Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1916, p. 3

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wall papers cviutta iaii i window aiiaimu ouitlaim vovuh wecarr a complete stock oui prices nro low marriage liloiiiuiu luniild gjbo hynds omtatllo sky some 30 miles from toronto about one hour a ride lo a place tlioy cnll georgetown j a wllloiifcliby ruuldiu ho llata nlkhit 400 furinu of different nliapua nuil tiiaos no fancy tnlk 110 idlo ynrnu lit uura has got 01110 prixta if your farm in not uo jfooil vour pioflu gutting low jmt tuko a trip lo georgetown good farms to you lieu show ffibe jlctou y jtass tiiuksihy may as lino brief local items kings hlrtlidayralurday inl tune another week commenced with a wet tall u 11161 ha just niwtill u0o tor new are lloas there wiui a flurry nf snow on thurw dy taoralng oujpli ban bill over 1 100 cat of uamslas thla yr gualphn population has decreased httirtl kundrd during hie year bsrilti elclora voted lam tridaj in favor of changing tlio city a namo tha druuniars hnacu club will eel istta at oaorgalowii on july jrflh and owing to tlia ictoua ltay itoliday he vus isik u ihusii this wcl a day ur 1w utut uoai ttbw doulle tenement mr iv h fitorey bs hd under ooouructloa u ner tatf obniphtllon tu f jl fttiia for walton will be held fcl ullton on tunsds fcpucdlwr vuh jaj- uujuu11 will ptwda fuirffcalowil high school hoard ui fcbomut ur ca of hinictw to lw tli tiw teslbrulkal uiasur at a talary of 81500 uu loitlo johnston of tlia soond llai laquaalug brought the itnl c llila aia04a toqut of wood violas on vti day ulltoo will volo on a by uw on tbu lutb juttd to rata 81 mm ou tn j war tis pr cut dlmuturai for struct improve umu tha pasture now are beautiful cai ltotdad as uy are wltli pretty spring flowers and eoricbd with limpid pools ami kubiau brooks iryouout it lonaly hiding pbic um iujv pnay ftwiu tlia day wliila lilioa bltdd tblr fragraut gracj it a tho goodly biatilb of uay ur k u pain of mllun liaa ttoen fcpolntwl uli and gains inspector for lbs fcmiity town and neighborhood to succeed il lata it i brown mua annl itordio ima ocoeptod tlis 6jtiod of lady superintendent of tba lulolt oeaaral hoapitui to kucc1 ulaa kuakia wltobaa retired uunday wa jlorloua day iv lie fcfefcawiilly anjoyd tlia brlubt aunkhlna aud tb knaay bauuaa and aluuollona afforded by eaturd la bar pretty vernal rarb at tha polio court monday wornliiffa faitttiwr f rota acton wluibad found luelpli whukaya htti too etrong for bltn waa flawed and ooata flualjji mereury qaa elwarfnl proapuct arising from tbs wet waatbar and lata aphng l tbo fact that tba by crop la growing splendidly and thr me indication of a heavy yield geo h ijuol on i- u netting luiy and m tpradoala of oaorgatown lllglt ucbool la ptftstdeat of idalia huto normal school at kluaaburff andiiaa a ualary of jliwlo ball talapbona linemen or making axtatulva improvement to tba plant in tawai a eabla ayntem will replace tba feeomaof wiwaon mill uml llnln btraeta attbouaatlng of tluelpb 1reabytery lab weak lav t u wiluon ii a wan ftppolatad a oammlasloner to ntbeml tlia twwlag hiaetlng of the loneral aaumbly i at wldnlpao in june uora mail work than uiual will be aaoesary tbla aummar to gel tbo roada in anything ilka a comfortublo oondltlan lut winter wnu tlia iwrdoit on tbo roada w bava had in u ilooade io you appraoluta clean utraota 7 cor ulnly you rift wo nil io tliun lot iih ba careful uot to drop tboupbtloly wawto paper tvolopoa itnnana xkinu empty dwntittittd candy btga aa wo a nlong ita a alovettly habit tfba shop lioeima of hording llroa liquor dealer tuelpli imu bwtn hiirpowiul for two wcoka by tbn irmltirful comntb aloaerj forelilpplug unuor tp looet option puoaa