Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1916, p. 2

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sohw gmwtm u on hunday liflth may 1iwi nt oahvllu to mr mwi mr w alee ctlwlollh mil hoi uanort vvvlmwday may tilth will tb it harauren ave toronto lo mr and urw 1w holm i mutf 1 merle prick m win died boukuviiii at ihmda on wodtteada ultli may huh lam honwrvllle x m 1 founder of th duiiilae lumior aged u2 ycurm livrit iii torotto nn thursday may 10141 luula htevena widow uto jwph hale of tlie hootch 1 eimliitf ugftd 7 yoare waunilt at the imiimi of lr parenta fluolpb on thursday may 95lb lilltl kmmi verne mathow wife of it- warner arid aister of uie late mr frank holmes acton eed si yeaw 4 day inmkmoriam cauiniit in laving memory of tlanrgo cmnlkli 1 departed thla life may iihlli iu10 daye of muiiibm still come oer uh tmh in alienee ofuii flow vor memory kespe lliat loved one near us though he died six jimm ago wlvkantl vauii wllut in loving memory of our dear sou ruul brother vt frederick wilhv jam willi of the machine uuii lloti 4th ilatlallon first canadian l tin who wu vllla in action prance on may 23rd 10 is to memory aver doer uoyiiku vayiilu ailn brawn mkt imoihitforlnht toronto daylight saving ik aotoh cdblph district mbbtihg iti blonli i can lc ctolt yc tts5 thukbpay june 1 1010 kdjtomal motes aitbouluwandlupiorsloreeb man llahedueenllnuad hualuae uae evening our own province will follow thl lead in beptetaber all canada will ohartly be dry tus banian hodsii or couuomb liaa p4d th bill to reduce by 15 p ot th output ol bear tb object el th hill la to nil ui reoai in fchlpe required importing foreign hope th huneu oovkmmknr ha lately authorised a new medical admtuulrelloo am to u known u th leadou are it u latarettiag to uou that itu liielud him ur ctujuti hmpluu auong umutha kiackaua hj groi hiuul at bdaby pk th cuaidua kud orot httultol tx dttklm th udoum el ooaaiuaut utepiul at tdtoaw aj ui ontuto ulllutry hotjul fct orpington tu ottamoa yodwo luttool brltlkli m trih atowim t fci oa 0tj op teltlod to any ol lhlr woiurt mslutf to th mb or uuufaatum of intokloauoff liqaort ttlopp6luotokili hy uw wblefa tkvum ut uy tammhar of th ccw wkd u fodnd witik la tha uu or buaufaur of utouioaliak lla vl11 apilua tram hit lodjf and will ot ha hadmltuj for taudhvhlp ubtll u du a4ifran luprttut cawadah total tadb ror lha fawmth of april wlj tha tabuukahla total of 1100 aa5ismoortprjwhh iu33iosi for tha frspodia plod ol lha praviouv fu ymix tha inamata ara fchowa in hailt txpatu aiul itaporta uirthaiwhw toui tad ooawwptlia uouabj to mzo 147u0 u eoaipir with v2mft0lfu0 thaw itdpotto haw a aulaalui lnraaa la tha fraa lut u wjl u la dutiahla ffooda lha frta imparw lacnaalo frwd ht38 10 to t2l twl deposit la oaawla iav naraaj j 1117010000 juring tha yr aadlutf aill kkh 101a dtiriajt lha tooath of april tlaaa touliu 42303 000 a kuhla faoara of tha oiwtlona tor aptll waa lha loarwaa la tufimltj out- au4claajawhlahwaarriai0ua tura haa ud a gitwui l la hoth klaja olluai darla lha yur e11 uaua u cuaja itwrfajnrf y suooo000 abj bmtradt kaa ahaat tha fca uoiut ahpuoaaappaot lhai hlaoa66a al ur kawjlauu ipohui llhaaaaujarauaaaf doubua wahuoj aririaa lmd tha wj auj wfcloh will uooma iwu whaa th war la a lfr kowll a mill toidhatla that aa far uaauda ueoa- rwl tat toatgua ahoali ha 6maaatruj ea tha faalaiaaul uib i wlaalatf lha wa ub ha kw taualma that if tha w- b6olri hl ih to ha inuulaauy daaltwlthlhy taatraola thay da- lix tha bwt kiaaaatumtlaa tub bawmwo of ha bwa uitaly haahaoaaia a inauair ol