Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1917, p. 4

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jmjc arfnir rcc hcs tflitl mmjk ii 1017 old roucs at houe uriftfuj rlerju i a tr a nil olin am j wonder how ll ol 1 ijco look h nrmluly r tllrxl mo airs d i ow his ki lihca art icettjojt on at uif if iocmihi dayjiy day v a 1 1 uf lhrj ulo my thought oft era j elocl tiioj ro jrojdr ma roll tliom when trainings tfola hard i ii im droj pn g uiran ft line and dear old had my tloenl chum jfow i d iika to fnp hu hand an i aomnuraea droani i m back nalo in uio far off dear homo uuxl itamemher mo lo working matoa to toji of my schoolboy days atid jiyit a word to all old friend la my home no far away how to keep well tllr th1c lkovinciui board off illtaktu a decline substitutes mibtnaijan ti unitoby jthk inort ovr o timn f r- f p4w htrps luiok tnltn by nrrmcnt to itrlli vi njt notion 7 tho oovprmnnthao uadcr eonr nldnrallon a nmnbor of imcjiosllonji of means for rollovin tho oituatloa created by tho upward march or food prictrt tho beu of theso oug- rcntlons aro to bo embodied in on ordorlncouncll to bo passed under tho war measures act regulations adopted in this way boini immo dlately oprmlyo in other wardn by taking action undrtho power conferred by tho war measures act jt will bo possible to afford roijef at once without walling for a acsalon of parliament and the passing tf now legislation n in oo far as tho rise in food price rokulta from the natural operation of tho law or supply and demand here la llttlo that tho government can do bat action is possible and it la uo- doratoc will bo taken to prorent i tho inflation of prices by artificial moans auch as tho cornering of sup- plica and tho storing of largo stocks for spcculativo pnrponca tho orderin council under which means of meeting this situation will bo provided has not bcon prepared ms probable con tools as outlined will bo a sot of machinery which will facllltato action by municipal- ties for lnntanco there will bo a clear definition of what is to con stitute illegal manipulation or tho food market and there will bo pro tided a- direct method undor which a municipality may proceed in caso of a violation of tho now regulations it is considered likely also the- qovernmentwlh establish a system or inspection under whlnh tho amount of stock of various foodstuffs in tho country may bo checked up irom time to time this will opor- nttm- vant tracts of jhrdcral land to iv f opened lp the v toady openlniip of thai vast unci of federal land in aun ralla known as tho northern terrl lory in ono of tho motrfinurontlnof of tho world n rroat projer tff the federal authorities hovo many dlm- cnltlen to contend wth dlfncultlea which have been considerably accen tuated during tho pjuit two years owing to tho war but good progress lbtovorthciaca being madnjn all uterchrectitely it is believed to pro- vent the hoarding up of food stocks by speculators tho ministerial mbcommlueo appointed recently is i considering the proposed regula tions and an official announcement will be forthcoming very soon provide girls for parma somo important changes and amendments have been jnndo by the department of kducation for tho school year of 3316 17 tho rcgu- 4auoiui govbrnlng ibo lasulpg of cer- tt to yemng rton of tho high and continuation schools and col- leglatea who enlist as hey now jl bland will permit tho student to write upon hw wlnntlnn fwf as6ar and get his ccrttflcato for admissiqn to tho normal schools or faculty of education without com pleting tho school yjar undor tho former system wnore the examina tion was not held tho student bad to depend upon the recommendation of the principal or complete bla yoar at gpodal classes after bis term cifacrr in tho ar bueh snlltancemant will alllttrnpry tot- atndenu who enlist before the eas- torammlnauoix tbonow nuiatlotu permit high school entrance boards to frco from examination and grant certificates toboyxand air la preparingln ytor iv and v of tho public or separate ochoobi for junior graduation diplo mas or junior high school entrance ccrtlflcatca in tho same way corv uncatea will bo granted to pupils of the flitirform for senior jmdu alion diplomas senior ijigh school entrance and entranco to the model behooia7ot 1ntbolgli undtjohtln ua schools for entranco to the alodel and normal schools or fac ulty of education tho wbolo reaaonfor these condi tions la that school glrla may bo al lowed limp to help on tho rarm and in this war rejloro to somo extent tho proaaoro ofwork caused by tho extustnuuit of tha men the main raaniraxaast u that tho- pupil before fjootrrinjf a certiflcxto in tho now way must