Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 28, 1916, p. 4

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tiiuilsdw hull mill 1 jrt mill how to keep well hil 1icward itboiu i 1 illl arodworniiiiiiiili lulu hut lluriii t lurlli nlli ni wliou nil nini in irlii 1 i nido r in tlw laiml iliilii illu dull ni iii mil il 1 la lmiriiu lull tliiilliroiitr l ir baiwlion fiu iih ill tin rili tin a illirraiit tlilntf uu n iiiiiiihuihi totiwl with thi ttllliful law ik lint wcilt in iiionuiinil uver hylliobtrtindlin iriil iwnio ami altar thn lu- f the uarmi dnxwi hi him who carried iho hem lor trow tho slnrriur crnim l wnrn il idtllolil k do okefll communicate tlmolouof lli poiullita itr tll lntci hyroi hlilulhlmmni mine method nl c mini lili farm lie imii iiunili uu lie lutino nci in i other nmrnliilf of t llit iieu when a tnrkct and droie llisni off tlio i td it to licrwll tlio i around tlio jicd to u 1 1 1 fcuiwiiuff owl in minute lunch of lrt6 in a led h jwlr returned lo the nc liiit uiliilal dtlatjoiohi of kl till i oiiln pronriat o w i i llwl off i ho lt indtr uua ir tun tha whole uullifnaiit ul i ho tor kyhii the old undr rjnlul duwii nlipdtholuiuy and ilfrallj lifted hor from hr nut nini tho two uhb tnok iwir 4w now if thaohl um icr wain t luld ue trool 1 why did ha como to tha aid of iu tuu vpiioid kkvhit im tt sever dlao comlns fin with houduilin rlnn of tnmhrature dlarrhoom and abdominal distention 11 iiiwijm occurs us tlio result of tnklnv into onnn stomal h food ur drink rnutuuilimtoi with the body dimharafs tli o dljcliurata in iy tutor ones mouth in vulet which hue been polluted with wa rontnlnhm typhoid germs with milk or food to whleh tin trnin hnve been rnrilrd hy 1h by dirty hands by dirty weter ole or by dlrvrt cmilnet with it in r inn 111 of typhoid fovr it im also distributed h earrnr that jn hj rnniiii who though immune to tho dtaesae theiw ivci carry thn iltiix of hit dlaenao in limit into tinea and trsnumlt it to nlhow through the discharges washing food elc typhcld mmy lllilt m i ill thn now york cook who nave thn dlaennn id a jury a number of poplo itoforo ulio wo lorltrd up in a plml i t xmnpn of u typhoid carrier lvoplo who havn typhoid lover may riirr tin dl i iho for u ionic tltua and ha a boureo of daiiknr to olhnrv npi i illy ii 1 1 1 y havo anytblnv to do with tho preparation of food tv ifiof i ft ci in rathor cotanum about tin forma napdclally if a ulht i i int onurrfml in a nourbborbood where then ti any chunco of th in uui nupply ancli ui a aprinir hlrdaiu or lak rrcolvlttk tb intea- tliinl imitil of the hick parson a typical axampln of tbu ofcurriil li imkitlui lth an outbreak of tha dliwaifl at plymouth pa in lflbk i l in nith in i mining town with population at thn mm or thn outbreak of ah nt h oho ilu watersupply wan obtained from n mountain blrcam ilrnlilnc nn nlmont unlhhautvd watnnbed and tho water for the town wan linim nidi 1 1 u norlfi of tour impound iuk rctarvolra in january a ihrh llvln tip itn nil who had apnt hut christmas holiday in philadelphia bemii i 111 nt bin homo tba excrota wr not dlalufwtod but wcro thrown tlh inlo tin rromn frrk or upou ita suowtovflmd lanka in uarch hi n cimii n prlns thaw aud tbe aeeu mutation of avcrta worn waahd dnun the it- im ylirtfl wtak latar thr waa an acute outbreak of typho i f in tho lltttn town la aotain daya aa many au 100 ounrod hero and thoro ohiidren ory ror futcuers o asto f wofiua kjji ito trot tti mil u ulfriulii tho vitality of el ihlnn sin u by utloff mothrr i men tv win i lurwit tu to dm out tho ra tr- a miraculous cuie choleba infantim by ktt rowltrs choimi fflfihlma la tkw of tbe uot eoiiuiua aumiiuf eodipulnta of inlmu and many dii who could be tavtd ii propirly looled oftr on u crat alm of the trouble it bguia with a protiw dunbmfl very often accompanied by vooiilhia