Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1917, p. 3

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spectacles and asses tho placo to buy them the jtlaco to havoihem repaired wo carry a com plete slock of mo ants in gold goldfilled and nlcklo lenses templci frames find er pinunts vito nn n call maiittladr licehthea issurd geo hynds 1 if you have any gurts at your haraei are komgoul of havn- r n visit of vnowof r interesting nira jvlclu3 baar ironi you wo always appreciate pach favorn fhobotf h on 11 wbt lucficrri ttt stress tfldlmuavjanuarv il017 i news op local impost brief local items thedaysaroalreody porcepubtylonger than fortnight ago mm loii iiteekef ererfaosa la teaching at lotoethoel this term a goalph man was fined j loo and coats on bakardey for nob wportiais- ease- f uampa id hu family rtbo rod cross society saill meet- for work on wedoesdeyalterooon nextweek instead of thursday two now care for the torottto sabnrb i q railway wese destroyed in the big lira at prestoa oa sunday soma abonld fight some should work aocnf shook p tat silebeeld serve fill oat and peso yoor national service card th board of maeauoo wednesday in tho council chamber at sarvsn oclock lor organization for tha year psriltg the past two weeks the eooxts of ooalphhave imposed jcoo in onaa agmioat peiaooawhoharotioiated the tom peranoe act a khaki concert by a talented team from the naltondafferia battalion wott gives in the town ball on friday eveolog lbtb january the january thaw came a oanal the ibwtweekintbeinoath the snow fall and colder weather on- friday afternoon saved the sleighing y itriha m ooidpal election at burlington llr hoghos clearer babarriaaer a new candidate waa placed afi the head of the poll beefde air jervis by the ratepayers itiahpdfatterill tty lasrvrsadsfcated death of alexander harm aleiaader harm hoo of the tain join mann do the acton crossroad died nud denly on tuesday aftw a stroke ho fru fn town last sreek and oel to the lam i woodsy tbe funeral will 1 held tli aftairpoon at two oclock tho gt il train service dcdncod owing to phe demand for mora eegtnea and crows for handling freight ilia fl t r and a p tt road will cat olt mhot filly pasoagdr trains at leaet notil april the change cutanea neat monday acton is is said witlloaa the 7 a m goiog at and the 1030 a m anil 010 p m- goinj weal voott0or womans institute the uras moeuftg oi actoa wonuuii institute for the year w bald lmit frilay afternoon at the homo of mrs cqorgo tlavill preaideat a aryhoipfal and en joyabla programme wae given at the con claetodof which refrealitnente were eerved un tlatill prored horaolf a way wortliy hntteea j exchanffostpjuplu tu fl v aviaoo m a ii d at the uelhodit cborch and par r 1l jones ot toebapuat church erchamed palpate on snnday eteoing tlevmr jonea preached a rery appropriate new vaarabermon ad liar jdr atison do- utered ahelpfal diteoarae on the -unpor- of the character and work of the prophet atnoe settled affsdn in their how homo a utter secelved lut weak from hfr wlluaa johnston satton bay kew ont- ario eeyn we are now again eetllod in oncnewhome which replacae the one doa- troyed by fire in angoat daring the coo- flagratiou inthia northern conntry we bare very little know avyotbqt tha rasr enry u regtetring 301 below aero oar utile granttida meeier brace johnaton from acton baa been epeadingtheholtdaya wilk oa iwneloaeflcto for tha fnxe pttxsa for another year ovlnff to larsrorpromlscs george wallace who commenced bnai- noas at 30 wyndham street gnalph wnen he loft actbowill abontthejinit of febroary move his meov etore to larger and brighter pce the- eplendid store formerly occupied by the bloe hardware two doors east daring the three years he has been to unalph be baa built up a fine bnaiaees many of hla old customers hero oontinne to patronixa him ad will oo doebb follow him to the new store his cem in another calamn ts ally attractive j- ia netben tswnship by 11 wot in trafal gar oakvilla miuoo and bartiogton the by w ce b goo asa r- oeorgetown connctl this year urearrs h jl ttartwell conncillora thos j speight wm barclay fred cook and jos roah blpyeha by 00 of a majority t j speight headed tho poll with 37 vetee aiuinl juiijiuf oak msfeoottd the managemaqb of the horao de partment of