Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1916, p. 4

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j oxrnn ytcc rcs5 4owwswosiioa im iiniii7 imii how to keep wel i lib man who wins ti mii 1 1 u li wiim i ll iw kiki mull mm ixtili i i mi y lurllmilui- ilwu nut iiihmi1 hill uiiv mrtiur luck jmt ft uly unil finhi hitl full of pluck wli4il iruk h ipinliiili 1iimi mult uum i h hiinuorn lliu t n ck 1 1 niti ni r va when to u tiilt itnit lln rt cniit do lln kwifblr doun fill iiau inn ll ihronyl tiirsj tiling xntk itmrittd i thai the man who trie kinds favor in lib employer y that it liayii to know mora than one thing weir bakinpdwder that it ilaobtit nay nil ha knows to ull for th man who win f works win in tli ituui who who neither labor nor tbouble shirks who use iii hand liia head eye tli man who u h l the man who trie war to end 1m revolt tlie fjondon morning ionla iluilapmt aorrespoadettt quotes prom limit hungar lln proleuor a uaylhjf in u lecture tlura li no tudli oonntltul lonnl fjctoe u the people nowadays either in gortuany m hungary tle socalled rprtiutlvu la rulltwmit are- only lit toys ol the ma in powr thslr uturanoaa do not count kbj thalr action are timlud by the inter mi of the rularu ailing ihsbisslvm the uut especially in hungary where the veopl at- euifutl aa tu spent and um suspsot thuoondltloa ualmmt abhiiuh a fee tut of lite war the army lllf tlie psofdear plod under the inttrucllort of rmd might etui a loetf aa thia uua tw bjt uo ovle in a tolltlcl or coo etiuitual the oorrpoulnb aupperu tin eotttad lum adding that tltee clrcumtunone en plai why proiiiwwit thlnkara uy the war mj oi miy lu k revolution whsreia the troy will have to uke tu uad had wefls heart coulb nor work could not sleep iaay wvuiun ore kept in a state ol fr of uaoi tiecooie weak worn said miwriihj- and arw uiublf to attend to thrir household social or budiw thill ad account of the unnatural action oi the wait to all aucli uuff cnrr milburaa uoai taa utva ii hi fllvo prompt iidj pct litmiiut rllcf un 1 uai 231 john rtrtt utl ifdiillltn1 out writn i waj so ruti iiii with a wcjk heart i could uot eved barwp tlve floor nor could i ilccp at bjlht i wj so uwflllly tick kkimtltilcd i bad tn stay in cd nil day ai i wai to wuv i uwl throe and a half iuum of eiitburnb heart and kcrve pwa and i am o ciifj woman today and aa ktrootf aj anyone could lve i am dolus my own ihoumwofk even my own waiuair t doctor far ovtr two eart but got u help until i uwil cuir pills uinwirna heart ond verve ihlla ere boc pcf imk 3 bors inr si 25 at all tout or mallei lirr t on receipt of twlceliytinit miuau- co ltuincn turooto ortt whwi a uu gets married he le uevr quite enre whether bis male frienda envy or pity tiro- be eure you can obey good lava before ymsjurbaj o children cry rob rletchers c the uor i aee of maa the better i lite my horse if the world owee you a living wliat do yoa owe the world t an oil without atoobebaue olla and ueajr taedlelbe bve aloohal u a prowln- autlhfredleot a judlcloue mlngllrm of bjm eeaittt oil oompoee the fetaoua lit thafuav eltrlo oil and there le no at oohol lu it ao utat ite ereou are uetlae there i ao taedtolael oil oottipoubded theb aui equal thle oil la it prevelauva aod heallbitf porr castoria la use vat over 3tj vsawa mrutastrvolautos tb repart ol 0 m u a deptuait ol ajrrldultura ih that there wire 21243 me uotor caw in the united rtatee on dooaraoarsl 1018 aa agaloit r000 in 1001 while tbaea ttflyrea kaay lie eatua what bhatvetutad when compared with a eomplulioa of lloaoae aututlm el tfca vari oua state they are near bioubii to ijtve a vlvl tde ol the urowtli of the motor in daetry tho total urou meter vehlela infrletraueu aiu lloanea revenue are ulveu u lh2trtvi3 of which pmotloilly do per omo in avallalje for road