Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1916, p. 2

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lllll turrleu 1 mbeaiinweiiairaea tm alkin mki iumii trial i aria lofl r horn wlntiwht i lhltt h il jlllll ntivntilhir lw t mr iul mr- him o lunurlnii mm kumidlti jliirkm liiut- at il o itinirtf llnsplhtt liiilih on hiturdnv mmlwr lllll ww lo mr tml m 1 w onuu artni it tun uayl tiimirue maiimed ham fliuimr at ht hlcptirmn lltmclt winnipeg n tuiiliiv jwili noiomlwr itlki ilout lluroll u i lure formerly uutrlot ueprwiilittlvo of aurimihur far italian to lrl adelaide daughter of mr v flraluiw winnipeg died htok at lrct hfwpltul toronto on monday j7tli nnvemlier ww wil uei t titaao alfd 13 or n lhit ktuwl id option hnmnwhere hi rraiici on hniitcinlhir nlcli 1111 cimrw w llilitm iloiirly ltelad iiim utulof uuurllllili formerly nf aolou ffib 3rfdtt yxtt ss tiiuiaia novehllklfw 1010 editorial notes ho a ekimi11 1 for feat tor onto who hue iteen minister without ut folio a uto borden cabinet since iu oran iiatlooln 1011 is canadse tiw miauterof ullltla rtwl detenu surcedlntf lleut- qd sir tuiu hughe h watt awoni in riffle i y tha dtiko of devotuhlre at llldeau hall 01 tliursdey mr keupiasuooa iul hulneta man ml ft civilian may pvthapa h more effective at the head of hla department than a wutary huu could l a vkatiur of thecauadlan matpuine for pwmtabar la tlt number of unusually flu rrrodtietuma ol paintlnge anil etching hy wall known ortlata the frontispiece la an sulijatf hyll ivan neil sort of quel0 a bwdbr of the canadian art cluu other canadian artists rcpreenld tom thouuujimaurtoeculun dorothy hlevene hrbttt uatne iv 1 thomson oeorga woto tltere ara reprod uellone alo of etteiepua of tit work of french artiste wul kalwi and w boaguereau and tha rkirtb eahooetaa raniasltara yiu arrilouiyikji of hiifihind ara at lost udulu to realue ilia uwruetlvaoaw of food poducte by tit dutlluriea ami krew tu of the country an official announce motby tlia board of trade of london says i h haa uan reported to tha hoard ef trade that in coesequence ol the scarcity awl hlfth prioe of barley purchase of wheat lava reoaatly uo tnatle hy hrawara fouaaln tualr lmina ti board of iwia haj aooordiaqly uiaja an rwder tha teb of which la to prohibit tha uw of bet in tkfi masafaoturaof bwr and alral ur luiuom th order ucatna atfmtivo on uooday tnx nkw oovamorflanaral um duka i davooablra baa manlftd hla intrt uta wk ulna carrlad on by tits cana a patriotic fund by conmntintf to be prwdant of tba fuad thla position ibld rv tb dukaa predocaaaor the i uaujjbt from tlio tneaptloo of a until hla dapartur from canada prant poaltion of tba fund in jcoofuanoaaad financial itrength y do to hla inhplratlon and paraonal to it iutamta thanew lovr- 1 tjvldantly propoui to uko tha iva part tn promoilnjr tha welfare ef utla nt national undartaklna another soldieq welcomed pto ooorp ciiuwoll iloynlly tloaolvod itiul ildsuntuil with gold wutoh i spllndid story op iii expuri- encus i douinioiuiuiiiiniviov a now tba aer loos oljaotl of leading worker in all the gmwlnaaa tha ekaeutlve of tha council el tba domtnuo alllanoe hald a twoday mtaloo to torito laat weak iupraaanta uvea wajrapramat from every pruvinoa in caoada- the rwirt of the bubriecutlva pramuted bv ludetall tho lfluiatlv ida toty of the paab yir inoiudlnr tha intro- daotloo into th lbmlnlon inullanmnt of tb maolutlon callw for itotalolon wide pirolitbluoo m m wifwuiurt thar waa eooalderabla dtaoumltn in regard to tha ebaraotar of leflulatlui to be nought at otuwadurlnc the oolrik laaaloa of th detnlnloti paillmwent it lantf tha uaanl- iaoua oplnloti that afrrimhf action tuould bcuifta to tbhj and u wa asraad that oottfereaoaofrepreuhutlv of all pro vltuul prohihluort ereaniutltui uioald la bald in otuwa on yleoaube lull mews fettoftf t 16 nattauom the