ulfliv at hkerlon rjiiin inter 1 nglnitd ottuday mi may ihitl t mr uml mr hurry htiby a t m1 immuu rich erd died clalkuon tuomuj lino mtlt will jan waum wldnw or tin lalo jmu cleaver n lowvlllfi in imr 1u ill joar waumtm at hjcliriuiln hiioat toronto outliurwla lldi i hid 1cu c mo klmiou wilool john al uurren iigod ml yean mkjhuniu at hnui ion mm on hut u rxlay itth lime 11111 knrnli taylor widow n tlm lute timu ucdregor of kubuufjrnwoyu married oiimov wn i ruiun at tl methodist paraonage llionlay on wednetday 2ut tune by lie t 6 uilllaiasoii 6 1 fallter ollhe bride asalkted ly rev h u bingham lb- tnmes flliwon of tor onto to mu trade i union u lllltmwn hot una riimn at sunderland lu the home of w a hlry i rot liar of tho htlle on wedneerfay 11 juno i01h w rev h u avlwin m a ii it henrybillonholino agnnt 1 t it to mr banorn ana beconl nil of aeten i mtmoria1i pflliuiu jn anactionate memory of i hut utha orlea uhodledon june 23rd 1uib wo mourn lb os of one so deer j our itwtrli aid uad today to think tit on we loved ao wall wu o quickly called away iw memory is ummj petition against daylight saving scheme a special meeting ofcounoll tonight to booldo an to utur wj bbid mb havaral important tneltenl oarae up before tlm counnll at the meeting on moa tl ty evening i petition again further operallen of tlio bayllght saving plan i thenptiointmentf a new municipal officer i tl street and walks committee to no ml lor means of draining th long stand iujr jmw mi how avaau i und to took lino the undermining of the mala street bridge uwr river street all tlto inembar of the council wer preaent reeve hynda occupied th their the committee ou plnano preeentad tliolr nlevenui report end reoouinended payment of account a follow i hvi m aumnm ledcrel tngineerlng cd bapjjua wbj flkukkal atx5ftjvt t it blowy work oo 8tnu umi camotary nimmiiay junf a ioio bpltobiat motes iv im mov kkowk to i puuloliowuncli tnjj u atoj lii tlt vault jt at oluwu to lu erait of ths daiik of i n al rajy uiuum uww ml ftoooootiaa uvhi tk laartur to n ork jiartly to umt uriulni obllfiatlofla in tlt uulud ilklm it uav wfjy t uij tlat odly tk clonla ult ow of tl ktal lttu rlnt of ihg uted bj lpt tba war tliua far froi our vy duo cuada wouljl itavg bd a rich fha fttkl it la not at all twrtalu ttat ui bauumllty of tho uului fluua wouu tiava cwiblaj uar4 ttan llat of luilou la tut lia ara wjtiow liwt it ljiimd u uubtly jj hiujljila oulu- a diaiahil frotd wl0tuirf uyii aa ajiottw vluoa of tk valu of tta uaul tola lnjiuuoi act to tta eoomuuulty tbara w not ue saturday bllit ou eompaat in tl ura pollca illa of wutalpa ttkjloa iiava to aranloy cut aid tjp to do tlt cloaulag now umm u baloff auffteudb friaoaaa at any tlioj dur lof u wk to dd tla work tu polw pdl all ua ciwllt to tit auuuc of oa tun laarimi of buuulard lioul uomu at oa dollar aacli will la part of u work of tka ontario fjoiflfca hoard aa rscaaatltuud uiuur tka oatarlotaaipwanca act ttm lldsoaaa parult botala to aall clgira cigar ata aatl tolaooo aoit drlaka and lea craam aad eoajiwt oafaa and rtauranta it buy ol ba naturally undantood uiat buudaril ikmatmd uotoli will bo tlo ooly botala uodar ila uw law with aucli prlviuaandaofr u otkar totji i