Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1916, p. 2

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moutxjci lii anton cm hiindij llltl april iliki it mr mid mm niliou moloxii kmii1 ihimlvwluto at tlifl ixxltt nf tht bridaa ninllwr nwn inn- lflu on wed imwwuy kuli may lv ltv i iliilmty u ilruidv ir lri l adelaide l daughter f mm jwirjr wiluon died oamltitlt attliu linino ol itohort laing arthur utroet ac inn un monday muy ttlti llllli waluw u campuli nim 73 yaaru lloruui at tl liniiin of bar fther kdwin hlrwt ouelpli oo irlday hay 10th 1d1 oiuogladya wife of frank holm aoumi and daughter of tho ma mtthw luftlph agotl jflymtti ffibe 3ctdit jfme ms thuiisoay uaa a 1110 editorial motes voit mrut 1ioiitor ay if vou cannot or km not praparad to go to tit from than you uiukt ho rady to baar thn llnunelul burdau fiucli waa tin vary direct maa ag ol llio ii tut i ii lutas attorney jen feral la fepaabing at tba jrmnter moating oo tha toronto city wall tup on hatur day night at a grat foaotlng of cuixomt wbao recruiting wu under diwuaalai a nxm ilkiidlayiov rquua ibarra ehlaf of ovary municipality that u hr brigada chuitoliad to report awry fir with in uim daya altar it oecunouc to tba provincial tiro tuatthal vat ilojnrj title tbachuf rvuiva uo antra ruinuivaratlaii bub for not doing it 1 is fined fifty it a urn buhutulaly if actoo exparivac of lh pt 1 coutittuod our imw find will not tauw tba cblaf any kuduou acilarla jului a vttby woiiyiiv iidioaul id bairlg cori auaradat tin dooilnoci capital to u fawul in iwy lou in canada a tnouu bwit to tba dud liaro of iila country whohav tmiua la tl4 prt war tlia atlggaaiioo ia uij that part of thaavp blgltlilmthiby ut govirntjiaiit and tha bbu6ai lu unrarhat4vl4ithibt tku baa not yt bu dcldj upoa acla will aihtwcuu curjuly tilth a ap tiul wll kujlydolu tkurd toward lu eoaiuuua tllil klijlu4 lmlvgtt4 u now roti telly uftjr ptomlluoti v tr u bill try gimp b uiil lrgjurj4u ol ligiva ruuuotl litjlkijf nujarib cwtnl tor lu4j but wjl tiul gsdvfal uj a tlhi ryuluma tiiat all hi ulftchim llvjooit blorvd ftwj pucm wu4r lkjuof la ull in ri ctuhsa kuat vtdld and 1oh iulkiul in out of wdtxl to all tnaopa tliu la a cuan ap attd ut raral liaa rtfactlcally ij out tk 1ijum bubluau an lha nu fami loiatali u fr an th troofu ar 6oa6maaj ua hahim oa all olooks on urituli rail iroaili poatomom tuwapapar omou police au auj atjiajr plaoa wliara bualawa la mdjaeuj throogbouti th nldtwrruitli j fdrwatj at 2 oclock sunday morning to 8 n ladofdasoa with tha daylight tavlng act tt n aehaduu will run until bp- ucdlr utli wbaa oloeka will b btoppvtl vaubourtoravartloauimlutltlmwagaltu vaotinrua banla tton tndna tbaatrai aoj raatauranta will ooafond to tha daw tlni aekadau thar la aamall motion of th oaii wbo hava dddd ui dayllftlit uviht feebaua bub tlty will ba praouoally foroatl into llaa by lt4 aoooptanoa in all publto inatlutioaa a wovwant baa haan oa foot h aetoa to adopt thla plan for tba uuniar rnoatba it a tllftouttto me bow atlob a plan ooubl ba worltail iufcuwlly uttuaa it war biada dotulaloo wlda tba oanfllat af train tohadaua etatlng of fiiaibi uo wotxll labmafar nwlaualy ab a nat ional feftbanw bowavatr it has many oom- nuddibla faalurm aw luvoarahv ami mgolflcant inaaoh formaauuar hulloal pollolm of aoolal rafo rw aibctliin houi tba oountry and tha eluaa wu b by ur n w itawall k