xt jvittcrtt sttt 1ft vo jjumic xiihno 1 kvrv imbmrltiirai ma i at acton ontattio tmumtjday mottnwg tuiiy 0 1010 nurip4iu ifrtftlm abnw 8ingik copibs thkbis cents t retort r mi uvuiiv fin ttmjvmoitmmi at yuk ffctkb htkuh huildiko mill uxmaarr icrow out iijwbdmihtkkui- oo dollar t4 yar unltoj uiou alt kalarlblana jummiiuuxi wbi tbe ilmw lor wbubthay bm ld wu csa ojrvraavttalhe ativui s fair lltlii flv aalt aubaa- loe joallut dlajlay oilvartu to so tw ub himrf b muujj 10 is 4lrmilaa at r ugoelv oalnrt fiirrdarxr aaxljcai ltlloa okay u d c u uccill iialfj k mhmnma k l k a uumii btanajaa bwtwd siaua4u h awo 0sth0patj1y ifvst vtakmomo aljluuiiaw maw sswa u u twu iil rtu ftt chiropractic yvat wasuail a uollowsy twld ballud- owlf oil arrahylhia uar u toili iwlllleull i v 4bj ailil kiwj 7 wljyttia i veu ultfu vmtmrjuaily roaw vbtmb1maev sokokoy uwlay earauchltprfbbil sllhkudlo a jmuxnraoh uauasearst uioi oar mill at la pw9a uda vvru 1 utllmu 1y hawulw uoij utor ul notary fublia wuaho 1 uclaes 1 cloak doatlaa ureal sw to lout tulaie ua eputal iluu- aovah plotte no la oejeeea maauami corner uui end teatlak ifoaje obamum v teaeufo dnviuuirv utaal obaaetbau umj u desired id mmcmlxummoum fjtbamo bookslhomb aeesiua beaks of ell kirns made la order paatat eaueferaayauaarlauaaeajreiflllybeejid m rhiaou ci0en8k0 u 9 uoomm imvht w llifcatiaa luauuu ri uo0m malhlmhitqblj imtuj i1b tbo ulu odw mrtoh savage 6 cq khtubllahvd iniu jlwllieit guclmi the old nd htuaue wnlchiiiabcr ami jcwclura savage co cutlph oat insist won 0bt1 iho tiik piano value and you 1bt wfc belt art piano prulml by all liiilftig iduicub hrtullt in ajijwarinf uhj 1 ioju quajlitr auil codtlructlon tl tuiu ub- tuiillal tha 1vu it told oaly t c w kelly cet son 33 lowor wyndhboxi st oukclfh ony a wondhful buhner whv hu1n vouh uviev you aauij ha 111 u or jullu 1ib id vouir i ouia l ilia mw m4l u ywv oil uu i uoulil lnvaii luiallnlaioimi tlia wlilla ulil utfd lawp llumu wilt gwa you an bdal ligll u uluw fem 0 u9- il aa c tic pas tbnr ofjlimfir k40i p aua ii xlll ai luhi ium abuvmloulftlfuwiuium btel am ulilliailtjullbtul hi ay tamp mil ii all i m witb tit ollmwt 001 oil u hiiuiuuii liu uauil ou wl trwliisliukaur uuipibtl um ft um1bui wmu t i iiuhl ilia tuua u au ttfdlbajry ihumw har i lay ur wnu im dawilvilov ajdur aiil afjwlj4w u0 iiallhah onerilimoirr- laanqadanndndrhwhiiiiiip i grain i chopping well done and i quickly at only 5 cent per bag u htta rinmiin auoyiamttum aumvrn and ib eily ol nualpti u i oajmftuj wltii allaimuau aad utww b4a aabla l- c by utuv to oriaa p o or 0lloo w bmmln iaililinna la oouumuoo wlu ttii ea tobn utmuiiatitauui to uta kb4jvan q auibakda4 onun ult at vahn ixui t jutou win yooalva lwtaduu muatiou it wmunllftb toalolb aftiob aaa ulablty iw vo haxl ojft ututit dalexnivujj taha la hijaoyo aud olvll irvoy guikiivuioiu plaun re- u oeurlptlonit blueprints etc tlflcal for purcbaurw and mart- aimui burvy for archlteclb uull- rtuid municipal cnuuclls drain- s tutuuta katloiatej eta jkju3hants bank bldo suaiurri trtaou iom out g harris v co llultcd hifiiimm 00000000 a daannhhh huh special vmtiuthunokm uquviaiattbwb huuukmholkdd shomtttvoir olllkidhhh au mlmiwlitto ahdjtrubb bookbinoatia boouaimloi alei woak wxxmvtug auhodtllo th old and bailable fliimlte utd marble dealers wm av w j loruim el ail u4ol mouuamtiui ud baadaloua ajk waiovlialrmttootiiratiatoiiiaraaixbola wd rmlloou lswh9 tb itwaa fcudlittm and tha ti- waahihuh id tba doulnloci who aau mmv 7jaitft t a- of or anatooiaia in ifvotdm jatw tilaat wha otbaw bay wo ba iu in tba daalanln lw miu in omw to aolual aaa au0 baa alali af utaal laalalm nf um than any thr jtwaaat wa lagiuinatadwlart hiv uo aatl abd do atot an it ay or mat o- wawbira4iooatlaaataaiiaiiallelt mdwm vm trnplof uaabaaua only aad dwy hamilton sonh otyllotfoui auj woalmlab u amurtf tiikuliia lo of satisfaction imtiiitownituhhiiol 4 laylorforbcs lawn mower tim taylnriorlwrn ifiinruttltio la an aaaiiranct