ooooemad will bav tlia fauoopoly- of thla bualnaaa ouara wlw attaupb to aall aub fowl will bo llabla to a bna of f 10 and ou tuu oochtbv a iooapkuitv thla aaaaoti ineoatraat with lua oorroipaadiog parlod m yarago la wall abown by railway arn ibadaring uta put fa waakx all thraa trajuoootjuadtau hava abown aultataatlal ftalaj lagroaaraveaua during flva waaks fwoj uay 7tb to juna 14tb 10is frroaa aantlflga of tba oanadlaa inulflo itailway dac wlmooo tliu yaar during twaatm parlod tliay iaoroawd ly bll7 06fx tba luovauaat of canada anoiruaiia 1013 crop la partly roxnwlbu for tlila in ajjiuofi to a atibatantial inoraaw all ovar ii omtttry of aoaral traffic uk o w kuctkst4hb of draoakridga baabara alaatad by aeolamatlan to tba prdvlwilal eaaatltuauoy of umkoka tat idwlatf tba tuaui f ur 8 ii arnutroa lorn ttaubar tba ltboraladidiiotoaar any eppaaltloa tuar ar aull vaoaaua utbpkaoial oonbiltuaiiolaa of nortlt iwti awl boutb wet trouto tn ut for mar owing to iba ratlrouant of janus torr lauoa ii i l to baooina colloetor of odfctoua for uta olty of btratord and in uta uooitd eaao owing to tba daatli of hod j j voy formor attornay laoaral aiwl lataly ulauur wltbout portfolio in uta cbnaavauva uoiarnniant no nkwscaiku can ba publlaltad with out bogm patroaaga and vary body la uortw um intaraatod in keaploff up n botdpaiar if a rallroat or factory la wautad tha oawipapar 0hlmlsd to work for it if apublio uaatirik in wautad for any purpota tba nawnpapar u callad upon iw fraa notloaa tba nowjpjpar muib pufjf tba aoboola awl varvtnlnjr elaa to advattaa tba intaraau of tlia ratapayori aud tbao rivo aaob of tltata a banilaoma houoa muta tbey p away and yet mia of our butluaaa man and otliara do houilngto auppore a honw papsr avaa whan it u publwiad at a loai ijiomi ooatly war w f kltoh blmau ajj walka ww bomalila klcbard iuwo ji uortfauaanatraata and park 1 if iutbi fctru autoau- tary aiibm cook blrt bd mtmury t matuawa urtm ilmplulforkuk obluraa mha for vr1 tukvar lilt q100 jsih 11h hlhtl 00 14 if 1wjm tba taport wa adapud tltraa applloatlon t lb poaltlo of uuulclpal orflov wk rj fruoi u o llrowti w j iuu abd aui- tk fj vanihab qu a lb aury ai watxbo uovj ly au iuii aaooojad by d a hmdaraofi uiat tb application of w j hald for lb pallia of llbaldpal otaof ulrtly aoapuj dutua t ll tb lint day of july curruj a by uw will b praparl aauio fokk tl jutua of tbo otfoa ur vrl t uuw tl a puot 1arlng tb hui b it auya of tb itttjuiora uttbaru mli tbal tb day llbt luvlotf anbma u duvdaj ftbj tbat auuluj tits l ium1 ur hdouuaj a uriof pla m l- balf of lb wtiakldir ua a tmi ad lb wlvafcuju6tk of tb bftwia ld bv tutularj tlia raatorad h auwl tbt tb paopl ftt up a bomr 6rlw bat wltlltaj bofcailwtki uarabjwwa viiwuiuy noe id a fe fadhlo fur tlia uu bodr of work rvilnj duy ur itabari lutoau aald aary baa li tb dptttta6t i wblob b wa anplrjad fclnaj tb patlttod kne of ttiaa lj altfoad tb tw palltlod ailaj for lb uayllgbt iuvuijt pbrn bat r te6wop ad to ii it all rigbi at bbjbt aaid ut luiinatt i but it a bo foul id tb b6ni lojt v j nitcbu aurj br harj uaaalaa aod jaua if raaj aw firlraaaid tb council ur itaad uu tb umt ar btoob iaooovauuaoad aad tb tibtatb arvloa a badly tnlxaj up oouaelllor