Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1917, p. 4

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fltljc fat an vw jn iilultsjjay january ih j1j17 totirctkeust nflals- motiikh may tlxi inl jlo thn uit in j t her rth mujoiiiitry wovo fight- for klny ju it honor ami rijht i our watch- word true thnngh niltitnt flm utenn tn hold ml vwuin bod white ml jod blw yon i say i for a motlioi anil whilo mail front ftlieknowa i idio cxi lilnvi yon vhoii 1 yotoahn- flo clnmsr uri tlio at the parting yyi ittllnover forgot hoc illicr my drimit of pal rf lieria ore wo will look forward wllli- liaart full of lore to iran happincni whon j3pfl cunici y onoo- jiiaro y sori harry a iirfionr pair rndy lnfnvv v t iirtiprpiinhod- ootn vniuiii in imlniid that ttift dluiiutiuu of txiuic elotyn mortl hmuitjrul woinnn hi- lonnn to tndy ioli oimw wlioin hushnnd has tottrod from mlitlcti in tho oplhfon otmaiiy tilo in kng- ihlcll tiirthfjnhorr gininilslr to- ginahrpolo carow hni beoi docjnrnd tiv ii mnp tnt nii rl 1 1 b array and poll carey qipticlu ottan referred lo in an popular on ho in handiiomc while ho has n nplon i did record for borvlco behind iilm ho in onu of itobortn men accom panying boon r on his march ta kandahar in tho bonr war sir lloglnald earned dtutinctlon ho is rath or fond by tho way of tolllngtho following nlory llunlrat- ing tho energy or tho british soldier a german attache in- tho south af- rlca war was nmaxcu at tho spectacle of tho- brhlnhsoidieia afteraflght ataggrlng into camp but rushing in stantly attor a football which wua thrown on tho veldt said tho at tache to sir reginald well you are thu most extraor dinary people bstbri wholo civilized world 1 bare beep with your mo n all day i know what they hare dono i knowtlwnrr a ly mnythlnc to cat or drink and i know of nootbor troops in tha world that waid not have been lying down asleep ldy polo carow in tho oldeat dauchter of ihu faraoun yachtnrnun and flportainan tho maraula of or mondo and aharcohdr fafharn loro and ontbunlaam or tho eea she is alao a treat louver or forolrn trayol androome tlrao aco madoa lour nt tho world it lu fifteen joara aco nlnco aho roarrlod sir nnlnald car- inr mttlo for nocloty llfo ohcrdividffa har tlmn bctwoon antony houbo ucr- home tfan ffardens orwufuti bhohaa made amoiiound hor boaii- ufnl eatato in tlpporary iiltrlninnch o mranhnri viiw ilo hofoly u0df rtnbtii hi jsi6 ihu kntnntc kovornmnntb ilfclannl tltfiiufuivrn urvkbld lo -dxi- tliorlsu tin pllftrlmnco to mvrca of miitinmmndntui from llxilr poniwu- nlotut in vlow of tho front unmt ftiotcd out to ajcnrian pllitrlmn in 1914 ilo- nplln tlin prpvloitfl annnntneno of tli tnrkmli jovrrnincnl now jjoiajvor tht tbu drand fjimrnpf of tflccca iiaa trend thu holy placed of iulam thit frenrlilfoyttiuiiorit han decided hat it could not ilvo betlor proof of ito nolleltiitln for llio pllrimn and itb nirnrnltlnn of tho dtmcttltliw or tho joiirnijy tho rovorntnenl han char- icntl u plicltfitlioat mlonclnr to ono of the frrrat lvench lltie to eunvnj a vintiiintil of pilirrtmb from iort ild to jfijdali and in makhir ar- jjiceiiielita for tho contlnunflon of uu journey on land tho nhortaro of dhlpplnrntid uthjur dlfflculucn hnvn nut niado it ponnlrdo fof tho noern to isilonil thltf honpltal- lty to n inrftor iiuniwof tratoiorn but tho cdnuunont i will numbor- nioro than geo pllfrjmp rnprcaont- inf all cluhart f muhamnmadan bo- floiy onpcciiuly thtjt or tho notables luil inado up of cajia ctonpu fronl tin lhrcn rroot french -colonies- id rurlhern africa alecrla tunia and morocco i at tho bamo tlnwjtho french qor- orrmifint la sanding a mlcblon to tho orand hhnrcof for tho purpooo of ex- vtaanlng to him ita natlnfactlon with tho way in which ho haa broken tho turklrib yokfl and- freed t bo holy pkiccn tho dolobftto which com- prlun ropronontatlyeii of alxerla tunln morocco and french wnat africa nnd who aro all muhamma- daniij am alrio to nffertircaonta to thfl grand 3uoro6frnthi namo ol tho- frcnch qoornmont mimical xneriry in tdna aalmplo air played on tho tlolda- cotlo cajln for u total oipndlturo of onerjy equal to two and throe- quartor poundn per noto or moro tlian f out tona of cnorry tor tho alnnloooloctlon no tea tho popular how to keep well di joitn w e mrocutocon md