Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 16, 1916, p. 4

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iwfflsllpww ffpv r t tjnni sonos hiiir in tii in iiu r u c i i hllll ml ri i u uijr i r it iiold ii ilium r iv and tlio nail i wnn uiiiiiiiiiim yiltnw hint x 111 liia heart grow unit und lilw mellow go wunn blttilly slghtloea hlng inn thii i ulnuor u wonif of lova afilrfcfiuliulurhin tito 11 i f inn if n 1 iii il nli tlio ran i liven all iiiiiirlil till hr idndlnl r h o wir ill nt milliil 1 im uriee orihaclthi im hi if iiu iig r ii u- f r ofrd tin i in r s mil in mo anrl iuiimr iliolirn wnluiitr h ihaynnd our i nr till ill lit irt if tlm my caught llio irnlden tvonutj ml love und jo of tli great eternity edwnd howland bill the couhthv boy the eli lid city liorn and lirm boa wr opportunities for acquiring h annul jiruo tlcitl bnowlawluo of the ounhnti iln o lifn than tlm chilli tarn in tlio country tlio farmer n itnj mny not haio tlm polish of theclty boy 1 ha limy itot ho able to talk no undflriutudlngly of tlio ourront event which ulto place in town t bin hands may not lie so toft anil smooth and ho may not oo often thlnti of how bla finger nulla loolt i hub of real usoful practical know ledge ho hat ton times an much as tlio oily hoy tho fnniiorn liny uunwa tlio birds the beasta tin nrloue planta i ha can protty accurately fortu tho weailier and if ha um a good harae or cow ho uifawjt it- ho it a good judge of clmrnefoud i r on in life he will not lie readily taken in hy sharper and fraud bay what von ilka about the old hayae da they ore not half eo green a they look the farmer a lioy in courageous for ida dally life leads him into more or less dan gar he muit climb tlio treea forthenuu and aitples and climbing gvea him agility and aalfconfl lonoa ho lueakv tho oolt bla father give him and ho haa a horae it la a pleasure to ride after he ralsoa hi own henh and chickona and when ho uta tho custards ida mother make for him there la no flavor of untlqmty about them he hreathea the purest air that ilea out of door ho feel the sunshine fresh froin tho eternal fount and not held in aolutlan by cloud of smoke or ganoa from somo poison distilling manufactory ho la alive oil thro gh he ha a jollv good time in uk nnd by mi i hy wlun ho ban maife hi iniluonw in soma stuffy count lug bouse h w111 look wok to bl hfo on tho faro with m regrel which la akin with pain ho will recall tlio rooky hdu where tho toaploa yielded tlielr heart hood in tho elowlno aprlbjj i and the auparcamp wliua tho luaoloua awitos huhblod la tho moouliuht nifthta to lielp nt tlio auiar lg oft tho lfo of a faxmara hoy may have re atrletloarf it may hehl its full ahatwharj work i hut work la a gloioua thi wltea th ability to perform it la olven work which u many worthlom nclooa of effdto uitmraoy affmt to ho borrtflaj at is lal oniliiaoj it tuvogthona and doveupa a buua toaatally uiorally and hvaioally thdtuan whocu work umm a eooifoit la ubmaf trouklo anda ataff on whlcbtouu id advenjty let no living ptroa dftcry th ooaotry va uvo la a pur auaotphfir to eao daily unfldlnk hforo tho ay tho wonderful pro- ual of tho nt i tut avw new to wauh tho buariw aod tho wn una tlio biojataja t vilh tlo tight no artitt uji cma avv liuitato i la uve uta caiu aaimia aj th linjt ijrda whkh are yw arouad tho cdiu of thocojntry why it u tit p ro tba rwitaehoj uhich wa twpo buy tvwji id wh tho ixuji uew uiopmupuua in th fajyukil byvkajl vaid jtmirtwh olhtlw kouk pviilo lu thle wldo wo li lio oil a vvry bajyow hiara mc2 alum t-tr- plain kl magi baking powdep asffinrs how to keep well ohildreu ory roh rletchtts castor a lie ulw to lav tan aa1 