hurwveaumt o that lb will lw appreolated what a uoeflt to th aetlra oouatry tba automobile hae bed aaj la tba luoreaud ue of automohlua by the rloulturaleorauunlty id oaoaila durlog the past two yaare le one ol tha wojidera of th trad thauodera yotibg man aayi fswale erlufi be only oaa ood quality be la pataotual to hie uaata fioow wotimtt a very eailly pleawj judgiatf by what they marry kvm tba ebauber sboukl have a llttte oorua mad warta duappear wbia treated wub uolbweya oord oar without uvlnj gvery man depend oa tba quaatlty of aa4 wit or eod manners be hitak lato boouly lor tba reoepuoo h ueu with a u vfctimuay l uoihlbir uaw under th ub bob tbara ar a io4 oi freeh beopla hvf elth luth ite breath dvjohn w h ttrovlxawolt ut dimi ohivi iii mikii of thk rovinoxaki boaai ok lilt a i i ii till nn mm conferenco of ontario hoaltb onlcarn fur idifi ni i an din lent two daye lit blay it wn in point of nil ml rrf in porlatlco of paporx proaenuhf and nonoral liitorrnl ptrlinim tnout interoutltlir humjuhk of roodlcal ortlcorn of liuiltli wti i i over lind ono of tlio moat luatructlvo popora won road by dr w ii part i r i many yonru linn lcon director of tho laborntorloo of tlio iloiiilli ih pur muni of now york rity dr 1ark la ttn oirport upon dlplitborla ami in lila udtlrcna ho outlined tlu lufltboda of ida dopartniont in tbo dlnimoolo prevention truatniont of it a dlnoano in wblcb ho and hie tuoolntou lavo boon npn u itlnu rho city of now york la divided into noetic n a and tlio cblhliun kroupid in ordor that tonta may lo oarrlod out to dlucoo tti jo who nrci carrliro of tlio dlaoam and to obtain mora thorough lufarmil on aa to tlio caubu far tbo apreadlttm of tbo dlhoaea dr park iiald tint iio ncbcmti dun ikun productive of wondarful reaulla naenrdlnu tlio uio of untltomln lii utild that from practical oxporionco bo waa of tbo opinion tint tbo full amount uf antitoxin roqulrod abould bo ulvon in tbo drnt injection iinotbor way to obtain prompt roeulta van by injoctlnii of tlio runudy dirt- tily into 4 vliu bo aa to reach tbo blood atroam at ouco ho advocniw bluulo lurato dotteu dr crulckabank m o h of wlndaor nave a moat inatrucllva paper upon tonalla nnd adonolda in cblldrou tho doctor 1m ono of tbo beat of our health onicuru ho baa been aaaaod in ma kin if leati in tbla oiibj ct amonc clillditii in tbo wlndaor acbuole and baa coinu to tbo conclu n that touaiu and adonolda aro reeponalblo for a aeood deal of dlaoano omona chlldron lln advocatea their rotnoval and in addition uueccata that tbo abolition uf buby comrorta tbo provialon of proper von ulatlon in aohool and blooplna roomi and tbo proper earn of chlldrona bcultli would provont a lot of djaoauc tbora la sound wladom in bla rouorka a tlaioty liucuniou in view of tho ureal provalorice of tho dlaonoo dur- ihb tbo paat acaaon waa carrtod on in roereuco to moaaloa it won polutd out by various apoukora tbat ueaauu la moat difficult to control from tho fact tbat it comae on uko any ordinary ooryaa or cold and that tbo mout coutbhlouu period ol tho dlaeaua la probably before the raali nppoaru ttio proaont quarmitluo period threu wooka wan renardod by tbo oftlcora prosout aa bari too iouk and felted to do tbo sood expected of it tbo coneoubue of opinion beamed to be that two wooka wblcb would covor tba period of incubation end coniaaion im lontf ftooufb it ib probablo tbat tbla dlacuaalot will ha bjlvun due weight by tbo hoard and load to r aliort- aulnk of tbo quarantluo period tbero waa conaldorabla dlatcuaalou regard in tbo queatlon of allowlnn tba breadwinner af tbo family to go to work wbllo bla child ib 111 of uoaalaa or otlior communltablo dlaeaaio tbla la at proaent a matter af discretion wttb the u o 11 and la uaually allowod excapt of eourao in caac wboro tbo man of tbo bouaa la av