Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1916, p. 2

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1111 in lutiuuta u i lriil fnmi iiillmiiuirilmi hlrili i ii llxtllui uhi all uindul died iss at liiilniiio lot i four tli lino rsqiliikiiii on lhtiitii ijlh ootolinr idki joint dodiij inliitllril enr fmul lit al cyiiwmuiim uriinrx cm mon hiili ontulvor huh willlum ijiiii- iwrt iijl tit juiiru icijc ufuit jftcc ras thuitsia ihtuiiiit 111 1011 editorial notes pi i mi u ii hi ikht in nu inter view i lii otlior inv iloolured lie had tint icon n lie rail u juititial imuiitlon 1 nm not utter judicial poaltitw imuald it ml tho idou hit never been auggeated to me bj nu j monitor of the ittimtnton or the lroiulnl tiuterniuvnt 1 aid feeliiiu in food health i have no intention of rvulprn inp tho rritniorlili i hid mil loohinu for and do not wnut a place on tlio uonch hon it ii itlua m t for mel lmiroo auwlialia vhu la en route for kiitf laud spent laat weoli in ontnrlo lie hn tnicllod tlirouih tit weiteni province and uupitrud onwflla1l into tlie working nf proliihitlen lloferrluirto this in toron to on tridnj he satil i am very much improved with the prohibition territory i have inbcil through anil though i hive imon a drinker all my life i em gain hatu to australia advocating prohibition a hi him emergency meeting of mam hera of the canadian lresa aaaoclstloti wu held at tom ma tut frijuv for the purpose of dinoulii the unprecedented situation that hsu arisen lo connection with til coat of tli white paper known in the publish ing trades newapvlut uhlch la used for the production of newepaptra the gather lug wee ouo of the large in tho hlatory of the canadian iteas practically ll the leading newspapers from tlie atlantic to tho pacific helnk represented it l eirmivriii that 0wouo is being ajwnt title year on county road construction in thin province thla la nllghlly under tho amount for last year when tlie expen dlturo uaa eliout 6k0ockw on wain ten- once an j repair work the outlay will lie in the rvglen of 8200100 whloli lu consider ably alioad of hut year theprovioce eon- tribute 40 percent towards the conatruo tlon espouse and jo ier oent to maintain auce tho countlee are comttunolnuf to give the matter of maintenance ami repair greater attention which la surely commend ihle tin pui ll m actos have apoken ery doclalvely in favor of securing additional manufactories for tlie town vcv a score of year there line tieeu a periodical oglu tlon favoring action to secure more indus trie for tho tlrst time in tlie hlatory of tlie corporation m concrete proposal wu put lufor tlie elector on monday that of vat lug on o by law to provide mean for secur ing the itelianoe shoe company wni of tetonto for acton the propoaal waa felt to be a fair one the report of the investigating committee were received with confidence the straight forward statement mail by the maaatflnjrtlireetor of tho company before the council and oltl- iteita were accepted aa theexpreuloun of an experienced bualneae man who frankly and honestly laid hie plana for increased opera- tlone and hie attainment of the past open ly before them tlie people determined to secure a uualneu with auoh excellent proa pecta for thu gcrowing town the over- whelminp nxtjority riven tho by law at the pollnahow united aplrlt of oitlunahlp and will mean much to the future auooeu of acloii fall fair has a surplus ejieellent bcport by swreuwy uynds of the yen- actlvluea tue society im splendid shade a meeting of tho director of aeton fall fair waa held laat thursday afternoon to receive report from the aeeretary and uind up tho liunlnew of the fair of 1010 lrealdent llavlll eoaupled the chair secretary ilynds in a carefully prepared und oouprelteniilve report ahowed that the receipts from all aource toulled f 120012 and tlie expend it urea 12fl802 title leave a luilanoe in the tretuury of t 10 the amount to bo paid in prltea la srlflpfu the oto