and the matter ejected from uealotaacb baa a bllloui nppcarnuce xle child rapidly toua fleili and becouiea wob aad lauifuid u tlte tint aljpi of clinwa lufaattuii r towlera pitrjct of wild btraw- birry utould be admlnisured ami thus duck tha dbnhoca befor it becaaua wrloua a dr powkrvbasbhuonuiemaikct for tbe pait seventy yearn so you a not wnwunentinit uiui aouie new and untried remedy when you uu it but b wire and get dr fowkrv wbea you ask for it mr u a orwell rociway n o writes i can recommend dr fowkr juxtruct of wild btmwlmrrry moat blahly a irlend of mina hml a llttla otuuhler wbo waa iu witli cliolera infantum and vaa siveti up by the doctors tbe little cmiea mother naked me to come bt and tt ai l h x lu ottl of dr iowurv and aaked her if aba wmtld try it wlicn the ijottla waa balf iiwd the child wa well tbla cum waa a miraoilous otw for i thought tbe im waa dyinj at the time mntt df i txtroit of cl nafactured mly iwtbet muburacaluuuedroxomito nice 35ocat maviho vuu wit1i his wife lly wlf flavo a reception yesterday dm yauattowl ea i puyed a prcotioal j3u0 on hsr i bo in una wbea tho wan recelvinp and befora aha know it alio was anilllna and nay lag abs waa qiai to um ino ohildreu ory for fletchers castoria wo tkcnbs hoy now la there u there a mora woloom alfibt on tha footttool than tha man who tleea bin work wall aud doi4 it well lie- oauaa lio llkoa todoit uolt tieonunn be la proud to iln lb wnll imanuitn it in rljjit that ha ahoiild lo it unit t no thorn in not hacb psotrapges and festerliiig sores on her face when the blood get bad boihb piuplej and feaurlus sores are aura to break out on the face and body to get id of them tbe blood ahouldba clcoosed by burdock blood hitters mr charlea jewell ortvllle out wtitea i feel k tny duty to write and tell you about what burdock ulood bitter has done for inc x waa bo polo xbadnocolorat all i alto had pimple had festerlhjf aorta ott tny face and tny bead mched uearly all tbe time it bad been reading b the paper and baw that burdock ulood hitters wn food for aueh troubles bo i tried n battle omuieftw it wan hall done i felt flne ajid when the bottle wau milihe4l 1 felt ule a new wo wall i tell oil niv friends aliotit tt and bulvle everyone tiiiffcrutd from such trouble to um ii ii d there only one huh fltat is tbe ftttiulnc tnnnttfiw hired liy yhe 1 1au bum co tlmltrjl toronto oat oeeanlntiallyu man loww hla jnh heeuime be doesnt knrtw enaiiptb or olu lieesuae b kuowa too much any man who can linld fnitay liuby for an hour without maying naughty word la lu a elaas with job r children ory for fletchers cas tor i a ita eaay matter fo fill toothall you have to do u to kick mavaifadofuml tlien wait a little vrom tlw fruit dealer we ut our jum nd front tha hit ftowlwdealflr v msttiur auuitna id ftlm id im infilicu w i rphh ili h in watt ibtni- 1 c ilnlli ly tnii txumih uf lb thousand and four wert r- ported thnrt wre it la jritlher 1600 cihd uttd tho doatha huiiilrfrpd 111 tbe iioi i marked lu tbata wbo umj tha town water aupply the i limited to tbe ufcirn of tbla water tboc who uwd wall tlio dlaafia tbla plduilc uf tjpbold waa atudud and rd to ita aouinm by couptnt obnrvn and la a marked norrulty of protect i oa of puhlle watar supplloa vyc aro not i vnuipt froaj aueh lamona in ontario ybo outbreak of yphciit in oltui lu 1611 aad aiiln in 1113 and tbal or the iowa ejt liarnlit in 111 12 all o whleb wre provau to have oeeurrj aa tha rult ef trvvnfio pnluard uiur have bu a harp ivtaona in our own provlae icbboof unliatpily whleii hv tiot ytt eonvltiea tha rapetlva clvld authirltlm o tho nwujlty of adequate protsctlon of thalr water auppllae in tho majority of eaw tbe wll la tha chief and usually tha oaly aourc ol wat mpply it u lu many tiwii a safe aupply spclely if it la a d p or ctilvm well and tiuire particularly if it la