ol si x p at tba annual matting of tlta fro vltutul ijbantl womatta aaaoolatlon laat waw tba abolition of tha bar dmlarw ur howalt hai vamovad oris of tba rraac obatelaa to ganulna aoolal raform w hava ban but olmtloff th daok so to paak for a ftraat forwartl movatnent in thin pwwlnoa wo orva will claim that undar our aiuuntf aoolal oontlltlonm tbara in a fair aiul aqultabla dlitrlbutlon of waalth wo moab gvappla with tha dltuatlon and en daavorbaaaathattuan who labor with tbalr haoda tba workaru of tha nation nboufc moalva full jufttloa mot charity hub jui uoa ur rowall daolareil that among tba naoaaury raforma wara that our edura tioaaliytoni fcliould hnravluil and raoal to tttaat tha new condition of life t thnb aftrlouuuk tho oldt autl moat honorohla of alloooupatlona altauld lu placed in tlia eotdtaaiullitu pohltlon which it fthoutd imld in tha ufa of tha natlao i that avary child ahoublroalvaralr nhartm to maka tba baat of ufa opportunltlaa i that tha induh trlotia working wan who by nloknftaa or wufortuna la thrown out of oinploywant tbroueb no fault of fala awn aliould pro taotad frow want during tho period of lok naaa or usawploymaiib ami that a mfo nf toll boannlbly apaht should not end in an old aj of panhvv and want sikcg vod ha bt0ppe1h the prohibition or liquor has done ownt thine for- huasla after fourtaan montlia without vodln kutala rapotta rather rmfkahn oondl- tlona aa fallowa ovlma all klmla ban tlaoraaaad 112 per eaat abaaataalim in rantorlaa luu failan aft par cant bulolderate baa ilropftatl ennrmomly ifoaplulti formerly avarorowdd uro nob fllled kfflclanoy n factorlaa dtoreaaad 10 to iff par oant lvaotloally ovary lahabllunt in at work 8viub deiuwlta have liioraajtad h par canu biw ilamaga baa fallen off shjper aiit waai in homo ditriotti raltatl koo par eent thla appllea to peumtntii weiklno u day laborer itople ah eatlnp itatur tuid ooitlier iood daltar elothlng in worn by llio poor eluw agricultural liuplement uloa hi pnreeitl larger imjwlkmiwwtt deereaaad 12 per m i au tha ottawa journal yu irnuiiii- tta look good for tho rmiilth of pmlilliltlon id oourlo col james ballantine receives the cmo was recolved by king gcorgo at buckltigliam palace and given this distinguished honor high honor for a halton boy a iicp4ui from fytntlon fng on mod duy ruld bluut col iam llajanlliia 7fltl lut- ullnti c i v wax raoalvad by king tluorgn v at lltiobingharii wlooo yur ly and iiivwum1 with tha hulgnl of coal rutitloti of tlwjortlor of ht mlchaalaiul rt joorno tho iopia of o6rktowitand of haltoo county generally will rojoloa at thla mark ad diall notion ooitlarred by his majaaty uiwii col llatuntlim hlamrvloea at tba front liav evidently iwti of graatar tea- mtrtanc than any of ua raajiiad col ualuntlna a un af john italian- tine i u of laokotown of whloh town tho colonal la h native it baa ejwaya baan hi homo aiccept wluti ha iijj bn abaeot bervlny ida country on tlta haltuavld it t 11111 hi- hoi and lira uuium hkm tha hem tlraa ilurnlug tbara and will im raily u walooma br dutld- gulkliad huabaud houafct tlw tkwt of tba war col iuiui una kervd in tha uouu african war and vji rwdy t avia aa booil hh tint 0j eo fotf tb tsobollla hon o th irt co4ilfut abd at nu oavrwl hla mrvlca ha w dvnmu aa lujaraml byind in oooitiiatkl of tba 4th tlattallon hawuwoumudu ml juilm aiul lovalliud ittiia liavfu ln awanud tin