Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1916, p. 3

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crvristmasgifls wntclitu jnwellury pttncy clock k rllv rwnw cut ginns 1nnty china hooka tllblas ty pulla childrens blelftliil xmtiu mill new yujim cards olfta for ovory ntu mo other ntore olfum you finch o soloctlon mimta ola us huadquaiitbhii geo- hynd8 if rlunta ujoiir lii lit- ut of 1 l u vlbtl or know of uiiv fiitt n atlng nuwh ki mt tiuir from jou wv alwujti apprcclblu mill fuvuru phone ii 11 ffibe qxiatt ftee tt tiiuiuidav iikceu1ikk 7 1016 bbief local items now fr wittier whiw and a wmu ctutaa hbgs hlul turtdipe em belbg ehlved lara thu week vtjsiij tortjtlp council will eaeet 6ej thalslb ftiel tt pl ol wheat ed fliwr bvs ud eucllnlag during ua wuk another spell ol plowing- was pat in dariotflhe miu wihrof the pit wji tiki uut w ju ol lha iw ohae yecluy o hw u ith ggej pco butt cul i slwiit double tha pk e ttu 1u lt j and it u kk fcl thi ur jitoi llfewo ica anlae oil nlmmunl the vnss puis will cell- finiu pprt fca mayor jum hewer of ooelpb died oa wedoealay of lui tnk he ws alaty ulba year of age a sjccetful red cvfiee cocmlt with a ftoj rrjjemuj as beld in oaplbga telwie hwiea 01 ifrtday evaulngjaii quae were the only town la the euaty saw tlut esii lout ol a uud reed fuaafrait ttt leurgetewq herald ur kelluiiites bpeyslda unhjd a ear of feeders ion oa hetuidsy wbleb be tall putvhaaej durlnglba week ftt wurud the drums end bogles lor aetea bay eefeil uand arrived on tueedey and have im oa exhibition la johoetoa ft owv window tt flovarelgn clove and robe faetery s delhi working on govemweet owuk was burned uu wmi luidurii u tb hay routa cotuiantel tllr wk of ftlrtng nftitsr edjr of wuu ppw for ht iuj 6w lut btardy ttuy wr buity ltvni tol dy ur harold witdirust itwl li ut tbumli palnfally hmfd nd ucnul roupla of waalm aju tlo woindd ioa- tr u iiuu utinot mmhhj in lil mimuii on bftic untl bftt- floa in kuok uhurcli on handxy uoialnjf il4v ur wilson polniotl out vty vividly tha duty of imidb loyul cdiuuluos in oou- nmllon with tlw war owlnr to clirbiuuut fulllug oa tb ut blfiadtiyin doiaur tlwi rounlclpal uou- idailwmwih ulwld en ftuny douu siatl an provkldl by mfttuta tkannnul bull and nuppu- bald by u vlr llriizada in ilm town hall but iffviday avanlng l tponft to ba ba lo all r4pt up to tlifl xpfcutlonb of tba qmh ulltaa ylulub wmtlnboftfabuiityoouail will u bu um uomlay ilut itul it wlllba follow by tlwt waidaua dlnbm- wiiimj tlw futuban and ffuiui by wr- tua itldoli of 060ijitowo th boobs of l u iuiuum bboi co lw km lnram ths output of lbs feuwy of 4l0j00ilu tb but ulx luoatbii or uta oonspoiulinff nix tnanlba of 101 it u 6rtjiily a arowlnfl- buan4k a nuuhrof tlis faitnr wbatoldbutj tothsrudlnl wllwu for iflbtofwy bav bid thalr arliltratioiii and valuw dtuji ttthg sr still in an unimtlftd mata frio raltud will uppear to b fairly wall mtlifiad nabl oaa of tb wont suooauful ulu bald itf etlu for soma tiix wtu eoadtutad by auetlaaaai kerr tar ouwald bvardalloatba ustif novitabar itoriaa want up to ituifl uviyewi with calf 8116200 kina eowa ml ixlfarabnugbtsloiaoo icd ami gun for ikoosmbar la npuu 1 with jstod tblnjt for iwmuiiiuo raadara tbara ai4 nunuroua intoraitln buuim sad article tlta regular depart wonti davoud to flthlbfc luiix uiul auuunltloa lh tp thu traplliio coiiurvatloa tha kdaihil uiu mil wull malnulncd w j avylor llndud woojuoek oat ara lha publuliara of thl ptamlar caaadutt apotamu waftailna m1uta6v motes owp e ourr hait baan boua tbapaat waak oa slak laava lta oml fflatcw of namwjh watt muad lu tmtloa la vrauot but wk ita john januluga oalt vultaj bu lioua ban lor ttw days durlatf lha wk- ovai tifty u of taambarii of lrllauaat maarvliia thtf twfdtc in the araay aad aavy ibaob harry uavwaml has raturaad from twodto oobvalaauat ifotpltal aad li fml- intf uttar for bu stay tbara ur and lira ullaa of eja uilla ra- salvad word hub wk that tbalr iia it j utlaa bad itaan wouudad la afitlaa uugur ltolt btawart of tha lsith xtiuallou ban lau hatua uia past waab rtcupauliub f uaok ul tba wumpa uaut- ivrey edge th oaly l u uav joadi kd iwnle h savara days latl weak in town is with bla uatulion in sfautce uoa- iw haodaraoo ban vaoalvad uuars thu wk frotu bukoti uaut t d haadsfaou wj t uudooa