ball tbougbb tbat aoi ud par oont of tb eltlua ar lu for f tb i uoi councillor hddarn uaay fellla ar oppomd to tb fc6baa it tabo aald ba i bav nvar faa a vat la for of it- naarly avry paraoa i bav apoka to about tba ww tlu la appatd i it aaid coaoolllor itailay vor wyaalf it doa oob roalta niuobdlnaraaoa liut wbav toltaap on clock wltb atandard tlu thd lbotbr with dayllfibt bavlu tlua couoelltor saitb i kaw tb attploy of lit unaarlaa ar kkbluf aalaa tb nw aatly um itaav ifyoda tb oodnell u praparwl to da what tba paopl dauaod w intro duced tb butur baeaua it wa rpraaot- ed to u tbat lb wotkuaa af tb twa wautad it tb pkviotra putloa waa bowavar algaad by both lb wocklajr paopl aad our b uwt tit poi tlu prwmdud tablgbk u lad by tb tan nary mployw odly k think tb bualoa paopl abould havaaaopportuuky of aipraaajajf thanlaalvaa bow hwmflrially daekud t bav patltlom irouutd auooff tb rnartnant aad buat trj and ooaaldar lb uaiiar with tb patluoas bafor than tbli vaaltt couruillor handaraaw raporud tbaf tb ualn htraaa brldit b kh strt bad ba aarloualy uadarmldad by tb r6a flood a tncbtraat aad walka ocnawju waj ri to bav lb rapalrad al o4io and also to lavaaucrat aad formuut plan for draining tba wauv off ilowar avattu at elgin btraat cflewsohs cohnths uajiy of tb hrmerw about bore will ba kudota eban at tb nummer aquluox frotd tbo coatlrtuoua ralna of tlia pait waaka tba daylight aavlnp clianjia of tlua bukaa a eonfuvlon wt1t tbo farmer tlin u la to b hopod tbo cbnnjto wont ok lend tathaiural rahnola mt tba wbolara who bav from ono to over twn milaa tn go to mbool bav to nurt out anrly enough tow oftau long itafor tba daw la dried off the rraaa tha iladlax aid will tnoet at mr wajttborougha on ttiurtulay ultcrnon juna sotb ur 0rg vutton wait in toronto on a bualn trip bub weak ur and mr w j van norwaii ion or and ilonitld of oiiolpliajiontilmiwoek ni u ur jan oamlioa uaatar prnlaorlppnbaa roiurtioil liom from tba blek uliildrenv hoapital toron to and ulthouiib it atlll boh about oti erulobaa it in ekpmlod tliat hlu anklu will j will aoon iwall rlghlatlii ur il if wauaboroueli apaiit a day in j toronto hut web mr j ifanun aoion vlnlled frland bar ut uoak i the district womh s imstittjils a host sueautrul qntheriair of tba laullu r haltftu tha aaaual waautia of tb wou inatituu of halloa county waj bald it tb rohool rooiuoftb uatbodlat cburob as wadruwjay afuroooa of but wb tb attaodano waa untuually urg aad oi priaad bulla fiota naarly all tb aatltuti of th county thla bug fcathtriak waa a hluh ooapllwoat to tb a wotk of ura floors hafill tit litritbcrotary aa ah vultad tb varlatu laatltuu of 111 ton tba put buatb ura tlao t odo of oaorf atowa tb dlatrlot praaldant oofluplad th ehalr fir bar annual addraaa ur coo rajtrtwd ira inuvaatlng tarui to tb tputtdld work b lafif ncoawpllabad by tb tutltul al aft oouaty bpaelal eradlt qlvaa for tfcalr aetlvltlaa lit aaoarlnjr aid for tb oalriii ohlldran pfaparlag fruit far lb wldj an aad othar worthy aaurprlam for tb titf- fort of tb wouudad aoldlanraad th toaa la tli uaiwb report of tb work of th yaar by tb varlomlhwtltat war given and t irtany lutaraitlujf faaturaa and aw auf goilloth wortliy of adoption tba hirer for tha