Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1916, p. 3

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wedding presents wedding rings news op local import old building llu boon bomovoil social and personal news topics of the week mr john 1mtnn uih mr xiioidmi km wo curry a toiiit uock or hulublo mr vwford wu purohautd tin ton of flimlpb worn imrt on monday vvoildlnis prtimiiu in iuncj docks cut u t the corner of mill and frndarw mr tmni unlioy wahlorofronidwrko slaiui ilijjcrti l 147 811 vor fulioy china lfl l reoontly hold th fraino to town on monday to glva tho old lawn murrlugo llumaoi limited geo 11ynds aotom omtaktio say soma 30 mile from toronto about 0110 liouru ride in a place thoy cnll georgetown j a wllloughby roaldua ii u until nlout 400 farms of dilyoront nlmpett and ulre no fancj tolt no idle yamn 11 nuru has got no mo prixes if u r farm lanot no good vmir pioflln yetting hm jut l kiuo a trip to georgetown good farm u to you hell ihow hardy llrolu iudllnoli who had their lteru burned in june tliey hav taken down tha frame and teamed lb horn to r raofc for how lm rev tor smith at st albans itev a o bmlth m t ofhuwartlown conducted um servloen in bt albana church ub sunday preaching itoth tnorn ingand evening and at bt john hock wood in th ilumood lev o ii k hmllb rector of bt albans hekl liarvwit featlval service at btawertlown and horn- sclic ttoit jfrcc flms thursday ootoum id 1010 bribp local items tin full vain are over eight to one mrey deolalv nu- jorlty now it will beth italian bhoa co of aotort th people of acton certainly favor mora factor dairy hutler has been will rig her this whii at ijeant par pound phkk pukitii aulieoription prion ii bo 011 and after novamur 1i tin georgetown herum announce in creaea of buliecnpiion to 01 co- head lli announcement in another oolutnn respecting renewals then promptly tb etreet watareouraee and bealrm or being cleaned out ready for tits ml rein and aprlng freaheta a few loads of avl oa main 8trt batwmii mill and cliurcb would switly ltdprov um roadway at laab tlt btwu cowwllt bait had lh waur hol at tin uad of elgin tb oa bour avanuii fllw in tlmoarrylntrnf tka bhn kaolwy by law on alnnday hw alrady flva raal a- tau in town a boou upwhl tha trimming n th 1iaiu trm oa tli varlounatrmta will iflva our aiolurtb llfibtlttg ayftuu a utur olianoa to lluula- ata tb pvwflu unil roadway mr a k- nloldln ha job btougbb in a ear of ba4iatehwan potauwk tbay air tailing bt ii 73 including tu ua tbo iflitb lutlallon la xpt6d to rttcli oakvlli on imjay 27th rat tby aloaup lo unu on lb fair avywed tbara mr j v uhtrvn ua dlpaj of bu tdllk rouu to lir ckatua iiolua boaaa 8tmt mr lloltuaa toab ovw tb ullk buln4 oa monday th iw1 crthj soeuty u arrauklaft ftv aoooeartoiituuy vnlaf utb no otur llav iv uuir of oslpb wl jrlva an addr on tba wr owing u lb prauratlaaa tku wk for tba voptlot to tb lolib iliualud lb unvim for funds fir tb llrluji had coaudfrvwd ufliiluurln tb hoatb mr rooou hioeuir i rtmilula lb fluta to lb uiu wbu at hla bbop o agna htrat to npuu lb oa pt la by tl lata jolia hpjkt o filly yt ur uuk hart via wu fwllo a ook cutur at ynair tuyj ojt lb fiftb lloa bid lb ulfoaun ut to la tb livl and aaool bar of tb ui bnd iti lb uaobln i umriib rfiou cobr ow uywm hi u vcaag well la th hdpltj at ktooad rvbi tb f juialij uwf tirit rwvurla t wa rlvj i y l lftojj ta ti ljy iboiuiu fro- bu wi owp o lljttu wbo wj wuiiilvjin ktli co hfj ji1 ffmw kt svj 1018 tuar iulba at iia i jut a fw i t u4 y kfcuw i bsi dinrf iifly i iwuivvl m jr j ws tb lk of lb brad h- ujj awt wa tjbrttud u tbw bsul o tb lilb i uu opi td oi oa lb2jtb aj bj lb iuo