at tba front all wall ad la fetal aplrtta blllmurt mokugua u tatakleg satla faotory profit at tha boipltal jt david ehaltb who wsot m ttb tba hlsblaadara a ooapla ol taoaiha moawbabasioui uuuua with bu baaa ua la abla to v about on erutabaa bat bla dootort glva blta aa bop uwt ha will ha bla togottfthalwm news op local import a buooouhil younsr lady dakar ulwulu j lllnl of norvul hutlnu iikn 1mii warxld tba wovloolitl hn1 prlut awurilml by tbacampball mllllit co for tlio broail lnaklrtiaanlmtointoulrli4froiii twnlvaloalltuwn yaaritof as in ooiihao- tlon will tl uuralhchool fall ital tliu euiltlth br to a tbrtw trtootlm nourwi ut ilia maouoiiald inatltuu ut uunlpb auo ona year bubaorlpuon to my magaxlna babbit bhoouny- is lllofral tha olom fcort for rabbit fctiotlojj bagan on novambar kith bub tltara will ba an open muon batwaan daoambatr 23rtl ami january 2nd tha abow apiillaa lo aboat lug only oouontalu may 1m kllud at any tlmaby anyotherbiaaiiatban tboot- ing and may ba ulan kllud or iutioyil in any uudhm by tlia owiwr oooupanr or li-rni- of any und upon which tltay oauna actual datum tha 0 rt winter fair tha wiau vajr now in proarat- in flualph solipm in many rpou all ur vlous fair tha axhlblu ara mora nuraw- oua and tba allwutioa urg anton paoplaata vuilittr tha fair in ion hum ban tbaoltyor flualph u anlartalnlug lha btowda who ara attalliitf vwy teua- fmtorily tuwitlatajklltig that wval of tba houla thaa hava uj cbwad alam pblutloa cja into tort eplftridld hacnjltltltf barnlorl luv a if k hollfa u a wcll a vary atrooa and abla aarmort oa hotuuy walagoathaduty of thaladlwulualoltimci to tha fadpji ua li j amllly tha haparauwa dbty af thaalubolud ban of millury ia aad apmly tu unula ma wha hava ba fatally t ilavolvlng upd tuta taaoluaakddo thalr uv la tha ttat atresia lot aavlaa a 66otry aj tha prtiot af tha vk ttav byrd btatiffars laeturri thaa u a growlk iturt la tha oooiuff utaf luv ujikw if hiaunv tha abla auj laqbat fmtw of 11 j iuat cou- bvwtatloa1 uturth tomato luv ur huttftwwllltulivw hu popuur aoj vary ouhjalatf uwuir lulla kftmt doot uadw tha ttuioo bt lha kluga orj iu lllbla claw la lha ualvjw church oa thtatwlay avl ltth in-t- a v hmli of uiaau t6 thu laurtlag at has already baaa iaid warnlm td au brugvuta onutta uou uaatd ua dfl italy ijjaaad tha baa oh llqaa uuaaradlaif a lavalld pmt wlaaaj upoa bartala lrw try toalt titu chalraua truvalla has b44d a eimdlar la ha sjjrwj to avy djcslat la oouila aofilylng hlu that tha laakl turpaaa to aa that ilia law lu ta- flard tothaas wlaa it obrvad up to tha pvaaaat tha hcmud has lluliad ft a i tan tiooa ta imreawutlau tha uanufuctursr in f utura lha drulu who trauakrara will ta takaa to taak st albaui cjluwh bajjtar st albas uaiaar will ita bald in tha ivih hall on vhday and saturday of naxt waak tbara will ba an aaotllsnt display of plain and fancy aawlsp awl mauy artlous uaafal for praaaots on account of tha war all iblogafor tala ara baing tuarbad down to tha lowal polbla flguraa and many itargalna will ha ohtalnama by aarly purabaairrf thara will alao ba rowan aod liaataauda caiullaaaiil baking of all daa- crlpllotia a fldi pond iia liaan provdat for uta ouiiif folu- lco crat hiki lifllit r4frahiaaib will bo carved il la bopl thatlhu diuar will lis well upportd thi gvuarwt adtalasloa for adulu u locanli and oblldran 0 eants htfh sohool literary soolaty tba ragular uaating of tha aolon high helical utarary boelaty uaaliamou 1 rlday sitataoon tba vioo traaldaat ooouplad tltaehalr uunaat evaata waia road by ulai olady uotattgkllu and 4lw buw- art urlaf tpaachaa wara mada by adam orrsaduuiabblabayder araadlngwan glvati by uua laabal elliott followad by an iauraating raoltattoa by ulu anola uartin tba bualoaaa ft lha ooailbg at houa waa dluuaaad m1m bannatt tbon favowd tbatnaaung with a vary latoraatlng and balpfdl addraaa oa alavandrla school tarooto tha taaatlnfe adjouraad with tha alayliig of nlod bava tha king sl albany cburoh muslon setrvlee tba ulialoa of rapaatanea and hops whub was eotausnoad in bu albans oburoh on uaaday eoatlauaa with growing latataat tba faotor iuv ur flmiib twaaahad oa uoailay aad wadraaday avau- inga daluariog lmprtlvs tuaaaagaa and farvaat akhmtatloaa to tba eoagragatlan on toaaday availing aroadaacon davidaon of ooalph proaohad a