well protected again t ourfiiri ilriilmfte uut many fartd wlla are shallow with tho curb made uf tiiijolnlrd tliolwr or atoiu wbleb allow of easy drainage to tba wl the rovt rnk la cftot of loo board througb which aurfara ltnpurltla may coalh run tho dauur la alubt uule tba ihjpurltua contain which i bay may miik do tho excreta of proua carelsuly thrown upon tba ground k tl ixirui rouica froia a prou olfeetad with typhoid tba dauicar is fmmlinit 4 ad tharo la ultnot ft eertslnty that users of tbe walar will suffer from tho dlsoau be uorej is plala pitotkct tim wulll rummer diarrhoea kills a tar uutdbar of babies every sumuer it fa provrntahlo if raro lu taken wltb tbe bable food if at all a vara call tba doctor at once in any ease it la always safe to give m doe mmmml nf thn good omfaabloned castor oil that la one of the 11 utltlim mother remudla to be banked upon if tbe durrbo u uvoro cut ob adl food eapaclslly uilk whleb is datn to n baby ulth dlarrhoaa but klve boiled water lu as large siaouuts as the baby would have of food lu elder children give only water and hrruel tr dry toust hut not a doctor at ones n ii quvtioiui cm tibjc4s trhf to ublle health will be sua lwcixd frotd time to tlbie till oiiv f hxputded lulllnli calumbl hkemttu la sot of ltilineruu lfe a theory anod upon tho discov ery of a human skeleton in oerth bods allosod to bo of orcat ago that man bad boon procut on tho north araorlcau contluont at a much earlier period tlmei bad over boon audpoaed baa been exploded by tho results of a special investigation conducted by officials of the geological survey which aro published in tbe annual re port of that branch just issued tho discovery of tho human re mains which wee made near bavoue bo caused q mild aciontluc sensa tion it woo madn tho sub vac t of sv paper presented to thn iloyal fioelety of canada at ita mootlnp laat year tho claim lielng mado that the beds in which tho remains were found wore of nine in i aire if tbla claim had boon established it would havo klvon vhoncn of tho presence of man inns yearn before it had been considered that anything in human form existed in nortb america and would havo upset many theories hitherto held on this subject iho results of invebtleatlon how over dlsposo of the clulm of any very great antiquity for tho remains discovered mr c w dryad ale looked into the noolant of tbo local ity whero the dlocovery was made whllo mr f 11 0 knowloa of tbe antbropholofflca ifranch examined tho skeleton mr dryndnlon conclu sion is that tho ulluvlal aeries at this section is cloarly of recent and not nlnclal ago mr knowles from nn oxamlpatlon of tho skeleton found although ft is in a somewhat defective condition boa been able to doduco that it is that of nn indian woman woll nn in years probably about five foot in height wbo auffer ed from chronic rheumatism led an actlvo mode of life in hoi oarller yoars mid was accustomed to rest in a squnttinr posture no usual nmone prlmltlvo peoplea tho verdict of this nciontloo coro ners inquest is tbnt tho woman may havo boon drowned in kami oops uiko and hor body burled along with tho normal accumulation of uilts and sravols on tba lafao bottom underatandinjf ceiiada invert boforo tbo alliance establish ed by this war english men visited franco hop ins to find new customs now scenery now points of view tiurely wo lu ontario cunht to look at quebec with at loast tlio same in tor- eat and sympathy but as a matter o fact wo uogloct quebec hot long ago n dlstlnsulahod professor in the university of toronto an i3ng- llslnimn wbo could have told us a groat deal about prance spoko in a manner which indicated absolute ignorance nn to tho pooplo of quebec and tholr homos and methods of llv- lnrr itjs of course a goad thlnk that wo should understand how icurop- oniih live hut it hi utfll more nsson tlal