nrli in niuet wi htvf tm ufaj nl i ait uineh nf druhlu in tha kjiwlnlwj nf nmra iliaii miiv ihrtm laafam in im wml wear lujkhiiku rttl t mil wti iilnv no buinnr- ill if t it- ii latil i p hon ii in savage co btnbllnlid lo4o jlwcllck cuclpii the old and reliable watehnultera and slcwellera savage co cuclpli oat tuiiitl is a lot of satisfaction in tub ownirsiill ol a laylorforhcs lawn mower tliu i in lor i irln 1 kiiininil lit an u ilnmto rif 11 q iili mlixfacliir tlinr nilli worl inr initmlrat u fnlr riiu iniill only n 1 ill lir 1 1 rbi- hitlllr n dilny hlur woilyiitlir rmprnh irlcu i from 84 00 ni i ruu inrnriimlion 1111 rmiiaht from tho bond hardware co ulmltod phune 10 1 a tntwajlv ouulph good eveslgiit in beyond prlu lint our lorvlccn mid alunneii that uavv your nllit nrc i iiiplird nt rcnuniptilo clinrireii chnrjrch cnnnlnt cnt with eootl worb mill wull nmilc anil fitted ftlasuiii we orinuour own ulthskb inblst upon oettino the hcst in piano value and you giit we bell art piano imlaed by all uadlnjj luusiclani art ir tit in appearance urjaurjiamid tone qualities nml construct ion tlie moat aub- tlanlial tlio da it kolj only by c w keuy tfct son 33 lower wyndham st a wondekrul buhner why huin vouh wvuy if voo co a li ba ilia gj 07 ajinla uut la tour i onia at i lie tin hwl u your oil 1aihm ou wool i avail lnialuj ncwu tt o wi lis ujll uaro lsup durom will qita tnu aa biij i lilil ad aiilu k o iim- kuiiy an1 uibpej vvr cjutt oiv may lamp aoj ii will sik u ulbt a luiia wiui uiacl wlili ll b 1 aw diu iii tv i blbj vh4l will 11141 llj wlllljult ii oueulonwliaj ii im waallum avwl utioitau ijjji ihat wm tuili wkui ii 1j ua i ilia uui4 aa an tmjitkary umw lil j iihui c wiita t w ilmrltttl aiiculr asat4wubj vfwuard ii h iiallhah huhum oht mmmti mmmuumu i grain i chopping a n p j well done and r quickly at only j 5 cents per bag l harris v co limited j uockwoob ont 8 uuuamnaaaaddaapdadnhhhahs robtnoble car of potatoes dtliunri and irnh cobblrr onions dutch si is ind muluplitrb seeds red clovn muinouili aim- k alfilli timothy bluc- gran lawn gmku all 11 lowest prices uamtlron sons 1 clov no folk an i wnohflnli llli ouhrril j l warren tmlheiiionk ho 40 lofviclav ifmiftkntcr alueuhjot4 c c speight pon up todate goods ajlviwir lit tablwirwj klnw also pin cutlery haurdwtutay ttrwir aand oram- tavamra in vasilv patindort stova end iuntfi rumous htar0 8nll stovata oil stovaaal maohainlcal toys atahs hochfcy suck crdm6phon racordai every arttcle in of excep tional value c c speight ulll slrl aetoa 1iioii bohool ohaouatiis aru wanted to train for bus lcjj ivwiilonu start now and he ready by sup 1 irt cowmonc ncith your lie p hard work anil our aplandid mutliads will make you lit co uk bhaw a uiirineu hliidoih rurontu w ii shaw prcaldcnt now lor wet weather footwear kcnncy bros main st acton spring is coming and wa have a fut assortment of boots and shoes and rubbsrs and rubbar boots sultablo cor the wt weather several lines o si mt em hetal aocfthaldfen for men capreis cubiic for iladlei we hava sohoo boots for children and arm boots lor men and woman itubberaand rubber boots to suit all needs repirlair celvi broupt kbij cahful atuntfon are you bilious3 domtuturuh too long itvui lead to elironlfi indlffeiuon in the tnaartwlilta you kuirr from mlmkabfo si elf hsmtlachtth 1 vounu tlaiwftau ion snd sallow eomptoriottjiiiattry chamberlain stomach uven tablets they re lieve fatnoentatlon tare these v t i ffr i maaaawkiudumlaiaatfailiuailaodaa the other fellow s job tim man wliltxl tlia imrrow wltli lil- jnrnj fullnfillrt loobu wltli uvar irowliij nvy t tba mor olmiits uumlersd hlilrt 1 hut tlio man imjmiki tlto ooimtar feel tlia ikttlnir of tlia troda and waiiid uwap tila pollalwl anlaaara far tlia farmnrm runty uili in th ululil tlio eloopy doctor liaaru th ounjfl jf of ili plioua and 1 wltli