molt intartatlugand eoaiprahaiva aarmoa on tho advent of jeaus cbrlit as rapraaanlad by john tho daptul a atroaif appaal was uada to all of chrlms followara to uva ikoi emulating aafar as poaalua lha ufa of jaaua upon eaub tba valua of tba oburoh in belplog man to llv aright waa auipluulitad to utu am lbs unity of ohrlatuns aad tbalr loyalty and hupport of thalr own oburob with a viaw ut htiagina about tlta ohurcb unlvaraal aa aakb tha holy catbolio church was forcefully praaantad rav ur uoyd of br jamas church ouelph will eonduet tha servloa thlsavaalag tha goapel in bong tba uaipla laaf quahattav of gait who wave ubsbls to wen to aotoa oa tha salh ultt as aubauboad wara la tba uathodlu oburob last uuuday they eau at tlva motalag aarvlaa aod at tha sunday school in the afternoon at tha aoog eertloa lu tba avanlag their quartettei dueta and eolaa were vary helpful end liuplrlag these oonaaorated lufrars of tba pupal in soajj ara moat efflolanb in tlielr wotk tly tbalr apleadld raodering of even tba oldeab and wob faulllay hymui they give aa uplift to tbalr heatara while their singing of new byiijtti and goipal eaatrs attranb l lie reverent attention of alb the quartette li eoinpcaad of meem b a hseley uuor it ueuselwood nanto 0 uooragor liatl- tone and it c vtetulug baato three of tbeaa gantbush ara mechanical engineers and tha other is a high bohool teacher they spend their sunday in kinging the goepel at hospital to the alok and shut lus and at home ud uutatde ehuroh urvtees thay ara cordially weloomed everywhere at the evatiing eervloa ur v a ituthsr- fard one of uajta leading merchants who hoeampaaud the quartetta gave an ntar- eetlutf addraaa on ha itelatlon of 1aratiu tothalrchlldrau following up wry lav praaalvaly tba splendid barmoa on ohrlatlan marriage by rev ur avieon lu the tuorn- log ur hutharforda only eon is a die petal rides with tha troop in france children ory for fletchers oa8toria social and personal mr 11 1 wirraii of toroout wan in ton ii on tunmdit mr ilonry hood of 1auloj wultud autflii frloiijn thu wook mr and mr j david ium vlltad frlnd- at caiijibjllvlllrt on hunday mr woitluy kuttpp of toronto la visit ing ut iliu homo of win hawthorne mr h m moalav of oualpl vbltadlile frloiul mr martin j uaffat on haturday mrs imgar diirttlon wltoaa buababd is aeraeaa vullwl aoton friends ul wnak mr j victor colsmaii of tha oantral v m c a toronto waa ltoma ovar ttun day mrs wui urown and uusaa margarat and marlon of toronto vlaiudfrlandsbara durtiig tlta waab mr- wirt maoou mm vrank uolntoali aiidmlu ilaxal muaon vkllad f hands in kltcliaiier thia waak maadra il l and i ii caupull of klncanllua vliud at tlia hma of it- i jobuatono tills waak mr flan bor rturoaj lut thurmlay from a waaka vult ab bar daughters mr livingatona mount voraat ur haur wllluma of tha merchants ilanb lunfraw la upending a ooupu of weeks at bla father boma bar mrs alfred uutbur of oaliawa cama to aototi ubt haiurday owing to the aalouv llluaaa of har alaler ulu wblta mua ada lloa and ulae edna lardlner of kdlnuurgb hoouatml are you of mrs h p uwum flaargvtawa hefakl ur and urs j h deooa of torouto popad to apaud tha wluur lu vlimrkla tuy uaveuiu wk fur hi ivurourur bla m- u uu1 awl w lloaa vulud waatlngltouas itarraxba at hamilton ovr huaday thay rput that oir uya are lit vary oooifoftably tjuartea thara owing to tha lllie of utas arnold lha junior lu rooot at u- 1uuu huhool will belncharbeof ulaa vvethald aatll tha and of thl term tlaoyatowa if raid llula iwttby llnyw wasalietoelbup but bunday for tba brat lima eltu eka was run over by a motor car about two moatla tfo bor a lauf time that we aw haw fv hr rovey whiob wa aa glad to fre port la now axturvj chauijoo major howard harhwwt v it c b leoiiai kagland annauocas the eagaga- ueat of hia iliur j a lu roa ifarrlaoct dauithlarcf thalau mr v u harrlaa uliuw to dr arthur n im1 ihiadaa aoa of tha iuv l w hill iugrvoll tha uarrlaga o takeplxethseadof ueoembe tuk momtuly ho mob bull suuidlng 6f fupua ta afitort high uld fchiblld sdhoola for movadlbai iiioif bchool dicautuint vouu iii- ciahs iuttu hoott ollv uowat uarguailta h to wart ciaaa ii itoy drown clam hi george audaraou oeorga agnea hlgbtat in auolent ulatory lettii boott i in alabra ittlaboott vuuu ii clash ii adam orr elhol