ritaa naolty bafitc tha war priori var tow wlajf to birtivrl fculauay ajxl lha tnmada of toetor p6wr thm eaadluooa 1j to a fmitlni of uaajlax r wltl u dubi foc6oula auiaaa llay catvuta dlatomi af uwlt fauta awlaf to ihu fiotaa- wbatowdmamuutad tha haal laday uaariatautituwiaaja6ahjty whleh huthata if canadlaa tnmr ata u ukiidmatakaftfthaaltuauod thay uuit atartaaw thawmautr of tha war haa haaa taonaoaa imaa toy hoaaa ol tha bauat- hriu 1 uujoahuj ha hlfth far yaua to eoua it will tharalat ha da uahu to m to bwo puta waj alraa iargly a onaa 0iiiitwbuvvlirooatj or uav jawai bdawrvilla of ihlbda a forma wall known toawtpaiar uaa and an taauliar of wrlla uaat dlaj at tha aga of tu yaira vat inaay yaira ha wa a uanthu of tha cow uaaa vaprauotlntf koith braut whan ayduaffirtinkaaaurajuiaaawiaiiairpvo- faalanadltldg tha ayr olwrver and altar- wavdi foundad tha ddadaa b4nnar whloh h oaadurital w 3s yaara ii wa a iro ultunt wtuliar of tlta cinidun watt aa aoalauon lo hit aolha day of luurualiatlo ufa ami waa baaorad wljb tha lvaaldaaay of that body llr hoaiarvllla wa a otan of ladaaooa la hlu iowa aad county ha was otlva faarlaa a hi ailvocaoy of any puuls laaua ha ohauplauad aiul tiawa- iapw adltor of tha atnphaua paraoual aohool ao papular thirty or forty yaara ago jauai baoiarvula w a man of upright eharauter aod eoayod utaeuaakuofall obituary una oktam wahmkk tha daath took plaoa laat friday of mrf orton wartuxr ab tha rldimw of htr fathar thouai uatthawig ou lilwln btraat oualpfa id waa only five day bafara thaihtr autar lira ivank koluaa of aetoti dlail and waa burltd frotn tha aama hooia both daugburi wwra matfrlad about tha atoa tlaoa abottt two yaan ago and bad baaa prontlnast wotkam in wool wlab straab bapuat ohurah council cooporatoa with movement to ktnrt work an hour- bariler during juno july arid aupuit lonfl kvenlmas of dayuohtthem at hid nnnilelaii of lit watk before th cfliiimh uni foiirt nl llflvlidoii on montuy honlnjr iln moiiilmtrx iirnooolil with tlm roitnlur lnmltiohi llio cmiimlttmi on flnunoa uramtl llinlr lonilt rujuirt mill roooramamfwi wy uieiil of i ho ful in winy aooounu i ilvihto klljrwii at0httl hydrrf iouorcoitt mippiittn 200n eniliumra f wiiitnr tolimr md imppllaa mall unit jim ill ro adv nuottlcjan lliodlolw ailv elaouiolan lott iimiui amirkyu h ciinllnnr lloiwlrlnif damairaato hlmuiolop aton feiau jo llemtoraoti wood 200 lt lumbar 717 a dion imo lrei prlntltifr tic 034 2002 llio camii waa adoptad tuonty ii vo applioationa for tha poaltlon of olectrlnlnii uora prflumtad and oonnldar ml ilia council daoldad lo tuht paraonal applications f rotn uinlrantn tha vaoaooy inuht ikolllleil liy tlin irttu june a destitution omnpowwl of alaaara c o hendcrmin torranca ilaardmara and d o uuewll wniuml upon tho jounoif to praaanb a largely eignad iatition praying that action ha taken to faollitata lha adoption of the luyllglit saving plan ttis prayer of tlia ptltlon waa aa fal iowa tha undaratgnad ballavlng that lb will ha lianaflolal in many wayit to tha vlllaga of acton to mova tlia clock ona hour ahaad forthaiiimtnarwonthaof jun july and auguat r pact fully raquaat that a cuptt utlon of bualnaaa wan and tmutufaotarafa wait upon tlia muniolpal couaoll toraquaai tlialr eo operation in thu movauant mr c o uaadaraon urgad atmagly that tlia council taka action ao that tia olaoka of tlia ootnuiinity may ba turned ou aa hour during tha auuuar woatha and thua glva tlia working paopla and tbaaa wbaa buniaauoanllnoa tliam indaora daring tha day tha wlvantaga of a good laag avanlag for raoraatlou