i wora n luwyar la iiin iwmmtoil niuaii hut tlto uwyor in lily nljjlity liaarx tlia doctor- curiin pust and lia aay hint tuoky doctor tuuat ita nmhiilf mousy fnut tim man upon tlia vtum totiif tlia aaatt linnalowtydwarr aixl da ioiijb forurra llrmu wltli tinman upoullmwluufi wlillo tlia ntlmr niarku tlia voaaal moving out alona and fraa and lio lauafor baundlua frowlori with tlio man upoi tlia aaa tha littla bov in rtimjicra tlilnla liii daddy lint in fraoa and lia wlnlioa lie vera jfrown up wltli noma wliinkar on liin fao 1 hut iila daddy ttmu tlia burdati of tlia innrtimn and ilia debla ami ii wlaliau lia wro willy in hla baby iantalata tliajound man mm iila aiaur wltli liar inonay bpcndlinr bau ami be tav if i waro utr i could save loc of doiil hut tlio younir ulrl ocwh bar brotltar wltli iila volatila llimnoa aim alia long to be tlia owntr of tlio tial lot arwl tlia panto haya tb p4ntl iila oottog wliat a graud and lutppy tlilnjf to i avo tlta tolulity aeaptm and tlia blation of a ling t vat i liava liaant it wlilapard uiat tha man upon tlia lliraua won lil rathar lia tin pauant with apirlt of ha own ha if your lot la irkaoma you can tat your pulla atlirob jul by hjuuincf an the vlrtua of tlia othar fallows job ndnaaaaana na od the old family doctor lit 1uv c hllalsauit do aa nandnnaandaan whf oij doctor liu lirokan down faiun with uw liaraam 00 it i tad boon on aioawditigly wlntar foliowl by a uu try lag priuff tlra bud bn on unuauml amauot of alokna liotb in tlia vllug aoj in tha out- lylna country dlijitliw hod raj far wka in johnny caka hallow and tha thra billaa of awawp road nratary to travraa to rocti th hollow road u ou norrlaaoid bin jiutparfacuyaudulaua llka anotkar oaa tha dootor had tparw nathlaialf iuiautaatlai had rvarhad ida iart ha lid qalahadliiaoourwa tlioa and toil hi iran otrangtli bad apoat and lia waot up to hla cliaaibar to dlo- ttio comuianlty wa ttartiaj qalta ahockad tha doctor olck 1 it waa ajmoat 1 noon blatant llabla navar to b out ajrain why tly ooulil not apara um lu waa a flitura in uiafr llvaa tliia uiulacaratad aoldlar of a hard un aqual btrifd had faugbt auch atulliorn batthyj with tha fo thai aousht thajr ufa t ami vliii many plaad la alokoou lis hod atood bo atroiijily by that half tha nau fait a aatlao that tha doctor cauldn tdla for wba tha dorlor it apt what bla wifa la tha privacy ol tha foully comnala ladul gajttly calhul opoii liauaa hla daughter rwaneunol it a oantlauoua vaoapllan hla littla sraiulaon utd 1 oraatlpa la holding an opan cllnui 1 it ooiivh natural to hi iti but the old doctor araiud ami aald 1 lly patianta ara simply brlnghitf hack my calla alany of ida vlltoradul not know aaxb otlier would not have spoken touch othar on the atraata but tha rich and poor the taint and the ainnar aacli far raaaoaa of bla own oaina and ha ktvavlliaai all alika- to mauy be gava aatae ilttu ward or nod or taken wblcli they alone uudaratood and would loathe letter for tli retnaiiibar tu all wantml to do somalhlnff 1 una did ihinun the raamina far which only thay ami tlio doctor understood one mornl itf an aulioralaly contrived and msjcniriaeiitly upltoliurad invalid chair appaarad in iila raam an attached card bam tlila loaorlptiou 1 1reuinted by inamhera ol the oowmaa council in token of tha year of lrlo givan to tha publla welfare lata nno ilaiiaroualy atoruiy eienino tbaro niarwl ut llin dootora kltoliandoor a blr injo myutarfaua ohanour a ailant inoraao aomo cald vlltalnoua man who hvotl miiii in h little but hahlad the muunip md sustained w prtearloua rulutonoa otonil ly by hiadagfl hla trapa and hiu tfuu in laid a urjta fat wpjirral with a i nllathota thmiijli hla haad upon tbn kitchnn ml la for him he laoan foully uild jerklnn hiu tlmmb toward tho chamber tlia man wnattiaked in mud ami water to bit lupa homo one rawarkwl that