stirkmn annlo hoydir mubal itoblnaon lot rmlth ciahh hiuloiu uelem anole urun iv i wo ftoat flladya moltughlln liure m ljiiuld harold konnnly alloa john ytoit lnonn cumpltoll ida crawford dilnti il-lkin- hurhio rltahli llluhi i aritliinamumiil ltlun und k ho riuirtinm lu sih1 i uadta orr vuwu i cum i kdiinoui handarum elale htawart hatty lowrla clara lnt iabel elliott jack wuulia ctuuu ii margaret brit ton batata woodlial itlitraiiuo hobartaon jlwlya huffmao ditly wdaun alloa htawart neil olbbona ctaau iii edna johmtton jals mownt mae mmtat uary uouvoy riy agoew ilojd kannoy lucy ed ward i llule moftjt iaumnca glbbona hawb wllllaina hlghaat in grammar jaasle mowat i la hutory han wllaau i in arithmetic kenaetli haoderaon aiul klale stewart w h brawauv prlnolpal pkarl z batitfb auiateub pltuliu bchool dkpahtukna fotiitii dki ahvuknt biu ivmaxfell ball 103 haul uso donald 7fl cliarlla mann us willis stawart 105 vide anderaon 113 agues hobble im jn iv- esther btarkman 312 francaa hurat 13 david hsnderaon o0 mar- gureb momuhb 173 vlieb davla 167 alice jamoi iso total 2flfl u k bkhhirrr taaeher tumu uafauviimnv bu illmartha orr gaora duhoiv jlmtnle llais angus kennedy laahel ho- klven vere hujtt leoa uoaielb total ju ill jean kennedy autuii need uaorga drownles maria uourat uaruer ita ityder edna heudereou aad uary biamkllo totausa k a wiiaoh taaeher htfohd dkpabyukny bu iiulrlaia clifford fiw kelllo hall sio aguaa mann 25 jean lurber 214 robert stewart 213 jessie uonabh 2m tualtwfll jr ii ulaa bsxe 178 gerua debhu ini lynd bmlui iftst curenoe baboack 182 hora lambert lofl johnnie ihma isa bldneybmltb uu llalph iteuderwa ibs alfred dulmp 140 total 1q0 m ii vtmviiy taaeher slejr liifautukhv bb i leslie gisory sffj kueena ue llteraan 219 heun uououekl 22 berab cross 029 harry fleldsula 227 usitbew tyurftw ju ijesjinle orr 2u helen coxa m willroee luid ms dobbu lappin l frank gibbous 2s7 clara savage oul toul 300 i vdlavkb taaebar friuary depautmknr bkniola pauukk clash a kllen ryder 110 hareld held iso gordon huffman 107 aaale dutm 12k mary btewart 131 herbert fryer 10 total ua clam rhllllard frloe 100 louu hotmsh 100 uarjoru smethurab 03 mar- jule leweon 02 freak ltollowsy ho jack ewiagsa total ub clau o john nibboua 1st oureoaa henderaon iu dorwauld lforeeb 117 max sutkmaa lie hoe t ilttaw 04 albert hall 00 total 101 u a uu u tvaehar jinioa fhiuku cmu a miyllis cook flaraoaa llud uau irene ihmn ah in gaubld jack bymoas itoeeweterhatiaa and etbil jamea equal ciaw llharou wltdgnst ltorethy maolieraon wllfrad cook charlie him kilo vloleb hall kddla glvaoa h uokiattu taaebar n ews topics op the week important events which have oo- ourrod hero and thoro viitnimiiv a 70yuur old lirldo toolc nitlon hi ilrnntford lo uccuro ilimony driiituliith ucvu to umbo llio aalo of invalid port ibu1 in ontario tho arrival of u larjio nninunt of took la roportcd in fluidph for tho wlntor show tho hunlam llntlulloii of torouto was proacntod with colors by mrs timothy katon the ontario government takes stops to protect the foroals of the provlnco mora iifectlvfly graco hospital toronto vas burnod yoetorday but all patients ml nursfis wore aaved tho houmanlan government baa doc id ml to abandon llueliaraat mov ing- tho capital to jessy a tablet wan unveiled at klngatott to tho so captain john uacdouald mowat who wmi kited in action la franco tho gornibh aubraarlnes sank ulna boats in a day one of which wa a unltod fltatoa vaaaol fly in the surs and alrlpca contractor kelly sentenced in ton- uectlou with the manitoba parlia ment llulldliiu acaiidal makes ap peal for now trial toronto ton do rod it otnclal re- eeptloti to tlia duko of dvonshlra who brought urootlnga lo the prov- luca of ontnrlo frotu tlio king pre do rick palmer tbn war corre spondent v h vlalttng toronto prcaacd llio onlnlon that the llattle of the rom mo will lw doclalve vork councillors oppoo the pay ing of a tiiqjtlutroln who has doa a grat drol of fining of automoblllals pit the feo syaloni tbry rwcomwaad ft btrelght alary tikuhdav further turkish gelui wer adult led by tbo huailan war offloa tho llrltlab adiulrslly danud that the rrulaar nawciallo hod ba sunk by a inlue gormauy piolrstcd afslnat the alllos ordorlug the teuton envoys out of athmib llflut ilruco hoatudr ac to a iiur