tha ioien stock yards id weat toronto for aomn time offers hare bee a made mr smith to tempt him to get bank latothe trade butnot jtillinjmeny thooaanda y caaea f ira tarlniv tr attain n fnll jmiai a coople of hours werespant in-niagia- trateeooartodmondsyafteraoonla bearing oase ia which a nrijbor children bad beoa thecaumof a owoht serioas dts- tsbmsefc t weeeh eewnt- eccharges magutrate moore decided there was guilt on both sides and delivered jadgmeotccordingly 1 fh0m westinghousr babhack3 oar soldier boys or ihe 104th batt at hamilton new years fatllvliiea on a large ecale were liktulged ioly the then of the igath battalioo duriug the day the boys played game in the evening a supper arranged by the officers wan partaken of by flio men after auppea aplendid maalcsl programme was jpfen lieutcolf dam viue h cv prmldlng luch number was deaenradly applaodad the meae meet room was tastefully decorated for the oc casion social aveoioga of this kind isaajtbogaod tollnk extstiok between offieeraand men ctl kmest liagir ha been elected a school trustee for the city of hamilton cape linear 1 the roach respected qaar- leimaatar of the iclut uauaiion con gratoutioos oapt linger at the annual gaibariug- of sunday flcho m osnunary chnrchod new years day garth street sunday school in which the wriuris a teacher mcured one of the silk flags for ihe hvrgeat per cent- of s present- wall done garth street 1 on january 3rd a irrend ronoart wan bald in the recreation room of the wnetlng- boaae barracks arranged for by the y m qa oapt foiier yma becretary made a most efficient chairman his stat- metia that thauhrarian would soon resume hiadatiek was well received eridai tt o a and0ou il a blckfor1 0 b o inspected thlulh batt owing to ieclaeaent weatoer the inspection look lodoora the ueoaral e asbaug well pleased with the deporuneet of tho onjoan and men com plimenting them on their gen efbcieooy and their smart ajipearanoe on friday morning the oeoaral uited the hospitalend sxpraased himself as pleas ed with all he saw lie slay spoke cheerily to several of the paiieute on sunday the 104th batt paraded to waonab s presbyterian church for aer- sioe bev if b ketcheo the pator gmvm an axoellent address corp- 0 w took was succesaful in the redeet- esamlnaliotakin treoob warjfare hed in toronto mrs j p scajrowfialtod bar bushaod pto j v soarrow who li in tho bospitaj on vadneaday january ird capts fosur and alaaoaiif the y m c a left for eugland on japuary 8th both jipa mtt of una potihty duiiotf the past we traffjecruiu itava been atued to ute uongth of the uaua- lion two from hattonnpednty nd on from jhiflerfn te loith battalion had a uute march on batnnlay the men are -howlng-ex- oellsot form bl theeo msrohef against adverse weather conditions jib social and personal uita oils armauoag i tlio irachef t duhltn school n mr ami mrn n p ymnnro knd margaret sient sunday wlui rotstirna in krin mrandmrch millaof ddndalkweiw ftoosui at mr t a mortons iat yreok mlrt anuio wallace who baa been suoar- ing from pneumonia is slowly recovering hr george midgley watroos saak is spentlinafaw wsekawith friends in ontar io i mrcnaricvhyadnandmissnelllahynda of torooto npoqt the holidaya at the home mrs leorge attsodad the funecal of herhrpthor at bauiftstad last week mrand uca mcflulreof hamiltoo vinited at the bnme of di jno lawsoo last wsek master jordan lawsoo lias returned home after a pleaiaot viuttirith qraiignvilte frionua luv aodjre got witarkerofflnolph wctefraoststotmrandmrba t brawn on wordsy mtand mti uobevt bingham jr of basks tche wan aro viniungfriends in acton and vicinity mr thoi jrtpgorn of saskatoon has been ttiitin liia sister mrs willlmh fryer dur ing the week mr wm lynd who has been in mark- ham for treatment tioca kevcyoara has returned botae mr and mrs j j deoaghy of mona ttoad spent the weekend with bis sister mrs jas ceruahan itov mr smith spent the new year hoi idaysat mountformt and mrs smith ri sit ed relalives at klncardloe word his been received of the death of itslpb caaspbell nearoweaboond an jan 4th ii ia brother of the late qeoage campbell actoo mr aodmrs alex wylie and maaurs jehany and willie of blakeney hare ro ta fned hntne after ppendlngtho holiday with mr and mtv harry macdooald mr and mrs il p moore were in