it wuauiiuwful iilftltt to lie out tlia wan brullty rapllad no wow than tha nhjtit wlian tlwn lie suddenly aheekmllilitluh fllanced appraheimkely arouiul and im mediately ulaupiiuared in tho atorm ono ulght inarnliib jaat a plu wa blutliiinf into aummnr a ohoaply olail ehilil ikonhfully atootl l me iloorway hear rir in her imud a hunch of freiji wild vioulu rite whm nne of the children o johnny cake hollow who liad 001110 thrauuh the iliphthorla in the winter tlia old muii brlithteiuil ntnilod ut the child wlillo ho hetl out hiu band with an offer feature for the violate ha hurled hla faoe in their dewy hloama and inhaled deep hmpl rat ion of their wooday aroma- all tliat day a little bunch of wood ulolotx tied with a hit of wool lwue had u place ujmhi hi table by the aide of the viue of enollcm from hr judge klllata oonter vutory ono dwv hnlamnn dimmed to 1 dm uithli rwipi of ida tlnoiir wlndnw i it mi nml iniittir hml i mknii ilnwn to jr iliii 1 1 1 dm inr ih j1 i ihe hu uui luld mil the iloui or called inatmit ly rolumniiti head wont ui a ffailt of tho obi fire anno into hm eyeti hla care twitch d lie whilinlad and xpaotantly rmlaed one forward foot tho next day rider kddy came lu the old circuit rider had bean throng tha eolioou of life he had atadlad tltroliblag haarta h waa wall road in living man haknawaomathiiikaibout practical religion he and the dodtor haul hail mntiy a battle in worda hub tlialr lianda alwaya mab in warm rruap tliay hul farden togathar hit dawn aald the doctor indicating a chair by the hadaldo 1 i wfali to ulk wltli you than without a word of taiitimant hut ttralght aa an arrow to ita mark the doctor talked kldar i liavaanly a fw daya io live i want you to conduct myfunaral aarvloa 1 i want you to preach to tit living and let tlie dead alone liecauae a faint ami la altlnlngln hiafaoe i tball net be able ta auawar back i do not with thaahlar liroke in hla voice a little hutky see hare t you fetop i admit you have dowi ad toe in many au argument hub i know you 1 and aa tlia lord llvetli and aa my oul liveth in tbla matter i ahall not lie bound the elder knalt by the udtide with one hand ha gramil lh baml of bla frland 1 with the other lie imoed to be feeling after fjoi he routd illm took hold en him talked wltli him aa if he knaw illm baliavad in him ami trttatad him ami tli place waa hatbel towenl evening aa the eonot liour woe coming en the doctor inaltad on being hlpd into hla arm chair brare tha of en watward window he looked lingerlngly over acrou tlie valley ne gaiil aloig tha radiant path way of light through tha gehlad gate of the tatting aun ha fnuad ttilfauy aa if ilka huplan he taw baaveo opanlag aad the glory of led hlaaltamunt help 14 hind to lie down olarvtl tlwt heuavad hoairily heboroiully utthd hlmaalf upoa hie hl dolllierauly folded hla arma claaawl hla ey ami taid blhtde the hakt end leave me alone 1 i thall euap now tli eld doctor tupt and whao the atumlabt came in later thr waa upmi hla faoe the loak of oo who baa found jul alcohol ahdfcfficemcy ooe of tlta tlgnlfkant and uoenpacud re bulla of the ow campalgii for aeudtlno ehlcuocy io induatry la the uoveuieat ogoloat olcohol now ooome the report of tlie ueiltodut tktflparaoo boouty lodl oating how widaapraod la tkia ntavwht tbla seclaty hoe nwla a caraful inveaxj gtloti of eooditlooa in the iron and aual tradaof iennaylvaola ohio illloola ami waa irglnia- it flnde aiity thre large osnoerna that have takeo etepe to datar- wia tha loflueaoeof the uoderate uee of lujuor on working emcunoy without enoeption thae arua te4ify that the iftvst la bail thoae oerporatlocia include ouch flrw oa tlia vounguowr 8bat end tube company the harruhiiro 11 pa aod pipe bending oompaay and the illlmua steal company i ighty thiwe of the ooooerna quaationed in employ i a ami advancing lowi uiacilmlnats