Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1916, p. 3

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wedding presents wedding rings we cnrry numipktuulwk of suitable wedding 1runoiitu in fancy clocku cut churn roguru 1b47 silver ioiicy china murrlngo license issued oeo hynds omtamo sky soma 30 miles from toronto about una houra ride in n plnco they cull georgetown j a willonghhy resldwt jiu linti u bo lit 400 forma of dlfturuut uhupoti and alio no fmily titlk no idle yarnu ik miru imu got tiomu prio your fiirm miiot uo good y11iii pioflth gutting ultt jutt tauo a trip to georgetown gtiui drum to you hell uhow ffibe jutort jfree tt t1iu11sa ootoiii eb 1010 brief local items a wuk of on autumn weather thankitaivlng day itevt monday leugetewn blr to day itookwood to marrow councillor ilalley now drive a new motorcar tuesday ww willi cava day la ttlbullooifl cheap fare over tlie rallweyu for thankagivltig tit county i- air at mil ton next wed tveeday llth intt erin will give thank at the vail veir on thanksgiving day th forit tree nru putting on their beautiful uutumnul llrt may we all k truly thankful on our uatioiml tiiaiilylmiib rta tlrujie tind pouuio uro vary plant i ful in tit atoru hero thl week th frame in u or mr alair craw ford tow brick roiitlenca on mill street the woollen uillla m olenwllltam were mirlomly dumped by ira on tues- day mr noil montili who hat iteon iii for thepiit mimli h now rapidly convalei clllfr ur und mrs w m klrktund of oalr warn guowiu at tho mathodlti pronge on kuud ay judge hliott wilt in town on monday completing tlto ruvil of the voter- hat or 101 h ijt thuruday nluhto downpour waa the first re il good nln that oil hare 10 tlireo months burlington ulr u iii he hald on thank giving day aid promtiui to surp ull prevlou okliiliitlonn john malntoji nn ax bartender of loudon wm tlnod 81 v ltt week or soil ing two hottlos of lliuor mr a j uuokinnon had a pleasant motor trip to zurich g week where be apent a day or ao with relative mr john crawford baa purchased the house and lot of mlta minnie blellon oor- ner church and vrederfek street mr 0 sorgo modaln accompanied urn puffer on her return to kautop d c end intend spending alk wmki in british columbia william cutting loam ran uway on monday at knw church they stradated an eteotrla llht pot and were atopped up with a jerk not rauoh damage the caxetlw aayu itobert ialroar o durllngton was flued 810 and coat for aelllntf olffarettm to inlnon and four for eigner 6i each for uambling on sunday the teiuhera intltuteof the haltoa and weatwortli iiibpeatorate will be held in the method ut sunday behool mil too on thuraday and friday oal idtb and 20ui llev a i snyder of new llauburp will prcb on nauutfaweye clrodit nexe sunday and on monday evening will deliver iiim laotut oa what to aay and do at home mr s c smith of clifford oat has purebued the ma acre farm u nituugaweya towtwhlp beloubtuo to mr john ander on bide was mad by j a vviiiaugbby oeoitfetowo well bet dollar to doufilnuu that if the german- cant atop tboee brltltb taitki weve got aomo road la the viola ity of cleorfletowa that would rattle the monster to pleoet herald our jewltli oltia a will an saturday oelobrate the day of aiomjiaont whlob la referreil to ua voiu kipper oa thursday and k rlday tbo lth and i3ib of october tlie featt of tabunaolea will be obmrved mr wm huydtir wan agtln auoceea- ful witlt bin lreod mare and bar oolt last week at edan mi1u borea and poultry how he curried off five flrat prleee id- oluding iluilwndu iiclal of 9a00 lu yold for beat oarrugo colt any uge tharo waa no aauioa of the police court today everything being peaceful and quiet tha wtfiui tlnd tbiiff exomdjnjtly dull in all pru of the olty due to the adi koiioti of liquor they aay tlmt not in laany 3 eur dan itjwea ao quiet mul orderly in the lull an dlttrlot in ht vc ward aj it u now tluelpli herald corp oe0bqe 19 wounded word mcolvod by hove hyndi on tuesday that he had stutalued ngutunot wound lu scalp after many uiontue lo the traneheacorp lsorue hyndi ha at last been wounded a wire from ottawa oa tueeday mid 1 slnoflrely regret to inform you ootpotwl oeorge hyml infantry orllelally reporud admitted to no 4 general howplta at datdea catnler beptetdw 21th with