fclje rtnn 3fvtt rs tiiuiihliav twa 17 1010 it doesht mv itdosul wy to frown i whim you ro blmt youd hollo nmiroimi u lilt ami llll yuiirlmiuhh nit iilr ihinl ult ilowti nml moki and rumblo i if you do men may idly 1ml ilmyll loavo jou tlntf thoro when the uorld hm imoi uiiutnd whon llfort imiihlo olooil our mind dont flt down nml sluh uitd moan und mo pa take n wiillt uroiiu i tlio wpinro viii your luiurs with lodi fresh nlr therfuo whhaliiiir lo wurl nml sniilalialii hill i llolm i heucle i i it is air air has no color in summer air la usliter ill winter older people breathe lait than you njer pople huall boutf lll aro tlio iiitwit ilforon broatbefs of all maul air contain water in tlio farm of uvor vspar air when com pro i has valuable cur stive iropartl thaauooipliera of tbo various punot differ rdtly in quality art opan chimney is vory good for help ag btp tlia air in a roam frnli tt wclll of air at tho oc of tho is tltcn pounds to llio niiarrj incii if a uisn i in a room ten ft in each direction uo haa a thooiand cuhlo ftflt of spax it a a mistake to tupiio tint nlht isdnitfoious to lncatha i it li itrf titan tbt ef the day if you rikh an ttftf so tli it fit tbtouli ti shell it wilt ii and no ciikht will coma out of it vty iatly iba uhou of ilia air l coj pwtibjlvj of twofitm only iillrotfwtii four fifths 41 0yfln nearly ana ft lib air uay l luxiul la a llum or a wjlj by u fiifjlcjtkj el gtt irwura tuukw witban eilriiuly low tawiwr wtih ecli fccat cf tit roe bill and a ulf lbatuuity of ua air fi ulvwl bqj up tlwmtoii through llaooaiuuiorow w of colj at blgb altitude hf fm air 1 uj aa motive iowr bi ctja form c tiuxhimry notably tho taiplydln lwld tumtli through rack aad udw uuwquiaa decline substitutes a wlun uront dooant dlwiita otltcr iwojilox faillntcd tioforo tlio oblldran b a ban mot lor to dooiovo tlio worm v on nro siud up for jnt wbat you am ikmt otir up u iuirrl over trira vriciwfo nro too vuluablo to lia tliun tfally loi imyulf whouoklack ybalkmvy tnigvltin wsj lu lorrilu uattwl bowud tlio acur toiat fool of aa obatra oouductor ha spollj lhapuy ilowdulbadoitr ha btruek ut wliwa did you gut tbit lt t wbao tli jia put on tlia tiuxl cap ami wouowl tba pfuonar to tuatb i no man or woman aboull liolbla pain fully about ijcum of ootbwuii wcwrtaln a iraluf la at liaad aa holloway a cora cur would iis duck civiiihrrvivn mvt iiimon clillirl liifanln u iiiim iaroitla ititlwl tluiti fur 11 fo it would wiom n por sort of bu mor to lalm i n child wltli a cbrutlati nauu whirl lltn in mi run mo nil inn volt llkr hard i ii i iiok jolly ivatli holly htlck ilonr iluuh i ohr htrocl fuldom i urly nnd the iiuo but it in iloiu itfvdrlluibiu of cotirtu- noiiuoib lu nomrtliikh on tlio track of tlu 84 practical jok ra only bla nvmn j pmlnldj wrvak cd on tlh itnuiilmnrvr rutin r than on the paronta 1 or instanct wild lloim uuudd vt ry opiiroyrliilc in in fancy but wlu n he nri tly mlirn iloio married llio foailn ttliu mr hull and alio bad to nlua lnr tklatrauon papr wild hull it wundd a bit how to keep vaell nr jtohn w h mectilxouoll uk iklmi ciiikf ovlfcicit otr this ntovinciaf iuaii ov iikaitii ao inipaotor waa vuitlnj a country ubool lis waa ajiklng mioo of tlio child iwi quationa afiar a wliila baaaid to u junior olaaa i mow i wantaoma of you to uk ua a qiliuon hint i cant am war aftarafov vain oltomptit a amall iwy aildi iiaim air if ycu woraatuck inapoolof tuud upto your nook mid a briok waa thrown at youahead would you duck 1 tb afuutpnau ol mother oraxov worm eitarralnator puta it within rcnoli of all and lb oan bo tfot at any drulitv ttio youtb who know moro than lilt fatbar will losru a lot if lio livaa to bo an old man if you uovc want your hoy