orji cmicf ornoun off tub pnottnpiaii doaiin of nuaitii d many mo thorn arc afraid to lettholr babies out of tho houno after tho first opoll of cold weatbor wo know of children in our oehoola who aro sowed up in tholr clothes when tho qrnfnmw falls and remalnoowed nntll tbooprlflc comes but wo know too that a considerable number of ontario mothers keep tholr bablai indoors all winter fresh air and sun light are two important needs of tho bab7and ha noods them in tho cold as weliao in thowann weather th baby muat hato some fresh air every day ho may oleop b outdoors in tho dry days of winter and onmmor if dreoocd wdrmly and science monthlyfor october thlsll hholtorod fromtbe wind if nocossary hot water bottlo or a heated brick statement jit vouched for by profco- nor voffenbercor of columbia dnl- vorulty who igado some experiments in hla laboratory with tho aid of the dutch cellist michael ponha a upcclal apparatus is necessary to conduct tho tonta against tho sur face of a revolving carlkjn cylinder la suflponded a challcod point which in actuated by a alendor wlpo attaehnd to tho musjdann fin at each tiriiiiiiuro tho tension tlbratca alone tho communicating connection and rocordn tho onery oxcended at a recent lest michael ponha at tlmea raised tho potnt to a dlataneo equaling thrco pounds in woleht that btlnc the rocord of tho foronncck tho presiiuni alono required lo pro duce tho characteristically luscious tonoo of a ulmplu bach aria aroracotl two anil threequarter pounds per noto tho total onorey oxponded amounted to 11414 pounds or more than four tona thla uaoio amount of energy would bo sufficient to carry a labcrex tiirooch hia ontire days work yet it txfolc hut frro mlnates for too artist to oxert tho oamo amount of force ho didnt luaow john said mm atwood thouchtfully every bodyinaoclof appears to thrnkanmrfiil louot con- eajoiry these daya jennlo wliat nrclalmcd john as ho looked up from hie e paper oenealobt repoatod urn at wood whats that i dont exactly know replied mrs atwood but i think itnatrco of some kind at luast i hoard some ladles refer to it no a family tree well what of it io aakcttj wiul it poeruii to be a sort of fail you ktr jand every ono who a any oao has to hove one i ouppooo boy ono then he ald lrrlt- aby buy tho best one in town nnd have tho- hill sent to mo but dont bother m with tho details of that agajr get one and ntlrk u jin in tho conmrvatory if you wn and if it ishj too iarco but i dont know anything about them pdootj anil if itahoo larco for thaconsoipratory nock it up on tho lawn and lftbst- aint blc ououch 171 boy tho next cordon in ordor to make room there cant bo any of them flyranyhrcher than wo con and it it cornea w a question ottreea ill buy a whole orchard for you still bha hesitated the factcfftjehn she confeaaod atlaat dont juot know whero to co for anything in that line whero do they kecptho family trccsy and all such things what do yon aupposoj kno about it ho exclaimed youio running tbofaihlon end of thin ett- tabllshment nrld i- dont want to uo bothered with tt if uft floruit cant toll yoyonythlnu aboiit it hunt up i flrstclaaa nursoryinan and plac3 yoororderjruh him c a sporting offer melbourne ininan tlni fainoun bil liard player who has recently joined the volontooni waa touring in the antipodna a little whlla tmeb an 1 found himself stranded at ieilh westdrn aootralla with two daya to waufor a boat strolilqg uptotuo priticlpul bote- in the pl and maklny unit as vm his wont for the bllllardmom he fcund h deserted have for thu marli- or a likolyrlookimr youth of bivou- toetfor thtiraatraulcf whu promptly j invited tiim tohavu a jame no thanlthl ropuudttuuuin oh come now bqascort ifi glo you fifty in a hundred no tltanka caiau the unavor once mjiro repeated thin ticuo wn consld emnlinwlb ijamu tho championl oh well atrnt thats so i cnu only givoou thlrty in aiundredr uu theultauiimjciiuuittlioyof hiq juvenilo markor zriarpurrlagos proptr tria marrlagea r qutto uto thing in tho far north according to gcorgo i3fwuklna pf london mom- berof -tho- cajibdlanaovrnmoiit arcuo expedition who hasroacbcd c lad on with flluutand trophies of all sorts from tho llttlo known land about coronation gulf tjjo blond eaklmob ao- thoy axo called nro tory intorosung people ho says