toacbor of puplla at so mo bciiooi or ib oneaccd in tbo manufacture of food or clothing it la vary unllkoly that thoao dlsoasob am carrlod by a third poraoa unloaa bo or abo la a carrier thcco annual conleroncea have had vory markod affect upon tbo lcdcloncy of tlo varloua modlcal oueere who aro regular attondanta in almost all caucb our tddlcal ontoera of health aro aou at every mcotlnir whero tboro u amplo opportunity for tho dlacuavwd of tbo probloma which are met by thou in tbelr varloua uuulcjpalltlee qitkfltions and asaxvklui jt o u wellawl haaltori rsfcxuea of ltodlbut- q- what provialon la mado for tha cam of a poor patient with con- aumptlonf a tho local llonird or health anil tbo uadleal offleor of health may uudor tho rum latlona for tho control ot tuberculoid aend to a lioapltal or aanltorluni nt ludlgont who in tbolr opinion oadangera tbo health of othera in tho same licuao or in poraonal contact with blrn tba exponas of tbla pationta cart must bo borno by tba municipality whero bo baa bad bla uaual place or abodt tbo ontario aovonuaout paye 1100 per weak toward the tnalutouauco ol ouch patient jj christmas passage tbe hospital for slek gblldrflii oollece st torofmx dear mr editor tbanka for tho privilege af appeal ing through your oolumna on behalf of the lioapltal for dick cblldnon the great provincial charity our nood of money la meuurod by the chlldrona nned of luilp and you can judge hoar great that nood muat bo whan loot year 3045 ulck little onea were treated aa in patients and aa will bo goon from tho 101 fl flgurei bm nation ta wcro odmlpod from hi plaoea outildo toronto laat year 271 in potlcnta were treat ed for deformities uci oa club feet bow toga knock knor potta dlaaaae of tho spluo lateral ourvaturo of the iplito dlalocattona infantile pejralyal tuborculor dlaonao of knoo hip ankle ib tbo hospital for qlck chudreu to lake dollar out of your pockeat or le death to uko babloa out of their cradle thai is tho queatlonu one gift moro in tho hoapltajr trea- kury moana ono coffin leaa in the uttuhl wrhtm pmahob the hoapjtal muat bo digging up help for ilttpj children from tbe aoll of human kip dneaa or aexfona will he digging wave for utile children id the aoll t x many a oemetory tho fjoapltal for sick ohl14tra att amy vjiuntoer ita mercy in ao far u you iv tend of llttlo children volunteer your money for eorvlea lu the hob dtl noverendlng battle ror the uvea of the little onoa lot your money fight in the trenches ttt aome motbera trouble aad reaene aome lltue child from tba dugout of pain dlaeaae and death can the lioapltal leave dflldreo to die feecauao the fathera of tboao chll- drea have left home to right for lib erty ot the dritlah battlo uaa and cab tbo hospital help the children of can adaa aoldlora with iu care unleaa yod help tho lioapltal with your caaht you have money enough to hel every other war fund without keuat back a dollar from the hoddltala waa hind the fund that helpa the hoapltal aavo tbo uvea of little children includ ing tho aoldlora little chlldrea do not let the little children pay bbl tha loaa of tbo hoapltala com the oeav trlhitlon that febodld be given aa muat be given to the war fatnda your money can band ft weaag eg chonr to aomn father in the trenche yea sirnd that meaaoge from the eot whore tho lioapltal nuraea aowa utile ehpd back to life tha child of the fa thnr who la flghttnjf your battle in tho tronehoa rlvnry dollar kept from tba hd pttnla powflr to aerva tho little fchll- drvn la a wolght addod to tbe burden and a grief addod to the sorrow t thin war you can bear to havo your pocket empllnd of a little monvny eailer tha aoinn mother can txwr to have baa homo nmptlci of n llttlo child vlll you annd n dmiar or more if yon ciin to dounlna davidson bet- tarytreohurcr or j nonn