to learn to auoka aat him a uwl ohunqito by not utlng toltaooa yourlf a tiser dowall in a abort time can run through a foituna that took hit poranta u lifatiua to aooumtilata dont plana all ilia blauia on tlio othor wtowa lioy uabo your son hiii o parftmit aa you think ha la if a fraollon ol uto monay that in put in outly tnanumenta waa imod to mako tha vlnfit naort aomfortahla t would bo a wiw move no matter if tlio other fullow hannt done baaijuaro tliinn tlont try to gat aunt it ntvar paya ofuit ro ahead and do v ha li riflhu lfld kibhgl elsuole for selieam souths ooans kiney pills cured him mr ikj sicvchd rnymoiid alto write i am writ in it lo bear my tcatl inony of your wonderful mictliclne x had buffered for several months with bklney trouble i hul been under the doctor com for two hiontlm when i read your advert lumen t i at onco mirduucd fpur iiokci of doana kidney mia and when i had lined two luuea of them i waa cured i have rccommeuded uui treatment to several of my fileuds wlicii you oat for dooua kidney rilla mcuulyouccfdoatri ttowrappcr u ry and our ratio matte tue manlo taf oppeara on every bo doans kidney ihib arc co ccnti per bat or 3 boxes for 51 25 at al tltalert or wajlcil direct on receipt or price by the v mllbura co luultcd toronto out when ordering direct apeclfy doau v or uomotinico of roum nobody l lo blanio nobudy wuu in tin raat of ifotta lllnipaon who niarrti d mr john lfill hut alto uot umm rrlfult rhanl our the- combination holla ixilt hut tilt font loud who iu nwtrnlrj tho following join upon hla uncoil wloua thouuh wildly irol thin balm muat ti ivo knotati whit in wan do tng lrotibly if tlui partun had twluurd tho diabolical d ulgn of the tmlllnk father bo mluht havi trans pom j two of the uatm a and apollid tho plot tho parents wiiv rallnd ounu and when tho parunn askt d for tho childs baptismal nanna tln futhrr wills twrod lliiijanilu isaac loofftvy and it toumlftd all rlpht hut fancy that lad writing all hla fttu such a cone hod altftialuro u n i o qunul its too druajfulf tbdro am carta in oauia that ar ott tho map ilucb aru jwi anaulaa luppblra judas and ul uhub hut occasionally parutl have iwon kuown to tako a maau raveng on a new and unwalcoma ar rival a for instance one tootnauy johniod notwaatod flraltb odloua iloaton too bad poor kldal itodiotlrara tho ldoa la tho rvv6ra uo profoundly thankful arg tba happy pair to bavo a now baby that they must oiproaa tbolr joy at tba font tbus wo got merry chrutmaa klggot wolcomo joni8 but it la dif ficult to admlro aucb name aa noaha ark sraltb and anno domini dvls unny people wrongfully conclude that tbo nanica boa towed by uunyaa upon hla immortal jury at vanity kalr worn very exceptional dut hit mr ilatollght and ur uvaloom had tholr countorpart in tho local direc tory of nunyana tlrao tllngularly onougb a volutoa pab- llnliod in 1700 glvee a copy of m jury ituturn mado at ryo ouaaav la thi into itobollloua troubloua ttuctg tho nanica of tho tww wh1 meek ii rower oraceful hardidv kull- aln rimplo darth adams wtntttt nilllnir uoro fruit vcwur vlatot nandlnr return bjwjltnan hy u- bato hoborta stand rant ob high fltrlngor ihi valthful jolnar plgbt tho good right of paitb wul loacta about xihtlah dnormoua improvemaau havo boon mado in tho xlrltlih trttehi nlnco last wlntor moat of thm hav boarded floors otbora have brlok floors ttioy have a system of trnb pumps to sot rid of tho water and pipes which run u mllo and a half back from tho front of tho trench supply drinking wator to the men tbo dukouta are comparatively eom- fortablo tho men have rough bd to ho on and many contain tables many of thorn nlao bavo amall bran- tore with flros ono of tho moat valued present