rooelptti wo about 9110 leu tliau theverif fortbpaetlir year owing to tlio lieavy aliower whloh fell about one oclock on the biff day of the fair auaub 82flrt was anpended this year for building aholuir and other improvement thla eitpendltura wm paid from eurplu acoouiit and there 18 etlll about 7m in the reierve fund in the liaub tiier wo not a slnul proteat entered in any oum thla year the board dluuued improvement which are oontetnphtud far uaxt yeavs fair committee ww appelntedto eooauier thu matter and report ahotueb pine btoby by annie hamil po an inreduuhla uovel of liappluaui u the very tlgulflcant oboracterlutlon of aunla hamilton donnella new book sila thoodoelafi lleortatrlna thla veyy opt und vewatlto writer ha alroaly to hororodic llet of very popular aloriea notably ilobeoca mary and the very hmall porton thlu now volume miu thiwdulnflhearttrltihuu toryltivuhle book mid lt a liomellneaa about it which will attract very warmly tlio aerfjp nad r a quartette of very brtiflit and at time preooolou youngeur reached the heart of mu tbeodoila wnoaaphnolpal ooouiiatlon up to tb ot ol thlrtyelv in the oeareh for pleaaur and odvaotuh wa globe trotting her asquaiutanoe with them brought new vlalon of life and hal tinpplneimj and not only retailed la oiuuig- log entirely the current ofberaotlvlluf but retailed in u peraonul roiaattoo which tr mltuted with obarasterutlo happjnea thom who liava rood mr dutinell pwv- unat4ireiwill readily fall in love with the character alio eo vividly portray in thla all wlw really lovo olilldreu will find it a delight william bilgg publuher tor onto irlco 0o indifference 1 tlto one thing oapehl a freetlng the milk of human klndnes tiiey tay h hnpplne la a habit a 200000 fire at the tanneries acton tanning co dry loft and largo stook or leather destroyed the origin oftine unknown altoiit oflil thirty on woduemluy ovmi iujfof hist wetk the llrv alarm ut tlio lull unrlnn uaumouiulod mul a tnlniito or n laiir tha town iiturni raujf out- cltlxnua wtira nut long in locating lliollro for liiug in the wentriiui1a of tho hlh dry loll nt thi unrka of tlio aoton tunning co thu ifurouf tin llro lllumlniitod tlio toun mul ill tho rouiitraido within five mluutoi nf ho uiuudliig of tlm u i a rut irompll lino of hoao werehild tlinhigli nm the building on tlio roof of adjoining iltpurtmouta und at all ioinl whore ilungcr of the lnu ipreiiiling kdu llio lino flm lliihting organisation of the iminorioa waa uttic lively nupilomented bj tlio town lino brigade and through tho trenuoua oftortu put furtl the lire waa con 1 1 tun i in tho oiio bull ling otherwise tho loud would littvo been many timoa uroater hie lira wa moat aiaotaauur one the 1 1 lull imllding of four hiwira with nttlo mul luiuonioiit and tun cupouo mirmoniit lug tho roof wmi flllod from hajiemont to attic with uather and other gooiu when the lire luul eavoloped the building which itself wu of heaty frame metal clad ami had eaten into the various loom the lient won of the intcnaeat character and tho itame leaped akywunl in fantaatic und awful forma intermittently electric wlre anapied nml the chemical action of the fire on the metnln and icnthor milled glaring llameu of parti colored tints for hour tlie duptey of firoworka waa entranc ing attheaame time the jwalliatlon of tlie enormous low waa a factor of genuine regret by all the fire lighten had a moat atrenuoua and dangerous task the llamea would persistently attempt to eat through or around the fire door leading to the first and second floor of the adjoining build inc on the flrat i atored hundreda of barrel of oil greaao and other inflammable materi ala on the aecoud there are located a large im miter of valuublo machiuoa and etoek buttlte norta of the men with the various line of hoae wore auooeuful tlie adjoining building with their valuable content were aaved and the fire wa con fined to the huildliifr in which it originated thlu building though of large