ioukiitgon chairman of tho lloard of truacaaaa had oauld ifardly yjve for afcumuu wrltea one man who after year of aunwitiff baa feandi a oomplele relief through dr j ix keucareatabmaluuedy kewhehuowa how uiiilleea baa been bla auberlag tbla laatrmfsf veotedy glvea mm help to all ajoiotasl with aathua yabaled aa amok or vatwr it brio tbe help ao leajf needed every dealer baa it or can get it for you raw bla whole- burdock blood bitters c tbat graaid old retuedy uurdock sueod wttos boa ikkh on the ninrkei lor over forty ycara and wo claim with tit any fear of contradiction tluit tberr 1 not another nidlduo on the market today that can compare with it for tbe euro of all tliktuthanuea of tlie ttntnacli mra t tnrpln cotboriic oat wrltea i am writing to gay that x have uued your klurdock blood hitter 1or u lotif ikcrlod i suftcred with itulijfetloti ami nothing 1 took ever nave mo any relief only for a short tlnm i uoutjit neural ikittlea of d u 11 from our dnikblil mr grim and con honestly huy i cum ent or drink anytliliik i wunt williont cnicrlciiclnic any had nfcrcltrcth i may kay that it ih the only medicine 1 tver rot any relief from itirof wnnl lllttcm l itintiufactiired niih h im t mirmiu co yjmltcdu taituilo onu phamberlains tablets milurk a ateel majrnat aaxloua to get oa the right aide of andrew carnegie once attack ed him lu bla well known aef t apot natnaly hi love for the bard ol tarn oflhanur ur oamagie aaid the wily magnate i aee you got several fine edition of burns on your shelve georgia ham i deer old georgia duma i hea uy favor ite pot oaroegte quued oeorgle burna i lie aaarted jlwiuy shakeaneare i harry dukeu 1 billy oerlyle oefc out wltbya man 1 had pneumonia dr woods norway pinc syrup cured him- a couth la an early symptom of pueu- tdoala it ft at first frequent and hacking and u accampanlcd with a little tough ealorlcea expectoratiod which aoon however becomes more copious and of rusty red color the lunga be come cougeiud and the bronchial tube filled with pblrtm making it bard for the sufferer to breathe male ar more com- tnooly attacked than female and a twvloua attack aeema to give a apodal liability to another on tbe first siou of a cold or cough you should get a battle of dr woods nor way pine byrup and thus prevent the crtld from developing iuto tome urous lung trouble wr it charlee korth toronto ont write ltwo yean ago my buibaiid had a very bad attack of pneumwun and the doctor asid hewaa getting coumuptlco a friend come in to tea me and told uie to get dr woods norway vina bjnp x got three bottle and they teemed to quite clear his cheat of tba phlrgu sud now ha u fine and well x shall never be without it in tbe botis as it la a very valuable medicine ir woods norway isue byrup u put up in si yellow wrapper three pine trees the trade mark price hoc nd 60c the gnuliuj is ifam focti ml only by ynut milmirn co itmuutirc no ont tlia bore would always gee a goad send off if ha would only go idleoes i tba refuge of weak ulads and tba holiday of fool lwiivkmwaurraol initiative lewr coatrol tbe ruling fdotore in liusloem personality and tbe greaust of thee ta ountre control over self that keep the jodg menb keen and tba mind unduturbsd through tba balghta of bepe and tba depths ol dlsooui6mnb control over mad tbat bold seta ab a dlnuueeand bring other near i tbab in- spire all to their best afbrtsfdr the bus iteaa coatrol over tbe affair of buaiaeaa that brook no lack of system ne wast ol effort no neglect ol opportunity bub so- oouplisbea reaulba nevltably relealustly thai a aba source of ajental oraapths baala cl waaoaial twr news topics op the week important events which llnvo oc- ourrod horo and thora mujoi inn i it lli irluli ciiiuulliiii inul- real ilio htrutfnnl cmirl of t union lappod 1271 no off tbn n in name