kuitaliot wound lu aealp will lead fur ther particular when reoelved news op local import nofiling chuoh stroot qridgo tim oloudbumtlaut june wnxhwl out u ooroarof uie chumli strwet hrlds f lltti toronto huburlwii uallway a brlduo krik ba been at work tlila week driving new pit and making tlie atruoture hra 8ln uakoknoit street a motor entrance wouldnt it he worth while oonaldarlng the making of the knok atreet entranoe to exhibition lab amotorentranoaforfuture falmt tbu would avoid tv oonatant le- mant of ilaugor of auto entering at uio oongeaud tmtraooeoo iark avenue otvos flood town a bad boputatlon the milton uafortaar bay 1 aotnn lnui at leaab utree young men who ought to be tabooed in future from all renpeotalila aeouty w refer to the young men who unbluahlngly gave evldenoa in the trial at the court houae bar on tueeday they are a atandlng menao to the moral of the community it would aerva tliem right were we lo puhllah thalr name communion services in knox church the quarterly morameutal mtrvlow of knaxchuroli werebalduatunday lte mr w i loon preaolied a very upproplate mrmeti and tliere waa an uuuaually urge number of oommunloenta- three new member were received the utual ire communion eervlre waa held on friday evening rev w b wrlfrht b a of elora preached iii aermon wa a mot flttiag one and waa appreciated by all serlouibeaulu prom runaway on wednaaday of taat week mr fyfa bomervllle wa driving mrs somorvillo and ur arthur cook of clinton to town after viiitlug at the home or mr r s heuderaou en the fifth line in paaolng a gang of telephone linemen near mr moffat the horae became frightened and ran away all were thrown from the carriage and mr cook huatalned a fracture of the rifiht hip ami mrs somervilie had her face pain fully lacerated und wan itadly aliaken up bomarvllle escaped with llttlo in jury acton high behool literary society the following ofhoer ward elected for the hlili behool literary roctoty for jear 1011 honorary lrealdant prlaclpil w if stewart lveoldrnt fleorge aitdereon vice lwldnnt nrbert hltchlo secretary alice jolinatona kdltor ollvo muwat ileiorteraniie martin critlomlu pearl dakar treaturer violet smith current rventu napnrtor willie itoa hportinn rmitor harotd kunnad h obiontous topic aanoly taught ttte vldt to acton thl week of mr w l clark of the departmanb of sockl rer vlco and evangellam of the morhoillat cliuroh will havo a life long iiifluniica on acorea ol tho fllrl nnd boy who liaio uitened to hla virile and deflnltn nige on life and auooaaa the uplendid mldroaa- on bundiiy on and mother in tho morning and son and dauihtor in the evening have lieen followed up during tho week with audi important aubjootm a developing foroea todaya oppor- tuulea home and itn enemle thar have bean apecial uddreaaea to men and boy ami to women and glrla und tbeae have vlvldlv pointed out how largely the- fuuira la dependent upon the integrity right living and intelligent develotomant ef our boy and glrla mr chirk hax bad wldeeaperlenoe in tlilawork andbnluppy dinpoalllonand aane presentation of uiioim aome truth win hie audience from thaont- aet the duty of father and mother to thalr children waa never more faithfully iwrtreyed mr ctuk will continue w leoturet today and tomorrow cbbws c the iadlee aid met at mr murrays hut thuraday afternoon and oommeuoed work on eupplle for the lud crow society at acton mlu mary mecaw received a telegram from ottawa lau week informing her of her brother being wounded inaction pte m0c4w ealiateil with the aath battalion at beglua and went over uat vprlng mr damper vial led friend in guelpu but week mr jam moore br i vlalllng liar daughter mr a t mann enqueuing mia anna wauuborough accompanied by ur hoy wauiborougb toronto apent aevaral day lat week with friend at vargua mr mclutothaud mim crlpp visit od friend in cualph ut week social amp pbbsomal mr und mr4 thomnu ldlhtt vijimi frlniidulnhiliilluiithuwoek mr mil mr i i monro mini jooolyu rotiirnod to toronto iu monday mr r i hitman of park avenue will im at homo tho und thuradny of tho month rev vather doyle wuv ut flualfdi lt wnek nttouding the funeral of the late luv father coffee maxtor uoyd kennay returneil home from the uiiolph ifoaplul on saturday he uill aoou imi quite hlmaolf again mr