Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 14, 1916, p. 3

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wedding presents wedding rings wu tarry a cuutplulu mock of suitable vvoddlntf proiioniu in flinty clooku cut cunui itoifcra iflj7 biivor punoy clilim mnrrluun fdltsiitum lutiiod geo hytf ds spcy s01110 30 itilku rrom toronto about otm tioura rldir in n place thoy cull georgetown j a willaiiglihy rosldt hu hutu nboiit 400 furitm of different uliapes and ulaei no fancy tnlk no idlajfornu llu nure liau not idtme prlaoa if your form mum no kood vonr uoflth eoltiiitf low jiui tnue a trip to georgetown good farina to yon lioll allow flthc ttait jftcc ress tiiurmoai skiikmnin n 1010 brief local items pay your una on saturday thankeamnff day fttli october acton pall tnlr just n week sway lout week for barrooms in ontario tim trout hahlng season closes to wor row brighten up your premise for the fair hhoo petitory ii llu rleetlon uon- uny oth october have you aubacrlbed for en of th nnw war loan bonds writ your friend to cows home for the pall fair next weak iluy war loan bend you can get one for a 9100 or for 910000 reduced rates ovar the railways from all point to acton fall pair next meek a new wall ban iteen sunk at the park for the accommodation of exhibitor and visitors every property owner aboukl read carefully the shoe factory ily law in an- other column hon justice middle ton will preside at helton fall aulicu which will open on tueja2thlnst all loyal cltliena will display the union jack on tbair hotnee and hualnee plaeaa during tliadayaof the fair a me tins of the lied lroaa society for peolal husinet will lie held in the council chamber tlna efurnoon ats 10 oclock tlio njtaii season far dacba haen on tlie 1st inst- no partrldgea may h killed in ontario legally until oct 15th lolfl flood morning llave you renewed your vukm puma subscription at 91 00- the new rate will shortly he announoed autumn hnnlnsaa le now on uw- ehanlal advertise your fall food buy eret shop where you are itivlud to shop the fin for tailing liquor after tavad oclock nest haturday evening or at any other time thereafter la 200 to 81000 for flrt offence the rev a j euoa i a il o utaloaary to china will preach uilod ary ulmon in die utthodtu church m the 2iih lost i clean up the at re is end boulevard oppoll your prmits to that visitor to i the fair rent weak will get rood ltnpaa- iwu of our town the oouqty fair will be hld at uiltoa a uaiuu tho county uracil tafaaad may great tbu yt bat lite tows cauboll ha uaje grant of 9100 there waa a very etaall eltesdano at ilia ylllotaoae ucture oa ilawall a the tawn hall bit thursday aliig it wu rather an fnti resting rcltal alai lleudo will halj an euctlo sal orf hie unn near bayers mill oa friday 22oj upuoiur at 12m oclock of ami stock rupuuiaats uralo lay asj root l j kerr auctioneer the floaoclal duriu bllr of the oulji dttvioe j the llethodtae chimja wlu be ui at tduay utokwul ctdfti ilttmlgis today in ajjltlw to the u four lay dlyue have leaa bjnnjbt to news of local import inspector forrari is cuatomo offloor altar twenty two joar hfont lit xr- forminif the duttra of cuulomu collootor ut oakvlllecapl m italaiihui remind hu linn lrt kiicoemld by w a terrah who lua been county yjoeiue iniilteotor for a iiumlier of yeaira mr far mil utaumadlho dutlm of ida new portion lut wek must observd tho law any llquw iloeukaboldrra who break tlio ontario liquor iimuo law in the wnt perloil will not euoape proaocutlon liecaum tlie onurlo temperaiioe act cornea into omntloaonraturday thevelwatthelar llaraenfi ilulldlnga u tlmb for an oftonoe committed prior to fjeptomlar ldtlt the d- ilant u liable to proaeoutloi after that date under the liquor llcente not y m c a kooroury booth a visit two aplondld eermone were preached in the methodlot church on sunday by mr kfferton pectb ii a of tho v m c a guelpli in the morning mr iteetb rave a very helpful and taterwllnff analy fclaof the lorde 1rayer tim evening dla courae wae baaed ontliequaatlon t wliat la your f and waa a atronjy apwal to the hearer to