Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1917, p. 2

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llm f r-i- d1i d til 1 mill 1 at llirt w i fnf tal 1 root oi rl l rrnil r ut hu tfl ai it r i lin rlj t ir rj di r at wot j st f lj innunry fib 1117 m ki 1 jmitr f km rl i cm 1 hen m irho alilul i dirk t miltt w 1 ijh la nry tli 1u17 1 mw 1 r f u r lk frown at tor ij i i in th month m- hani ncv1 urn 1 wjucn ti tuesday olh innnnry hij7 alexander mann in h i70ll xrar hi iiauifu- in uurlph on low uir day the v low of tho lot ilalph rich ordspn of uoclnuojl nj ml hi yoarn thlhty years at supts dfisk adilrc pflsrrltna by tho fflothodlst suiid ty school to ii p hooro n mr kht f if rty y 1 rn ur 1lm ohjfc 3on rec rcs tiiurhdw january ii 1017 editorial njfltes oumim iajiuaml si 5 h immeqed for next thursday january ifith it will 1 alighting iiasaian wa gonernl nlortion i jixpected to follow closely of tar rorofation premier ilorann will attaod tbo it on so for a month aiu ttion no to i nglan 1 to join tl other premiers in tsi imperial conference tun coi kty couhciii oi tbo rrotinco ero urginjj tlio legislaturo to hoar a larger share of tha cohi of iraprovod highway throughout tlio frfltinco under the uood rood ityitnm till wool 1 scorn roononaliio especially a thfi loading roods of tlio province axe tho common property oi tha people erotywhcro who are ai novor he foro making ur of them at a mcetinu of tlio liaison county formers ci uti hell in milton recently it was moved by mr sam ifarrop seconded by mr j dfllenton and carried unani monaljr that wo bear with much ploannr of tha success of the school dardenji utidcr the guidance of inspector ienyps ami wo appreciate the work ha is doing for apnea i tare tbo principal industry of tha country cowman dratjcuaiu who is regarded am aa authority oa bplith no raj affair contributes to tha canadian magazine an extremely interesting- article on titled the siege of germany from tl o baa in which ha shows how it is kvtsihlo finally to flab- doe the great gsrmonie power it is aanoaocod as tho first of a oorto of notable articlea dealing with tha last pliasa of tha war a mo to the atones in tho january rod and con which la now an the ncwa ttandt la tha pilgrimage by ii c hndrlon surtlngtho now rarhigbt 1 f v j william camping in tho heart of the ftocfc b axtdvrttoo tho ioat llioo of calclai creek by mike jay a haatibgand 1tnh ngtnp in pritish cal urabta yt a scott witlixlte ocoono- graphcra by r j franer itc olc hcglaald coqrlay eonttihutas an article on oar pawing game birda prxho conser txtlon dcrartmcnl a the other neguhu- dopartmcnu are well maintained fri of trcn aa huicrli n i l i r hunday schonl fo u at tiu o antr i f j oppj coi lo piwxl throiy tl i k 1 v 1 i jnnovod from c ur town to t r rl rr at n rfr ail 1 ditank punea ma y of tl nn altnl itn tioir btginnwp in u rr t utitti rl urtruir til tha lafluouc of tia u i lav school under your carrcnl m 1 irnycrful d rocuon maoy were din a po ntjid tl attltiaaildreswaanotpubliah- d in lant ivi iv tl oroforo in tho in tanas fit tl c res 1cm of tbo 1 1 rc 1 jitm realdant i a t i i mxl dlnawbcro who hare leen in o o waj or another aaoclatad with tha tirlnxl i earne lly reipjl tliat you will r l in tho rolumbt of your paper tha ad lrri tht wan rwooted to yoa an your lit mahdy in tho rapacity of kaparm ton irtit thii wjll recall to all whotaad it ttlo w rk ymrae ao faithfally aooom pitched to nxloo tho tircnent eftiewncy tl at males ourachtol one of the model bchoou of nur-ohureb- lam teryviaoerely i v dorr in hunday hctool work tastor acton methodist church i fit won not tlia intention of the recjptant oi tl o oil im to rrabliah thia uvukooib plimantaryaddrtm m the eolomns of hu paer but in cempliaoeo with the above and at tlid cam oat eoltatatiaa of namaroas j- interested workarn we hnmuy ply with tlio rcriuest tiie edttojl t a their maetinir oa mondaj in lotrodocidg a