they hava no regular mar rlaco ceremony pblygamy is preval ent antrnjmnrriag ovcrywhare jlrarccigjjdtnajogiuniato- tho girls are a bit cbnnkyfor our idcalii but by no meaiui without faaciruitlonl onco one grows accua- tomed to their physical typo ho loarna to ndmlro thorn particularly for their lilndnuaa andloyalty moat of the elrlu ot niarrlcd between the j o ldttnir th tlty want and if ho does not ask thorn they ask him to marry if thorn is rniitrfb oho returns to her parents nr sho need not do so the- rnainnay laxo a second- wife or uovoral if ho wishes and all tho worcn ilvo together in bar- diainitianon ifllnfkction means tho destruction of infoctlvo agents it includcn tlie various mo inures omployod during tho courno of n cummunlc- ablo d i no ft no or after tho patient has recovorod or died lilxamplon or disinfection uned in tho courno of an lntectiouk br com- tnunlcabto dlneaso are those omployod la disinfecting nputtim from open tuborculoun canen ntools of typhoid or cholompatlenta or the nocretlonn from thu mouth and noso of a patient hi of dlphtlierla it is especially rm- prrrtant that tho family bo made familiar with tho means of carrying on this fornjof disinfection the tuberculous sputum and necrotloni- from mnutti nnd none of diphtheria cases should be burned tho stools nrn linld in vessels to which milk or lime has been added nnd thon hurled n foot or two under ground away from anyiiourcoof watorvimpply mont important u in that tho handu qf nurses and attendants nhottld be washed nftor each con tact with tho patients- other mombors of tho family nhould avoid klonlug tho sick pornon and the patlonta food utensil u should bo boiled affar each un i on the rccotoryor doath- olthn patloni- tho room occupied by him should bo thoroughly renovalbd and dial n reeled many people think that ucbdlnlnircuonncnns fumigation by the gases of sulphur or formnldohrdo of much groator importaneo are of curtains and cnrflois tbelr exponuro for a rowdays to outside air and ourtttgur thp scruiblng of llonrn and woodwork with hot water and tiop and tho wrplrirof wallnfakftl cempb with cloths wot ir 1 lp30 cacpoio acid solution or uln 1o0o bichloride of mercury solution fumigation would ho of value lif destroying infection in rooms if it wore thoroughlyarriod out in raany cjiaon it in so badly dono that it la auooless cxpenof and la not advised by thnjtcalth deport- moot unions carried out under jo direct supervision of the m o h r in moat cases it is not roqulrod many municipalities such an now york brooklyn and toronto have abandoned fumigation an a routine raoanuro other means ntich as thoso ontilnod ara quite aa effective and are com paratively inexpensive tho provincial board issues a pamphlet giving full directions regard ing disinfection- it is soot free to anyone who asks for it clluftcii uh10mat t11bfb0ht a baptist chaplain yi i ojramnion t th front lo a pathetically ilmpu iiiidk- i wfali you could havjt boon at my uilone a lad aakwl mo to liaor hit confuwgn and when wo commenced sevsral dvouly croaa- ed lliomcla aa t hay took hraad and 4tino- lilt authors l too hlgof flna dlstlnctlotw and tnon novar uv i the communion is according to tho ordcrof ttialr lord i won dor if wo thall laarn tho laeaon and jireporo a wolcomo worthy of til lada wh3 ar uaclilng u ujlnga wo aro oo ent hare whabdod hathjolnad togethar let no man put katimlor children ory for fletchers castoria thereii do more effoctlvo vera if ago on tha markol than millars worm powdarm tbay will not onjjf elaar tho atomloh and bowabi ol worws bat will prove vary oar- vioaablo toodlclno for children regulating uialnraotilaayaumdd nlafqulalnp lb in a heoltliy condition thcraia nothing to their eorapoiltlon that wlulalure thit moat dallcato stomach when directions ar folio od and they can bo givoa to ohlldrtn in tho full aasaraocotbatthoy will utterly dostxo all worms children cry for fletchers castor i a aa use lor over au year nasi dotoo uio siffna j0 mna ham- been mfulo under 1 fr sjpt bonal bnpcrvlslon slnco ta i 4 allownoonotodlocoltoaroti pneumonxaandtmkbabyr may be placed in tho carriage if the weather la bad or sevoroly cold dross the baby as for going out and place him in bis carrlago or erlb in idsroom open tho window prefeiamy ono with the sun