dltnen aloun appear by contraub but a minute earner of tlie great worka ef the two concern the aoton tanning co ami beardmore co it waa llbxflo feet tlie flrat two floor wore of atone and the superstructure of thrco atorle of frame metal clad it wo the intention of the company in the near future to tear down the frame section and replace one or two of tlie floor the polloy of creating fire proof preialtoa throughout lia been tfurrled out with all other building hut thi a new aolld brick building 208x100 feet h now in oourao of erection and will be completed about the and of the year the building daatroyed contained muny thoumnd of aide of hamea and belting leatlier acme military leather the factory atore ol machinery and part of maobjne ferrepalring and tlie tnotoru and machinery required for that department a detailed inventory of the loa entailed ha not yet been computed approximately the loa on atock machinery and imllding will reach 9100000 to 0200000 tho loaal partial- ly covered by inauraoce the origin of the fire remain a mystery uavld caraahun the watchman of that aeetlon of tlie worka vlalted tlie utatlon at tho top of the building at seven oclock again at elaht oclock be called here on hie rounds thi time lie thought lie tmelled are but could not locate it he vialted tlie next two atatlona punched hi waub- uanadlal and to satisfy hluaelf aiceoded again to the dupol thla time ho found uia fire and ruehed to tlie engine room far help aaylng to the engineer lie thought a ooujue of them couldput it out with pail the alarm waa sounded and by the time he returned the entire top of the cupola was iu oamm tlie remarkable organization of the bubl tie wa nuhifett next morning every man woe huty oauaual throughout thegwat work ko man waa thrown out of employ ment heoauee of the ooatly fire the insur ance luapeoter were here iveit day and iu mediately ufurward gang of men were aet to work to remove the dehria and sal vage anything tliat might be removed in the meantime ever available earner i being put into oowmilon to afford dry ing aptn for the stock in preoeae of manu facture and the hundred ol employ aro at work a usual lihkuouse mr and mr 11 ward monlioll hav returned to the village after upending tome week la erin mr alex larvts our mall carrier has returned home after pndmg a few daye with hi aoo at barrle mr and mr w oowdy aud ilouguu were at nauigaweya on bumuy aaylag good bye to u r clowdye iater mm a j galbrallh who leave for wlnulpag thi week thero were no aervlce in the ivctbyur ian church ou sutulay owing to the anni versary oar vice in oeorgotown ilav ur cameron preached in guelph mluateda morejith la spending a few holidaye with friend- in waterdown mr hunley oarvln ha returned to berrie after spending wuk at hlu grand- fatlter mr alex larvinv wp are all waiting to hear the wedding bell ringing on the ilxth line rumor aay there la going to he m box social at s a no 0 in a short time the fir at the tatmeriu at aoton attrac ted quite urge number ol the villager to il laat wedaeady night beveral well knowntorouto painter were engaged in painting aeenea around xur hauub during the pt week all ol thi goee tashow how beautiful ihle vicinity i mr win millleree house ha recently len ahlugleil by the u t it pte wm lund veoenlly traubferred to the inoth lutt wa here on monday ay itg goodbye to hlu many friend he leave foroverteah on friday the hailway service canadian itallwaye employ an incrcaj lug number of men for executive work each year and will d ao to u greater extent iu the future than in the past thfete who qualify aw ateuographer tele- grapluu and tie tlon agent in shaw acton votes for shoe factory our cltlxona glva tholr unqualinod approval of proposal at tho poll dy a majority of eioht to one tho hlioe factory uyfaw wa voted on by thu proiarty owunr of anton nn mon day mid waa ciirrlwl hy thnuplondld vote of im for to lit h thla in cnrululy ile- alsiva mul kiiowh vory oouclualvnly