han enjoylriff atiileue con- test alt hop for new stocfult to fill up tho buk on uorwlav novemliar iwtb ti huth mh toatcbed in a oatae of bawhah with the 203th hamluoa tlgira we vera dafeaud by a narrow margin oo yueaday evanlnp 2ut a onrt mxtimhtd for by tho v m 0 a wan bald la the recreation room tha waa a ifrg crowd prounb the ulont wua of a tpty hlnh order tba aovoral plom lvpf daaevvedly enooratl tho readings wdr worthy of ipwlal matttlon tba artlj wh frou toronto and llamlltoa capt hev woodooou ohapuin made ao aillouut chalrnutn tha wavitift ploturea an provlm of qreat ihtereat to the man new plctuw ere ahown every elurnale evaaluff a wmltlng eawnaina baa beau laaech- ad id the ooutttua of halton and dufferiti to muure tha huuliar of mon newled to fill up the battalion with thin imrjuwa in vlaw laaeunsa have teen itetd in ulltoa bui oreugevllle ml uddreued by fjeal- ool lhuvllle o c tlia id hi rett gupt iuv woodcook chaplain and ether it in to be hoped that the young aaeoof the two oountlea will riod to the tall and in tlili way nams tlio llatt- ellen to prooeail ovoraua there ha boon u larjfe number of ease of klobttoie in uie hoapltul hurler llobeve btewert in ono of tho numlur latucori k burr in taking u oourae la uotabiflg et the mheol in toronto utt o oook le vliltlutf her hunband corp oook fov e few tlay od thuraday hsmi ha igltb were makhed itt e game of luukelball with the sttfiih haulllor tjfer but efpila met defeat at tbelr band tba heajquurterri htatf liaa been out down to minimum many of the men ere ealn oo the atrengui of their former eotapanlea buflar j 1 imtitlll jrave aeverdl bugle eaua at the oarth rltreet mauiodut churli anulvefaary etttertalnuaut on monday noveiaber 21th 1h 1 boanow e- ptalnodthalralanlnortnoe lo tbt audlehm jtvh arton iiih iiih hi iiiivi ihlo rnpiitnlinn for lliodtiiliihlj jf liir iirrjilidrim in linr mildur mnim vim luvo liio llioir 1l und reliinifd from tin tt nt of wur i do wol riniiu ljirid in 1co tlourjn cumwoii on turilii oionlny uan cqtml in ill rnujhda tn ilinto of our former horoo from the fro ii r imvaloc ihudii nrrived from urn military homiiiiii in rorontd by tlol 10 p tn train ha wni n ut nt ilia illation by iteeve hyndu and motnlor of ihn hocvton coriiitilttoe and nxtorcd to ihn immo of iiim frlmvil lloliorl ni- itcb hlrrot art uh othwu acton cilleiik lund tlia it u hi iii iuki thu uocoption com luilttii iroicidrd to mr crnta realtlenoe and otiorttd tlio muot of tlia evening to tlirt town b til iiuht boy hcouta formetl u fimnl of honor to tha oulolal car alonjr tlio routo and nt tho town ball aalvoa of olioonnif jreotwl the returned hnro n uiumi hall wai orjwdwl with an audience- nf cition who wore ghul to have tho opportunity of greeting by tlteir kiroocnco one who ban aorvd bla couutry at tha root ttoave hynila in a few intro ductory remark cordially welcomed lte cjtuoll m thou called upon if 1 uoore j i who prcunted the returned aolillar with a handaoraa gold watch on behalf of the muoicim1 council and citizen and aildiul in a brief addram further words of weir ma and congratula tion it caawell ovpreueil hia ilnonretluinka far the hltidid receptlen lceorded hlw and tba bwtutlful preunt ikeatowed iwtt him by tlia council mid rllzen hethan proceeded with a moat lntrtlug recital of bla evpariencea at the front hi plain well told etory with glint of wit and humor luuripsreed waa lutened to with leone t intoreat the particulars of the augagmenu at yprea ami romtne were thrilling lte cavwcll was in voided aa raiult of iltall shock followed by an attack of pneumonia ha la atlll under tlio doe- tora care it waa quite an intereetlng co incidence that tha reception waa held ou hla birthday after aplerulld patriotic number oo the cornet and piano by uteees lottie etui haul llafcon and an aqually good piano duet a an encore capt tlia rev