that wo nlinuld know how cana dians live that there uhould be a good undnrstandlnir bet worn ontario and quo boo between now brunswick and british columbia betwenn tlio camilla nr tbo lakns and tho canada of tbo pralrlos and the canidi uf tho atlnnlle and the can nil a nf tho paci fic tor btur weekly itnpr willi life if lu tho sprlnil j out slniid of rye is a llttlo thin sow fom or ttva pounds vil rapesood per nc i ir and afterward klvo ono or ta strokes with tbo harrow tlnm ucd be but ultla fosr of dragging out lht ryo as tho crop is dnoplj toolud and tbo harrow will have hut little injurious fltfoet of cninur u he rye is pastured close fhr mini rnpo plants will be nipped off ulien lucy aro very tondor and i hip niuy in tor- fore with a rank auninmr or hill orowtb young women may avoid pain need only trust to lycusi el knlfhamsj vguiil9 goto pounds aaya mrs kurtxwog baffalo mv my tutiahur whose puture is nrewlu was much troubled with palne in bar bock and sides every month and tbey would soma times ba so bad that it would seem uk acute ln oabunatioa of soma organ she read your bulvertlsemane in tbe newspapers and tried lydla r plnkhame vete- jtabl compound bha praueelthlfthhy as she has beeu relieved of all these pains by its use all mothers should know of this rnedy and all young girls wbo suffer should try it mrs hatllda kubtkwsh s9 iligb bt bajfalev n y k young women who are troubled with jnf ul or irregular periods backache adahe drtlfiomlown sensauott alntlna spella or liwllbesuon sbould take lydf r ihnkhsms vegtsbu compound thotiaands have been r- stored tobealth by this root and herb remedy if you know of any yotwp wo man who is nick mid ruwdh lioln- ful ndiiclumli uwtn wrltatatfia a lmmiikliitm jtlswtlolue co hyzin mas only women will rtjoeno her latter ami it will be iield la strloiust ooatbieuoa theea 1ille cure hbeuuatlttu to tbe wany who aukur ftem tbeueutlaiu a trial of ivrteewe vetfatal4e pills le reooutma- ded thsy have prenoueeed aatlen upa the llvar sad kidneys and by regulitiotf the aetlon of these otwana see as an alter atlveinprevsatuurtbe adwlsture of uiie sold and blood that oeuwa this painful dis order tbey tauat be taken sooetdia to directions and used steadily and ihey will siuadlly give evidence of their beaeflelal flbots women are always ready to klaa sod uske uplut they utually tuake up ufoe tbey klta andbisny a uuuts sueceae la due to the feet that be gt busy and answered a fw of bla own prey are dy oorerlna up their tracks setae tnea set oredlt for walk leg in tbe straight and narrow path castoria var laiut mi cuuns in um for ovw 30 vi blgnakmof tvml wat troablfl with slanieh i uvtr 6 satvfen yejuml hilburh1 uw4jvtg till euhstlt matr mrs tkomaji sergtat ileffotlcy oat writes i have been troubled with uy ttomstb and uver for the post sevea years also have bad cotuupatlod can ug btedaebe batlottbw and dbuty bpcibv and at times i would abaoet fell ilowa i tried all kinds of utdkbu without obtaining any relief i cetn mealed tula mubume lajaa4jver puis and they have cured me x have recottt tttctukd tbeai to many of ay friends and tbey are all very much pleased with the resulbi they have obtained froai their use i mubums lavjfljvcr puis have beett ott the market for the past twentynyei yes ttud can be procured frota all dealers tbe price la 311 cents per vial or ave vui for u oo tf your dealer does not keep them hey will he mulled direct on receipt of price by tbe t wubum co limited to roubxoob viinimiy uusslan f roh scored new succcsk- es in tho carpathian rnmpnlnn the italian troopu niiikn important progmss on tho trout ino front his mojat klnu 1 cargo cabled u meaaarft of concern uu the quebec h ridge dlaastor two dally papern in ilranlford have raised their niiharrlptlon price from 3 to 14 tho united fltains haa charged orest llrtlaln wltb