agalnat those who uoe alcohol to quote one of them evan tlie moat moderate ute of eiaohal la fatal to a uana oliaooe of advabostoedt among tha eighty throe arras are the oliver chiliad flual 1low warka the araleaa rel ami wire company and the penn aylvanla sieelcompaay ten great oen win hae prohibited absolutely the ue of aioahal aa the pare of employee antonf them are the reading iran company tlie abaericaa rbt ami tio imau company ami the lukena iraa ooj rtoel coupouy uodaa the old ruteof thumb manege- ueuttblaaltoathkt would never have oorne aliout theaniiooof aioahal on eatolanoy would oevar havo hawt known siaotly hat whoa the uew and uippoaadly infallible uathode of emcioatoy at tlmee fallad the raaultlng inveatlgatloa into the coue thow- ed that it woe duo to individual iinfltnin caused by the use of aloohol and when aa ahown that even a little mlcobal ae little a might he la two gutaee of lw woe tlie cause the reault wea luevlut te in the wleatlfto plas of ejndenoy it e neoouary to u s military phraie to bit tlie bull a eye every time a bullae in the flrat ring wont do la each nlrnnniatinnte s workman need not be anywhere near intohloated to he inefficient a glow or two of beer make the dlfterenoe between bulls eye ami a thot in the aw circle the now plan of eiticlanoy le 10 profit- able to both employer ami employee that hatever bland in ita way uuat go koonomlo oeaeity is making oouverte to prohibition abbahah lihcolnab a salesman when tha conduct of maw la daelgned to lull ic it perfuaalan hind unauumlng khmtiati ilioukl ever be adoptaj lb ia an old mid true luaulm thut a drop of honey catohea more flla tlian a gallon of gull hiiulth men jf jou waulil win a man to j our onuw llrt oonvince him tliacnu are hiu miucere frlond therein la a dmp of hoiwi uiut catchea ma heart hlch eay what he will l the ttreat high- rood to ida reuaon and which when ono gullied ou will find but little trouble in convincing hla judgment of the j nolle of your oauae if indeed that caum be really ejufct one on the contrary auume to dictate to hiu judgment or command hie action or to mark hi in noouetobeahuimed ordeapuad and lis will ratroat wilbl 11 hlto- eelf oloae all the avenue to his bead awl iila heart 1 and though your oauos he tiakwl trulh ilwlf truiuformed to the htutvleeb tenet imrdor then ittvol and sharper than steel cuti bu inuilo and though you throw it with morn tbiut barouleaii force and procinii jni sliull be no tuoro alia to ploroe him tlian 10 kinetrut lite aboil of a totloiae wltli u rye etraw such ii man and ao mutt lie utularaund tluue who would load mm even to but own beat in- tereat j vo0l vuh i what fool ihomj poor flah are to 1 1 teat hud hwuhiiw gaily colored nrlldoul hall muwed tho iliiloiopliernm lio gathered up r i line tlrltm of iw uimi luft the lake then he uent laoktotown und invented a lot of money 11 oil uoll ami gold mlnu utock the h f to the home plaoe to ilia liama place and all aya are fair aglow with rapture tho home iihtca a grandpa tarm o the huatuaml the hualla and the train movalmot too alow for the eager traveller en hour- befar tlie train racliaa lu deatlnatlon a little pair or blue ayeaand a little pair or brown eyeu peep from the oar window each trying in turn to catch th flrat gllmp of gram pa am theleau defer th train beglna to atop vrauoa oxclolmiii i ba uie lioraee 1 then litem la a ruah to te who can he ut flrat to get grand pa irreetlng the good old fahlilooed waloome a mad mor hubaunual by a box of fried ehlckea oookua eto that gtmndp haude utu ix tuove lh parent ami th little blue yoai and browti aye into th vajuol end w atart for txtr twenty mil rid through th otark if ounlalno cat up ihuay 1 gt up beauty aajd itobart impatiently khaki ng u14 una aa the turray rattled up and down bill qroml pa avuawered many queatlonii about the