live a life houorliiff to god and helpful to otheru boy soouu church parado acton hoy booutawlll parade from their randeavoua in inhibition park to the town hall for divine aervloe ab 4 oclock nanthin day afternoon aoteo cltluna hand will lead the parade ilev mr jonee of the daptlat cliurch will preach the i and rev j a wlleon and h w avlaon will auut in the aervloe a unlen choir will lead the tinging the order of aer loe and hymne to lie uaedlmvo tteon printed wai drunk and profane cy kennedy a georgetown huckster came to aotah on thursday laat and went directly from the train to the nearest bar room awl loaded up with liquor about five oclock vary drunkjioproceeded down town near the lot ofllce while uiing vile profanity he ran into the arma of chief lawaon wlu arretted him looked him in the ealu when be bad heoomo aober he waa vvry penitent ii eatue before ii p moore j p waa fined 9 00 end oceta and then lurooeeded to walk home to georgetown another homuioe w blutrlo doatl adhpatobfromgualpliaayai alutougb nodeflnite anuounoiment haa been mad it laahumted that the toronto hubutun llallway betwn guelpli and toronto will be in operation about tlie lat of october oneol lheoflllala waeln tlie city today arrauglng for- the spading of atlobet ofllo and ha stated that arrangmanla for the opanlngof the road are maturing it i undarstood howaver that if enough oop par power wire cannot be obtained to fur nuh the work the road will be operated by steam some observations au tbo ringing lonos of the nobool ball lloiited over limn on opening morning many unre4 of vouug canada worn gather ing up their look nr ware ulredy well p their way to tho asat of learning at the lipid of tho green arohad imuoatlmi vjina to muny it muut be a wrtof nuruery where ihoyoungmteranf larenta who during tho holldaya have had more or leaaoonoant often lean for tbfllr wnjfare on the nlrt may bo aitfaly houuid froirtdanger of storm or boraoor auto and iuoijanlally linblle a few elamcuta of futuro knowledpe the nttendauce of ihoae for the odtanc ed or contlnuntlon clasea uppeara to be anmewhatlaaa i indeed ib la common talk that e oral have been weired with a sort of epidemic of going abroad and are oontlnu injr their atudiea eluwhere the diaaatar which overtook candidates in tho impart mental examinations throughout the provlnoe thin summer waa fait to a consid erable an tent here and a suddan panic seems to havo slal several to un on looker it eoms that jia rente should give aerloun consideration to the iiaoeaslty for loyalty to an institution which during the hstdoaen years has lean so productive of a high average of good results and which h even now well in place among other of its kind there may bt nti attract i venaea i about running away on the car and being out of home influence but examine hon results to tlie few acton pupils who heretofore have tried oilier plsoee do not ant much in this direction fruit bulletin niaiiira dimritit cruwford poaclicii arc now in and the beat vanoueu of pcaru and pluma arc ready for preserving or table pur- poticr houaokccpern should not delay telling their groccra what kind of fruits to order for them and oliould imiibt on the label with the map reproduced here it in a guarantee of niagara pcnirmula grown fruit and good quality if an oocatlotul r of a druokad uau la pwiaud out to you aitar pfubibltlkioda utoku eak the istenotial ii u h niiihijr4 the druolcn orue bo dlfuild y wvajat during the but days of the lati tuxirvwu rrgloia lodd tltaiaaarecaiuieg lauowe 01 tjy by dolug good tdvrlleiit i enatlva ami oonuuent dbtlja wlui a limpur view eluaya to lutrlty to the ead that adsnllag uitu and will be seojpud at 100 par ear fae value vhe luunno bk ca of yiuroalo lwojww ta erect a s 10000 fmry at aotoa ami to euploy about slaty haojj with a pay loll ofsdooa week u oaeaijaratiod of is uta of lirkx the wofujttoii taeeu with gifl favor lu actoa uiltodchau pjoa vchipparflhl of tkefuyuowl hotel ilurllugtoii bad astiatucure rd to falu by the provlulal ltoa commidow uatwek luuamuruldlhechalrbiaii woarogolnjjf to keep a sharp waiob