Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1916, p. 4

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ppppfffifr i gift hm-h- p ffilre jbrfoit jfm jjwtfs tiiuhhuav mttkfclimn 14 low we must bfi patient they mm huoii flour familiar fact that go alaujr tlto wtl willi oil fa foot tastbrelow and trjnif to kooji pooo if lley mlstaka or tread uwiil noma llowor that we would take upon our breaki or briilta om reed orontsb wwr hope until it bleed we must im hiuu not turn ntf julouiy o impute orevs fault j for they and we hav naoll ft little wy to go oso be tatfetw sdcb m utile while aloes tb tray we will ho lutiotb whits w may so may lliii faulty wo tied i w mo then for not blind is love we tie them butlfyotfaajl lwhap totoentber tlirt mxm hy had by gillette lye eats dirt tby will not be manila i then smvo fault toyoti bad to hob jnt odd ways mistakes or vn leef llsajimbrettotvi to bias ye ehanr so maay things ye boors w see iki differently lu sen sod shower mlsteban word tonight 1 may b eo cheruhed by totnorrowa light wakbutltatint forwsktww theres such a llllis way to go i how to keep well r jonk w bi ummxovoab birx dph omcc amax of ran pnovwcial boaitn nrpbaum owixoi i a learning lmtuloiir without thought 1 labor lost thought without learning 1 tmrilouaconhjcitu 0 talgbl bo a vary clover ttinu bybataro for all x know bat bo laid so many boalu upou bin tftd that blj braltu coald not ulttori bidko mo wimi tki- 4 witty tlio iimtbotaatlm nab til natural tlillo4thy drpi barnw arv i ionic and rbtorle bb to eoutend bacoo wo man la 1mi ff bu lm tbjc wit atul wisdom aril bora w4tb nuitiv sldtl tnatntotlotl thxnt not firavattt wt of tltud urmutnbm and tnlatab tlioniwlvw atn otua thm deal taacliuht f tilcvruada christmas cribs of the tyrol ttu boarriwa jmm with bappy tyoapaeta in vlw aw w puttlaft tbad utew eimd with freltw oouwnlth aa a vanaielda tb la ao rpamuao tlil4qbiufotboiw worn xur- nbtor vbu av1 tba lla of wttt- laavobtldra castoria w tolmnh ud cktul tells rorowmsovaa milb mot sweef mcimssosoie wl wo calm to tauitntuttl twt wk im d u bcb ha mkfc tbm mu x buck mmclwm p nooby are fin to wvoa aetiatf rf ite tin jl coojmw ss uwl in xcwaaikv oat rit x tab kmt sbaaira la writbj via mtmtbif a it i aa mind twnalix tan kkt- vaqrpuk about thrp aw o i tm airibiy ajflktod with lam back nd liaa ao bad v potdd not awaiptjm oar inubimicftibaatcmuikld rala aod bdofa i aad poaoa kuoar i jsp art kupcy nib mm nt up bi sat rem box tl biufcbark u jv tarn t kajunmai c tttbl obrtatmaa ctiba abowlnjt tba turt yttunjr plaoa of uu lntattt obrtst wblcb ona m o ajoaalh in tbo cborebaa of this cotmtry avouot to b eomimtrad with ummm of saropa cpetlly the timuxk- btm own fautdo by tb psnb of it aly and of tbo ttyrot in tbo uttar coontry tboro haa baa of lcmt yaara m dacued 1ttuii df latrat in thm acroajta rtprasontlr uu natlwty of obnat it ik not unaatnd to a on with av raj bondrad dratw not alon tb blrtb of tbo saviour bat tbo adoratloa of tb abapborda tb arrltal of tba unca wltb their aoldlara nd eoortlw tbo oltht into bttt joaoa la tbo tan- ja aod va tb marrlac bfc osna aiw fridfwnbtd tbo tyjola criba bato baao fatoooa for oaatorlaa and tbo boopla wr jnst- ly od of tbou trnttl tlj atdrlt of modarn ankjhtonmmt lntdd tb land and crib bolldlnjr araa donotmosd aa cbudj play eauxprlsiiiif bdtlijua rian and art aauar aittly bottsbt up all bo old rlba and than bold ttwwl at road iwoflt to toortata uany una apmlsiooa bjv diaaopoar- d frooj tbo land bat fortatmuly u taw of tba boat