wood cock chaplain of tha huth uatullan waa introduced capt woodcock nude a masterly addret ontbecauieof tha war and tha reaeana why great britain and her allie are fight- tog he ebowod moat irapreealvely the duty ofell oitiienaof tlie aunlre and ap pealed to tha eligible men of acton to enlut with tlia 104th battalion anddotlielr bit aa loyal oltliena rav mr wlloon added a few trite end appropriate re mark a and tba gathering oloeed with the matieoal anthem ciiorciill mr elwarl baldwin of the third line who recentl om bin fnnn to mr hardy ol pwhictinir mil who b is nuodiapoaed of bit niock am cir lv miciiou 1 remov ing tin ucl to acton on tueedey evening tlio niipt i or mh in ujiond atoclol avonini ami iromiitcd mr and mra ho1dvlt with cuoy cliniru mr v witwnnnl liflrdnugbter mite hnjdur itnvo rcturtiod from their vdit to frioi d in auwrta wberu tlioy spent mvaral montbv mr wi thorn hnu dtciflod to give up fnriiinv kli id will rmiovo to acton ho will hold n clc irliig nuto of stock and eftoctb by auction on monduj i ith deoero- lr tba luiodn nniuuil tho bill have been rosomnllnjx wiih tho roportn of tha nnorta mens it i in mid tlio tonprnclnjf of tbulrdoga utolj uulibltm hova boon plontiful and an oocatiodid fox lm in on snctiro mr t a hwnrklinnier bii inveated la e ann novr gntollno engine and will cub wood and do chopping for tho nelpblmirhood the interest in the meetings of the ladlce aid nf tba congregational church neem to lo gtowlng thero waa an ub uauallv largo attendance at tlia foaeuhg at the homo of mr albert smith hut week ball1napad mrs damee campbell lua returned home after apendlng aome time with her daugh ter mrs ktull masur donald sinclair u 111 eb preeaab with pneumonia weareplaaaed to iw mr d j dlnlcalr able to ba around agalu the literary society has re organized for the wlntor raontha mr herbert allan arrive home from tha weal on sunday raortiltig mra bert ugera of toronto waa the gueat of her mother mrs j campbell uat week mr comfort ltoaxel end alater jean have hturned hotne after apendlnir three bionlhi in saskatchewan epwortii league day obsorvod in tho mothodlst churah i loet sunday viry inurtwlinu bervloea w imld in tho mcthodub cliuroh ut hunday it wait kpwoirth league day and the mrmonn wnra very a rojirlmly iultrd to tba orciilon tin moiling fcervlco wua wolully da- volwl to the iugiinr the tut ml mra oocitpled th front uiwa and atitertsl tha niidltnrluni in a lody llnv mr avloon proanheil k aplendld aormon from kxoduu lit ii joaliua the uon of nun a young mn departed not out of tba ahariimih kind word of uppre elation wereapokon at tha outaeb of tho nharactar of the young peoplu if tha chiirrh ami the t mining they are reoelwhig through the rpworth leagua tha tlieme nf the evening wao centred niton one thought how aa young people we may learn to lovo tha ohuroh motes ao train ml hla pupil jcjiua utat ilia ufa of he tabernacle wa to him the meat attntetive plaoe tlia tjaagua la the practical train ing place of tlia ohuroh in it there la taught 1 the eplrlb ef devotion 2 tlia aplrlt of reatralntt and 9 the aplrit of herolam tha aim i to keep innocence ami do that which la right in tlio ohuroh we are in the veetibule of eternity jotbue proved to he a real iiaro and tadav tba heroes of tlia lend are from the ohuiji of god a number of baroee have gone out from our own church into the present war the heat man to be found anywhere are to be found in tlis church of fled at tlio evening service mlta kinsman of kietar sang with much aooeptanoe a apten did tat ting of the twenty third psalm as soprano sola she has e rich aweet full toned voloeand her tinging gives avldence of careful training there was through out the number e aympathetifl feeling by mia kinsman with the aplrltof tlia psalm the abaanoa of the maple leaf quartette of gelt announced for tha day waa