violating her neu trality in the philippines tba anglican flynod or the prov ince of ontario opened its third annual sesslou at hamilton vendors ileenaes wero granted by tbe ontario license hoard to toron to hamilton and london men the writ luitiod agalnat the hydro aud thn at onioyoeneral by the electrical development company waa fct sale the lsrgest application yet to tho dominion war loan la hy the mac key companies o new york for 2000- 000 or bonds the lloeky mountain llunltarlum near trank ii c has hen acquired at a nominal rental hy the mllltury hosptlals commission liut polncr a young danlub mil itary aviator according to u copen- bagen dospatrh la planning to crons the atlantic lu an seroplaun of 3c0 borad power two men were blllod by thn explo sion of sohia mines they wero laying in tbe lake off toronto ror the pur pose of getting moving pictures to aid recruiting tbe ontario federation of liberal clubs la to meit at london on oe to tor 11 when blr wilfrid laurler ur n w howell k c end premier t c korrls of manitoba aro to speak hon qeorga p qrabam at tho or ganisation meeting nf liberals for tbo now tmdaral constituency of north orey hold at meaford elated that an election would be bold with in a yoar tbo giant french liner parla was isuucbed at ii naialro yesterday tha lluor is destined for now york service flbo displaces 37000 tons aud is 339 moires long aud 30 metres beam hor horsepower is sc000 end she csn carry 3000 passengers till i wd ay hurry on wou tha at logsr fltako of 0600 thomas nelson pago u b a am bassador is visiting tho italian front fourteen hundred strlkobreakars ere to man tho now york surface cars construction of a now central spaa for tha quebec nrldge will be begun at onco oonoral komi i off a uusabui who waa captured in april 1jb has reached kloff uftor eacablug from austria stratford y m c a offers a months membership free to every local returned soldier premier hoarat and hon dr pyne loft london eng yesterday to vlalt tho fleet returning in time for tbe a can to one rats luncheon james hood of woodstock pass ed away at bis home lest nlgbt ho was seventy yoars old and bed been a resident of woodstock for 30 yosrs tho provincial anglican hynod of ontario endorsed tho revised book of common prayer except tho form of recitation of tho athansblan creed pte loll klngabury from camp- bellvllle of tbo iflttb battalion was fatally injured when ho jurapod off a train as it was arriving at camp harden mrs ii l ullllgan wlfo or uout colonel ullllgan in command of tho 18th battalion at tba rront dlod at victoria hospital london ont fol lowing an operation arthur stirling tho twonty-yosr- old son of win stirling manager or tbe county house of itefugo here was d row nod yesterday aftornoou in the bt lawreuco tho wellington mutual flro insur ance company of ouolph rocolved through a priest in buffalo a parcel containing 11630 restitution mado by a man who confessed to him the affair remains a mystery fit day serious fod riots have occurrod in ifsmburg blr bam hughes is visiting reof fend and ireland tbe university of toronto in fac ing a deficit or 1130000 austrian aviators dropped explo sive bombs on a venice church vive tons of high explosives were dropped by italian airman on a rail way establishment and the shipyards near trieste tbo colors of tho 130th battalion were aolaniuly do posited by tha oft- cere in st poters anglican church at cobourg nev tbos 0 flmltb who served thirtytwo years in tbo methodist ministry died at llstowe in tha artyninth year of his age he turns show a swooping liberal victory in thn british columbia do tlons prohibition aud woman suf frage also csrrylnr tho day joseph n thompson 149 ontario street toronto wss struck by a street car while driving in queen street east and dlod of bis injuries paul m lamarche nationalist m p for