ahow that bo or sho has been tapinycd on a farm in ontario dmtng tho anmmer dlrectlo ono of tho latest enterprlsen to report progress is that of sir wil liam vcstrjr who ontcred into a con tract with tho government somo time ago to establish cold etorago works for meat at port darwin ac- cordlnr to a recent despatch from port darwin tho erection of theno works f dow well in hand and it is hoped in npltff or all delays due obieuy to tho war to bo in a position to commence work early next april tho importance of this projoct to the development of the country in tho immediate fnturo is tory consider able nitherto as s pointed out in tho despatch already rcrerred to tho pastorallats not being assured of an outlet for tholi stock havo not given duo attontloo to tho or tholr herds the effect erection or tho cold storago works at port darwin baa already been that ffastoralista aro devoting themselves to this important question and tho weiroro of stock is being- considered in many ways notably in tho provi sion of wells along tho droving routes ono of tho most- important out standing questions lntht nu territory as in moat now countries la the question of transport and it la welcome to noto that tho greatly needed extension of the railway from pino creek to kathorino has now boon undertaken whilst tha exten sion of tho pier at port darwin la to bo ready to handla trade by april next as th6 possibilities of the country become more fully known and a larger amount of capital is available for ita development its progreaa wilt of course bo stoadlly more rapid at prcaentptnany enterprises arc hampered for lack of capital a ack duo very largely atho fact that oo mnch of tho work in tho northern territory is still in an ex perimental stage tho government however is carrying on experimental and research work with welcomo energy and already especially in ho mattor of agriculture most gratifying results havo been obtain ed tho outlook for tho future in tho northern territory is indeed in every way encouraging f iam uf u1p iji tho bremen is rone this is n6w admitted by tho ornian officials at berlin as whl na at washington sometime wo shall know whero sho haa gono whether to tho darjt un- fa tho mod caves of ocean or to tho temporary oblivion of a british port it 1st altogether probable that the ijrlush havo gofier in one way or ihjlothp their it nrtt diphtiixitfa ani horti tiihoat t tiii1 tjml of tho year khoro isapt to b a rood deal of noro throat ind djphthrla itry oorotbrat should merit close atten ton u may bo diphtheria oven if thoro la litllo or oo momhranw to he norn tho throat from which park and winiamo tho noted diphtheria npeclallntn or fow york nocufed tho moaf virulent or diphtheria toxlpa hairnrj mombrano whatover ir your doctor ban tho slightest doubt about the case havo- him take a owab for diagnosis and whllo ho in waiting for tho roporftlrt him gtvs tbo patient a doafi of antitoxin if it turns out hot lo bo diphtheria bo much tho hotter if it in tilphthorla ourebid it may bo hon twenty four hours ntart with antitoxin since it is well known that nearly all rases of diphtheria which ore dlaruqaed glvra antitoxin on tit flrnt day recover early doaago is of groat importance in tho cljy i phll- adeiija 701 consocntivo cases of lhla dlanaan worottivon antitoxin on tho flrnt dny and nil rocororcd bomotimoa children who havo una given anti toxin nhow a rash which la olarnflog to oomo people it isn rash similar lo hat qrcurrjnfc tortaln pemona when tbey eat she i j fish tomatoes or btrawberrlen ni that tho rash raoanns tbot certain persons aro btiseoptlble lonroteln or albuminous oubotaneea contained in tho horoo sorura carrying tbo antitoxin too contained antioxln haa nothing whatovor to do with cana- ing the rnsli if a htfflliarquanuty of horno serum or brothwere injected under tho nkln or a susceptible peroon a slmllatrash wcmld occur sohwi piirrnn will never nhbw a roab wltjh unrum pf any kind others who react ealy to proteins show it every jmo tho rash apart from wo nnconifort ooli ooasation doojl no harm doao of antitoxin r7t 1 ib tho qocstlon of tho done thoro la no moro danger rrom 0 000inlta than thorn is from 1000 bo tho largo slxo or tho dose need not c anr c0tc0pu almost any caao or nrntday diphtheria should receive t000 units if bcrcro espodally if a day or two has olapood tho doao ntiouid bo much incroaaod say to 10000 or 20000 unrpr in laryngal or tidvanccd cases tbo roraody jjuouwbo gircn in the volns intravenously o nn to rot up nrajnnt tho toxin in tha blood astooo aa posalblo now that diphtheria antitoxin is euppllod free by the provincial board of health to ovoryono wo should