quite e disappointment owing to the illness of two members the quartette waa unable to appear the decoration ol lite church with flow ara flags and kp worth league emblems added interest to tha ervloee go for and be kendalls hnawn cute has now bcmjuejfoiaumamiiid it all lorae ana at la liut what you ntd arinl tha lmiw witts lor uany uuet rfovsll baa been tn by home- steu vudaatuha one iu isis j vaoavln antuit euibtinfev u and ilia fauny ouwr is ti t come to botsea ulmluktfhmc ap keeaahskvlm cum li ebeet i bcm ml iwilld helsmut lo widuujtaiikbow taut iluusom aauv hi uulfull tit lei kwiiuir tnamimionuaj hone free iroaa dninutor writs b kkjkeataues raeasuri rauavt ujul hab3a0aweya a very enjoyable box social end dance was held a the home of mr john a black couple of weeks age which afforded e very enjoyable evening for a large assembly of people and netted the bed grow funds the handsome sum of 40 with bla ex perienced leadership mr george bleoklock organneed tha sftalr reeve campbell was the auctioneer end mr v v bayers the bookkeeper mr john uolbtyre of kriti was qoor manager chris me the hospital for sick children colllgl 3t toronto dear mr editor thank for lift prlvllngo of nppottl- lug throurh your oolunuiu on bohnlf of tho houultnl for hlcli chlldron thn groat provincial charity our need of monny is inoasurod by thn children nom of liolp nml yu can judgo bow groat thnt nood must bo when lost year 304rj alok llttlo one worn treated as in pollnntu und aa will bo soon from tbo 1d18 figures c02 patients wnro udinlttotl from 242 plncou outnldo toronto lflrt year 211 in pat ion ts were trolt- od for iloforinltlom iueh an club foot liow ions knock kiiocs iotta dlscaso of tha uuliio tatfiral curvnturo of tho apluit dlulocallons infatitllo paralysis tubercular illiiriuo of knoo hip ankla is tlio ilonpltal for hick children to tnko dollars out or your pockot or in doath to tako hahlos out of tkalr cradlest that is tho question one rift mora in tho hospitals trea sury moana one coffin loss in tbo l1ttlu wihtu ukaltui thn hoaplul must he digging up help for llttlo children from tho soil of human klndnui or sexton will bo d ikb i it x graves for llttlo chlldron in the soil of many a cemetery tha hospital for sick chlldron ceu only voluutonr lis morcy tn so far as you friends of llttlo children volunteer your money for service in tho hos pitals novercndlng battle for the live of tho llttlo cue lot your tnnnoy fight in thn trenches of eomo mothers trouble end rescue some llttlo child from the dugout of pain dlnoiao mil doath con tho hoipltal loavo children to dto because tho fathers of those chil dren liavo left homo to fight for lib erty on the british battle lino end can thn lionpltal help tho chlldron of can adas soldiers with lie care unless you help tho hoipltal with your eaahf you hnvfl tfionoy enough to help every othor war fund without keeping back m dollar from the hofcnltalif war fund tho fund thnt helps the hospital savo tlio uvea of llttlo children includ ing tho soldier llttlo children do not lot the llttlo children pay f thn loss of tho hospitals cere the con tribution that should be given end muat bo given lo tho war funds your money can send messago of cheer to soma father in tho trenches yes send that message from the cot where tho hoipltal nurses some httla child back to llf tho child of tho father who li fighting your botuo lit the trenches kvery dollar kept from tht moat- sltals power to servo tho little euu- ren is welaht added to tho burdens end a grief iildod to tho sorrows of this war you can bear to have your pocket emptied of a llttlo money easier thui eomo mother can hear to have her home emptied of m little child will you unit n dollar or mere if yon can to douglas davidson becte- tmrytreasurcr or j noun nomaimjon chairman ol the board of t distressing rheumatism