illdha uevrlat rnrat llnrtllo km 1uu- mfe iiii kiio roc i kill hi ulnar lvtji lllrlliali ummirlal oarl tmftrruu num iim iwr dorm llwtuimi at otrtwrn hutlt friday jrtllt luly ui mr urn mi t ulhwiu- it dauuhtor married hiimi u ii 1 1 irit i at tlm itn mo of ttio hrldoa wroiilw lafco ami aoton on thursday hkli aoitiixl 11111 liy hav j u wlfkon ii a ivtttt a homer v ii lo of fort- william lo amilo dauuhtor of itolm lfttrvoy lltu died htovuiab luelph inderal meepltal on tuiieday augunt irilh 1111 margaret hoarrow wife of tlwruo htovel aawl 41 yhtti iuhiiku on wojiiowuy august mi kb tha roaidouoe of bar win inlaw a k ltlow toronto nelli gambia relict of thalat uourt llarber of utrlvll in her 73rd your ik mewomaw hmvmca in lovttitf memory of our dear brother geara 1l auguet ulh loofl hnydcr who died on by ote our lavod onwluvo u ami the lltur twin of loan teachee that tho heart beet shelter in the shadow of ilia croe illumikb ani1 hlhymhb iftlje lrfrm 3fr rcs5 tuukhday auqubt 17 1010 editorial notes monkflrh orlgtuatelnrubblah heap than from any other source tltoe the rubbish hup in a menace beeeusa titer in alway poulblllty of fire starting up in it and it toy start whan lout expected coneld er what might happen and then without delay eliminate tb menace of tha rubbish hoap by having it jiromptly eartad avay canadian conurvatlon camullan hurukiioi iikma or paying uu- usually high prloea for both native ami for ign fruit this season continued dry waathar ha burnt up tha mall fruit and avallihla auppllee of foreign frulu ara light lauiana for luatanoo hav been hell lug at 80 a cat wholesale while orangut hava baan folng at 300 to j523 char- rlo hava broughtdltuidurlng the week for ii rata thay viiu dunrimi government a con templetlng tha oonrlaoatlon of ail tha oor- utaowiwl property ilrltain in retail tlea for tha execution of gept ctuuto fry- at of tha urltleh knar hruaael waj reveal- d in tha mouse of lorda hut weak by lord laasdowae heatatedthattbegovernmant waa ooaaultlng with financial house a to the advisability of taklno tho aup tlio ntnuh property in rnglantl ruua into bumy imndrwla of ullllana of dollar piumiun ark fairly itrlght for a 300- 000000 buaha yield of wcaurn whaal uufavorahu aaajink eondltloaa fn april ami if ay hav had tbalr atfact oa tha erop and tho fact that juua and tha tally pari of july waa not mora favwabl far making up for loat uhm addad to tha initial hand cap harvaating ha nreonllugly ln ut liaok and tha dans h oarly frou ha 1m60u graatar a two hundrad ullllon buahal crop will hava an evtranrdlnarly batiaaclal affaaton hanadaa flnanoul eon dltiod fallowing tha ithanomanal 1015 yum tun qckrrtoh of tka aatulaebwy rplr of tha county eood roada u a pihhi our gmttty oauboii ahouu faaa without dalay o thw will ha arioua dapmoiatloa of thia wu built roadntya tha buvy froataaf wintar aj wt wthw of tha kphnjf auoouvl by tha lt apall of dnmht lvlttuhl ttrioujdy with tha 6w6lldt lad tuc tad with tha auani rlhr wkwt uj eoaatruatiod uoat of oar uajlo hda bm hava uujt hva ktona 6a oa wrfm city ci k t j uaora af floptt who boa jafc munj frod a hw u4p ovwaolaodll toaja la xw yotk buld my i thapua haa lm4 adotuj twuiiiftlglwuitf tauqq6aauaduoq tj laadvay to look ajw rdpplui f tmjkaj fctoo a puol kaa atvl thair altmjf th roj alda m tkl wud ha pr- bjv4aalhttuunal lt toautharaeimbaaakutf wu hla wboal borrow wja tap fcia cruhd atdoa wllb ihatodraajbof trvta pata it uto tha iihuimiiii fcbd 1a a vwy ahfirt uts tha slad law it bnwhad dawu hj u1 with tha taad lu thla way tha ut of