Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1916, p. 4

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tflfje ttaix 3fttt rcs tiiuuhiv oiiom it a idki tirt little dos amd don ts two noiiipiiitlix f tjililmw lu a inarthlui ihroiiuh tint uorlil i lin ono v id j ii liu trn miliar out thottlhor tin mi or inliil oh child miut truwil witli thotii iii anl of will mill uflntt t ami inuroh iimonlr lilu cninriiilen willi tha llttlo ihwunri itaitfa tha plaaahtit lh huh tha hntpitil ihliiipi tho worth whilo lhinjfh uml trno aw wluit tholr pliulif a rcqulra of kadi lnynl uttlo lk thy twuul to marry tnuuio ami thayro buay no the boaa i ami tliay frtahan tlnwl vooplo llko i jolly ogauu brrov cum doota o nothing thy never try to 111 tha tttnpty ttiliiutdu haura anil dua thay vo neither at ro nub nor will tli world muwt turn with their old i vor halp it aplu they wont i hfipa that ymi will navar ba jk ihum idt iwt pauline tf ranee cmp in kxchano walk as though you were somebody nvr allow your phyaloal atamlard to drop kmi up your energy t walk aa though you war aoiaabody and war gn ing to do nam thing worth whil in th world ho tliat van m ttrabgar will not a your barlnr and mark your auparlorlty if youhava fallen into a habit of walking in a lifaloaur indolent way turn right ahoul faa at onca and inalia a cunntjo on dont want to ahuflta along libs the failure waoftan fcoaaittlnii around on pail lunch or lolling about tha atrra with tbir hand in tbclr ocbal or haunting fnui i igwio office and woiida nig why fat haa u m unl wltli tlmn vou dont wuli to glv paopto tho imprrtalaii that you aro dlaoouragad or that you ar already fill iu if to tha tajr you cannot aaplr or ooootaplub gruto nohh thing w loair a you utunu thi atllluda aej barring of a cowan or wik hug if you would ba nohlaaml do nohla thing you tnuat look up vou war inula to look upward and to walk uptight not to look down or to tdiauhu along in a uml horlumital uwitiod put character dlgni ty nobility iuto y our walk milburns trleaktttad nervc pills cumfetb sahatuct amiy riplafa catit ww tt fulifij dalnou wrlua a abort time oo i auflaod ttdai heart troalu wblch tecnij to coau oj mc vcy mdiuuly y wai so lid that ot tlbuait ratum at 11 it wot all xcoull do to breatli2 x noticed oil onoouaco- ttuut of mulnima hurt and ntiv villa and dcldd to gtve twi a tul alter taking two or lhr tuyatxt- uuut i flt fine aad my heart baa oat hoihtrtd me aluce if utla uitioiony would be of any servlce to otbert you tu at liberty to ue it to all wto ttiber tragi any torn of htait troubk mtlburoa heart ami nerv icilli will glvi protupt aad nenmuunt relief tluyfetrcuftbeii nd tnvlittratetbaactlofi of tbj hiaxt a- toae up uu wbol ay utd j mbtumv hurt and nvj skua art w ceau pr box or 3 boxu for i12 for iiiu at all cuaura or uialtej direct ou rjpt of price by ybe t uubiirt ox umltnl toraato out pable3 0pl0ho aoo oo6 upon a tiiua wbaa th world waa yaaair all tb inuou p4jwd in rvlw ba- for tha gnl klftf huh ob in turn waa atrnj tool tah for which h waa paou lllily fltud tha buwaa kid jan to glw boaay item th tlowra aad to ato it oar folly la wasw oju th huturfly waa daldd to fit blthar and thithw frou uo aool to bloaaoid wva ilia uaayhmlord wlaa aad ald to tit lkauty of tha aartb th aat wu oaauaudd to toll hually day aftar day aud tat an eicurapl of thrift and aaortoojy laat of all tha llttt hlaok cifcktt cud la ahininjr ortaar lupad ua- ton thsftrcjaikinjr what canal thou do tay tiny aubjaott atkcul tha hajf bng eiauy i eaa ehaar uaablnd with bjy om sou aad ha faithful ehirpod tha orlflkm taaj tly it la well said tha klojf lfiaiwirihflly tbrouahout all th natulan utfa it ahall 1 uiy uak to alno tha w4ary world to