by taw for the appointment of an officer to enforce uuf protiaiona of the ontario tern paraoco act tfoa moch to commend il it will not onlxoaaq prompt and patiifaetory enrorcemaat of the law which prohihits the to mr- it p moore dear friend and prothcr in coming to the point where as thou concerned in the management of acton methodist sunday school wcarc compelled to accept your withdrawal from the supcnntcndcncy which you have occupied continuously for thirty years we feel tfiat we must not allow the occasion to pasa without con veying to you some sense of our apprcoa titm of the value your services have beea in this important position wc realize tiiat the work of no church u jbeing adcriuatcly conducted without effort being made to conserve the youthful heart and mind for the lord jesus christ and wc further believe that it ought to be the deal of bvery church to use all possible consecrated methods to attract the child life to the higher llungs- we gladly acknowledge the contribu tion you have matlc to this work m your person your tunc talents and means tor thirty years with such few exceptions as to be hardly mcoitonable yoa have been in your place sunday after sunday and with alertness and- promptness and taetand much patience have kept the school a model of order and decorum and the successive stafri loyal and helpful bo that the school is well known aa a model sunday school not only so potyour interest ur the spiritual welfare of the young has been deep and general in times of evangelis tic effort fevr if any ever surpassed your- ok intoxicating 1 ipjom and all drank vnas on the ntrnts but it divert the trca aary of uio municipality a largo proportion af such qaea aa may bo jmpoaed when con t f oact are regi ur ed during tha ragimo of local option tjwinac man l o vt gdeo paid hera for violationaof the law were sors op fholahd liawqutt enjoyablo function honoring tho vlfllunff of tho supreme t prosldont tha unqaat of iodga woodgroen no 3a2 of tha bonfrwf rdgtand neaeflt y wjoty uld in thawilh hall lant h riday waiaorvnjayallotonl tb fanctlon wal in honvr of mr ix j proctor toronto thotiuprcrae- lyafl lant of ttie onur tha menu wai an aaealunt one and roilacu endit upon mr and mro w coloa who tapeiintandod the culinary do paruoeot- it was follows tixrar saj tsd almoji i 1 e iixkt nnj imk3 flot t ftotal rntsii nulrra or nu lonorcnbatcs pakkt rotatoca aaoy lab1iaob roah old exclisa rx doikh mince tisa rarrra vxra cwrcta cmacxeaa akp cuczaa a dasod boy booota acted aa waiters and thay did exsoadiogly well in tha ervieaa rendorad the toaat lias embroood an intereotiog inac and it woa alio much eajoyad auer aging lba kationai anthem aad an axoclunt sootcb aong by uttl joannio orr hot a ii e smith m a spokr very aoacitvaly tc tha toajn tfa coun ry of our adoptfovu at ihaevtaas ho uflpreaa- d tha fact that wa ara jbriums togeuw wbather sogliob irish or scotch it emphasized what a wonderful country canada is aod tha bntloh people who have coma bar are learning this to thetr salibfsctiao iu whaai and other prod acta of tha cold and gardea or abundant ita forcata lakes and taiaoa aoo yielding tost reaourcea by leapa aad bounds casada is becamlng known and appraciated abroad voa have abawn wisdom by aatuing in canada lie said to tha englishman pr boneat industry and thrift ara wall repaid our bracing broeda the dominating man woo shall vat control this northern hemisphere i bafarenoawma coade to tha number of bona of kogland who are in khok j aad wbe are an honor to the country canada of the fntnre shall ta great a country of high ideals and vasts rasoarcel mr harold wfldgnrt then sang a patnotio aong with aplendtd auact district dwpty w colas p p then proposad the toast ourihaeat and order rhich waa respaoded to booruly and mr d j- proctor tha sapramo prastdent waa latrodoced mr proctor delivarad a most intarsaltog addresa he fait that it always bd the brcthrao good