work la tha gardaai or outalda atnploytaanta it wwitd ba of paoial viua to thoaa who quit wack at flwa on saturday tha plan propaaad would glva four claar honra of daylight aftar quitting work it u qnlt adra tlia govarutaant would oaoprato aail pwult tha 1ott ofioa and cutoma kfoaaa to ba operated on tha wtn khadula and to hava tha dock on thaqavamuant holld- lug changed to tha aarlur hoar tha ultou and uahufaotorua aoald tradlly ba arranged with tlta only aactoaa dimoalty lia 4w waa that of tha railway tlbaa tabua but paopla would hav to racaaubr thaoj ufa raquaud tha couaoll to glva otfaui rwoognltloa to lha achaua ad thoaght la woukl ba daalraula to mad oat olroalua to allcltlumaand to raulaata ooatigaooa to acton infonalng tltata of tha adapilom of tlia daylight having plan and fwqbasuog tha oliaarvanca of lu whn intorrogatad by a irifcuile of tha council at to whalhar other oatarlo tawna of aotoaa utu wara taking tiuilur aetlon mr iidaroo iwplud that thy wara not aa yt- but ha aald lat aa taka iba uad in tha uitur othaa towaa ara aura to follow all through lha aahh- waat iks achat la being adoptad ur baarduora uld that praaally tha ualtar did nat aftwt him but tha workbied of tha tauoertea ara vary bach im favor of it aa well aa other woikbwd in town aad im fjt thay ahould hava tha opportaaluea tlia plan would glva thata mr lluiel thought lha htovaatant a vary good ana for tha paopla wha wok atatsd lkirs and ha waa la fava ef pit ting tha plan intoaffeot thafoluwing revjdtluii waa thed pa uovad by w if beiiib aaaoodad by c a luiuy that wureu a patulod uvlotf bk ptueatad to lha uee aad cornell tj acto by tha bualaewi tea aad oluaaaa gaoerally aklag for tha adoption wlthla tha muniolpallty of tha ikylhjht 8avlaf haa whereby tha uua will ba advaboed ooa hour on a certain data la jtua aad to ba ahwctlva up to aad oaltkllajr baptaaabw soth 1010 u it rwulvad by lha cmboii that lha rqaaet of tha petit utew la granudt and tha luea la henhy aatharu- ad to arranga for auiuhu data asd hoar rly- in juiia to pit tha plan la openxw tha uotloa waj botaaaaliaoaaly omjrrlad cvwnclllor bell aad inodeiwm ooald not aaa lha advaataga proeileed aad wr uot la favor ol it tha raava howvor gata tha caaling vola and raaikj t wall lv it a trial aayway battauom a comebt a suoeeaiful uid knjoyable atiiuj tmjrlbledt t tt credit to th ktttehalrlaxa tha oonaart glvaa la tha towa ball oa monday m ening under tha aiuplboi of tha 184th lutlallon auxiliary provad aa lot manaa biicoaaa in avery way tba wuloouui to tlia aoldlara waa hwit hearty and avaryoaa anjoyad having tham enaa uora ataoag maad aaalag tbalrdrilu it la queatlonaliu if anything beuar la out una can la dona by any other bat talloii tha nakt popular nuuiliara wara lha trloa awl aoloa glvan by tba tbraa young hulloa frotu vdrgua tha ulaeaa baaau btaala lama manilla and u 111 loan t uo oowmi tikmi claver young utlurf p fl voloaa uf uuuuuul awaaluau and power and will ba well uuurad a good houaa thoutd thay ever return to aoton tliu rtaale aoorad a ilaoldad auooaak in bar nutnlr 1 wfiom for thut vug v and acho anwra whou for tula flag v miaa mooowau tang wltli wonderful ennraaalau a little bit of ifeaveii tha uhuaa uaaou again aflotdad all a traal in thalr dlborant aaubtlaaa thoaa young hullaa are uutldlaua of uauau- auuiity ur uaimoflevoaludbluuinn hlanumliar m oardaii of my meatc ilelikhavoloaofaplandul quality and tha public will be ulatl to haar mora frota blna ilia nb1e auutltuta for ida aaoond ituu bar- waa mr cookburti the twodualta by uaadauee smith and