auap during tha piiooful launur night thou aluut navar eaaaa thy toothing ou and allurtha tirad d ohlldran ahall blaaa thaa for thy lull aby and tha erloket ba baoa faithful to it trtut throughout th lonkcoturli novar fsaaalajfblataadotoaouacrtekcrak eiswk ia tha qulat autumor nlgbtav magic madthlf i powder wahmna lov it takou n liltlnlktl hum to ninkn tin elicu in pino nt hut it ijilvm only tho in lllltico of ono uomiui to ninkn n homo i not only mlmlro woiimti um tho wout lumiitlful ohjoct hiir ercntod hut i rovoroiico her nu llio redectned ulory of inmiiniltj tho unnitunry of ull vlrtuos tho pledco of nil perfect qualltlea of lionrt mid bond it la bocmiao women aro no niiicli holler tlinii tnou hint tliclr fauku nro coimldowd greater tho ono tlilnff in thin world hint lu conxldorod comitnnt tho only pedk that rlaaa nhovo tlio clondu tho window tu wldcb tho unlit biinia forovor i ho ono utar tlint darkucaa cannot queue li u wo- moiiu lore it rlaea to tbo craloat iioiliii it alnka to tho loweat doptha it forclvca tho moat cruel injurlea a woinnua lino la hie iwtrfumo of tlia heart thla u the real lovo that aub- iluea tha cartli tho iov that hna wroiiqbt mlraclott of art that clvta ua utuiilc all the way from cradl moae to tho grand aympbony that bear ti ton i nwny tin lima of flr a lova tbnt u crcater than power iwhler thin llfo aud mtroneor thau dtatb ilobert o incaruoll wt trtillej willi stmieh id liver rait tevkm vaei uuiiuins laxalived pius curko hkkt mn tiotius sargent xleiwuy oat writ 1 have been troubled with my toauub aad liver for the post uvea ye al bavj hod conbtipatlon cau uhj kfail bockocbea and duiy ipeuabdattlnus i would ahuoat fall dowu 1 tried all kluda ul medicine without obtalnlna auy relief i ooia menced uauix mubunia luxauver pllla aud they have cured tue x have recom mended tbcni to many of my friend and they ara all very much pleaed with the retults they have obtained frou their um mltburna loxallver phia have beeu on the market for the past tweutyflva yeara and can be procured frou all the price la 3b ceuta per viol or ave vuia for j 00 if your dealer doea not lceep them they will be mailed direct on receipt of price by the t milburo co lunltej to- roatooab nooaned endure the agony of oorua with hollowaya cora cur ab hand to re uovethatn iroliteueaa la an air ouahlon that auaa tha lall twohaadaare batter than otut encept in a family obildren ory ror fletchers cast or i a tha om atrofltf int for the buay be in net in hi favor wlnungn are never hung unul after they ha bm eumtitod creabad qlralta perlmpa tho tuout rvmarbiiblo and inlrlcnto strait in the world la likely to bo clitic lied on iho acrap htap lis day ublcb imran into in hi i ory u alninat ocr tbo ianama cans haa diverted mrwt of llu truftlr aud will preuntly divert uiucli mora the fa bioui explorer mneiltan waa tbo tlrat man to hrao hie tlnncom or tbla tor tuoua paahac ii did it in a wind ja miliar but oa a rule only atcauiihlpa follow in hla train it la too crookad a atralt for tho kill inn lit p in hip hrnt place llu trull of ilifil la it u m iuiim lotiu it 1j sa twisty and iwndy an a tirjunt or an and in placou it la flaelrd with eiiow cap- pd mniiiitalna 7 oort toet mali it would lwl matteru if ahlpa rould anchor hut tin v i aunut tha wolrr la too deep do tliu strait iish narar ikn popular with sal ii iik aklppru and uwy prt frr tlw rlcora of tho horn and aaeral buudrvil ml tea farltw around yha cboarlkd wasnt raawhj pronflnor ii u te f mrolh mil vcrslty law mikkii uoh nca addr inn tho ontario liar aksoclattou and tha oacaodn hull uliiilnta were pn ut of rour4 ivan ivi a addrvaa bad to lie punctuated hy ilia umial alu dfule outhurata dean led louclwj mi