nt a of ill no hotoln ht tliomuit dlntrlct mctlnnltutii do- clnmd in favor of conscilpilou under proper uaoeiiardu llrant coliuty council doridod to make a registration or mun tlirnugh- out tbo county tbo associate ifonrdu of imilo of ontario mot in fifth annual confer ence at hamilton general joffro aont n mcuaniro of congratulation to tbe atllod troop on tbo macedonian front tho fourth llnttallon association toronto was orgnnlitfitl to hoeure po- altlonn for returned old lorn charge of theft of haao hoapltal supplloa bororo a court martial will bo investigated friday in toronto blmeoo mlnlntorlal association de termined on nn orttanlxatlan to covor norfolk county to aaiut in recruit ing tbn duko of dovonitilro mado bla flriit public appenranco to inapnct tho 302nd udmouton ilattallon in ot tawa llnltnvlllo ymca campaign to ralao 15000 attained ha aim uxcopt atwut s300 which tbo directors bavo guaranteed lieut uuy uuttur told hid cross workers at loimitu hint gorman troncboa wor- tonutructed for perm anent uunltor c p it froluht banillcm in toron to go back to wnrh tlilu morn inn nftor which tbo company will con- etdor tbolr demamln tbo nxplnulvca dopnrlmont of tbo imperial munitions hoard require workmen nt onco and will nlvo pre ference to returuod aoldlorn tho pollco hoard toronto ib in- vaatlgatlng roportu that wonuy la being rolloctod for noldlera ovoraoaa which doob not roach thorn ur w d graham defeated candi date for tlio prealdoncy of ward vivo conservatives toronto aald out- spokon conaorvatlvoa woro worso than onomlca john lodge a tbroahor of dutton was fatally injured when bla coat caught in a cog wheel af tho ongluo and hla body was drawn through a get of goara seven young woat zorra farmers were fined in nil c1 and eoits for tarring a uolgbbor in tbo prosenco of bis bride whom tboy olio tlod to a post in tho barn tuuithday a now battalion for tho county or o ray wan authorised jaok london tho fatnouu author and traveller died auddonly germany claimed tbo linking of 8833000 tons of ships slnco tbo war began urltlsh troops inflicted heavy losa- ea on tho enemy in gorman east africa charles evan hughes admitted defeat by congratulating president wileon w o frasar of oxbow was chosen conservative candidate for tho laglelaturo la sourli bask quebec- provincial government ha ordered that no atamp foe shall be charged for probating soldiers wills tho indepondont telephone as sociation protested against tolls im posed by tho doll telephone com pany tbo ontario hydroelectric com- mission decided to proceed forthwith on the ghlppowa canal power scheme tbo manitoba municipalities con vention endorsed tbo rural credlte bill ol hon vi drown provincial treasurer john bobbin a dereham township plonoor and lato resident ot inger- soll died at london in his ninety- seventh year canadas exportable aurplua of whoat thtb year la estimated at 00- 403700 bushcla laat year it was 3s4 173000 bunluln bt catbarlnen city council will arrango for a nuitn of lecture and demonstrations for housewives who are unahlo to balcn bread tbo montreal hoard of control will got statistics from produce houses aa to coat of foodutuffs stocks on band and aclllng prlcci norman howkn lumberman of parry bound wau nominated by tbe llborils of parry hound as darsl candidate at a convention at lzms- dalu tbo dominion hallway dosrd bag issuod a ititrmor respoctlug car abortngo in tho prairie provine uralnk shippers i ml transportation companies to cooperste aa far aa poaslblo billdw dr marshall sutton of cooksvlli was found doad in bod from apo plexy tbo nrltlah ltcd cross vmnd la oo tarlo baa now reached a total of bav tooooo llout guyromoi the kveneb avia tor brought down his ssnd oermaa machine blr wilfrid laurlar paid a high trlbuta to tha cunadlau koliifira whoso guoet