wr ttcqojiod by na- tlooal tausaamg rbo best two tyrol la known to uava bad tbo vavuoma- krlikpe of innabroclc nbd lha luoaar trtb ot iwo art bow la lb bavarian ktlonal touaaiim at uunlcb a tbtid tb yabfottibabu- erth u id tbo vnna muaaont oriclaally it toiongad family b wilton now a part of loiiabrocltv it cuolalnad 10 aolnial flaurvo 34 bolld- btca nod 2hd banuti tlauraat ik in vludtvl atilld wowirrui- tlfftiro tb boada ofwblcllwro war nod otbora whoa boada uttil limb wr knorbbl bom of tbaaa ilottt brtek no far aa tba yoar i7xl btn oeaooa watw kvpro- aaatod tbo iloaar chb fl5ow antb tnoro oatonalva uuaava dt itaalf abuubtrpuoa nud loclodad pa- area ftuahlnn foonbibta bsooonuour of klog david aud towora wltb la liy docka atriklnxc tba boon of tbo bbjbt it waa valuad at tnosw tban 1000 dnruur uoarv ufatlma too ttnalin rrib wm particnuzly fajnooal bo nccoant of tbo corsnoao d of tba tljcurea tba antpala war clad aa courtlara of bva la tbo hcbl toon codnnwa of tb rav biantb oaotmy xhrnw vsaabtrplacaa or taow urn b tyrot it can budly raoa muprimt umd tbat aarloo tnlodad baas bapo to aatartain roar for ibaif aa aaaialnar works of art ltd raatt bad o prfural raoabj in tb rormatiott af oodaty whoaa objart waa to prw r bt tmorm tb horfctawo aiportatfaa and of old crib aa4 to kvrtj tbo watkil bttptcium tott townt and citmeh bapb watelt supply ror a town or euy may ho atwurod from arualan walls aprlnca lalcoa or atream brovldod that eohaln walldaflnod rdloa racardlna tba aourco of supply ira followod artealati walls uaually klvo a aaf aopply unlosa tbo wall la aunh la oaaurad rook wbb nay provldo at ebanna uablo lo carry pollution to tbo wall if tbo wall la sunk throagb clay sand or kravol aa la commonly tb eaaa in thla country tba watar wui aaa rule bo of ood yunhly any m w eh ooniaaalnatjon should be kuardad against abtxeslav wktfiu by havlnc tim aides of tba pipo for aay four ov fl fast from tb top onoaaad in eonorato tho top aaooraly oloaod against outalda lmporltlaa and tba aoctloaa of tho plpa jbtalf aorewsd tofthar m m unlaw tbo area whsnb a aprtn dralna la proolnd airalnst aurfaeo pollution tba aprtna la hot a very aaf aouro or supply in addition to tbo taral ohancta ot pollution from tbo aurfaca thn ouldow of tho aprlnk abould bo protoctod against aurfaio wash at mlagaraotitbolako tbaro a f aamovaryajood springs in tbo aubftakmauc alona tho btiutnoa niagara hwar bror ancapment of troops ou an atliacaut common the spring wator la on analysis practically pur within ory abort lima attor tho coming of troop to tbo caoip tbo water of tho aprlbga shows poliutlbn and launnt for domestlo uao bono hisank of surlflcauon is nucasaary for a aupply from sprlnga unlosa ibo dralnxtto area i aeouraly pro lac tod against aowagto pollution r a it la a popular lda that running walar purlfloa itsolf and tbo ordinary observer aooma to think that water baaluk ovur rnplda or fall and exposod to tbo influsoc of air and auallgbt vapidly iowa any sowag pollution it baa acqutrtd- tbero is no truth in this aa an axatnplo 0 wy ndltlou ol tho tlaara rivor wator whlcb btbbamw aftar raoaivlav tho aowago of nutfalo mlagara rail and other towna tumbles ovar tb rails and la whlrlad thrtfugh th tur- bulont roplda lowor down aa a mattar or fact thrf water or this rlvor doaplto all tbo aeration and sunlight it paa racalvod la no betlnr at tb month or tb rlvor tbtta it ta abovo tbo falls it la perhaps worso btxauao all tbat tbe groat falla and awlrllng raplda hava dono ror tt u to ralv tbo aowaao