rat bra bmlslajimj i thoy aa not alkwj u ouutnia all lhdtvrfil4l hrtvivvkia adpiiort tha vlr that oa uuulv of via ku tilim tjltlwa taumit tm tha bw haxltml lulif rluly la 8apuhrf fair thoia whlu u asiud u bwiva uta hla pcatiaal fof a larva utdal la ita unu will mot ha haowa until tha pw ataa appmra at pnt thava u a ltrg aoodbmulud ef profiu 0j wag t 1aa1i vdahwof uaanitlayid blfjul to whuh la jufct now lkalar ojiad tha flrt rotlujw fram tha hlpirtt bwd of tha aatly wturtia of tlia karv u fcplta of tha uunlauafaat that iftdlvh kal ooooonty hax hot haad wualy atlaail id paharlq ula jar hava bao auch that tha avkjrlftrwainavlrthw50auu la twokahy urx ua at any utba par ud and oa on ihlallloant aiul wall dlraotad fcfiart la balog mad to aaqualnt tha puhlln wlth thu fact that it will i itoth uoml tmal ttooa owl good patntltlau to lovt in tha loan individual auwrlptlon will prowhly la vary larga crews cq tha faulllait of ur xkhn r kan uady jomoali warren w johnmoaaand lvlnelpal btowart of acton hava i man eawpltitf ae dlua bering iark thl waofi ur wlav klnfiffthury whohu miffanul uaraar iom from an ititartul yrowth foe a yar wi tuddanly ukan iii lau oitunlay nmmlajfaaur ilah illohardaona uthbh- intf willing hand aualntd llw to tho hotfaa ottd hla paranta nod pbyaklatt wara autuunaad irnwadlataly ad avory- thing potalbla doe to rollav hltn ha la ttill a vary praeatloua condition at mr tuofaarow hobta balng too waak with bauorrbagoa u ba rawovad ilia uauy frtooda iupa ha will aooo rally mr ami mr w j van nomuit nora and donald iualpt vuitod ovor tha woak- and at ur 3 oambkva ut w crip pa who haa baan worklntf i wlndaorhaahnlahad hla work thara ainl baa attgatod with ur jam uotaan for it thraahlntf oaoaoa ur john orawaoa goalph vuiud fruada h tr sttoday ijim kmly yountf krln amading fambolkuyaat ur w a uarraya disastrous fire on monday ifandorson a cofl oonoral stor utia stock buftor uorloud damatro heroic work confined the fire wliau tlm llranlnrm bounded on mflinuy hftomoou nlwut hulf paht two and it fea iluoortalllml that tho ohtugow hoiimi tha minornl mora of moaorri handaraolt ft co tha urat inorcantila nauhllahtnaiit in town wau on ira thorn war feallhtf of oonkuriimtlon ainoiifr our oitliaiia tha fir atartml in tho nil houaa at thai uaat oomor of tha pramlmn and ranlilly jumped to tha main building with tha vuturly wind provalllug it looked for a umkm if tha buildlnif and ita eonunu mut ha antlraly conaumad and jkowlhly tha warren rlook and tho uovemtnant ilulmiitgoarom tha atreofc might fall pray to th flantaa tlia fir hpraad rapidly hut from ilia nuuet ther waa a united and daurmlnad effort on uio part of not only th tnamliara of tha fir llrigada but of oltfuna genaral ly to nvaroonto tha llamaa tlia iranian ware promptly at work with throo una of ho quickly laid and tli laddara in poal tlon to aupplenumt their work a buokot lirlgad waa formed and thla did tffaatlv narvloa tlia oljamlcal engina waa also brought up town from tha tannerlw and thta alfto did gootl work in fighting tha flatnei tha flra waa a hot ono and mjou worked ita way under tho hiatal aiding and tha roofing and perelatantly forgod into place difficult of aooaa to tlia lira fighter rat tha work navnr blackened tha ho men fought with enarvy foritful of danctar tha hook and ladder man proved thani- aalvea akilled worker in their department while tha volunteer helper war active everywhere they war needed before four oclock tha flra waa entirely axtlnrulahed hut by thla tltno building and etock war in a deplorable condition