hone folk while we wer drinking in th beauty of th ever changing oabory aboat ua the ohlldrwi war ua buoyant whi w reicwi ut oa itlvar the dang ling in midair wa th eutpadahki brtdfr w hod to orooe the bridge tooka tome what ttery to th unaocuatomed yt it ho proved a grt btiiag to th luund fr mero fevry day is th yar havda of cattle oa- drove of hoga on tha way to katuru maorkate oro thie wobbly brld lu parfatt trnfaty the wood fairly hug with lt up delay 1 gat up luauly until at dtuh the ii lu the wlmlw of ue daar old fmliou ullj that all i rily and a gud top4ioi u wajtle whedr it i wu iwuy- or th uncling toy ml en th grevaiud walk w oanoot ull 1 yt her ooaue gvaojma hrolhere and ootitla to eiteod oootlr fcwjolu wloom how happy ore we to b home to bd rfrahal by the awat oaao elation of a chrutuu hoe how ar you tuarr enolaiaia1 a hjwua of vol luauadof how do you dor th ttytitb umuhoku ami klgh tudmliu idrmoa tohl ofultdaa la pw fubotry mauiur by city uoj falke are forgoluai wblu w tv1 la tit cu fami liar eoeoea it la glariou to be away from fad ami fjona rom oa eugwaj that wemlarhtgvt lonaaom for city life vet whatar th 4uhivmai f human h oompofad with th glorueof the natural world what are wtu1 punuto btura ruatio gahui i what are paikaoampar with the eurgllog atram and th aoog urda everywhere t i aia fipotlme town th bom plac tooka foah in a new coat of whit paint ami everything ladaor la equally tpothi vathave hair la eva whltor tlno h paid th bill for thlngling th immeat roof of th old barn th cattle of a thoutamf 111110 aa they oewd to t to ma or mo more than the uolateln imti grating in the potto re th llttl colt that ueed to toaaper at our apiroach ar now hone roaming in th meadowa the cuteat on of th colt daveloped into 00 of th moat spirited enimala he like not only to throw hla rider hub to run away a well vreaoao and robert played under ut saw hard maple tree that their father planted whan lie waa a little boy they threw pehhhw lato the same erah that their father had flahed in when a youth 1 ami while thy were too llttl to owiu in the earn creak as their father had done yet n aa improvloed pond they tuooeoded in ducking thirteen cat it wo graat epore for tha ehltdroo to gather tha luooloua frtiib in th orchard uo to play bide and oeek bohlnd th aheoke of goldeti grala that etood like fcltent mnunlaguardlnirthe eacrod inureeu of thahoiae how dear to thla heart are the aoaitoi of my ohildnooil wlwa food raooueolloo preeente them to view t the orchard th meadow th deeptannd ad wild wood and evvry iovd apot which my infancy knew was there evr aa october like this evading uothaoltig ahadowe were fut eoveaing th aurroundlug foothllla of the oaarka 1 tha frooty gal waa laden with tit aroma of uw mown hay 1 the leave of the oak and maple war tinged with autumn odor all forming aa it ware a beautiful halo around tha daareet spot la all tha world tha lioms place sirtnlt von wight aeud that out said th fcboppar huiguldly charge it pleeao to bha gave the addraas than turn evl away from th clerk who bad spent tha past hour trying to suit her with a wrap ami remarked to tli friend who aooompan lad her 1 i doot think ill beep it thar la on out at tlia house now on approval from hrowne but i really believe ill get asultlnaleadof hooat btill i might a well have it aent out it doesnt cost uny- thlng the two women laughed not raalulug tliat it did onat soma thing to have tha coat sant out for tlie tnorchant hail to pay tlia ohpantea incident to wrapping and deliver ing the garment but that won only on article you aayt then know tlia i just twenty flva percent of tlia goods tent out to charm patrona of department storae art habitually returned women buy oare- ueely eeour in the comfortable feeling that any thing which la not wanted can be returaod and credit obtained for it to make