aiulcut and mo4leni law aud tlw mcthothf of inirycm and tulc tak ins up one lino of least probfeuitf he auld mow if i aoled a lawyvr of auch and audi an oc tbla rjiiatlon ha would answer e and go or aoiiutbluu to that tffoct hut cooling down to tha prent day if i went to ask th aaraa qutlou of an oiiaoodn liall utu dedt instantly llto nouo begau th fetudauu yelled and choerwl aud applauded and atampud on tbo floor aud pododad tbclr dfaks it wb aome noise but at last it aubttded dean lea nnrumad want on to nay if 1 wr to ak an otfood hall atodeut he would anawmr i dont itaow h 8ig af the maidiiee the united butea marine corpe u ualqu in all branch of tho american mricai la bavins duttnctivo march- but onjf that b a awlney and catchy oa tuny of the foretjrn mardihyt iiojta true weet point bma lb ben ny klavbtu souff and the seventh car- airy marcbeai to the luaplriimt tone of garry owa bat the italhf of uon- tadtuhui u kunjr by all who mir the muta uniform ooa vertoe th uang a favarit one tun our na uafurud to vry b krvooi dawa to aluiut aun w have f ouabt in avry ciinm and tuea wbr w eould take m aun in the ww or faroar nohbru land and bi auuuy troplo acanae you will tutd ua olwaya on the jeh th dulud htataa marirual hi own pult bald the waller to a nobry cam par ty in a hotel bedroom ive been mot to ask you to make lean nolso gentle nun the gentleman lu the next room iuiya ho caut road toll blm waa tbo reply of tha boat that be ouaht to be rtibamed of blmuir why 1 could read when i was five yar old duhuhde du wo tide nro auppoaed to be com posed of pure carbon at leaat the authorities toll us tbat auch is the caw tho couesla of the diamond re mains jao of tlio unuolred probloma of bcleucn with the lialaueo of tbo evl donee favorluff tbo theory of venebtblt orltlft oti way t reet there la nolbluif that will reat yoo o quickly oa to elt on n atrolobt back chair and llftlnp tho feel from the floor push them out in front or you nt far as possible stretch the anus put the head back opon llio raoutb wide and nuke yourself yawn ouoht to cha him narffwliats the matter old maor youre looklno wretched pouevta not mytulf ut all today flutf oh conic tlintw imllilnu tu feel wretebed aboutl uxcuause- still a oaby the last time i now bltu was t urty year auo wbon ho uou a baby well 1 aaw blm yesterday and ha hasnt cbanuod a bit th differ iim what is the dlffcrouc be tween a flddloraiul a vlollulhtv alwint nno an eveuluif my chlldv uiimlcnl amoticn children ory tor fletchers c ahafefitubtic vou thbtbltttj wahtsd there is no lacal anomthetlo that will penetrate dentlno which forma the princi pal part of a teeth that la why deatula hurt taath uo mueh wbon drilling bobta lu thm for fllllrujpi or wliao erlrtdlap thato down for fold erowna any one who will invent aomothliuf that can lie pubon a tooth to render lb intenaltlve for ten talnubw without injuring it has a fortune awaltht hiu cealnandnovoealne wbleh aaro utad aa local anaetltlhotles in ether parte of fh body have no effect upon the teeth as they cannot penetrate the bard tluue of which t are oompoaed how to keep well tlv john w h kimiutxoidan md dkii 4ki oflokit ov till prownoxai doaill 4w iiuatril frooo vnkantlkiu iauaivhih tiiir ir a dinhasis of a portion of tha front part of llu i plm rnrd it occurs cblady in youn children of from two jmn 1 1 touil cm yiirn but may occur in adults in ontario wi hnv oeraiilonnl cusoh ovory year but tho severo outbreak whlih liuu oklntiul in mow york and otbar places in the united fltaicn h madn our pcnpln anxlotlii loot a nlmllar npldomle may occur in thin prnvlnro homo ranos aro novert plvllik aymptoms audi an till b fi r vomltlim beadnchc mid pnlns in tbo limbs