how uany people crippled and lame from tneumatum owe their condition to neglected or incorrect treatment it it the exact combination ol the ptoeat cod liver oil with glycerine and hypophoiphitei as contained in hrm emulsion rheuma- r that ruu made acom famous lor relieving rheui turn when other treatments have uttctty tailed ii you are a rheumatitm sufferer or eel its firat symptoms start on scott emauion at once it hay be exactly what you need smr i not us nmmbhsc tfltnr apopprf tirictna russells groceries provisions bakery coulee lottery our stock of christmas groceries und fruit is well assorted these are all new fresh stock raisins currants peels figs dates shelled nuts christies cherry sultana and dark fruit cake christies plum pudding in lb and 4 lb sizes nuts in shell almonds filbertg brazils fbuits grape fruit navel oranges cluster raisins malaga grapes etc call and see our assortmunt russells we stiu cms weddikur ok wierc mui da oil els vwitltm in misa mill st tbbanmr acton ottt wnn bia babgai3st tjnderweaa and shoes a fw overcoats on sale m saxe hill by actou the acton creamery we guarantee to pay for butter fat 4tc m saxetvco acton a great provincial winter fair at guelph december 1st to 8fch a big vvintkr fair sale at macdonalds guelphs leading and largest store remarkable savinga to be involved in the special sale oflerings clothing and house furnishings and railway karen to be refunded by this big departmental store to all visitors who present at the office railway tickets and purchase checks amounting to sis or more can ynu then afford to miss the provincial winter fair dont 7vnss w6e fat stock show we pay your return fare from acton to guelph on any 500 purchase at this store during fair week we will refund the amount of your return fare from acton to guelph simply present the return portion of your ticket after you have made the above mentioned purchase bigger and better than ever this will bo by far the best fat stock show ever held in the the country up to date entries far exceed that of any other year dont miss this big show and while in the city be suro to visit this store and get your share of extraordinary vaiues in clothing for men boys we have been long preparing special values for this fair week we bought heavily at old prices now you get the benefit no war prices here boys overcoats iu long tiftutti and bosytboit cau wlwt ooiun ooawitlbla sad ithawl eouin ulut myu moa ueat tuuenu sm hm lk ium mens suits a greet opportunity to gave la snappy style two and thr tweeds tttc a stilt for every i mens tiult smart three buttons in urgts y num old tmt values iff itt lm km tf tt boys suits whether its tha wee chap tba middle also or the big high school student we ere showing magnificent array of values styles ehd cloth for then all at leefmerm8sw mi jrtflliurjtt tnmvtiu attoit ii w avlton m a hn mlnl-u- rjunday dlocmllttl u a m clirminu niinrhio liimlmtid nml wlfi tbelr rflntlfiii p m t ho iipw wlnu of tho spirit f a kltl ati 6gviool in fliu attcruoon nt 3 to u lock missionary day alio wulcomib 4ltlu bbvirtiarinfiitfl suits and overcoats a marvellous overcoat showing ut old prices no war prices here hun- dredp of swagger snappy styles personally selected for our young mehru trade form fittinc full box backs regular chesterlields boys roomy ulsters in con vertible and shawl collars greys browns heat hern meltons cbinctllaa and friezes extra value now prevailing 1 lit is 18 2 furnishings underwear titaufuldji penmans wolaey tvn icnit and every other good make ueue heavy fleece worth vsc for tt uene heavy uerlno 7c for 4e mene heavy tlbbed wool hho 4i lfftt hyttauilnmli uene comblniuoa undeiwear ltft to itm per suit hoys fleece uuderwtuir reununs shc hoys heavy coat sweaters re lss far htfo ty heavy tweed bloomers 8115 for ftto- tclddlet all wol kovarall milts including