mora thoroughly wllb tba wsur jf tho sswo wator waro plaeod in ft rasor- volr for thirty daya it would b groauy improvod for tbo rouan that time kill tbo dlaeaneprodaeln bacteria amtmontatlon of aollds with tb bacteria occurs and annllght and aeration havo aoma good a erect tba water of ktraama fa good or bad according- to tb aourco and surroundings of tba stream a river cowing from an uninhabited tuountatnoua dtatrlot la apt to b of good qaallty alneo it la not abject ta contamination by tba aowago or human being wbleb la aftar all tb real dangerous form of pollution if on tbo other band tbo atreau haa it origin in populous narloultural lauds or if it flow through a district closely peopled or through towna and village wblcb dump aawag over ha bank tb wator will vary llkoly b uuaafo for uao in ita raw slat in many la ataaca howovar ancb water tnay b readily p rifled and wad fit for us bono atraama aro turbid that ta thoy carry mud or aaud in audponslon others notably thoao bavlag their origin in paaty awampa ara eolorod boeauso of tho dissolved organlo toaitor they contain while these impuri ties mako tho wator unalghuyrtboy may not render it dangerous unman aovracov let 0 repeat la too daaaorous ingredient of polluted wator j uany urban centra tako thalr watar aapply from lake theie arw feuhjofit to the asm forma of pollution referred to lu oonamtlon wltb stream tbo aupply of striatal and lakes 1 maintained by th rain and aaowfall which drain to thant and wbleb la tb oourao of dralna often carry impurltloa found on tb aorfaco of th ground in addition loaweri to tho so wag irtpuriuss carried from tbo land tb boats carrylos on navigation eontrlboto good du of bumatloxcrata this la mora dangeroua la th ca of rlvors than with urgo lake la largo bodies ilk jlako superior and lake ontario wator takon at a considerable dlslanoa from too aboro la aulto par in tbo nelghudrbood of eltlos or largo towns wfalchrroqumy pour uotraatsd mvim into thgmost convenient wator tno aupply iron lakes must bo jreuvevtraud in aoma manner in ordar to mako it f for household borpe four ancient christmas carols iv il ni a ttaia mnawot att aaduaaabaaxatujonqlav a su la w aa ku u palpitation ortfoemkurrv hoatncas or amumt i mrlsukns ismtaw i aaadi yaaw ue ilmdttioi adalilda ot inill ii tat aad 4octon bat 1 loaaafanaa ijlma vkm mubiava bot aad dsfxbotts23 tormw am i aottpuua miltamham and norm h bar baaa oaj tba ovtot for tba mat saai oh knaj o aaoat a iaapatoa aa a raastoy lor all kaart ivtm tfoohlca mca m omu per box bono tot tjiniaaa tnba oki ba olhlao too two aaaawai i tba briaotaj trpa od tba io tba bttxar taaaa tbo cdb oamar takoa fat for mtmubta cbrtjt w bona to trial aaana ky iwopat bad diaaa or daxaay loan tbo erlba ibo atabaa bar tbo nda o aaaaad cbflat fan tba uxb o day a tba ralaa of tbo taooratf dabo ar bajt or taaapla tbat tbo atabla af baablabaaa to atabaa of botblabaai aod ita to- aaatoa ajvoyo eaaaata tbo ooatar of tbo braatt a tba roat ta aaarafy tbo aac- ttas tbo crib biatwa muacb to tbo routr aftar mu af cararol pate acatbaf tabor orarjlbfcoi la raaov aan mo4auuaobaaaay umu br jt r kauona ioiaua baoaav b ababour dloaaaaahoa atlar aooallao ii a alia wara tbla ooaaa a ooajkl bat kim oaa tiaaao ta raat vrarlt of hlw aau aaaoo oaa taeaab to bokoi fcjr ua voaoarfol lao uilatulanaaaatlumlbaaiefau aa- atuaokaanoalaa abuala bpoo a h taaoiait la too baarta af lbaaaaa he bua boon ita baaaot 1 voatl aoaar at laalu tl tataa of baul oo tuabnaajljb at ff- r laiad- bronchitis