of tbiiol nuwwj 1 aaa tw gwttldtf oa fld tba la nttblur for oi to oy aut vc bd a ut ol a wrip oa lb bubl j lb d i owitij uiyjf ftuuiuu la bat ouot tbroub foiitad wdjllh i f 8btla4f kuj uvjwih wtwk baf 4 rwlwlaa woaal i akd ivot abb to alt up yi ba aw at- tiagllt 6ry day ud tb tndumo w tov i aoaalbln ffaj wa waat fo uoutlnjf i aid aipoctinjfuum awry day dodl worry ill wm b atilgtt again lat b bv all tb bnttui nawa lou to ull okiliulm uu lillian willuuiaramlvtdtkjroitow ing nola frobt bar brotbar pi yti wllllama on monday i vrama stpc jotb 1018 ltoar mln i w bopped tlta pinpab on tb tlb uaikubiur mr vrlu waw a hubs tlu- ngrald and aa aiwult i atd lylaf id a cowfoitablo bad wllba ale um lo l6ak afurniu i hava tbim holaa in my left bbouldar i am atlllabu to alt up aotl cat all my mula ao dont worry aluut tea a ita all right knpb ill llkaly g to kugland aboftly and will whu again from tbr lva lo ull howhtiub waoftoroiie lluiulrad doluri itaward for uny oana of catarrh that lafittot be oud by ifallri cutarih cdra llauuoalhrrltcur haa ltvait takan by eatarvh aukirara for tba paab tblrtyflv yearn ami bun lnwwmu known an iba mul ralubtn wtflmly for dtinrrb kail cat arrh cnrn uetiibtouuli tlta lllood on tha mutautatirf40makltiic tliu iolaott from tba lllmul aiid healing tha dlaaaaetl port aftar jon hato takan hma uatartb cora tar a fbnrt tlua you will aaa a graat linnrovamaiit in ynur ganaral haalth biart tuklng ifallu uaurcti car b onof and gat rid nf oatarik btia for teklluon vj ciibnkv k co tolado ohio hold by all ihtigguu 75c oliildren oxy ror fletchers castoria toronto suburban soon tturinlng it la now raportad uiat tha two principal difficult which retarded tlia oomplatlon of tlintorontobuliurbanllallway tliarlght of entrauc into toronto and tha aeourlng of tba naoeaaary ooppar wlr hav now bean ovarooua lb la axpmtnd by tha offloara of tha road that tha llnm will bo ooraplatad and in operation by tba and or tbyar itlaalm nuud that a aervlo with ataau anglnoa will probaldy be put on early n novemher dugle tund varthn boy soouta tlioa inuraated in lbs apundld iloy boout organisation bar feal that a hugh hand in oonnaotion with th boaut would addmnohtotlmlntaraatof thaloya boout mutar cola la giving ilia propoaal bit ear nat aupport and baa arranged for a hauar for ttt aab of bonib ntaila uking toffn ate with other interacting featurea in tb town hall on tba 3rd and 4lh november a blgwtiort en th evening of the 4th will elom th event the publlo u appeal d to but genaronn wtronag a moat profitable- addrett at ilia meeting of tb woman iimtltut at lb town ball lait v ilday mftarnoon mra dr monlven gav a vary interesting and inspiring addraa- on tltetliaa of gratat itapplnem in life the cour- of life from childhood to old aga wau deeorlbeil in tta varloua apooha tha striking feature lr aaob period being faithfully ftnprmed tb enuolualon waa that obi age ithould 1m the lira of greateab happlnaaa beeaue it reeembu th harveat time whan tb fruit ton of th pravloua day la fully cohnuu- buteil aeton teacher speak at elora wellington teacher held their annual convention at etore bub week they bad inundld prograuwa it waa practical and largely glvan by th teaobara of ui county miaea mamta uaala and m mollouald who bav mhool in wellng ton wercodtbaprogratdtna iba iulib herald aayai mla u c mnalni jav an aieellant paper en tb afleob of th prtit war upon tha work of th ochool uubaran4 ule m modonald in an ahuantl ejtteleat uanaar introduced tba aubeebt cotnpoaiuoo in u relation to aebool work john harvey uoerud inipoctor ur john harvey uuuunlolpal ofiloar bu been appolnud iieaa inapeotor for lb county of