if a quick aalufiillory thor ough working mitvcr it a fair jirlco tuali only a taylor- for b hlthor a da lay aur wcolyalt or limpresa prlcea from 4 00 up kro information on reijucut from the bond haftdware co liwitd thun io i 3 tntwlv qu8lph if you dont believe our watliotla hava tdaja tho ruaklujf and filling ofttuia aa axcurata aclatico aak anyoua warlutf klaaaaa maj by ua ituturatill cotttd loua for a ilamonura- tiou c- c speight hakdwajte electricstoves lamp9 and irons garden im- plemenut oil stoves paints and oi chi- namel a spdalty gramophonea and all ol he latest records call and hear theta c c speight uui slful aelaa v every i0i- packet of wilsons fly pads a ill 1111 moor iiui thas s vinuih or mi- stick tjuhu daw to hsnduru by tli tfti latdvoroccri and otoutl gt i may imrform 110 daw of jjr4t ttiowii moblorlouaaolto miiiiuiin liiatiifaat hulobilkxa uf lido my uml i may not tlnt a itarfant matoritlaoo mnrearvamutua liy ibo uorkl aanfei a mlraou of art 1 tt wilt ol ema to do my liit mv itaitut la ito uum llm roll if fnnm k nn i lio tjfi of oomnin 1 itfo lnirot hut ill bmiimirkinif nttrudtj jimb ttio aainot am do my ikwl anl if i oaoina fallow irmloc rlui 1ur fur ubovo dpi t ill wllli ijult ibmpm cllmllnaf dlmbliik touard ut aklaa aiul do my it my tary itaat and if ul cloo of day wnaii out i ut mo down awlilla to real ii ttutid m aad do my wt it may uot bo tlia ltuillul or imtvj hut i muat try to oaraful imt i fall ao it what a njt lolo my liaod lly very imal iutua- khj atur avry tllcli tnuat bo tba uat a llttl ttxiimr umh tlta rut oood ilaalsr t hlp my ayea that tltay wy aa to tlo uiy but iulto iiimii tlial had uij tho damn wli laimko atumjitliiif tomaka itu tono oaftua and maltar of fact im about maifa pp my mind to buy aiffwillumanna eanoo titothar lia r inarkml ita n dandy all fifth ami kami hh nu aiul liaa olfrl it to mo for rlyblcf 11 drtlur- it com htm moro than twleo that lit ooull luiar hit quirk luuko nf ma mntharu lrnfh and cnualit tho vk f ollnltii la in lioreyt oh mrrttn nnt a nnoa i aim aald lmilorliiblr id mv havo an nay momant knowing ymi rar out in il ob hut mothar why t martoua loivo vaaciaalnir nd da trlwl to almw aurui a joke t mi jim and john kmaraon twin brotlmra draaaad allkoaa tliay lookl allka thay worothalr liaarda alike and tholr vole warohh iiaarly tha aama aa two violin thoy warn manlnd oh iho aahvo tuy and want to 110 in twin houaoa in atharton trraoo tvary on aald that umra waa tirlhlrtf unllkaahout ilia itrou aoit alr wlvaa onoday wlilla tliay woro luiidhlnu to- rotliar at tho llownlown club tliay con- eludail to awap wlvev for illrtnar 1 irn waa totcohomo to jotma houaa ruiidln lo itajnhh awl vim vara tho pratanaa if w u ueoaaaful waa to lat till eoffa waa 1 wimdar at hi molhwa flart hut i hrouht on wimm john and hu lotbara komaliow fall in ilia altampt tha oon i w to a lato john a and all havo varaatlonwaa tallntf tho aiwut tum that tajtrt ha r ani uu ovar whathad dear at any price mm i aw tuolad apfwalilnily at iba robtnoble seed cobn loasfdllow impravwl lairamif wblt op uuudon wuotuln no 7 feeding sugar beet colmul wbke royal gunt jumbo tuikjwd crura guut 6usr uan00lds yellow levlmlbau mimmotb lon rim glut vollow iinlmoli vallow lutormodule turnips cabaullau gem prlw purpta tib new century drby mamraolh ira- pntvod oryatoha j l warren hahaobh thlmphohh ho the now hlfthcui nuatomtdlo uboe for lailles meita and woman fc 8ol in beet raitkea lloya and olru hon i a in fins fancy and for uverv day wear uk kalhlno phomitlv ah usual kcnncy bros main fi acton n diamonds 1965 in our window w luv duplayd oraa very suit- ablorlrjjjsllla our dla- mood rlnjjihprjoo mbu uui it will pay you to ua ua before buylntf lmta satoua durooud and siptdilre ring at mb e j liphardt jeweller opildan acion ont n dlpitwl euj bod in tha alallo wur nf tkauy lilly illuta it ultf but i wai to talk it or a uttla uiu at hoiuc utur ul wait too litf cllfif wui with an fcfr of auutij