rowi younnar bod of mr actoa llur- rowe was bllm la achou air oeorgn k yoiur mluuur ef trado end counueroe bu dlad blmsslf for woman tutrasa ii was aunouncod that the duaae discovered am on i at weuru tlva utock oq not of tba foot aud tnalh variety kdavuayor jatuos hewer of guipb la dead lu bla 70tb yar ha was active in the cltya bualneaa and tdutilclpel ufa tuarly half a c ur fradarlek paliuar the bo tad var eoryaapoudebt told a big mas- aoy hall audi nee that tha ajlles would break through tba genuau hue colonel o k larwaull coutiiajld- auit of the itoyal unitary oolla aclugetou baa arrived lu ktaglabd en route to france to jolo the hutf of oeoeral sir douilas halg the ateanur bheaaaxo baa ehaarad from dulutb with 446000 buabaiai of llak worth 1iis60 tha kaoai valuable cargo it is claimed that ever sailed tba 0rat lakes a steamer arriving ttvd ktaropa brought tha newt that harry louder tbo famous bcoltlsb comedian bad spent 1100000 lo recruiting aufcl that ho is likely to be kalghtad the commfsslou of coaaarvatloa is preparing a comprehensive report oa canadas bra loaaoa aud baa aa- cured tba aervlcaa of a abeelalut oa flro engineering ad protective me thods whoso so rr ices are offered tree to dludlelpallttes aa ontario hydrtwiloctrlc daputa tloo waited on tlia floverameat at ot tawa asking that oxport licenses be refused to prlvqto power companies falling u oallafaciory agreorueat of tho ultnr drat to mort tho noada of tho provincial coniuileatoa fill uav fhrco hundred pcoplo wore killed by a cyrlone in india tho war credits of franca to date total 7 600 000000 francs one bundrld and thirty japanese aold lorn woro killed in a railway col lision lakn nnvlgntlon that is regular ly iniurctl tr inoportatloa cloaad at midnight tho administration of santo do- nlnnos affairs has been assumed by tbo united btatoa work on tbo new wollaud ship eanal la to bu discontinued at tba cloao of tbo preseut soaaoo major w o uaekondriek prl- dont of tbo warroa bituminous liv ing cotnpny toronto haa baaa ap pointed to tho british ilaff tho duke at devoushlro la aa isd- drfiss coramouding educational in stitutions urgod canadians to mmk tba fullest uo of tbo rmlta of victory euro to come ur n homo bmltb explained to tho york county council how ha came to donate 91soo0 towards tba construction of the now bridge over tba number dr o j o luatlnge medical offi cer of health toronto dlacuaslub tba affairs ol bis department with tha kloard of control said alderoiea act like seppellu raiders andrew caraoglaa secratary told uayor rochester of lleufraw tbal several ontario munloipaliueet haa failed to keep their obligation to tnatotalq libraries founded by tba uarnegio fund the oraln growers grain coatt- bony decided to amalgamate with uba nltod furnura of alberta tha al berta farmers cooperative blavalor company and tbo manitoba grajn- growora absoclatlon forming tba united o raingrowers limited haturday dig artillery battles were reported along tho italian front the derby recruiting plan is to ba given a trial fa australia the aornieob in blast africa auf obituary wlluau t tomk william tbuwa who died at grace hospital toronto on monday ol but waak following aa operation was sett of the lata george stone el aurora and was bara la atdsruey channel island ha waa la bis alitythlrd year in ifls ba uughb la banuoekbura bchool following ur w t buyth who railgaad to take a pcaltloa as travaller with w ii storey son lu tloaember ibm be married elisabeth c warren daughter el tha lata joba waraen acton five children three soaa and two daughters bleued the boma tba two daughters died several years ago of tba one william t li in a beak a uonttaal sergt jehu fl u with tba army uedleal corps ab kimbltloa camp aad cbarlaa it is ab boma mr btoae was aa lutaulgant wellread christian man he waa ao artiva worker in college streea uetbodlab cliureh toraeto and was ittaordleg steward at hla death ife bad oceuplad several good bualaaei poaltlona at toroato and waa with hyalsp brea wbea ha died tba funeral latfc wedneeday waseoadaowtl by iuv w n caatiuer rev dr booth and iter jehu leeba a memorial aerviee was held la oollge utreet ohureb last bun- day evaalog lateraieat was mada ab fvcspeet oamatery their many fruods in lha old home hare ehlead alaoere aym- palhy