hwt itji bvr ta have bjj a atart tha uullta liave not yt bud a plr oj wureby a uun will t work wui la thiai t aut to stroked tub wrono wav whan u cat u fur in etrakod the wrong wnj ho may enduro tho indiifnity far u uli nt nmi hut l ofore tonjr ho uatu up and iuno rome inoplo do not traitx their hum in iiriiilntancei nu tactful nu thay umil i it oit tlioy lire continiimly najltiif tho umritf thiim ahklnulucailont that am riot phuimnt to nnnwar lirliikliip up atih jecti tlmt ha i hotter not bo npoueti of innklnjt ihelr onmpanion uncoinf or table in a nenro of wuyw it in not neceannry to stroke a r it nt all hut if joit do it amooth bin fur tho rtrlit way and treat your human nciiiaiitancea at lent at well aa your folino friend olxildroii ory fob fletchers c astoria tho hot wav to learn how to wnu money u to gnt it ouny anyway tlia mwlmiat a thankful that ho waa i torn an opthaut barealty come aftar a man in complet ly saturated with liwiiftaronoe bronchitis was so bad tft wooiy ttoteway pmic svitur eumkd mtm jlxoiifhltlii surta with a thort painful dsy oough axcompanical with u rapid wbkjldst and a ficlliij of oiprcuuihi nr tiahtiica thrthnli uil chebt at flnt th expectoration h light color hut an tlwi troublo pjxtfrcwt the phkgm uiishig froui th bronchial tub becoiuca o a ydlawinh or cruiiiali color aud u very of un of a stringy nature ilroticfaltla nbould nvr iw iienuetcd if it i uuua urioua luutf trouldo will undoubtedly follow get rid of it hy ushiff dr wootla norway 1uia syrup thlu well known rtiedy liaa liceti on the inurkct for tho past tui yean it cures where others fall mri geo helton ukbrldse out writes i have had btoticbltla no bad i could not he dowu at tiittht and bad to cough every tow minutes to net my breath i had a doctor out to wo uie but hlfl medicine nectnnl to do me no food i sent to tlio druggist for some vood coufrii tuutiirc und got dr woods norwuy line tsyrup one lottle lulned me woiithufully x hlopped couffhuitc and could ha down ami rest well at audit i cannot prnlco it too much dr wooilo norway mno synip is nut up in u ellow wrapper j pirns tren tlio tratlo markj prlco 25c und 00c mamifnctnreil only by tub t mn mvttn co liuiyud toronto out ke mo vi mo kwjon i doatstop hlow up iiiaow sary lut kaop uovln a moving otiljt kjllira luoiiuiutuui it takfta tuioo as much fual to cvr a ylveu duiance frou a stand ino mart aa ildoauta coar the same lttouiwi from u runoiijh ktart ou coil uako twice an many iniun nn a gallon of uatoine on a lani uuly pull at jou nan if nmitiuuall shlltlnr iiar a runnlh uiiuiin 4 miiouu i imoclioii itlausmi i od up to tho ork a cold en u i no waaua mioryy a ann uxk can lwuncomllkhd hy a loiilf buady uviiwl no mutter how dlillmitt it may ho i natry t lot at ocry wtop und nfthnn so much ut lliat uio joh i ivi up in dipalr uitoouruuo tnont never ukex fatal hold whilo you kwp mouiiig t it urowu chily whim phintrd in tho fertile aoll of lillanoaa kep on i kup lmy muvo i dont ioa the iwnefit of oon ittaiit conhorvativu mautal and muwular aolivlty tlroat worka tu tho retuu of oonstant cciiutent uninterrupted olfmt not of errutiafenlu4ornf vaodlatintf spurts ol eutrenisacllvlty followdil by finquaab hall of doulib or liuioclilon a ltmlf pull and u steady one a stroay pull and hoady ono a constant eoatltiu ed pull ami a doroed ono over onward over harrier up bill slowinjf up when uoa taury hub naier stopping imob la the formula for suoood in buslnaas hvtty auocoaeful huhlneaii man will teatlfy to the fact that his suoouo la due to biu deter- ulnallon to at all timea mentally and pliyalcally keep btovlue leon jj hat ten bach mo nurcfiral nparatloit ia nooewirv in re