d fl o of hi gllattsy at he julian lafct fall bo wa rwiutd la rw tba ttuji llallalloti wlkli unit lie ub 6vor aa a bumith 0 ha boua tl loag urvlca nidl- miutaby motes u fttnuy 1wi of tha artiluy lualpb vulud fruumla u oo htunlay private hblppaa of toroato hwat a lay or two lut w with lira hklpoi aid ottar frlulj in tu war bitum rporu itulldau that m lua llutu1ir of lluhi will b rtalnd ficd canaila uila iuubh to uilltary purpoaaa kaa wj rolvl bra u tuawlay umji ru iao cail of aeud l bci adulttvd to tba bapiul in vtnxto hattmug from 4 il i aliocb corp j uotavlji of th 8aih lutta- llon apmit tba wfetkettd with ur a maotatmi a farawll vuit bfora going rsaa tijwu o a aaud tbamu llatur- aof ouolpli will go to lwawawa wblla th83rd and g4tli will go to tba ltedod catup for tbalr suuww tralnlug abortly corp ucorga corp btaiatbiarbt obrp bwackbaniar of th acton futeod hava bean promoted to tlia rank of eurgaaat and pta hrtd llarr ia now a latt6otw hiral ir w t u kaonay v b of wu it kan nay j 1 and form t of th vua viuum who ii on aetiv aarvto with tba royal vatahnary corp of th brltlab rorooa in itrewoe liafl baea prouotad fraot th rank of fjautaoaut to captain cap- tain kan nay sound good for our djuy u a latter frotu ur l 1 soyuw of th royal ilaab uootreal aaya b bad jua raoelvad a uttar from hi boo it cbatua knydar of uouill unlvaralty lutulioa who la la trenckoa taken from th cartaaa which are wora for tuuek and filth tbaa ordinary ditch and attird bo uor pro tection ii la in good aplrita wall and hopeful the following man of aetoa ptatoou ware at bora for flunday 1 private row sweckhainernugur uobart w stewart via o cook lie eaadown it jwalur it clifford it l atklnaoa pi el a btewait pto j coooay pt parry ft uahii pto a cook ft j loatut it a wetun it a paoa pt j p boar- row bargt uaorga boout a audrod another successful year under 1u mew putor tho uothodlat churoh ruuf prosperod at tha fourth tpiarterly hihiik af the 0urlr1y oiflcul iloartl of tho mclhodut cliurah lokt wedaeulay nvetilng tba annual rioru of th various dutrtiitenth of the church war protontod thea raporta akowwl raault gratifying allka to tba paater and tlta mambera of tha hoard luv h w avlfcon m a ii i i- juat oomplallag hla first jeara paalcrau and tit work of lit yr baa manifaatad plaodld huparialandaoay by hint and a wall worked organiutlen uuob credit la due for tlia nergatiti ttorim of thla popular mutor he ia belovad by all rbv if w avibon u tub uiwtirrke tba fund at tb taalntatianoa of th toe lukj aij ltr varloaa activltla bav bn wll auatalaad aitd ar all it a eat faotory tooditlot wbil th otfwinga to th6hibmloa futtd bav all baatt g aioua all indabiad oa tha oburcb baa ud ouarad off th itaraocuga ha wm auu due tb uuloury fubda aggraat 7w0o owulbuud a follow 1 coagivgauoti mm60 rjubilay hcbool il7id kpworui laagu tshll tb wooana ulnlodary tiaauty m tb teipta of th quart ly hoard wr hu i al tb truau iuatj 810o 1 of ua rutubty bchooj fct0 jo of tb tpwortb laagu jim 1 af lb laji aid bocuty till 1 for cwu out vumij th auu of 5140 tba total baaoaa rhrd during tba year tat all parpo waa iiss tt mwtt kilr aklp u 2vl mew eoooumow scoool vqv s s mo 7 b4uelur uld uft aagaweya near tha brick work at tit meatlng of ketiuaalng council um weak tb trmtiaa of tb nw union aahonl motion no 17 rquad tb council to paaa a by law to itorrow 0ooo for tha erection of tb