nicolet intouds to resign his seat on deplembor 31 having oppos ed tbe measure en ton ding tho ii fo or parliament vire yesterday practically destroy ed wrest park formerly tho country homo of whltelaw hold and now n soldiers hospital more thin 100 wounded soldiers were taken out safely ingorsoll haa its first ease ol inriu tile paralysis thn nntlont hainf u three- yearold child in a houiv ou cumi illrirn ilroit wbo iitui b n in minn- pihlay im i thn provlndnl auullmu ij mid f i ontario unt i in fjnvi mill ul lo nr- gnnlxc iho i mi of he ihttihloii so uu to finntpli al u m linir n mil- hon iiin nml ih i niiililimiii n iintri d for ihimii in tlnid in h f turvlre hilt itllll i mflws topics op the week zslzzzuz marines important events which uavo oo- nlucara tnllu f j hernia rhniir d lludil whlto li d mi candidate in thn next provincial i etlon liquor men itlttlo hint 11000 new cuntomcrm in toronto hoiikbl liquor to lay in ror tho prohibition urn billy hunday in n rhnrurtorhittc letter congratulated the people of ontario uton thn ndvent or prnblbl tlon brlgudlergeiieral ijinl hronko rommnndlntf tbo 4th canadian infan try ilrlitade ban on wounin d nl the front tbe levant is filnrvliir icrorillnn to an american woman who ricenlly returned from tlyrln hy way or tu my countries pte gordon mason huddnhy or thn 21cth ilantim hitfnllnn wau fn bluntly billed by a motor car at fnmp riordnu the sun lir assurnnce cnnpnny or canada will apply for in allot ment of 16000000 of the nou can ndlin war loan tlio appointment of his ornro bo duke nf dnvonnblre as lov ruor general of cannda hy bin maj iity iik king bau hron rarmully ftanitril a now papal nuncio li on hla way to vienna wltb nn important into graph letter from thn pope fn rtu ptor franc tti jom ph urrmdlni in thn mcsaauero lmperor william attended hy chuikellor von ii i inn uiu llolhtii and meld marahal von liilnhuri chkr nf htnff will op- i in penon tho bcssioii of the itelrhntnic which con vuneii on seplembir 2r the nrltlib columbia irctiouu may likely return forty or forty oqo liberals and six or tuven conierva uvea prohibition la carried uu fur by over 6000 mnjorlty ami woman suffrage by more than h g00 uosdu in tbe recent rejtintrntlon lu ho gluu of the prihlbllloii ph hlnrltn tho names of 3 5u3 women and s1fi9 moii woro aecured ullltla ordrra juat published tra- suite hlr john c union of torouto as honorary colonol or tho 110th irish regiment delphla droulllard 35 yearn old brother of patsy droulllard pugilist wau killed in windsor yonterday while driving a laxlcab david flmltb aged hi died at bis homo at belmont uosr loudon sat urday aa a result of injuries receiv ed when bis team of horses ran away brig oonoral lord broke of tho 10th canadian brlfindo wbo recent ly went to franco and was wouudod is not in a dsngerous condition major cecil crltcbloy or tba stratbeona horse hue been received by tho king at windsor and invested with tbo insignia of tbe distinguish ed service order hon walter rcott premier of flask ate ho wan who haa been au far ing for tho past two weeks from asthma la reported much better end la improving dally seth low former mayor of new york died yestorday on his model farm at bedford hills n y whero lu recent years bo had been giving close attention to sclent i lie agricul ture thomas oaffnoy wanted for tbo last three yearn by tbo pollco of both this city and hamilton on clmrgea of horsesteal i ng and assaulting n wounded man was nrn ntod in brant ford saturday tukhd w subscriptions to tbe canadian war lean already exceed 75 000000 uellef work in halglu n and north ern franco is to he it inntd mr edward qurno tho well- kuown manufacturer died at tho ago of 73 lieut noymond an ikli ohlcot son of premier anquli i i ca 1 lied in battle trafalgar day october 10 ulu again bo made tbo dnlo of a provln etsl appeal