movino oonm if hollowaya corn cure l hoad phones tom autos a company has been organ lad in tlio southwestern 8uta to provtdo roadway tnlophnnea for the accommodation nulnly of thoo travel inff in antomoblleo if th scheme ia carried nut tho nutomobtllst will no looker drea i a breakdown in an laoletol part of the country mil uwiw from tht nfuirot town f r ha will o al i to walk to thnneurat road uileplioneeintlon plug in his porta bla instrument and call up the neareat tolepliono tmchanue for aaftiataneo or even make a lonft distance call should that b uecetaary the instrument in called the auuphone it cooaistaol two part a or ono aot that eomprlsea the tranamitter and reoelver and tho hngr iok coaulninp tlio hun iiuur- nata eondenser battery induction call and tlio junction piece tho box wljha only five pounds and thia potahle tot will enahw one to talk over all kinds of linos by simply ploggliiit in at the saiall hoi uountad on a utaphona pal on th road it la proposed ti ctauiut thao loxee on tlio nouo at interval not oiomj ing two mll on the roa i and ovy five or six tlooka in th citua uulbacrilwa will he chargod a flat tiiadtb ly rate for audi serv ioo an i aorord ingle the plaos bovftaare to i iintalud on all lb main travatod roads and mountain paj la the wfnt and vntuly tlio eyblsu will ik eitanded all over tba couttry palpitation of lut hfeuuly shohtwess of breath cuorto hy ml lb urns hacakt ak wew pills mrs fl u alien jiaupd w writes i wish to kt ki ium buw uiucli cmid i t jvt- nc j vil by tiyt your heart und krrva iilla i va cuffrrins fruin patatatiaa ot th but bjul tliotnfva of iwiealh tb touhl with in htart wa runwj by siuauwii tioullr i had tried all llndi of nuiheit both patrot uivt knr tut i tcmtul bob ivlicve nw ulc mill urn i if art eimj yjtrve ihlu i tuiirm aioiu uihttiaj like i dd shoul i u u tlicm i tvdy uj our tuitfa an1 1 ivw l hit a thiiuial kcwui milluiru ltrait an 1 rrvr imu have lacn mi the nuilct fn- the jit twttv hc caii and luu u mat votuhlful rcj n tat mil a i ruiiitiy for all tart bjm ucr trmil ihka o mit iur lio 1 hos for t11 at all ih ilir or lnol dirrct od recti it ij pi- bv fin t uilsiuuf co liuitlo toronto onu nvjiiiin w m mcxniixawan mo nfm t ihmk nhinnu ot mi 1ltovinciali lloaitir ii iii allll wo0jwfr4 j vriioio iivih in till kai 1 op tiik vhait typhoid fovoi in moit pn vnhlil llinm nr timinuy ftwr cniiuu of thla dlsonno within mm unii of woll kopt cltl ilinr nulhhlu thn ninullor towmi nnd coinitij phu n fm nlidi tint miikn ii u in bur of cauau tlio ri nuon why willlnil rltleu fumlnh irmi tr hold limn oltinwhuro lu ik en unit thiy iiimnlly huvi i uln wutir nunpllui mill i irp r dluina of aowngi lln nmulh r lowim nnd tin roil n try am doiimhlh tor tlinlr water uuiipllou rhlolly upon wi lln did mull iiowuin in iiiimu uiii or in privy pu to wblrh fllim liuvo frui iicriiui i liu durlnn into h iilniilii i nnd october ulnrn ii lu wurmm indnnrii tlinn ouuliiorii dock from dm prlvj pit in tlm roiufortabli kltrliou with lln iiluiiidnut fond mit film tlrny irrnuntly carry typhoid grnui to tin fond thorn to tio liioiuborh of iff linuiioliold country welln tio frrojiimitl unprnli clod tiny nif ului v nnd placed too closo lo tho pilvy pit whih tin lop and nllon nr tint protoctrd ngainst tlio mitranco of huh lvinla fmm a lyphnlil cum vjiliotit bolng dlnlurctod may he thrown hi hi 1ihy pit or on tho nurfiiii or tlm ground and drain to tlio will vliul in mnn llknly tliiiu tlinl tho nnrru of this couiumltiutoil water will lomo down wltli the jlluiinn wlin l mi tin nu una of protection 1rlvlrn n nnr bn made soeuro aintiint llu nutranrr of llltia dooni unit ulmlnun nlmuld bo scrooiipil tlio