ilalton by lb proviacul govareibmit a btrappojtttubeoum nee bav beoo toad inipo6lor harvey bupudli anpruae la publlo ofoeaiut jea a wllrad repatatlon for eeoo uot palaatakleg aad conaoteatloua ear vie n la a utn el eound judgueut aad duoeruiaiit intbaoso of llcaiie la apaolor b will pfona bla dull faltb tally will rqulr that iloana bobw in up to lb povlalota of lb law bat will naver uajuly karrajm or aanoy lka who oou andr b aurvllun tba rrea kroaa to butiu and baek tkltoola b- jul rwteivd vy tuanl ft vlli of tb eavuoy with wblcb oull utw 1 baadud uuraatlohaily uveo tufrwqipf tir give puatllaua btuntim a copv of tb sbbh iva wb wejud od april ftb la or piud wrapt la jobs l crlppa a aoliiibw lb liv log e1 kola reja oa lb baw kaoil u4ia bvjh of tb uuruaa railway it wi it vu arcbaag lufor lb oopy iwcbal ur cl4 t bad tturiwj to ku imvi bo in el vaiwukjver lb c tb pmal ulbruui al thu iwiuot poit la rala ruanl tb ppr lo tlu tjfl iatkl t lajcwir kkhi iurii m1utabv hotes 11 wry ptrvtn bt llud la tb aru br id cuvt t ttamla ami will b ai tlbaj ui tl hoiad tvmaput wvtlu wonl ba u rwvivl by ur tlia- litb kibwjry at tu ulik iu hm tillrt klaiftwiry ilnfaslry bj twit ij i hauod oa lb 18th of 8pud mian wl lunalefb thin week to take a paaltloti aa nurto in tba banltunum at vw ton mr leoritn hall uud alurt and violet visited friend in kltchoner over tit week end mua itona ifolmea ha returned font her vlait to friend in winnipeg and the weet mr tliomaji hoott of cult it been via- ting lik eon mr itobl boott uower avenue title week mr luy wauou who haa been at wetl and for aurae time arrived home for a few holiday on monday mr laalabcouii and family have retnnv odtouualpli acton regret tba loi of an oli worthy oltlaen mr fred beoord shell inspector of milton waa her on monday to aupport tba shoe factory hylaw mr wihum wither and family lwho buv imen on the wllllamaon farm um pafc flvo yeum hava removed to acton mm c b smith who ha apenb lite aiimmar at niagara on the lake and tor onto la now with friend at windaar mr pltiaheth dray of toronto who baa apent the rummer at the homo of her aon at muorecroft returned to the rlty on friday mra 8 john cook and daughters lute of montreal who have been gueala ot miee l m moore for aeveral woeka loft on monday for their new bom at stratford kev dr t allien moore and mr moore of toronto tnaile a brief vlait at mooreoroft thla wak dr moor bad jutt returned from an emeiulrd trip tlirougb lha ivaoo itlver district in aluru in tia lnurt of tha church hv b lliarb ulia wont hi ilia m toratcof bohumbab maoklnawcity midi lat year ha now uooapte 1 a nevi chrg at kattwe9 mioh her he ha- a fine burn ohiireh wilb a beautiful partomg nevt loor lb in a popular report town ami hajtspliinlld powfbllltia for patorat work moaara w h danny winrwankbamar mr aad mro david unydar toronto i i mr thome denny tlieoilor and will la of oranuevill i mr und mr colin dynea and ueaara henry dynea and audrey faarl el ilurlingtqn warabaratoattamltb funeral nf th la o john danny on sunday some observations illitinhd tbatlual jobu haajw amof lbujuut uaueuj rlcw eri nf ur joha a ilauurao wlaalpi d gvadaud of had davu iiubmaa ablod ba bed wodadaj ulbtly wblu in aatloa on tb bubia frot a ulagtdfd frooi ouaua to lib lulun wllluaaa ut tbuuy mjeaj tba vt vraj j willum bd klvj n gutbot woddd la tb cha aad bad baaa ajtdltuj to na 11 ullfmtry bopltai at itoua oa oetou lat a utur eiaa iaojvl by ula wluuw f rook be uotbar aay b u doitlg bloaly lira ibiaoan uauuroby mr aaj ur newidan uacliarohy aj uia ilalao auaixuj tb wdjlag of dr joba uaa uoreby asd ubw uy til uattbaw attur- nalo ur william byuder u adllng