that tiur oil lmm leniently lolro that addition rtl liuluitrieu bo eutubluhoil in our rnhfat the election wua ourrloil on vory quietly there wna no und no proaaure hrouuht to bear from any oouroa tlio fuat that oven tho inniingiir or ilinjetor nf tho ueliauce flhnocd who were w vitally intormtod took no purt in tho election and were not in town while tho vole won being taken u rcgiirdodme very complimentary to their judgement tim vote polled aggmgiiir i 171 which ia iierhupa the largeat vote over polled in anton on a money hy law it atotd u folloum in ha two polling uikiivuiohi i llllt all al nut town hall 17 11 kiwlglit dhup itll b touia 11 10 there wi not a luillot spoiled during the day nor one rejected at the summing up of tho vote the luiunoe hlioo company will uke ininimllnto atepa to erect their new lullory building obituary ull i iaii lluiililt after a long period bf mines death came to william lambert creukoiiacarneni on monday deceased was aeventy year of ego he was horn on the lann of hi father tho late charles lambert lot ft third line irln nud had ulwayallvedinthetownahipi forty nine year ago be married ellxabetli modavlu who bub a short time before had arrived in canada from ireland mr lambert and throe of their four children aurvivo charles and mr john bennett crcwsons corners and kelson of aoton mr lambert was a member of tlie metho dist church the funeral we held yes terday afternoon to falrview cemetery aoton itev mr hmi thermal the pastor o tho home nllluletlng miinwiituu pauslii a happy home waa sadly bereflt hut saturday when myrtla bcott wife of william iarnel pawed away at the general hospital ouelpli mr pemell bad nob lieen in good health since they moved to guelph last spring and tho past month the gradually declined a week before iter death she was taken to the hospital the remain were brought to aoton ami lit funeral took place on tuewlay afternoon from the liomo of mr hugh mergoson to falrview cemetery mr paraell waa the daughter of john boott of hon lawson fifteen year ago her mother died and al though myrtle was only fourteen she look ed well after the comfort of her father nnd slater five year ago she married her borrowing husband and they have lived very happily together in the low ol their baby two year ago they had great sorrow but thi brought them even closer to each otlior in their borne life much sympathy la felt for mr pornsll and the father and sister of deceased john dknkv una ot the landmark of hi generation wu removed when john denny passed way on thursday morning at his home on the lourth line esquesieg mr denny bad been in poor health for some time from heart trouble during the past aummerbe gradually became weaker and for a mouth waa confined to the house he waa an industrious hardworking farmer and always enjoyed hie work hie industry brought him wellearned auooeas he loved his home aad home aurroundlag ail with hi greatly beloved partner in life they made their home a plaee wji worthy the name john denny wo the ea of the ute uobert dedoy of cfaurohlll and lived w i tii in eight ol his birthpiam all bu life in march ih7h he tnarrud jtewde i cfalv bolm daughter ol the ute john chubals for thirtyeight year they have uvd happily together sis aone and daughur name to bleu their iiome and the father death le the flrt brk in the family the daughter ore mr fvwl ryder mr pur murray mr arthur swckbamvf aud mis nor albort at home and the eon fred and fvrt all are uld withld a ullaorooof the old home mr deany wa man ol starling oharoeur a member of tlie congregational church and regular attendant at its servlo the funerel on sunday afternoon waa one of lb bug ever oeeu in the vicinity the wivloa ware conducted by tlv wiuod aad jon ol aetna and the ruulu were ulj sift rot beside thcmi of hi flhrt la the churchill cemetery motgfl ph0 cam bohdem on saturday octoltar ulh use huth halt turned out la a drlxuing rein iu take part in krtmanul parade hfe ut