which tho men rooolvo are boxes of njgbulbhla which hoy aro allowed to burn in tbolr dugouts this year tho mon bavo boon norvod out with long indlarubbor hoot when a bat talion of mon in coining to tho tronchoh it finds in tbo supporting linos thono bpots wnltlnn thoy re move tholr own liootn not on extra pair of tblok ntocklngn and put on tho rubbor baolu when coming away after n turn in tho trenches thoy loavo thoso bootn at tho aatno station and receive tholr own boots and sooks which havo boon dxlod for tbom htsuto urn nvo chlof ways in which dlnoaao upronds thesn nro wntor kood mlou ullk and contact thoao uoiirrnn or i n toe t ion nro intormlnglod with ono nnotbor iit uh look into tbom and mo bow iiimoso trmvola from ono porno n to anotbnr tbo aourco of u wator aupply comeu from tho rain arid artow noxt w find it in rlvora streams ponds nnd lakoa alorod in tho ttround in thn form or aprlng and in underground atrctchoa of gravel wbenco it is obtsltiod fron dnap or almllow wolla wbon a wator aupply la lulng ronslderod it must lx judged llko tho clinrnrlnr of n uatkit poraon by the company it kmips any aourco or wator supply cannot ho pure if it is axpowd to llm onlranro into it of anwaito tbo dlarhargo from thn bodloa of human bolnga thbt inny occur in a varloty of ways for asamplo a stream rlvor or lako which would other wise w pure may havo thn towage of a town dumped into it or thorn may bo water cloaou upon its banks or th mcrola or u typhoid case may iw thrown n tb ground nearby and washed by melting know or rain into the water a supply from such a source unleae purified ta a dangerous one it might be anr- for every day of tho year but one the pollution on that ana day might star an epidemic or alseaju the well may be unprotected allowing iiirfnro water to enter or it may be sunk in a creviced limestone rock which aorves as a meana whereby sewage may reach the water the commontiit illarours rarrled by water are typhoid lfover cholera dyson lory and d nrrliooa or bu tumor camilalnt in tbls country tho commonest watorhorno dlaeuse la typhoid vavar food frequently tarries dlmaao twausa it becomes contaminated mioi by flics dirty fin morn and by mouth or noaehpray of carriers or persons affected by disease uaat containing thn germs nf tuher- culusla or the inrvnn of certain worms if itututneleutly cooked may carry disease kllrn breod in manure chiefly lu frosb horse manure thoy will not breed in fornirtitlmt manurd which is too hot for tbom a period of eight to divli days is required to curry the tly from tho egg stage through tho tuacaot larvnn and pupn atagea to tbo full grown tly the tly fldi4 will not travel gal dlstabc if there la plenty of food at hand but if biinury it may tly for aome distance uy hair a mile or more one cau cns1l understand how this liiwct may carry dlmo wheu one enn ui drrs its will knowu habits of nlltlug from tba eapoiud contents of tho ualertloart tu food lu the kltcban ulaawa such as typhoid dyuutery cholera dlirrboea and tuberculosla af commouly earrwd by nls lly milk fror tubarculoua eows ehtldro may uohi ltifctd with tuticrculoals or if the handler is a consumptive tin dlsa may bo car ried to the users nitdllarly if thoo handling milk ar in contact kiiidl wltti timoo llko llirut hr or dlphthru thud dlmaaa may bo can led waihtug of cau with awagopollutd wtr or dilution of milk with polluted water may aw to iufet the milk and in turn tba consumers with waterlorn dlaji e contact with cither tba actual vktlua of dlaaa like tubmulols and communicable affections or with carrlara of such dluaa la a vry common ineaiib of tnfuctlou thw wbn come clowt la toolset with autforra from couitduhlcable dlaw aha tba gratat