toronto this- week tisitiogmr moores mother who has been tory ill for several days fihe is feeling soma better as we go to prom speci some obsebvatioss the occurrence oi the cipsoon moo- day morning as sebsdoledinduoeaa reflec- uooas to two marvels and if you will a third it ia sorely a itrw for prefouod wonder that in tha immensity of space in the naivene and the uncounted millions of bodies moving therein everything moves with such precise regularity and without either conflict or contact wall t vl wt do well to con over more say addressing great anth when t xvrriifw th inaugural meeting op the couacnlor konnoy is chairman of 1 finance and cotutclllor hon- dorson of strbou q havrltjahd g ag hew auditors the msmbers elect of the municipal council met bo monday morning at 11 oclosklor organisation all were prcsant add tajbk their declarations of ofece as fol iowa boee geo hyads i couciuorc bailey couocillprw bksnney councillor w h smith counciuor d a hendersbd hat is man tt thon art mind folofhhaf and the secoodtnarrel is thst human intslligaoco is capable of anch developmeatthat these immensities can be so cons and connoted and computed that for a hundred years in advance the jtfl hoop ftftlwtr fjtnarwtinrt ru dafinitjt sulnounoed and the results verify the computation and the other wonder is that with all the possibilitos of this i of intelligence the poaaoekwa of it fail of even trying to attain to fall developmeat in each special case bat will by habits and indelgestoes pervert it to such ea teats thst the greet parpoae in its given moved by u h bailey ecoondotj by w jlsmith that the standing committees for the yea- be am follows fnukcs w- il keonsy chairman a e bailoy heere hynds finx aitit liainheero hynds chair- mnn- wrrkcnney c esnay fjtrarrs amd walxs dal henderson chsirmaii c e bailey beevo hynds tira pam w h smithjchalrmao ix a- ii on j arson c k bailey towk hau c e bailey chairmao 4vb6mkjreuada ckcteiit tha beeves chairman and ixendered null and void all cannot be astrooomera but ich inay he soigethtog oobu the soggestioa h been made in eng land and is supported by some in canada that at the approaching imperial con terence when premiers of ihe dominions are to eon for on weighty jnattera coanocted with or growing oab of the war leaders of opposition should also be inclndfd ina mnch us the topics are vital to the whole people so each section might well with- outany partisan aoi mow ties be repremnt- ed tbeestmeprieciple has already been deemed worthy in british politico whn linyd george it aasoclaied wlthcarsoa in gonrninir the nstteoal aaafrs and we see how well the principle works in actoo- when in every patriot id enterprise intro duced our two political georges hynds and haiul work together iq common messarea for the commou woal of our soldiers therefore the ship that oarrica sir roht bordsn to england might also carry sir wilfred lauriar oo a comclned mfsaion the fact that m citixoo of act on has for thirty tears guided s sffalni af a success- foiiinoday jsciimlm reported last weak w something of more than passing interest there hft been a arrest davelopment in bsnday school scisnoa since the days of robert raikea until now the instluitioa is looked on everywhere aa an integral part of chnrch work and it baa been well known throughout the community that mr moore was no mere figurehead but brought a rreat amount of intfatugent seal to imar on the important work to be graven on merujo may be attractive to nany bet better far to be graven in the o soutws upon ecorae of those who in such a looif teriod have grown up in and passedout from under an institution which baa been so ssalously conducted as the one just referred ta psrenu everywhere era building for the future wiser than they know jbeo they guide their sens and daughters nao lives of christian devotion and serviea were passed catarrh deafness cannot be cured by local applies vlons as they cannot yssfoh the diseased portion of the ear there it only one way to cars catarrhal deafntas and that la by a vautuonal remedy catarrhal deafness is caused by an in qamed condition of the mucous lining of the eustachian tube when this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect bearing and whoa ik is entirely cjosed deafness is the result