whllathe brick faoadaaonmilland willow rtraeu tliow little affect of tha duaatar tha rear walla war practically burned off aa well a tta roof of tha grocery and tnana furnlmilug department tlia roof of tha main building waa el badly damagod tlieatook auffareil very aaveraly tha woollen good and fur- and the new fall good juat received on the ueoond floor war completely ruined tha grocery etook and much of tha gnoda on tha main floor war dattroyad and merehatulu a all part of tha ator wera rendered uhmio able through amoka and water tha origin of tha flra i no myalery a junior clerk waa burning a pll of waata paper and ruhblah in tho roar of tha build ing ifa decided to clean up the floor of a email auxiliary atorehouao adjoining tha oil hauao whlla thua angoged the wind uw a olnder through tha open door in ait inatant tha pl6 waa in kama tarrlsad tha lad gav tlia alarw but tha flauaa rueliad on with tha duuetroua raattlta not ed uoura hondaraon 9t co auuata tlialr iota on stock will aggregate 17000 aod it ii not known yet tlia extant of tha datnoge to tholttiitdlng tha whole u roverw ly inauraoca in tha wrth welllugton flora awl koooouloalcompanlea aa aoon a tlia toui ara apprajted thla enierprlalng firm will prnoaod lo rapalr the i ulldlng rfarrang ami repirnub their atook aod mum builnofca the inter ruitlan of buslnam aven for a week la a liitinot idconvanlrnoa tn tha community for biktyyoara uil lui wn ilia lwllng tor in acton and inc tlia ealirgedmtt and iwprovobiaab of tha prom i lo a loa yu affo itenjoyvd an locreasod trada frooi a wuur ara u hills is actons rate vary favorable levy compared with many towns of acton size 10400 raised for all purposes th rata for lttlfl haa heen track the oltlaen who bmmctnd it to b ih or 10 llk- llurllhgton oakvlllaandfleoriratown will hadlaapkintd agreeably tlie rata 1m fixed at tnllla tli uttmata praaanud by tlia oiiiiihilt- tea on fiaano areaa follow i hmklrnt frotn hydro for colleotora ar- vloaa 1200 00 uoonae and fine i oh 00 town hall itevanuah 110 00 cmatery aal of idot eta 200 00 hydro- euculd old debenture 412 00 do new debenture fltti 00 llaerdmor a co payment on church street 00 00 cement walk 100 per oanl 893 do do m par ceal ww 00 lo tax 7f ioiltaxea m lovernment railway tax iu ulaoelunaou fli 110400 an lavuknt- itebenturaa jurln and interoab vt013 2tt 1uullo and high bcfaool rtreet ugh ting free yjkrary onohalf mill g and advohhiliig sjoo00 k0 00 im 00 113 00 37eoo cnoo naoo printing intoraw on current loan htroeta ami walk cluuitle fire and ughk iso 00 town hallualhunanca 1w 00 cernaury work 7fl 00 halarua 1300 00 county rale 2070 00 ulaoetlauaou lid 00 contlngencla 1 00 00 ftl fl4o02fl in addition to tha abova a apeolal levy of onoulu unaoaaaary for provincial war uk tha naoeawry by law waa paaeed fixing the rate ae 24 mill and providing for the payment of tha uxea in two equal inttal- meuta on beptetaher ifllh and november lfltb tha following aocounu wora luuuej at tha moating i hydro klaotrio cow kuphll nfl fl1 amltroaa uecann livery 3 00 ceo edwards auppllaa s 40 tloldamlthco gooda l 087a81 fob acton schools ltt7fllsi received for fjranu hiflh school and moawworit fees 620000 to re raised dy taxes uotiday ovanlnva eetekvt of the hoard of education waa an important meeting inasmuch aa the eatlnuuaa of receipt and axpondlture for the year wr oonaldered and the amount required to be uvled for the majntoaanoa of the high and ldhllo bohoola daurmlbad upod tha eetlbula were proaaouj by the committee on finaacaaa followai rkmitt