tltla aaitm firm nblppod lluor to aeton with impujpilty whnit thio town waft under local option ily an man linotit to tbo munlalpal aaa paad last wwlon litdnrpimtod vill t ar given tlio pnwora cunforred on el tie ami towna in regard to gujuigo no uetlan tbu will anal in i iyj coutioiu to cuforoa liealtliler nuiiitn j oon lltlonu wllblnoorpontlnn iliniu children dry for rietchers c a s t o r i jou kverylkkly grab tba hflldlom at tlia town ballon monday nvonliiff may jfflili 1iir taut uppearanoa in anton there will ba a eplondld programmo admlmlon 1 oeuta all ovnr tbo bait 100 uewahd 100 tlia indadaw of tbla paiwr will 1 pleawil totearu tlmttlisra iut leant one threaded d liuiaalonob hai lieen oblo to our in all da atugan and tlmb la catarrh oatarrb blnjf rreatly inlluenoed by con autuuoniit condition roiuitoa uoubtltui tlonal treattiutnt lfaua catnrtb uura u taken hiternally unduiitatbrouutlitballlood en tba mucoum uurfacoi of tbn uyatem thaftiy derryltitf tho foundation of tint dlaaaaa glvlnp tha patient atrengtli iry bultdlug up tba constitution mini atoihtluf luuura hi dolnr iw work tlia iiroprletom bava mo tnuali faith in tha oiihttivo wwar4 of ifaua cuurrli cure that thoy offtr otta kandrafkltollarafuratiyoabtt that it falli toottra bohd for lltof tatlmonlala addrawi vj obenoy a co toladfi ohio bold by mil lrtiguu 7sfl news of local import ouolph tin pt ut s call mow pnstor arall baa ismii dntfiiided by tlio ptut burnli unulpb to uav a f jordnn 1 1 ibn liplltcohogm llrundnii lo till the miciiucy c4umhi lij iui w v lllndhoii onlixtlng uu obnpbiln nftbe welllul0ii llattallou bowlers schedule for tho season itoprotoiitatlvon from tba acton fieorge iomii ntreeuvllia and milton itowllng clubo 1 not al milton iat weak and drew up n iolioilulo of gmnea for tha awjh tbeta itninoa will be for the tropliy wou lakt ir by loorgotown almost drownod at aoortrotown u irlng tbo lieavy wind atorni tburwlay iiitt u little 4 ytur old daughter of mr and mm thau allen of tba paper mill row whh blown off the bank into the river mr h111i tb a fireman at tlia mill happened to uotlca the little one and reeeued bor barely in time to aave lier ufa herald confirmation at st albttn s church hi lordship nuhop curk of hamll ton will ooimlnot conllrmatlon eervlce in ru alluina lhurch nn sunday evening 1th ju114 at 7 oclock thu will ba tha tlret vlwltol the uulioptnbu albanaalnce kav mr bmltb itacama tha rector and much intermt la being manlfeted in tliia important olllcial vislu 1 0000 flro near ilurllngton tho line lumimr boma of xi r w j houthatn of tba hamilton rpeoutor altu all on the felt ore nt fka onurlo tbrea mllow east of ilurllngton wee corripuuty dtrojl i a fire which broke out on miindoj evening tlm property we aluul at tmoiuu mr houtbam bad ifuwil lite propvrty lit wel to ur i u llulllle of hamilton county council on ttieadjty may 0th the county council adjourned at lt iiitliif to atasmbta ott ttiawlay ilj i nit but aa tba following day will be 1 101 ire luy tba wirdu baa ehangd tba dste t o tuj4y whb in it tta by law to roguleta tlia widtlt of wgon tlr4 will u introduce and rwobably anotlr to ifcua dabntura lor tba buibllug and eoulpuwot of tlie iww luutry ofno at tl titling uoys i don t climb elaotria polo arthur iwluar i3yara of m uu mr ami lira lrot iwir 7itj jrry btrut wee electrocuted et nugara vkllal on hutuuy afuruoon ha irud to climb ertucf the hydro- lwtho lower plant iu rpeocar a wood wleta ba wu playing with a roiiipanlod and eatna iu coolant with tba full valuta urn waa tdly i burnalalout tba faea ami lody aud waa dail when rsioovj buhldglons town privilege coatly hlnca llurbngto jmt 00 tlia alra of a town lr taipayre bat a found it ooatly a new 05 000 auto th