propoaad nw acbool and otlier naoaaury akpanaaa tha by law waa introduced read thra titnaa and paaaad a reanlutlon waa paaaad aulhorlaloft tba commlulonar ab nonal to bulkl aid vralk on th wiuth aid of fctraat daaorlbad by a delegation tha resolution lialng aaonr ity for tho money neoaaaary to couplet ukmc tumlu to u raturnabl from atatuta inlior with littaraat at 5 per oaol par annum till paid tho following aooounta war uiu aiok iryd otutrity 1000 mm proctor chatlty law ijreenlea ilrou ubtib 12w 1 uarchmant clearing up after lllan tltod flavi 1 aa wilhin rep 4llt h ihlgo jwh3 wm kuwum olaaitlugdltoli 200 1 ii uacketikla lumbar 3lh7 jtwi ii tbnitipaou ammor 7a6a wm rnwinuu ho roda feno jft00 roroitln 1 if nl tab tualiitatiadm of ridnoy uloauuy 2vcu can ingot co oulverta iui70 il hiilfatan culvert no 10 77 wm alaundor aiproaci to farto is 00 tolm rule work on town una 900 wm utrunder oulverb i bo dr klxon korvlocata ur flraan floo dr moallutcr urvlcea to ur iroei 200 a uoulura fining wb ilraaob ilrldgo uocluro halogottuaury bill h iraatuword oollaotoir lfl00 corp nf laorgatowii light on hnribgoraakhill 0s5 quarantitv huppllai fllan kpldetdto j a whmtar 000 jebn uollonahl 00 mam allan sm haya ab ik0 par tier i wm john wahlrou 07 roda fane 2120 troaa chlnguooouhy for ahaire of culvert b000 alfred hyda datoago through hrokan oulvert mfio lb jt whauy waa ppoiuud patbtaaaur in place nf e edward la ptv 77 and andraw uodonald in plm of thou an deraott ttoimcll atljotirnad to ueeb aa court of llovihionon juno ijtli oeukfla m cw motes thla la lb eouai day that th brltlth kplr b bwi at war with carioaay uor tbn 4000 bwoibtrft of tb uahm of krtubd bav aluud for eotii twrvlo auaander urowd of uamillod auw to- roato waa drownaj 06 vubuiaa laland luu c-0- will law il uarakall d h o popular tikoto ofuor baa beao killed la aotlo john holaad u year old waa round dtadiaudatxmriohhuhul etrut wet toronto luulcol w r uarhall of th 15th ratulion formerly of hamlltca waa klllad in actua it i ballavad tbat ruw than jo000 canadian trad unloolat have enlutad for fttrvloe at tb front lau thurday fir did damage in tb graaahouaaaof um k l willi at o alt to tb aitanb of 11500 tb univarelty of toronto booord it aoldur una at but wka ooovocatloa la a moat liaprmiv mnrtar ifiv hundred yoang md bav ollaud for nrinni aarvloa froai tit uatbodut cbtirohu of th oodaricb dlauict uaul oe h bataman formally of braatforj waa inatantly kilud luaa aaro- ptan aoeldent at ooaport england lottdoa tax rata la quad at s28b wllla eolnalvof local wprovetuant us th hlgbtat in tb oltya hutory tbotaa duckworth eodvleted for tk murder of hla brotbrln law at grand vally but noeotber u givd a nw trial paaoa can only ooua through a daodlv ailiad victory preuur druod told a delega from th huaalaa diimaou 11m- day a so of c200 waa lupoaad 00 quo vu wen bt cathailnaa but vriday 00 00a vlctloo of having a tftfantlty of opium in hla laundry aux panall was fladi06atbraatford foroaahlnga ohqu after having given another man power of attorney over all ehequet received ur george andaraoo prominent in buel naaa and formerly lyd oommuiao to japan a native of vargua died ab tb age of 71 at torooto 00 vrlday a bill utaodlng tba ufa of lu oauadkn parllawaut baa ba ntroduoad in tha urltlah ifoua of cowuona and waa glvaa aaaoodd reading on tuaaday lake auauehlpe tranaportlng troapa to