succeeded by nnvoro pmalyalm of icimipi of munclem o thorn ore very mild with perhaps few or no nymiionui h yond louu of nppntlto n little rlao of temperature and porlinpn iiomc vomltlim or tbnro may no symptoms to nttmet attention until the clilld oliowu so mo wonknsa in tho leau or nrma accompanied hy rmmn allnht oren ai it la thoiikht that thi very mild canes ofton unrccokiilzcd nro llio anon which up road tbo dluaaao it is bhiovod that tho dlknw carried from om putlcnf to inoilier throiibb tbit medium of tbe dim horse from tho nom tbrnil nul iniiuilnun it may bo carried hy files wh di bave ample opportunity of cu i nj into contact with tbo ducharfees in ordor that llio cbancoo cl m wldcaproad authnnlc may 1k mliilinlzrd as much nspooalblo the following precautions aro recjulrld by tin provin cial hoard illxatmovh auaivflt 1 kvory caoc muni bo quui miliifd for till iuhkahi a period df bix warkn 3 all clilld ron who 1 nve bi n in eon- tact with a coup mult lo quarantined aud kept und r oh rvatlon for a period of two wcks 3 adult in an lf r a or tbr family who nro wii i iruim may un nllowcd to an about their war i ubject o the itmulutloin of in irrwlrjrial hoard and on tbe dlacrotlon of uo medical ottlcor or health h whero thoro is an outbreak tatberlneu af ehlldren aurh as at plrnlcn plctui i shown and playsrouuda ahould bo prohibited 5 tim nnurco of orlkln of each case should bo carefully inquired into in onli r flint proper quaranllno may bo maintained fg in luubfn where caaea appear all doom and wlndowii nliould bo ccri enrd th picmioea kept clean and no accumulation ot sarbneo or wimto pt rmlttt 1 7 all raced should bo at unco noli hod to tho medical onlcer or health and hy blm to tho chief oqlcor or the provincial hoard m mill rosea rihowluu allebt headache rliin or temperature and vomilnij p rslstluk for a fow days with allrht muncular weakness and thinner of paralysis should bo quaranllnnd thi ro ar- probably ono of thi rhh r no urn n or rontaauou the b yutone or the prwvnntloii or infantun paralysis ih o cot trark of tin ruau n nd carrlnrs and to control ttumi 0 aa infantllo paralysis is a moat serious illiumee und in the pn n t pmcnilc ftvlna a high datb rats tho public is urtftd to mcoul tho erforta or iba suthorltua in every way lu order lo prevent a w vire uutbnak in tbo province 10 all tuatorlsls sucb s cloths etc carrying secrttluna and dls charpon froju patients sbould be buruad bollj or dulnftclod kor s4iveral days tbe tourw of lafsntlu parslysli is that of an ordinary inrectlous disease ibjtwu tha flmt and sltb daya more or teei muscular wodkntba lit kins tbla is kduerlly prscedad by aorvtieaa in tho limbs if the child la not under the rare or a phyltlau paruts should take mt or any romplalnt or t vide neo or this aoru and call ibelr doctor a allcnllon to it the muiclcb may be tealej by bavlug the patlant draw hl kura up ntralnst the restating band or by hwiaj hlru push his rect ussliiet resistance in from on or two weeks vuctrtcal tea la will abow that ibo muscle and liervia or dekcneratiag tbla kpi up for about slk mouths in twoior thre wufki fin ahrlnklhk of thai muules la apparent to the eye llonin rosfs ihow 1 title or uo dauertlob of luusclts in all ta it la a gradual i roccsfl this should be bsgun oa aoon j tha uoiiwratura bcomos iiortual aud tbo borcuess in the muscles baa sribidd tb limb atftwd should be glvu auu msnlpdutlob tha muscua should be till atm i t ol- mlwlilii llahtly plbeud and knj3d utwwu tba ibprt ualttg vasatlno or cocoa butur to nuke the nnkflra run smoothly uanlpubulon or tbe paralygd lliub mut l p niriil in dont t any quack oalaopatb or chiropractor latrfre with it thi re la no magic about it pat 1 cut