tn all tioulttmrf who attampt to sail u ulduu af w aeven oclock on saturday and anyooe found guilty of aelllng will be tubjae to a fine of frem ftmo o iiooi uudor the new act vail f p 1010 following le a 116 of tint aire id which ooal reedera are laoab intereted u pub hahed by the ontario department of ajtri- oulturei aotoa sept 20 si uramptou sept ctt ltd uurliugton 4 thanksgivlu uay ualwlon oobber40 1rln oct 12 is fergue bepc fith georgetown oct 4 fl bill ton ooi 10 ii oak villa sept fis w uockwood oct h btreetivllu bpt 37 catashh cannot becurffid with ukiaf- avplioationfl ai they cannot ntaclt the seat of the disease catarrh in a local disease greatly influenced by mohtltutlonl conditions awl lb order ta cure it you mutt take an internal remedy haifa catarrh cure u taken internally ami aote through the blood oa the uuooua aur- facea of the ayateia halla catarth cur waapreftcrllel by one of the beet phyel- olantt lu this country for year it la cow- toaed of home of the beat tottloa known eoniblued with some of tho beat blood purl- hera tlie perfect combination of the in gredient in helie- catarrh cur la what itroduoaa audi u ondarful result in oatarrb al conditions send for uatl uon lata tree v jf ohknkv ft co prop tolallo o all lwawti 7o halla family ill is for constipation hlfihlgmn and odtarto unltod the marriage of uua kallu auguu bull i a daughter of mr anil mra lvman a uutlinof htculrilkktej hacbvllu jar via of hernia onl woe toumnlud toeeilay sept- ath bv the ixev korman la march of the fuchmood metliodut church the ulde wore a haiuuooje trevellla gown of ulduuifat blue with large bluk vlvt hal following the cwvmoisy aa ejabohu wedding dinow of evaral eouraee waa twd at the home of the brlda parent afur which mr and lira jarvu uft for a booyoo rip upoa uir return thy will be at home after bepc laih lo kantta where the gttoa la with the imperial oil oa ilotb are popular amoeba urge clrcl of frteoda iwt liuroo uteh tim a ortat fair hlirfat cdooett the fair elfht tmuh hae alweya bn a faaure of atoa fall fair ad a flttla ellsiai to the uu dij iuflciii it ha alwaye bi daaardy peur aad urgly atuadd thcoaiuiue tw thla yra ouoot has b4 ftirtunta la fciliijrf ait bauouy ue galaiiy of argale th ewaprueth ilijmuhu htiaul ouscae it covaa twwtta who baa apjvetej bie auduimee all tti la thla stiod kle hu u ave tiaia u wkvllu ajw ula ruby cuunla urauuur nm with a ajeat rpuu14ou aa a highly tal-ot- aj etacait aepsaao and uwta ate great ipeetalioaa j rwpvtin br buuhera uua uiufml walkr the drauatio tmd who cartud the bg abduooe by uorta bu yar baa ban re haceji lira a a wwtllok u the om ct piaaut aad uooatrmulat twuiri preparod this graud klamaaxogiapai rivuw of theutlltu6l hu uabmtya naval and military ferea will be produosjattbahew wwdubd thu avenlng the ulght il6d arthur j lulfouir said at the utro diwjtiojt of thle fcrtat filo la itglaad vou are about ta te nywlag iiboteraphe of sputlod of the fiaet oa which a i think the tuooss of oar lead operations depeads tbapohloaof uie grand 8ut which yod aeabodi to see la actually ea ggdlaagfitoprauoaof war on it ae yeu will tee it fprentd to ufa da pde the whole of ilia opemtiode carrud out by the allua fred afehahgel la the n the noth tar round to the parana gulf beaatue wae the urltuh fleet removed un allied uatieo who are sow bandod togellier agaldst the tyranny of the central powra would have u means of lntmommucatloa of the ploturea ta ht shown of the navy and army t may be eakl without hesitation they are lbs floral thing of the kind ever produced la thle oounlry britain pre pared will be shown at aew wonderland tonight the wreckage ol the bopee of high school studenta in ontario according to reports haa been vary serlaua in wing ham jo per cent paued or h out of w in harbonl collegiate toronto 12 out of h1 about 14 par cant in some of be con linuatlon schools nono in patrol fa the hoard took u huff and virtually dismiss ad the staff in dundaa the results ware aliout tlie lieat in the province yat waa far lielow tho usual the local paper there the star makau no bonaa aliout the