hoar leas about death from tbo dlaoaso in ontario medicines are of certain valao good tonics aro useful good food at rtgular intervals is essential it la moat important that the patient have nciouto rest t bed all through tha conrao of tho dlaoaao and tor a weak or two aricr the serious symptoma snch as fevor rapid pulse swplllng of tho neck birtdii have aubaidod tbe heart muaclo in diphtheria joeomes weak anu sirt and aomo paucntawho nam rot about too aoon haro died suddenly a case or sudden doath in olphthoria must not bo attributed to tho antl- o uu katoa it haa nothing to do witu causing doath it la bann- lmprovemonll bont wttoiia- hat it la when used early and in feet of the dosoa a m0fl marrellotui enso for a diaoaae which twenty or twenty- nvo yeara aro waa tho terror of the mothers of onr coantry tho fact that inis terror or tho duoawhaadlaappearod la duo to antitoxin alono j croup la dlphthbrla- it la dlphthorta of the larynx or wind pipe the reason it is so fatal la bocaua tho mombrano and awollen tissues of tho small windpipe of the cfeild ls easily plugged up and aa a result the child suffocates prompt and vigorous troatmont la needed in such caaos in addjtlon to tho cm of antitoxin given intravenously in- nrhauonrthat is tho introduction into cho wlndplpo of a metal tube la often a iireaaving m tra atnce tho introduction of intubation laaa- s iiipnmem ia th frroaiaat panjox in nature it can grow in any koil lite under any condition it dafleaanvlronmant l oomaa rrom within f it tha rsvalauoi litm daptlts ol tho innar lifa aa light and baat proclaim tho nn jiun which lbyjdi to ifappinoaa ooiubta not of having bat of boiogj not or poaaaastntr but of eajoyitlg it la tha wanq glow of a hsart at peace wuhla teir a martyr at tlo atalca may bava liapinaa hat a king bis brooo might eny man la ih ctmttsr of hla own happfnaaa it la tha aroma of a ufa llred m harmony with high waala far what m man has ha may bo dapendatit on olhera what ha ia rmia with him aleoe wbal bo obuina lo life ia hot acqaiiitioa what he atulpa ia gtowth ifappioa is tha aoala joy la poamauoa of th otangi bla william oaonrojorda- ohodren ory for fltchers cato r i a i z- o tha oil ot pwwcr it is not euumwpfor dr tbomaaeciaotviqoilthafltwillcareall lla bub itaoamaraotarjotisutatitmay looked oponaojiirnarminaiakuler luaa achierod that jrroataasa for itaolf and all attempts taaarpajaibbavafailad iuaxoal lancp fa known to all who bava tectad iu irtuoa aad learnt by exnariaaoo j kj r aoxk carwi adtcrtlsod for tho prorantloo and euro or dlpnthorja nona of tham aro of any value moreover ther only cans a waste of umo and interfere with eajuablo measures in the prevoiftion of a further spread to other members of tho family tbo most important measures aro ii thom rroin bick puflt and btto each one coo to 1000 units of antitoxin 2 lot lou f freah air into tho hooso anfl clean up tho olck room nfter recovery or death of tho patient j bronchitis was so bad cou evaryfew minutes dr woods norway pine syrup cured her gkbkaks tbyino sovery w fc a barbag canadian airman j3ent erneat hicks who has just received the military cross has done remsrkable things ho brought down two enoxay machines and drove back owsr ibo lines throe others oaone occasion be came down to 800 and bombed trains lieut illcki is ja onnadlsn and it ia barey fpqr pontha since be mado his first flight ho crossed to ngland with the prln- casa patrlctavlleimisnt and was wwmded in the yprea qghting when he recovered ho waa transferred to thajftylng corps and the londan cortoapohdent of the alancheiter guardian tou j 0 tils latest ex perience about 20 miles behind the german lines be engaged two enemy machines and in tbo worry ho for- tnt rr n u and d ld-ae4-dodge7-gd- a big piece of shrapnel plorced his tank and the exhaust caught ore he bustled homo aa hard aa be could expecting every moment his machine would go huff and his end would coma but ho held on although partly blinded and by great tuck got a gllmpau of a wood be know and made a lucky landing tearing hla burning clothes from him there waa tremendous luck in this oscapo but what iron nerve an 4 spirit of stool to have carried on and won through many of our airmen havo been in auch inconceivable otralia aa thebo andt caxrlod on after the war says tho guardian n ono will have tho foolishness to go to troy or agin court or dumas novels when they want to apeak or heroes ia dr jotumova seal an american tourist visiting the rontons old floe atroet ina tha i cheshire choose sat- down fa what t 1ft reputed to be dr johnsons chair do you know said the cicexonn impressively that yoa aro now alt ttng in dr johnsons chair