unless the inflammation can be reduced and this tube rentnred to lis oovesstobbsuao bear -a- d joaso of daafnaes erei causedby oatajth which is we i t iuuluus s business would bo tha striking of the standing oommitteea for tho year all rosmtairs of the coaacll tho usasl bylaw for tho appointment of aod ilarsior the year was introduced and passed george havill and george k asssht being apjtojoted and uia romun etmtitin 915 fixed t each tlis council then adjouroedto meet at cighl oclock at utoeveiag sehsion all the members were present tbo committee on finance prmentod their first rtxmt and the fouawingacoounts luver and belag feft ui1 after war brantford hlrb coat tlltlng commtteo ropcted ita request to tho mjnlblcr of eabor fbnvcnlleaxo tho prices of canned goods tuid nrsfft thn nrimlrmlon nf ejnmariii ino durlpg thp war 4 t friday tbo british continue to raid the cnomyn trenches near arras lirituih eaat african torccs atorm- cd tho enemy a llaoa and tcoroevw c en kuai acuouimi geo agnqw div courtaildnfta dr gray medical health olflcer acton free press printing wj haeid charity postage etc- soldiers itecaption com sapplies geo roxell omretakinh town hall jamas henderson wood charity v town ball boll tolephooe co h if i no euxttxia dro power com supplies ios hendersoo poles aetonfree praas adverusieg wj ileid rubber stamp geo havilj supplies w mclennan labor 20020 a by law to appolukao olfiber to enfocce tho previsions of the nntario temperance act wae jiitroduosd anil read a first time 51 00 1000 700 soo 32 w 500 000 2100 120 s1s210 2700 000 3120 cbews0ns c0qnebs tho national service uagietratioa cards were distributed here last week forslgning il is to bo hoped that all will sign and return theea mlu buck erfmoaa who was teachar at lorna school about seven years ago ljul been secured to fill the vaoaapy there caosod bymiiawiusons resignation until another teacher can be secured urn htti- waiisbtoei in toronto ut week ontuasdsy of last week mr j burn- side wenb to the well near his bouse to get a mil of water and was lurprlaodto find a snakgcurlad up in ttfjibtsr he had been attbespringaboutrjld an hour before and it wasnt in then i jis unnsua to see a snake in january dlr burnside killed it and it mofciured nearly thirty inqlita ia length halton county coumcih017 five now members out ofthe thirteen elected tlio county council of 10j7 wi be-eom- pueed of the following burlington keeve o h nicholson aclon iteove geo hynds ivyooorgetowurbeere il ii heart wall milton beevo j f little oakvlheiuavo a s forster jla- putylteeve geo hllmer nelson hoots chaa bead bead ih- lmtjfiurfltanl4y dynea 3jlirrlit3itw u u tlirnrr i halls catarrh cure acta through the blood ot the muoua surfaces of the itytee we wlllgve one hundred dollar rnr any case of oatarrbal deafnaea that oanuot bo cared by hslls catarrh cure oirou- ut4 free all druggists 7ac- f j cuenkyvco toledo u uvs w ii mordsnt nassaxawyalleeve m j carton ksiueniojr kjiye abu joe j ieputy- beevcv joa standiah messrs nloholsoo uokrtwolltjurosr wtoa nnd staodlali are new mem bun of 0m coulclt nhws topics op tab week important eitonta whloh ijavo h currodjhoro nnd thcro hit hamurl balrd a toronto tax collector passed away after a long lllneoa earl curzon wan marriod to mrs graco dujrgafi in tho priva to chapel or ldmlxjth palaoo beaton defnatod by a largo major ity a bylaw to ralno debonturca to orecr a now nchoql thorn in aji air or expectancy with tho officers at exhibitions camp to ronto about recroltlng- captain ian hay bolth tan hay nald germany wanted peace bocanoo of bar own despcralo condi tion tho ontario department of agrt- culturo la aijpoallne to tiin farmors to kocp tbclf llro clock even at a looa a party or 383 ofllcnrn and men of tho canadian expeditionary force ban arrlvodt halirax rotarnod wounded or for duty captain herbert spanner a flight commander of tho hdto1 frying corpo anda forrnflr toronto addltor laroporterjhlournir cooperaunc with the dominion railwayboard tha ralrwayn- xnay cnt down their pasaonnor eerclco bo trjllorn freight congestion georgo golup tormrtrjt but dlnchkrgcd because phynleally qn0t died ertor belnj found on tho atroet with ounda froot an ua- knowh iauso lloutcolonol w t stowart of toronto lata o c hlth battalion has been appointed 