shining in and on tho sldo ofthchouqo sheltered from the wind and lot tho baby have his afternoon sloop in the fresh air tho window in tho babys room should be loft npon at night if only a little even on the coldest nights a baby who has plenty of fresh air is not liable to catch a cold when tho slightest draft blows on him do you know that during last year 1915 nine hundred and twonty- ooo 921 ontario babies oho year and under died from pnoumonia and bronchopneumonia pnoumonia in tho baby usually begins with a cold try to provont your baby catching cold 1 do not let tho baby near people wbo have colds because colds are spreadby contact with those suffcxlds from them never allow tho baby to be kissed on tho mouth keep tho baby out of- drafts do not let tho baby play on the floor in winter romembor j- tho floor letfae coldest and usually the dirtiest part of tho room tho baby will bo oafer in hia crlljor in a largo box or clothes- basket because tho aides will protect him from drafts if tho baby does catch cold the best treatment is to give him a dose of cnator oil put vaseline or lanollno in the nostrils and rub jt on the outside of the noso freely wrap him up warmly and glvo him plenty of trcnli air and sunshine cold weathsr cannot hurt a baby if ho is warmly dressed was troubled with her liver for five years when the bowejs become constipated the stomach gets out of order the liver does not work properly and then follows the violcntclcjeadachestbaouracas of the stomach belching of wind heart burn water brash biliousness etc keep your bowels regular by using mhburas laxaliver pills they will dear away all the effete matter which collects in the system and thus do away with constipation and all its allied troubles gj mrs john fitzrerald briltania bay ont- writes i have been troubled with nry stomach and liver for the past fivfc years and haye had constipation causing headache backache and dizzy spells and sometimei i would olmoat fall down i tried all kinds of remedies without obtaining any relief i commenced using milbums loaa- uver pill nnrf h liqw f mg i have recommended them to many of my friends and they arc all very much pleased with the results they have ob tained from their use jlilburao laxaliver pills 25c a vial s vials forjloo at all dealers arnuuted direct oi receipt of price by tnn t mtlbua1 co lirraor toronto out control coal industry tho government is proponing to take wfor control of the coal indus try of groat britain in tho near fu ture tho main purpose of tho bchcrno of national ixatl on being to give a certain power of control over tho noutni hipping which coals at brttlsh ports coal owners will bo allowed to tako their present profits if iheuchemo roos tbrotigb but tho government willeontrol tho distribu tion of coal for homo consumption for export and for shipping f thoplauismliat ift ho govern ment owns the coal it will bo in a position to- stipulate the use the customer shall make of it and to re quire htm to coll for bis return cargc at specified ports in that way it is udlovod tho wholo of tho ship ping ia british ports may bo-organ- lied and directed curhloas in tho churches tbroaro few greater obstacles in tho j way of tho national church in this land than tho bccushlonod seats in our churches says the bl- hbh of birmingham kngv in abet ter on tho abolition of pew tents the church ho udds7can never bo tho church of the nation while o conuiderablo portion of tho lay peo ple will only pay for tho orvlcesof tb lcrgy lu return for apodal scats tho lununn at tho caledojiluii hunqiiot london u hcouman tlio had noulr id tho metropoliu made a speech i wlilch scotland nnd nil things tlsb woro lo fulmmely pralad that an kngllabiiuui who nnt mxt hhu said when ho imdjlnliicd if scotland in all thai you s mon say it lu why dout you thero lujiteailof coming iioru wo61 unnworod the hcotci ahll tell yo lipo it whi wi when ah wluln buuiniatt in flft fand a tbo fowkwja jurrai rllvr at raescl an ab cdiiu gar thu two tin jnfrq fiftoajjuaiiioaitalaoothan ain byne tune ajivu tvon diola ralo wool ut- ituy au curl btrakoaca uoaut carl btrakoacb husband of tbo late ciaru iiuise kullogg tho opera singer who died ut her home in new hartford uu muy 13 was found dead in his- room at tho hotel ilcaubloln hartfurd