whitman uera woat iplrllad and attwa- ll va tha praaldlng oftloar for tha avaalag waa major wrlgbb and ba provad hlnualf wall adapted for tha pott of ehtlnaan oihar oluaara wara praaaut taatlfylag thalr daap intoraab in what w ar doing fcw our platoon th recalpta of tha avaailag nbaaaatad to 0201 annual report ipreaented nt tha meeting t oaelph wer very 0 ratifying memdehship hb02 fob missions th reikwta prwnud at ua annual nlrlot maeuog of the mauiodiat church ab tluelith laab week werw vary bauafacury and allowed ganaral looreafea tha umtnbeimblp of the imatrlot a itwh an inowea for lha yaar of 10ft i tnlaaloury incoma 910x1 an looraaaa of a04 du oatlonal fund fj77k7o thla waa uuo ar inoraaaa over tha pravloua yaar of ft20ti7o luv j a kvatta of ttratnow will ba raoalvad into full connection nd ordaload at tba conferanoa aaaalon at bitneoa luv arthur haupaon u i taylor and aaorga uedonahl anlluad from thla dla trlct during tha yaar bav t h karruiah of vargua waa alaotad u the butlonlng coutnltlaa with llev oaorga w barker flualph aa alter nate ur barker la baoraury of confer aaoa itav w oau and it is malaon ware elaotad to tha mlaalonary couniluaa tha fallowing lay delegate ware aucted to attaad conforeno at slmcoa i john crowe ltoert hall jama bowman u vl nalmn w 0 llowll bam oariar u p 1 john admu 11 mam john wooda t e biaaalb nalaoa if ueor thomaa vinaa jna uanhall w t lakar j a handarmw h it guild u j karr tha following raaalutian waa paaaad unanlmonily i that thla dutriet uaaung dealree to plaoa upow toard u epptaeu tlod of tha great advanoa in tamparanoa ugudatloa made daring th paat yr in our prvlnoevlhamakluglllagalof tharaull aal of intoaloatlng liquor in ontario aad w ara thankful to almighty ood that thla baneful traillo u n laager to hava govarti manb aauotloa tha provlno u under great ebllgatlod to th prattler ft hi hand agalna thla umme and far tha eour- agaoua and autaaouuiuka uttetaee la bla a to paruamaac and alas tothauad arthaofthacppcaluddforhubeariyatklor aitloei of th govarvtaiaatri prohluuotj palloy end th uambar ef both politloal partu or th ubaalmoa aupporfc kaoonud thameemra th fat that th uathodlat ohareh in balwood in th oualph luatriol ha givad twupaatorato tha army i tha oapadty it privmiea waa bdgh oat at th maaalag ttav 7 a taylor th patto ol tha bel- wood charah aolleud aom uma agd a a privet tdtavup tha worh there th omfereod arranged tw oaorg uobaeald probatloaar inm lumlliod to tidoaa thpaator uwaiyamiiar6f m few ithauaulhaalaoraepooded to th oall of tha mpir aad jolnad th e t m bwe cou ksvulom only qn appaatl acauut akaeaaot uary i of 1010 couhii met oa uoaday avaalag at 9 ouook as a 0rt j tuvulw uamha war all praaaal be uywd oooupud th chair th oaly appeal agaiat tha aaaaaamaat of tha aotlr maawpallty wa thai of uit 11 uasuaa who appealed agauat bar mt of ti00 for tha thwbu eamaat buobdwalliagatlhaeoraar af uejrt abd chbrob btreet oa th grodfid that it wa ovarvajaed ur huttauti raqaatod radootiod 6f 160 tha aaeaaaor khawed that h ud lefarawulod ol ura ubor man had paid fiooo for tha property a lltli over a year ago tha oadh waat uto lha oe earofauy oampmrldgaiibaiiiinti ef almilar propattu la town aad finally decided to redd lha aaeeeaetedt to fooq th aaiiaiw rapetad that robert btoray who wa ltd a dag had dlepelad of 1 di abd raqaeaud the it b atmak aa th roll h alaa raqteud that a faaol dog b iied to thomaj hferd vaa btnai tlla havleg oftplated th work id 66d- baotiod with th aaaawaeadt roll th oadrt of ruvuod addrad ed fate k a ooddoll mujtaby motes sapv krd