im sorry said tho american and he iwt campaign against tho german opbma- rincalnvoiving the mysterious dla- appar4ooor certainly tnotethaja flrty undorwater boats without tho slightest indication to the berlin ad- mlrajty to what has bocoraot them has beep ono of tho most im pressive and also tho most dread ful featurea of the war for what could be more appalling than this atcady dropping or boat after boat into the nameless told the bremen is supposed to bo a merchantman bat wo imaglno that thero is no great side of militant german circles ovor the submarines loss her purpose with that of her predecessor the oeuts xas-nurely- mischter- oua jt waa just as much a part of germanys war on the allies as any a in the field has been and the disappearance of this boat if it waa at the hands or the british navy con tributes just o much to thedollyor- ance of the ocean from the peril and nuisance of warliko operations boys in war gazoo the war threateoa soon to become a struggle botwoen morq boys the pace is said to be entirely too fast for tho older men long to endure t la asserted here that next year tho entente allies will bo facing boys of 17 in tho german army general sir douglas hair com manding the brluah expeditionary forces is aabjl to imvttobjoctod to tho sending out of men of middlo age ho wants men from 18 to 25 years old arter tho tattr iar it is aald tho lighting value of tho bu man unit shows a rapid and steady decline tbo good aoldlor of to day it seems must be or the ago which excels in the mare strenuous athletic games the football player type tho older men have tholr place but gon- rptiiytiprr ntt1 n fn in tho army behind the aroiy the men back of tho line in tho aup ply and transport divisions whoio the strain ia not bo great these older moo are too susceptible to trench diseases to be of great one on the firing line england already is registering boya born in 1h3d pro- p to caula thorn up whoa they attain their eighteenth year kamotia athlete in ithau capt sine mcevcnuo who la well known in canadian kugby clrrloi because of hut cnnntxtlon with tho argonaut club as coach of tho senior team of tbo double blue lias boon appointed eddodecainp to brigadier general melgbon at dram- shott camp bngladd wcevonue who came into prorniuouctf in mont real whero ho attimdud meglm ppi- vy and played ll u i by with tho senior team of that institution en- llntod lasljprmk in the duchess of connaughta own irish luugers at uontreal k ijlnc as he is ginerally known s alao physical director of tho canadian troppa at jlramshptt camp bronchitis s with a short palnfnl tuy cough aocnmnanirfi with- a rapid wheezing and a feeling of oppression or tightness through the cheat at first the expectoration is a light colorbut as the trouble progresses the phlegm arising from the bronchial tubes becomes ol a veliowish or grcenuh color and ts very often of a stnngy nature bronchitm should never be ncslccted tf it n qffir t g jmi- i- undocbtedly follow cttzrli nfjtby uxlng dr wood a- norway pine syrup this well known remedy has been on the market for the dmtjsjrcsrs it cures where others fail mrs geo lotton uxbndre out writes i x have had bronchitis so bad i conid not 1 down at night and had to cough tmrj few minutes to jtt my breath i had a doctor out to sec me bat his medidnc seemed to do me no good i scat to the drurgidt for some wr- f hhn it can bo truthfully said that in england tho interned german prison ers of war are being treated as guests oven if unwelcome one and that on the contrary the british and allied prisoners in qor- many aro being ratod as galley slaves contrast can go no further the world indeed la just beginning to coali t the c an sywje e working jta 2000000 prisoners of war is a return tocondulenathe an alogies of which cab only bo found in past bvagnjyfilla tho historic somlcivilixattonn of the orient re fined on the surface but inhumanly cruel throughout in consequence doctor curtin tho american corre spondent ot tho london times who ha recently returned from germany and la giving that p t benant ot hlselooo study of go and industrial conditions during tlq withm constipation the commonest ill oeestipatlon b one of the comniaqest lib of mankind and one too often allowed to go unlooked after until some serious complication sets in u thcbowels are properly looked after there will be no coaatipatioti jaundice sick or bilious- headaches ticaxtburn eoatcd bangue soui stomach floating specks before tflc eyes etc milhura laxauvtx pilb will keen the bowels regular and cure all irrer ills mr philip mcleod tarbot us writer i suffered from constipation ever since x can remember and for years had pains