ladlfiuc4 of thoouwr fallowall atiap it up ii yoa tkmt it a a ylfi rlty tuar at ailtawa doluja fxt hki tomvti twloa tkaaraiiia loao luu tad yod can ka ftwyooraalf ita gooj aa bw juo fru tela tad loo i y it a all hflbt rpuj iltoi uit wjl i cant dacida right olfwhathar ill uka it o not ill ut you know la tlta bkortaugtur now if you had a ulc i lit la motor boat tbaaof ooura you wouulat liav to much rwj of it cllffa tolra luul grown alltlitly patronuiajf thou you could clip it ovar to lb illffaraat mioda in abort ordaraatl hav your awoallflht ruu aod all ilattortof tung dut wall aa you dootown boat your mluibtf it not to tala my cano iii lalltyou that ttu3dy vary likely i uuton wuf with laugh and 1 may uko it butldonly it uruck him aa awutlnjt iliio comlilnalloo alqibfa pfundad lodinaranco to tlia ml aad hlalnaialant urging iio want wblat ttng iwcb to iho auratnar oulq which hi had halrud his futhar to build the hummer bafora tha ooiy ii tlia four roomod houaa wltli acroaaed orclkaa which hail maanl iueb wondarfully latnrod haalth for the frail littu mothar whoa hud acakoly hacbad to ilartooa ahouldar hir koart waa vary tender wharo that gantla brown- eyed mothar waf oonoeroad bhe waa alt- tiog now on the froat porch a bit ol ueodldjr in harbandti auda glad aldnlng look in tboa ihrown eyw a look that bar tall imiy never failed to oall forth walt what for tlila afiarnoon v alio aakaj a abort uupper vts if yoa feel like going to it mother otherwlao ilont care altout it oh but marlon of oourae you tauat tro anyway im afraid i dont fetl equal to lc hutlh havmy tea earl and i ahant mind at all wno i dont ear for it without you and with father gona ik you think id enjoy it knowing you were hero alone v fib reached out to ukn bla hand tho hand of thla dear boy who had never mov ad lo grow away from heraa aha uied lo faar in hie liahytiood ho would do when ha ubouhl ao nearly reach man ealate ha raiumad tba pnueuro of bar hngaa ailantly fiomaliow it didnt seem alto getbor eaay to broaoh tlia aubjeot of ufe eanoa awl yat the money waa ida ery own every penny of it earned by faithful oftloo work and laid by for aometlilng aitraof thla kind they looked ailantly aver tha blue thlntng water of the bey to the green uunda beyond what a tlallght the euiumer are here 1 and thla glorloua aalt air i aha aald it la doing wondera for ma i havo grown to love every aook and eorner of thla eottage and to think of ita being ao largely the wotk of you and your father t uy room la ao pretty too with it view of the bay and if i happen to be wakeful tho aound of tb wur lull ua to aleep often if it doeant ilia ao hatful juat to lie there and uauhtoll 81m waa alwaya evpreeelng har appwu- uott in aoma auoh way uariots amltoil beak ab bar but with an abaenb look in hlw eye you euro do lov tlia water dont you raotltert i wub we could aflotd motor beat borne aummatr well get around to it aven if we cant now ye aba aaid with a em ii that auddaaly became very bright borne atinime well have it even if we luve to wait for il they wave alleal for a few taluniea tban wall dear aba aald if x wnt parauad you to go to tha above topper without me what do you aay to aoma teamed otatni for our aupper witb imt toaatv ttine i aau mertoa ill help with tba elaut awl no ana can beat you making teaet i somehow tba time to menuou tha propoaad purobaa of tba anoa aaemed alow in arrlvlne hot until uay had llulabed tha ateamlng ouma tba creamed poutoea and tha orlip toaat did lletton bring up the euldeot he had twitted upon helping with tlto duhaa and waa hhiarauuy giving bla he hail expaolad and drtwdad thwyra nunh tmaoharoum thinga tha llltlo llhl eanoaa im uneany uqii whan ynura out in a rowlumt but lltao canoaa 1 wliv uwfott you can hardly pick ii a papar without lyculliifr of aoma nooa fatal arldnt from a canoe i wall mothar i havnt bought it yat only- ltdaaaaom ton rood a otianoa to iota if uo itul a motor ikoat it would it aodlkarant itut