tlaww sir sam hugh but when the division reached the parade gtmd the rein name down in a steady pour and th parade was catll off to the uanif de light ol urge number ol tlie tuea via dell of the ihitb hap obtained transldr to the ifiolh which la going over aeu some other ol the men would be gud to go very greet interest is belajf wnlfid by tlie bun in the long trek which la to start on the letli it la the lodges march undertaken by any troop in canada and tbemenuredeterulnetl to da their beet the rami will carry the oliver equipment beside rioe and bayonet and it will britur out tlie very bait etawlnuof tliemaa the aoton men ore looking forward with plea sure to u vllb to their own home town they expect to arrive about uta 23rd or 2tliinst everyeffottteulafkwtfertbby tlie ofneer to ensure that the men are la good shape to start on their tour of the oountfe tho men also appreciate the work ol the y m o a which baa very materially added to their oomfert le the work of the lady helper of the v m o a j p a well bereii hophir youll get the habit i school toronto are eertaln of prompt honesty may be tho best policy bos the i and steady employment which alwy pay policy sometimes expire good salaries have you been sick then you reajiro the utter weakneaa hut robs ambition destroy appetite and tuaces woitk a burden tbreeten liutelnength audetaauutfaet la so ceeeutlsl itoiblug ha everequelea or cataputd wl th scott ihmdskwi b- esotea its etrchgtbstiauuiutig inonruav meat invigorate the blond to dlatrfbcte enersy uuthigtu t the body while itatoeda value aharpena i lie appetite aud rcstcne hclth la a ttetu ml permanent way if you arc ru h down tired xtarmtta ofetworked or 1 sclc strength gh boetf bomlaloti today i at any dmg aton sou lb at ha vmdasto os auction sale faumbtook and tito uudengiim1 imw rocelvod inutruo- tiflim to wjii by ptibllu uuotloil for will ttunvuiil lot 3jcoilcoiulmi 3 hiupioaiiig on tursdav nibt ootouttir lofo nt one oclock sliurp the following iious1cu lluyliorue7ycarnoldkl wick good in nil hameui u prlxo win ner i brown 1ercheroii mare o year old good in nil harnciw i gray perch orotl mare carol nix years old gend all liarnctw i uirlng colt clyde chentnut iiiareliacknuy got by wood- intid good inall liarneiui i hprlng volt llrookfleld laddlo tlieae inut two linrues have wen many prlxeu ot local fall pair cattl1c l groy cow 5 yoara old calf at foot v red cow 5 yearn old due 1 6th january 1 red cow 3 yearn old duo antli april i red cow 5 yuura old due la may 1 gruy cow 3 yearn ola dtia istli march 1 black cow it year old due 31st april 1 gmy heifer a yearaold 3 uutara 3 yearn old weight 000 iba a steers 1 yearn old 1 gray heifer ono yearold 1 black heifer one year old a uprlng calves 1 calf three mouth old 1 calf a weekanld s1ikisp a slienrllligewe puro bred oxford down 1 ram iamb pure bred oxford down pigs 1 brood vow due in laiiuury brood sow due december totli i fat pig about aoo ibe fl plgo a weeko old hknft so plymouth rock hen 93 rhode island red pulleia 15 rhode is land red rooaleru implicmknts 1 binder frost wood steel rake lo ft proatev wood steel roller u bull a bon 1 cultivator poter hamilton new 1 mower peter hamilton 1 plough peter hamilton 1 seed drill pair bobsleighs 1 lumber waggon i set narrow frost wood 1 rubber tired buggy i uptodate cutter new 1 portland cutter good as new 1 chatham funning mill 1 hand grata aeeder 1 liay rack 1 stock rack 1 gravel box 1 champion evaporator new about aoo palls and apllea i doxen gal can i cutter pole platform scale sooolb wire fence stretcher stone boat i pair ice tongn 1 sugnr kettle a sotsslnglo harness 1 net carriage harness new 1 not double harness 1 pair brass mounted bridles new a good robe set iron double trees 1 iron neck yoke so cedar poslu a wooden neck yokes furniture 1 crown huron range i oxford oak heater 1 fall leaf table small cupboard washntand bed spring mattress 1 parlor lamp a small lamp churn milk palla cream