fl baa now lison voteil few by tba council tba jaitw uya 1 tlia dbwituradabt of the town today la ovr f ihiooq wbub will lie increased coakblrauy tiy tba cotiatruo tionof luuwif ayalnd aad uooyla ni ad to build utter roj buwa wbool acoom uodatlon end for pstrlotlo purpoe uore than for wvclian travegentaspandlturaoa lira prujectloa an enjoy abla evenlntf t intarwtlag enurtalnuant under tba mspiooi of tlia k o d o and tba choir will ba held in tba bcbool hoon of tba uethoditt church tuaaday evealeg may 30th thar will ba a uoturo on tba war by mr a t ilrown luuktrated with intonating and taglo war pioturaa inolud ing our own deoaaad lteroa aad tlia acton platoon tlia hunday school orclimtra ami tba widely rar owned kitchen orobea tra under laderaliip of conductor lottie moaoa will inters peraa tlia programtaf admiuioo adulta ifto cbiblron 10c the kew bapuat pmtor rar il k donea lata of klooardlna who baa aooeptad tlia call to tlia pastorate of tha ilaptut church here commenced hi work aa putor laat hunday while bla aermona ware not apeoially prepared aa in augnral diaeouraea uiey wore full of inter oat and weremuoh enjoyed by tbo oougre gallon hev mr jonaa haa apleaalngrie livery aud la as aaraeet and lmprslve praaclier u la having dlffioulty la find lug a suitable house for a pariooaae and mre jonoa and tba family will not remove to acton until a iiouhd la aeoured ur jonaa returned to klnoardina ou monday evening i hill streets hew headway contraeter law completed tha work of ooatlng mill street roadway with cruehed atone and hot urvu but thuraday tba atreot praaenta a flna appaaranoa and tlia new roadway give every evidence that it will ba ptrtrwnenb and in oil reepecta aatla factory it baa been carefully and honeet ly ooni true ted baa a good crown dropping few inches from centra to curb and appears to lie thoroughly oenaalldated i tho top tlreulng of utid oauaee tba atraeta lie somowliat duaty at tlmea bub tlio rphin baud la to ba awept off after a few months o contractor bis aver done work forthla tauntclpajuty who wanifeatad greatar dulro to fulfil bla ooatraxt in 1 flrat clojui nunuor tlno ur ijw baa dona with uilapldoo of work ha remarked to tltofitku phium onn day while tit work wan hi prograaai if tha job auita ma i can uuura you it will oeuafy tba uembera of the council i und i aw determined that it hhalloonia up to my own ideas of first- cufaatrool mr law luu watt com pctent foreman in bla napliaw mr hoy law mid another nephew ur pwrdylaw operetaatlmataaiu roller willi the skill ol a veteran mail builder tba road making outllt waa iihlppail to milton wbaro tlio work on main street luu heanoommanoed an0tueb actomb0y in trahce william j wajdle son or mr alex waldle esq in transport ser vice at the front tba fun vuma waa very plaiej to rooelva tlia following brief nota a ndaplioto grapb from mr win j walillo eon of alex wajdle faff thuwoeki hour mr moore 1 i thought i would drop you n una or two und aaiul my photograph in uiy war unl form i am driving an army trenapoit wagon in vmnoe far tha urltuii foroea you will rumeinber ma of eourae i am a eon of alexander waldle of aotoo hut went ueab a number oi years ago kind regard to all old frlonda voura truly wj waidik no ia3ii9 army tranauort driver imver waldlo euuatad ab llratulon man ilia training on tha old farm homo in handling horaaa will ba of great valua to ilm in ida praeenb reipotudbla poaitlon wltli tbu uriny aarvloa if man la ulwya making new friend ita generally u algu that bla old frlendi are onto fln balumafad mr frod htigglitu htd tlio inufortuim to lin thrown otf i it uiunum hpruudar tba ntlidr duy whilo tuiiilug out to nvold a groundhoga liolo ho wuu oauijlit 011 tha hip by a projecting