tltaraa ha muoh propt of our having- one for year aa far aa i ran km now with a carum think of the trip i could taka va i do think i thatu wtat ulghtmn ma aald hi nxuhaf vhh a ilitu ahlv ijoot von it to verr ln hiathli- f ita viiaaial it int houuht rat aiul par hapa you ii foal llnvrvt atiout it in the mntnlnp i tou cliff im lit him know in ilk morning liaa going to push tha ul lo omaltoily ala if i dont lake ii ami it i a map biolh urton lay awala for a whlla tluvt night not voiding at onea a l wi aoeuatonuwt to tla awifi aouhd lap of a itaallhy youth tbrouahllathln partition utvtm ma room ami llut of hie nmtbara bo haanl ailaa sound that mule hiu aura that m motlur too wii wakaful aiul not ilhg lulled and eoothad by thla mualo of tha wava havl tlma ha heard her croa tlb root oimi gj to utewlmlow hud djnly lemtba oould ataml it no longer and tlptoml lo bar door knocked upon it toftly and opened ita crek lfotlar atop worrying fhe uld lov ugly im going to ull clin i deafc want bla eanoa it would be luar at any ploa if it meant you were worrying ovr ha vwy time i want out in ll oh llerton you blad boy 1 the aid with a llltl catch in bar breath ita aodaar of you but but im afraid you think im a ullltb worrying old kill joy and btop calling youraalf name i blarton inlarruptad bottle down ami go to aleep ill uve my money toward iho motor boat wero going to have mm day and whenever wo go out in that youll ho along to roeoue father and ma if anything ahould happen i ha ended laughingly a few momenta more of playful reaaauranoe and baellpped bank to hla room and waa eoon loat in vefraalilngaleep- wi1 lean tall you youre making a tnuiaka i cliffanaworad with aoine bitur neat when morton announced hla decision next morning youll not get auobaanip aguln l ill takomyciuiimma whan i want one l merton mid good naturally giving it away to all it for eighteen dollar cliff wont on imt to tall the truth i need aoma caau right now and how wlmmt fifteen dollar for it i take it at that t no dont want a eanoa 1vo made- up my mind i uortou said hi a toloe tltat llaoouraged further urging it never waa mertnaa way to apoll hie acta of aelf aurlfloe by wearing a depreaaed face afterward if anything be waa a little brighter and jollier than uauol the neitt two daya ai be went about the eouege or strolled along tlia beach with hi mother tha morning of the third day hla father isjturiioj from tha builnaa trip that liad called him away tban came thonurprlie he eprang it ujum them aa he was eating hi late hreafeal i dldneaay anything about it wlien i uentaway baoaliaei waa in doubt about tho term i could make and i didnt want to raise any falsi hope hut ive made an investment that 1 think la going to bring in aoma pretty big returua in tha way of pleirurefarall threeofua uerton and hi mother looked up with quick intenut what la it v thay eaked together a motor boat mr jockeon replied enjoying the look of delight and aiaua- meut in both faces 1vo been oorree ponding with lyettoa about hla for aeveral dnjn though i kept quiet about it ha wanted to oell hi and eell cheap bawbea i waaat annapollal took run down to hla plooa to look it over ita in nwtioji ditlatt motor gooil uuew and heelee ma have it for a hundred down and eaay pay tuonta by the mouth for tha baiaao ha oat 1ck in hla chair toying wltli hla ooftae eup and thoroughly enjoying tlia way hla new waa received the anprmlon on tlia two fane that wero deereet to mm i see where merlon and i go to work now at another job of carpentering he remarked well have to get buiy at eome aorfc of a boat bouea for our launch will be here the arte of the week v we bear a great deal thee day about equare peg in round hole indeed lb would almost aeem that we heard toomucb a great many people aeem under tlto lu- preulon that lu order to make a euooew at all tlmy muat find aoue place for wblah they are auutly fitted and ao our eua- oeu in life la made to depend upaa u lueky chance and