victims lxyatn rims in rawa of wphtbrl tba motlr tba uuirsa and the doctor itir lnfetlou in tba ertur nam4 it ustd to ha thought that tuucuioala waa lubrltd tcauu tutuur of tha same family oflt a died one aftr thi othr how it la wii ubdaratood that tubar- culoala la a cilrhlna dlaaao and tht it u tba eloa mduct utwwn tba iirmlra of ile family living catlug slplug tothr bslug tba wro tallo utenntu and the satu a towala which la lbs fauw of tha urrlhbi family nortjlily iran this dktw tba bttr tbu u known tb uttr la tba chance for prtiveullon of tubiyulohi a this facta about tha buutbr id wbub dlaas u fcpvaj should h tuuitlt to ovury child tbo wbool ubrtf might do wtl to have vry child in hla or hr tltm lrti tb t rut ha by bart cblldru learn such facta very quickly tu abwud of tha growing ppuution about luciio uaturs la tl bo4 alwi lb atittdty of lbs fruuio bsjlb onkr ueunjl hltrrd an dvui wiu tba eorow cot oef la baiuly lo fill your wjt aitd ifipf boia ruhblotfthswllb outor ojlknallwii frooi craxkig bwklnjit tbatd soft aaj pluua itigaara lulleloua bakad tavral kuira with uuioaju lea and uunoa rind to give ajjad flavor yon oaata worth of sklaa allk baa uora adurubuit la it than tba aaue mooays worth of ataak tbr of tha chaapaati foods we ba are houiay earn meal and rloe aad uiar sxa maay ways of ualojf tbam allow eaa iavl toaapoooful of aalt to flavor a quart of aoup aauea or water la whlob vgtabls are to lie oookad the baat time to cuan um buao erimur a imuadutaly aftar it la uaad tba paitlelaaof roast do not dry and will wash off aaally if a mslal spoon ta uft in the aauoapan theooiitants will net boll qulokly baoaum tlia apoou oarrlaa off a qreat dal of boat ohutawar thouhl alwaya ba waahad in a wooden bowl aa lhare will be far leas cbanou of its gattlmj broken naadlawoik aliould be irenad on tha wrong aide in a place of flannel and should than he kept long enough under the iron to thorouojhly dry it if you are in tha habit of landing lwok lb paya to keep n tine of books name of person who has t and date of loan then cross oufc tbe name wlian lu book la ta turned dwvsi aubhaa lufu il tbaamokaor vajww r lit j v kfclloggi aslbua lucowly giva aubia no cbaoa to llagw itwadleaxaa tba cavoaa oar aipunoa wlib tbe hluf giving rudy abowa bow aetual aul potitive la tba auooor it gv it la tba rult of loag stujy and aijuwl hnt and wianot suhmllled to the publio until its taaksra knew it woald do its work wsjl a dlrrgllhcb ralltlouvu uatbet ob no has autaamaa wsll whalathedludreaoar aatltaaoun wy daar chap is one wlio ta in politleabaoauseba haamoaay a pel iliolan la one who ha money hooauae be la in polltloa children ory for fletchers castoria basebalbauatohv tb former hip loajpio iihii1i wansgor who had been canned leuaum tho team flulihod lub ai uiuai was taklnjr a eivll sarvloe examination in order to saoiiro h political jolt ifa was ainaxed at llio hut of fool quoitloiin on llinenimliialloiiuiper lie didnt know tha distance from tba urth to tlia moon aoltepawultlihtoneu and hu could not ilworlu a aysygy no be aalleil that tost u loaur hut tlio third quuitlou liitorcklud him it saldi kama the largesb lione in tlio human frame w awl with h grhi of eonfldeimn llm firmer manager wrote this aiinwen the bead rurphhlnft tho maater in hla itocolloctlonb caaaoll dlshop wolldon tolls an amusing story or an iston boy it was during a bcloneo claim nnd the master waa showing hla clans tho offeot of boat upon two fliilda in two tuhoa whon a volco at tho hack of tho room aud ibly oxclalmnd tbroo to ono on tbo rod tlio mantor taking out of hla pockot a nolo hook wan nrocoodlng to entor in it an imposition of two or throe hund rod linos against tbo namo or tho boy whom