niagara oatup war ooovoyd by uaaitnad reeula tlta orawa of which war 00 th lookout for german american ulna it la eald tbat ofiorta ar being mad to inducu ur adam bhortt chairiuan of tit civil bervloa comtnualon to aocit tba prliiolpaulilp of queoa oulvamlty angar agaliut tba ueruana envar paiha uinlatarof war and talaat itay ulnliur of tho laurlor la growing la th tuikleu arwy awl auaog tb paopla j a hutcuum k u of llroakvllia baa beau appointed by tit government aa couaul toaaiut ilrcbarlm luvldjoscotn mlailouerod war iruhaaea la aueoaaalon to cent jol11 thompaon roalgnad nidhouallomauucktrt bulgarian grocer of iort waller waa ooavloud bafof uag utrata bheppard of nlagatuon tbalaka of keeping a blind plff and qnad woo while waiting for tit departure of tha koldlarihtthdnnooatbajrlinoii uonday uayor w l ulllunlof wauilooaooidant a broke hla aim wblla cranking bl auto- aaoblbs a1uhi batt of bukilo hla wife awl bar mothar mr sarah tlahur way drowuad in tha nurgar river ab bridge- burg whoa their automobile backed off a ferry on sunday tfarao obandara pleaded guillty oti tburaday to tba eharg of being under tho lohuano of liquor in iatroua which i a local optloa municipality tba magistral impoaad on aach tb tdlulmum ho o wm and ooatii they had beau made drunk ab barn la ooaooouubof a dlmluutloa in tba output of uunltlonh due to evoeeelva drink lug ulnlator of uunttloo albert tliomaa of vraac baa laauad itutructlona that may worker fonud undar tha influanoe of aioaholahall immaduttaly b teat to tb dgbtlug una hot weather goods 1 magic madtkr no h powder ulrtmh itaaala rtaau taura uauulo and mlllloenb uoflowan of vergua a trio frow the village choir of 10 vear ago will apttar in ttaatuiua and glvo aavara good numhermabtbo town ball uonday oven- lug three praly yltutxh ww and bairthcm a conoert will ba give uonday even jnguaytmui in that town hall under aueplo of tb loath battalion and ovary- bady weloomo all tb teat local talent i a fin triu from swgua and ut aoton it i lilt willappiar tleketa sfle trapauiar c cushions tho townahlp hall o poatod with cmh bcatt tlioa trmfelgarun are n comfort loving paopla tbalr maabi of ufa aavor much of th luxurious and ven their public build inga baapeak utelr fondnem for th easy chair th interior of tliab majaallo pile of brioka known aa utatownalilp ball luw been raeau1 and wild kaata with culi tone too the crowd that gather for tl groat nomination meeting uually adjourned whan darknaea airoacheil itecaub of th bard beach bub now with omlloned mat it will take luybreak to cue th uudianoatoduband por over thirty year tbtmaamocualilon adeaatadld wrvlc in oabvlli uathmllat church and war m charged with comfort that during tboaayaara many wan waa toothed to aluwur while hi favorita taa lorwetullvimganlmpahioud uriuou and m what brought alaep to tltn alert oaivjll churchgoer will auraly jufct auit th uuuraty agricultural nobility oftrefal gar in other word tit former mat from lb 0kvlliutltodmt church bav bntraua fwrwl cuahlon awl all to tba iouvllle ball and w cougratuuta tit trafalgar council upot aacurlng inch good aeatiiitf fakvllu rur klw and tb work flltu with yxi marry and you alb at homr buooem cooli irota good work cf uni than l doe frooi good luck moat popl think it mora fooluh to give titan to raoelv lutliou white waistii in voilo crtipe silk twoway coham a uplendid rango etc light