lililmini niunt ho iniiiily bunk- ubnut no that tho fllon cannot nnti r tlu pit from on 1 ill it 0 ilt out lliln n ii t lir iiimln to close automutlcally nftor tin riiiu an bn rrcitnl by h vine i block n wrnd rnntoncd to tin unit lu hind tln open lid und pluc fn biicb a position that tho lid falln in pltic nu the occupant loi von a but cuiuiilnlng i iihi 1 pari i of sand nnd mill uliould hi kept in tho privy mid lb i vi r tu nind vr each uiilnir llo nil ild ii ptncoil nt u iufo dlalaucn from tlm pilv pit and away from tlm tnlm nl dm inn no of tho anil tho nldon nuil top of llio oll must bt mmli in ci u n hut tlm entrance of aurfucn pollulion if tli nn iinii mi mi ii ro wore carofully rarruil nut then would ho irmi tylmild i nirnl ronimunltleu i in ilb if n rum of typhoid fovor nccurn in n hnuaohold evporlonco in tin in nf lyibold iicclnn amontt our aoldlom imllrnt tlmt it la wisdom to ut o ice innculnto nil thu other inomhers nf tlm fnmlly tlio vucclno is provldid fr or cont hy mm 1rovlnclal hoard nf hmlth 4tmt mmion and hlittimj 1iimi john it i nun lind noticed for somo tlntn that ho wan not up to tho imn u lu tli iiiomlnjt lid foil very well but tbrousli llio day ho became fired nlupy tird u llttlo fovorlsb ho had bad u stluht llckllnit courii for n month oi mo hut did not couah up anything one afternoon ho tclt a warmth in lit id hlu broasthona and at the oaino tlmn h had n unity tasto in hln mnuth i nllowlng a tickling in bis ttirost no con a lad and brought up a few tenppoonfuln or bright rod blood tlila alnrtiaod bla frlomls very much and ho turned polo bla hands were cold und porotdratlou broke out on his forehoad ills mo llu r nuil for the doctor who oxnmlnod bla nose throat and chost and finally told him the blood rami from hlu client ho was plncod in hod and told to koop qulat and that im notil not liavo any fear far the blooding tlio physician look a natnplo nt tlio material that john colialiou up and found as bo huh pec tod that ho una nuffiirlng from tuhorciilnsln of lite imirfi consumption is tho cautui of npltthig of blood tit nlno ensoo oul of ten other causos aro pneumouls coiiri ullon bronchitis heart disown unmrlam tnenvtrual trouble and scurvy one out of every uvouty uvo cltico of consumption starts with n alight hemorrhage in one out of tvory ii ik rasas thero in no other symptom in two out of ovary throi cuiicn tlcro is nothing to bring on bonlorrbako tho pntlotit when quint notices a unity tasto has a llttlo tickling coughs and up coraos the blood tiicbo ear i hemorrhages aro never fatal hut tho appearsuco of blood f rluli tons moil pooplo nnd perhaps it is a good thing to have the homor- rlinno hfcnuii it is a reliable danger signal a caso o this kind should bo kept quiet in bod for a few days he usually needs no modlclno oxcopt in conns where be is very much frightened or uhnrkul whoa ho doctor may give blm somo uodatlve ho must not gt dttmuianth nurr- nn whiskey aromatic spirits of amnionls etc if tho side from which lu s blending can ho distinguished iio should llo on that side ir there li no return of hemorrhago after a fow days ho may get out in tlm uppu ah homcbntu riding will ho good oiorelsa for him and lie may do a little outdoor unrk outdoor air and good food aro the requisites for cure are you heally educated v a prafwieor lo lb university of chicago told bla pupils that h should eoiuldar tliam eduoaud in tli heat sobs of tho word whaa thsyoould say vsa taevery on of fourlaeia qoaloos uiab bo should put to ibaid it may lntrt you to rail tli quatloaa ifaro thay sr i has your educatloaglveasyfdpathy witli all good causa and tuada yeu eapous tliem has it uad you puhlie epiriud