the mettoof human adaptable ity la left out of eaaelderatlon altogether it la the nature of a dandelion to eend up a long hollow atetn at the end of which eppeare a golden uoaiow but if you keep your eye open tlieee iptlug day you will makoan intereatlug dlaoovary re garding the hauta of thla favorite among weed the dandelion wblob grow on a neglected vaoaat lot bloaaom at the etui of u long atem ilut the dandellona that lakart daoe wluut colin kuaraon imperabnatlng jim went to jim hoiimthat aflarnoon ahnrtly tfore the dinner hour he reoalvaj the eoenublal kla from hi brotkeva wife ami aofar aabeeouiddlaoovarkbetlubht him iter buahand any utter t ha oak ad raaually va ahe aam handling him nna ad drawl in a feminine hand whiu aha looked up into hi faoe a he roeil the imp enarlptof john watt ftomewhat ukan unk rfa liidtwn khowwhather the ejll waa one hla 1othr wouli with hla wife to nee or nivlnrlt ammial glantv ha put it in marmot pvkt iinnptd ami aokal f tha wife had aiunt ihodaviiwtdhtlv mr jim did not ak when he hail rwwloid a utter in which abe waa daailv inuiuil who waa the writer for kite kail iumlha handwrltlncr on ll anvelorui il onuhl not wake out that it halottirad in any woman aha knew but bar retlu- to tolma mittarka ware hot onrdlat and it waaavliunt that the wa eomethlntf art hr mind tohn aelmvorwl lo arpaar un mwnur hut be waa ehld in ailmlt that the utter lnmat had eauaed au unfortunate turn in his and hla brother joke the mare john trlei to placate hlu tlilw in uwtho more unplaeated ah he- name iv the time the daamrtcameon tha tahuahevaa alttlng llt upright in bar olielrlooklng vrv eruaty meanwhile hw boaund waa dlnlag with hit brother wif jim who wa an ex cellent hualnet man hail made money while john who laaua were artlatlo bad ttot ura john waa aoonamloal and bar principal bualneta waa tokaepher huaharul fromapendlng more than hla limited in come warranted it had occurred to jim that thla ooeaeien would h a good one to make hla titter in uw a preaeat so en bla wav to dinner he etepped at a jwura and bought a limafih for which he paid 9a6x after reoalvlnv thehoweoomlng ktaa be drew the tax containing hi gift open ed it end held the brooch before the lady v eyee see what i have brought for you dear uiemeroae brows lowered of putting her oorat roger on the brooch aha puahad it away from har why in the world did jou apend money for that trinket wheu i have al i ean lomakoemlt meet without itt tomor row morning yon take it rhiht liack and laao it when you got it v- pew jim looked very much dtagiuntled ii could not oonfem that he waa her hrotberln law intlead of iter husband and that it we pure gain to her ua aum- tnered an apology adding that he waa very aorry and took up tha evening paper- fortunately dinner waa announc ed awl he hoped lo get through it without anything more duigraeelle than what had already happened tbu the joke tliatwa intended to tie a peauant one lo be laughed over after dinner mleoarvled john bad a letter in hla pocket thab he dared ttot open for fear of oeupromlalng hla brother and jim stood accused of waeteful extravagance all through the dinner jim ahur in uw waa daculmlngagalnebbla wan if of ability to keep within bound it waa no excuse whatever that be bad intended the gift for her a gift that troubled her to pay for by skimping waa no gift at all indeed it waa a detriment about 730 by the dock jim kmereoua waa celled to the loupboua i that you jim f yea theres been a fuaoo liare there beea one bore too the trouble la a utter received by the morning mail addreaaad toyoulnawoniana band writing the trouble bete u that i bought your wife a fifty dollar brooch aa a gift purtort- ug to oouo from you and have been ahua- ad for extravagano tell her the truth and com over at once ina few minute jim bud ura john entered jims own bouse lire john waa amlllng lira jim waa like a thunder cloud jim ashed hla brother for the utter and then he opened it and read