was so bad ok wootvs noawav pincsvaup luiiii hi xvoocblti auut wlti a kaori tmaafut avy ooab o vitb a mold waiiilar aod o rotbaa w tnna or llttlam tbroapb tba aaaat ai ant b ufbt oow bat aa chris he tlihdspifal forsfdc caimfh ooojece flrfb toromtx bear mr usdltor thanks far ihm phvtlago of aseaax tngr tbroogh your eolankb on behalf of tbo ilmpual tor blok cbudxan tbo graai provtoolal charity oeqr bead of maoey isihveasarad try tbo jiwiwo bead of bsln and real can jadgo how fcreai that taaad tasat ha wnaa last ar tmux ikuo oaas war traaiad a tapstleotaf and as wfll bo d from tb ln dgnra us ta bpty fkaatty usm mpp ob mn tb paiwsta aad tojkjxaai gatnea- abeaal tb crib tbo aaapsl sosoo is iwd ajoodt and tbo ttfu oms nsick todatoct th aba c ota krkaigbaf aiw wd taatbory fsslly arastui mmwum thai af one oapraaaes moatf mr m afr gtvas way to g mm by tocall that patbaps tbtwa as rwma tatbearowa a last tasty wfll kaaka reesa at wmolgbf t0 botu coll an to aoaaa aad ansa tno fjunlly ntaraa lol tsavo dss tbo tafas tn tw saaaaja wbtw ftfar tow tb bsoacaaal tabs ipaii of a wfaaraas s in cofc aad b vary oftaa of a atrhagy bblisb ataascblti ainsu mt b aagbaxad iftti mem saaioao aaaat double will oec rid ta h by trim dr womf rjorway wttm brrup this wojokatrwa era bear bltav oao lett dataaaja ooc ahtaal i ban bad bnaacaltai aa bad i fw bbtaataa toi gsc i good eoatfi stttxpsv norway ptaa srrup i rnmai to tba owxw for sews k arisb asd ac4dr wood t uppi mtghkz aad coatd ha down and wn t ahjb 1 tiaamx pralaa u too uaca dr vaoora norway pta byrop t cop ta a yitjw wrapoari 3 ptaa tno bad tarns rioa 3pc mod 90c lcsisctured only fcv tho t als jsw co larairrsao toronto cot- last year 171 tapauaats w treat ed for deformities teeb os taab fac bow4 kaock ka fsca dlaiaiaj tb apuul latarai oarvmiar e ths pi dlslcastioas uraatlls barmlysls tatkarealaf dueas of ka up aakta is ta lloapitaj for fiick dklidrwjt ta tabs dollars oat of rw oehwt r ss dent to tabs babbat bat orsduest that w tb naeauoi etas gift mo la tho uoapitarv i tub nnclent christmas carol holy night la oermkn in lis origin and 1 conaldored by tnany ijeraona to bo tho moat hoauuml of all christmas carols it has aamctlmea bean ascribed to martin cathay but tbe ooaaenaaa of oapari opinion 1 tbat it is much older than bt tlm and 1 oao of lbs oldest of german folk soars tb carol ood ttmt t uarry oert- tlamen is tongusb in ita origla and data back to about tb baglnnlng of tb avntantb contnry altbongb tb author of tb worda and tb compor of tba tatndo ar naknown tba flna old tnalody aoajf to this pom poo aassas au tb batt qnauacauo of a atsrllns hymn tans and will probably last as ion a tb versa wltb wblcb it is always asmdaied origlaaliy tb old carol was sons a pojyphonlo harowaywltfai tho tnelocty plaeod in tb bteor a wa tba nvari- abl oostotn of tb aorontsentb can tnry uoderil bahaorlpllotia of it bowwvar bav plaoed tb knslody in tb tapper vole part instead of tba third yolo part aa formally ttus carot too is on of tb most popular and most boantifnl to tb wntlra rang of christmas taiukkr tb carol u high immanaol la on of tba oldest places of eoberenl tondo la azlatasco and both tb words and tnwrte far autsdato any of tb otbara tb knutla la ati old preocb ualody dajbsd from tbm thlriaantb rea tnry altboogb of coon it ha been barmotilsad to coarocni wlitb mora kaod- ara arandarda thar la a most cartons bat beauti ful mtudeal offset st tbo clos of ibis caret th word of draw nlgb lm- toanoa are ajboot 100 years older tban tba tousle