ho hupnosod to lmvo marred thn offoct of his oxpori- inent by thin iiportlng offer wbod tlia saint volco from tbii hack of tbo room wnu heard to cry ho hu bookod tho hot tho lllslioii nlno tolln a story hlus- t rating tho dlflliulty of getting into tho liuplla hnudo furta and comiwurl- lonn which uooin qulto ulmplo to thn teacher a rortnln lady uiaehor trlod to glvo hoi pupils noma idea of tho rolutlvo ditto of din tan t countries by nnylnit cambodia is about us inrito mi hlnm hut whon thin in- fiiriiiallnn wuu roprnditeotl in a writ ten oxnrclnn ono of tlwi iilrla put it in llm word ii hho luiyu cambodia is about an litlgo na iilio in a oorpai of hluirimlwooterm african sjiar pillion tors may soon ho proving tholr aklll in plunders colonnl hlr aim ilalloy k cmo who rorontly vlnllod einiciniid at tho requost of flonoral uothn won much improbhod during u visit iw paid to tho drltlsh front in iruiico by the value of hharpabaiittiih an a result ho has doelded to ralso nuujp and transport to murotki on hundred houth african ubanwhmoru who will recolvo rogulrthin rostes of pay which hlr alw will uupplamont ituunlng fof ifiim wvoryonn llkou to bo run utter but thn dlfferonco in this matter- lietwoim mon and womon in that nsnii dont want to bo caught and womtst do millars worm powders will drive worms from tlia ayatam wlthoublnjury to the child tlio powders are no easy to take that the mot dsllcate atoiuaoh cau awlmllat them and ueleome thamanapeedyaamriof naln baoauae they promptly kill the worm that oaiuw the pain ami thus the auawing of the child la relieved with ao sterling mmwlyab hand na child should suffer an hour from worms whytuohui why la lb that the telephone opefator are all woman r lira thomas aaked be huihand weu answered ur thomas die managara of ute telephooe eichangae are aware that no olua of iieople work ao faithfully o tho who air la love with their jub i and they knew that wemsn would love their work at tha kwluhboard what is tb work of a telephone oper ator r mra thomas further inquired talking answered ur thomas was troubled wfth constipation for over five years unlets one bos a free action of the bowels at leait once a day cotuunatlon is sure to ensue then in the wake of constipation comes kk headache bilious heaulaches jaundice plies and many forms of liver complaint hlburaai laxamver mil will regu late tha flow of bile to act properly upon the bowels thus making them active and regular aud removing trie constipa tion and all lu allied tnmblea wfr rhu o robtchaud rolemouthe nd wrltcsi i have been troubled with conatlpntlon for over five years and i feel it my duty to let you know that your blllbum lauuuver 1iiu have irtl me t only iiuni llirce vials and x can faithfully say that they have saved me from a large doctors hill muburns tavnimver villi arc 3k cents per via r five vluls for i ml for lule ut all ilralera or itiullrd direct on rvnlpt nf price by the t mf ilium co ilmllttl toronlo ont got diarrhoea prom drinking bad water people moving from one place to an other are very subject to dknhoea oa account of the change of water change of climate change of diet etc and what at first appears to be but a slight loosenee of the bovtli should never be neglected or some serious bowel complaint will be lure to follow the safest and quickest cure for diarr hoea dysentery colic chelera cbolerai uotbus cholera infantum nalns in tha stomach and all looscneu of the bowel u dr tfowlers jxxtract of wild straw berry mr hmeat jefiery uooae taw soak write a few years ago when x first came out to canada i went to the har vest field to work somehow or other the water did not agree with me x had the darthoea so bad that blood wag coming front me