cap and mitts lott 9j aumtand 40 men a heavy coat fiweaters worth 4 90 and 05 00 for tu7ff mens grey lahuel shirts collar at tec bed rg om for kc our christmas stock of shirts ties neck scarfs gloves braces handker chiefs bath robes smoking jackets etc now complete at almost last years prices do not fail to visit our store we can save you money meet me at wallaces george wallace qlelph ontario strayed 11 tutor inn i i 01 i f fir j fill i rnvlnu 1 1 any aliil hoik ut coxw notir hid unlit til tow amourlu tteputtnloved lit ilia munlellllrin au1 alur ilia itt iiv nr dwoinliir all aamunls mint tlinullwr lia pal a in at hie limoliatile itaob aoleu tiytlialtnilvllualcuatoaktori tsuyour lilli to lhalulik wiileti will raealva roiironvsmlrenlityourklll kay umrapi rlmrelhltiorsatljiioitlistil sav lbs is p4runt djsoeurii fiiiim an 1 all otlisf utt 11 he ehargee nal to 4 1 payahta at ilia uui tttna iiv oilduli off tiib council notice to ckediroks in the mattef of the kartatte er aeeer dchurl let of the yownsthlp of aaauinf in the county er hl ten runne4 deeetoed not ickj u haraliy olvm iiuruanl lo the rul- ule iu thai llialf that all eraaitftm of auy lb bl eu 1 ottiar uotj lievlris elalna aaal t t ihi kaule ol tunra ifcm1u lata n tba y6ttlii inj un o4l county of lialiea farm- r hliitrluil at cmiu ming 011 tut alteut ibe dajrbf 0talmr luin r- require lo eol by tiol bralal or tlhr to tti tindrun1 lbs holiilefotlntxkfcflulji of mm mm tutaf nttarbatmre ilia ii th day ft dtteoibmi ibis thnm4fuldr stul fall teileaiajra ef lliitr nlaloaa duty vmrinatl anrl hie nature or the amprlllaa if atty hij liy tlim e ertv lbs uu inn day of demwr ibin the mid kimik iomuiu wd toduuiuuiatlie ssmis of the ui itmtmd awook tha ttxeouaantlllarl utare- to bivlaa rttah euly tn tlia etaltna nt wliuh uiayibail uwiu hevebajl hmiu sue i bar will eotba liable fov any lt of lie iu mt lo any pamee of wlio olaltua thay shall uel then battbaduouse a j uickinkon the reliance shoe co limited bylaw no- 20 4 uv uw eliatifelns tbalomuon of tbemaad a orto ol u flairauea hbm oo umltad frou tba city afyoreulo out to the villa el alton q it u anaetaj by the lioard otulr- attuieitbeluiuuee uuoe co jutnlud es a uylaw of tba uid eoupaey aa lolic 1 ybal tba llaj otf as ef the eeubaey he aaj tiaiameia ipmt ute city ef yofobta ool te tue vllue of aetoii unt vuut by tb dreloa end malej with the soupiuy a aaal utla leau day of rjmbw a u i j dthwoody pmlubl qliidadl bivbtt baetuy di bf neotbt- a u lula anjl unanlm eeunrute by ail ths abarbalium ef tba ut a a vui k uiailim ef abamh- nidiily bu for oauauulue tba aaoie wlibuaeerhabjaanatba eoopmtta aaal of bit ial4 eoubauy ibu mill day niuovtnbt a mi j out wood khuit blibll p sfuklve ueertury hiamshdaqdnodnanndnahijmuhs good secondhatjd codblnif stoves i per ceal and wood cai ueatsrs hoithtovs m all kinds tcod hand vurultur vmmmlttb9vdblmu haie u 2 l stabkman b b vaawa artensarr acvoh 0 y m unaaisiunnndddnaoaarjddiijbihaibi jewellery have ua set ald any ajtlcl dir j uiltll xtdas uodrate pric e j liphardt 4ctoh otavaklo p d mew wonderland 1 srhttutv datcaiwkisiis i the code uarcle oray a wonderful story of a woman a toorsl code when confronted by oae of the grt quiljiia of uu feeturlncoaitanca collier kuitohdavokottwbstu 9 atlaffilfof i a three nettloat uaiv arnold dalywuprororaruolj ef tlte kulua plcturesl a dt live and tullltary drama mohdav bstostmbstw kpuodes of tlio iron claw wlih wjt white crelhton hall and uhaldou lewis r l gregory new goods today hnndtomu new neck wear tjfic sdc jsc to 9iss beaulilul neck snirfu letttoslbo landkurcliiufx pure linen neutlv boxed two in 1 box fitlc tho very newest in shirts white and color ed our special 12s and ijss the ienuinp borsa- lina hat the hat of quality 4s r e nelson hb9ni ouirkntrien dueltth ottfufu

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