in the left side of the back if i walked across the kitchen floor i would have to jit down and rest that i think was terrible for a man of 20 years of age the condition of my system w shown by pimples breaking out on xny face i suffered so much pain and ttis- ness tn dryback x am sure my system was full of poison uflbura xaxa- llver puis have entirely cured me i thoroughly recommend them to everybody v mobums laxaiiver fihj arc 25c a vial vials 1100 at ail dealers or mailed direct on r of price by tux t mabpxm co locrrxo tcraato oftt itualdvsrpul manyof tha ailmeota that nbtartuui to eootend with bava their orljrln in a disordered liver which is a etelieata organ peculiarly suaoeptibls to the disturbancas that oome from irregubu babita or ucgojlcra ia eauog and drinking this accounts for tha groat maaj liver ivpuator now pressed en tha attention of auitorers of thaw there is aona superior to partoelaea vagetabla pola their operation uioturfa gentle is anective and tha most dahcau can use tham gastoria tor infanta and chlldrms mothers know that genuine castoria always beartf jkh signatar of the firand trunk rallwav tavjoienokil thai no aoall acton uona aat i no aa bxaxt ccoy of wrapper in use for over thirty years castobia sir h vonuguo allan c v o president palpitation of the heaht shortness of breath cuked av milburns heart and nerve pills s mrs- a walters matapedia que wntea i wish to let you know how much good i have received by taking your heart and nerve pius x t l brtwch the norway pine syrup one bottle helped me wonderfully x stopped coughing and could he down and rest well at sight rr itt pivwoods norway pine syrup is put up in a yellow wrapper 3 pine trccj the trade mark price 25c ind coc manufactured only by tzut t mo stnw co lrmrrcd toronto out oetfixis siororctrj j ajlqwancaa apjaibftai uore- pnsorocil scale are to bo granted to prtvmte motoriats and to motor- cyciuatx in kngland tho now xegu- bsuass permit ail owner of private eapw to bsvva a ulnlmuoa ot is au ipa a month for the six months no- iwxnbat to april on making appuosv noa fot that quantity jtecogubfed as the leading spacino for th deatroclion of worms mothars grara worm extorminatoc has proaad a been tr uflvriak chlldreo evarywhere itaaldom fails castoria for intuits autd children f jiitm for over 30 years always aware the fihrnatore of it takasa pretty good oarpontay to floor apogilist weather atriim are now ehualfiad as lag rahwanta tualaaslmportaot a man is the mora badgos ho plas oo his cost a man is fodaed hrnoranl if ha is igoor ant of his own ignorance icebergs no me times fast for two hundred yvara ahildxencry forftncheits castobia could rot sweep back was so sore women are coxmsg to understand that weak lame and aching backs from which they suffer so much excruciatlug pain andagony are duo uf wrong action othc on the first sign of any weakness in the back doan a kidney jpius should b taken ww l oonsbaw 083 manning ava- toronto oat writes 1 take great eleasure in writing you stating the- bene- 1 1 have received by using doan a kid ney pills about three years ago i was terribly afflicted with lime back and was so bad i cpuld ejot even sweep tfla floor i wasadvlacd to use doan s kid ney pills and before i had used one box there was a great improvement and my back waa completely cured t wluly r doanv for uroe back poena kidney pills are put up in an i oblong grey box the trade mark is a maple leaf no accept nefolher price 50c per box 3jxuea fof j 25 at all dwijeror mailed direct oo receipt of price by tnn t munulih co i witko toronto out i when ordering direct iiecify doaas war la dolngti umanl ty a public ser vice in painting things jut as they are dp to date qormanybas jjecn mora than adept in keeping tho truth bidden from the world at large but the manner in which this new form or obligated slavery la carried on in her prison camps cannot forever re main unknown and any ttgbt at this juncture is welcome as for tho british aide of the bal ancesheet mostdeorjfljlojiflt know that partly from humane reasons and partly from the pressure of tbo trade unions england is not work ing and cannot warxtho prisoners for war in hermlnes and factories and nar swamps and holds as lo done in germany moreover not only has tho american embassy in london reported officially on the british prison camps and given them good scomnondatldb box tbo attitude of a press of great britain la aglnt any reprisal even against proved german cruelties a typical editorial runs aa follows cxmbaaaionatet treatment of prisoners of war has for centuries been a british ciuiractertsttc at tbo- best the condition of prisoners of war is a hard ono and