to urs staee and her eons in their sorrow erd hohvy losanm at thfl wnatl ftv tt british foreoa itnlon lhlo innsan wem rocom- trtondod for toronto by dr jams it gray of chicago germany baa forbidden kuropaan unutrsls froml purchasing supplies from tbo kntjnl allies legislation 1h to lie introduced at tlm boxt aoksfun of tho lcclslntura of ontario to loasou nra dangor in the north ontario county council has under taken to do its share in retain 1000 men to compute tha quota for the county kingston court botisa is being given to tho ullltary hospitals com mission for the usn of convalescent soldiers it was claimed at tba york county council that tha forme tor soldlera relief mado the applications appear uko charity the naval department has issued a lowlight order applying to all vs- eels in canadian waters oa tha at lantic and up the bt lawrence to quebec canadas revenue in november was the greatest lu tha dominions his tory being 133164766 equal to the total revenue in tbo full fiscal year 1b7sh0 tho duke and duchess of devon shire and the vicaragal party ln- apocted the troops at exhibition camp reviewed the veteran and at tended their flrsthockey match and ice carnival word we a received thai uurt w n poiguaon k c and hugh lloso k c had been appointed judges of tho high court of ontario tlia vacanrloa being croalod by tha deaths of filr john a iloyd and ur juatlco y a arrow momhay bdven huudrvda cars of coal ar rived in toronto on huniay it waa reported that 1000 turkish aoldlcrs arc dying daily lu flyrla from typhun iremlor trpon of ituaala an u0ubrd that tho alllea would right to tbo in it mnu attempt 1 mi turka at aa of fensive on ilir fauraaua trout wea fruatratlil ty tin l usalaua tbo tt o drliiali aviator who de stroyed oik of tin list seppvllu raid- era wera th orntrd by tbo king a wako up canada campaign waa lugun nt a ruuelnh rruhlug mfliluu at uaiuy hall tofouta milk proilucrra arc taking btepa to obtain 2 so for oti elghtgalloa ta or bu incrcaao of twouty live tir rat uoio than two thouajnd voua have lwcn audrd to tho lint in kortil paov acrordlug lo o j wilcox u p dr thomas kakln of toronlo da- uouscvd tbo cowardice lovo of aaa aud avarice of youug tnea who do tut enllal leeds district dairyman rveolvad to patltfoii thf oovornmcut act to allow tho luabufactuio or sale of otatiinar- gar i no lu canada ur oworgo wright of yerotito ays dalogaui to tbo great bolelkaep- ers convention lu new york blamd brewers daalra lo gt rtcb quub for the progress of prohibition cauaalaa trade exclualve of cola and bullion for tba twelve months a ad lug with beptember olallad 1- 7is174s6 an incraasa of mora than 300000000 over tha year pre vious kerosene used by mrs d uay- moud to light her ore exploded and burned bar and her three child ra to death la their home near chap uau qua several fires have occurred sim ilarly la that dlatrlct recently pte norman pi lut of tba is 3rd battalion wellington county la bil lets at bt thomas oat was fouad unconscious oa church iet to routo and died at the dssl foapltal uuder circumstancei warranting aa laaueat ttjkbday tha new british war loan will ba c400000000 senator james klrkpatrtck kerr died at toronto fllx ships are sunk la oue day by german submarines holland has made atrong protest against german slave raid la bet- glum major r k kllborn formerly a doctor at the royal ullltary col lege la doad uaron lucas tru dwell formerly private secretary to lord naldaue la reportod billed a botelinan in bernla was fined 1600 for a violation of the ontario temperance act it was announced that tha cana dian flying corps would become a permanent service john d archbold the standard oil magnate and one of tha richest of americans a dead records show that diphtheria boa been prevalent throughout tha prov ince during tbo pait month there wore riots in antwerp when the belgians turned on their op pressors many lives were lost town council of north bay urged the government to confiscate all stores so as to regulate food prices it was announced that ai a result of a special campaign tha railroad yuca now baa 38194 new mom- be re general turner has arrived la london to assume bis new duties of commanding tha canadian troops lu england daniel wain of orodltou wag shot when ba attempted to act aa peace maker