k bllll of fjiraatavlll waa kuiad la aauo la fevaao ut week tha aouier af aotod plauod war all gled u gat haaa aald fd a walk imj vult from saturday uu tdaaday tty mpaot ahortly to h mobiliaad at oamjfa a aamrilia to belji ih cuaadlad aouier fl u wa mad by th bnw todgirlvaabtoth pahud aohaal euld- rad adraapariaitaltaaoai fchowav ww glvad oa kmplr bay raadluag u 1000 eahaa of uap balag dodaiad to thaaoldura u jabwdbatb ftoakvllu hugdw to bdgubd tolma the naval tying oorpa ura balh yoaagaaa daughter of jbdg aad ur tuua el rjumlltoa wul go u uagubd u6d ur baihv brother haj badaplaimldoawaay faraom lima th oawadua kj oroa u now bhlpplag 100 eaaaa dally to th pa of bdulog aa a voldatary baatribdlud to th heapllal ol our vraaob auu aad baa u th vwuh eaplul oaatml fra booaahiadatlod or iood eaaai at optima tha oaly apaoa la ih ttbury ofdattore wall all th rdat ef lb work i don by vranab hldura caaaduaa to a ttumtar that tvftaidt tha auaigth of oowpku army dlvlooa hav failed tlaoa th wr ltgau the oaatul- u up ut dat atwl luatudlug tha heavy law- at 8 eloi raaob th aggragato of 2j1iu thadlvuuu una follow died of kioknamiate wouiulad i176d k iliad lo uouau 34b4 died ef wound 142 chbws co tim mmititry li ken ut in wl jua now tin detk graan of tha new uivaj and tlia mutton uf bluoiii rut fmlt traaa oomblu to wake a iwautlful jrih vlototlu ifey pexaiml or ary quietly buro uot vit m imterman itojutf eaan ur and ur waalay uurmy und ehud- rau vlultad irlauda in rookwood but sua dtty thoa watklns miaa imui john uml wlnnt mpent victoria luy with nerval friend itafl huunby ia1rtiluualloii vlaludutmr john bannatt but waak ur w crlppa laf t laat wk for wind nor wfw ha baa aeourad a altiwtloa ur wa cobtawu acted naot victoria day w lib friantla hara ur wu fmwbart la vwj iii ur if uatupavrf bom a again under quarantine froui diphtheria about two weak atfo hie little uradaou waatakaa 111 of it and uk j raoovering when uua etlial ikauiparwaaukeaub au bar friaada bopa ah may toou b oonvalaioant uu kmma vowpklna laorgatown epant sunday at ur jaa oeubbva vabmbrs i ha1sb m0bb 1ioos arioeai r at booord figures and will ukely continue high for m conelderable tlmo aa la well known imga imvo roanbed an unpraoadentadly ittgti lovel ii11s tr owl being paid for foil and watorod on uhi toronto market tim fact tbatj even wluillvdhogaat tliu figure bhlpmeiiui of bacon are regularly going forward to ing- land will aarvo to llluatrala vry dourly uia damand for thab produol on tlta british mavkat without doubt canula kthiula in a batter poaltlon to day to davalop a permanent bacon trade with irat britain than ban avar been the cam befor to do thla howavor thara mnkb u a volume of aupply thora u vary good raaaon to ballav thab although iwloea oannot tie aipeoud to remain at tlia pretent high lava the damand for baoon in lha faoa of the aupply that can bo obtained will auoli aa to hold lha market in vary firm ondltlou both during and for a oonildar- abl period following the war great brltalna import of baoon in 1010 amounted to c2344l prom canada aha oliulnad only 8321511 tlta fact thab canadian bacon baa baan tailing nt an advene of from i0to lta par owu alwva american awl ab not mora than 12 under th nominal quota lion for lunuli luuureu vary olaarly to what extent canada oould inoraaaa har eporttraila had alia a auftlo uafc quantity of lioga to make thla poa tlbl th knglub merchant and tlia britlah oonaumar will buy canaiun baoon today quality being equal in preference to that from anyother country in the world with tha peeelble evoeptlon