can cream separator national butter bowl und ladle ice cream freezer a gal oil can grain 10 ten hay aoo bus oat 1 bus mangles so bus buckwheat ion bus teed oat quantity turnip tierms loooandundercaah over that amount la months credit on furn ishing opproved joint note 4 a oft for cash koatr hay grain fowl cosh positively no reserve oh the proprietor le giving up farming n x ichttn a l wvaat clerk auctioneer tub ittith battalion tbett tho long haroh began on monday tho 740 hen ttnd offloort to bo hore next yuetday the 101th iutottdufrrlo battalion 740 strong left camp borden on monday morning for their long trek to winter quarter at hamilton the first lap wei taken by train from the camp to auutoa the nineteen ralte stretch to hbelburee woe made by four oclock in the afternoon here a very cordial welcome wee extended to our soldier boy dinner wa eerved the battalion by the ladle of tlie tows tlie battalion remained at fihelburoe until yesterday morning whan they see out fur grand valley oraugevill will be the next halting place tbey will remalb in orangevllle probably over sunday march to erin on monday and leave there early oa tuesday for aotea the ooere and men are expected to reach aeton early next tuesday afternoon the prtgraufa arreugsj by the looal committee la follow t they will be t4t on the outskirts of the town ly the r and council and the menthar ol the citi kens committee la automehlbia aeten cltlxenv band and the hoy boeute end will parade lb principal street nf the town after the pared the ofhaeva and towi will be given supper in the varlou eherhee a fellowe 1 in ktvoxohuroh 250 will usrj in the metbedut chureb 175 la tit alun churob 100 in fit- jeep chureh 100 and in the utptutcbureh i0a the bun will be qiurtened ovr ulgbt la the various cbunhe and in the town ball committal from lb vailoti church ore busily eggd this week la waking preparatioaa to give the bey tuh a hoe pitalityos they will eeey in provuoalag the eommlurlat 1or the dppr to be srv edltuawlmaudthewlowlagsupplu will be rqulrj 1 iso leave bred sgo pie 73 lb has mlb butur 40 lb tl 100 lb uttult fio lbs eefavs 50 ib ansar 00 quart milk the cooiaiu la eh of the ppw are laaklng a canvas for sapjju sjj will appreciate the ddoatlone ol any of the ssvarueuetathemmurof the cmw ultue or delivvrej at the town hall next tumy nob oely the eluiad of aetea bub the f eraser of the ootuuualty are re quested to assist in thus eelertaialag the brave soldier upon their visit to aoton bauumafad mr walker ksntuer ha tfeurosd borne after spending a eouple of yr la the wsu private carlton hiiu of the iftoth batt oalted oa frleed here usb week ur k vanuetter of toroato has r- turned home after spending a weak with friend bere mr ir d- vn natter ha seeurej sev- aral irlxe on hi cattle at aoton george towu and kriu fair mr hltfihoook returned home last wak after visiting toronto friend mis katie melsod aooompihled her home ur frank bayer of sevewham was the guest of mr o b sayer and other friend last week mr harry sbortlll has returned bom after twowonths vhiit to friend in the states nas3aoawbya uehare tho bole and eon have sold their farm ami bought the wu head farm in krauou for n ttood flgure ur james bole has sold hlu farm und ha also bought one in kramoes i mis wilms taylor only daughter ol mr and mr if m taylor ol naseaga- wy wa operated o for append icltls en thursday last 8he i- doing well a en 1 1 1 expected the first snow flurrlem of the season cm on tuesday morning under repairs for 7 wo weeks wo auk the conoidcration of our ciiqtomerii during the next two or three weckii wliili- tho carpenierii and painters have the right of way and rebuilding in progreitu we will continue to clear out at very low prices all lines of roods fire dnmafcd that iitill remain or that we may discover yet i dluo the halincc of summer gooduat very low priccb to clear henderson co mill si acton ont tltia aohrrh biue illrtlidolut jlliurtli acton ii w