6 command tho garrison dnty battalion atbramabott camp england i throo more hospitals at isjifax st john and toronto am to accom modate 11g0 paliontfi in addition to tho 1g10 already provided for by the mlulary ilotfpl lalo commlsalon thvnspay threo teuton planen were brought down by the rusalans 1 bo total city uraeaimcnt or tn routo la id 010000 00 iofautllo paralysis has a- most dia- nppearud from onlirio elotcn peroon wore killed by a railroad wreck in scotland john lannolsti a youth of clgh- tjon of toronto ended hla life heavy artilhrrj netivltr was re ported on varlouapartji or tho west front dr william 01d right tbo cmlntnt toronto snrcaoo died in chicago j bfjimj pi hlfl dauehtar chairman william houston of the toronto board of education in hla retiring addrosa resented civic dic tation in nchonl onances railway traffic managers conferred with the dominion railway commis sion with rctarcnco to cooperation in relieving traffic congestion enllatmenta in canada to tho end o 191c totalled 3859511 more- than hair that number having boon en rolled during thopkst year the maclean battalion of tho afarl- tjmo provinces has been ordered to coanr tecraitlnk in the toronto mhi- taryttlstrtet niter february 15 dr jcssop mpp and mayor j3ureoyno speaking at ricraulng mecunga 1 sc catharines declared for compulsory military barsice ahhougnoppobfid to conscrlpuon the toronto district trades council xcctrpteti an raiir oi higigraa klngaford to deliver an address on compuloory norvlce itu ainislry of marino aaya the nywrt that tho french bauleahlp vcrlto has boon torpedood by a aub marine nbar malta la absolutely ralso i tho trent canal la expected to bio completed from the bay or qulnteto lake simcoe ready for through iraf- oa nex d tbo rnnl drt rnmnriffieir many children woro killed when a tornado- wrecked an oklahoma schoolhnusc it ruddy kc of peterborough was appointed county judge in on tario county it was announced that tbo british bad 2000000 bold era on tho west- crn front alour british t clioport ivoraia was sunk in the mediterranean antj 1s5 ilvcr lint a csmpajrn vsootarted in mont real to vu rrcriiua nnd improve the poor showing ot that district the ttiuilj of the eastern steam- thi corpoi uon vcrc disposed of at st jjhn u for 236c000 oecrco arnold a onearmed pris oner- atlseltc his jailor and made a daring cacrtpn rrom tbo whitby jail hia hi u men ca cardinal begin or quebec rua lusucd a card to his flock lit lb- to 011 in the national service cards negotiations hare been concluded between groat britain and germany for tbo exchange or all intcrnod nfalca over 45 years ofaco jjoctoni from tlf ubltcd stateg- aro blng nccured by tho british hospltalaln order lorelcase english non for national norvlco the empire club of toronto urged upon the dominion oovornment to prohibit tho imporutton of tuxurtea tot tbo duration of tho war mra cawthra mulock the wife or ano of torontou muulnillllonalras started action against her tmband inking 3000 per mouth alimony charles c blackauar tho proprlo- inr of tbo acadian her order a paper a hundred years old was srp- uld a director or tho royal bank to uuccoed theiate hon david mac- keeo his lomotlin halifax ns it is staled- in madrid that the swedish government has sent a note to tho spanish cahlnut asking it to lattbshtfrcb tho cabinet considers could bo suitably taken to defend the interests ot neutrals saturday tho british red cross find now amounu to 91673000 a violent austrian attack in the trent ino was checked by tbo italians toronto battalions will bo given tnatxuction- naxt uoekjn field work north 6t toronto a uliock r curlhquako wan ax pcrlonciid at north liny tbumday nlgbta1mut 1045 german 8oclallotn dnnonocoij tho proposal for a meeting to fliocuoo tho posoibulty of peace thor funeral of dr william old- right took placo from untvcrnuy convocattotthall toronto edward car bo r a ynung farmer near caledonia wan inntantly killed while holding a nelgbbor load baled hay the tramffer of police duties in alberta from uio mounted police to tha will tako placn on march 1 querns tjnlvumlty ban oxprotuiod dlnapproval of the proponod extennlon of tho medical coiirseln tho tjnlverl nlty wf toronto toslx yciant a titorbabrokoln wanhlngton over tho charkcfi that profltfl wore jnado