good tlia low thus occasioned tha aldiging merolutut quietly uddsto ut price of what ha sella ltoault 1 increase lu th cost of living this caused largely by tho thought iieo of woman th merchant who was reapontlblo for tlia statement aa to the amount of goods returned was not referring t tha habit torn buyer hav of using goods sent on approval aud i ben returning them heepokeouly of thoughtless cus tomer who oarelaioly put department store owner to needtesh ev andtber by add to tho ooot of runnlu tlie store and of tlia oomtnodltlm acid there are tltuus of course whan it in neoeeaary to return unused purchase hut thoeu times are iut so numerouh as to warrant lit peroenugo quoted by th irusrohant consider neat time you key ktnd it on approval whether you really t to look at tha urtlel at horn twemty ybabs ago prom our lasuo of tho proo across of thursday may 2sui i boo mondayn rain did much to luvlgorato the growing crops a vary violent thunderstorm pawed over thla hoctlon 011 mondaj night the heivcnu kcoinod in continual illumlnaiien with lightning many barns war bunntd in tlio localities north and so ith of oualjji a fire between harnly and nerval was plainly reflected here an axoellautrlumlay ttohool convention for rqueing towntlilp was held at ash grov on monday twenty three were present from acton mlse annie iloomar ratumed 011 tliurt- day ibst from fjchoraherg s 11 1 faring much from rheumatism xir lolm cren of medina spent a few days durinjr the weak with hla son iv j v uren miss hsttla clisrlev daughter ol mr john l cltarl recently a merchaul lu acton was married at the heme of harper enta iloidaloliarm lumsville 00 hsy 13tfa mr eorgewilllaitis foriiiarly of acton dieil at his itouie in toroaito junction on humlsy he wa at on ttmeuprinuu ant of the niaclpuo hum ay hohool lt tit fuawsl wa itcld 00 tutajay to vr tou cainaury camm ihimoulln of torooto lis bn etocteil hljiop of niagara ihoowk ulse lily uocoy cf cltham th goat tlila whji of uu ada vrancio- iw the wight it 1 awt inldnlttlit lathe vilug parwui age th hall clock u uuiaw 1 twtc each lumrittuuroughtheiimkaphone6ffeltac ilkeaucb irod throaud iron lrtd ghoul vor there la sluooetilono tht will mt huah 1 tluac which ilk th tphlnv chalunsa th wis with it ajr ions rudlei why should lor oulliv ufa atrtcksii to but blawllng loving all lh moret sby shnum iav v cara- ami in uhjvtlj claws f t1tae ar som of tha hlnf tlta silvio snaeka in vomur rtwun the wile soil molhr mi tiny auapat by th woo of tha doctors opiate yt hr moihar haart ochaa and draanv umurthdniggaltll1ivaaa nsar hr with yet iiioiax laslte th plr of sis ttvu in childhood a it p ami luv poor brave mtient fluy i h pa too 1 ha will waits tit cmla monilnlt in his study th pastor sit shjva antlrvly alone tit day has con 1 1ml uoihi far away uor thaii ono slandlnjf almv how little casket h ha spoken worda of comfort to others 1 how it is night ami in hla own iwl his mutinous hart refusal oajna to lhn wofda only a lusby t yea ha hail seen the uavaa growl na ami gvanlng but on iprlnutlm 1 vet his thin whit fingers knew whsre tha preachera heostsniinna lay ami jrsltwred tbsm all in hie little flt n never spnk save in tliat dialect of heaven a babv4 prattle 1 but the amll which dawned from hla curving lip almost to the lost vrin told of love lieyond speech ami hia tit p dark pray eye fallowing fathr ami mother in ssmlng wood- that they uij tironir end laving did not give him ease ami rat t th look of them hurt now thou ah tlie lids wr sealul only a baby i at in lh courier dream of tha pastor ami hla wif he hail already brown into a tall fallow strong ami good tha wreck of that vision lie yonder la a ittl snowy casket th heartlae clack toll the dawn oareles aa the clock came through tit utile it la tlie hour for tha morning kiss 1 it la th hour of prayer to th pressure