t has it buj you a hrotbar to th wak t have yui uawruaj bow to make frudile and kp lhdt do yoa know what it to to b a friend to yourjl t can you took aa hoat fedan or a taira wcwiao straight la lb y i llo you ta anything to lov la a llttlo child t will a loiiajy dag follow you ia tho ttlht can yiai tk ugh ulnavl atid hajfpy in th tmitm tlntlfru of ufa 1 do you tklak wublaj dwh aj boaiag coru u u 66a4tlilu with high thlaklag u piaaatujtog c gvlf t are yaguoj fw aaythlog u yoanalit caa yoj h hay sj t ho yw uok tm lb wutld aaj a any thing except dojuia aaj cwit t oaa you uok iolo a bud pajdl ty lb wyuaiij aaytblaj in th puddle but utkl 1 cad yi lk lata th sly at eight ad u bsyooj lb uattri t oaa your sao tulai mtijip with lb craator 1 constipation ym comiohsar ill cocutipatiod u co o th coctisaockat ilia of bikklud and oa too of u4 auowfad to gu uuloalrd oltr until louie sadaui roiiipllcatiau at in if the boda oiv prowity lookid bjw there wu 1a no coalipauou iauildir tick or bilious budabes bartbutu coated tongue sour stoutacb floatiag srweks bto tke eyes etc milhums uiatiwi- is1u will lq ibe liowtu regular and cur all liver ilia mr iblllp mcuod yoihot nh writes i sukd froui cottatlpatloii ever since i cau ruuauber and for yaia bad palna in the left aide of tbd back if 1 walked aero th kitchen floor it would have to alt down and rest that i think was terrible for a man of 30 yean of uge fuz condition of my ayaum was bbowti hy plmpua breaking out on my jwx bulftfred ko much paiu and ttln- neaa in my tuck i am sure my eyatetn was full of palaoit muburas lau- llvcr lhlla have cntlwly ciud me i thoroughly recodlinend tbfcitt to cveryhody mllburus lanauver ihlls aw 2ic a vial ft vial si 00 ut all ilealew tv molled direct on rcejpt of prlca by tuts a mllbukm co kadolygd tooilbx oul hoyjufitvohpum a bootaman and fen irishman were tils ousalito tbereoent revolt in ireland thd beouunau remarked that too uueb fun was a dangeroos thing whats that get to do with the rebellion in ireland 1 saya 1al wool sys basdy y stsrttd wltb tarkln and dnlahad up in carueat it in safer to baar aud take counsel that to give if you must worry worry ovar th things you cant help you can work over the ouiers quick lumper is an illumination to hon or of wounded self esteem an aiflttaa is the only thing thats eaiy to hud when youra looking for ir- he who throws tnoouy away gives other lieonu etuployiueiil picking it up worms feed upon the vitality of children and endanger their lives a simple and effoetlve cure u uotber orave worm ek- termliiaior castoria vor infants and cfaiurta in ifim ror ovr 30 ysmra clway baatsi 9saiuto ttouemopyhb pbbucu a brituh ooiohsl who is net unknown in i the political world has every reawn to think the ftaneh ar honest while in uareellhu th other day be dropped a wel let obtaining auob and dll not discover his loss for some una when lie did be rushed offabooestotlieoblqf polloeatauon and to bis great relief found that a freneu nrtlllarymaa bad picked it up aad breugbti tb at once to tbe sutlod gitaroallyor i n ureal y it la oead when applutl evuraally by btiik rubblog dv thomas eeuetrle oil opens tb potw and pmiaarsta tho tiu as hw ilnltiieut do touching that of tho trouble abd immajlauly attudlno rvluf admlnla urd inurually it will dill ik irritatiwt in ui throat which huluow eoagblog aad will cure asactloas of tb bronchial tuba and raapiratory organs try itandboeod ilk-1- a wooian bnt niueh u for a nuui whom alio eaatuatib to b jealous a prlno must b jut aad good s wall mild not sweep back mm so soil wooicti ore cowing xo unowatand lbt weak iaou and acblng bks froai wbkb uwy ui to tdiich excruciating rxln