through advance information oftho cantnla 6t president wllsotia pcacy noto elglityflvo detcgatra are coming to ontario from quebec in connection with the movomrnt lo promote a-bct- ter undcrntandlni between tho- two trovlpciin mayor clmrch will propono to tho cuy cotthcll that the toronto eloc- ixicxlght- corapany bo- glvon- month id ixiinovfl thelrpolen fmnl city clreets r divid gait and enjono la vlllo were killed and patrick woldon wan ftorldiinjy injured when on en- glnolrattinto a car t buy wore ropatr- incat tho turcot gt-r- yurdo in tbo recount of 73 out of dc boxnstnniio winnipeg mayoralty election mayor dyson lost bin ma jority of 13 and aid f li david son had obtalnod a cad of- 13votea sir charles davldnons report la made public fin tho sale of nmall- armn ammunition to thebrltlirtmavy and the purchaao of two nubmarlnen by tbo brllinh columbia government a proponal to tbo ontario govern ment that doctors fees bo guaran teed in connection with tho work- mona compenoatlon act was opponcd by manulacturera as a burden on fn- dustry bionday tho canadian forcca aro being ro- organlsod in england rot william wye smith a well- known writer died atburford japan will arm all her merchant men to cope with the nubmarfno menace mr george loo a former civic em ployee la missing from bis homo at toronto fire caused 143000 damago at tho g t- r freight offlco and nheda in hamilton l mona ellis a young woman of to ronto old a thrilling atory or robbery to decelva her father jjr matthew john bayloy assist ant chief operator for the c p r- died at hia home in toronto the metmoro royal commlsalon in saskatchewan investigating road frauds has made an interim report sir frederick borden formor min ister ot mllltla in thb laurier ad ministration died at canning nb mrs rodo a montreal woman wan committed to jail in now jersey in connection with tho alleged cana dian passport frauds herbert williams and tyxna kerns both employed at tho city hoaprtal hamilton dlod as a rosnlt of drinking wood alcohol- sea a tor j b r plsot ono bcthe oldest liberal senators of quobeo province ama at s e most aovonlydvo years tnvm tylf nf ytnlilhwnlrt tnarnmp- sucbi as tliese erta lyiacdonalcis jfariuy clcaraiice sale bargains l i these arc the saving embraced in our gigantic clcaraway of winter stocks read come i look i buy i save 7 s such taken 111 on returning from tho ranoral or his cousin ranlabot in toronto and died before medical aid could bo iiummouod the delegates from quebec who- aro visiting toronto in connection wlfb the movement to promo to a hot ter feeling between the two prov- fuuca thin 7 the supremo court of saskatche wan has rulod that roman catholics must nupport acparatp ncbooln in sop- arato ccbooldlitrctind pro tea t- anta must cuppbrt protestant ccnoots tuesday a hfprtvwelcomo wa extended the bonnn entonto dct6stini frt quebec mr john g kent toronto was elected to thb presidency of tho board of trade othn unullquorlmportlaw oftho womenjl coa1r4off children coats worth o 3750 f or 30o chlldreuii lrcis worth up to 355o for 9x49- womens 3ioo corsclii 70 naj5c bi j boys 8j bmlerkirl f3ti w omens 3500 sklrtii j30 womens f 35 kimtsfios ob- womentf to 3i5o liloures 0k womcnii suitn 500 rny to sfloo sulhi 573 russian overcoat mens 3i8 to 835 ovetcoatii fl h glens 8o to 35 suits 91070- menn 3c kockf uo mens 300 hats s ucnn to 85 do sweater 380 i2lclo isc bedroom wallpacni a hniit of hire savings arctinciadcicj imhis big departmental store clearance if yon -havent- yet vialtcd tvtacdonhldri gqciphtbtv is t moat odvahtagcoas time le macdonalti- 8 bros w guelphs leading and xargest store wyadharrr macdonncll and cardeh streets imilcd- guelph onl gome amoving sale i the great aloylng sale where you make money at guelph qnt the great al wallaces cl0thintst0re j sale with a reason the rapid growth of our busjness since corning to goelph hair forced us to find larger and more suitable tjuarters to take care of our trade projjerly we have leased the store at 20 wyndham street twordoor6 east of our present location and wjll move there on february- 1st we prefer to move as little steele as possible and we fee sure we can easily accomplish our pnrptasc at the prices we areofferinc the public 15000 worth of hiph eradc clothinq and furnishings