loaruhulve iraat to coaunna uontfeloo m 10 couaty grant to contlfluauoji hohool utl id public bohooiaraut 178 00 coatlauatlaa kcbool fee sao 00 noa rwlut feoa uh 41 to be rld by taiatuw oiod 00 some observations tlia flra aiaru caw at tho aua tlta ilwp 6uuwh and eataaaiabiadt fw peopla ilka to uu a fire krluot itooum havo bod caollard a oooi hiualty calamity if the old ouow iiou pui of builneai hod bawl uuef ly reload it looked aad felt bad for a uua al but for tha wltllfirf tmpruml woik oi elu lkj might hava bead dlaaatrmo it u eeoy ta ctltkjv the policy of flr m in thalr uvdu uit ulapr uaiaad to tha baa thy mraly know uu thoh oaloaker tha urn aaj puca of a 8ra la tha ut puca for tha oagloa to mala teaorde for wrtptb 0 uerehabt rpev will la kujag laurj lafieiperuhboaa with a hra ia tha to elureaajaalaghla ilua of uiaueaa oo d oeih aide id reoeat bloetha u tlj the woadar anpml hy ona of tha kuropin nuu oa lo why ha- polt- ing to a well kaown nwglatta dul aot gt tha waur applu1 aooaar ca aiaa- hwut amon tho who undaratabd the fordlgaara rpct for uw aad ita retweaea utlvaa lthapa ha had noticed the uld dlgiury oa i ha top of a udjr kaad lag up palhito beat the baal n0th9 f0m camp b0bdem enrxhdnrtaiui hjlariae fuel ooal aad wood ieoral uapalra it uookaaad appareltio ifarw uookaa hppll conudgadci 0h73 bl lalas 00 13000 ion aj 100 00 75 00 as hi actons roll op honor seven of our boys ilvo boon kuiod in action in pranoo out of tlia varloui nontlngeuta of eoldlera who hava gona to tli war mm aototi th following hturoea havo contributed the aupram offarlug and laid down their live n action for the catia for which our elite have iteen ilghtinui 1ju0lku wiixiau lke ptk fiik1i wills 1tk alkx nitlltllkn vtkavxiwniuiixoii corp hoy iiur1 corp knm warrkn c hhown ptr alfred wintkrrurn lhttmaeama prize oats in this section whuo somo complain of poor craps thoro aro many pino ylolds secretary j h leaoook of the hal ton agricultural boolety liaa received from tha department ef agriculture of ontario tho let of the wlnnara in the field crop competition in helton a followa i 1 krnadhead uilton r u i var lety o a c 7j l potnu oi 2 ceo wilton tieorgetown il it 3t rannar iii 3 a h wiimii ullton o a c 72 i 00 4 11 rtokardtou ullton r u l whit ho fl o v haatle milton r r 2 i ran nan hh 0 a s wilmott ftliltnn it r 2i o a c 72 1 u1 7 j j ellenton hornby io a j 7j k4 the judging of oata in tha iundlnir field crop comiiatitioii held under the uunpitoh of the rockwnad agricultural hnciaty whh hio com tie tad laat week mr w 0 llarrit ef keawlcb acttul aa julgo anil waa accompanied an hln round h by mr j tllb bona becretary of the rockwooil agricul tural society tli oata of ur ruok who took flrtt prlxa in tlia oomiiatltlon aland ii x fact high and are straight and wall hooded ur jet lahan who took flftli pritc aoorad hlghaat of all tha com petitor for freedom frofc wood seventy fk dollar in prlxa are awarded tlia bret pri being bo aocond f 10 third 012 fourth 910 fifth 1h blxtli a aavealb 4 tha parcantagaa ware high the ptlio wlanar ranking m follow t 1 huchuhuk 03 2 j wlgvoll 01 3 a v auu 001 4 archlouonabb 0 jo lahan 6 jatin cummlnga 7 frank day 00 hoi ir f- owine to tl tllhislrdiihliri wlni h ncriiffitl in mnnriiy afhtiioon and wlnrli vity inikriilly lmiimd lolli mr buildinn and mock wu will not in a m niiuilki husuiusi fof a few dnyu pending an adiintmi nt nf our insiirnn and nccumiary work in rcndjuiitini and nrrangine nnr mnr in thf mcaiitiitu wo winh 10 exiind our moit sinefro thankii to the licroir hand of