twrluut wotk will be mrti my to nccorupllab rvults it la teuarkable tbo roaulu tbat ea be oltnlu d by theso simple methods of tajtlmsut bsblulflsh kaluf for uuftarloff itaywhoc ii wlioe ufa la toad utteraue by the uftw intf lliat cat froa ibjljfuoa aad has not trud rvrualaoa yetrubu puia do not knew bew aauly thls formidable foe can be dlt with tbeae pills will rjuv wu others fail tby are tle tuu of a loag and patleat study aad are eoafuwitly put forward a a sore corrwtor of dlwlre of tli dljieetiv orjrana froui which so many uftwr cdnitipeilarl- tw uai fef o ics a not to be cured by haran purwi- tfvea they iratnur afftfvavata the tawdtla imaua wt sb- laxauv uaf ckaaawlala a bkrtuhb tka lliw uaa ta aiiihfcaj iwkael tka at chamberlains tablets wdmart best frund jsill war si uatajurw wli4 taaa smi v u vrwaaj m auaa haakjky kmwl ataaali tab a ttttou btraaa yaalai u ajaf ai ti ajorttraaibal saj tw ttivs hm hi aaa hy pa a all rlnurautatirl rrkyamjltvaaa aa a venal utf tliere is nothing so potent as uother graves worm exterminator and it oaa be riven to th most delloato clilld without rear of injury to the conatltu tlou a irl docenb tlitak much of her parent idea of tiuurruge borne women ore ttora clever somo bteu- uful and some jott leara to be good oooka industry is the mother of luocess a hiucilois cbre cholera infantim by dr fowlers brrhaotawildsttawbebrv choltrt lafanttim ls oue of tbe most c ununcr eowplalntj of infanta and many die who could be saved ii properly looktd aftsr on the first alga of it betuu with a profuse dlartfaoea very often accompanied by vomiting and tha matter ejected from rjtaatotnach has a buloua appearance tbe child rapidly loses flesh and becomes weak and on the first elgu of tholera infauttun pe powlera kxtract of wild straw berry should be administered and thus check the dlortboea before it hecomea tepolervhasbewottthomukett 0 the past seventy years ao you are not eipetlmcatuig with some new and untried remedy when you use it but be sure and get dr 1owlers when you aule for it mrs b a clrwell itoaaway n8 writes i can recommend dr iowura bxtnct of wild strawberry most highly a friend of ulna had a little dauahtes mho waa 111 with cholera infantum and was given up by the doctors tbe hubs ones mother asked ma to come in and m the child i told her x bad a bottle of dr jfowlerv and naked her if tba would try it when tha bottle was half used the child was well this cure waa a mlraculous one for i thought the child waa dying at the time the genuine dr powlcrs ststract of wild strawberry is manufactured only bvtnetmuburdco i limited toronto out 35 out a remarkable statement jmrtsjiuortspiit 1900 lor treatment wiiliaut bcntv tit fuiiiuyimiux4wulyy lyjia flnuuuna veg- ctablo compourla englawood lib while fgoiuu through tha chang of life i hufffwd with headaches ner vousness flaahea of heati and i suffered so much i did not know what i waa doing at times i pent tldoo on dou lara and not ona dul ma any good one day a buy called at my bouse aad said he hid been aa alek sal was atone time and lydia h hnk- nams vetfetablo pound msdebaif well so i took it and i am just u well aa i ever waa i cannot understand why women dont soe how much pain and sufrrw they would eecapo by takluayourmcdldrie 1 cannot praise it enougfi for it saved pjv nwl kept jna from the insane m- shklooh seta a luistod 8l knglewood 111 physlclmbundoubtedlydldthelrbesl luttlod with this ease auadlly andoul3 do no more but of tn the moattcfamtlflo trstttment u surpassed by the nvadlclnal proncrtlea of tha rood old fashioned roots and herba contained in lydu b i ink hams voffeublo comikwnd if tiny eomnlleatlon oslsu it imys o write the tydto h -liilt- for spoclal