of th pate lips there will be no raaponsa will there be no answer to prayer 1 tit preacher 1 no hie knees ills lip uttar tha old old submission 1 thy will be dona his heart oris- uy boy my liaby i then aa hi prayer deepene with tlia deepening dawn th volo of th incarnate love whisper 1 suffer little children to com unto me a lawyebs bgclfg fob success only the other day i wa talking with an old friend a lawyer who had built up a profitable clientele in a surprisingly short whll i had known him in the law school aa a roan but highly respected and beloved how hare you dona so well peter v i asked fori lnew tli long lean yean that ere the usual portion of lh young lawyer who i without means or pull and i knew tliat ha had neither i figured ft all out when i wan in school ha replied i doclded that tlie quickest way to be successful wa to know a lot more titan oilier lawyer about two or three subjects to get this knowledge meant a lot of study ami research and to faroa myself to do thla studying i decided to teach thee self asm subjects in order to teach these subjects i hod to know mora aliout tham tlian the ordinary lawyer for teaching makes ooe dig down into the work ami get well lielow tha surface it ha worked out splendidly many young uwyen go into politics to get tlielr start but i have novir hail the time its only a little over ton yearn since i lelt the school now i have two younger assist anta or partner and tha three of 11s are busy all the time hater on when i have made a little mora money i should- lika to go into polities for fuu and i wandered as i left him why hla reclpo for aucoeau wouldnt fit other men as well as u lawyer all night with asthma kveryon known how altucku of asthma often keep their v lot i tn nwako tlie whole uglit long mnrnlnur hods him wholly unfitted for a day of business and yet business must atlll it carried through all thla night suffering and lack of rest can ha avoided by tlie prompt use of dr j 1 kellogge asthma kemedy which positively does drive away tlia attacks many children die from tho assault ol worms and tlio flrat cere of mother should be to seo tliat their infanta are fro from those pasta a vermifuge that can be da tended on u millers worm lowdera they will not only ohpel worms from the system hut nut aa a health giving medicine ami 11 remedy for many of tho ailment tliat beset infanta enfeebling litem and ondsiig tiring- their ilvoa a lette era mamst ii aura ye mind to writ to me vor nit i think o ham 1 whan wntchln in tbn trail oh at ulclit it a come hook again 1 see ilk an a boot tlie iioob the folk goun oot and in its then i weary maist a a for a wa bit sorood free hatno va oanne think what oy lb gl as to litem thats far awe wheneer they s a letter come wl een a line or two it chaara them up it helpa them on it inaku tham brave ogen va widna oradlt what it does a wee bituoreed fraa hsmo there a uayb no so much to say hutjistltuu me ban that yere a wool and ilka sue ay gaun a boot at ha we a sprig o heather or a loaf a photo o th glen jlst anything that brlnga to mind tho wa auld house at ham it was im hi name on tlj fultl a young soldier lay dying kind frlamle had hoina him to tit moat qulat ploc they could find ami covcrad hlui th boat thay ooukl ami he dl i not taam to lie tatlsfld anything more we can do for youf a oamrajaoskad liandlog ovar him fur hu atrigth waai fast going i have liaen thinking of bom sail how we uaad to take the sacrainant in the llttl oil church jwlah theuba thought bow unreasaiialu th longing wa what is it 1 an officer patajag elop- pad to haot th word of til dying souw ami th comraj told over th yearn lug of lia fallow that in tho- his hut monauta h might somehow partake of lb holy tairaiiwil ami quickly tlie yojhg clirlalloa oibuar slarta1 to do his haat tat th ooa laba was to aooo to enter into