uul a cany aia da t wiuug actlu ij tb kldixys on tb flnt uiti of onv vrawifii id tba batch doanakidiwy imu abdd b taii lit i gotikhw rad ilafartiug ave ytwodta out wntre 1 tale timx r4caaur lu wrltinj you statin- tb luu bt i have rtatiitd by uunj lkian a kid by islla alvout llir iar ago i was twnbly dmictrd uith umr tiafk tuid waj w bjd i could not even tciith boor vosalvid to use lloan s kid bry ihlla uibllwiarc i bad uud one bds there was a peat iinpromntrnl and my bifk was complftcly otrvd i highly himnnnmi doail v for laiilb tvaik deans kiddy wu are put up in an olung grey bo th tradviruik is a mania leaf to arrept tui other imce rlv per ivox i twine for 11 23 at all deakrs or uiiiuj direct 01 reorlpt of price by tug t milstnim co lluiyito toronto out xtbeackalaiisdinttfyoonv two of- a k a good story u balajr roalud about blr oorg iu1j u v and ax iwilr of tba auurallan conitiioawajih and rlr joaph ward tb sk ivaiuur of kow zaeland who is now en a vulb lo ktegusd beu llu ago- lb two oat ov bad ooeaskm to traval toktbar daring th night aad jointly occupied a twahth eampartbmdb em tb sleeping car a bedjroo aptwoaobad ur rkl r- marked 1 look her ward i aid a ter- rlhlsaorr so you had heller turn in a quarter of an hour before me and gat to sleep ihefiue i start pfotnilaff which ad vie waa aeeepted and promptly anted upon on awakening the next inorahig a wild- eyed and haggard man who bad passed a rlmftlax night looked reiroaehfully at blm and said leaprewlsely 1 ward the nest time we travel together we start fair the maw zealand wemler naively v marked afterwards that ha quit omitted to mention whoa ur rl i waroed blm of hie natal aooompluhmant that be abw had a great reputation in that rpeel news topics of the week important event which have oo- aurrod llor an d thero frldayi tr73rinamhc lluatty while u i way to nnuwnr u porjiiry abargo in jured jr u hurd and was arrosted on tlin nlmrgo of nmllgenco la the operation of his nuto in ronsoquancn of changed condi tions in tho mllltln department gen eral owntbln has altered hie plans ind will remain for tba present in tlm position of chlof of tba uanaral utaff m jt ourleu of llonfrew is com mencing tho erection of power de velopment worku at calabogle on tho madnwaska illvef to generate b000 borsopowor ourront for trans mission wholly or partly to itonfrew thomas cox an aged tilbury cltl- sea who died on thursday be queathed b0o to the poor children of his old parish sunday school at oabornby utaglaud and g00 to mako tbo last payment on tbn debt or 8b andrews church tilbury batuitday tho maclean uuallon la not being confined to bootauou ontario ijberale have been called to meet lu toronto november 24 the canadian artillery bus been doing effective work la wcardy blnco tba war bogsn 1bi0 steam- ore have been sunk by the bollfger- tratm blr wilfrid laurler eturued to ottawa after a confer ce with to ronto liberals major wlhrld mavor has been re commended for the distinguished ecervlco order i machinery baa been set in motion i in the united buus to plan a third hague conference germany apologised to holland for the violation of tba tatters neu trality by a zeppelin colors were presented to tho uttth saiuiion by the elthteus of king ston and deposited in bt andrews presbyterian cburcb coal haa risen tbreu dollars a ton wllbln a few weks at nlagaru vails and is now flo to 11 ilarbera have also raised their prices j two thousand two hundred and ninetyone names have been enrolled lu tho campaign to secure 3000 uw momberu for the y u c a in to ronto lambton county sugar beet grow ers have bound themselves in u as sociation not to grow beets nest year unless they