out hi laind etdok lupumeata and ether articla ou tb aiu inat ur am mr syoder inland tsunovlag to toronto thla oatu- wttblty ragtatd tbelr ramoval itut good wubfd fair auaoaae will follow ibam tb funeral of tba lata john denny on of our mau aeuataad raldenk on sunday aitaruoun wam on of tba urgeac over held at tba hill tb church ura aliogetbar laadaquau to ttcoommodata iba people rev ur jones of tha aetna ihiptlab church i tba uoilng paator bar for tba praaant thee ftr buay daw with gettlug up tba root crop which la very hgbb tilling iba iiloa and attending threshing cbkwb co tb farmer ar baey taking up their toot whloli aro of a rather poor quality thla year a bumber of friend- here attended iba funeral nf tba lau john denny churchill sunday tb aywpalhy of all i en- banded to tha bareatved family it uourduty tblawaektoagalnohronlal uuj dealh of an old raaklant ur wm jutflbert whoaa death occurred monday afternoon it i rather an unuaual alrcuuatancthab mr john banualt lott hja mother hut week and that ura ilennett loal bar father the bita william lambert uila wak ua an awful job tbh moving 1 ha leen quit frequently remarkeil of i at ivoth by particliunta aa well oa sytajwtbl era a iiuiaur of empty honae ha given a good lead to the mini annual adjuatauut of bomaa for better oom fort or couveauno a few were caught but wk in ti flv ran that came but a th burdenod boo- beeper itemaanad tbo addltlooal dlaoeta fort there waa aom aatlrjaetlon in uw prcupect of an early reduction to live eoti of milk tbovamuanb proebunatlon of tlianl- gfvtng itay lia rly becoaia a matter of form prior to iht7 it waa a taatiar ol provincial arraagmnb of following in ui food old oaatoid of til early araalran aeuura but for nearly forty ysara it ha hean douluioa wide altout wghb or nl w yeara ago a change waa maile frod lb obi eaxfmrt ol tb tni i wb day uuallv tburvday bringing it to hojilay till in dufareuc lo ooiuturclal travel ura wit lit not with thajr waka work ikoken luto fio ima tbr baa pretty ganorallv hvootd an abo lonhiatit of lb very oljoi for which tl day waa intiuitad oitiag in ik churrbe a two day a hand ran nlng etckurcb l quli a ut to ttavl all baviit otwrwl th porpjw of utr day aa la ju y-ar- gao1 daal of lot- lag bualihg and other diverulona wav odulgol in bul tha clunar aavufi lo lt ln arranglig for agrlultaral eihlbllloito uuui tttedaj rtrangetltai it l not o bob on unih ililuk lbi to tbv day- of dir oallo it 114 rw- tkar bout i not ii mclal ff n- ottltopahaf tb mo4 la akuiwulg b tunu haiul awl t u rjoil pol o w will bavo uijira urioua tlua atill n ilwra it no caittovt of lb ireaw uloj- lunuilv ujuii ibarabbaxli f v bufcitha ami puau a ato ig with ntlisr f mui of hirtl irgihluloaa omu lmt wo tw uvjul work dot o aetoti by a iwa plaailng eomaalauii n oamultth aa la bvlag uadarlakaa in eonaa otbr pbe 1 hub b eommuutod wltb poww to ek3t or eomultu elmply to edvla ubjht b lb mwana of uucb vela aid parmuont luprovjbat tb waltar ijiail tra mlgbb wjl it oonemerayl attreab ma ay war planted tweaty flv or thirty yaafeaowhleb bav now uom w uryetbata good rvnill la haatity aad ufulhwodu b attained lf in many ctia half of thd wr rnid tb uft would bav butar rbaao to anpasj naturally and uuoh of dark damp phtoe would be luprovvl belug od tb birat prlvaudtlioaeoaiidoc do much about it tbadavvlopmatito tbaoovwnmatiawna lb hnprov of etajn bldaoua earner and aay other tdattwd might l ooaaldarvj and oounael gives by sub body acton being od tb great highway from toronto to tb gtalpbaad beyond country abould look iu but to paealag toull thatu if they tale um to took homesbbkkhs txcubbioms to westkbh canada tbaorand