th praaaoo of hi trfwd bnaklnga llbonai of hiadry uscmii ami kaaaliug by the tlj of tlia soldier lie rapaalad lh words iii llafct its cotlld t this 1 uy body iwokeu for ou this do in raemhrau oi 10 than la put a sip of waxar from hi bottle to lit touurs tips wtilaparlhjf this u my blood which wo shed for yvu with ihswelniptesmbums ol tit lord 01 li llpaand pmooo within hi heart tit dyloj aoldlac waut away to bis lord and slalr and suraly h who aa all ami knows all will accept lh simple jot uatutl ful aarvlo 1 for it was the bl they could do and it v a all la th splriiof the christ tibm bauw whaa it 1 1 r r to uu w muat foil of racalvlng tli approval of tlie usetar bacaus w hav not tlia moan to comply ttriotly with hla oouiniands torhaps we hav for that very ruson it is not as good as we wish it might he la it rally it to atimf on wlio lias done hla bast and all it oaold for u t btop and think that if it is tli very baal wou do and if wa are iloin it in hi nam ther can b no iossllil doubt that it will accept it and liless it to tha full vorlb le not th rich traauare which alone is ituotad 1 it is ut gilt which take lh moat of saoriflo the lust of lov th eweatetof sarvto all coil aska a that everything w do shall he la th name of hla ran for hi sake a wab ihclhent on of th stories that comas from th seat of war tails of a scotch sergeant aud two or three men who ware unable to aaoapafroma certain town when it wa taken by thacermana thallttuoompany took refuge in a garret not more titan a a temporary respite aa they sat there the sergeant proposed that they should have church parade for th hut time a thay all thought they sang together very soft ly tha twenty third vgalui tlie loader read a few versea from tli now testament and all stood up reverently to repeat with bowed head a ml cloaed eyas lh lord irayer as they prayed step wore heard on tha elolr th rarreb door opened and th click of a qerwana heals was heard a ha earn to attentlou not ono of th or shippers raised hla hood or opened hla eye in a moment tha door again openedquletly and tha soldiers footfalls were hoard das cerullng th step he did not coma back and lit britlslten- finally escaped doubtless they had often sung th twenty third halm before butthatdayou tlia familiar unas aliout death dark vale and lha comforting roil and staff would hav a new meaning aa they thought of their wonderful delheranoa eont and west how much is a billion dollars l00 before thla war ids war a billion dollar wo spoken of only with aw a billion dollar ho today at a jump become an everyday xprnaalnu in modern financial topic a billion is a thousand millions bub this dednltloo doe uot give a satisfactory eon caption of it magnitude and it it necessary to llml some way to make it clearer these illustrations aro huggaitad 1 aa to tint 1 if beginning at the time of tho birth of christ a dollar hod liaen coined each and every mlnuto tine tint date over 1000 years would have been spent and th twentieth century would have grown to on billion dollar as to wetghti a gold dollar weighs xh gralna hence u billion dollar would weight over ibil tons enough to load 2 freight train of fifty care each a to work 1 it represents tha combined earning of 20000 men at foo a day for 33 year tha british isle siwmd a billion dollar a year on drink love ministry it i uot tho want ol lova that is our fault but tha penuriausneas which lock up tho lova and will not give it out to lich others how much belter it would half at all times wo gavo freer run to our lip in speaking kind aud cheering words we walk in oold silence not saving the warn rich worduof lova wa might suy anil which would give so much comfort we do not mean to he neglectful 1 wa do not know that wooould ho such hie i rigs to other as we might lie wa are too chary of our heart gll luv j lb miller 1 1