avlktom mahdh mlntt j1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hhtwm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it is 7 sign of intelligence to have the acton free press in your home 1 because the frue pttuus hau the reputation ol being one of tho best local weeklies in the province it is worth something to a district to be known to sup port one of the best papers in the country because it is proof that it is an intelligent community 2 because the free press io written especially in the best interemf of ihia community it seeks not only to qivo all the interesting news of the district but inspire all to the best citizenship it hao sought not only to help to improve ihe town but also to improve the condition of agriculture and of the agriculturists ol the district and it has always done whit it could to promote the interests of the agricultural societies farmers clubs and institutes and womens institutes and has written and worked to introduce into the district under the best conditions the rural telephone systems rural mails good road etc 3 because in preparing its neus it seeks for the infor mation of real value as well as that of human inter est it believes intelligent people like to read real local news written true to facts and clean and chaste in phraseolog as has been freelv explained in these columns the cost of white paper has douhled and inki and other materials has gone more than double in pric sine ttie 1st of janu ary last and higher prices still are contemplated we are therefore obliged to increase ojr suhcriptmn rates the new rate ofi5o will come intofnrreon the 1st novemlwr iqi6 affcf november lit oa subscription cin be renewed al leuulhd si so in order that none of our subscribers may feel that nn unfair advantage is bing laten we hav arranced that renewals lor next enr miv rw made nt the old 100 rate until november 1st new subttriptlddl will alio be recehed up o november lit at the si 00 rile to get this advantage however prompt actum must he taken only eleven days more 10day renewal coupon till acton fuki fukkh acton ontario according to your abovo offar i vacl- uv klnwal subscription in advance so hint my subscription shall be estsndstl for a further la mouths from date of espiry of ifut subscription at tilta tb following how ubcripttous to start at ouco at ibe urn rate i 9 renewal ft nkw 9 nkw total a treatise ftteem try our latest sheet mueto only 18a per copy agency for jerard heinuuan ltd jmeno uphardtav acton huiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllluliilluiiiuiluiiiiiiiiiuiuiuiillull i underwear auoug- our kfty muhsm m lilgblmll ad lotto ir kleeceuned to clear at 4tfc per garment good wool underwear vc per garment shoes atjj os per pair fines shoes at s3 ft bargains in yard goods mill st acton m 5 axe the acton creamery 1 we kunrimut io pajv for huiter far 88c 1 bumdov ootobktn e2 a l hnbjut iho two hiimab typeti liililiiiiiiii 303 1 m hubjilt ihu chrlktlnn grace of loving 1 cir 13 appniprlutu miiidi by tlio cluilr atlllatsi school iu tliuuftoruuon nt 0 30 oclock all wblcomc imionni uht m saxe co acton allllvrllrimni 1 111 h11 uui h in ill 11 illklr wiiuuhv iflj kuit ralik th xtulit rnoi lliitiu siiiik t tin til mmil iiiriiliurx aim u iiiiiilkri f hrt jua jouw wim i uw i httk will lliraul antnu xkoimmvn siikkp lost i oflt rmiiiilihllil uwrlwlll in 11 1 of illdailllllbl nu r lann rcutit una talirt ilown hp ilia unit tar moivary llialtduoitl vauu wantb0 17 lu urn poluatiiit or avhiiiiiu kalsrv apiv ulvliiii t fnii wl man or wnnian uliaorlitiii ranawal ilnrinu hiiana tlinu kalarv ami cwimnilann nu till uulu oct hoiisk fllk sale tdk cniiuiinllnna ri1nr at ilia onrnar n ii tin nt knu h rti x tn uno cliirrli can l ntul nllir as a ti ulils lioiu or klikiuslr itiru- lam iv iino1 anlan butt wat btbdlrln llcllt i r illrillaja mmlal0u uivdii tarum atiil 1 arllnulam nn apiillnatlnrj w i hmith ii i aetna nutinc to liklrlloltd in tli matter or