between a man and wife in a detroit poolroom he died from the remits of bla wound sir fraucoaco paolo toau tba italian composer who wrote the pop ular song goodbye died in itomo on monday ho was knighted in 1800 by king edward tha toronto city aldermen de manded an apology from dr hast ings tho medical honitn otdcor for expressing a candid opinion of them but later they accepted hla proposal regardla changes loac biajoy bhlpe cimitiania via london dec sfrom the beginning of tba war until november af this year s43 norwegian ships havo been destroyed by acta of war those included 103 teamors totalling sb1638 tons tho vessels were insured for 146- 000000 kroner glllllllllllllllllllllllllllllipillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllw i exemplifying the measure of macdonalds weekly bargains and proving to you the priceadvantage to be rained liy coming lo guelph to the countyu lament store to do your winter iilioppini wo quote some of tliin fridays and saturdays laraiii mothers troubles 1 mother unending work aiul devotion drain and drains tier phytic strength and leaves lis mark in dimmed eyes and careworn expressions she ages before betr lime any mother who is weary ami languid should start taking scom emu1si0n of nmst coo lira on uaafrenghhraioodnid tonic to etdd ridbaeaa to bar hutoa smd wit up w rwanrt ttefare it b too laic surt scottsja totlay ua lame it wojldvklocsk no harmful drttm w avekatoaatneaaoat u4 menalisoo to a15no bulla for icttt uun 419 on and jijjo over- coataforsjlfjlta mens j400 hats for scicoo usns 10 m jo sweater coats for ixko moua to gi93 blilru far ttc womens to amoo ooata for nrx women 0i6 jo bulls for ioso womo itll to 6493 nioua for womans to 6ys kuirta for xuh women a trimmed iiatn worth uptogaooforsltto womens nackwuar liargains u3c anil oc vvomena hatullwg utxclalj ytfchso and104f womeutt sibj corwta for htk womona lo kimoiiom for uhc iloye 0 30 and 47s hukulnu overcoat o for suf hs hoys fla and to 00 ubilcr ovorcoatu for gifls boys ojoo morlolk bulla fur oyt8l5 ami tlas lllnomrr knlckeru for hoc d e macdonald bros ouelphs leading and largest store limited wyndkam uatloaiiaji and garden slr ouelph ool olhtauimo auction sale jahm htouk imrlk- mjbnttvktc tha uudarolguad baa relved instiuc- tloiiato wll by public auction for win a oooaw at the haru on the warru farm lu acton on hayuudav baoaeatawette at odif oclock aliarp lha folluwlug iiouhbs 1 chee tout team 6 end 7 ytura olj wall mated aud in fcaot coodi lloo ganeralpurpwaa i liaavy nura 7 yiaratild in fuallo groa bak 1 black eaclnti diarm n war lu leal 1 bey orwa 10 years driver 1 tiilvtiig horu 0 yar cattle 1 gray row due la april la milking now 1 ucw halfr rilng j yra due ti ail la mllkiug now t jfar- mv balfr in tlf tullklug now 1 awlug calf halfar i hohuilu cow uu au ijlh hoqua bnuulaowa to plga6weeka old fowl jiw ta puluia iuplhuentb 1 uccwmkk mod- cr froat wood uuder utcormick uiowar 1 uaayllarrlamawar 1 hay rake miay harria 1 bay rake tic cornilck lulllvauxa s 6eu bat row 1 polar haialltod sl drill 10 boa 1 uaaavyhanrld seed drlll ithoei jalngu plown t a fuktw plow ploury 1 low wheal wagou good coudilkw 1 high whld wbjtunalu 111 good coadlllou 400 lu bet tcaua aouftura a hay racbt atock rack 1 disk barirov i delaval cream as pa rat or hwi- tbrbet wagon 1 light epriog wagon 1 utanbopa buggy nearly new 1 buggy in good thane t cutler 1 sat bobeietgha 1 delay churn 1 tut manitoba boba iron wheel barrow woadau wheelbarrow robe pair horu blankets jute pair wool hare blank at a nuw no ft inch rope iu goad tbetw ut wuod doubtt irtmu set iron dnuhtr- ircva hand graaa idar gravel bus i j rain bog new iron drum 43 gallon a run ting troughs cream can oow cattlw chains 3 ut heel chains fork a bnce rakca aliovela etc ha un ebb- ut double haraeaa tot double hsroeea new bet drivlog braa good ahape a sat single haruems bona collar ale hav grain a quantity of good hay about ajo buahela good oala teimalio and under cash over that amount il mouths credit on funi- ishlng approved lolnt notes 6 per cant off for cash hay oata aud fowl ctt e ft j it it it h r l whitman clerk auctioneer si a rubuo auction sale fai1h btook ind hi- the underuguad has received instruc- tlona from jahkas cabhahah to sell by publlo auction on weal half lot 0 in