cause but laya it to tlie honehiouv wlio st the papm and made it almost impoasible to ions i and thus unjuuly deprived many hundreds of bright young pooplo in the country of a yrs time at a period when tlmo la vary valuable if thofaa wlio in tlieir wisdom leave the echool which acton hoard has ttrivao to make so e helen i pau nevb yer with hnnora aa they probrbly will the hoard und toachare hare will know if the utudontn do forget tliat tliey wre wall irapaml for it here many a patient haa ituaqinod they ire too hick for their owu doctor lo cure awl have run off to some ntliar one who slrnjy huilt on tho twtora lion in couni of effect mid got the credit r tho cur obhoauy hhkhv rfltm there pesesj away oa the li2nd auguet in the township af lindsay oa of the towaahlpa piooeert la the petaon of henry bona ii web bora in the county of ifaltoa and farmed and umbered all hi life lit ihflo ha married sarah ann roberts alao of ifaltou ommiy ami i sur vived by all hla thlrtean ehlldreo and by sixty oo grand children ami twenty sir greatgrand children hu aou are join alfred robert james archibald and daniel of lindsay township tho two utter being enlisted with the llloth druoe hat- talioo now training at london arthur and herbert of eaetmore henry of syracuse n yanimjorbcf auburnn y hie daugbtera are mra the button of syra euae lira john harr of acton and mra hobertolbaou of liooa head the re- malua are being entered today in 1uatuor cemetery rev it ellherlagton of fem- dao presiding wiarten echo just in jiaiing a remarkable instance of tlie work of our wbool u altown thla iniaiar one of tlie sucosejdul ooaa graduating for normal school and matriou tion waa the last of fur of one family who have gone through actoa sclioola and arrivod at the same jwwitloa and are now fairly on the way forusjul liva hurling here aa jolly little friji boys and glrbs likely tlie vary fact of their natloaallty olnd with their food ooodoct aod atudl oua application has rwalted in a uwt honorable rocord fur u w jl bown family ofollruoa la alt falnma to irwnt lieai holura tamparaooe eopu oppond u the opo bar should give all jkwjll raaoaabia patroaafe lo hoilkj aflr hmtutimr lolh thar baa been too uuch uudaocy lu the pt to uw haul pritil- fr notblag simply baoeuae the fool pure paid for it but if ro the wiua rood or awi pivila are srfavjihay uaulitd to be jiald for eue a maa raa hardly be eipuctl u k4p paulo boe cbukh doants who ta the wit osla to dl- j gruatud tvro keepae clwa lhlr shade i lib the hue of uoea gave bof ski j aoodmoltlwa to the fiuulc ulfht uw ilaoaably ooajir the proprty of taru uu the li4te la lu tllai of the uitlmate tioirumat luadard botsl jhuisis act0h boy s eultm kulu iwlii4 sir i ooe cannot help but enpe admir- atloa for sargt caue for the klodly la urwt ite ha taken in the boys of aotoi and for the nqanliatlaa of the hoy koauu it is surprising bow the newly formd troop has rodo iwadway in so short a tia i amaurc tbalrdrilllngaud dlaclplioeard aa good as any other troop of iii month landing thoaewhoaaw the boa march to the oulion ea route forthe exhibition but uji were greatly idvej by their umart appearanoe aiul tbalrmarchlog waa favor ably oomuinted on by several old eoldur tt boya wore ooauiuat of the fact that they wre out for a good tima aod also to have uialioasr of beluglaipeeud by h r h the duk of coanaught there la uot tlie allghlebt doubt that acton 1 proud of scoutmaster oolea or be ha heuy done hie bit for the empire and olvlllxatloit hut now be la greatly adding to that bib by uaeblug the boy the rudimenu of tnunhooil honor and prinoi pie i which in later eara will bring them out a upright fearless men a credit t their pareata and loyal to their king ami country when w read how the hoy soo4te have bean ao useful ia these dlitraseiav tlmeev we should feel proud of thau and should noourage them all we can- parent who bava boyaahould urge them to jala the boya are proud el their scoutmaster mot ao owing to the fact that h la a maa who haa fought for hla country and it la eaally aoen that the sooutmaaur la prowl of hi troup any