ho was at a banauel la ottawa the independent tat options asso ciation docldcd to aoek ugtaltiloa fixing tho tolls for intorcbuug of arvlce tho last quartarly dividend from the ouolph juuctloi hallway is 111- 310 66 or 0w percent on tha city investment hon arthur uolgblti addreaslasl ward hlx conservatives toronto deremlod tbo liorduu governments blckol policy a coiifrttnro doc id d to ssk th xpartmiui of uaalth tu unddrtaba row it iv liverishness use miuiurns taxaliver pills vhcv nkvbtji r ail to bo ttooax mrs y sbeiuworth hallfv ns writes i take pleasure in writing you concerning tbe great value x have re ceived by ualng your axllburas laxa liver wliaforaslukhwi liver when my liver got bad x would haw severe bead- aches hut after unlng a couple of vials of your nllls i luive not been bothered with tho lieadochcj any more mllhuriis ixauver pills clean away all waste and jiolionous matter from the system and prevent as well as cure all complaint arlslug from a liver which has become inactive milbums xxauver pills are 36c ft vial or fi vlnlsfor ii 00 at all dealer or malted direct on receipt of price by tint t miluunm co xauivtm toronto all mndlcnl inapvt inn ontaiae or the olty hcboolu prof prlnra npnaklng at tlm mm- plro club toronto mado a pie to intntiberu of parliament to atop th criminal wtulo hi ronnoctlon wit ciuiuilnii inbnrlom hamilton control i or sent olgtit by lawn to tbn clt council for con- lilmatlon sa to aubnilsalon to tha vntopayors in january involving ox- no milium lotnlllng 11333000 premier lllr lanier gouln of qui- lioc nald hi government had not boon nukod to mnko u grant for tbo pvonclicuuudisii minority in on tario nnd dhl not intend to make one ah oxford farmer is said to have found tho hsy lu his barn aprayed with a peculiar chemical and in tensely moist suspicion is aroused alho by tho actions of a german farmer hatuitdav jur j m walton of aurora wan elected head of tbe bona of temper ance vi ro destroyed llnollou parish church nt quebec valued at 9180- 000 another ilrlllsh hospital ablp waa sunk in tho aegean bee this time without tos or lire hobort simpson a former alder man and pretldent of tba doard of trado of oualpb la dead mr j o allan tho new president of ward one liberals toronto undo a pies for more independence or action by ward association dollard loplno olla itenaud was li an tied at iii johns que for the murder of a farmer of ot luc albert wing an infuriated crank having to ba kopt bae by aoldlors with fixed baynnota a loading pbyslclsn in harbadoes baa orforod to entertain for two or three mouths throe or four invalided canadian officers and tbo iloyal mall packet company offer free posaago there and back tho writs issuod by mr bpoakor bovlgny for tbo byloctlon in kast toronto mado necessary by hon a 13 kemps appointment as minister of mllltla call for nomination de- comber 14 and polling december 31 llrant itecrultlng league la to con duct a complete registration of drantford and blmeoo county ila- crultlng loaiuo fa putting into oper ation a new titan dividing tho county into dlatrlcta to bo asked to furnlnlt rrom 10 to 75 inon each it became known that reports bad raacbod tho office of tho drltlii itroncb and italian steamship unas in new york that two gorman sub marine had eluded tho patrols an tbo other slae of tbo atlantic and might arrive off nantucket light ship at any time they belong to tho u63 clou and tho report said bavo been sent over by tho german admiralty to raid tbo commerce oft tho american coast monday mr dollssevaln tlio noted ameri can suffragist is dead vive buffalo newspapers bavo doubled tho price of tbelr issues david mcnicoli form or vicepresi dent of the 0 p dlod at ouelpb prance warns tbe united bute paelnata against the teuton propa gandist tho american lod ration