pirt of tha maohlnnry und hu4taiiifl u painful woind he hua not 1 1 mi a ahto to wrrk alnoo horvlnn whu held lait sunday evening in the ireabyterlau cliurob und will be con tlnued each alternate sunday evening un till further notice some inemlierh would appreciate aorvlce every sunday evening mra llert itogem of toronto i the gueut of bor mother mru jeinea camp bell mr and mra flurduer and child ran of noton moloroi lo llallinafeil oit sumlay and wcro the guofcta of mr and mra var noil mim hai he hiijers of aahgroo la at haine juat now mr aud mra fjraluun of karuil vialtel mr mid mra itaruell on sunday hfl j c wilhun ii a cluuiifilokiu to llulutl afelkwilv at wlvmili jl l obituary mua fuimi hi luih cocral aympatby will u flt for mr krank ifouiu in llw duth of i la wife but iridjy mra hoiiam liaa ltu ill hium but ipiilr ami her death took iuoa at tu lww of hsr fatliar mr tbomaa mat ia loelpli the day fallowing acton tall fair mra i tola wnt lo lulph nn a vuil stia wen elan titeu4- ly ill wblla titer end waa never aufilciuitly t mi- 1 to latum to iter hom liera tba juilpli mercury mb hlia wa liorti id flualph ami ii v- 1 luwaall iwrllfd until the wa marriej to ur frank hohooa of ac too in july i0h sla waa a uwuiur of tli4 woolwich fit iliptitl church 1 waa a fatbful and willing worker aa a sunday school tchr a tba primary department and a valud mmbr of tlia cliolr fof a number of jura lusida a aonrowiug hualiewl alia leave to uoura bar loi fattier and mother two brotwa iuiu of brmktoo and frank of cuelpli 1 alaoooa siur mra winwr who la critically 111 at bar fatliar i homa 1 elo a boat of friorida who mourn her tea in tlia oomaiualty waltlu r caufbku ileceamd who died at tba heraa of ur ralxrt ijlnif arthur street on mooday horn in soot land in ibm he came to canada with his parent wlven two yeara of age the family eat tied in i muww when in bla toena waller wrote on tha a nominations fur teacher and succeeded in eeourinu a fintcuss certificate he taught for a number of yeara and tlico went to college where ha alao took high i tending lie taught in various parts of caned alweya with auooeaa ho retired from tba profoulon of teaching eight yeara ago aad realded in toronto until laat december cbrlatmaa week lie came to visit hiafrienda tba ialnge ha waa in poor health when lie coma ami far a time improved hut about tho flrat of february be waa confined to bla bed and novor was able again to leava iu he was vary patient through all his waaknaaa and never wu heard to murmur ilia apirit took ita ilight ab neon on mon day mr camplieu vaa a aoldler aa welt aa a teacher when nineteen ha enlisted in tha army of tba united state duriug tha civil war and aerteri two yeare h reoclvod a wound in tha light arm but soon recover and was on duty again ha haa been receiving a good pension for o number of jeara mr camplmll loved his bihla nd made 11 cartful atudy of it tbo funeral will lie held thla afternoon at two ieloob to fafrvlew cemetery mra lai eg baa bad a o ig spell of nursing tha lata john ruinauy paieed away al tba earae home after a long lllneaa few waaka ba fore mr campbell came promise op a oheat pbu1t chop pcftohoa and all other frulta in the niagara uutrlct have bright proi poets sl fatliarlnoa onl may 2j p ii orlndlayof tlia ikunlnlod fruit braoob at ottawa arrived hern on irhlay from tbo luaok ivniuauta and baa eponi tba but throe rioya investigating tlia proapaou for pauhoa aiitl otlior frulu in niagara dur ing that time ho baa inspected orchards and interviewed growera in wlnoita crlmahy iloamsiillo viuoland port dal housle niagara 011 tlid iako and ijuaen bton aasronultof hu vlsib ba la in poaitlon to gue a report 011 vaunt oondl- tloua tho fruit altiutlnn mny