and i thought uy but day had come one of uuijbirveafe hands advised tu to take dr fowler bxtwt of wild strawberry and before i bajlise1 the bottle i was able to go to work again my advice to ait u alway keep ftbottle of thu wonderful dljurboe cure on hand dr fowlerv has been on thewttet for the past seventy years and has beets used in thousands of canadian home during that time and we have yet to bear of a ease of bowel complaint whew it has not given perfect eatlafsxtlou the genuine dr fowlers u manu- faxttued only by the t uuhum co limited toronto out smoe 88 cents prosperity has been tb undoing of many a man sou men uevar gab ahead hecauto they are alwaya behind put yourself in the other mans place before you condemn hlw rom men lay everything that gaea wrong on their wive children ory fob fletchers castoria homi3 oicikim hinmittl ttm atiordtittt t vw h hi ntiinnu ivkplmluu the t it urnpli lite dnll or hut iihoiupllihnd wnmuu iudy lolklo wire of hit arohlhitld lulkht former prmililnut of tli n itoynl mot hty riniiliidii nun that tho inttor lu fummiu nut only im nu eminent gonloiclul hut uhiii mi a rudotitriir mi nil will lie uwnrn who lmvo road bin outortnlulim hiotllsb itemulnroiiru two of tllr archi balds fuvirfln litoiioi liowovor are ugulnut lilmuoir whon tho honorary degreom wore con tor rod ut durham tbo chancellor ink oil in it tho plnauurn of tho bnuno that tbo d so decree im conferred upon archibald oelklot und promptly camo chorus of etudentn archibald cer tainly not a similar incident occurred at liverpool when dlr archibald was being presented with thn honorary degree of doctor or lawn quddnnly a students volco rang out how camo hlr archibald hack cumo the answer to tbo hugo dollnht of the audlonco uy degrees it is sir archibald who tell tbe story of tho highlander who bad been to glasgow nnd soon that won derful invention tho telegraph whats it ilkot bts neighbor asked him if x trod on ma collie- dogs tall in oban snld jock and it squeaked in tobermory that would bo a telegraph another o hlw storle i that of thn minister prodigal son who re turned homo one evening and found his father slvlng a xreabytaruil din ner whom nave you boon stlrr asked tbo father alemly in hall quoth thn son ah nnd wbat did you find there uuch the aame a i nud hero i couldna ua th are for meonlaters tllr archibald fctorlo of tbe hu mors of fkottlah tldbbaibkiwblna are perhaps among bla beat tberw la one concerning a hura who wa overboard stilling a child 1a tbl fashion whlstt whist my bonnl lamb if tto uwbbatb or x wnd whustlo ye a aang but x will slag y a parapbraa1 hlr archibald tell haw donald wa onn flabbatb hamraalug away on ths bottom of his barrow when hi wife ranio to the door mon aha said youro making much clatur what wull tho uoobom aayr never mind the uoabora said tho busy donald a idun kt ma barra mondlt ob but houal its vory rang ta wurk 6rt uwbbatb evpositulaud hi wlfu vn ought ta um acrowa hlr archibald onco augftntad that tho quitlona put by school exuiln- rrs wero not always judiciously worded and ga aa an oxatuplo th rxaiulaor who asked if alfred tha or at wero alwo now wbat part of our pot ideal vjtem would bo b llkoly to tako must 1nuit lot ileaoo sir raplbad a harassed pupil if alfred the oriat were allv now hed lie so old he wouldnt tak auy intarust in any tb lug aud ouo may cocludo with tb holiday story wbki hlr archibald tolls or a bcotisman who much against hla owu jsidgment wa por- suadod to tako a holiday ii wat to ktgypt and vlsdtsd tbo kyramld after gazing for some tlnw at thai oreat lyramld hi muttersd uoo wbat a lot of nxaaou work not to be bringing in ouy rent i couidwt aftml hlni rhe balled from a roraoto coublry village