underwear ladicu mintea and children ladles sulcine lisle hose white or black u per pair ladies silk boot hose white or black jfl to ft0 per pair misscfl and children lialc ribbed hose black white and tan ijj pair boys ribbed cotton hose bulldog or rockribbed brands per pair i boyn lirrhtweieht cotton hose ribbud itfc per pair infants muslin bonnets at hip range jjf to ati childrcns and miusea straw headwcir 2ft to gfl choice pincapplcc a for ji tatc juicy sunkint oranges 10 per dozen jello powdert all flavors or fancy cakes splendid assortment 8 lbs ibrm henderson co mill st acton oat o00000000000000 ipkavtho2 ytoaomto camazu how to keep well uvjoiin u h utocixougif ml dpiu t ov tiiu iliovifjcfall iioaiid ov iikal1 ii i t46444444w464w44 this column will contain from wuok to wook lomo tlmoly lilnta on how to ovoid sickness and maltitaln good hoaltli it la rculliud that sinco till nowipajmr vlalta niaiiyiundroda of liomca and a mod by thouaanda of readers every woak no iwitlor rnoana could bo taken by tho provincial board of getting nowa relating to public health beforo the poofilo of tho province the wan to of human life la incalculable at tho prttont tlmn about ono fifth of all tho babloa born dlo before they reach the npr of ono inar altout ono third of all doatha aro deaths of it mall children in a properly roaulaud community there nliould bo no di nths among xtahtk ov liable onobair thn adult iloatha nro duo to connump- kfuma lllf hon pneumonia and cold tho boot health autlmiltlen aro nf thr opinion that all dcatlm duo to bacteria and to other than accidents caroloaanoaa cau ba pm von ted thn provincial iloard of health wanta the pooplo to know uomo thing or the things it la doing for theru tor icatancni a youna married woman writing from bnakatcbowun whom alio went to live a fow yoara ago nays after i got homo ray huiband and i both had diphtheria wo had the doctor and ho gavo tho children ave in all antitoxin and wo ouraelvok had it and aoon not welt but tho antitoxin coat ua flo 00 that big outlay wont ofur in ontario hocauan thn provincial unnrd nuppum diphtheria antltnxln to doctor boapltala and ovnry ono roqulrins it ab dolutely froe of chargn including tho postage not only thla bu pa tour treatment for rablcu amallpox vaccine aotl meningitis aorum totanua antitoxin and typhoid vaccine are supplied froo to tho public a the donrd alnco thn war bosan haa auppllod all tho typhoid vaccine aonid 300000 doaoa uacd by tho canndian troop tiip wnliu of thla ocr- vlrn to our aoldlora will bo appreciated when it la known that wbllo ovci 8000 men died of typhoid fever durlnn the uocr war rwino that la 700 more than were killed or died from wounda tiik hoiidifcnm there have been bo far 453 enate of too fevci lu rtoi-u- inted men with 34 denmis a mortality of ovo per com nniong ihnno innculntnd twlco tltoro have boon 31ft canon with 10 death oi alx por cent while in thoao not inoculatrd thero hnvo boon 117 catun with a death rate of 20 0 por cent time it will bo turn that inoculation rottuc tho doothrnto to onequarter of what it 1 in tho unliioctilntrd whllnt tho rlak or contracting th dhuiaaa la nbout 114 of what tt la tn thonn not protect ml the dlicovery haa it la aald nlready nnvod th drltlah foicoa a whole army corps uoro than a million drltlnh troop nro in franco ub to tho middle of january only 13g0 enwm of