ba bleed up in tha ainglo atulomont that trees of all varieties uro bearing a full load of hkvuoma in foot tba whole ponlusuu is literally flekl of bloom aitd lover of nature could not spend tlnvo moro prollubly und agrae ably than by viltlug any fcmtlou betweeu ham ii ton mid niagara falls during ibis wook tha mora optlmlatlo growera malntalu that tlia 1010 blossom ih tba largoat aver seen in niagara ami judging from tho appearanoo uf tba tree at tlia proaent time otio could hardly lujlp agreeing with them heooiitly however therahave been heavy rains and occasional low tamper turea which may liavoinutrfored with pob bmlnatlon tht sbovo report applies 110l only to peuohaj but to all varieties of fruit includ ing itaara plums cherries and apples mr urliulley slated that lie luul aaeti aooroely n aiuglo troo of any of thee fruits that had not u full mad of uoom every thing polnta to n urge total crop and ono allghtly ureatar tluin bub vr it must always ba liortie in mind that thla report la baaed only upon iba amount of bloom and therelnulwayaa possibility of unforeseen factors ratluelug tha crop between now and tba data of harvesting the grape crop la the only one thatcanuot now ba aatlmated as tha vines will nob blottou until early in juno social and personal mim itortlo smith baa imho iu toronto tha past wok mlau llnwil hurt was linnio from toron to over sunday scout m 1 sopur ih home from orange villa far u few days mr and mra harold wildguatand obll drn ilslud reltlvs in waurloo tldaweek mia annie itotlgera of flora visited berfrlaitd mlaa wilms jobnatoiic for tba week end mru w h chubolm and children of core bay wero guests this week of mrs aba bcord mra itevjj j uddy and miss uddy of heapeler were gueate at tlia methodist parsonage lost thursday mrs it j mekechhle and children of itoclieaur n v are homo for an extend cm vltlb with bar parents xir and mre o baper mrs j f i jvingiton and children of mt foret are spndng tha week at tlia borne bf tier parents mr and mrs cnorga boper mr awl mra 1 b deaoon and mr it butler mrs lacon alsler havareturned from i lorida where they spent the winter ololw mr and mra fnmluahooikandcblldrau and ulsaea tenule and mary ford of ull ton visited ut the home of mr win land- borough lake ave last monday mr j m moore of tlia oeorgu wn llerakl was in town saturday uftemoon with his fine new overland car mra moore and mlaa moore accompanied him itev if w avluu m a h d and mr j ii do tiny utu tried tha annual trtjwtlng of lualph dlntriot of tit matho dkt church ut juslpli this weak mr h mr4 joji llohnau mli hor 6iict and mr frank willlums went to ouipli on moiulay tn attend tha funeral of urn frank holmaa u ra cumjus camplwli of ottawa aooooi pmiiiwl itr sister miss kerr when aha ra tumd from ottawa but week she will make a prolongs vltit at ihe bonieof hoa david ifenicron ur and mrs- tuoiaes ualbraltb an nouuee tlia sngagment of tltslr daughlar uus uaria to howard l turner doth ara of omagh the loarrlage is to take plkoe hi juna ur i uouurcby was in tooata at tba university convocation but wwk whthrtou ir joliiiuemurbyremlved 1u datfr of m p ills axamlastlooa wra all pmiuad with blh oaudlbg ur aud mr john m warren abd two chimrwi and misms ilarbara warrau and uinnie frar ef teotito mrs luv nu1 ueklnaort ofolooee and uuua kloncrt of ptckwingooluge newmarket 1 wmguou at ur j l warrens oabatur day tba augagwdt is announcad of uua anna uay lej daughter of mr oeorge lawlla of ciorgown and ur alfred dtwnitig jamuson son of ur holiart crawford jauuaon of toronto tba mar rlaga will tela plaoa is june ab calgary i alurta caheles5 damage to cuubcu i phopebty tooie tlltor of tha fhiui puasa dsun hiu 1 will you kindly allow ma aa j a taatnbs