in england and had traveled by rail on a visit to friends who rcv sided in a distant town whtlo m- toriug tho railway station for tho re turn journey she found to her dismay that ah bad last her handbag which contained bar return tlckttt and cash after a fruitless itaqulry and search a lady to whom abta had spok en of her loss very kindly offered tha suggestion that tlio old tlamo should wire to bar husband at her expense aud ask hlra to talogusph a money ordor also telling btiii tho circum stances in which she waa placed qb assented to this and tha telegram was sent and duly dellvctsjodloui old darao husband ho tore thai missive open and readit any answer t suiatod tbome6av ger na nor brass nolther staid h theyll and tbo nobbut got noodlo this tlmo theyll not hood wink mo that bdlat dfaryw wrlto i could toll erstrom hunrr6ll rolled ills oaaeat ooiutefollrf in hi book my ilarveat itfcdv ard wbltelng tolls of a night at the friars club when max oltoll was la tho chair land rapaon tbo great orientalist who waa then at tbejurlt- isb muaoujitn tbo guoat of the- twon ing at tho museum ttapson befenged to tho department of coin and mod- ale and oroll wanted to aay some thing nlco about him as a numlsmat- int with his imporfoct knowledge of thn nlootle of our tongue ho could manago it only in thl way dontlo- mon wo aro honored tonight wrth tbo prjaonco of a wall kftwown coin er tho rest was lout in an jnv ovltablo roar with iupon m tb loudoflt contributor itoarli rila by ib ur lloyd qeorgo ba boes at tha front sovorol tlmo the atoxy 1 told that whon an officer who wtsal showing him round polntdd out ta position his partletlar man wore o- cupylnn tbe munitlong allulgecsr naked wlioro woro you thh tlmo iat month in thoso tronchoa ovr there ah aald tbo officer pointing to pcstttloat a few yard to tbo roar i see said tbo satntster fao- tlouily at that ratofyou will be fall dorlln by 1050 ifauhbardltur charfke a woodon ofngy of charllo cuaj lln looted from the door of m floienv gauce has been takon to tho tvoad y a draft fmm ono of the yorkaiui camp and is dally being boaweol abovo the trenches to tbo yreat fury of the oermins who subjected charlie to two hour bombarov msnt in tbe oontm or a recent aft- noon how uk understood theeebaejiiuuderpbiaaaaaj a very abort temper and became extremely irritable when not obeyed ab once he waahearliig tha reading limon and johhiiy was getting along fatnoutly until ha camo to the word liarque when he halted u h-i- stuttered johnny tb matter ahar idy said t ilarque boy lianiun jolinny glared ab the master with a look of perplexity on hi f4ee nnl tlie meters temper reee ilarque bey barque he roanul then johnny with pitiful xwalon on ids race repllailt ihiw wow wow wow i unable to slep or 0o any wohc umt mo hcb nehvw ur thomas harris 8 conlgan st kingston onl writes x had been a constant sufferer for many years with my nerves and was unable to sleep at night or do any wck through the day x at but decided to consult n doctor and find out wbat was really tba trouble the ant cxie told me xwonld have toga under an operation before x would ba well but i would not consent totals one day i took a fit o crylihn mill it seemed that if anyone apolc to mo i would have to order tlietti out of tbo houto x must have liccu cryluc two hour wlieu my imiiraiico ascut camo lu ho advised tun to try a imix of mllbuni heart aud ncrva pilla and i ut onco scut to tho drug store aud got tto boxci and before i usui them taken j fcjt like n different pcrui i i have lot olhcrs aliout them und tli y lmvo tolil iv tlicy would tint lie willuifl tiri i a ii ery thiiul fill i itirl d in tnkc mllliiinin ilenit und ncrv- 1iiij milliiirni hi ift nnd nirvo