of labor adopted a strong resolution against military courses in the school bin area within on hour and a ball threw the peculation of leamington into a state of great apprsbenalon ilev dr ouatavua uunro onetime uoderator of the presbyterian synod of hamilton and london died at loudon out a faneral in keeping with tbo sim ple life of blr john lloyd was tbat of the late chancellor held oa satur day in toronto dr o il charter past prealdent of the ontario library association and recently aeuag u o ii of chat ham died suddenly d w bolton of harris waa fatally injured whan struck by o t n train near aurora while returning from oahaws in a new automobile word reached toronto of the sud den death in london of major j ft meredith of tbe tilth dattallon a popular toronto otkar and lawyer a circular issued by tba ontario license boaij warn drugguta that they must tsks reasonable care to see that tbe temperance act ta 1w4 up to a canadian stateowned line of steamahip ht to be operated between atlantic and pacific porta by way or the panama canal the contracts for two vessels having baa authorised tablet wtr unvelud at be mat thews anglican church toronto to the memory of meaar john a icwan and jofaa u vlek who lu tbelr lifetime had randared helpful aarvloe to the eoagrcjatioa tuaciuay a urge party of rturnd aoidura arrived on tha corolean at bt john n u tbe ontario oovaramaat author ised an exp4bdltur4 to doubl th capacity of orpington hoapltal captain las hay lultb before tha canadian club aid th iruani are chafing undar tbelr brokan war ma chine tba duke and duebeu of devon- ablre tbelr daughura and sutu ar rived oa tbalr bnt visit ta tdroato last ulgbl gaapard pieard a formar grand chief of tbe murom and one of their last dsaceadauts dij at lortt qua agd lb year at tbe doting sioa or tbe cbru- tlau kendsaver eoaveallen ft solu- tlon was pussd asking the domlu- loa govmidiut to pas a dominion prohibition tdsaaure president campull humphrey addrosalng the uarvard club tf to ronto aald 400 harvard fcsa are dghuag oa tha side or the auua sud more vir with tbe ambuuae eorpa tba domlaleti aoreramabt ruling tbat postal and custom poltlan be glvau to rsturnd soldier u balug llvsd up ta and it hail baen aug d that tha mrouta city council take similar utloa tba uaultsha court of appal ruled that ur justice hsggart ex cluded bla jurisdletlea in quasblnrt kcdward backs eomulttal for aliased contempt after havlug ordered bis please on habsca eoipua proceed luas worms are aeourag by ueebkl edadi uon of tba stauaeh asd bou and to aubaut uill4rswelwdm will alter these oondltioas alawis ibunadutajy aj will sweep tbewetnu away ni deatnsb- tive paraalu can live la eoataet with tbla medlciae whleb la not only a wore ds troyer bub absutbglvlujf uedlelae taes bsoaneul to tha young eonsututloa and as sueb it has no superior dxtildreu ovy for fletchetts c a huccittsrux buqaoalfl a bwedlab fanner who lived oa bis wheat fared la sllnuesota was tab iii and hi wir tsupbeaed tba doetev if you bav a tbamhuoeter answered tbe phylcua tale bis tmpratnre x will be ous and sss him prtiiy an bour or so hues when the doctor drove up tbe usb him at the door how is be t asked tbe doctor vll said tbs x baa pus the baro meter oa him like you ull me and it say very dry so i give blu ft pitcher of bser todtluk and sow he baa aue back to ork children cry for fletchers castorli telio kind yon if avo alwnyal uonplit and which lias boon in ubo for ovor 5m yenm iinst xturnatlio slgnatiiko of aiul itnft bonn mado under hi per s jci xfj 4 noiinl nuporvlaloni nlncolat infancy lw2r72ec allow no ono to deceive you in tllg all conniorfoltsi imllatlonsi and aro bat experimental tnttt trlflu wltla and endnnrrer tlio health of infanta and olilidrott xcmcriorioo against ltpexlment what is castoria