rocelvo 7 a ton for them hon a k konip announced that the government would seek a fur ther extension of tho parliamentary term and if resisted tba responsi bility for an election would be on the liberals two worker in a hamilton muni tions factory krlc if and kric a nylin father unit eon are slleaad to have pluggul ubolla in a way to make them dangerous for others to handle tby ar under arreat and may face a charge of blab treason monday ijlabop c ii ijreut of tbo pblllp- plni said be wn wltb canadians ta tbolr struggle dr dumba at bis own requaal haa boon retired from the austrtau diplomatic service lieut general uaban was appoint ed haw commaudsr or the itrillsb forces in irolsad urtg general no rt lays troopai won frsh surcss against tb teu tons id kasl africa klaatyoao lives wre last whad a nrltlsb steamer was sunk in colllr slou in the irish urn ueut colonel w u o loeb4 has resumed bis command of tb ubth north waterloo tuttallott urs ni1u ueclueg found u sympathy for tba reus of carmany in bar travels through tb utilud mute tiargt uajor harvla and wa jiik longraan cousins were reported in lb wokqd casualty utu as having tn killed in action a uaw mauaoluui rontalniitg 119 crypts waa ronacrsted at chatham several elargy of dltfarant deuomlnav- tlons taking part th department of trad and catdtdtraa tall for a ronferaue bf canadian lumbennea to prar f6 suppiytng reuatrle of kuria aitai the war mjemuay yha lauao a former it h hutamf wma trunk by tba oermaba a german draadbougbt was tor pado by a urttlsb subniarln la tb north ftaa the y u c a matubaiahlp ram palsu in toronto enrol la j 4 lit a unw record captain frrank worly of noa llcotla is a nifmbar of tbe obacbutod reue ospdllton hlr oeorae voalr mad a no labia addreaa ikeforo iho canadian club en the iarla krouomlc confaruc it was rumorvd in london that premier harden would sured blr ueo m rtey as hlgb cotnulaalenr inaldenl valconor rplylng ta lieut colonel t ii lennon say b wf uo rflaaon to cloae tbe uniif- slty germany baa appointed 0aaral gnu nor dictator of ocauomue and he u ill have full cliarice ot tho hnu fund problmi all military motor tar mra berev utter to boar tho lottcre oliuu tbe object bcliui to restrlet tbelr u to war purposes fllralfnid hoard of trad dachlad lo ask the oovornmsnt ta ati snt- port ur pnpor cardboard ate or w- inove duly on it tho oldost bob of john t graham ot porkliill was killed by tba aeei- deittal dlachargq of a friend gun the day before ho intended to enllat dm iedoral oovrnment has de- ided that bualneu nrms eonthbd- tlona in patriotic funds shall b da- ducted from tbelr business tax- py- uhlo tho toronto city council appoint ed w o wahber recretary bt tba flro l- and aont on to tba transportation commission the uauiiidcn plan for the duplex avenua ostonslon fht city of montreal was condemn ed hy tbo court of appeals to pay e roiiiponsatlou to tbe consign ti 1 fm the ramous anlsuro of 100- joj worth of chlueae frown egga lu october 1010 the gkanu trlm railwa iaihrnqicii ivatuti a simple ami cliesp mod loin a simple cheap and effaotlve mediolne la something to be desired thero la no med icine so effective a regulator of the dlgs uve system as iannelees vegetable pill they are simple they are aheap they can be got everywhere and tlielr bsnefloial an lion will prove their recomuandatlon they are tb medicine of tbo poor un and those who with taawape dootor hills will do well in glvleg them a trial tuksaloom00im0 if v can read aright the signs el tbe times a great funeral i going to take plat within tlio next two or three years as auhly astlietun will rite tomorrow the saloon is dying a slow death bub a sura death it baa