trunk railway byatam ifcui round iriplloiriaaaekar tlokaiu at very low fare from utation in canada to iwiata in uanltolw baavatehawan and allwrta aanl tuaejay uatil october slat inolualv vu north bay cochrane und tranmontlnen- ul itout or via cbuwgo bl paul and ikiluth and ar good returning two uontli from data of laeu through tourist aleaplng ear ara oper ated each tuaaday for winnipeg leaving toronto 1043 p ta via tranecoaunefltal itout without change luaervatloa in touriat alaeper may baobtliriatnmnlttml charge on aitpllealioii to unt ul trtmk ticketoffica tba grand ri pnolth 1uiway u tb abort und qui t roiili iwtween wlnhlpeg baakatoan uud kilmnn ton with unieoth toadlted abwtrlo lighted alaepiug ear tjirougli tha newaat moal plcluraaquti ami moat rapidly developing auction of weaiarn canwla ihif or deciding on your trip nth drain trunk agent to furiilah full mtrtlciilara or wrltec e homing dm i lot lnhitgr agentv toronto ont important events whlah have oo- curred horo and thoro tim methodlutu of cniinda inat yonr rnlaod ovor 10olt00 for mih- bloh tbo drltlhh oovornmimt took atao to purchaao largo ntoeka of wheat and dour tbn director of national darvtco nro confarrlttg with sir tliomaa talt nt ottawa john ilamott aonlor cuatoma ofll- clnl at wlndaor dlnd after anvaral wba lllnoaa kmcbt lieut harold carlhahar n toronto aviator wan killed wear dover ijlngland tlin lflgtli quoona own itlflea lluttalfou toronto waa give a a hearty aondotf from camp llordau ilerlln apparently i preparing the public ror htatemoiita telling or new withdrawal during prut fow day hnv j it doll of laurel waa elected moderator or tlio ireuhyter- ian bynod of toronto and kin k ton promlor norrla or manitoba and premier hcarat of ontario bad an informal conference in toronto ye- torday planu worn dluciiuacd for tha rain- lug or i2ro00o by toronto for the ilrltlih hod croaa during a three- day campaign thin mouth flvo hundred more army sorvieo men are naked from cnnada by tbo wni orico being nondnd in counoc- tluit with trannport und nupply work the wlrnlcaa proa or london bau rorolved word from madrid by way ot loino hint uio flpaulab oov- ernminl bun given definite ordem prolilhltlnic tlm rovlctunltlng or aub- iniiiuou in dpuulah wntoru alujoi jaiiic hliornmrd of queen- utt u ii piiimur in tbo hood roada luovriuonl in ontario and superin tendent of tbo wellnml county eye- toiu for tlic imut tliroo year waa killed by a m c it trnjn at llrook- lili ultilo driving lilw auto across tbo track riiuiihim 1 l twelve died in tho aniaea wood llonpltnl n ul tluiiunn a lb rcaitlt o injiirta from hit klik of n toll w i llunljlii llcllmil r- a nfcoiul year atudent at quicn university euttorod concuanlon nf ibe bralr a a result of the artn rui ti tuouduv cbrlatlan ledin nrutglaii ex plorer and ctbnogrnplur ban re turned to winnipeg from the far north whore ho npent ilir jcrj and tbroo month nmong tlm kubl uoi a hurricane that awipt over tbo den ub wcat lodlea lalaude oa mon day night and tuoaday morning caused the worat dlaaater in tholr blatory blx peraona are reported hilled ldward ii devlluo m p p or kiuihiiho waa antenced by jujao ilanuhi in the dutrtct court in ha sina tlaak to earvo three yeara on teu count in couuoctlou with tbo road fraudal uumluatlon of tbo military tbuafls of koro to 187k man be tween tbo age of 58 and 63 will take plaxo thla month in the province of uradenburg in which darllti is situated kduiund a wall probably one or tho beat known uiualcal instructor la tha united state and for nuu years o mo in bar ot bouaaa fatnoua baud died in lluatsvllla ont of urlgbta dlaoaad llrlgadlaroeoarat philip