ii ule effort put forth by th troop for th benefit of the hum will i am ure receive tlie whole hearted auppart of realdant of aototi wishing every euooes to th ofhoer and tha troop your faithfully trfk yavux nr x boy 6miry acton heptembur cth 101ft act0m pall fair next week lot malta thli year palftibeoorfl- dnutklntr ono all tooethkn p0h o success acton pall pair la tlie next event of importance in the public urelm of the people of acton and the surrounding town shlpa tlie dates of our fair are wednesday and thursday september joth and 21st and a big fair night concert will be the greid finale on thursday evening i this ia the groat stock fair of this part of onurlo for thla season cf th year it belongs to tlie wople of acton and of th surrounding towushipe and its prlae lists are open to all without any bars or feuoea tlie premlunm offard ure attractive especially for hora but a glance at the list will show that i literal priaea are offsfad for all class of stock poultry grain and dairy product ladies departments culln ary crvatlana floe aria and flower acton pall pair baa nevar been a failure huoceaa notable suocaa baa always crowned uie rforts of ita dirctota taward- eil th enterpria of ita exhibitors fad all its visitors have liaan pleaaed with ha auraotiona our fall fair la not the bualaaa of any one sat of man and women the dlrvotere are not tlie only persona lutenwted prim arily the exhibition waa oranlud for the purum of affording the fartoara an opfww tunlty to come toallter to compare their slock and thor rofuce lie object balng to encourage tbui to aim for greater tlilnga thla idea baa not luin lot alght of and thecpimmtudlty la oaoe bioce ope to lban to induce the fartaie to jilay a uggat part i the affaire of tt exhlbjtioe the pise llfct hj baao btneaduj and laoraaad from time to time the awafde laliig tdftlcudt to warrant any trodbl hcary in ociiswtlithi with wtagtag in aa exhibit for tie fair thar ibarafore la ait innmaa wrt to be pujad by the farmra and the bojia u tbay will isoogulae tbair pmua a wlilearva and bip la make uiu fair a raoord oue all doas not dipeod a the farmer ia amoe lhre are two taction the liicm mo aaj the pavpla wbo uut be iqut ed the mrirjhaut lave le i he pa carrud out thair share of tle fall fair le a way that eaaoot be com pi sail o ulu the toasatwre of the codiuuta eajud oa our linlffii bws lhy wre rodlally raojvad and rapodad uuaiiy the pavfue too aaat uoj their uuraat ts thla fair tbay too have a aha u the work of auk lag lb grt aahluoia a tuy muj roagaue that th woth lu hj i big carrtad o vjauii ly by thoaa m the baajd of dlratuta laeoe tbare la a pu ia whtth they j maurlally mn tbay call tl bauih byawonlofcfv- ojlsirwaii week ea oaly be le by daurmlauaat ta let eryome ualte fi the gra lallair spuaabwaiwjtaad jlsc vum t saal thla fair a fcrme faaaily ruauj aad wilt yr islivd aaj iruaja to h4t wi at aotoe pall pair haduc rtae oi all tailway it will ljptmalmujlmariitybfwari gaaily aa wall ae add to the ft4e of th fair ujf to have u iuulhad far ad wide that our fana u shawa by thj be duplay cf bona cattle ahaap aia iwwltry aad other piaduota of the farm aad garjaoa ad the skill aaj babdiwork of the paopla are enurfwijag and pro- graaalve the omcwniaiwi dlreotorti for 1010 at a follvl iveshlwt geo ifaviu acton 1st vlupraaidaatj 1- puafaii kila u vlw iwideath il unda luquaalng bas tvaaaurer go hynda actoa hoard of hiretoe t aotod nail pkt terod a u ifclfaa il if uodooald wm johnttone 11 p uoore a wood hall it u haudemui jso it kaasedy k j haaaard fcrta jno smith j e iwrn kjuaiiu tho cos 8 h lloday w l hampahim kramoaa wu hortop naaaagawaya wallas laaby duoeaa campbell houorary lirctor hod ix haudanoa w a storey a a t beeidmor aua waldl a l wyaut arch uana the following director will super latandi tha variou dapartmentauand attead th jujga wbaa awards are being mad i heavy iiofeealleaara ooaa smith and campbell uht koreaeiur ifaupahlr hor- toi uoleait paheraoh uandarees cauleuaatra laaby johnston and jfrarea sheepauxandoy waldlo piga8 ii litldeay ptoultry jno r kennedy grain and