of ireland hot only ea bub an enormoue market exut ale for kama froaan pork and perk eat ef varloua daaoriptioua ttda market la aa remunerative aa the boou trade although lb la not likely to prove- a oou- alaul tha weet la producing a great quantity of rough grain tbla year aa compered with wheat lb will probably be relatively low in prioe it thoold thara- for b d bound buriueeb pjropoeitlon u breed a many aow thla aprlng aa would provide each farm next fall with ouch a number ef feeding hog a can be oon voaledtly handled and eultahly flnuhed thay ehould however ba eo tdlaoted and fataxedaa to maintain tha approved baaon typ unlaaa thla be dona w cannot eompel with ireland tad denmark and will too etatu on th brituh market th davalapmaot of our beeou trade 1 a puraly commercial ubderuklug and w muat early raoogau that we cannot tell to th brituh merchant uauat w glv him what ha web thl granted thrifty afaegametttaaj good feedlugahould yield araurd thla yaar wkteh will mor than eompaoaat for all th labor lavoli ad at thl tlm of th year th meat care- lea obaarvar may paroelv th algae of a paeelod for pliatlflg and palntlug far grewth and improvemaab hecnd btad udvat uak good beddue thay tpeod wwwt of their tlm trying tooodvloo theoiaolva that luck u tgaluet them childrens week outfitting tlju irln and boy tor the hot weather i made easy here waah suitii wobii drekscu straw hcadwear muslin bonneta straw bonnetc light uyieian wiit light knit underwear bunter brown bella fine white host fine black i lose fine tan hone lrio soclcti patent slippers white outine shoes tan outing shoes black outing shoes very little if any advance on any of thctie lincti over former seasons no lines of merchandise are advanced in price with us until wa absolutely have to purchase in an advanced market henderson c co acton ont summer session how open in bliawa biulueu bclioalatoronln continue until au- uit sltli when rail term begin no vacallona uuter any tlm- fro catalogu write w ii fill aw monoteiijj the purebred stallion llh he record of 7j51 wuub fnwif auai o tavtelu duiln 1u hloi twiaod uu v- wlu mee4 atfkla addnd tbj bhwtf u uu id hu bwd bubu lot fcx klvtb uhi kjttjia willi a uv u uavlii liw uad mho la va ttctmumlej ueaaullaavauuaauj aouia aa ea bla ika urtoa to itieurabav doted w ull rrtai u to lit lltltlledltltlettl6io6fr66 how to keep well byjmik vy aiooijifxoijari mrx djj auuv uruclu otr tilu auovxwotajl boaku ov mlaiatf tiiaiittaiftaa4oiaii44etittittitbioabs6anaaovi acabkrtlllv pltotkctkd vaur aupijly is one of the first euum- tlale lu tha home whether la the eouutry or lu tho town in the country and email village aucplla are taken almoat altogether from walla fortunate indeed 1 th farmer who baa a aprlng on bla farm wbleb will yield aougb water to operate a email ram and thus eupply him with water u conveniently aad aa plentifully aa if be war lu tba city aa a ml no great evpana la involved in protecting a well if tba well t properly located tba only danger to ba anticipated u from matter drop- lag la fronj tba eurfae tbla dangar cannot b too much exaggerated where tha fartd building ara grouped aad the well la not uauu ttik properly protected by faaclng fro hi tba atock especially wacub ha fit hl ao whan tha brwy content ara periodically thrown upon th manur pile it i than poealbla for tba farmer bou or th feet of th dog to oonvay thl material to tba top of the woll if tba tap unprotected waiblng from the spout can carry tbaa organ lams into tb of th dlaaaa- uun microbe d can llva for time probably aa weaka