typhoid fever had occurrod laat aummcr tbo niagara camp where tho wnler supply la taken from tho rlvor carrying tho diluted imwago of buffalo nlagarn knlla and other town and wliero about 12000 men woro tralnrd waa carried on without alnglo eato of typhoid fovor arialng in tho camp blnht yon ago aoyen small outbroaka of typhoid fevor nt varloua plucoa in the neighborhood of mow york city were traced to a cook who waa round to bo a chronic typhoid carrlor that la a namon who whllo appar- vl mi llow infoctlog ouior pooplo willi them thl tviluhdmallv woinad who became known aa typhoid mary wag do- i la a h aovoral year by tho now york city dopirtmont of health but waa finally dlachargad oa her promlli not k ao nrfxtrnv h int arbll dlaappoarod rrom notlco fo ao no tlmn but laat january whatj twontyflvo caxes of tvnhold rovv ssta ryphwurt n vork o cooxtu 31nl in cnnvoeallou hall unlvrally ol toronto tbo rrornj whlee lorlo o now lork oily who will loolura onon dldhlhrl cnuin numll oonriw will 4111 aonio ol hi oioorlonea at tb irani mr tihisi haloj of mllwukoo who will drlbo ih nw ws s rpml by norotlon and ualor w d b ohrpo il brim jlon ws ln mk from hln1 iporionn ol anliary condition in oirbla th wista pmcllcal and iianpy dlc upon vrlou public health prebtanm innnnmi iinnimn nnnnnir nnnniiiip notice bre3adfeo buns 8o cookies 8o cakes 8c 8c 8c our loif in the larcbt cold in acton and tho quality is the best russells s mill st si acton ont nnhh ttfinhbp nnnnna a public pledge iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiilllig waste paper rags rubbers wanted by tub red cross the acton red crosn aid society desires to secure another car of wanle paper and in addition all paper boxes old books and mag amines rags and rubbers obtainable they solicit tho cooperation not only of all citizena but the farmoru ol the community and will bo glad to receive contributions from all a general collection will be made by the boy scouts about the first of june but if any desire to have contributions gathered before that date a card to the undersigned will en sure prompt removal the receiving station will be the old baptist church elgin street mrs w h stewart convener op commi1 ibb when an advertiser pats hio an nouncement in the columns of this newspaper he thereby gives a pledge to the public we believe he will keep faith or we would not print his advertisement the advertiser knows that his only chance ol making his announce ment is to play square there is a protection in dealing with advertisers that is not to be had other wise they have made their promises in the open in the ficc of the world and they must keep them or be din credited tho advertising in this newspaper in a reliable guide to the men who play square mmhhhmmhmhahmhhamahammmh m 18 oo summer iooo m suitings s mndetomeasure loavo your order now for a spring suit and avoid disappointment eahter sunday hats hats your new hat is here positively the new est and everything now in furnishings w a deverell the clothier h h at w m m m at at m ar acton out n buy made itl canada goods iltfiu lbligrugcntan hc juclliobit tjjurrh tton liwavfj ommabbmlnlt bu dav mav cbth a m h iuili t mndu oracoour kauntiiiii i iu mliiutu tnlk with tha imiyu nml jlil uuiic i irillliy flotl o zloit s ituynnil tho 1 bit i m snljct wlnt in man mil nit- tho kiii of glory hliall coniu in a i ho snug of