iva advlotu tub s0ldihju fhayitl lord robert gave the follow log pmyer to tbe aoblhim during the south afriaan war i almighty rather i have eftrj sinned agajual thee o wash mo in the precious wood of the lamb of clod villm with thy holy spirit that i may lead new life spare toe to see again those whom i love at boms or fib ine for thy presence in pesos strenfrthen us to quit ourselves like man ih our right and juabcauu keep us faithful unto death calm in dangar patient imuflcitfog merciful as well as brave trua to our kik our country and colour ii lb be thy will enable ui to win vic tory for england but above all grant us a bstur victory over temptation and sin ovtr iffe and death that we msy be more thin conqueror through him who loved u sad laid down ills life for us jesus our saviour die japtslo of the army of hod amen castoria vat kofubi utd chlmrta lalla farovar soyaatw uub lb in for lam back a brisk rub blngwitblv thorn eclmtiio oil will out buna back the skin will immediate ly absorb tha all and it will penetrate the tuetms and bring speedy relief try ibaml beosnvlnoed as the linemsnb sink lb the pain comes out and there ore ample grounds for saylngthat its touch is wigloil as lb it i bluttoe la tlio wisest orgumeab of an i r- noraab man x botultma a ear excuse li uttr than a dossu good one the garruious fool usually nuts hi throit with his tongue th note of somhr severity it now rarely hstrd intermona a ho lank aaayrla thsra is no aajijrla ut tho preuent day a larco part of hyrlit iwioiibcmi for nwhllo to tho undent mnplro of tho assyrian klimi nnd it lu nltogother probable that lh word tiyrln lu in ub brovlatlou of ausyrla ancient assyria was tho country between the armenian mountains in tbo north and tbo ullu vial plain of lutbylonfa lu tbe south tho tigris hi tbo woat nnd tbo moun tains of kurdlatan lu tbe rest tbo uamo nlso included the varylncf nmplra which included from time to time dlf- rereitt parts of tbo adjacent territory homo of the claaslcal writers plainly include llabylotila and mesopotamia in assyria tbo assyrian emplro cam to an end about coo ii o and after its fall the tumo of adisbono camo to be used for tha chief part of aaayrla proper in tho year 110 a d tbo uomun emperor trajan created a homau provlnco of aanyrls but the b tempt to restore tbo old uame was abandoned by tha tttnperor hadrian tha modem uarno of syria is given both to tbe actual turkish vilayet west of palestine- and to the larger region which includes the vilayet of syria and stretch northeast luto ajeppov trait of the zulu it is a recofiuued fct say thai southern workman that the kulu trlbo la one of tbe tlneat lu aootheni africa the zulu has a sturdy frame a strong cheat woudorful hg tt mngulflceut teeth and qua mucla u can stand hunger fatigue and wpo- suro while be la slow to adopt modam metboda or tillage irrigdtlod and fat tlllslug ho u begluulug lo raacnbv tbalr ndvaiitsgra his boapltallty in- dltrervuei lo pain stiae of humor good tohipwr love of eblurmj and trustuortbliws are all good trmlta lo bb chars cur ii la a manly sod- incu not a crluclug toady atd in bis linlurul atata u g utlauisn avry ut or him in lcncrai be is law abiding ftbd obe dient ami lie is not purpomly cnil lie lin a mixing muilcdl sue and a n m trlubl lnowudge of llm and rtijihm ilia powsn of slaxug anha uirii hut slightly iralaad stw xibf- dtnary cuillhf a itr ticnty la rallm a score bfaue ft rprvhiits the wliout man tin uur nnd ten 1ua 1 tuinloahaljy it liwslis a cut or mark in vry early tlnm wlwu men culd uot count iwyooj twnuty or oaa man it was uaual to cut a notch in a stick and uglu agutu aud ao it wcut on ona man two uua and ao ou tbla u why sluwp ar atlll counud