workirs who w rrmunize did cverytlnng within human nomihihty to save our property wu asiiurc the public that we will not he a day lunger than in alwolutely necessary in nsiorini the ervice of nir catablihliment to the uhlic and we know that the te ary inconvenience will he home in a generous npirit j flu imilirrtictiiienib i ffilic jhtrllioiltt ffilitimlr attoa i iiwaviiijtlmaliijulnlur henderson co acton ont 4i hi after oife edkucauou oi theuku itaeaa embrooed id tha report it waa moied by johtt keaoey and eaoooded by a rpelght that the ti of dao0 or the cane tapes fof the yeat be reqbaetad frd the ueilu ctaiell bmkl to be uud id aiilklng the rau for the year carried the elath report af the oamautu on fiaa6 rinwriiert lad payeket of the f ollowtsjf aeoouata jama hj kelb bad a ahmle rlod lf aad of v jaaaed harden repair j h cxileomua eepvlue glo fc the tweuier w edrd td pay thee auoaatt a uiar wmj read free uu la- waita wkult eka reltej her poaiued u wether of the third soek rooea utwed ly a a ffctc analel by n vwuo that uu whllv realaahini u eaepled id the the eeoreury eesertle for b teacher tn ou the v carried ttu 6jeted the ueleead of the d bttahdaau rjotaxs rogalolona la gd the w euadarj luldu hav been ldwej ia addition te ulaj a aoluui plioe lor pjula aooomat aaob auadard hotel fchall la a wellappointed eauae every hole uatke a iepply ef pe eolj drldklatf watur eodveduatlr plioej for tha i- of the gwu kry guaat roam ehall have a olt on th lnaar elle of every door fir eoapa aig4 utt4 h imwdloedtly ilupiayol aad rpa ubat u plaaed at tha window 6f viy led rootd ijtuor muu am l soil aarved or kajit on the p4alae n dioruili caaduel gambling or druukaiinru may be permitted uwut tlie prim i 8ilu0n dollab chop txpicted after u thorough oaiivaea of varloaa polau throughout waoorit canada iv uoolll of the itomlalonnrala jommualoe quoted la calgary at my lag lbalalurie would have a tsrop at good aa u yaar that the dominion would have a lllllon dollar grain erop from the three ptajrla ireviaam would ha liulilfaay behind that of ufcb year thaeouitry ut whole never looked liatter than itdob at twaatt aojd dr mbollt tb woather wo made to order jraat crowd hae found tllr way luta the oonfrt tent the patt weak tn owpiy tha conoehmul taciuraa tha hlug kong hl the luijluultig af each proyntiumi in genuihliy the mot ioiu1 ir itain ttitt urtfu uioul aul uhih4 tml j a tuou weloomuadtlltlnti tu tha i luiimlnii lnhtiiutwfay adout taentyflvo nf the 17frd klltia ami a ijpar gave a una exhibi tion of hooteli dinoliig theyll i wal- samo at any future perfarttxuica kuaa onn in tho oroiud w liiur aiiquihng i where are the wwlh itlli dinoer 1 tlm gvinuanlufd hat the qual tonu court in camp harden a call at tha pjiynletd department will fuclllute arrange tttante for a game rev mr avlwwt would unjny one here tl la1 friday night the hiuhhe canoort v t v l cumy nf toronto wam to give a wl u ul ooncurthurabutuieyhiualmvhhhlwit uw wlion camp harden w- ochl for contpuu gol wert will they won carrltd pa6 lo oiling wool w hweelandajootoonoeh tiare v n jatj tfrot iusiat wra movie toa all waoert are free lo f t d1 uiemhla itkakl lodaetlnatuta canadhin northaru all tha the vuf ca hoolj dajiartmout mp w arranifita hav boon mail whereby idled the wi c tor jmnum travel in cotafoh oolonli ovaraea laat week wlu plty of reading haa rj uug m f aad writing hutethja poafe card etr tfflratt4ti w aubaat the data will be aaaouooed and the ymoa man an d their later beet to help the tnen bav a good time for further infomauan apply to