iieon suggested that the eidtapb aludl be 1 hare lies john ilarley com slala by the chrlauan letw children dry fob ruychefts j3astoria bh1le1 jones bad just returned from bis annuel trip in his yacht and was recounting bis urarlenoea x never saw such a ataras luall my ufa tardea ut uy frland slue yon saw tba storm no doubt you can tall us what color lb was certainly tb wind blew sad tbe storm roes 1 castoria utor infanto and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears tho signature of battel ctrwnwr in use for over thirty years castoria reduce the cos of living pat up lots of fresh fruits wis dlllj granulated and icing sugars j r livingstone milt i acrow a reliable agent wanted in every goo i town nnd dktrlct in onlirio win ro 0 urn nil n presented torritrrv rcuruil for the r mun highlit crmimluonh ialrt attrahlve udworlining mattair i wpuiidld lutor ww upeelaltlm ro bmstm imaim7 1110101111110 ut kitw svrbaihnor saaubsary t klaart i stone eti wellington i th rcmlrnlll nurariaa i kf isurn toronto ont hdaddddaadaoor big bargain in underwear and shoes mix t a oi vp the acton creamery we guarantee to pay or butter fat t3c m saxe co acton iiiiiiiiiihniuaiiniffiiniiiniiiiiiiiiimiiuihiniiflffliriiiniiniiniittiifflihiinim 5 grain n 1 1 chopping n ti 1 n 1 a well done and n quickly at only ti ii 5 cents b per bag ii hariris w co umlud w t sicstwtot ont atacnaoanaoadaoan tahiatgit5iai if you fmluuuu keadafhy sjij lrtlui1 ta thats a slar yxr hvma la nut of tsrrw yuur food i botdjftvatiojf it stave in tb sbasuuh s sou frmntd huo twlaocjn be tyua jo t a daw of cbibarula 1 uinuuib aiid uw tauu tby ml tb ut do its wok tiuy tljuw said haju vti j j u ll t at aj aasiaab taa w ly i cuhua m f y yu 1 chamberlains tablets i empire business college the only college in canada teach ing all typewriter keyboards six months course day 40 night 20 evert inmructinn in pitmans shmthanri tvpewritinur htuuffpini and all other nub- lectit necehuar to equip ou with a thoroukli bubinesa education 346 broadview ave toronto ontario ii mopbieroat wluuwt mg co uralled kincipal mr p m doutut y j3as3caaaacdsap ovitat artjooo000 mbywvh aohdb amd uhoiv1dhd h0it tawumw the merchants bank op canaqa sir ii uoulogua allan cvo president dc uacarow genural llauager skpbty this hank is one of the eldnst established institutions in canada it is the pioneer bonk of actou and offers every courtesy to deposi tor interest allowed at tbe highest ourrent rate on savings hank accounts 1 aoo breaches in canada gatentling from tue atlantic to the pacific farmers business solicited nud money loaned for tbe pur- pewof 11uii or graaa feeding cattle etc cheques on any hank or outside point cashed ac1 on branch- r l whitman manager wbiti vou netd boots shoes ai auy wmi buy fbom w williams acton ontaklo- fauou 1 1 ok satisfactory footwear illasonaiiie pricih kct0n xix v jlixu jl and bus likj having purcimwd tlm livery and gnoalwill nf tho biiklnnw from ur a uccunn i solicit with uuifldnict tho putronigoof tho public comfortable rlgti supplied at reasonahlo rates tipeclal attentlnii to supplyinn couveyancua for woildlnga and fuuenilr motor cars furnished when w hulred bub mbkte allbvillaihe l t atkinson mill st acton ont cement k coopeif acton cement contractor for bruges siiob wallet floors walls etc a ik a afient or de laval siloii separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale i dont think i deserve aero nn this as aulnatleu said tba pupil aa be took hit geometry paper he i do not either john but that was n mm tf j j5j- r buy nadeincanada goods atents mahatwlhabion u volmmty bk bonctojat

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