in wait on drinking thl tlm might tract an lurac uueb of the typhoid fever a t tummer r tba fact that ta a wage from tb pram lee arrive tho aouro ef foro tba germ dlecharge or by rain or by na dralugg eraon going well below uoal producing organ- a they are call- a e o uaiderablo long two water and per- the water during very readily cau tion d ler r hoaa rut contracted whllu aorta i duo to a o in o manner bo ardlog house in tba vicinity of water aupply ba ll a va died by waahlng of tba tural lurftii a well fcft frtkt uiriam draueu to some of tb tuor uuprotactad tummer raaort ar advised to discover for thomaeua both tb aoure of tba water supply und tba method of dltposlng of towage and where either u found to ba defective thqyld inaut that it be corrected at onre under threat of their departure in event of its not being done whmi th pump ti located at tho well the top of tho welt should be solidly casad in and covered over with concrete the eurflco being graded ao a to allow tbo water to run off and not accumulate at the pump it li cheapo wltb some af tb old well to una them with si inch torra cotta pipe rnthrr than attempt to concrete tba stona work tba spare between the til plpo nud tbo old wall of tba well should ba filled la with sand and gravel taken from a place remote frota a barnyard or wbero tbo cattle have been pasturing winy or tba more prosperous farmer carry pipe from their well to tbo basement of tho houeo where thoy inttal largo galvanlud iron tank aad a r nail force pump tb tank i filled from a forco pump oltber by hn cisollna niolor pump or by eloctrlclty and otnntlmc by whiduiili ku gibing ean then be laid throughout tha houaa and euppllod with water under vireaaur from tbo tank tbo presauro 1 derived from alio which la roimwksad in the tanks u t not tdvlsabla tut a rule to put elovated innks iii t i attic buch a method u very lltllo cheaper and any leak or uel- tl iiir will nfali a much greater expans than the drat coat of installing tba rwisure tank in thu bawment a water or drainage or aeepago from tbo barn or ban- yard la reaching the bottom of tho woll you had bettor apply lo your local modlcoj officer of health for a waterhurnplltig outfit or writo directly to the 1 npnl iioyatoricn no b queena lark toronto they upon receipt i t iqiioit will forward lha neceasary gigs stnpporod tlorilltcd bottto ready for u totrtbor wltb nil nnrtnumry imttrurmon tho aamplcs or analysed f r h of t hnrff and a rniiort upon tbo water forwnrdod u you iiovo any doubts rogardlar tha quality of your well i ih hint owing to lis location drainage or aeepago from tbo barn tiik watkit metfs and boys caps s showint today newest lines in mens and boys capr the very latext hlylea in english and amer ican shapes and cloths special ly priced from mc to 175 r b nelson bmmsahda tadloa law afaraudaa wyaustimbu ottoaat w ouslph w ont 2 lautibiat npannn zsssnsno notice bread 80 buns 80 cookies 80 oakes 8c 8c 8c our loaf in the argent bold in acton and the quality is the best russells mill st acton out q nnnnnri bthmmhmmmmmmhmmhmhbfmhmmhath at m h iboo duuueh looo at s suitings majt ucstwiral leave your order now for a spring suit and he avoid disappointment liatter sunday m hatp hats ta at m your new hat is here positively the new- est and everj thing new in furnishings at w c deverei the clothier acton out k h bthhwhmbimmatwhwhuhhhhwhhhhhal waste paper rags rubbers wanted by 1he red cross h thu aetmi ued cross aid society desires li 10 secure another rar of waste paper and in 3 addition all paper boxes old books