howell ha been killed in action ii was uonttouod in despatch laat year and was mad a codieoutbder bt tba order of bt michael and bt george he waa 39 year old pluday italian guna woo a groat victory in th now trloat drive the causa ot tb atlu whji upheld at th lpucopal coaventloa in flb louis oxford county council will give 110000 this year to tbo urhlab ltod croaa qaoraj sumbrakatl was cbaati war ul hitter of tha provisional oiwk cabiaet at balonlca blr wilfrid laurlor told tbd wo man a canadian club at lob dan ha la a coavert to woman suffrage tvemlar haarat declaroa ha ha no luiantlon of ralgnlng ood has not been offered t kit on tbo ranxh the toronto city council deldvl to inaure cltluua of toronto who aiv- llatej in outoftown tvglmanta he knnejs wrlgbt auca to ronto niau was fatally cruobad ba- twaoa b waciin oiul a building at nia gara cimp tb jury fouud that walter mont gomery at uldoe township was hsur- drd on october 3 but did cot nania th el ay at tbr prekbyierlan fivntd or 1o- routn und klngutou fnora holding thaaltecu b c day on vrdaeaday bi- tead of kvinday light frelabl rars oadod wltb oata aul dour piled into a illtnli ui wbitb juuclloa thrco h ng rniuan- od lo nirtibwood pap ulr frnnk uoajau of tba mu natloai airic on mated an a prlvato and uon im notion on tb hum 0 been ntomiu tndod for tb victoia croaa wuplaik ucw of tho indiana oa trial at wo nor chamod jtb the murdnr of ura suid ula krtaa 1ft lib- nur admlttod in detail the murder and wna found gwllty the director of national bervlco have uiuod s summary of tbalr conclusions uad tropoals for utilis ing canadas raau power to iba best advsuuko for tho rt of tba war ulan dertha alorriaon cs pap aveuu toronto drova a tnotiir cu as tbo ldwaut at danfortb antl ca university fudge the lmiiiii sagwcaot itodkglto ihetxtipetor ituuulutuiyatliefuew wmu sisud a ted ball thdebiut cut from luitb package firm0 eapf lmnic sugaar tfuawlirpon isugat will please yortby ita purity tmuvui awe and bjgjbl bweetotlbj g powea tfui sugar aaifti tk vmd ball trad tgmark 10 20 and ly llb bas forboofc ojuvaaf atlaalla sugar abnerleelal rwfemlil muhxmkal taw nvonuiii limt nidi i hllllnit mr ilatul lloiui i till ilipn nvttmn nfla morrluon und hnr coinpiiiilou tlmrki ii hborl wen hulil on u clmrro ut miiiiulaukhtnr hatuhdav nlnnleoti persona hnve bcon billed in toronto this year by automohllfim king ferdinand of ltmimanla made an urgent plea for allied auslt- anre tho lnrninn otfenalve north of tbo plnak innrabu was checked by the hukalans the tnacherrt of icaat nnd wont york vliil led the ontario agricultural farm at ouolpli thoro in little piooiwct nf wlno and boor license according to hon j howard fflrgunon allied nvlatori cairled out an ef fective raid ou tbo oermnn rifle workh at oliemdorf harrison proctor of kant uwllllm- bury died wbllo milking ft cow on bis farm wboro ho had npont his llfe- tlmo of 01 yoarn twentyhnven more motorltu in cluding twelve from toronto wera fined 10 each for speeding on the toronto hamilton highway jack cuhtnaii it farmer of wast ilroughtnn quo was found dead in his wagon on the liltthway and mur der by tramp 1 uuapnetad dronchlng rain at camp ilordou caused tho projected ceremonial pa- radu before blr bam hughes to bo tailed oh hut ho partly inspected tho camp tim on trio lkonn- nofrd is watchina tlio sales of invalid wines with a vlow to pro icutlng druggfata who nail audi for beverage pur- poaon oonrrnl unilllo orotco of tbn za- pfata forces who has caused much troublo in tho stoto of mexico was captured in tho nearby hilts yester day with twelve of his men tbey tvoro miiumarlly shot movdav one french aeroplane