victory bitndiiy bcliool nt a 30 p m allli wktleokaju wantbd rihi3 ijlovo malmiru illeiw work eooj wutfi autoijmlvk co 3 toronto wanted choickc dutt mkcmii woob ninill it caul prlna will t pall tor cliblm llullcr bill i ritl i ailmal 41 if iattiniilus it hutoiiuit ulfof klrktciarihroafjilangk foil ualu a i srfla n irttr in 1 hjji 1 til i ariilii iltm 1 vuiiuur mr rurtfttii lciu uihowlilki at loo jakp ok thanks till tnui umllyil ilui i on ultl of laii a4 ar lit mi rmlnlliibnlllh a4 tail 1 lnii hah ol iu1au0j ii al lirrib ii li i i us huuma4lbl i i ml llli i llli l icli 11 y iul tt iiuilt ftua oil ii limiri ro 1 1 ljy lll4 in cov u sell riu i ih tlt 01 1r llucli uuh uumi to uorlliy til it 11 lain rwtatlod uloi jauuuucuowgtl 1uujiuc way j i ul thk viijlage of acfon gouilt ov itvisiok ol a emu mill la i t coubajl olaubw at wiulltoll tl oe i vlifl b ulnca to uu tatj gat arkvlulaj ioatluj t ll iabu uu laj ilaxd aj uacuiuom daud it abioo thin itu dy cf uy 1011 fa townliip of nanaaimweya oouht op itfc noyill ibhoritiy clvn thai il bh4 ui- inocf ilia com t oiusiuian o- k fama- jlilp nl h4iij4wf will uj bau id uui te lill uil 00 mo h dav mav soiii lead i an a i to i aar all total laluta aaalaal tha ainauol holl fur iui0 all imfaaua bavlua liualium in lu uijo i rjjuuj io attiiij t il mai uy ta joum uaiuullii olaah dalai al ijuaaaaaayk till liih day al if ay lua monotell the purebred stallion win the record of u5j whiou bmama uch a favmlta darlaa bu liori hwu ian ysa will ttand aualii durliia ilia aoaaau al lulu in bl dhuiilbll lothxalmlb una 1 lmalorj with a vjaw to lnvluu imrta mau tvbobava ol r loaruajol uoooisll loaltsaau eobia and usal lila lb lanni to inturabava baas duoad ur tlila j frto i3 io fin oj ii ii hlfea li h dcaa v u bom cement k coopeu acton cemekf contractor for bridges silos walkb floors walls etc also agent for de laval silos separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale auction sale of valuabiiib vilil- aje lkojfflbtt and houbjgiiolo bf- ficctb tho uiuloihicned will boll by public itiuluu for hilt uodb11t nioklih at tier homo on inirvlow avenue acton on savuhdav iotii juhib at two o ttock tho following 1 1 iron and bnu kdutoad felt hint trehfl 1 wojmich bodtdend 1 it bprliigs 1 bureau 1 toilet net 1 pandora stove aa rood nn now 1 blnst hooter now 1 hnlnnlnir rod 1 lenf tabto cherry 1 little itnl mil un vilieil 1 mimll iaf table 1 stand tabic 1 writing deak 1 whatnot 1 rockliif chnlr a kilclion ciipbaanl piartor cut nnk hour bnrrcl it wavlt htatitl 1 lootiinjj- ithun 1 gonil waaliltig innchiiio 3 uiiuli tuhi as ynnl linoleum ltituhun tntik- f ydu ii nolo u m chnlr hoddlnff pllloivit rnkch hoe ahoveln duiicu tiiiiiu 1 i ilium other tlilnga too mtmorouf t niontion nlso thla valuable proiwrtv will be offered for aale with a renorvud hid tomir for moucbliold good caih for tho proiwrly will lu nmilo known on npiultntion or ut time nf sale ii bultiloah auatla ttaat new wonder- land the tonioiit falioiilil a mniliur tlii by fox illinu with lit its nntincu tba itoytd aulrotii mill joan sotliarn vltldav mavctl nearly 11 rmlv with imale jniiln uonidav uav0 iepuodu it o llio ilrokuit coin ufkdumtcudav mav a pplhoriu of nml of tliu navy com i no a loti tliuru wan with tlicda duxu tnkoii from tho f amoua tmeni lho vatuplie hyttudjard klplltig l- gregory

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