aloud i trusting to interest you in tha eauae of vote for women i venture te addreae you further reading waa interrupted by a buret of uughter by three of the party and jim approaching h wife took her in hi arm it eeema to me tald lira john that i am the only gainer by thla atupld joke ill trouble you jim aald hi wife for a brooch to match tha one yeuve glveu bailie twent yea ago prom our iieuo of the free proa of thurad ty july oth ibm david wren imi aold bla farm lot 23 con 7 nuasajmwyaio ivald williamson for mtttiit 4uoll mr williamson now owu ww aero thadry tucattnr ha favored the dove npmantof graaahopjura they have done coiulderuble dumaga capt johirflhuw ah line oominenood cutting fall wltaat taat friday july anl thu l auya la tlio earl lea t date barveet ing ever ooi nine need in thla aoctlou a largely aituiuled moiling of knox church eonuragatlon waa held laat friday evening rev ii htraohnn moderur pro- aiding it wan unanimously decided id oak tha presbytery for itermlsalnn lo mod erate in n call to minister tlia name llev if a molitereoii we the ftlmont unatiilmou choice the ladloi aid of he methodist church held a garden party on the greunda of mr arch monahb church btreet on monday evening a the weather wae aomewhat eool tha hnue waa genaroualy openoil to tlutguoata the mlaaea hall avangellala of ouelph m1m uooinnla of youngatown ohio and acton cornet fund furnished mualo tfie funeral of chariot cameron who lost hlu life through the ace mint in tho cobble hill gravel pit wa very largely attended luv mr re of toronto junction and rev mr telt wl attend ed deceaeed during tlia fw momant a be twn the accident and hla death conduct ed the service a rooeptlon of mtnilkera into tit me tho dlat church waa bald on sunday rev mr monrlaon of iron mountain mich preached in tho morning and the mlaaea hall evangtllitt hod charge nf tlia venlngeert ice mlsa ljile hall riving a vtry impreaalve addree mr if p moore gave a aynopela of tu great international buiuuy school obnven tlon held in lloetan in the method let sun day school on bunday rev viclor j oilpln oommenoe1 bl pastorate en pvarlon circuit on bunday preaching at kverlon the rrlck church end umeliouse at kvertou rev r j ucltityre the late pattor waa reuemliered by the epworlh league by a moat cordial addreaa and a presentation mr john eaaterbrook who waa town- ehlp treasurer of nateagaweya for oer 20 year paaaed away on jeee 24tb aged 63 year it moved to nageweye 41 year ago and conducted a general store and poet efllo there for many year rev u a molr and ura molr drove through town on thureday en rout from georgetown to their new field in walker- ton dixit ilobmun at rrohte on june 16th jpsur uorund aged hi yeex tub day op tub young mux when war broke out the j on rig iion bad tholr dayi tbalrenumliera spoke they were a breve array i and he waa nothing who waa old and gray when war broke out i what could he do hut by tho flresldo tuy 1 or groua altout t how hob lit strength how atrgugln hope were tliey i and a long line of yeara liefnro them luy wheroln to toil lo triumph utid to piny and rest at length i no foroo could daunt thorn aiul no fenr dlamayt how rich instreiirth tlielr aongu they vay i theyauugof tlpperary and uero gay tlwy would return whon ended waa the frayi tlielr aanga they aung and merrily to the war thoy marched away iviien tltey were young ha that lu old and waa denied hla day whose eye u dim whose hand i weak to eley he may not join the ranku yet servo he may me that la old t he ean aulvlaa enoounigc comfort- pray tho un enroll j ijoglo itoltertaoti ung along tho public industbv vebse alcohol lewi edwin thela writing n the out look introjucoa a powerful article in- duatry veraua ulcohol with thla 1i11u- bun day at ory i we wore dluuaalng hilly sunday and tlie eoonomlc tthet of bla work the vice irruldent of the- o iron worba told mo auld a monufoctarer of railway car that hla company could have afforded to nay it