an satur day waa hit by 200 bullets ilorlln nays 1000 troops war lost on tin i ronrh t- import osllla kolliiii lrou i i do further gains ou tbo elo o i of lount pasublo hovortl nujptui i blind pigs in tlio rant out ol u ito ware raided harry yitcu fill g feet in a itoyal ihnk liulldaiu t levator shaft in to ronto alinbtod in i ator and was not killed lieut fol tho karl of paths lias been injured at the fronl it is not believed that bis condition is uirlouo jacob tobias aged sis of 17 la- planto avenuo toronto died from lu- jurles rccoivod wbon be wss struck by a motor car tbo rut 17ctb ibsnd 17stb and ht3rd ilattalluns and drafts for soveral oibsr units in various hranchru havo safely reacbad kng- isud an important bonce was author ised by tho iknolo of the uulveralty of toronto involvlug tba introduction or a six year couioe ror medical stu dents judgi macbeth la london ruled on haturdsy that churches are not cnodjbtd from local improvement cj j almllgr taxation ao muit pay for garbage collection the copenhagen polltlkea say that u haaimsrukjold tha llwedlab premier will resign and that be will be succeeded by k a wallenberg minister of foreign affair work is to be begun at one od an a ro piano factory to be establish ed by tba imperial uusluoas hoard at toronto the total coat to b about a million dollars sod tb capacity six maculosa a day yulhday an epidemic of tin sic was la sweeping oenuany tha total of drltlsb rssusltlae durj lug last week was bb i uerlous food rlola occurred im hungarian centres of population i dr tboma carter or hobrtoa died a the result of a paralytlo stroke alfred allard and alpbooa ls- bland were drowned in tb tit c bar- la itlvar nssr quebec hon colonel lis try cockahutt baa given 11100 to th uraatford y u c a to rover the membership of all kbsklclsds c w c weatafay assistant uan ager for tbn uasay harris co at luglna accidentally shot and killed himself wbll buntlog canadian frsb frown bab la to be sent for llrltlah aoldlcrs a rmt having come for an oder of on and a half million pounds london health annoclatloa is lo rvrt it ffl 000 tiu oiling for tubr- eulou nljlers at thi nquat or tba ullltsry lloapllalu commlulon bouth uray liberals selected w if wright of owen bound and tv uaarns of hanover as federal and provincial candidates rpectlvty tbo toronto city council votad 176000 for tho llrltlah uad crow fund end tb campaign was launch ed at a rousing meeting la usay hall itobert cooper manager uipla leaf ullllng company wsllaud was nouilnated for lb odtarlo laglalalure by tbo liberals la con vention st wslland j kslloy a former tnemb of tha standard juak eubf at thuoaburg has enluted in iba lib laauklllea dragoons lha last of saean soas to on tor th kluga serrlea hon o howard irarguaoa an nounced that tb govarutaattt lun- uad lo build mora blgbclasa roada in th provluea wltb tba toronto- hamilton highway aa a uadl jamas ouholay who sat la tba urltlsh parliament aa tba uambar for tba western division of cork county ireland since 1885 dld at cork yesterday ho was an irish na tionalist and was saventyaa years old uyl new govintto ills csaeuaasfay ottawa oct 17 official an- nouncemeat is made thst canada now goveraoraenaral tha duke of devoashlra will be referred to aa hi uxosllency and not hb qraea uy reason of being a duka ha 1m ealltled in a personal way te tba latter address feuding tba arrival of tba nw ooveruomlenara blr charle sttav bdtylck chief justice is acting an isfmiautrator of tho govenuxtanl ohildron dry ror fletchers gi a t0 f a this week our store news letter gives special prominence to tne announcement that we have installed a new hemstitching