and mr h j fmnkum who liv immjii upending a month or uo with friend in wluucham have returned home mia ijilie motored up and accompanied them buck homo obituary wllmau iwwka noulu oil sept iuhh wu i nohle a former highly reepmted realdant of acton parwtd away at bla borne in toroato at the eg of 71 year the remain were brought to georgetown on friday and inurmeatmaja a greenwood cemetery the funeral waa private the service being coaductcd by rev mr bhoroey of toteato bid hla widow and two ltw mr tfaomaa mitchell georgetown and mr ferrur fergua deoaaaed leave a family of four daughter and two aoita vlai mr dr lynn idaho 1 mr woclner vaneouver 1 mr dr wocu toronto mia nolj at liomei jahn in california and harry lu toronto georgetown ilarald hows tina t we nffdr one hundred dolura reward for any c of catarrh that cannot be cured by hall oatarrh cur 1111 catarrh cure ha bean ukea by calarrb aurerer for the pab thirty tiva yeara and ha become known a the moat reliable remedy for catarrh hall cat arrh care aouthrough the bleed on the muoouurfo expelling the poleoa front the wood end healing the dueaaad port- after you have taken hall catarrh cure for a eliort time you wlb eee a greet improvement in your general hea stare taking hall catarrh cure at once and b rid of eatarrti bend for tietlbmm- ttj cuenkv k 00 toudo ohio bold by all dntgsut 70 obsebvers obsebvatioms mr lid i tort in your laau of sep tern iter the uth uu der tho name of obaervar tliereareafew atatemont and inulnuatlonn nnd oowpar laoiiato whloh i for one object moat atrong iy lot no leavo matt em oducatlonal quite out of it reaultaahow what lahelngiloue n the high and continuation school throughout the province each your and he who runa may read it i only roaaonable however thut in a achool whore alt or mot of tlto teacher areapeelallau in tlielr auhleota the atu dent la better grounded and equipped for the higher atudl and throuuh them for hla choiien life work than in a achool which la undermanned hut ohacrver nurely underratea the influence of the home and home training when he thluk it can not atand tlm teat of teparatlon for a few hour each day mott of which la apent under capable cultured and trained men and women for five daya of th wnek homo inlluence ao brittle lu uot worth tlto name how do young uople itverywhero manage who uro away frain home for weola and months at u time t hun the early tmlninjf no hold on them d11 all the jojra umlor tho home roof htan i for naufdit l bki 1u of the in in euro of tliesabbath holiool uhloh huu thefhtldreit foronu ihnit hour of ouoli uiult unull 01 urrr uruiit uu tt chrutluu uranik suroly boy h nnd ylrlt uikvij nd um fully tmlnwl wouldsoorul luck oft nnen- tlon or iiiuuy oihor wnylo lifhif itkrrcdtt on theintelvcn or tlialr aldon don t u pact old hoada on youna uhouldara ohucr ver moat likely yon were jounu jhc and while it waa a novelty then to rldo an tho cor we have nilvuhccd aome aud llio in far different lime wo might apak of many men wd o- bitulio uro rcwjwctnllo lau ahlillng titi iih of thla nnd other towim uho in their school dnya journeyoi lo und from th oeorit iwn aoadom tlveu too ohaorvcr ieakenf the epi iloinio which imn tttrlclion thu children suruiy hu do4 not think these bo and girla are tukln tho law in thelrown hunda reqhrdlntr thn chiui of cchoo b no moan in onry o- thn piranu ure quite ullluin u xliuid their gnu l he alilox ihxy fou iiihl th 11 nil u i und deno it ih kii let 1 tholr own bualneaw may u wiijuiv knox m mum anton tho i o d e hootlnar the miuoof doonlilni chapur ol the imperiul onlcr luughtrm of tl umpire will innot 1 tiidi i iy 10th of o mur on acenuni of tint moml mi nil iy being rimikrmtidn pruh hull 4pm ooiobur 10th ron over by m cab inanootof danyes little daughter dorothy injured last week one day lent week dorothy th aeven year old dmchur of i m deny iahlla school imipoctor milton wm en her way to achool with her aiur a large fruit wapon atowllnfrontof thoutcreofb r bwa main street slie aurted from la rear f run aero the atret and wu knocked down by edward mocania motor car the tpproachof whloh waa oonoaaud by the wagon mr mocanu waa about to atop at j h poackueiiirouifllaa two door away ant waamnvliin very alowly but tlie child wan jo cloa when be flrat uw