to gat together to pwad saeb an evening with their wivoa aad famines and frienda ho said ha found it impossible to speak of the bone of eagland without refsmog frguenuytq tie wax its esoct oa the lodges bad been marked oat of a m of 30000 tha splendid total of 575 maa have onhatad tha order has joss reason to feel proud otxhia f record jfo wstitatioa in the ooantry has j responded more nobly every member who has f is being protected finoj tdaliyhythgorturatoooaarnotaes than stovers goofjengines ooo orourctittoirif nimr a ioiiich cli p 4 ii p mover lnsli nays it jiaa moro pullln than nqy 6 h rcnglnc evrr tiotni writo to day lor o irilluntrat 1 booklet and nsk tor thin mans letter tlio price will surprise ygu de sure an 1 ask your dealer nbont tlio to veic january clearing sale preparatory to stocktaking we will this week commence our annual january ae of rcmnapts linci m which shades sizes etc arc broken lines of winter poods in whichjwc are overstocked extraordinary values in mens ind boyt overcoats and suits childs girls and ladies cats mens and boys sweaters ami sweater coats ladies sweater coats capb workshirtsjundcrskirts furp job lines of robbers shoes sliopers the great bargain opportnmty of the ycar henderson co wallpapers paloaudj mtlotiiny advsrusea taa oroatatt wsq papar ihtsb- uaa of tag as atwxbt op trm wtuut ib1ks tub boll va kalfs sdsaers or strattlit eac ratalrad papsr aaacme isads oary qsjsr ctoaimr ana eetfsr zzoadaessarf vftgnd sostpla liaiili slufwtax ftnaarsaa of aaaaural x on 3100 srsnts sxs t1 bars prasus aspucsnts jinn stats eeetrpa tlan as and sarronndlbs vuua eaa aonraa waau xall isartlailam wiu as rcrnlittod kw aipirmfifall papeb- co ututto vauarto j investors those who from time to time have funds requiring investment may purchase at par dominion of canada debenture stock jfiefrj ititirrliscnuiitb hie iluuafjist ijnrcbr arion ii w aviarjriml odnpav jam u all v t a m subiect atrocitic anl atroci tics second in neties on amoi- subject i tlie baptism of ijcrflaimilb little and aannathqciioor- fn tho afternoon at a 30 o clock piano koit sale sidfb1abd for hale oood uatmonl forula rihoan apptv uk vivsxxrrimy jwntar avo juuo wanted flood wasos am f o nox ao lion traalq aa notice to creditors in toe mattavottho bsrtsite of wu- llajn taunbeyt into ot abe tcfnm- aualp of atrtn in the county tst wal- hnjrton yooniaa d nqtich is brtby givan mrvoont o lb utotots in that bahalf thai all endltara l oni than b and otbar wmooi natlsc elauaa acatasl tba batata of wlqlun uabnl uu ot utatdwdolilp of erin couat of w motion yaoman who dlsd 00 or abook in sutaasih aay of octobar odf thoasaod niaa taandrad rqalrod to tba aadnuracv tar or tba administrator willi wiir tba sola kataio on or botora tm wr sbbo lr of jan oary on lbooamj niaa bandrad and aavaaiean ijiatr oamas aflrtra j paid or dailvar to tba a0drmcdv tba sol- loltor for tba adinlautrator with wiir oanoxaf of lbs sold kauia on or botora tn iwaatj sent to tbd prtmacil treasury afl cblal thcro is quite a stir over tie wardenhip of uio county for 1p17 in al fairneas tin town of oakvilleand oakvillea reeve should have the covctted honor there has always boeo oaroo record for a distribution of thd honor to the municipal 1 ties and tli members who scrva tha coantv far a nam bar of 3 eaia are gonarallyrecogn u ed by thabestowpaenftiftliowardqnauirk if thereforo tho claim of tlinmnaictpalily is to be rocognixsd oakvillos claim w ntrwiger than that of any other in tbo county it conjointly with thti tha claim of tho member is also he considered mr as forster reevo of ookvillo will iw favored inasmuch as he is one of tho oldest and mot useful member of the council tortheist ii years the mania politics whoso reeves haa luu tlio ooioa have bean a follows 1000 george- towa 1007 oakvillb 1003 pvueaing 1000 acooi 1010 burlington 1911 trafalgar 1012 nelson 1213 miuou 1014 a0w0 i01j massagawoyo 1010 ocortotowii