betas token from tb uosarable brarlary of tb twelfth can- tnry and it is generally believed that tby wr takoa from tb lltorgy of tb aarly cbrlatlaiw at toledo kjmiii wharo th uosarabki brarlary w for- mnlatad another carol tt tlrat keel ha a traditional ivronea nailody and prob ably orlglaated lo tlratoo althpub tb hxact origin of this bua obi moojr is aoniawbaf in doubt christtus puys im home theater the tb dimmaud btstlnot la strong la ttwot eadldran and aboold b atitboraif ad aays fetrs 01ancb col rosadalo la tba kw t6r ajeoibg bon to tb irooos itdul lb azarcla aarros to whua away many rajtny hoorsj to tbo older chbd if can b made a aooros of faapi- kailad to kobl daede and a means of gratifying tb longing forvoaaanea and tbs qsshw for advajatnr wberw t aro two or toor yonaal cidldrabl baata oao plays of mil wosto wttlooctdpy tb prohrtstmaa days tb kttoat popolar and almplast oao is that in whkb oo chud roprwsenfaj tnav baoaflcant oalnt gad tb bast of tbo family m to bod altar baas tbo atoakmgav tbs saint nils tb stocking aad msjkatf wfeat otbsf pvapiratkws utturn i cotftn lk4 i trmaaasr tha lfospftaj mast ba tfggig 0a help for utile bhuoren from taatj ac hasten h or osxtoa wu b atagla kmvs for utu duiaraa to tswaoil tbs itatwital tor blcfc csildrws am oaiy vol tu tear b nroy ta to tar as yaw friaooa of utiio caiidrsa vabvtoar yow aaaaay tor aervtea u tb has- pftars ajrtwrsaatos haul tor l totostto laoomobtf btata la baoloalaa to bo aokatwnijiiluiow aad dodumnallir u dooto fa om daa fjotooauuitbailtavw wmar ibx oom bo of old or uov gnm f4tnul i4bbo1oavbiocaiav mlialaiblaj fi loot oan oftroil to tba uavataaa awlmlbtuaairlol bo aurlbuttd to tba foot um om m tadiovtlowumws i it a v- o bilren ory bris as auad oa f vulag te baaiv saaatsv a aw and a ptpa ot 4a ar- cyuaad basbarisad blgblaodar go v aebad fraas tb bmis advaaas la tb aawu aad dsrgaaa and last their way tlwy jt toaad u bkey sa u tie irajaed tau airaa of tb villas ik tjwr bamslioalde4uhurhwecjaej was iwsauset a lalv iprtyv tba ey towaiftbaa tb aargoaal waa aanylag bcasba who wtlob be auackad tb ea is to rasr th l tjg their ks- voawal iar cridtbpip bobbiir udshlulofjiietflwboclwa tesv to obvtatw m aai atraok up tb ntrawut taklrl and kapo 1 sp sstil 4 cseerlsg boots bad iwad ibo saemy t jmt yoar taaay a4t fat th of aastv butbar uoabto aad oobm uula thud to than bad ftatk oaa th lloapitaj uava tidurws to die haeaaa tb taibor of ukaa eau ran hava ltt hfa to kghi tor uv erry oa the brf uah batus ua mma aaa tb ktolial help th tjumreja m cav aaaw aeuleiw with tt mr valaa poa kerfs th hoepltaj with ywar am1 ta ban nuoaay saaaabto bat awry other war rawd wtukoai bsaptaa basfe a dollar tram tbs haapttatb war toad ib fond that hato th ueepiatj aav tb hvw otiutl oumraa tectanv us th aoufwa- um arbtroa dw aoi lot th tlul oumroa mt to th lorn of the hospital ors tba mmw trfhottoartbat anoaud w tvwa aaal mast bo given to tb war faada yoar moaay can bd a biiaaasji r cbaar to arsns tother to tbo traaesms pea toed thai aviaaito front tbs obs wbar tbs ilonlt tours aosa um child baoft to ufa tbo tfcud of tb father who i flghtlag yoatf battl tau tbotraoehflj jwt dollar kept froat in ktoa- pllsla power to aarvw tba hfu ebtv draw is a weight added lo tb febrojoa aad a ayw added to tba borrows of this war j too on bear to biv yoar pooksav emotird of a utu tooaey aaslar tbaatj aolo mother aaa bear to bav bop 6fnf amfitlad of m ilut ewl tntt yon bead a dollar or tone t yoa ton to doagla bavidao tdry or jf tlo robertsok