uawyaar way arret ed aa follow i lraildanb mw ooimin ivurwa vio lveildeot mr 0 t coo cm g- towit saoraury trurr ura cao if avlld aolon auilltnra mr ii p uoor and ur alev flail adtoa at ilia rjloa of tba weatlna th aetoii ladlea entertained the lady vudtor nd tb konllninan of tbo hal wi board of agrkwl turatu aruandld lunanm whlftlir ealud faith iiimuntud pruund rorwblbival dntrillaandaxlrlditwlb mov ml u vwy cordial vot of uuudi w tba wohiih r of aoloti wotnona inhlltai a hurrlad nuaa apdiouou for ta benahlp in a nluli way b tut admbaloai inarrlag a fallur ao lu u la k oernod haton board op agriculture the varmara inttltuto itoplaood by tha fefowpornled orgaiilxmuon tdtwatadem jf p ohipp1h is tub president tb annual rnaatlng of ualtotl marmara yaatltut waa babl in tba council chamber on wadnaatuy of ut tt the attao dano waa rapreaantatlva of th farloua heouon of th oounty mr jataa h wiloa lvaauunt oooupuj tb nhetr ft waa aphtlnad that after thirty yaar of baotiva aarvloa aa varroam inatltul tb iapartmant of agrloultur now raque tad that tb erganlaatloo la glvan wldaf aoop and tbat tb oooatltnuoo of tba new board of agrleultur j adopted to repute tb former aoolaty tbaebjaotof th hoard of ainoultur utb dlaaemlnatlon of ajprloaltural know lade tb development of loeel talant tn euoourer tb fornaatlod of farmer club and to reader tbatn aaaletanoa to eoeour ag agrlouliural eoparatlofi to eacnr tbbooperauon of all rpraaenutlv me i th tana lei pa hi la oottoeroeil in planning ferabd boulbfrnauingaandkborteeara in tb inureata of agrloullur hon witk lug- and cootwunlty improvwoaaf ut which demeaatratknim uturo4 awl dieeuri aloat will b featured to forward tb inlaraat of tb dllrtct atloultu rally kfloully attd edaoallenally i all lerltltnal way taetlhaalataarnor general ooter atut ataoog tb vtatm claba wotnaue laatlulaaafadotbar organlmatlda aad to bold a geoaral rally of lb fame- of lb dletrlet aad their eulll at uut otusa a yar tb ofttoar ar urjrwl to ea to brlact tb rank aad fil of lb krowr lat tok willi lb tawae etoeaaf al looal hoari that lb hi a a tsay ba mor bin tub with tb beat abd bwt probubl bmibotlae uvlaa etoeb rauog tujry las flt 61um aaj all aotlviue ood aeoted wleb tb loduiry uf acdoolur tb bj will bdparai with tb du- trio ttapreeenutlv id tb vmrioo mum of wotfa ukjr hi duotk tb watiaaf lmaltftialy da to adop tb air eoaailutl ad lb aat halea hoard of arkaltor tb fauowla dlraotora wot the uot- jl tkaio w j lluu w a wiuwi o aevnl hatry haur je if xuld korvml w bbortiu u a uu- iau ttthtij u k brow jo ltlynd aotoa a u uakbb ltdwut ltarrofi maaaaavira urttail uolsio oati- ulluk do cmaapbatt uoftai xk il hatobamt waa bwktaok ckwpbeuvllu valww auaa uordmi dojuy alto tiufcly djo- oakvilu j v alto yreemaa jia h leonard daiuajrto j 1 arua jtsi uarjtailoampull wh ila uutod u r kwar w v futig hurliacto teurauiaft tt covniaja j uuwvo oakvul n r iwtnbbarkuahry tuw cecil jar la jaii 11 wlued uutod job daariag- wwa il k ualluoraby tb board of dlroetor lb wee aevl eieoled dmoi aa follow i lvwdoj 1 urla irreeeiaa vloapreeueox uarabtu hold kaa- aagwj baoreury tnmref a l uokabb ullte exotivt1 lauri ukl w j uuuw a wlue0bklcau aad allaa uorded awjilor w a uocartaey ivajalgar