of tba trust board of tba methodist church to ventilate a grievance which that body holds against our friends tba farmers of our adjoining community when atlia adoption of tba h00u aob in i8tt2 tlia farmer 1 1 dense holders cloed tlialr shade to tlia publlo the church refer red to opened their shed for tha publlo an oommudatlon and for tha thirty four yars since the privilege haa beau continued no compensation baa aver beau aolieltad i believe except once or twice whan soma hauling of gravel ate was neceasary true occasionally a grateful oaar would hand lu u donation aa for aatanoe during tba past year a gentleman who has aotbs- umes sheltered hie horse there bawled tba treasurer fifty cents thu is perhaps tba varifa yearly financial return tlila however la nob tba grievance lb la simply this t that with gross careless 1 or bad driving the church property is apparently unoonoeraedty much damaged auoh aa facing board on posta torn off eleotrio wires torn down water pipes jammed brloka battered lawn fauces da atroyed long high stock racks era even sometimes driven in aod these ara seoerai ly a menace to tba property now in these days when uora than ever church property la being enlisted for community welfare our church has uo objeotlouto aervlng tba publlo weal but certainly it looks for a courteous and care ful reception of privilege enjoyed i may say sir that although you ara yourself being secretary treasurer of tba hoard mora cognisant of these uauers than anyone else this letter is wilttaa anllrely on my owu initiative and wholly without igftaetlon by any one voura respectfully a taueihfc stey4j4y44isvvevvevs v 4 cwipy aohicultuhb agrloultur j trotting u tu s tnlti u to colt thaw days it tuuou s s a liustlor to koqt tip villi vory 4 4 thloff ugrlciilturnl all kinds uf oducuiortt utv toiilnir ua how ull aorta or dcmuiiatrittors ahuulnp 4- us wunt is what a husi vt in 4 4 ycjtlcutors is bus dlcalug up 4 fftctu for us ami tbo form tuun 4 bfiatueut experts oro suroylua our bushuess with tbttr utdisasi 4 4 on no doubt much good will 4 4 coma out of all taoso thine but 4 4 uaybe wm beuftr try to eaalfo- 4j 4 llato it gnulublly than to bt lu disjestlou la ou atlauipt to sur- 4 4 round it all at oace while we 4 4 holler for mow nttlloual stock- 4 s man aud kfrruar 4 sva444l oats uhfa brmamep the ontario agricultural college wsuma parmer to beware of the change in name of tho 0 a c mo it variety of oats at tlia ontario agricultural col lag for feaob of hlna years in mioooeslod the o a o no 7i variety of oats has burpahsed tha i tanner 11 yield per acre awl in quality of grain it baa been tha most productlva and the moat popular variety in die 00 operative experiment throughout ontario inaaohnf tlia post five yewtra and lb was woirdad mora first prises thou any otw variety in tba field crop competition with oata on u137 farms in tha counties of ontario in 101tt in soma of tha competl tlons in both ituatara and western ontario it received all of tba prises oaered thirteen years ago tbs o a c no 11 variety of oatu was erlfflnated ab tba ontario agricultural callego frem alngu ssmki it lias mode tba baas raoonl of ever three hundred vorietlea obtained from varieus parts ef tba world and which have bean tested out at ouelph for ave jrsara or mare a member of a new york buts firm visited ihecoluge saw tha o a c no 11 eats growing in tlia experimental plots scoured our reports aaoertalned tlia source of seed and early in ims liougbb six in rired bushels ab ii 40 per bushel from a farmer living within ten ml us of the onterl agricultural col legs wa bava just leornad that die noma o a c no 73 has been changed to imperial that tha collage records bava bean approprlat