noouuaaar hutou and smith vrult wtu johnatooa buturjno il kaanady ivstryc woadhajl plant aod plowewh p uoor ladle work afeaer heoderton me- uuaald lvarh pin aru- j haeaard another putum for the plr arrangement lev been mad for a parade of th hoy soout and pupils of th tob days- 1 jail in quolph whoou neat thursday afternoon in tan- thouiielph herald eayai john wat- i neollonwllh the pair a iwrad of tit m ef acton wu arretted last night principal street will be made beaded by thawed with th theft of a suit oaa and j the und with th fair ground a th it contents from the allien uotel cou i objeolivepolnl her th boy scout and alabl greanaway arreated wateoa toon aobolan will unlta lu aluglng a number or after and tii property was recovered in patrletlo ohotuaea th aohoohf will b polio court thl morning whuoriwa eon given ahalf holiday and th boouta ant vlcted and sfntenoed to spend th next ten scholar will be admitted fre to tlie fair day ntbcounty jall 1 i l j n social amd pebsohat ifr wm willuma le siandnghweek ab fndon uiaa pllu maopheraoti toronto spent the week and at bar horn miss atargarat kennedy a visiting frienda in toronto this weak mra ji nelson of wullaoeharg tlsited frienda in acton during tlie week ur and mrs w baldwin of uault bte marie vlsted friends here this week iteev illden and wife of wellaoebuiw vlalted frienda in acton during ike week hu jaasle maolonatd la uking the nuraea course ut guelpli general hoa pita i mrs i h near bun rvturnod lioma after attending the uldlug of her aon uht week in detroit- ur neil alchabb dowar avenue has ban sarlounlv 111 the prnt ten days but la improving un lleaui of hamiltom lias bo 11 at- coding her brother ur nell uonabb during his illness mr george snaddy of ijwuioh formar ly hydroplctrloian hare pent a day or so butt wvk lu tawn ure l lee and ulaa louisa and pier ure spatit a fw das with friend ia tor auto oakvllu and hamilton ur john ucdowall of dundalk motor d to acton hut waf and ufa uchowall and cblllran aiwl ure plank rtumad with blia ur and urn clis trwln of ltocliaatei n itave been vl huff at tlie how of lainoihr ure k0i4 uarlhirrboi sottr ave mra h taylor uajora clifford unl yluiutjji of sorlb ilillricj uaa are uljtintf at ll e homa of ur huoilartaod tuylu acton ur john smith sd uia ualloo ruru ed luxo od uoaday all pddia a oooploof monlbe at oxbow huji au other pujat in le watt ur and urj wu uaclhrwui of gk villa and ur al ur j hrawu of pt njuiii ibatorj to actou oa tiumlsy and spaoi the day with fruaj ula usry ucrbaoe baa rturaj to baruhol at uuij lfr auier uut i sola haa auo bae tij ta ub la a achool sair uuiford sad taft uat vk fut hrrdatlaelbate for friday tuid sardy of this week we announce our fall openings then the tjeaeona most distinguished htyie cxamplct in fall fauhion will he on exliihit inspired by our keen desire to create at once even more enthusiasm than developed on the firbt day of our fall opening diplny a year ago wo have thin year elaborated upon it firut by broadening the number of authentic models in apparel and second by showing greater distinction and novelty featured in the cxamplcn around which closely clingh that unmistakable air that marks an epoch in this important series of annual events the eftort has wo believe been wholly successful and vc submit the results to you confidently modes which on mature deliberation were not considered worthy because lacking tho strength of now and featured touches were discarded and many socalled popular ideals wore rejected in favor of models whoso greater distinctiveness was readily apparent therefore we say that the seasons most distinguished stylo examples in fall fashions will boon exhibit now coats vrlioae graceful linea reveal rare distinction new sulta wljosa style faatuixa ore unusually smart n w millinery with a captivating charm d e macdonald bros limited fjdelphs leading and largest store wyodhau macjonitfll nj curdca street guelph oat awordfofihdthers itfaagra lace thjr u 1 1 u a fen w miuka tw botbare ta b- abaeaul p thd dt u ifoiworklatltiuailf y av ar hciubia if you u uaild wary or uf4aaad