by the sjnjiv now a tally yriicb tsllla cut or nicked manaan accouut hpt by tikdui of a notcbd stick and uutll tbo end or the feufbt- wotb ccmtury sucb sticks wr glvu aa axebequar rvoaipts accompanud by a wrltbaa doeutnut tbjj was alo the oanal way of leaplng accounts in tba looa of the middle hi the mrmbr of druiks or meals a customer bad were acored against blm on what waa ealled a tally slick and when it reach ed twutyt or a wbou man ba waa ctm to pay named afu the saint 8c oeorgi la always turning up on tba dannbe from at aeorgea in uadmi which dlsputoa with doaau- aachlngwu the claim to possess the real source of the river to tbo ul deorgea branch tba southernmost mouth at the delta glurgravo is ono mare of tbe pbuab aamd after the saint it be gan aa ban zorso or baa qloto ft the foartmqth century when it waa founded by tbe aenocse in tnodsrn jtoea aiurgevo has twice made bla- ory it waa the tormlnus of nou- usmua first railway tbo line from bukharest opened in isqo and in tba crimean war it waa defended with stubborn fury by tbo turks costing tbe noaslans 80000 men to take lb iloudon standard japanese preverba foma insects feed upon smartweed iffhero la no accounting for tastes if in a hurry go around tbe mora hasto tho less speed live under your own bat let well fssongh alone tbo mouth la tba front gate of mis fortune the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity u the clouds gather let tha householder look to bis roof a practical obi alberta this love i bear for you ta consuming mc declared tbo ardent youug man wllb tho big adama apple aud tba little salary wall declared tbe haughty dame i accept yoo but you know tbeaa daye tha consumer haa to pay tba tha thoughtful oetrlth b arab haa a curly belief that th ostrich lays twentyfour eggs but eventually hatchea only twenty three of them tha extra egg being kept by tba old bird for tba purpose of f eedinif bar young one on a hardware talk sea said the nut to tha uall it have toe a terrible wroncb to part from blm but i kuaw it would ba only a matter of m few days before ha would bolt anyway justice tbo only way to make tha ma of knankuid see tho beauty of justice la by showing thorn ui pretty plain terms tba conaequanca of injustice bydnay bmltb iiopo often digs it own gray with tu apailo of lodlacimuou iljiad pimples ail festering sores on her face when the blood gets but bcafab jutiiples aid festering sores are mm t break out oa the face and body to get nid of tbeur tha blood ehoum to ticanscd by dimloci slood bitters mrs charles jewell orrvule out writes i feel it my duty to write and tell you about what uurdock blood hitters has done for tnc i was so palo iboduoimlorat oil i also had pimple and fetttshng sores on my face and my head acted nearly all the time i bad been res ding in the paper ami saw that himlock lllood flitters wai good for such tro ablcs so i tried n hcufo andjiefore it wns it alf done x felt fine and when the ottle iras finished i frit ufce a new wo man i tell all my fruriidw about it and ndvlie levcryntic ttirvtbig from such trouble touc lilt ci i be re in otilv on h vt ii that is the kuiiiac iiiiiuiiriictvfl bv tfbe 1 mlt- burucivuultcd toiontdoot children cry for fletchers ciiroria elio kind von hnva alxvuyu jqionrrht mid wlilch iina 1ocu lu xnus for over im yctusi linu bortiotlio bljrnntiiro of and tint liccii rnado tinder hiu per- noiinl mipcfvlblon nlncoltatlnrancy allow no ono todncolvo youln tills all countorfoltm imllntlonw nnd tuatnstfooa aro but luxpcihtnonttt tlint trlflo xtltli nnd cdimirk- tho health of juolakitai and cbildrou llxiwirlcrico uuaiaut experiment what is castoria oaatoria id a limmlcsa anbatltuto for cantor oil ta- irorlu