her uiat be coum not htop in time to avoid otrlklug ur the jittle hirla head wa hurt her collar bone uvjlen ami one ojhtrlung ruptured at llrat hor recovery atemd doubtful but a note u the vuuv puetu from mr deny iayi ulie la doing nloaly and while not yt out of danger luui ipuudlil proapoet for oampiet recovery sperid the holiday at ouelph automobo and horae llaoe a big pro- gramme tltuft youll enjoy mr mathua houiilold of trafalgar tewnahl ban uiroluued a amall farm oear uta vlltagi of umaliouu bloigiagto wll lhmi edgo of weurdowo sal wu made by j a w llloughby georgetown v c on new york state highways cohtuunlfrot txgi two did farm home audi au the banner ontario ootintlaueahlhlt were in evijencn there were fine hum jialnted a bright rod wltli white trlmmlnjra but the houae did not fit our own canadian farmer appear to appreciate tlie wife uut in th life of the home more practically wltli thu ekoetllon of flftoeu or twenty mile of rather hey band on a detour the uldjre roiul from rooheater to lowlaton la contlnuou brick or concrete and ha been dubbed the million dollar hl way a sooj opportunity wa given to teat th road under unfavorable condition for in mid morning fortunately after the aaudy unction had been paued a howling wind and rain atonn were encountered on tome road in helton fifteen minute of thla woull have meant very alow and muddy travelling not to in thla caae however if anything the editor urged tli car faster and elie iped around the long curves travelling with utu aide cur- talnr down an ateadlly aa a locomotive hauling limited for a time the road waa well indicated by nlgim but ut rough the older aectlona very llttlo of thla kind of information wue evident a query from a uwrby elwayn brought th same nuwer however aomethlng aa follow t road to niagara fulut anuwer t straight ahead or vaaa the latter in a twang of thn tyjilcal old now orker the mupu ahow a number of good uxed town in thla ridge territory and lurprlee expreeaed uiat none of theee were paaaed loiter it wa learned that they were located a few mile to either aid of tho highway it wa a remarkable thing to on acouatemed to touring in ontario where the road are laid out to run in or near the lowna to travel mil after mile warn dona there without aeelng any evidence of u town in the alvty or ao mile from uocheater lo loobport on thl atate highway there i not a village of even five hundred population loo u port an old likorlo town on the krlncunul w reached jut at noou and afur hnlf hour for lunchwnn thn ouurne a oonllmik i mar the million dnlur hiuh wn h mm 1 aifunliir dint ti mi- ltnt 114 u h11i11 uttmv in tlilt dittriiti uharo h itimmi iloul of ro d iminiiumnt i- luiug lone hilutentiiully ihionr mil ilurlf mi the llltor road nour tho ltlln holo und 4onii the fuiih und the anudlart fid wuh rt- untied after h liutlook at thofalta th iujx rui wu tmpl4tl lo st cjtliurlimn ubuo mm hiwu iwtt- for wnriltnu gooil iiiuiiim rnt ul the wfll iiind riiunwlay tilrht aaw a heut v rain in hi ilhtrlot und a mart uh mulo on friday muriilij ulih nn n iticlpntlon of aome niudily matil again pro f vn given of the ollloxoy of drulnlng for lih thiop- tlnu of u fow bumlreil jui in no ditllaulty wa met with hurl i uj ti hi wan rear lied by noon and hero unu of lhe pleaminteit hourtt of th trip wua htent for joira the editor hau olaimad aa a wurm fnnd w v hopkins who nuuaund ru4lie4 on u uptandid irulb farm jut umt of the town a cull bad been mad uu friend llopuint foraminneot on the trip down and uu invluitlou extend d to utflp longer on the way back since ih atop lu reiirnliigoume juat at dlaner time and alnce the hojili boa pi la ity la well known there i perlutpoiot much need to uy further after dim tor a tour wa made of tho farm while the editor and friend hopkfn ulked of uelhodut preach era und sunday bclioohi und tit manifest advuulageu of iroh million topics which those who know eitlier u tham will apprec late a congeal whan th time came t start on the hut lap of tlie bomoward trip you alwuld have aa that car there were noone know- how many basket of peaches leaded on the running hoard and almllar iwakeu of ier apple and other prod uot piled up in aide tilt room wa scarcely left for feet and with all that load tlia car romped joyously up