pills are wlct lis in inn i hmujturst an nt i nil dlileri or iibulnl illurt on reilpt i of price bv 1 ho t mllbnrm co lunllcd turouto oau traltnamjrwu avjjr ifebl rnpantlm tsal itwasskssssay iuutiiiditr vtanokaiifslmcltttu onliui htutfdaa norluaenl notkaucotic apuocl ikml btceo iuu ajjuwmpriiui tto nyaub cohmmv huotubuiurwvoim castoria jvoi- infants and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signaturo of in use for over bttc the merchants bank op canada ftttitrtilti im 3tm hmu u cmmjs jfthrift is riglitly described as eco- l nomical monak aohrowd btminesii man is spoken of as thrifty bo- cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par oapirai raio up- mxxuoo i1kskhvh vuhdh and undivided tttovittf vbu m acton branch r l whitman manager i mmmhntintw 1 1 m i n i m n empire business college the only college in canada teach ing all typtwnter keyboards six months icourse day 40 nioht 20 expert instruction in pitmans shorthand typewriting hooklieepinr and all other sub jects nccossary to equip you with a thorough buuincss education 346 broadview ave toronto ontario croprietor williams mfg co limited kincipal mr p h douglas j 1 1 i ii i rvttj hwhhhhhtlwbhhhaiilmlilhihiiiwliiiiulililiwhwwwmhhauu undermekr jj i w 3 delpark ualbrian and finv wool in 3piece s 3 suits and combinations puced s0 to i5 u b llaltilnr suke all bizcs in jpiecc and ipicce g s suits priced 5 to 200 g colored shlrls two new lints opened and g placid in stork today priced at 3125- g r e nelson h msaehant ytuiok 3 hansi furouhai tyuhklwhiibublhiahuaisisills1umuiariaihhuhuuuwwwuus1wwuhisw wytulhauu bta oukufll omy noti to farm new dkiry 1nactom saxe rubinoff havo omiucd n wltoleaalo cream uilry ruslncau in actou and will imy the hlocliest market price in cash for all cream doliverwl ut m buxus store croam caua will lui minnlled to all farmert desiring to utipply cream mid canh will be paid upon del ivory dally for nil cream delivered other wliolebaler pay tnontlily but we pay dully and will take all standard cream offered the now huntiiesh will commune at once wool wool wool cash price wilt ho paid fur any quantity of woo delivered by tbe farmers m saxe i mill st acton mllmttffmftlrnttfttwnitmthihhilimulhmuhihlluhlthhiiiiiiillullllmiil the grand trunk rai1vm iaifiucbmakell tialro i ii will i iii 111 i i vl irlmstmiiu mo m ls k i no uo kits jo iii 10 nj n ii ui ii no n t loii reduce the cost of living put up lots of straw berries wu skll granulated and icing sugars j r livingstone mill ut aotoh slmmlp session now open in hlmw it duulnein bchoola toronto coulliuicfi until aug- iiht arith whan poll term begins nn vacutionn lutor nnv time irco catalogue writo w 11 shaw president hcton i j v j2i j7i x and bus liki having purchaaed the livery and goodwill of tho business from mr a uccann i solicit with confidence the patronage of the public comfortable rigs supplied at reasonable rales special attention to supplying conveyances for weddings and funerals motor cars f urulnlied wheu re quired bus mhaett alx ttuuhb l e atkinson mill st acton ont pall ta m opana auaual ao h youffs aud otiaiu ninats tohonyo ohymwio was sasaj lo nil more tliao ililrty tlmss as many tuulllonb as tlisy had krarfoatm jur- taa tl litt twls mnnitia wills livdif for oatalnjiu tills cotkia ia netsd rorblali brads usluluy tfonowto canada boots shoes rtjbbebs all lines ct koolwaor s at right prloo s all men a rubboro at f i bsmtfain vrtcaa fi w witjliams mill street acton c k coopclt acton cement conikactor for bridges silos walkw floors walls etc also agent for be laval silos separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale l ujptygeslljld llflii2plfe mullokkmauam u unlvorjiy bi montitkai