daatorlat la a hnrtiiless anlintltntci for oiutoi oil tuv gcorlotf jdropa and himttlilnp byrnp it is pleaaaint it vontalnai taelther opium morphlno nor ouicr hsnrooalo stub ttanoe itai uao in ita rrnnranteo it dostroya wortnar nd sdlaya feverlahness for snor than thirty yeavrsi it xinji been ltseonatoiit usa for tlio relief ol ckkriaupation atlatalemoy wind collo all teethlnr xroableg suict jlsurrhobu it retfulatest tha fitomaeti and liowelai asaalrjiilatea th pood trlvlnp healthy and ositarsil bleep too childrens vitnaeeoiu mothersi kzicaut genuine castoria always f biara the signature of in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought an advertisement in the free press is the direct line to the result you seeh if your cwtloatlen u a sew job a pbsk pbem adv u ofta iulcksst and hl and while it may rwiulre a 11u1 natuoce te raaxh it th goal ib worth greatly mare than tlu col ex rsxh- lflglt psaa pais ajvuabu you la avoid all of tka lattoysiic audtlalayaof tbaold wayaol doing thlajr and wklu it may bt st the aimue travlur aaywhsr it will carry ik tua or woman who ha a tuuit sad uhuvabl purpose dlrctiy otd swiftly to tbe rsult sought ins and tbe uaw uaaat the new wor lr the buyr fur d- psrty or cbsiisht thss axe quests which are radily aiiwi wy a vmwt pskssiadv tbrar many occaueoa in your life wbeo tbeqakksst kwj toacvrtsln ivuu wotddb worth taking evca if m cusi www vry grl yr while it u alwaya the mosi dirst read to yr result the oa of ualdj vais pska ajva u rutlvly iniait if yeuarea hianor woman of avdrae laursj saj itil u ill avrai nland atnlratloua ou may pojitly mlag the vsss pssw advvrtuiag coluuna mufiy nannnnff tmrnimr ntmod russells gmcerui provisions bakery confectionery our btock ol chrmlmas grocenca jnil lruit ia well asrortud tliese are nil new freh ntocb raislna currants peelh 1ir dales shelled nuts christieu cherry sultana and dark fruit cake christleh plum pudding in 3 ib and 4 ib sizes nuts in shell almonds filberts braistls flulfs grape fruit navel oranges cluster raisins malaga grapes etc call and see our assortment russells we fefpfteullftft on w4dlttr calu tfteebra suut uomoaale svultaj its heasom mill st aeton ont ii tiic grand trunk railway ti f llnwlll 1 1 him liitw hi whlnli rsltal irtluuoilltaului 1 luiikll mhf 111 jmt ur rj crandtrunk bbbniiof buy madeincanada goods winter tours spixi i i inn now in cit ct in reorth in florida georgia north anrl south cnrolimi lnuis- ianna and other southern state and to bermuda nnd the west lndico pel urn llmii may list 1917 lib hal st0p0vcrs allowtd por full infnrmntlon write to c is horning dp a union station toronto ont s holmes agent aoton 1 on no 13 manuaaaoauooaaau good secondhand cooking stoves ior coal nnd wood h coal hentent ilox btove q all klndu becond baud purntture vnf hade in the d bloak houai t l stakkman h vouho htnlrt acvom b maoaauaazwaaanam hcton and bs lik1 havlnjc piirclinsed tlio livery nml pimwlwiu uf tho iniblnct from mr a uccaiui i solicit with con aden co the patronage of the public comfortabtu rigs supplied it nnsoiiablo rale special attantlon to supplying conveysneca for woddlngs null funerals motcr cera furnished when re quired uu hidttvas all train l e atkinson mill st acton ont sawuuaiuaarjdrjdanddddrsisihaisimbi s b s grain jj chopping i rt k t well done eutid h quickly at only h n li 5 cents perbag i harris s co liojud kockwood owr danaddqadqnnua vbcd veu hod boots ohoeis ai auy tlaie buv fb0m ww1luaiws acton ontario j kauou von satisfactory footwear iualonauli imaiis c k coopett acton cemien1 contractor for brides silos wallii floors walls etc also agent for de laval silos separators etc high grado portland cem ent for sale at ie nts promptly secobf mamohkmauon miuivujlyutuonthum

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