oakville should consequently ha a tho wardenahiplbis year and tiuca ng n 101a mhjtary notes j sergt il swockhamer ami lance corp tlic church the youthful heart but beside this at all seasons it ua matterof common knowledge tliatyou were always sohatoos for the moral and spiritual safeguarding of children and youth wc gladly acknowledge under our forces to this lonj and uicful career i a godly parentage is a great bless ing to any soul and to any community wek tlut ihrj favui wa ed by ybursclf so uiat acquaintance with d l ngsat home made such attra ctive in church therefore 2 early surrender to christ and idcnti ftcation willi the church was only to be expected and realized so when at fifteen jfojuttcr i you g h about fits business we rccognue a contn buung clement 3 using your gifts gradually as work has been laid upon you prepared the way naturally for the higher rcsponsibihry laid upon you to that after secretaryship and teaching supenn tendency came almost normally and wc arc sure it would be a pleasing incident in the life ot rev rohl phillips who in lfl73 received you inlothe church in a laier pastorate in 1 887 installed you into the school sopenntea- dency 4 we must note also the associations yaijicantracled with eminent workers by attendance on conventions and bj wide 255 members in canada have already paid the aapreme seensee agrtxx duty falls to the members who remain at borne while our boys are doing their doty in tho war we most keep the home fires born ing in tiu crisis every maa must realize his duty jnat how the nat furrtr cards axe demanding our attention every loyal ausaa will 11 oat end return hi card at once in tho matter of helping colors fob the ig4th batt will bo presented to tho battalion at tho ajmofloawt ilrimhttmrm tho 10th inst tho color fox the lgjth hal ton and do derm battalion c e f which hart been aubsenbed far by the ladies of the two counties ara completed and the oereraooy of consecration ai prnt wil1 m sums of 500 or any multiple thereof principal repayable 1st october 1010 interest payable half yearly 1st april and 1st october by cherfoa free oi exehaogo at any chartered bank- in canada at the rata of five per cent per immi from tho dato of purchase nolderfl of tina otock wiu have tho privilege of flurrendoidg at par nnd accrued interest as the equivxlent of cash in pay meet of any allotment tnado under any future war loan iseuo in cand other than an issue of treasury bills or other hko nhort date security proceeds of ttna stock aro for wat purposes only a commission of onequarter of 000 jr cent wqlho auowrd to frcogrused bond and stock brokers on allotments made m redpect of apph cations for this stock which bcasheir btamp for finance stock for appllcsrtkin furas appjyli lholypuly asimsler oi otuwa emp artiaatrr o roupes ottawa octcatittbjl boldbr than and ofler th said vmwaxj-ma- day of jaatiarr ooa tbonaood nlm bandrmf aad ueo tba said adoiiliutrator wiujpidw n iiivl tbaooiddr od to ducrlbu t tb a reading of successful methods so much so that you have been entrusted with official work in several associations and particularly as prcsidentpr thejcottoty and provincial associations t wefjadly give tribute tn yoqr own loyalty to tlio church of your choice that your influence in the school lias always been directing and winning if posjblc the vouthful nund therefor i specially the great work of missions has uarrjeihebe recovort0etmurae sirontproniinencc in ybur mavop aener s it ftfanhall of ltmel oue is now with 1 comtikuy canadian mac fno cun ihiputat lrowiiorouli r ktr collur has rctitcd word tliul 1 1 peter mcllvride of the 72th batt 1 an been awarded thn military modal for jiatui guiahsd bravery on uio field he aon a former rmidant of acton an interatiag ctter ft lua 1 nit cr from qaartrmatcr sflrgt rmwi mldrt from humol cm m 1 in r wi lit n the id ui lvtrmtwr my a le ur 1 proniowffroni tha rank oftiji in ur tarmastar to thai