lltabtb coucaaalon of brln on riluittioav dstcbmbhh 14 1010 at ti oclock sharp the following furm stock and implemeuts horbbbi brown more 7 years otd 1 gray mare rising 7 years old 1 hay hoiae yearn old 1 brown horu aged cattle i red cow 7 years old duo to calf oaorbefora day of tale 1 grev low 7 year old dui december loth 1 gray cow 8 years old due july fllb 1 red cow ruing 4 years old duo july stli i red cow rising 4 year old duu aup the bib irodoowayearaoldduejuly 151i1 1 wblteoowcowilaiug4 yaure old due sept ist 4 steers a yean old s steer rlblnif 9 yeum oldj 1 yearling steer 1 1 helferriatncf lyearold 4eeri riling 1 year old 6 aprlns calves i fat heifer rlalua a years old if not previously told 1 bulla year old eligible for registration biieep 16 breeding ewes 11 spring ewo lambs 1 thorough bred oxford down ram pig b 3 young pig about 30 heua if not previously aold implements i uasuyharrls bin der 7foot out t 1 uccormlck cora bin- der 1 uccormlck mower 6foot cut 1 dverlng horserake 10- foot 1 seed drill is hoes a springtooth cultivator- 1 set uasaeyuarrla disk harrows 1 set of fvoat and wood harrows 3 sections a set of harrows a usury ploughs 1 1 par is plough 1 turnip sower 1 pea-harvet- er 1 fannlugmlll 1 set of scales iooo lbs a truck wagons 1 high wagon wltb box 1 bayrack woodrack 1 democrat buggies 1 portland cutler good as new a sloop cutler buggy pole cutterpole a let of bobsleighs monarch gasolene en gine saw and crtubercompleta mounted 1 aofoot ladder harness 3 sets of double harness aet of plough haroeae 3 sals of tingle harness hay gralu and roots about 30 tons bay about 400 bushels oats about too bushels selected uaacburliu barley about goo bushels of rdued grain about 300 buahele tt shipping turnip if not pre viously sold u1bcellanbou8 1 u bepara tor daby churn sugar kettle neck- yokco wwppletrees chains forks shovels stoneboat planka crowbars and other articles too numerous to mention lunch served at nou terms haygralri root a hens fat heifer cash all aunts of iten dollars and under caab over thst amount aa months credit will ba given on furnishing ap proved lolnt notes 1 9 off tor cash no reserve aa thafarm la aod and proprietor a gol ug west a u wyant clerk he n a free man indeed who u aide in reach what ha pwctloe rfiv byron h stauffer j psttor bood street cooirctlloqjl church tofonlo will gv otior til potiulr ulurd in w6 mouhodlst church acton thursday evening december 14 i his subject will bt ftjlks next ftoofc admission adults 15c children ioc i xmas xmas xmas nelson co want to see vou i let us show you what good servict and rnjhl pnceo are all ready for ubie christmas rush e very thing new lowest prices n 11 iii leave our nrdtr and be satisfied new raisins curranm dates peels nuia grape fruit orange- and confectionery useful oifts dainty handkerchiein allover aprons tea aprons mens ties braces and many articles suitable for the practical gifts which will he so popular this year 1 1 1 i un nelson co l mm st acton ii iii a a a a w a u a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a si h tf m xrlimngstone mill st 1 acton remember that christmas is getting closer all the time we havu thu bust selected arid lurkuni utoclc of new xman groceries fruits and nutu below we quote some of the upeciai values we will have on bale choice heeded raisins griffin and bkelly brand i lb pack age for 1 ga cbolcaueer valencia raisins lbs tor wb choice new beedleu raisins package notabeed 10 and 1 h choice new currants very scarce pr lb la mew peels orange lemeu citron new shelled waluuu and alkaouds very select line of nuts this seasons fruit no old crop canned goods we handle tha vine brand canned vegetables atid prull which are acknowledged by all to botke finest goods on the mar- kut today tomatoes cora peas ueaus pumpkin peaches pears plums btrawberrlas and raspberries vegetables cbolca turnlpa iooo heathj urge solid cabbage flnktat red carrots and peraalpa span lib andcooking oulous christmas oranges a specialty we want good butter and will pay highet prices per dozen for all the strictly fresh eggs we can get but they must be fresh j r livingstone acton a a a a a a a a a a a a 8 a a a a a a a a a a a a a 5 a a a a a a a a a buy madeinganada goods

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