the mountain to tlie big elm tree and aoroa through naaaagaweya to acton like amare who known ah on the way back to her stable take atrip like thla or ilka aomethlng is when you can it not only f roalieo 0 and bring m blggw outlook on life but it also make on utter atlafld if dleeat isfaollon ha crept in with one own sur round rig auctioneeb kbbb sjtlb list ti kuiuv fkv 10 hale of registered bhort hornv tor mcklnnon uro everton catalogue en application wxiivmiiav owt ii clearing aal for duncan mtfmurchy erin townaldp tliliutiiavotr atl haleofpurelmred stock at ontario agricultural college guelpli it j kktm auctioneer il r no i orton grand trunk ws thanksgiving day sinolt fare good going nnd retuinlug monday octolier otli fake and onethird good golug october 7 o uotum limit october 10 inie uetwebti nil slntlona in can ad east of port arthur nnd to detroit and port huron mich buffalo ulaek reck niagara 1ullu suspension bridge n v tickets en t alw m grand trunk tliket officoa h s holmes agent acton phone no 13 clialllmo auction sale in kr1h township iattsi htook a1nt im plement 8 thu undemlgnud htiu received innuuc lloiiu to ucll by public auction for it homullciiv lot 3 jnl hue krin 1 niltv tnutli of aclnn nn wkdhkbdav iith ooroukit 101a at nnu o clock uliurp ilia following horses i niaru ti year old good in nil im r nun j 1 hitrw 4 yonru old good in nit liurnean bred by welhruona horfcu cattle 1 durhaiu cow 5 yeura 1 jervuy cow 5 jmra due tn april s two yearold steer l oneyearold eteer a upnng calve sheep 6 leicester owe 6 leices ter lamb pigb i young mw and o jomif pig wvflu ureeku old time of aalo impleuentsdeerlng binder in good order frol wood mower 1 mnuueyiiarriu nulky ratie 1 ilaln wagou 3 inch lire good au hhw i pet bobsleigh 1 aet harrow 1 cultivator coltor ft scott 1 uajuey harris hoe drill 1 ut weigh kcalea looo lb i doken grain bagu 1 fanning mill 1 buy fork and pulley 1 tuufller i hay rack 1 set double harueui 1 aet tingle htr- neaa 1 imggy 1 cook stove forks bofa ahnvvlaand other article toouum- rouu to mention terms ttaoo and udder cash ovvr that amount 10 wont lis credit on furnishing approved joint note 4 off for cash lambu cash positively no reserve a the proprietor u giving up th farm everything tuuit go h j acuhh a l wyant clerk auctioneer qmiebbz miutary motes fto r j uodowuii uiwl sergt c ouu ulnu hoih uf oaorgitottu wuiu ii tlie casuult llatuoa monday a having beau killed luuelloa nureliig slater annie oram who luut been lu the military hmpltul lu franae malta and satanic the put year and e half 1 now at bar bom in toronto on fur lough a lettarrecelved thl week from lund- maa uehert my ndu aay h expeote to uv england for borne about the ulddte of thai month oa eeoort duty he will have alic week leave pte wm luohuood son of reeve hugh richmond el atwood und nephew ef mrta i principal w if bteumt acton waw hilled in action but week he wa in bin twentieth year and a young man ol tixoep- ueoelly flee phytlou aud high tdiaraeser a euunly battalion auxiliary wet orgau red at uiltbti on tuesday for the purpose of furibsribg the matter ol securing color for the loeth battalion acton wa well repre by mr torrance beardtaorev ur 0 h e smith mr wyant mr whitman mr w ii stewart ur hnvlil mr w ulrd ami mr uonivn have vou been sick then you milize tlu utter walmcj that robs uqjjmgii dctmroys appetite and makes vurk a burden toreatoretlut ttrtfugthaudeutnltuthal u to fcntku holhlug ha twef equaleot or cotuiured wltb beoue itmsdslonbe- cause it itrenutbtustalnltig nourukw bient nvlgoretee tlie blood to dutrlbnt cuergy througbou t the body white it tetdd value auarpeue tbt a appetite aud resto bealtb lu a tuuunel pmnatutit way ii wa are ruu idowu tired br6uv ovcrwtrked or lad strength get bcoua mmnlelou toay at any drgetort awwriv rwi is permanent peace passible stephen lkac octc bcliolar au- wore this queati od lu the october uacikaho a tig qiteitlou that inter ut thinker other gid thing luoctc- ber uaclkanh are rlbblkitf utf th l lud ipaurty aenevteaua fcleeudu at nd ute ww tealeeet poem- tw afau tvetti aunsbfeuska hftvlsw or hevutwai uiurtaieatt lowry ujcubsitfuin read u mageslne tbrttfcdurtajtiiinforma aud stimulate thought head macleans maoaziime for octojber i5ceati nubwinuo ob wm w v the