of bagtmontal quarter mastot iio also acknowledges cccipt of tbechntma parcel sent by tl o la lies ft aotoa itod lroas which ho ui prociated very highly ounaera m hraith wrtto the litn ikxsa from luithoro lurrnrkn shornclift log ou dec tth tltat in u non a qusl id gnnnsr and eijteeta ta leato fur tbo front in fpuioe iu a lo daja ho mat bugler jno l moors and also 1 le u m russell nonoftholatejoha huasall acton a few days bofgro writing luimpr suiith aara there is 00 doubt dunuauy ju i bar altiae are now at tl 0 bagiiinuig of tha an 1 lieut col ii a lettat of brantfinl oflioer commanding the phth ilattalum now a unit of tlio 3rd canadian diviaiou has been awarded the distlngowuxl scr k vioo oriar phs c8th battalion waivouo of the best suiped trained aad disciplined battalion that left t ronto nnd it mm due to cul fjenot a aliiuty oa a ouhlicr that the baualiuii went to iranco uianiflj ute unit col leant left toronto not o tf sii3j ttm tutt a wmlmlscted fo the 3rd divisiounu 1 haboea ihfljjyhtu ever si coat illaboks llooge hailotuary woods and on tho dumme and r been ladly cut up three times the ute c u minair ita 1 ii aanuknd pto ceo cos welt botany ed to litis unit citorls with fhc result that our scliool ranlcieljiy aufonlhciirsruiourhurch at liriif in this regard fi wi cannot omit reference to the real assistance given in your useful cjreer b your noblo and pauutakiag vi 1 fe whose countenance and counsel and coopcratuui have been so marked riicrcforc now at the termination of thn it n period of highly useful service in looijiit bock over whlui wo can recall many very many pctwjus mall dircctioas tli riai it jur this wide dominion ho have 011c furth fi m our tchoo who cannot but rejoice in the treat favor under which they were privileged as members of acton methodist sunday school will you therefore accept from the mem bers of the present and past committees of management tl i inscribed gold headed walking stick not uhhy as a token of our aipictution dntfclecm but also as sug- cslivc of the rod and staff of comfort provided hy the good shepherd of our so 11 is oil behalf of the committee ii w avison mn iux minister j s coujjan historical sccretoxy aitou december 3 1 at 1016 england have already paid i1q000 in the f of thaws membere who have been killed wt tha front arljonristtsc got cloear together let us broaden bar views and all work for the good of otbera mr benton then sang a aong wfaie waa loodl applauded mt u p moore replied to the toss the press and sergt harwood and sergt coles spoke to the allied forces in the absence of pt j p scmrrow who was in the barracks hospital at hamilton snnerinfr from an attack of pleuray a solo was raodered by uias umj wildguss and mi as a lr read on amastng tscitol of a llerory societys pro gramme the toast oar sister soaettes waa ably resp to by mr john donald the saaater of acton l o l and robert mepheraon k o of aetna lodge loof her xl e joons in a very happy and effective atxaia responded to the toast to the ladlee in fclfiog be said in all sincerity we appreoato woman today par- haps as never before he reeommended all to read the last cbapteeof prov to j gata true estimate of wotnaee worth baixihafad a box socta with a good programme will beheld by bollinsfad uatnal improvs- mea boetetj injallongridiy ft 12th inst admission loeonte place at hamilton on friday the idth inst at 230 o clock thst presentation being made by ladies selected to represent jjbe two co jies t tho colors which aro of adk handsome ly embrdidered axe tho arab to bo mode in annordanrn with the latest spcci flout ions and regulations for the canadian overseas forces and have hesa k approved of by m1i1 tit headquarters ottawa under orders recently issued govern nj lions of this kind the king s color which is thw great union the imperial color of the united pciogdotn of great britain aad ireland ie which the cross of st coorge is can joined ith the