near may are doiay greet work in oub canadian northern agent or write tu r herded falrbajro tleaeral faeeeagar agent m kjukj jacm ktat toraato elderly women safeguarded trjotkt how tky wert ccuiied safely ttootifcli ckmg of life doraad wl i un the toother ol fourteen children aad i owe my life to lyduepukhama vegetable coni- poand whcdlwu 45 and bad the change of life friend r60ni- tuondoj it and it fimve ua aiiih tsiluf xrocri uy bed fol- inc that i took bwveraj bottlea 1 aid bow wall aikl healthy abd r6otn buadyoor cotpouaj ta other lulua mr uasy utooway duread wu a hahuuawttxiltt write hukauw uaea uy trwluai wr froni my nt and i fait awfully fckk for threa yeara i had hot fuahe ofua eikl frequeatly ulfuwl froni wjno i took lydia kl 11nkhai vogetmhla cum poaaj bai boweiil well aire pikaaa coummorajt uoi ts uhukatofu afaaa lth wattuab ijnaptoma aa eeoea of fc frff t ti b tlitrir-heearhaariafv- bjhhlltej6ibpodljvaitiiiluty eouada la the aara palpltatlud of the heeirt opaaa before the ya lrrti- uhuo 6otwgat varuhu 6pfeuta n tmilairriliu t bymldduedwomeci lydla k pink hami veotahu conp6aad hi carried boar roaa aafely throoh thu erlau 40000 farm laborers wanted 1200 to winnipeg special train service leave toronto union htntion noop m atigunt 1711 njtli jiutanrt boplcmlhr jnd through tralrm with lunch counter cam attached excursion dates auguat 1 7 hi and tut 1rohj toronto haut to cliafyoyn lockn and kinguton aud uurtli to copied august if hi and beptombor ut from itfchmuud hill to caprcol nod uiatlonn on algonia ualrrn rail way august irjth and september sod from toronto wcu and toutli including th n bt c t rallwnj dfetarrt nation tmhmiyohv hartuuuivahaj aholiht ylauaaba1lexht ptr bill mlutbiuni mo ui lo iupi- ooalialt cai pr mil minimum u i wjmilnj on or joui lull waal wiaiiitoeuvsuui wl ot wmounn ulota novviuur xmii tuli iiluj iuuo lrui wldulwa to tuluy aaj taanu alia i al umlu alal v lltiuu4loul utxjiaaul u king hire i ill ualo s17- er uoluu lalfts jluit fclnit rt canadian northern all the way c c speight habdware- electric stoves lamps and irons garden im plements oil stoves paints and oils clu- namel a specialty gramophones and all ot the latest records call and hear them c c speight mulslrttiactaa ci tur laoth mebibar of tha family noed auffer from imujfaallon tick haaibuhoo ulioutriaaa fermented atomochv ate if ha orahe will take charnbarlalnarjtawachand ljvr tablota thay cuauaa tha atonuuh and howela and titriuleu th llvr to healthy activity aad ton up the whole ay tard take om at night and youre kiauttathraotata chamberlains tablets nndtitifl tnnmmr enriin russells bremd always full weiclit no fakimping no i ancy named to cover com mon place products juat splendid bread and big value no bread in acton can give bo much real nour- iiihment and satisfac tion for the money as ours russells uestykh uilkad aaauuhal mill st a aeton ont 5d oarital tnsaojxo nwaiiiiva ohoa and uhoividkn monto miaom the merchants bank op canada sir ii eluittugue allan c v o praldeut l c muctirow oeuural manure r shpety thlh hank la ouu of tho otdeet atuhlulietl irmtuutloim lu catmda it u tho 1lonoir hauk of aclnti and offam every courteuy tn doiiokl- tor luimntidlowed at the higibu current nu on hnvlngri itunu alcoihltk 006 hraiichetf in cauiula klatuudluk from tha atlantic to tliu pad fit paniium liuhiimawtoliukuiluiul tnonuy lojutvd for tliu par- poaonfxloll or cruia ftfrdlus cuttlo lu chvquuu on miy hunk or miulde point caahad 1 farm laborers w wehuahavef help excursions s1200 winnipeg raturntrlpeott