th vutmtm of jan ithkwl ut or eh tawinsihlt of xnquealnifjri tha county nf had ton wlelour deaaisaved nfltici li liaraliv uvn purwuaut to ilia buiuto id that lulh dial itorlllor if any luttra tin ami uthur iroiij 1 lno elalua suatnil til i aiaa nf jan kjirowl la a tb toumatili ol i tiuiai u cduuiv uf lullatj wlilaw mho lit 1 sv fmunlnn unr auoui tin mh itv or juu lain ar rnjuira1 la sd by kt nrtilfrilpltvrr tnilia unitarlsn4 uia illelier for hi raeutora rvi lia i1 ustata onorlhtrnratliaautiluy nf ooinliar 1010 ibalr mniw aillravu ami 1 ull inmlijiis of itilr claim 1uly vrlflil an 1 1 uaiur nf b auvllfoa if an iil hv iom and afr tb aallsltilat of oemlur 10 ib ilia aaid ifsa- liters will pr ra t in illmlliul ll iiuii nf lb salil htmmaavil am a lia imkso autlila ihar to liavlna raiiar 1 null in llo claims nf drtiuti tliayrualtlliiiliaelial rinllra and llisy will hit la llalilo i ran lt if ll aslil auu u anv peranu nf wlma elsim ibay sbail uet ihau lata liavl no una a j uaokinhoj utillrllitr tor iii ulfcodtfl daiaj tbuiullily ol iclaltar 015 tse ca0f potatoes has arrived wu are unloading today leave your order at once so that they may be delivered from the cjr a e nicklin a wew worjderandi rmoav ootobsih so th tlald i 6 parts en chance w u ayuhoav ooto tests i rtfljiaiikr ocrard with lewi waller a brll lis rrlial of lb dtrtguim tlurtic the rwlto of v pouoo mohdav ooyowstm u kpiuido 13 of ivjf b rlofc wkd ootossu a the i wiih- foundllilf i ukpoud yhuhsosv ocroststh aw tb llattytdoia d wurwa cav- it r l qtegory mortgage sale ov valuamuh sva rlorintv tndir andhy vmuvnf lhatowr of tiironlulul inacf tela inniwtat wblcli will iw pcblucvd at time 0 tali ibir will ivr offr for sau by pub- lu auction bv lsui mardeiiam bt the front door nf the city 1111 lu tb city of oiwlpti on lulutdy tb sb day of octobat iqib st ii ocut u60u tb fol- lowiotf valuabl frtu ptopmyi bjua cumioed of thd wa half of lot number elflltt 1 in hi iu cnncud of the township of urta lu lhcouatyof wattl- losou contalnlns by sdnuurmat loo aciv nuire or upou tb pramla are said to b erected a brick bouw aad barm and other nutbulldluga- the soil la cloy loam the prepvrty i with in 1 j rulue of luvlpb uud 5 wile from aclnn ohkunlntt can be fllvu on or about tha 1st if april iglj tvrms to per cent u casli 011 day of sau arid the balauco within 14 day thereafter the property will bo oirrd aublect tosi serve bid 1of further particulars and conditions at talo apply to uer latlar a bailor spectuiot nuluhucr hamilton ontario uortcug solicitor and jamett haciionaut ouelpli auctloueer 44 auction sale itnduu ainlbv virtue of the powers v co i tallied in a certain mortcfake which will be produced at the time of ante there will be offered for sale by public auction on friday the tl day of october 1016 at ihe hour of ono oclock in tho afternoon at the door of the demiulnn ilnlul acton tho follow i11k property uliuntu in thu villafre of acton tie up composed of part ot tha north wonthulf of itt no a8 conces sion 3 tiiwiiuhip of ki-queiiitiiycommeti- elite at a mint whuru ilia koulherti llmlte nf the inndh nf the c3 t u intersect the north westerly limit of unwer htreet ihence in n honlh westerly dlrectlou ulnue tho north west limit of llower htreot tliuiicu in u north westerly direc tion ut rlglit uurkh to mild limit of llower ktrwt to n ihiliit ill tho fioutbern limit of thelmnlhof tlio o t k company thoiico in nn kuhterlv dlrtction alonpuie uild last monlloiiod limit to thu place of cltuiiio on tlio premtueh im erected a frame iioum lontnlnlnp 4 koomh uud bummer icilchon a uoimi aunlctl this pro perty in nlluntel mi llower avenue and few mlnuloh wall from the ioktofilce tcrnmof hale twenty percent of the niirclmtie motioyto bo pnld down at tlio tlmuol snln lutniilo within twenty tluk for further partlmlnrtt uud lomlltlonu apply lo it m s i llio an w a moiiran aultlouuer vundore hollcllnr 143 oaclpu

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