uattuw nioa ulltoa it i lb latatloa of lb boerd to bold fcoor umtiaf atoek judging ooauat aad aaed ublbluao tbaa under tb foruer ergaaluluw to get all poulbl faraur of lb oouaty lauaaafead i taatlar of uutual advaatag obituary ukut jouw u wawotk kiuoiuedwjtbealiwbbbeaaito jela uoruaoo tb tuvouj wlf ot jokabf waited i3cbruu street tor odlo formerly of aotoa tut thureday ww aota yr ura warrea bad ueea troadjej wllb aa albaaot of tb heart aad tkljually mauiud la bar paaelttg away a tliaig of thirty aivyaam tbauddat aw brought oacetwrpatloa to fruad bar aavt tasay exyreealflrii of yupaihy have beyaa uuaded to ur warfea aad to bl dftr mfltherlellttuott ueuauoareg of la bar third ywir aad joha cataaroa ifokiaaoo who 1 j oat is uatba tb yaatraj waa hell her eo saturday after moa a brief eervlo waa held at th aouof ur janu l warrea at wbloh teadar aad ayrapathetlo word war apokaa by re john uaenelll of waltae road daptlet cburob toroata who waa aeauta by rv if w avleoa u a a u tha reaulaa wr bora to tb fatally plot la jvlrviaw oenjetery by cl c ifadroa w v ltadeay a v brown joha it koaaedy cbeeur ptaak aad if p uoor j p ura warren waa tb third ldet of tb ioar aoaa aad fear daughter of rev aad ura nell uk laaoa of uuaeoa tb flbdld lbfrf la ibm aad ur tie uaklanoa haa aver elao realded tber tbuutbaflretdeak lu lb family ilao ib fatber patted away tba other taaat ur af tba fatally at i joha donald a neglna beak willi at boetoa if leeotor la hw vorb ulyi amhlbald wbralag eperator for h u traaapott epfroouoatrajonr fua tohr of uueloatplakeruooueg kewoiajketiklliaorttb uaablog etaff of drt arthur soboohi i alia vlf of b b w ueredltb of wuburg pa ura wmrrea waa a umubor of tb taaob- ttig aiatfof aetoa pabllo and high bobooli for aovaral year ooutlng bar la 1004 8b waa aa ateoelbwk taohr and waa highly aateetaed for bar raaay gift aad gtaoaa bh left aetoa to aaotpc tbapha elpauhlpoftbauujalllghrkbflolaad la a year or o aoeapted tha pokltloa of ueaaral swreury of th young waraaa cbrlatua guild toronto which aba held with uub aoojtiuito until bar raartlag en augtjib mtb1011 whf you are nervous tba uervou ay ateta i tb alarui ay atetu 6t the human body la perfect iiealtiiwo hardlyreejuctbat wo bav a ttetwotk of uerw but wheu hoatbuebbiugwhauauvugiiiudcliu- lag the eatn uarvoua ayetcni gfye tb uarttl lu lic4ache urednem draautfml aleap irrlublllty aad unleea corrected lead atralgbt to a fartauvdowti to correct ucrvouaaeej boott bmas r2ou u exactly what yoa aboaju tkj it rich- uatrlmeat get into tb blood aad rich blood feed tba lay uarveblla wblu tbawbol ayattra reepoada to it refreeb buftoeuc force lrfrooibajrtafuldrua boau awwaatlwtaae oar military motes artliur 1lratl rook ban ent i nnd u u liomlutdler ht peuwawa catn pte a 1 clifford anl ktlftar hlewnrt ware home from oratipovlllo aver huuiuy ur alun bmltb bait idutei in the tilth balury toronto and will don tbo kbakl next uak oordon 1 haytiuui a u gunner at peuwaw camp wllb a baltcry from lllt ii columbia soouta m k bojmiraiil artlnir aniier mhi rf tlm camp utoranuavllle ajmnt ilia voak end at their home bare uaut lleatty arnold jeoru town brother or capt william arnold aclou baa reoeived a ooinmlmloii in tbo 11 lib battalion