coun was- weak and run down suffehed with nerves mnny women become run down and worn out by their itouschold cares and dutin never ending and sooner or later linil thturelvca with ahattercd nerves untl tik lirarta 7vniijli the hrak becomes weajkand the iwrvca tuiitning it is lmfkible for a wiinmn tn ucil ulter her household or xijl duties on ihu runt tijfii of nay weakneae of talicr the lieart or ncrvrt take milbaras krirt iuidntimiiills and you willflnd lujlt in u very rliort time you will boape ell bfulrv l- v a primo dressing for wounds fn some fsctoriossod workshopscaxbolla sold ukopt for use ia caouritieg wounds and cuts ao- taiood by tho workman far hotter to ksepoahanda bottlo of or thomaa kcloo- trio qjl it u jaat as quick in action and dooa no scar tbs skin or barn the flash tbors is no othsr oil tjuti has its curative qualities for inissta suid chbuxea in um far over 30 yars always boars signature of protect tho child from ths ravages of worms by uiimr m other qra- worn bxmrmlnstor it la a standard remedy artrtyanrwof uio havo onhaucod iti rajim- titffiy jhildreu ory for fletchers castorla li uwler luramllllprialrstobegonorous ihnu to bebonaai it alao coata him laaa tha octroaa njlgbt hata a hcdtiais nul injf both sad rosab if alia didnt marry a ifillliimslro occasionally a rounder it niitr on tha square with hu family honor jutland heroes many stories of inspiring courage wonderful coolness and unfailing toaourco nro related by sir john jelllcoo and his commanders in de- spatchoq recommending offlcom and mon participating in tbo jutland naval battle for promotion and honors tho following or ox- omplesi a petty officer whose leg was shot- away insisted on remaining at his post and tried to gat his gun into action again a chaplain aged fiftysix 0i ough himsolf severely burned i carried wounded men from tha bat tery deck to tho distributing station ono surgeon amputated a limb slnghvhanded lnthadork pother severely wounded had to bb com- pulsorlly placed oq tho sick list an other workod on a dock flooded- szlth a foot of water another worked for forty hours without rest several ofqeers and mon per edgaaiaptdoeds in eeajdin and suffocating fumoe one offloer remained at work until swelling from barns closed his eyes and hu hand wr6 usoiens a stoker xondorod valuable service by eloelnc valves in a compartnimit in which thero was flyo foot of waters waraujts off ikotinlo ho had reformed and was fell of zeal in the cause of temperance he was holding a lecture in a work mens hall and fearing that the audi ence might interrupt ho had tared a former prize fighter to preserve order in glowing texm the orator contrasted homo life with dronken- sesac wliat la it wo want when wo rft- tnrn home atter a hard days work what do w want to easotfar bur- don to glaudon our hearts to bring tho smile of happiness to our f andjoyous sohgs toour lips ho paused for ffect and in the al iens co aid bo hoard the to4eo of the keeper of tha peace mind the first bloke that says beer out he goes with a bong country gentleman whooping cough the infantas most dangerous disease whooping cotig although spcdally a disease of childhood is by no means con fined tbthat period but may occur at any time of life it ia onco the most dangerous diseases of infancy arid yearly causes more death than scarlet fever typhoid or diphtheria is more common in female than in male children whoopbjgcougb starts with sneczins watering of the eyes irritation of the throat feverishneaatiad cough the coughing attacks occur frequently but ore generally more severe at night on the first sign of a whoop dr woods norway pine syrup should be administered and weeks of suffering prevented as it helps to clear the bron chial tubes of the collected mucous and phlegm mrs nellie barley amherst ns writes i hove much pleasure in saying that there ia nh cough syrup like dr woods norway pine syrup my little girl took whooping cough from a little girl who has since died with it i tried lots of things btit found dr woods to give the greatest relief it helped her to raise the phlegm and she is now better my young brother is also taking the xcnon and xant getting dr woods to work again dr woodsnorwaypine syrup is put up in a yellow wntpper3 pine trees the trademark price 22c and 