employee a quar ur of a million doluira more than their wage during the period that billy sunday waa worklugamong them the corporation concerned u one of the great aleel companies of the country it employe thousand of men why wa that 1 ntked r because of the inoreaaed efficiency of the men they were auadler accident decreased remarkably they produced enough eitremteel to make their work worth the quarter million additional it u utereatlng to find that religion be uch an effect oo averyday life i ob- eairved religion asauob had little to do with replied tba earusbiker except that it started ll the tblng that made the man efficient waa culling out tha drink billy sunday got them all on ha water wagon they became sober and atayed aoher they could ruu thejr machine with ateady baud and true aye tlia men themselves realised what a difference it makes thay areatron for prohibition if iliepeopuof pituuurgand its vlejpity could vote on the temperance quaetlou tot day tha saloon would be wiped out then the manufacturer are atrong for pro blutlon too thoy never gave much thought to the matter bofore hut thla demonstration of silly sundays baa made uealletroag- for piombltloa wa know now that meet of our aocldeuta are due to whlakey foryears wa have beea trying to find a way to awure a blgb degree of amoleooy auaig our toa we never auioceeded along comae this preaober and aooompllsbas more lu a few wmiii than wa have aver been able ta do we know now that until baoee u ban- ubod we can never have real ejflcuut workmen were foole if we doat profib by whab he has ehown ua take it from me booze has got to go we are dob much intereatad in the moral aide of the matter aa eucb it i purely a matter of dollars and cent thay aay eorporatloea have no louls from tbu time forth cor- pamtlona uia gojag to abow mighty llttld aoul toward the man who driuka bloaaom on a well eared for uwu clipped by a lawn mower ceo a week put ont a bloaaom that liarely raise it head above i know aolb iruleed oftan after tlio uwn mower i you clceeet attention to the drying of the allver baa 1en along lovh irroiiy wtmout a maw tba editor dictating to a ateogrepher naomi johnaon dear blr i we thank you very much for giving us the chance ato two hour later thai earn editor ajgelng hisualloh kaay uue hmltb call lug bla alanoaphar to bl daak juib make that dear sir pleae the girl takes the letter rut begins rather timidly ur naomi johuaorj beair blr the editor pule in hastily havent you read the hibler yea of ooutee ml smith baglna a- gain imt- ruth and naomi a love atory you iluth the girl i naomi the man t have a love atory without a man ean your new york kvenmtf lioal atfaidchitsltoi many a bouthem darkys mind u atored with bits of philosophy that are frequently as true as they are quaint- hare la an ih auuoei one wintry day aay a washington man luebanold darky in rage plod ding along the cold wind beat through manvboles in bla tattered garment yat daepltehu evident poverty be was earty isjfawboualdecbaoou on bla ahouldar uncle i ashed why didnt you spend your money on a warm coat inetead of on all that baoonr well uh aald the bid man gravely whan i aeks my baok for credit i glta it then patting bla atomaob he added i rut db hear sab die beali always celh for oath kveu if a mart does lift bla lid when ha meets a woman ha may not be her inferior learm to let go one of tlto moat practical ami a olulo ly truthful hits of philosophy that have spidered ina long time waa recently pub llahed in medical talk on the wisdom of uttlnoc go bays the writer if you want to be healthy morally men tally and physically juftut u- that little hurt that you gob from a friend paths pa it wasnt ntmwlsd perhap it was but never mind it lufuwlothlnk about it let go of that feeling of hatred you iwve for another the jealousy the tny the malice let go all such thought sweep them out of your mind and you will lie surprised what a cleaning up and rejuven ating