ou sboubl kfakw tlu tkutfe uluulalod onvtuulli jiit sub fwltlihitej it pomte lu cocifautrwtad iura th vry auiiuuta to luvioraf the bliud atrvoatlkru tbe uaaoaa bourub uw buve bo1 ullld aualljtb sott e le strab athaulug ibo w rootbar and uill bipou try tt baujmapap the funartl waa held yeatarday aftsr noon of sarah ann moenory wife of john mclean wbo died in th general hospital guelpli on sunday morning ura mclean waa born at tlalllnafail on january 3th iri7 she married bar aorrowlng huaband on april 30th 170 since bar marriage sliebasllvad wllhhar husband on hi farm at the comer of th ath lib on the ballln afad eroaaroad after six years of suffering woman tyfetfe well tlydl e uilduun vawaual coaipaiiac ctjanibiiohk i blsjnioatgivad tapi i haul baad hick foe alx yaara with fsoiaja trouble e and barvoo i had a pirj in tny right ski bful could bot eat anythlflrf with- oat hurting my tlunuub i could botdruv cid watr at ail bos eat any kmj ci rww fruit nor fraab bust ikw tkuli proot 1to ofiodd i wnt u 1 is and wfeiu gt w wak at tloiae that i fji ovr i bagmd ta take lydl pirtlibajui vstabla cumpound and un uy utat i bxikl et afid it did not hurt my tluuiadi i bve u3ta lb blfiilcln ervar bjoc aja i fa llk r w woman 1 bow waixb itl pound ao yoo tmb m what it he do foa b already uy buahaaj sy be know vuur rndmrtj ha tavwd my ut ura j u 1uiaw 1c buwtli oh bl cohmbui oku lydu at hauma vuu pourul wuuln just th vbftua cf vwtim ano iwrbe badad t ratoae baajth al strrnfth to thwakattaj6avab6 th luuv that u why mr- haria a throaie uvaudlwcovacadl w cpltjy it pay fuawiooidutfavbftrodaax fhi alhnaot tu loaaei tapoal hbat lydie l hnhw aatsu- caaav puosd esquesing agricultural so clely1916 i iii i iii bin ii llll ii i toe seventieth annual fall fair i to be held ay georgetown on wednesday and thursday october 4th and 5th sund to skchetahv for pkizb list a 0 clabiidge acton j a tracy eiijumlilf rretldent stattity iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m saxes store news this week 1 special sale of boots and shoes i special sale of rae carpet 38c yard i fall line of groceries i yilisi u dtvr 1 1 acton creamery 1 this is a permanent business we have a i wellequipped creamery it is profitable to us and i will be continued without interruption we pay 1 farmers the highest prices for cream and we pay 2 i cash every time cream is delivered tilo danger of i our going out of business i i m saxes co acton wonderland theatre great special feature thursday september 14th britain prcparcd tiil new army in the making recruiting and ilriltini of volunteers making ammunition trench work cavalry artillery and mounted infantry royal ftyint corps and fwld tele graph motor cycle machine gun battalion at work provisioning an army building and launching a battleship on a mine sweeper the silent sentinel the iron grip a bjttle squadron at sea with the grand fleet in the north sea jack afloat life on h m s oueen elizabeth the submarine service the hornets of the kleet watch dogs ol empire in action god save the king reserved soc admission adults 3sc children 2c bro aeeoi b thlnat that tbay haaj fed uaaustal fin- ulu u well a oaiiau yet tuguct ol thi internal bathlnaf ahow itaalf id apotty and saliow uunplexioiu a walla draadiubadahaaiklullousaaaa itbrau th liver ba alugwtah aiid wait matter afeutnuuta wfalchnatuttariiwawrioywlthtaaietajm tha beat chamberlains tablets kwmedy li cbahtberlairi ilunmchatulllivertabhitij which aumuiaulhuvtoriaalthyfileuvltytvmovf6nrriutiori uatttly euatta tba etomatb and bowel and ton tha whole djg4euviyium bur gat and wllaw take or it bight uul you teal bright and ninny in th morning gat cajaborbtlijs today drugguu asc er by mall from rk llila uaaku caaaaaaiy tawwu l 3 cjnmmnr nnnn osmose rashb q russells br6hd j lways full welftht no c skimping no fancv namea to cover com mon place products just splendid bread and big value ne bread in acton can five so much real nour ishment and satisfac tion for the money as oars russells btomh brb1d makitlw mill st il acton ont

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