machine in our dresgmakfrig department this is an clcctricpowcr machine tho onlv one of mi kind or of any kind in the city heretofore orders for lie m tit itching have had to ho cent out of town the installation ot thiw mtchinn in our d rest making department hah been hailed with delight by our guelph patrons for hcmtmtchinfy in now a very popular form of trim mine for silk or cotton blousen froclc etc and the delay and extra expense cauued by sending orcjtcrb out of town can now be avoided on all acton ordebs we have decided to prepay rkttlrn postage every order will be executed immediately upon itti receipt and natitifaciioii is guaranteed in every particular orderti coming to ui then from out of town patron h can be fulfilled with almost as little delay and expense an tor our city patron prices by the yard are aa follows with cotton thread tc willi silk thread loc in hcaltopg isc cotton ulouaob vjttc up blltt btouwii uttt up minimum clmrgo loc cotton thread is supplied but for tulkfabricti two spoolb ol the desired mut are necessary d e macdonald bros limited guelphs leading and largest store wynjhura mhcjobmi tuad garden slrecu guelph oai ilil ita hard on tha nowapapar kveiy wck inakea it clurar ilut the uewpar buainea la in the nildn i f a criia und thoe ongu ini to lhotktuniioit hmhlnim iu to biiiiw uhtr llwy are au never a large money mallhir lui nm at ita lii like irtmandiiim livcrato in tb coat of production fa making hib lidiara tbinb as tby never thought ufor aa a matter oi fact after a little ariou tltouubl tome have quietly auppwl out of i uslue a eoud of wek ago the hiiu burg luavei yuulad up the jouraalutio kbot and quietly alu into tb newspaper iioiia uany weekbe have incivaaad tlwalr ubacri4loo irlcwi 60 ir cent ollrahave radursd lla alie of blr iarera in in altaupt lo cop uiih niodaru coiwlluoo oruuvllu luiioar a gsoo suit v6r- m cost w k arirtfcuontf of hamilton i alaried un action again tt uayor hoiitb of lturlltigtoo for tioo damagea f r tu dlb of s dog a ioodl ouaa bv plalutln bit uayor hmkh aiul follow leg this it i tajutd tbt tba uayor vm to tla plain utt iboui and doundd lb dog eudlwl it ttluj ihalntincoaleula tbo bltlug dul not pro tb dog to th vlctooa at j aa it w s v alu bla allual b 6ks iiaing halt0h commercial courses claststat noworsh luuudlna aiudanta should rjixr at dti pall ioforiutlon upon sppli lfttkiu to mr msxkolibt rmocipil lralrvtw ria astoat ummv ah uteri robtnoble best flour oa the market british columbia potatoes com chopped cora creeled cora lboppl wjieat uran soil bbom j lwabsen wahaouh rdllihomh for saturday boseur window ns in ilracelet watches bxceptlonal val- watcbe uirap m and up also que koldflllad hlglb watchts atliaoo each e j liphnrdt jmuunauloliluia aotoh omipaillo bnk u unimmwwvwei firmly enthenched the dank ot hamilton u not depend ent upon tha prosperity of any one sec tion of ttta country it is a well ou- tfohuhttd institution wllubreucheaspread ovtr canada at each of which a general banking buuness 1 transact uu georgetown branch sil whmkav low 3fib2ses nnnno look over this assortment of fancy bread baimn loaf made with sunmaid raisins and citron peel this in a new loaf and a rood big eeller milk loaf mtide with mult and fresh rweet milk 12 ounce loaf fie bound quakes loaf with a thin crispy crust 12 ounce loaf lie coffee cakes 5c cinnamon koi ls 12c to iced bins 12c uoz doughnuts 10c dot thebo are made fruth every day and are sure to please you get them from our driver or at the store russells hkryhh bhuai wakunu mill st acton ont rl ilruiuu buy madeincanada goods

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