for further aid to iho british hod crous society tho price of broad was raised to eight cents per 34ounro loaf in nov- erol cities and towns or western on tarlo and tbo nlsgara peninsula president smith and sir henry l drayton of tbe commlaslon to lnict- tlgato canadian railways have alnrt- ed on a tour of thn western linen mr howell liberal leader in thn legislature was back in toronto yesterday alter his visit to uurope and gave soma in tore sting lmprin slons lieut thomas michael kottln professor of ocnomlca in tlio national university has boon killed in tctlou at aincby hn waa a brother- inlaw of tho lato shoehy hkrlllugion tho 301st hattilian torom light infantry is to bo broken up and distributed half to the 170th and half to tbo idiua tho mllltbi couucll having imiellonctl the pro poaal tho municipal councils of lincoln county st catharliuj ind louth and orautbam tow i ulj dlcldctl in ask tho llout gov m mi in council to sanction agree men tit loi i llytho- redlsl lino between port cr dll in i st catharines two facto rl ed ht tuomau i i 11 i il saturday nlglu cuiiiph irly denroj d tho plant of the s rio uuj 1 hjtlia- tlon company ai nll that rf tho canadian wood prodi in company tho humeri originated lu tho rehy dration plant and nprrud 1th maim ing rapidity tbroilcnlun foi a time the plants at the bt tliomnn pucuing company and tbo nt tliomaa cold nionigo company tbo loss to tho djbyratlon company v- ill bo heavy 130000 beln tf a capficrvntlvfl eatlm- sto tho plant bait not beeu in op eration for tho four numtuor mouths but preparations wero being mado to reopen in a wooun llmo to nil a government ordot for tlrtiydratod do- tatoos for the cunndlin army tho wood products compmua i iflooo wltb lusurauco of 2t00 cliiflbdseib cry for fletchers the ukant trunk railway a uv von biiciruug ill he mighty oud wbea my boy joih pita book beeos said vormer cortitowl you used kite around the farm v i should aey to is be auob a wonderful worker i 1 wouldnt think of smn josh to work then why do you need him vr the hired mans puttln on so much airs there aint hardly so if win with him joh is the only peraon that ever eome arouwl here that eau beat bins play in eheelers a power of u owndr thoaus beleetrio oil bos a suule power of its own that ethsr ells eauhat pratend to though thereare many pteteadera all who havo used it know this ami keep it by them us tbe teesl valoaue liniment available iu uses ate innuwarame sod for usity years it bus ueu prixejao the wile llelmsnt for mau end beast fusaglnary treubuw eause tuere worry than realoaes if it wwt for the weatber lets ef pseule would have no arouse for talking milborns heart tftd nerve pilu curkd cwlvsrti4sl airttry cental cant wm c qaurord flajaatkw armyfl9jujucoortavetoroatoont writesi aidicrt tlmeogoiauireredfrtjtd heart trouble whkji seemed to coate on mo very suddenly x was so bad that at times it seenied as u it was all i could uo to breathe i noticed au stuottnee- mettt of muhums heart aud nerve pill and decided to give them a trial alter taking two or three daya treat ment i felt flue and tny heart has not bothered me since if this testimony would bo of any service to others you are atlibcriytousolt voallwliosunerfromanyforntofbeart trouble milhurns heart and nerve plus will rjive prompt and permanent relief they strengthen and invigorate tlte action or tbo heart and tone up tbe whole ays tctu mltbume heart and nerve pills aro io cents per box or a boxes for u2s i aale at all dealers or mailed direct nn receipt of price by the t mllbura co limited toronto out au umo lur ovur h jii tlio sclod you wavo alwuyu uonpbt attut which haa itoon in uso fof ovoi im ytuiu liuu homo tlio alanatura of uixl hnn boon taindo xitidor his pcr honnl htiurvlhlun ulnco its infancy allow todnrolvo you in tlila au countorfoltu xnilintlomi nml