lor men and boys at practically todays mill price come to guelph and share thcie great values we will pay yourttturn fare irom acfon on every 1500 purchase duririr this sale time nor space willnol permit us to give you a detailed list of the many special values we have for you every article reduced to practicajlv the price qnoted to us by the manufacturor today can you realize what you can save if yon visit this jreat sale sale continues throughout the see handjbills for details come early tp got best choice month wmxagf all way reliable clothier gujlph ontr u s wajeid cenatitutional bytho bupremo court jsovantoon men accuuodin eonnee uon with tbo lahore conspiracy- in india were dantenccd rev dr daniel latrachan has re signed from tbo pautorate of lioso- dalo presbyterian church toronto radolpho lomluux tbo only son of tho expootmaster general has en listed tn- tho artillory unit from tbo city of quebec 4 michael kelly composer of tho innate of well never lot tho old flag fall died at st john n b of tuborculoaia kltcnencr cojincll alms to bring back pcaco and harmony in tho city and wul make no attempt to ro- change tbo name 1 hugh mccnlloch president of tho ooldlo a mccuboch company llm- itedtuid ono of tbo most promlnont residents of calf died in bis nlxty- nrat ycajr tho honorary degroo oi lld was conferred by the university of to ronto on bir george qameau ono of tho leading bonno entonto dole cat as to ontario from quebec w jl bowlby ma kc tho old est cruwo attorney and clorlc ot tho peace in ontario appointed by the flrat government of tho province tn 1sg7 died at bis homo in kitchener o acuta indlgunllon and pneumonia siloajb theaaaoal toatneotingof bilnant moth- odist church was held in the church on tuesday evening of lascwasi there wss a huge attauidanoe and a good programme which consisted o choruses aqd dialogues byaobolarsof the sabbath school s duets and recitations at the close in escellaob supper was provided by the lediee which was heartily etijoved ita mr smithermao the pastor was tho effici ent chairmen of the evening national sorvlco cards distributed at a meeting of citixana held at the customs house on wednadey committees were appointed to distribute the national sarvloo cards among the men wbt should tret thtm itlisn bees doao sod all the cards not already soot in should be filled in signed sod retara ed at otics after amy sickness- your nervous lystem a shattered your strength ia wasted your digestion weakened your blood impoverished 91 is the rich tonicfood to nburakyour nervecenfers repair the wasted tissue improve -your- sharptrirutpaandgraxlually iesubjiri your strength get scotts for yourself ot remind some ailing friend that scotts has proven these words for thousands of others look for this tradefcnk sou a dooto itoraatek oat takegood care of the colts its cheaper to raise mils than to httt rt mw vpftrs bar msaxe jsi d y the colts eecpabcrtueofkcddslls spavin core handy for thirtyvfitc- years has proved it the safcrcliable- remedv for spavin oplbat curb ring bone bony growths and lameness from many causes s kendallsspavmcure botueaia4lerirs3- get a free copy of eurtnolcarcatisciauxiarscat yoor droxrutsorwiitcua ho rhdjs3nuij63l4jernfsllsvv fsafejtuard your iuture attend toronto onthrio ftborthaiul ttpowilumt ueoltkanplac uaok- inn jluctior acooantioc id am at is hip sto uuabtqutcatrand oorracuy onridou aiainkaaotlamaau euurajiy time writs w j elliott principal tat vod but tronu big 1ine of grocebies t scnrit leductiitnccb finhi now r uritti new years mens rubbers and shoes i 10 per cent- ofl regular prices unvil new yuarv mens underwear in au sizes j at 10 per cent off regular prices uitnl new years 4c mill st acton we are paying 48c this week for cream at acton creamery msaxe i zr my has called me 3vly cjountry has called me the ttnpire has called me l has called me my conscience says serve my brave comrades call come my manhood compels metoenlist i now sec my way clear to offer my services to my king and country by enlisting in the haltonduffcrin battalion- adlleccs occupation tt married- unmarried cutthis out and mail tolay in stamped envelope to lieutcol c r mccultoughli r o 1 oljcenliihaentforlldal f hamilton ont fc 1 j 3

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