cor irueat ilarr vbo i in ba 1 charua of the tiutoan heedquurura lore tbo iiat month went to camp at orjiiijceillo on motiday lhe llavld mokaa or winnlpng a eon of acton grandson of uan luvid haodarwm left latt weak for oxereua itli a wum medical corp prneat if 1 worden of bo uacbirtg auffef tb o a i uft yeaurdsy to join tit unlveralty training cempeuy for over kma with tmaikiuarura at toruiito gualpb muroury lieut wortlen lbs eon of mr awl ura ii if wordcn ami and eultrta aeun as hie tlrthplaoe akdoogtbaakura bonoretl with atlal raentloft by nlr itougua halg liut wak waa robert j hynja of tu hid lulta lie eon of reeve hyuda thudutliiollva hodor ootnan no doubt la recognition ol bttvtober brar hyiula tcua of a com red utwlar 0rtuan fit helta itn lo lb boapjlal ever alno and la now in rig und plemlkh congratulated cawa- diam boys ceneral byrlg atapllo irl cabla of apprwuuod tf cohgratuutiorii ouw jua l tbafjlowtutf iubmjra wa cabud by hlr iuuh iloidaurday lo carl byug eooiuiandiag tl caaaji aa army corp t pray looapt aivj 001 vy in caiwiua mw uadw your ooujuiibd our wowl qucmratuutaori upod galuntry and twckltdfuul duf44 i tb raat40 oafel atuek t lu lb priu uluula rwejvwl ui ulowlug reply frfed leoeral byng tl ta afteroood all rak cuaajua corpa join uia lu apawoolatiod 6f eoorratulatlou cudvttd by udr eau taueluatiqm op as3eheht coutaty gouaou pu4 tha atnourit for coubty purposed at tl ruaellftg of lb county couufil od tn aad ay lb iiimimnr of lb dioe tdooiolpajitu waa sited aa fallow tb quaiiwtlod of 1919 u auo given for oooi parioiti 1015 idlfl atod 031000 8 311wi bdrlldajlon 1173 ofto i lhti050 uofvatowa fljl 000 h14 74 uutod oiiftooo a0j0i uakvill 1404000 l4u4i4 kiiuaing 1758 000 s 778flw kaaaagaway 1 2ha000 i 203 7ltl halaoa 3h10000 2umdoj trafalgar 4 2s0 00 42s sm mas3 during lb lhundaratorta on saturday evening ut lightning alruck tha lam of uw jaave bolea of tb 2nd eon killing oof hi bore aad tatting fir to tlto building soma of bla neighbor hurried tolbaaoao and with their help tbo fire waa pat out before any great damage waa don to lb barn iii greatest loaa la hu hora which waa a valuable one the bard aad ooutenu are tiuured lo lb hal ton mutual tbo fartaer ar having a aorlou time getting their roou la tbla year owing to lb eootiaaal wet weather tb towaihlp bunday bcbool conven lloa will u bald at catapuuvillo today vllbonlvaill vou ar tba only girl that can tnaka me happy ar you sure yea i bav tried all tba other ufa a man way never dlaoovor how ignorant httf badoetat try to tell bl wife how to ran tha boua scarce goods in which wo have a fairly good supply tor hot wcathcr trade mens balbrigan undcrwoiir bojk b tlbriin underwear boyo cotton jcroyn lonfornhori ullu mcno lisle and ailk halmioac boys khaki bloomer pants jfc per pur mciih ncr1icc outmij or loungo slurti in white or fancy ntripu at old values all bright new goods excellent valued ladicisilk bool hobc in white or htaclc at m and 0a pair ladic a silkmo lifile hoac in white blick and colorn at 35 a pair very natty lines of indies patent putnpii and lippcrs uizcs at preucnt complete at very attractive priceu v y y y y y y y y y y y y mill st henderson co suppose the free press ceased