ad awl tint tba reported yieu haa bass increased about six per cent as tba stand attl weight per bushel of oata in tits united states is 3j inataoil of 31 pounds theeoat uudr tlia name ol imperial bava been ukortuad axtanslvely in oata looruafonu and nuinernusagsiiuhavabaen travelling from farm to farm over ontario budsbsswliere during tlia spring of 1010 tiuag tbla renamed taruly of oats for 13 1 h and upwards par bushet first class seed of the o a c no 7j varuty of oats can now ba purchased in abundance from ontario farmers ab 1 00 per bushel uay aotfa 1010 c a zavirx ontario agricultural coluge ouelph canada 43 frgpqipqiiposp qspltgpirrrrritiqspqfcpiiqsi qspqsfbi i mkcdonhlds i comprehensive stocks g in all departments respond with remarkable var- t si iety to all demands ts wtklnfl is tb beat xarctaa do kom of it ovary day next lo walk lag eocow bowllus vou csut throw b bowling ball without stooping chmr to tba door stud avry stoop stlmubttas tb tlvar aud x tba luteatlues fifty par cant of tba tckneaa tba world would ba eliminated if avary body bowld walk or bowl avary day and at ulcht h flat on your back and raise your lff abova your bad slowly mm many time as you ran without fa llano theu ttuchorlntryoiir loew undar u welalit of soma sort ratsa aud lowjr tb liotly tlieaa two axer rlaca rsmited hftaan or tweuly times nlsht aud morning will do a lot for you and von ii lis surprised tn und bow iukkl you dtlop endnrsnea atari v i r 1 1 up iilum und liilranaa aarh day ur tun until u rearli twas ty uniiinirs llonia lnmuiuloa bemthl lo 8tt on we dou t net vnrif high in this world unlrop wa liar aomelhlnb to step on tbst is why wo pui rlacrs in statra ami rounds lo ladders ulihi wa ware hoya if iva could btti u i ir toenails lulo a cravica in the bark nf irea ba it aver bo ahallon w toiild abln up to the top all right when wa got tn the lowest branch wi were all rlnbl after that ve could pull urolrai up easier but it did arwin 11 hum ways to tlia lower llml aoiiiiilinas riuu is tba aiory or all life eeltluu thr fft ou aoruathlng and then spring inn up i in it flue or it is a traijedj just ainmllnu to wbetliar wa uca tba mesa inp f tlia eji iiarianrcai which coma to 11a and iim llietn to climb up by tartn i ir cur ef m job it was iiev kind uf rccotumeuda lluti for a koruut but tary affectlta the uld employer wald nothing about bor bccouiiiliaumeuts aa cook wallress laundress ur cbauibanuald what aha urolo nasi sbo is aa utruug as a man end twice as bravo throe liiuos wblla lu our employ she laplured burglars slugls tiaudod oud held tbeta uutll be police arrlrad aud saved hundreds of dollars worth of silver and jewelry all tho manager of the employment agency had to do when that filrt bead ed a situation was lo read that letter nut loud and tbore ensued wild hcrauihlo among bin customers for tha ratiix iihkmi niuhl ernest j liphart jtwelitf optkun j acton ont fine watch clock and jewellery repairing j moderate prices eyed tested free t satialaction guaranteed rxx men s and boys caps showing today newest lines in mens and boys caps tho very latest styles in english and amer ican shapes and cloths special ly priced from c to 175 i r e nelson auaurii im 8 out tho policy of thia store is preparednesa wo aro ready for tile summer wo aro ready for the future wo aro looking forward witli much confidence even now through much cloud and fog to steir ctcar without fear that is tho beacon light that illuminoo tho daily course of business hero to be steady and ready to avoid the rocks and tho shoal places is our purpose and intent and therefore wo trim our business nails carefully that they may fill to tho full and drive uo steadily and safely along wo always have at hand