and mag- j5 azines rags mid rubbers obtainable h they solicit tho cooperation not only of s all citizens but the farmers ot the community m and will bo glad to receive contributions rom m s a general collection will no made by the boy scouts about tho first of june hut if any dosiro to have contributions gathered before m that date n card to the undersigned will on- m sure prompt removal the receiving station h will be the old uaptis church elgin street 1 mrs w h stewart m convener of commi11 be lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllb ilclu abturligniivnib qche illrthabifit faiutch atton iwavlonmatlbulniauv buhdav junksath a m mr aba- mnioowan of vic torln cullujfii tonmlii will jiroiab mm it- or at in t liu lord agnlber 1 lltru im uav w mnckni r wo ton will prune 1 m11 tic 1 huvlonrwlifim i 1nln would inl 3 prnlio yo thu lord eiiindiiy kdiool ut 3 30 p in alti wblcoubi 0aim ok thanks mil fraitb ilolmwi llrm lit thank hla iiutivrdkiilu in anton ami vulnliyinr tu ifiwarv in i noil 1nlauni bl 1111 ilia oeoulen of lilu ranl lis ra van put kokrkl filly astray stjiayltrfrnii iit 1 tfjfitt i utlrj tow khl 11 uirral nili romlnrt two mm nu a llllle whllnoti fnreliht kail ahaluron wli4d william i iliulmutllom ii ii nl lualpli or linli liiiiio ur i a urjlilluv4looib valuable itkstldknce won hakw hli wjii imllt linma but alvava bmt mutilul iy ttia ownair ol ilia loperir boo inlaii liar 1 1 iufl weiur lu 1 la eoe of uie ity fori ssi ntionuaviiulw auction sale oi valuahle vi1- aue phopehty and nousjghold kf- fbcth tha underaigncd will ull by public auction for mhif itoukht mioulim at hor homo on pnlrvuw avenue actort on 0atuhoav lothjuhw at two oclock tho following i i iron und limn hedatcad i felt mat traaa t woodon hoditead l ut phngm i bureau i toilet net t pandora uova an good as new i blast healer new i spinning re i taaf talile cherry t i it tie tnlnniug wheel i small iai table i itoml tabu writing datk i wbattiot i rolklng chair 3 kitchen cupboard quarter cut nak hour lutrrrl i wuh- autid i looking gloii i good waablng tnachlnc a woiti tula 3j yard linoleum kltclion talilu 4 yiu hnqleiim chairs liaddlng pillows rakes hoe khovbt dltlicd ikiouo lampe otkr thing too nuiucrour to nnnl ion alio thl valaahhi proparty will 1m offered for wltb a rfirveil bid terms for mouwliuldgoodj cab for the nroturt will bo mode known an application or at time of tale m hiludaw nuellooaw d aeiv wonder land theatre yomioirr a rooliherowaa wltbtbad hara from thu famuua nofu the ampirw bj kudard kipling whidavjuhat 8 tho woman with an all 6ur caiu otatumoav jumh1 tlia jewl a mul twautiful tlramu withculnty liu hall womdayjumibb i pi lode tsof the llrokeu coin wkdhktrdav juhke7 epiwi lo 7 of nal of tho navy d l gregory d believe the headaches anus0rejeves to intnhliicoojr optical depart me nt luiinnmg saturday we will onvrluhlal iiioueyoaving iu 11 karat gold filled cushion frame hpixtacleu lompleto with flnt aihcticnl lunitoa tented to null uarantocd to glvo sallsfaclion haguuvaoo hvk ol aniicn onmmukevh i iiaarulak auuw 1es e j liphardt jeweller optician acton ont i robt noble iimitud seed cottn uniiiollovv iniprovod learning while cup mitaltuloti wlncotmlu no 7 feeding sugar beet colnshil while ilnyul giant jumbo tiinkuril crlinii luint tiiifcur mangolds yollow luylatliiin muinmoth long iltd tlinnt vrlliv ilnlmoiiff yellow iiilenmdiiitp turnips cmiadlim oom irlm purple tap now century derby mammoth im pruvul ruyutnue j l warren manaobr ttbleilloflk ho

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