ucleii iu1illihlnir co llmllwl 143 uttlverftlty av tumalo nnnnf c reasons why you pay 16c tor a 3lb loaf of bread 1st the government compels us to make a 3 lb loat 2nd flour hat increased 340 per bbl or 80 in one 1e1t 3rd everything uted to manufacture bread has increased flour shortening yeast fuel labor etc dunne he summer montlih bread was sold at io per 2 lb loaf or 15c ur 3 lli the preient price hclnn un increase uf only cent per hi compare the increase of bread with the increase of flour jou will see that the manufacturer is the bikeit loser our bread in made from the hiuhext irade flour and fleischman yeatl good bread cannot be made far less have our driver call or get a loaf from the store russells arran mhjd maummm mill st acton out a 1 jbgntr- aannub jewish new year in order to celebrate fittingly the jewish new year our store will be closed irom six oclock wednesday until six oclock friday evening after above hour we will open and be lad to supply our customers with all classes of goods at our wellknown low prices m s axe hill si aotoh acton creamery i will have a man at the creamery every day to receive all cream that may be delivered m saxe t co acton japqflprgjojrigf torrrrrrriisqitidirjridiritaprini i thanksgiving i jf n occasion of ratbfulness lor iiip favors and fortuned and opportunica ol the jcir the onr occasion that we should observe vi thoughtfully as did those who gave thanks three hundred years ago txe are thankful for the continued patronage of our many friends in this broad community and for tho possible opportunity to be of further burvicc to them during tlie coming twelve muntha through the medium of good clothing and house furnishings d e macdonald bros untiled gdblphs leading and largest store wyndham maedonnel and carden streets ouelph onl pull tind flefc all around artcixrrmu 15531 for younger men kii mm originality in fathiom fabric aitj finish lhaa aay lvth ii tl 5 am anj yav omrm george wallace semirendy special order tailoring what iy means one wru lu caaadu tailor lcmi rudy gartueote and on oue henbready tallerlog i athixtlopment i ol custom uilorldg carried uu in a whlu kale syutettt by rmcluncy mltluula bj ullor who are trained to digital speed and toeapert workwanablp saving reult to the profit of the wunr ireclie fitting garment arf ifuuran- ted and the tuatnf lali and workmaunliii ire warranted satisfactory twenty year of sat uf act ion bahiud our trade mark that ia why our label in tho pock oi b today the hall mark of prea culture suits ittd overcoat and any other garmeubiare tailored to measure la four day at the semi ready shape tbo special order department u the good service byetetd it i manifestly irnpcealble for nay merchant to carry every site in every cloth pattern of tat penalve imparted clotb over 500 new jvatterrte of british worsted serge cheviot and tweed are akowd la values varying from to a 1 a5 uu jb 30 ja nod ujj borne jo atyte model are altown in exclusive semi ready deilgaa bath special order la cut irom tio web ol cloth aud i forwarded without the delay of a mingle hallhour lu lttt evolution from the cutter table to the eapree office physique type meuiiremeutii are taken and with these iu baud a precise fit eaaitred aa coital nly a though the tailor bad the actual customer to try or step lu aud inspect sample aud style at our store vole arnti la aueloh r e nelson michs outvittbr bml5l klqfihista i irpqn eatabidnaltxga thouohtfulnkss isappriicutnl by your family wlira it takes the form of a pratlcal provision for the future a having account in thu hank of hamilton is the boa evldano of tboughtfuluta oeoboetown bkanch oaul raldus jji0co w m a wjaaojooo the merchants bank op canada sir ii montague allan c v o fteildeut d c macarow oeaeral manager srpbty till bank u oue of the eldest established institutions lu canada it lit the pioneer bank of acton and offer every courtesy to deposi tor i utu rent allowed at the highest ourreut rale on saving bank accuunlh so6 hraiiche in canada eiteudltik from tho atlantic to the pacific lnvmrlmsltiei solicited and moueyloaued for the pur pose of iitall or grot feeding cattle etc cheque on any bank or nuuldo point cashed acl on branch- r l whitman manager

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