however an anchor to cast to windward and ir occasion arinei wn shall drop it for your protection and ours when wc drive ahead too swiftly theres danger buiinccs sails are trimmed carefully here macdonaldn may bo depended upon to miet all requirements in wearables and house furnishings satisfactorily and to steer clear of poor qualities and unreasonable prices to reach tho harbor of highest possible qualities ol merchandise at lowest possible prices p macdonald bros ouelphs leading and largest store limit wyndham mmedonnell and cardtn streets ouelph onl the houe or quality groceries and provisions pouri i mportaut pol nta cleanlln eu auallty irlc service vou are on jed to thetrt groceries dread aud meat flour and pastry vegetables fruits and confer onery the nobility biscuits the best sodas on the market j k livingstone miu u xotou special rhmmiblokm bowuhoalllobtet muauhklsollbd amokm stow ohildhhm alt alat white and tea rubber notice to farmers the uew high cut faihtotiable shoe for ladles mans aud womeua cushion solea iu boat makes boys aud glrla boots in fine faucy aud for every day wear atstwjtiiiino pkohrrbv as uauau kcnncy bros maid st actoa new dairy in acton saxc rubinoff have opened a whole sale oream dairy busi ness in aoton and will pay the highest market srice in cash for all cream elivefed at m saxes store dream cans will be sup plied to all farmers desir ing- to supply oream and cash will oe paid upon delivery daily for all cream delivered- other wholesalers pay monthly but we pay daily and will take all standard cream offered the new business commence at onoe will wool wool cash prices will be paid for any quantity of wool delivered by the farmers m mill st saxe acton ilillllllillllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllliilliljiiiiillllllllllllllliiilj iii t m0d4m chevrolet made in canada looks like 5iooo rides like 1000 sells for 675 fob oshawa as a matter of abaotute fact there never before has been a value like thla offered no other car at or uear ita price has uo many etrohtr points not euly u hare power aud to apere there are good looka and oomfoit too aa for economy ask en owner aak auymo who rune a chevrolet aud youll learn how easy it iu ou ttaaolluu and oil and of course the tire evpeuaeulow it could not be otherwise with a car ho light hi weight in relation to its power the chevrolet is equipped with an electric itartltig and llgbtnlug system as may be found on much higher the chevrolet u equipped with the simplest and moat efficient carburetor of any car regardless of price the canadian curtis aeroplanes are equipped wufi the same carburetor the zenith the chevrolet has one of htronaestniidslmpleateugliies elfoe cotuldoretl iu tho world the chevrolet is equipped with cantilever type rear springs of chroma vanuonio atol heat treated and tested the chevrolet f rout upriugs are a double aide actlou shock absorbing inrlna glvlug double enmenoy overauy other alugle type the beautiful streamline body the heavy mohalrtop vision windshield speedometer um meter electric horn utid abundance of tower and unoed with many other exclusive feutute put the chevrolet in a c busby itself the cltuvrolet stealtag dovlco u a very strong double spur adjustable to wear gears aud lu so cou slucted as to give the operator moat accurate control of tils car order now an the rapid sales of thin wonderful carta fast overtaking the manufacture on exhibition at willougbjbys show room rout limb or hawtih ilimimvh on hook j j a whaodghby proprietor 0b0bggtowm jambs woods sales manager u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 tn n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m

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