exoases of su andrew and st jpatnck on a blue field boars ia its centre the tem tonal designation halloa and dnfterm overseas battalion on a crimson circe wth the number of the battalion in ronton pamersls within saratouuted by oietmpenal crowu all heavily embroider ed iu gold the regimental color is blue represent ing the culor of the facings or the battalion bearing in its centre tho battalion bodge within the union wreath of roses tbjftl obomrocks and maple leavoa and enaignod with the imperial crown as tho presentation will probably be the list oesataoala porada tis battalion be foro prooeedlog oterseas it is expect ed that many friends of the officers n 00 e andaisa as well as others will visit the city to witness the ceremony fare and onethird tickets good for fle days will be bwped on lbs regular jralns f ho b o thpss- desire to to present tehja c0tta iho literary society has purchoaed a j ioao to bo used in their oeaoarts ilia ii altoii brick company bos closed down for the wmtar illiam huuth has enlist etfat jfracapiw ui 1 nn doiiwxl tha khaki tt3 farworn comparative cumj soy had a fiao moating loot tharoday mr jlrrioo the secretary gave a floe otldreu tlio connan uieasletf and w booping cowgh ara quite prevalent itnn mr f taridiu wtm mrated omforap- pondicitls s juoljji hospital last woek the inducement offered wiih common trnpa oaruiot make up for iho purity t rsfrx itcotti usmprtiiomakc pure op but coita you l6a to uo i fnr snnl f 1 1 if iu lite ijuiii t mves it docs not wear and rub csbiio as coaamoa sops do the btzmmn jt m0 4wrewfm a vo ssn miwy sw mf 5awira 4ve noues and basviu not b uobls far anypait o tb said aaaata la mt pnoa ot stiie claim he shall not tbafl have bod notloo a j uatm dsiad uus 97lb day at ikcmoa lain application po pab- ijajtent motice 13 hereby given thaanappll a cation will bo made by tho torooto suburban railway company to the leg- isletxiro of the province ox ontarhs at tho next session thereof for an act ex tending the time for the coma en cement aodcompletioo of tqe conatrnctionof the compunv w itoventl hoes of rajlwy fjerc toforo autconscd to bo constructed by the several acta relating to the- company rorcx hxmdexsom boyt7 u traders bank building interdino purchasers or any one interested in the excellencies of the chevrolet will bi given full particularfl by calling on james symon mill street acton 590 each gold kill1jd bracelet watches guaranteed to give- entire satiafacuoa or money ieuodod watch clock and jewellery repairing best mainsprings 7sk e j liphardt term now open in shaw a busineaa schools toronto kuter any day no vacations ioai- uooa auaured to jrnmduatcs free catalogue write for it w fl hlaw preaideat a- russells 0 special kor this week one car load of finest manitoba bard wheat flourjn 98 lb bags call and get our prices application to par liament f akk noticb that an anpllcatlon will bo made to the legislative as sembly of the province of ontario at the next seesla thereof by tho municipal council of tbo villago of acton for an act to coafina and validate by law number 447 of tho villago of actou be ing a by law to provide- for borrowing on debenture uio sum of sjs 000 for the purpose of loaning the rioio to the reliance bhoo co limited to caahlo thorn tb catabljftb a plant in the viibxgeot acton for the manufacturing of boots and shoes and the debentures issued or to bo loaned thfcreundor the existing debenture debt 0 the said viliatre ta as t allows hlectrio light iau hydro jiloctrlc lebeuturee public reboot debentures local improvement debcu jtt 85a 00 buy madeincanuda floods thn reasons for acquiring a luithox iieuq ot debentures tl to grant a boons of loan to- tho reliance btioo co limited upon the tonus and conditions act out ia tho said by law matohx mlullk lomo njutitorn for the applicants paled t toronto this aand day of doc 1 ember 1010 xo- j

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