idropa und bmitlilnrr hympa it lu pleasant it contains uoltbor opium mokpliliio kior other murootlo vulistnnoei iu uge la ita biintuutoe it destroy wornia nmd adixiya sovcrtslmcius ior more tlinn thirty year it iiita lbu lu constant uso for tlio relief of ofaatlptttlon ilatuloncy wind colic ull tetulnr troubla and idlarrnoba it reffolitci tlio htomaclu and uowcu usalnillntatu oi ivood tflvlncf svalthy niul uatnral feloep rrhej cuudrena ianuooav ttio motjbxit irulxdu genuine castoria always piluro the signature of k la use for over 30 years tho kind you have alwaya bought amnmr r mrrnirmr look over this assortment of fancy bread raisin loaf made with sunmaid raimnti nnd curon peel this is a new toil and a ood big tdler milk loar mide with malt and fresh hweet milk 12 ounce loalsc round quakir loaf unh a linn cnp irul 12 ounct- loal kl c0ffle cakcs 5c cinnamon rolls 12c dot iced bias 12c dot doughnuts 10c lot these are made fresh even day and are nure to please you get them from our driver or at the store russells dbttkh brsbad m a k is its mill st acton ont n uuoqtiri l i i i i i i i i i i i i h i i i i i i hkh i i i ii 11 i i i i i i j empire business college the only college in canada teach- inp all typtwriter key board a six months course day 40 night 20 expert inhtructinn in pitmans shorthand typewriting bookkeeping and all other sub- icctu ncctsuary to equip you with a thorough lumnesfi education 346 broadview ave toronto ontario froppierorwllllams mfy co limited principal mr p m douglas q riti n iu4444u4lm44i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 ff capital injtxojmo niiaknvb punds and undivided vuowna vjuukoh the merchants bank of canada sir ii moulaftuo alltin c v o treildent dc uacarow genural manager skfety this hank is 0110 nl the oldest oslubllflhed instltutlous lu caiiadii it in tbe pioneer hank of acton and offers ovory courtesy to depos tors intercut allowed at the highest current rate oa havings hank accounts 9oo branches in canada luteudlno from the atlantic to tlio pacific lnrniursbuiilneiut solicited aud money loaufd for the pur- poseof stall or frain fcvdlti cattle etc cheques on any hank or outside point cashed acitin branch- r l whitman manager buy madeincanada goods the grand trunk railway ianaunoirn riiaihei 1 llu inn 1 11 i wlilirmi urs v jlp i ft 10 t map k reduce the cost of living put up lots of fresh fruits wk utfll gkanulated and icing sugars jf r livingstone mull wr cnrom a reliable agent wanted in cvury i fn 1 town nnd dl oiitmlo win u ui i iv t rfprvtcnted turrit ory rcmfvid fur the rlubt man mlshfvt comuiluiin juld at tract j vt advr3rllliig niilu r afplmmltdlutor w uomuium rm aaa louliolv itvsludlhaf um ta- apvrttnar llbllaobawy tat mta s ono cfx wellington that rent kill nu it yohonyo ont huhuuudadacnanqdr m m s grain n 1 n i chopping a g well done and i qulckly at only a n j 5 ccntat n b per bag b 3 harhisco limited hockwood ont dqdqddaannnadh when- vou need boots 0hoe0 at any time buy from w williams acton ontario famous for satisfactory footwear ruabonablb rriobu hct0n liyeby and buslikie having puilltamt llio uvryand somlwlll tif ibo luihintuut rrotn ir a ucctin i iiollcll wllb candildnco tile pjlronnire of tli iiilillc comfartublo rlw gupnllml at rfauinable rtlu bpcclal attontlnll to i upntyf a convuynaclh for wdddliik mid fmierul molor cr furtllbbfrd wben w- qtilrtd bub hbkvs alltma1hb l e atkinson mui st acton ont c k cooper acton cement contractor for bridges silos walk floors walls etc aibo agent for do laval silos separators etc high pjradr portland cem ent for sale atents promptly secured habiok it mabi0m s0i itnutnlty bi montkkal

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