60c refuse substitutes i manufactured only byiib t mil dubm co limithd toroflto ont if one be troubled with corns and warts bo will find a hollowaya corn cure an application that will entirely relieve suffer ing t to preaerce parsley to preserve parsley wash it and place in boiling slightly salted water for two or three minutes then take out drain and placo on a sieve in front of tbo nro dry aa quickly aa possible then place in bottles and store in a vory dry pace when re quired pour a little warm water over the parsley and allow it to stand for flvo minutest 1 unskshfly pimples covered lis face dbb cured him kas learned ills lesson disc uss log tho relation of the united- states to ttitr european wott president wilson recently declabed that tills la the last war that lh- volvos the world that the united states can kobp out of jlle gave as his reason his belief that the business of neutrality is over and that war now has ouch a scale that tho position of neutrals sooner or later becomes intolerable ho add ed that tbo nations of tho world must get together and bay nobody can hereafter be neutral as respects the disturbance of tho worlds peace for an object which tho worlds opln- loucannot sanctlpn tlnancial a tellers story compound in terest is a powerful thing bill and jim both in khaki breasted the all diseases and blemishes of the skin counter the othor day nnd ono ir caused by tho blood being in on im ho financial member of- tho party tmiocondiuon ast6dtdoos this bank glvofom- tito best blood cleansing medlcino on i pound interest on botnt told the market today la burdock blood ttmt it did ho planed 3d on tho mv bittcn a medlcmethst lias been tn use hoganandsald bill and mo want for over 40 years so you do not experi- t0 kilowbow long it will tako this lucnt when you bay it traybtt to doutilp itself so tut ws can r cooke indian path hoth hovo a drink it took only ii london- opinions one nasba why womeas bats are so urge ia becaiia the prices are ao eoormoua thab thars must be soma onhcesnlon cuuleto- ippronriateaeos dont expect the sapsrinteodeot to raise your salary bocauatyoa haveshowa him that you kobwmoro than bo doee there is always something to be done at home whoa yon stay around in the hope of bpjkfmluiaarett the politotan finds as much troablo in 0001100 baok aa the pugilist does if you ifant to know all the mean thlogs a man has done josb ask the man ho has t beaten for ab office uthoohurch dlsappoidlmeots should bo ukea as a aumuuatsadnevexvuwodasadisooarage manl cv b nswoomb thero is no happiness jn ha ving and get ting but only in giving i half the world is oa the wranffsosdt in the parsaib ol hap plow henry drummood tho kina voa ilaro alvrnys bought and whlcli has been la two for oror so yeort line borno tho alffnotnrd of p jjj j s infancy oaroulnthla au count rfolts imitations nntt justnspool nro hat r exporimcnts that ttifle wltli and endanirer llio health 6t infanta and children xbcjpcrlonco against experiment what is castoriv coctorla la a harimlesh smbstitntp lor castor od paro- porlc lropfi and sootldnft hyrnpe it im pleasant 16 contains neither opium morphlno norotlrer narootlo nnbatanco 1u ape ia its gnnrnnteo it destroy vjfottnm irad nllaye fererlshnesa for moro uian thirty rears ifj tiaa been tn constant nso lor oio relief of constipation hatnlencr wind colic all teething tronbles and ilftrrhoea it rtgalatcs tho- stomach and bowels nealmllatea tho food giving healthy and natnrnl sleep tho cnudreosxmaccvtho ntnthcrs jpricnd i genuine c asto r i a always la use for over 30 years the kind you have al ways bought capita ii syyjooojppo inoanvib pvuba and undivided frofrra r 7ooojoav tjhe merchants bank op canada sir h montague allan c v o president d c macarow general manager shfety this bank is one o tho oldest established institutions in canada it is tho pioneer bank of acton and offers every courtesy to deposl- -tors- interest allowed at tho highest current rate on- savings bank accounts 306 branches in canada extending- from tho atlantic to the pacific parmem bu5tncrnjwhcltednad money loaned ortho pur- pose- of stall or grass feeding cattje etc cheques oa any bank or outside jpolnt cashed acion branch good things to eat j r livingfohcs prenh grocicricn preili nd salt meat a spccldl lino