ctulfmab of tbs board of ally baoeaaa a child again aad ftoa to bad uinaalc vrfakuuf to bw laft oa of tb rgniarma tootauvg- fan 0 aoosj to follow ail ohatobaas absdas iaif b dnuaav swd tb story of dratohen who oof bar oho by tb cbtomay had torn poor apajrawar to ta to wttf b acted thar to h atrtory of two catatoaai whw woka b ond ofeatt fjtoto to ttoav rooarl toy baoaaapaay atoi to txijisssl had back wans aaaay adiaatoi asl ttoj that hnaoutoalf wad 0toy jsa astlawtos tb itbbaa af a pr rtaillyoa fsit ai a pnsb- ty play tnpaa aad play wad ta h j daaos whue tb dram hi ins aplrit to a th tjjaasa whl tvlwatfjp wttb caraal ma tolas bat whi pley roadsrao ooldtwka aalr itotfca and hay atkv ar aldspi mtocjf whkb u toa3lr to qrand mas are you bilious atlllarv wona lvda um ooly asau tlarlalbouwajrataataauoauo tar oaraia utbyuoaomaaioa too aokaacll unr jumsboaobtoayoottaebaaab trailuiu aa laov it appatlu ulkwaou aaa ellr fa- bwaal diaonxom tbmfc tba odrm eriota obutoatbhroapoouioat aad no miliar obotoaadltloa tbalriwotolafo4ol atool- aoba a tai bajr wlllabow laiimovinnuiaa aaaaatimluaataiatttlmatla cory whpixtchnivv majiiojuioatainw bbvi lnbaaoturlla-nkiw- wotnaiuovoowd lb oeroor wartawrbmtaiaaa jlamto holu oomoaioll omdlobtd0 alal wla alajklki bk mil uibarllohva ah ky aulkmavbtobauiakl roripaiaali j uiiiocib tbtr t castoria jtorinflmtoinjcihlufti mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for oyer thirty years castoria the okand tmjnk bailwai the r tlat wblab tralaa eall at aatos r v aodmbior owaawbs moau naiwlho if n- na- no-i-i- b aoo11 a wa no aiiajva m a m aas m i n b3 ml it w ujtaj no ot imnfvw nosraiiip n grand trunk ivx winter tours opecial fares now i jri clfcpt to renortb in florija gcorjja north aai south carolina lopi- iannn and other koolhtrn states and to bermuda and tho west indiaa reluro uralt may jll ifff ubtum st opovlbs atlowto voe full laforraatlnii wrltato c b iiorhino dpa jaloo builoo t oat h s holmes ageat aoton phono no is mokobonatibadddadaandiaaimaioai good secondhind co4lnr stoves i par coal and wood coal ifoatoia bokstov0 all kind 6eawdnjuvl forallir iwiwiau aaal bloabi booao lsurkman voqaro amaurlr aoixm booaibiajtiannadaaooaaabpabtaiba an advertisement in the itroe preas is the direct lfale to tho result you seek uywardwaitiahaouahwieba aks i adv is oftost alckast had ua abd whiultauy raajr lltti batieoo u toacb h tb goal bt wmtb siwatly tow lbd tbs oast a twach- btsjtt ifaaa rsjuot ada oabuvoi u vaid all o thw aaaoaaao and delay with old wars w dotogt things and wbuo tt taay ato gw tb aluas travwllts- aaywbara it will wry tb saaa or srraiam who ba m dadalt aad siibwahl p diraedy bad awouy to lb toaajt hoosju ta find tb ow uoaac tb bw wosbat mfy bm yvo- party or c tbaaa ar c which arwsi an by a pans aasa ad tbacariaayocaeeslwro to a tawrtala ajt wjdh woctb taajaex w tf tbs ooat wasw vsrypsat vac whuarktalwwystlw meal direct road to ywar vasah th cose of oabas raas fas adv t tolatiaaly smatl if w brwm lvao or womao j vvwagw tatacasbv bwd acirai- ties ofoaacaaw arl sad ajratipo vo ay podby iwiogf tbw rasa paw xdvwriis kctolsl amd b icalav ombaard tbolioarraod jojdwlil of ibo b fraao br a hccaon i aolicu with ooaltdanoo tbo botrottaa ut tbo coarforloblo rlfa aoppuad at loaaoaablorvataa bpadal aifamtloo to aopplylao coaroyaooao ta onamloca aad malar cataolabod vbos ro- mommmmtmsxmirmmtae as st l e atojison actmoai x chopping well done and qulckly at only scents per bap i p zmsssc v 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