s1800 crom wiwnipec coin date autfiutl7wut33 ac1 on branch r l whitman manager honda v auoubt soth a m lill j tm i f j in lifu kour stninrt a ir- i l vfllllj ma iii ati i tioiiool iii 111 ulti riiiti j in one hour uukliin all wkicom k iioisk 10 let 0 mkh n faoe il ii 111 rllrriiiltv lui nr 11 ur 11 imu ur ut ttili t jrrvhhann idit mik r fjfl lo all diamonds with cvurj ijmrreiil iid wo glvo n uiiurnnxm not rmly to tuo fine iiual- itv i tlm cm but jv will allow witliln k u iter nt a iurchai price in a 11 it muniond ii returned within ftnu i nr our price ntu very mwk nt sitirln stone dlumind ring in 14u ho ui kll sitting itbyulor price vj5 w hatuiidav 110714 ev j liphardt maiion commkmi10 ttrmsm ihlik ut advanco hlmrthanil mi 1 t 1 riling combined fsoommtlilj tpvrl in il 83 tin 1- nil s htl f r two rromlnr or two uvtntnir tinmi iilt uhu lvtra leuons in oociu1 tho in it met ion of all stjdcuu en llrtly individual tho harder you work tlia quicker you get your job wrltoor call atpulrvieu puc acton and couuult hum k k ieutcunifjuy boa 44 wtalpwl ge0pglt0wn high school having added a flftli teacher to the staff will tabottotli parts of tha entrance to faculty rrk ncut ytar tbs staff ccinprlfctfu ralph ross i a ii p cuwi bi mawlpax a w flrgusoh ba wuiti wm urwin ii a uotf oraduate td weleiae ulsb hazi l hooper r a hodcv oadamta la miram wiss iharl morgan cifcrtilaj wnolaluf i or jnilicu irh upjil 10 r alph lira a kvtialtj i n ili 1 tntalncd in iiuim miitliiipu h t will be produc flat llmtlmoof ulo lliena will be otfr- rd fur aalu by public auction ou morvdav tmu fcaiit i0av oa auouur twed at oclock rv m at the dooilaloa hotel villj of acton by w u u1u1- gxn aucltonrcr all anu uinoulatt lht crtaiti parcel or tract ef uuil and praraiae situate u inrj arid iwisg comjuij of nait of villuuo iit number fail in llliurk numbr bvto n la the u1 village of actoo according to a regla- uri nun of uld vlluw aud bore partlculaily ucwnltul aa fallow coal huciuk at a point in tha weetahy utult of llgin ttrt whrv a northwaurly inult of uid lot number tlia iqitmcu th westerly llmltof vagia iitrwt thence in a koutlicrly direction alou tha weal eilylluilt of lhlln ltrt rtlgbly fe niorjor let lot poet thauce wcatwly pa rail i tn thu uld notthweetealy linilt of lot number bli alalyalk ft bui or lu lo the wcerly bouodary af bald lot lliruco northeily along tlw weaur ly boundary 0 the uai to the north- wtfttty boundary of uld lu thauce dflilirly along th narthweeuhy bitundary of tho uld lot to the puc 0 brglnning tfrus ia of purctuue laiy in caih at the datn u ula and the balance within iblrli daya 110 from date of ule wlihattt intorcet for further part leu tare aod conditio of aalc applv to a j maciciuuou 3 hollcltor far uartag p new wonder land theatre yohioht in old of acton fliv scouu the gllilod imi witli william 1ara 11m n pox proilur l ion kildav auouwt 18 bmorahu with uuryplkford satumoav aoouhtifl rwl ivathrr pcatun the sphix comingpoh 1rwuicilona for wcdiktuliyn l gregory 0 1 igrandrumit harvest help excursions 1200 to winnipeg auot loth una cotb from oil sthtimmm luiitidii llrockvlllt scotlu jet mid v tt nko uurtli of bootla jet auar nth ntui out 7rom flit uliitlnnii lynn ont nnd weat to aud liiclikliiiu torontii wentoii ue fonl prttgravo mid north to aud includ ur huiiuvlllu auir 10th and barit 8 kroiii ull midloitn toronto caledott leoit owen smmd wkrtoti ami weat and win hi llif rtnif in ciimidn pull pari leu i am f rum unj grand tiunh akiii ti s holmes agent hokr l mo 10 ja iftmml fyayima a im mmumtm