iyiihtnsfrmwi nr but agpeirlrjiorjts that trlflo ultli ntnl cuduiiirck tlio health of infobtsi tuul cuihlircu uicpurlcnca ntfuinst juvporbuonl what is castoria cauttorita is a linrmlcsii anhutliuto for- cnutor oh k dorlo irop and kmifbltii fjrnp it la rtlouuutit i contxtlna kieuher opium axurpbliio nor otlicr haroua tiit stanoo ita uiro in um urtinnuitco it lutroym worms rnul ttlbtya ivdiulineuu iuf hioro tlinn thirty year it hits heen lu conutuut una for tlio relit i of constipation iflatuieney wind collr nil rcctlilnir troubles and xuxrrhoua it rftfiilutcu thn htouinch undl klowchg usaimllaim tlio vooit olvlnir in ulth nml uttinu sjuxp the cblldjreisai g tho juolbeku xlrumd genuine castoria always bcuru uie signature of in use for over 30 years tho kind you have always bouaht esqueslng agricultural so- cleiy1916 the seventieth annual fall fair to be held at qeorqeiown on wednesday and thursday october 4th and 5th send to sixhliah ion prize list a g clarridge acton president j a tracv eiquetlur secretary 1 i nhn i m empire business college the only collcre in cannda teach ing all typewriter keyboards six months course day 40 night 20 expert inutruction in pitmans shorthand typowritinr hooulteopinj and all other aub- icctii neclxnary to equip you with a thorough lubincoo education 346 broadview ave toronto ontario irowietok williams mfg co limited kincipal mr p m douglas capital 7jj0a00o hhciuhvb funds and undividbd l10feth 7ko0m the merchants bank op canada blr ii monttiiiiu all in c v o ii c macnrow pittltltui general manager shfety tills iliiuk in ono ut tin oiilcat ubtuhllhhed itiktitutinns in canada it is tho plnnr hruit nf alton nml nlftm every courtetiy to deiioai- torn intnruhtiillowcdiit thu liihust eurruut ratu on havings hank accountii aoa iminoliltt in cnnutli kstciidlnp from the atlantic to llm pacific parmuru buninihiinhi hid and niniioy loaned for tho nar- poroorstaliorprnsufttdinptailli tic ciilouos ou any bank or outsldo point canlied tai uionoktrt traihlbl i in ii i ii uiii tit wlitnh fcma h it ii ii wa lilntrt u 17 m t1 i li iwn t n uufl reduce the cost of living put up ofs of fresh fruit kanulviud and icinsurr j r livingstone mill t jtoto a reliable agent wants iii cvtry leod tonn and district in ont tlo ulutt i mi nnt rprhtd trnltry tirvnl for the right imn lllylu t comuil ion uld attratllv rdvattliiingtnjttir woundu lit or ww il fw i0tdlui7 inluaiat uw luw bwmb lltiby at mt stontiflq wellington th kontktlt nurrle utmlilhjlu7 toronto ont jasjeyaadnddonodddr wiaiimwat jj grain s n t chopping ii li well done and j quickly at only ii n tl ei 5 cents l s per bag j harris 6 co limits ockwoou 8 wajnuuifqanrjnnaociaaaoasiiiiismw i when you eed boots shoes at any time buy fb0m wwilliams acton 0ntabi0 iamouu ton satisfactory footwear itlcasonaiiii priobb ac1 on branch r l whitman manager you dont have to s 5 nclcwilty ilolmiidt iluiimml tint yim vliotiltl imy your uehii s purolimima horo inn wlioli yon 1a batibpaction ami h ecomomy nra nunird hen you will nml thu vry latutt in hport mill outinil siiirt1 pvjamab undbrwuar no u jkj 1hjrnisii1nos oartiiuh ties iiouibkv r b nblsoist kct0n liyery and b hftvliip imnimnwl tliu llvrynnil onnilwlli tl imulneu a uccmin i wilkll wllli cnnflduiilu lliu p ilrnnuro of tlio lulhlk canifcittiililu rlt upnllml at rciihiniblilo rutu hiulnl alkntlnn tp nupnlylnu cnnvlancva for wotlillng anil liinemlk molor cur furnlhlicl when r qnlrod nuu hubts au thaiha l e atkinson mill st acton out c k coopeif acton cement contractor for brieves silos walkn floors walls etc aiho afjent for de laval siloh sfparatora etc hifli grade portland com- ent for sale atents promptly secure h ssorohauit iwllos j ssamm sfubcilahu wytidbmb htismt e ausbhkh omt m mamom ft habiok 3tli unlvorslly bt alontukal

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