it is the duty of a civilized stato balling itself christian to mitigate their irksome lot by every means in rta power whateryer tho enemy may do or not do it ls not for ua to lnitaie his bad example lot it aufflce that our own duty la plain we rejoice that thai duty la being performed in the right vpirlt by tho commandants of the in ternment cam ps tn orealbritaln and ireland in o acting they are main- tnlnlng a noble british tradition of which wo have a right to bo proud indeed the charge haa even beep made in england that soma of tho prisoner of war were pampered which pgaln ia in contrast to what germany does aluoe over there- when the british sent some prisoners of war to france where they are being uaod aa workers but not under tho conditions obtaining in germany the german authorities though they had boon working i the british pris oners since the beginning of the war conildored tha act outrageous and aa a warning aad in roprusl shipped a large group of prisoners into ser vice in poland a kind of siberian exile under tho clrcumauincos one can well be love that german prison ers of the prenich or english write homo thatttiolr campa arc palaces wbllr u incrudlblo tlcit any britlah prisoner in qermany a ho ls housed in tji industrial iawpu whore t orvlce la paxcolod out very much as tha south haa parmiled out lis oofrro criminals could declare that his oocomruudat ons wore palstial unioasj ho were unbalanced and whllo it is knoim that offlcial ger many is still contemptuously indif ferent to the crltlclama or ontiudera tbo work of erujen jllcr doctor curtin wlu tell somo day aad in tbo final reckoning there will bo an account ing for all tbo unneowinry and un provoked savagery or wtrtoh any of the combatants may bj jullty it in u ibo wotla hoji iieard the last tbo garmin industrial prison camps tr i had tned all kinds of medicine both patent and doctors but i found no relieve me like milhurns heart and nerve pill i believe anyone suffering like i did should use them x only used four boxes and i now feel like a different milburos heart and nerve pills have been on the market for the past twenty- five years and have a most wonderful rcnitiatlon i a remedy lor all heart aad nerve- troubles price m cents per box 3 boxes for j i 25 at all dealers or mailed direct oo receipt of price by tint t mtumoc com lxxitbd toronto oat this bank b ono of the oldest established instl in crsaai it is tbo pioneer bank of acton and offers every ceartcsy to tors bjterest allowed at the highest cu rate eq samags accounta 306 branches in canada extending from the alla to the pacific parmcra business solicited and money leased for the j peso of stall or grass feeding cattle etc cheque on any p i odidn point cas acl on branch- l whitman manager good things to eat j r living tones froth grocrric preiji and sl meats a apccnl lino f battitafre and hombov mcli vegttablea crtntitxl gooda bread fresh fruits coaiectioncry all grocers buodricn ftjeragisdlyrccrlirid proniptly delivered the children conrteomly dealt with we want to make ioj7 our biggest bnaineas ytmi j r livingstone protrfsw aod provladona actom out m nantrdd onono craa m 5 good sccondflaatj cook in i stoves g vtfcml and wood a coal heaters bor stoves g ah kjds fieceedband fjitailnre vwulatmvadbzok bouse a rrrr zs s l stabkman tamambtt acton mmmnmittzctjstiaxjaaoaannmmuumm hcton uilteryj bus litsie hswe pnsrciaard the h very an d 9pawi eg fbp hcrscpess from its a 3stfj 3 i solicit with asesxsxx sbe janmt of the osexdteiuifle r sxrppued at sp xfri taxi to sopplyinj oaartxnoes nr wrddiaga and sa st oc3 fs wbea re- xi1h4imi 1 e atkinson actoa 0m ggnaaaandt gram i your best gift jbn looking aroued for something appropriate ul to send to yonr friend or relative at a dio- tnace in recognition of that new years present sent you jnst remember that your friend is always interested in the doings of the folks at home and that the one thing oftill others that he or she would appreciate is a years subscrip tion to s the acton free press 150 per vear it is about the cheapest present you could make and by far the most to be appreciated when you need boots oxioes at any time buy from w williams acton- ontario i satisfactory footwear riiabonablk pricls ahildron dry for fletchers ca8tob1a hop where youarelnviledtoshop c k c00peh acton cemenl contractor for brid siloi waljw floors walls etc also agent for ol laval silos separators i tc high gradeportland ccm ent for sale t atenjts lllliuldiaskiiiliiyj in alt rountrw aalc atf our invmoui ovi31lt hick mb b ia rr rthion ft kaitjon- 304 umwjtj at mon11uai fa il kkisuvililt

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