publication just hupposie this community were left without a focal news paper what would become of itn local pride acton would juut be a name on a railway time table or a port office guide men and women might die or marry or go away or suffer accidents or entertain friends and you would hear about it all through local gostnp farm sates and other announcementa of interest to this particular part of the wide wide world would have no publicity our local merchants would have no cheap and quick way of telling you what they provide for you our churches and cchools and other institutions would have no medium of news or appeal and this whole community would slip back and be the sport of jokesmiths would city rupcri fake ibe place of the free press vou know they would not the point of it all is wc are raising the price of the frbb press shortly to 1 50 a year now if you kick and drop your subscription you say m e fleet this community doesnt need a local weekly if i can do without the frue prcso all others can wo do not bellovo for one moment that the good people of acton ainl county and neighborhood rfceun to kick or drop their subscript ioiib to the vuv pki is wo cupct all our kubecrihers to recognlio the now condition of living and publishing that have rands iho old dollar rata impossible to continuo but wo want to let vou aee that your woukly nowipajwr at tha high rale of 3 cent a week the prlco of a postage stamp still costs an in significant sum when you reckon up the nervier your weekly nowspaper renders you and this whole community be toval to and proud of the community y ou live in keep it on the map if you foolbuiotit baajaciiy for tfota rip youj uvto food la ku djgeaumf h atay faith dot of chitnibeifl tbey rnaka tha liver and irrluhl t of brcw voor do ita wrkvty eoaluuo and uyal tftb fckawbeafala melinbia ceeeaaay t 14 straw hats chamberlains tablets jdbbbbbbr n whuntr tannhhad russells b f yi w- v rm d jt lw ays full wiiclit no y fckimpwk no iancv nnmvd 10 covor com mon pttcc nrorlucth just uplrmlid lire id hid big value no bread in acton can iiv ho much real nour ishment and satisfac tion for the money as ours russells uattymm mhuad ihaifjirm mill st acton ont q55h2ssz dhhhphq w the uututn in now on for htraw llntx boa tho ruodela wo uro showing of tlia latent thin hcutun huuiuu liandsotua goods aad s pticoilfrumlti04to4tmi g panama and leghorn hats e tho very lalont in this auaiuina styles in kataaboliiloly new gowli nnd correct dtylcft prlctd ir4tto to ijlto f r e nelson g wrhauit tailor heaa imvitehaf wvttdtuud btv ouhusi oht notice to farmers neiar dairy in acton saxe t rubinoff ilavanpciieilii vvholinmlocroum ijalry business lu aclon mid will jvty the hiijlicrt nuirkot prlco in caitli for all cream dtilivorod at m huxi s store cream cuiir will lu simnlkd to all farmer desiring to supply creniu mid cash will iw pild uiuni delivery dally for ill craam flollv43nil other wholoiialera pay monthly but w liay daily ami will take all standard cream offered the now iuftlneh will cuniuiouce ut 011 n wool wool wool cshii prlcoa will bu paid for any uantuy of wool delivered by tho farmem m saxe i mill st acton iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihii