Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1916, p. 4

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8tbe irfak 3fttt tytss tfiimmw mirrmiikitji nun the pailaway fields ulir ttm mithiiuf it ilf o cm i rdiwi jit th fryliitf inm wmil i lilu to urn kaitli u tliulnilii hut while hinlt il ulm f mii yaur mind iluoliiiw thorn may li huh oimt fellnw jiul ayeariiuk f if iii pluctt no inmlimihiwt liulf u iorui iu tli oiuh fur away v mln tlift tiiiiliir iniquity of what uaavary dayt hut yo wlm iit ii huouhiit do yo not wlat that thwi many would iki lmpiy jut to b6 what j timomlnoil nfooliaucrt l imkxu kruiiimit no iho inm that didnt cmiio opportmiltuw in ouilirioullp awny lieniyntli your thiuiilu lull kb farttiiib 1 huot your tiara curta mi your tinluokv day t1w ar tbouiutiul would 1m thankful fur tka ohatioe you thrtiw away i helpful hints anenvolon wltli lb onriiur cut oir l handy to fill your salt and njiwr baira rubbing ahoet with ovtor oil kii than from cfiouluix mailing llieiti uoft and pllahta fig at dalieloua haked eavcrdl hour with union julca and union rind to ilva adld savor to cent worth of tklm milk lisa more uouruhmditt in it thaii tlto urn uiiuiy wtb of uk thiw of lli channel food we haw r homlay corn uwul and rie and thr ar tosuy way tof uhink tlimii allow ooauval uwonm o bait toft m a quart of umi aauca vr waur in which vtlsbia aw to b cook ad tt 4t lime to ourt the lirl grind la itubwluuly afur it uud tl mi ilouiikf hiit do not dry and will wuli off waily if a maul sown i left la tha muciu thaoauil8 will not boil tiiilakly bu lb fcpaod twnrld off a grvit dal of but umwa tkoild alwaya ha wajiw in a woadd tl ltr will la far ui bsba of u iulli tmmkui nurou altouu il4 lronl on tlba wrimaidoipufof flaau andaloatil ud b kpt loug aimi untr tta iroi ta wjjilly dry it ilyw km jo ttahalilt of loud lug dcob it mi to kwjt nai of toal nui of pud wta ujt it add diu of l6ji tli tortbrfodt ti naua wua tk look li i gillette lye eats dirt lajidkiheythoible ftrseyeialmoitis boans kibney mus cuhkb him ulc vwtd suvtni rayuojsd alt- tnite iim wrltutg to mat toy tu- tdady e your woddctfid mdkuw i hid tutftfcd for uvcral buwtlj witi kiowy trouble i bod ba uud tb docta oaie for two tuootbi wba i kl your- hdvcrtugoicat i at oace btinjuimd four hta of idoau icidiay imbt and tabcd x had uwd two bow of tbjtxrf i was cured x hve recotnuctukd uu tnatnunt to wveral of my fruada wten you tile for doaaa kidney pula etltyonetdoan tba wrapper a arty atul our trade mailc tba kiapla jjtil appeora on cvry bov doasa icldoey fula ara co cata pa boa oe 3 bosca for 125 at ail dealtm or tnalld direct on receipt of price by tba y mihwjro co limited toronto ont vaitn onurlnc direct specify doanv aatiuda vlatlwa thauanorwotuusutf jebtouihmu lalaul a vlntlui what baa ba uora tarhfylha tban to suddenly wud with parokyaua of ctioklnir wbleh twoi to fairly t1irtn the akutenoa or ufa luair from goli condition dc j d kallitffl reaiaily liu itroiijhi taiaay to oomplauly niaiorl itailtli an i bappina it i lnown und prlioil in vary aaotlao of tbin liruai land ohiliren ory fop fletchers c a3tor i a why hitcfir fro n c un whon ttiay oan lx pilulwly rvitilou uy utlnif hollo wny ooraoara news topics op the week important evotttt which have oo- ourrod hon und thew hlltvimiiiv hon rinlny li mucdlni mid ulnu- icr or iulillc wnrlta mulid yontrrday unit tbo torontohamilton highway would bo open for t rattle in about tbrm wooka air llaumr grornwood baa rcaltta- d bin poal ut li uur onico and lua rollnqiilalud bin cnininlaulon ontlroly il aturta for a llvn w twits tour uf canada at tlm end of thin wook altkaudro h itluot tbo iroaeu minister or tlnntilo will ask tbo cliamlh r o ikiiuili n for approprla- tloua for tliu inn ijimrtor of 1b10 aiiiuuiiuujf i s iijuuuoo franc j on tbi nlihi or h- ptomlkr 3 au italian dlrlglblo uurc bou- liurdod lliu aoeiiuu military worka at luiibliiicolo in tin- crowu laud of lairlu tli ainililp ruluroud uo- daiiiam d mr c u ji i- i i lary of iho dipirtuiiuji iuu jtiun at toronto baa uyiumud tin jiipuintnjont if 1rlnclpji ot 1 1 uukirio tkrtiool for tbi llllud hhi tlic iutulntuiunl uay it it p i pltll uid a minor injur cullluiuti i ivu ttio iaiiu jr t lla li c uatbir oriivtw woru kiwrmioitai will drlva worm fron tltu uytnn wicliout in jury to tbuolilld liasauttlt uatlot wttlla fully atbotiva la tnlld onabxe to sleep or do any work wtphtt l h jagnvtol ura thomas harrlv 8 corrljroo st iflrtfcatohj out writes i bod becii a cooata tufferer far uiauy yean with y atxvimf uui was uiubk to tleep at ulabt or do atry work tbrotifb tbo day it at but decided to oouuilt a doctor und gad out wbat was really the trouble tba graft ooa told tua if would haw toco under ma operation before x would bo wltbutxwouultiotcoosctittatbli one dc a fit of crytnir ond it aecmed that if anyone ipolo to roc i would have to order tbem out of uio home x tnuit have beeii cryltie two boura wlicu tuy lawrance aeetit canto in he advhted tno to try but of muburua heart and nervo mil and i at onra teat to the dru store and iot two boxes and before x had tbem taken i felt like a different penoii i liavo told otbera about tbem mtd they liave told mo they would hot be without tbem i am vtty thanlful i alarted to take mllburaa heart and nerve pllla mllbunta heart mid nerve pllla are co cents per ijok fir ii boxcu for il2fi at all dealer or mailed direct on rcrclpt of price liv tins t jmilbum co tiailud toroatov oat blnoorlty onihm after mmi u onniilntaly aaturatol with indlffawtirw tbafaultaaman haitta of ahou wlmt u tooi h 1a monty la m nplamlld uulmlitutafir lr iihn in annia nouw tbaroitretluiehulinn it u bnior ut imi navar than lata it i ir vwy t iiiuiim who run tall u dn wood tnom uy lu barb bap rl aiioo n a anltint h ilt trying at tlm it im no dirn tit lw juxir but it ofut liioauvanlont a fawtouohtttornaturoamnatli many a wrloaladkkltj who uduilllud to boa li otbera fvcolvod tnouutj b hi adoa piuutngtr traloii ou ibtltu una ut unday coiolli duncan fmlrkk caiiip- iwll dho al i lor north ayr- i hi re hrotlaiid died in uibdou luu hunda art r a oriel hint on ho wuu tbo aon of arlblbald campbell barrlntir lyuwuod llluicou out mr xiwton w itoucll u1i if ad r or tin ontario oppouilluii has arrlwd at lilrmliibaui for tbo tradit union congrtun during bla visit tu tlcolland bu waa rocolvcd ou tbo lioo by admiral uoatty yiluiudav a dospatcli received from consuui- tlnoplo sas tbut haiti livy tbo turk ish foreign minister baa gona to llorlln to roufcr with qormau atala taen adieus 0 1 as q ford for ovor half a conlury a nupectud reuldoot of kunt county pumud away at tbo homo of bla son all lea glossrord lost nlgbt at chatham lien hnyder a farmer or tilbury east township waa killed tuaaday whllo toarlne down tbo cblmuay of an old church building that ho had rucuntly pure ba nod a marauding cat upoat an oil las- torn in uclvlllo atklnoda eblckaa coop at now toronto last night and started u flro that ilostroyod tba coop and ita tbroa hundred chickens it is assorted in ilrltlab uaval circles that gorman nubmarlno activ ity in thu lnijioli chaunal and la the mediterranean indicate that germany will shortly roauma eubraa rlno warfare tho tngls zcitung of dorllo aaya that its naval export count ttraaat von itovontlow has boon forblddaa to publluh otiytblng of any kbod for tbo iurutlon of tho war vuhnut lubmlttlng it to tbo conaor mm iva darnca of chicago eon foaaod yes lord oy that aha abot and killed lior huabund jauaa ii baraaa wbtlo they wcro atrolung la waah- lugtou park laat night uarnaa waa the chicago roproaonittlve ot a nw york aoap firm fltlbay tba drltlih ataamablp torhdg of 6038 toaa groaa boa boau auuk nlnatoan momboira of tbo erw hava bean landed nowa roacbod london from iarla laat night that emperor william la flawing q parnou tbo torrlblo atrug- gle on tho soramo tbo doitructlon of a largo aero plane factory at adlorhof near llor- lln la reported in despatches rocalv- od from conanbanun pro ml or itadoniaoff of bulgaria la quotod by tlm cologun gaeotto aa laying that thoio in no proannt dan- gor or war botweon hla country and arooeo tho grnrll mlnnlon aeboonar goorrco ii cluutt which wont to tbo rollof of tlm donald 11 uacuhiau arctic tupojitlun in july 101g baa wturnud in llottln ilurlmr thn noiunantnn qnvnrnfiiont la lu- tornlno rninn aurtrlnn nnd turk- ih out j en in hotuln and houses in tho cnitii khcro llioy would bo placed lu jiptrdy hi honiba dropped from anroplanrn fllr gunrco purlcy will roturn to england icavlnif ottawa piobahly aomotlmo nnxl wotk to icnumo hla duties mi actlmr hlch conimlsalouor in london tt wi rumalti in the nf- ico until thn war in over mr and mm w i iln nun worth of north vancouver hurlod tltelr in- fant dauiliiiir tuimdny and on wed nesday now tho lkrloiui bodloi of tboir other two rhlldwn iu aud olght yearn tukon from tho batbltur beach nt kiiffllsli day hatukiday tho italian army according to bus official btutcruont conaumed million 11 troii 17c00o000 galloon of wlno durliir uio last year king ngnrijn yonlorday algned a proclamation requiring drltlih aub- joeu to make return in regard u property owned by thorn in countries at war with oroat ilrltaln two canaillan uoldlara woro ax pbyvlnted thuraday by gaa which oacanod from tho hot wntor heatlag ayparatua whllo thoy woro takltik baths at nhorncliko cnmp tbo idea aiiioiin1n or itomo pub- ihutefl a hat of forty onrmanownoj hotolh in i which aro dovorlbod bm nohtn of nnliih tbo niiklotialo ad- vocatau thnlr immodlnto hiipproaalott according to thu tofottraaf a zeppelin coming from tho northwoat waa flrod on by dutch loldiorn wlion fiauduk ovor sch i nr mount lion n iii- aud thn air vnnnol ini hit nonf tho iuddm tho nppolmiiont lui li- n ma do theyre fine for kiddies mumrtld a lipftiau a j chamberlains auviiiablets of mr 1 xf tolli- former lnnr nf tlm cotiuritiillv i iippoulllim in qilfiboc provhilii itu jiiiik of thi y i porlor court of moulrinl to nurcovi i liu lain jiidf churlmmipmi mra h caiille ot kronlinur himhii kiiiuhioii vu u hi iminly hijurod in tn uuiinuul artildniit whllo walkluic oh 1rlnronu mlrat anotlior woman puwi- d unnlnat hor uh they wnr puna ilia mr cnmlo fell to the nldrwnlk ilid in thn full her uriuii uihi frnrlurud monday harry htiotbor u tullnr or gait waa fatally injured by n klnu slroo car in toronto two ilrnir natlniinllhlu bavo ma on trial at illoouifontttlti charged with high troaaon tho united rtutrn governmnnt hn warned the imkern renardlnk tho pro pound rata in broad prices the agctcatn atttitidanrn ut tho canadian national icxhlbltlnn was 000000 for the two wooka tbnuuanda wltnoui d tho military funeral of limit nlmic c n flhsn ly dho in toronto on hatutday iremlor dot ha announced that 10000 louth african natives will w aent to franc to bo inagd lu dock labor quojtn alexandra saya tho week ly despatch lately ban adopted motoi buu rldlnk ao as to at an avaniple in war economy tba cornorutono or a new union church on mount hamilton at ham ilton waa laid by four clergyman if different denomination matthew gaels a promlnant and wellknown cltlxen of walberton paasod away at hla borne vonav street yesterday after a vary short ii incus ldward conway o hamilton jit ney driver was charurd at thn in- stan co of martlstrala jfflfs with for- ory for changing tba number of hts llccusc thn ducbvss of connaughta funj on bjhalf of prisoner or war ha contributed uarly iso out for om- forta and ntccasarlea for mou lu ger man prison tanina tbo italian mlnuur or industry and labor gujoppo da nva has published a dtcrco forbddlug omcj- slvo luxuries in fe mini no appirl dur- lug tho ungtb of tho ar thn new caundlon war loan for which eubwriptuins will begin o l taken turdj in for i10oo0ood0 at 07 bearlnc inlirrst at 6 sr cut and running foi flftun yara rkijtv about 400 wouudej canadians laft england for this country tba hal la as captured a strong auatrlan position in tba trsutliio ftiva man ot luefaasohs arctic espvdltloa ariivm at luxittl on tbir way to ottawa l l uciaiul for 3 yura phncl- pal or fuaforlh labile uliaal dld at tbo ago of 7 wm try on of tamworth a farw- r dud or blood pouonlug irons a tuntln purcing hla hugr lougaborimen at duefalo tbrgld to atrlke utilasa noaualea labor la doaa away with at upr ul4 bbtid cb airman ftavllo of tba ontario licenaa hoard warno liquor llcatu- boldara that laatmlnuta lawbnakata bo fore prohibition will ba avrly punished a houtor despatch from athatu aaya a ministerial crisis is immlniul rrotalar zalmls tba daapatcb addj la be loved to have tandsrad bla re signation tho urltlab staaar laida u re ported aunk aaya a lloyd bhlpplag agoocy announcemsnt ysstarday af ternoon tba lexla waa a staamar of 3778 tona gross built in 1011 aad owned la london tba uritlsb government accord ing to tbo dally naws la preparing a buge acbemo of national reorgani sation after the war tba pramlae of tba national liberal club la being uaed for tha purpoao majorgene ral loglo baa issued as order after consultation with itev w u koc beater boeretary of tba lorda day alliance permitting tho mue ob sunday until 0 am in tho canteens of papara dollverod in tbo camp saturday evening war to end til ix hi nt kit bo baya oaaml craagb in dlaeua aloa of hltuatlou london sept is general fllr ouoore craagh formerly coumand- eribcchlef in india writing in tbo weekly dlapateb on why the war will nd tbli winter eaya recent events on all theatres if war have beon uniformly successful for tba allies tho auitrooermao arulee have ovorywhero rucolved au- r blows while their allies era la a precarious stato thu central al liance has boon dofuaud not crush ed tbo only acceptable flnlab can be their coroplota cruublng ao as ta prevent further mlschlnf it is there foro necaisary to makn the fjarman nation realise iho bopo- leui situation bofom complolo sur render will bo brought about al ready the moralo or the nation la ef fected the germans no lougor tnll of annexlug their neighbors proper ty their gonoral atalf bullollna aro tilled with blggor lies than over these stimulants are required to keep up tho paoploa spirits x am of tha opinio otbat tho war will not last over wlntor napolooo said in war moral power li to the physical power as tbreo to one we have the advantage of both moral aad phys powor negwea to go to vrnce pbtnograd sept is general louis dotha premier of tbo south african union announced saturday that an arrangement bad been made tr send 10000 natives to france for dock labor tho natives will be re- crultod voluntarily and will be organ ised into five battailous of 1000 men each under military discipline with trus nplcurs fir in gitramu aerodrotoe copbnhaobn via loudon sept is tho polltlken aaya it learua from travellore arriving from ger many of tho doatructlon by fire a few daya ago ot an aerodrome near frankfort it la reported the br de stroyed 16 aeroplanes and four near ly completed teppellna was troubled with constipation ror over five years uultt otus bu fa atlloa 6f lb bomb ut lout ottu by kaofftucu u vm to ejuue isaa lu tb wlb of cotutlpatlou ectae ck httdtthe blltau beoiudiu juudloe pucfc und uttty onu of ilvtt cotupklut fs si w w tf late uu haw ol bu to ort tmpctb nioa jr 111 o bsblduiul ivikwoudu wtllmi i have been troubled wllb eoiiupllon fo ov ave ud i feel it my duly to lee you buow uwt your mllbura ijimuvef mil bavei cured me i only need three vbd ud i rui hllbfully uy that they hve m tue rrom n urt doctor blu mildum tiuver fill ore m cat ir vial or nv vlau for 5110 for iwla at all dealer orvmrillj direct on receipt of rlce by the mllbura cccustid tviroeiio oat lilfllllllllll ihpnusulluueiwi ar uur htaaui llnglhslmiucabjdmmua isb ilvomofwbmlbnficftm rlctlsululltjfttoutahftlfltwr orhuitidmorbnbe nofhaicral nor naitc otic for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of woon mmuukwvuii ca cy kf wew- for over thirty years castoria how to keep well taf mxu w 8 acutxwuolj uix tlkii vv wvvx ot tllld hu1vihal luiaitlj tl- iiiaiill thu uk ar two grat outeua to prevent ivo mtdlcliu which is tb rai tdadlcltse and thaw are poverty and ignor ncc tbo groatoat cau of poverty that id real downright n- rd in sleknca hicktwis caufita at least oua- third of tbo world poverty juvtral other things including alcohol account for the othr ttiblrdg hdilfy lu tba form of higher wages helps in a lore mi auuro to obvljte poverty and ha alckueai which ortantlmos ilea at lis door ivrlinpa tha uoat uotsd baaltb man in america at tho present tlm hi colonel dr qorgaj tba man whoso onerrlns auccotitid in initilng tha anmvvurxio panama zone inhabltablo by white pen pi colonel oornas otf dihwahv aaarts that two disease a carried by th ranqullo malaria and yallow vever drove tlm wbii man irnm tho easy liv ing tropics to tbe inclooiaht north his enterprise li allowing him to rctura thare lis aborts further for llko all public health men in uutortlons ara msikad by peraonal modesty that thn panama canal projtct was made feasible by the tact that the work logmen there wt ro pild the highest wafts of any place lu america money may be nn evil it uomotlmee is but it baa its good uacs the other treat foo of public limlth udvancement la ignorance that la want of knowlodgo of what la good for oiioo baalth tbls column la out against ignorance of tula character the writer bopea that everyone who sees thin pnpr will read this column especially la it desired that tho children shall become intorostod in it for thoy after all are the portion of tho population who nrt moat susceptible to education tbo aldor ones more net in their waye will no perhaps take all that is sot down here as gospel allhoujfb it moro nearly approaches gonpci than anything otso found outoldn th lood uook but the children will perhaps gain so mo good from it dy ttio way thorn la some good public loalth sdvlco none bettor found in tho old tcitaraonti read icxodus and leviticus pollowlng an outbreak of communicable disease in a homo tho room ecu plod by tbe sick person should bo thoroughly cleaned the floor should bo scrubbed with aoap and hot voter and tha uksinpeoxxom walls wiped with a solution of 1 lu 3000 bichloride of mercury carbolic acid or creaol 1 in 30 unloas tha circumstances seem to the medical officer of health to demand it tho roots need not be fumigated by moans of formaldehyde or sulphur it la well known that outbreaks of diphtborla and other diseases including acarlot fover cerebrosplnal meningitis and typhoid revor are indus need by carriers persons who are qui to woll and havo not recently suffered from tbo dhoaie but who con- kipiitilicslia vey disease to others tbls is very often tho reason of oaltiutupul the obscure origin of serious epidemics numerous investigators have found diphtheria bacilli in tba throat and noao of from one to four per cent of healthy persona among tbe scarlet fever patients in tbo wuisrd parker hospital now york 45 par cent of diphtheria carriers were found and in ocohalf or those tho bacteria were virulent as shown by reaction in guinea pigs no local treat mont la entirely aatlafsctory in oxtormluatlng tbo germs of tbo dlioaae somo of tha peralatont esses were thoao with deep pockets in the tonsils snd tha eompleto removal of theso tonsils usually glvo satisfactory results carrier of diphtheria bacilli dc not themselves contract diphtheria but they are a common source of trouble to otbera guiciltiomj adt q how shall x get rid of vermin in a childs hoadt a tbo hair should bo washed with soap and warm wator dried and then soaked in gssollno or coal oil with a towel tied about tho head over night next morning the hair should be carefully anawkiw to combed wltha fi notooth comb dipped in acetlo acid or questions vinegar to remove tho nits one or at moat two treat ments ilka this will usually clean tho msttor up q how much antitoxin is sofo to glvo to a child seven years old a tho quantity of diphtheria antitoxin required for any case depends upon tho bovorlly of tho enso thero is practically no dsngor from any quantity from noo0 to 30000 units dont faosltato to lbo plenty of it it is uupplicd free by tbo provincial hoard of health wuv shi objected i naar that plorrla haa brokaa off bar angaoamant with you old chap said one man ta another yea replied lite second i say im awful anrry in hear tr whatever did she do it for t jum heoaufta i stole a lias said tlie dlaoonaolate one sadly groat bceu i exclaimed bis frund barely aha moat ba craity if she objects to her flnnce ataalliura bias from her tha atiandonml one elohed ilneply but that just tha trouble he said i didnt ataal it from liar castoria vet infant and children numforovr30yars thara is no mora effdetlvo vurmlfuge on tbemarkst that millars worm imwddim thav will not only olear the atomaoh and bowu of worm but will prove a vary mr- vlcaablo medicine for ohlldrea in ragulat lug uia infantile ayateu and iiiaintalsluif it in a baaltliy ooadltian thre unouilngln their oooipmltion that will injure the kdoat delicate atomaoh when directions are fol lowed mid tliay turn ba given to oulldratt in tbe full aiurio that umy will uuorly daatnty all wertaa a drejicr ink u idwek but l mrvam to lighten many attbaglnrloruh aaatof knowledge soma people never ttt shy fartitar than the soup thay my la takaa two ut nuke a quarrol bub nna taeddlaaome roaalp has eftaa doae ibaloaa t diarrhoea from drinking bad water ivople raoiuig from one place to an other are very subject to dlanboca oa account of the change of water change of climate change or diet etc and what at 6rt appears to be but a slight looaeueu of the bowels should never be neglected or some serious bowel complaint wlu be sure to follow the safest and quickest cure far diarr hoea dysentery colic cliolera cholera moitius cholera infantum palm bt tba itomach and all looicnesa of the bowel li dr 1owura itxtract or wild btraw- berry mr strnest jeffery moose jaw basic writes a few years ugo when x flrrt came out to canada i went to tbe hor west field to work- somehow or othef the water did not agree wltli me i had the derrboea so bod that blood waa ftfrtlrir from me and x tliotuht my last dey had come one of the halve hands advised me to take tdt 1owlera btri of wild hrawherry and befora i bad uae1 the tiottle x was able to go ta work again my advice to all is sdwoy keep a bottle of this wonderful dtarrboe cure oa hand dr fowlers has been oa themerlcet for the past seventy years and has beea used in thousands of canadlah home daring that time and we have yet to bear of a case of bowel complaint where it has not given perfect satisfaction the genuine xr towlere is manu factured only by the t mubura co li toronto out lrlce sb cents children ory for fletchers castoria acton fall fair 1916 the 6ranm trunk railway anqtcwoim thakno tlix imiiiiwiiik tlm tlinu ululllnh luaallbm itillmmil l allow no i j ti mut iiiiiwd wtvr mnu 7 ill nan no r 1 h a w so an huiinilnnuo kit a m nn n i ji n hi i no lit 1 wl f m 11 7 imp p i n rt i isf it wednes thursday sept 20 21 open to tub world large revised fcrize list splendid list of specials the agton citizens band trialo of speed on the track single farcu on the railways grand concert second night send to secretary lor prize list oeo havilu president oeo hvnds sectrtms special prizes itclladv driver by a t ilown ut fj go sl uoo tint and fsuit utud hon ooea around track ttyu and tpd coiidred by l 1- atkinson ut si 6d sad jjoo illah sltpper li ifirtku t by il j liphardl a alosoa3rtal by ckarlu wrwig foo ctih j 00 llvinjfrlrwve cadi jt co sxwl bytiocuty caih xj0o s ut lifiht horu with haltar bora of dy by nio company csih cold c vet sliiale turn ool ttttlr outfit to be property of exhibitor utciui vi co 3twf tl go bydr j a- mcnumi y luat heavy hore rxi haller by chx dwf kr cah h uct colts rot by llrooktleld laddie lit jjw tul is bov jrd hjooofurvlceof horw for iqirby jaa hiuband 9 iut colli any ae sot by ukhael grattan by iv john steel archlbyora wilka by sable wllks w guy wilka by geota- wllks iu dam by lorraine slid dam by allcndorf jrddimbygeoraewilki4lh dam by kcrtlliul iu prlu acrvlceoflior iqiy iu sisoo jitd cau x00 3rd cash jco 10 novel i y race to harftca and bitrh to rl irot boras oncd around track unhitch and go as you pjeisa once around track by u lgrioiy iu cub sj 00 mti cah aod cattle 11 itet pat tleau any ae by n iatteruut caih i j ileal calf under ten month fed on itoyal purple calf meal pur- chtied atgeowardabygeo edwtrdi lit 0 lbs calf meal u sa and aj lbs calf ueal fl13 butteh ij beat 10 tba butler in blocks by exhibitor who has not won an xeatot prlie at any fair since lot a choice of the following s on- clock cat no- ii no jihao value idoo tb ins tea set not catalogued value s650 by the t eaton ox toronto beat 10 lbs tlutter in lb prints doctor to receive same by tbe slmnaoacaguelphcaih beat 10 lbs bolter in prints donor to receive tame by groceries limited toronto cash beat 10 lbs butter in lb prints donor to receive lame by hen- deramico cash best 10 lbs butter in prints donor to receive tame40piecetea setby woodlullmcicay value beat 10 lbs butter a crock donor to receive butter d c uus- sellcath beat 10 lbs crock butter donor to receive tame by noble mc- lam cash beat 10 lb butter in crock or pal donor to receive ume by jf c hhi cash beat to lbs pair or crock flutter doner to receive ume i bov comfort soap by mr campbell toronto value beat 6 iu print butter donor to receive same 6 lbs tea by jno charles toronto value best 5 lbs butler in prints donor to receive butter goods by johnstone co value ulscellantouj best barrel spy applet donor to receive tame by w cooper pair pants value beat barrel spy apples sample shown apples to be delivered later by torrance beardmore cash beat barrel spy applet one doten to be exhibited apples deliv ered later by a t brown cash best barrel spy apple donor to receive apples by jos holmes csih best barrel spy apples sample shown apples delivered later by tt e flat irani kort william cash beat barrel spy apples samples shown applet delivered later byjas- symon cash or goods beit barrel kins applet i doien to be exhibited barrel to be delivered lit november by h i moore cash beit bag snow apples donor to receive same by du hender son cash bett bag potatoes donor to receive ume by c c henderson cash bett bag potatoes donor to get same by dr j u bell eaih bett barrel hal ton or urln potatoes donor to receive by the acton free prcu cash bett goote dreued donor to receive same by harold wiles cstli best pairdretted chickens donor to receive ume by v p dalley co hamilton cash best s heads red cabbage donor to receive ume by geo iljmdtcaih beit halfpeck onlom donor to receive same acton free frets 1 year bett 3 citrons donor to receive fame by g hyndt caih beit 5 lb comb honey donor to receive aame by geo soper cash beit e gal can cream donor to receive ume by morris save caih bett 3 loaves bread ami doien buns donor to receive ume lit i dkrtldvtal ukdll uih1 uuuii i1ui1b uuiitll iu iiviivo all0 priie 98 lb bjg family flour value 3751 2nd prise 4b lb big family flour value sl90 by w ii tlortop bett pair knit socks lit 5 lbs- tea value 5oc lb xw jib tea value go by w lbs tea v 3nd 1 lbs tea value soc lb jl50 trd libs tea value 50c lb i100 socks to lie given to kedxrots society by t liilerbrook toronto beit i fairs grey knitted woollen social open to ladles of acton to be sent by donor to soldiers band knitted 5 lbs salads tea valuu jo by salaila tea co for best map of liu rope thowlng tho countries in colors the rivers mountains clllcs arul coatt waters- tho map is to be not smaller than 13 inches by 16 inches open to the aiudimls nf acton high school lit floo snd 7c by w h stewart bett colleciloni of six snap shots token in aclon or vicinity by li j ilattard lit catli 3 oo 3iul catli 3x0 is co jod 800 s 00 m oo joo o0 35 13 so sco 300 sco 500 5 oo soo soo soo joo 300 600 560 soo soo 500 500 6 00 300 400 400 7s0 3 00 joo i 00 i so i 00 300 10 0o s oo 3 so 175 500 trials of speed 214 trot or pace mill- hears bent i in 5 purno divided nf 389 2nd sw 3l 20 235 trot or pace mil hnnlii bum 3 in 5 purse divided int jmi n 3l ik uwuwniamllblmiimhhhmhwmhhiihhhmiihwwmwhhhuiihhummwwhh l you dont have to s m nticeuslty does not dumaud that you should buy your liens m furnish intra here but when you u katis paction und i economy are assured her you will flud the very lattwt in 2 hlokt and outing kuikth i vi amah undurwbau s oalttkub tiusj hohihhv und uunu fuhnisiiinoa the vry best hlurclmtidlwj at clmut prkus all through the store i u vmill require a rain coat for tbo cool uifihts why not take ad j a vantage of thu hpecial 0i6so coat we are helling today at tlxm jj specials in umbrellukutohc specials luevurythltig this month r e nelson 2 hamhant twiok hm vuimubav duhlpu- ont reduce the cost of living put up loli of fresh fruits uu tjvl1 granuiatbd and icincsurars j r livingstone m1ki bl aotot a reliable agent wanted rre tented jbt muii illtflivst commubjonu paid attractive advertising matter wpuodul iu of haw upmuiu to fc 1w0- 107 liuludlaar u bw vrb4taf ttilri bt maw stone ho wellington tvtw rontkill nurirlag kc tas7 toronto ont h wwuwuhcjdndodaadrjaorfeiuhhhah s s 5 grain n 3 chopping r well done and j quickly at only i 5 cents b per bag 2 harris v co liulud jj iockwoob ont s s g hhmmmhaaoaqncannnooohiihsisiu when von need boots shoes at any time buy from wwilliams acfon ontario l famous for satisfactory footwear itralonaiiiit 1uicim kct0n xji t ery and bus lik1 having pitrcliaaetl tho llvorynnd cimmiwiii of the huainnsa from mr a uccann i solicit with confidence the pitronage of the public comfortable tirw ftupplled at reason ubto rules special attentlnu to wiipplylnu convuynncvu for weddlnrh and funernlh motor cars furnlwlied wheu re quired bua m hat tv aixisalntl i f atkinson mill st acton ont cement k cooped acton cement contractor for hrilis silos walkv floorn wall etc aloo atnnt for dc luval sh04 spritori ttc ii 1 pii rrrado portland cem ent fnrsala atents ipwqmptiyflecjieh hahioh a habiok ftu unlnnlly bl uotiieal

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