effect lb will have upon you lth pbyeloelly and mentally let them all go i you house them at deadly risk nub the big trouble tha bitter dla- appolntmanta tlia deep wrong ami heart breaking sorrows tho tregedloe cf ufa whab about thatnj why just ubthemgo too protithem loftly maybe but eurely put away all regret and blturneegand lot sorrow ite only a softening induende yets let them go too and make the moat of the future then that little pet ailment thab you have been hanging on to and talking aliout utlt go it will be good rid- dance you have treated it royully but adandon it i let it go talk abouthealth instead and health will oom quit nurs ing that pet sllmiflnd ut it go it i not ao bard after once you get usd to hie habit ofatrjewlnggoof tbess thing you wjjl find it aucbaii easy way to get tid of the tiling tlmtinar and embitter llfetliatyou will enjoy letting tlioiu go you will find tit world such a beautiful place you will find it beautiful because you will be free to enjoy it free in mind tni body learn to utgo a you value health of body and iieaco of inlrul just simply let bo- ask youbselp why was the milk splll it ia no usotocry over spilled milk aayu tho proverb and no one will queatlon it truth tear htlp little nji moat thlag jim though tear will not put pilled milk luck in the pltchnr thst doe not mean that it uever paya to onamlno in to the causes of an acbldent or analyse the factors that are responsbu for a dlsatlroue mistake agrab many young poopu dlsmla from their ml ad as aooo as luaiibluallreoolleot ion of a past mistake it is too uts to help it now is uld numboruaa times often with a suggestion of flippancy and so it la no amount of hbaeuoa afterward can undo a single ut or uaeay a word thab ha been taolteii rut it u quite poaible thata little aatioua thluklugwoukl prevvnt the repvtltlaa of thab mutahe why was the milk spilled in tha flrat placet ita no use to cry about it to be sure but lb u extremity imporunt m find out the answer to that queatlau ivrbape you were looking at something acroa tha street instead of autandlug strictly tebuel- riaaa ivthap you were trying to carry a pitcher of milk in one hand and a bower- rot in the ether ami lieteo the two you came to grlel iertupa you started out expecting toeplll the milk and thai uneasy certainty prepared the way for ita owb ful ailment time and again uioh facta ex plain failures find out wh the milk was spilui oo that another time you will be more careful with your pitcher crying doe uo gooil but reflection may mean thab the neat time the full pitcher will make tha journey lo safety stick it yakaj ailury lota of man with good jobs and a flue future before them are forever thinking how nice eome other job somewhere aua would be and forgetting that any other job worth while baa it troubus and dlfll- eultles thab must be overcome true love never did run smooth and the beat machinery gate a bet bearing onoa lu a while the man who stick and proves by bla slicking that h ean surmount dluuitle and iron out trouble wrinkles is generally the tint man whole needed to till soma unexpected enurgency anydody ean move bub lb takes ability to remain exchange no more asthma or j h kelloggs asthma remedy sound the death knell of this trying trouble it stops tha awful choking and painful breathing it guards agaluab night attacks and gives renewed ability to sleep and rest the whole nlgbb long much u tiuiuad for this remedy bub nothing but what can be deuoaatrated by a trial if you suffer from asthma try lb and oottvlnoe yourself of its great value no better protection against worms can be got than mlllera worm powders they consume worms and remler the stomach and intestines untenable to them they ileal tha surfaces that have become inqamed by the attacks of the parasites awl serve to restore the slrengh of tlia child that baa been undermined by the draughts the worms have made upon it and thab their operation is altotretber health giving