of fiuinugoand itnmbtirg staak vegctalle canned goods hrend jreah fruits confection cry all grocers huudrlc orders gladlyrcceirfed promptly delivered the cliildrcncourleorrsly dealt with we want to mako i07 oar biggest business ytor j r tivingslone procarlee and provlslona actorv r omt mmkmmmnnnrmpaaauaonnmammm 5 good secondnaod cooka 1 stoves f g per coal and wood g b coalfneatera boxstoves n a all kinds secondhand jnrfcnto vorflale in u rcblooar zukum 5 cstarknian 5 vouno omatkt acton sr on o dndnodna a liitjery and busun0 having purchased the liveryand goodwill of the basiness from mr a uccann i solicit with confidence the lutronage of the public- comfortable rigs supplied at reasonable rales special attention to seppryipjr cpnveyancea for weddings ana funerals motor cars furnished when re- qaired bus by butts all tnaxm l e atkinson mill st acton out l v hitman manager keep your worses in prime working condition reliable sotjkd u iul bla- imda1- ito bona iia a aprrto fiplist carh xbarboae bony orowlhorbptib can do itself jaaucr tliouittidiafbomtahan been keeping- their hareea aoasd by nalaar ketadair spatvia carlk old erencdy mrsmrlo wayrlueasabnuitu lrukdklcaphln with twoboillcaof towfipavlaotr jajnat taktnb oft a boa apavln it la u beat ilniaaentforpnuaayaacadtsoraua orbaaat x would hko tohtacopy otyoor treallcoaumnona kendalls spavin cure acta mudtly lr no aeara or blcmlabea asdcoats uuiti a bottle 6 forlj oct our vmloftuc book ttcauae on uu horaa ita tlnur druggists or wrlifua iii dr b x kemdau co enosbukc pa1x3 valtmokr ujla two minutes taluud wiat if meat euta just ullulitly taiutfd i hot weather beforo it in cooked uu off the fainted part nnd viuh tho rumalnder of the joint iqsironi viu tuujg v i i gar and water sponging it all ovor mrs j a wjllimns tulsonburf ont i bitters has done for me my face wm imtioners with it fluch a joint nhould always writes cannot spcuk too highly of covered with pimples i tried different t german prisoners hold by tho ilrlt- bo roasted boiling or stowing ac milbums heart and nerve iilb i mmu of tpcldne and ol seemed to fall uh aroi military ollloors 7 30 centuatos the tainted iiuvor ufvrvd greatly with my nerves i was onc day to a friends jiousebjiil bthorrnnkbafilujijiavalomsarsr n wc pctxild nbtbtandrtncro theyanmsetrmelo uc b bb ico othor ranka ld7ii totul30 thr uixa fsijtemcnt of any kind i t i-v- nn rtiv bcliovryonr iwrtud nerve pills to be l a viduuble remedy for all oufcrco f rom iienimih lribrs milira heott and nerve plus are fik- prr ixvs jboxc forwfl at all lileil direct 0i reedpf of an xnauacreet uungurlnn a young hungarian remrvlnt who toul a little gathorlnu of isirblann at tttauboavliro- ohio a low dayil ugn that they wonld havo to knuvl lo tha kaiser after tbo war was taken to the local boapltal wubmirco knife sr9uj0bard a pdjffdraled lung driiki rrfrr hy tiu t mujluiufnwtlcd i tonto oat v mrj lennox ns writes i am writing you a 7ew line to tl yon what burdock blood bitters has done for me my face was covered with pimples i tried different kituu of tpedlclne and sl seemed to fail so r purchased two bottles and before 030 british prisoners tit war hold vn i had them taken i found i was gettiug oormany nro military olorort better- jx got two more and when they other ranks l7770j nilvhl oulcdis rre ftnuhed i was completely cured t x find it is a great blood purifier and 1 recommend it to all sauteruaurei year future attend uott toiwhto orithrto and trpawrt tlac 1 llljttiar aeeewntlag taoxht qalckl y sfd ootrwcxij oar kradaaua afvia ka dataand en joy tfaaa wrtba for oatalona wtjbluotr prlliclpat 731 tooca 8aet tcraata onnnnnaaoaadeatamesjsi grain i 111 i 1 1 i a lwell done and i quickly at only i- 5 cents per ba habrisffco limited u b ii u umnurcturnl only by tnttt mnauntco tiumto toroatd out 47 othof runlioaill tclul 30101 children ory v fob fletchers castorla k coopek acton cemfn1 contkactor foriiridts silos walk- floors walk etc also- agent foe dc laval siloa cpata tbra etc high jradc portland cem ent for safe georgetown v intending purohasorn or any xmenioreated in tho extellodcies of tbo chovrolet wil bo given full putticulan by calling or jambssymon milltteet acton atents ijiwiuivjlilijiiij tumtm wuuqk

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