voliltmb xlii no 31 overy dobcrjpl ion paid in at retire acton ontario thursday moliniwokkuitu ary 1117 uatiacriptjftfi pritv 61 co i er annum singiic oollbsfive cents ahe sin t hko pa you know i waut hin to lo wiui pa when ilvlmpitenn i nniienuoil asi i pax ten after adiffl cult moment during which urn memory oi hii dorkeet dour rushod hack to nm redden doaui had threatened uio llfo that bo loved abovn alt things on earth per itih knowlton loved frail little bon lit uio name way ytjil take hon mm uio wait inf- room whoro ho won t 1m rold wllilo i try to fiud but about your father he hurried away down tlio blackened slopo of tbo lull uial lor to liin coaling vardjv whom njqnit v lnl coats sauntered about in readiness to nup pre uie threatened- outbreak of uio fum lag laborers ilo entered the yard aloof contrary tolih usual cautiottary lift lilt and wtdt straight toward a gaag ol sullen fac ed men who stood ready tn break into open riot at uio nhghtcet provocation hfelt the tenjtenosa of uio situation keenly and braced bin tingling nerves to moot tbo ordeal men raid bo ben knowlton njfumg daughter indown at uio ntatlon with bar llttlo crippled brother whom aha brought hero to die- with bin father tho hoy is all but gone now but im going tn try to get k now 1 ton re leaned in time if possible what i wuncyoq to do ia to see that uta children don t find out about know too in the meantime andwili ontrof you til ease go down to tho stauon and lain charge of the children there was no iinmodi its answer among that vagrant horde wern men whoso hatred of pax ton an i hii million amounted to a mania men of ale man lai passions grown savage through old world oppression sod now world misapprehension who would gladly harp k died dax tori and trampled his softly clothed body underfoot had they njt feared tbo far reaching arm of law- tho unexpected demonstration of human goodness in a man whom they behoved to bo without a single saving virtue struck violont astonishment to uioir inflamed fjfljt jktttm free jresb ii run nil no uviky till illtoay moiihimo t thm frew lltttttj jiijixidufi uua otssbt icroiot tun o saasuaimmt lm par rear strictly lo ad r anno a a 00 to fariecrtbera in tho united htala all anbeerlnuons dlaoontlnoml wtaaa the time lor wnlohtiioy nava bean paia baa expired the date to wbloh avarr eubaorls- uoa la paid uiaaotetl on in aitdrelahau ajdtxknaina iuts flttaat insertion transient advertise aasmrii rrtaoxtitf advertisements without poelqo alreeupns will b tn rwd till for tiid and thantad aooord- traualant adrertlmmanumnat ba pau dtaoa laadvi abovw maotlonad tho extra oompoeluon ta paid for at rtftllar raiea all aaeoanta ouaetad moolhlj 1 n p aloohb sdltor ftad proprtmor soshuas fitrtctorp savage c uodabllihot104ti jdwater guelpii the old and fieluftle watchmaberaand jewellers savage co if you want gudph ont warming up exercise with spirit and life buy a pair of doxing glovcs or a- stpikino gaq gloves iso to 500 pair striking hag 2 00 250 iinisjoo lttttapa aniwefod promptly the bond hardware co rhooa lafll t ihos cray m d cfl mcgilu lho f bztanntul h3ft a3 aiaaoot kuni barnan uaaxuuz amogiatioji bto aatodoul offlna itradailtifc btraol fvhja atcyivbn p w fhymictan aa3 snrffaon oman amt oaauixaca or uihand joba dtraata tba fonder horn of the lata w tt utaray baoj aeton oat -i- vxterlnast jt ntarlo oradaata otolrrio vatartnary oouan uno offleartbura block juhldenoa m1u st oalla day or tilfbt pronpuy attaodaa to a j maokthhol uuatmi baxxorxo ootzok omoa 1u1i btraat in parrymaa blook wu a melsah -arrtrua- uollutor and totary rubua offlaa ko b rn i dlook doou atraak utjalpti hoaay lo loan batata siren jrfaelal attan- 5 aotojt bona ho so limio ai uaaidaaoa coror vhrkpd pradartek lre4ta iiooarntiata ojt oto cmaaitt tb jart muumuiauo need u daalxad i oamtm bocx aapjaotowm micpl ajtxo us kanoianutan jaena jjooka of ail kinds mad to orda partodjaioiarwitdaacriuuoofnlybqd btulcvne trand prom pur dose m ajoiajqe u0eh6k8 h v iiooaa prltataofflae nowluiaaaaraqlrad lagoad rldanoa in uie tanl ftm rw oxd oe aotoh jet tdmaiamii accmonu for lba counuaa of walllojrtoe ilalto- tea a ldnffartn and tte eiky orgaajo balaa oonduouwl wit aallafaauoia and upon baaoonable tanaa ordara by latmr t ortoo p o or oaladon talepao a u raafdanoa in eoouaeuoo wltb the hell wnara erreocemenm aa to datea ami adrar- tlaum oaa ba mad ordara loft at paa lbxaa atocm aotoa wtu raealre im madia i attanuoo dpeeial attaatloo lo aajae in aeton and rlaloliy km to fla m ummt ialexniv1n sarveym amtvuioqa flans re ports description blueprints etc ccrlflctc for parchoacra and raort pajteca surveys for architects buil ders nd municipal conncila drain age reports estimates tote mtrcr ant3 bank bldo avmum cfttone 1004 out tjtorvffo canam j e chbbvtbrs douk d1nuuh qdaleo pt keurt autlnh oak boo and makaahiae bound in ilartdaome ao j pabalatlal oora mejas leuared la gold on ulblee ilymn njmmna wh llfmiha axuttokk pk04ltlt wjpoutd tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers w ar maaufaetaran and dire j i laiportora of alt klnda of mouumantal and h mmtatoaa wejrk we aalldlraeltootuooaloman etwnole eala prlaee tbna aavtnf our euatouar i0 pa aoc we b- iba beat appllaeae and ue aw eoae anlea lo the uomlulo aba can oe- poeutaua tools property we eaa ffra l iron i bundra of our euatoiaeee in toronto and utlmr plaoae wliere olbara lave to ka4 law ealla m oniar to oollaet we bae tw laxcaet aj im wa of tlnualta in u poealftie m tnor ibeoanr uredei rale w wat wa are laglumea dueara aw j em ptoy 00 asjante aud da uot aoaiy rieoo- to lenhflaepdjof out louimin oaollat wedera aaiyloy maalianioa oni and defr npuiea hamilton sons ec horfolk and toolrlcn w uumlth p if 0 n e if yoa nave any guests at your home are going out of town f ora visit or know of anyjntcreauni news let us hear from yon wo always appreciate ouch favors phone n 11 c c speight for uptodate goods silverware in tableware fine variety albo fine cutlery hardware tinware and graniteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges fmooa heaters smalrstovcs oilstoves kvbby artios la op b2cep- t ona1 valud c c speight mill street acton 1917 treat yourself to one of the gennineallwool fast color scotch tweed suitings worth today 38 and 40 a suit tor 30 per suit two special lines of genuine imported fast dye serges ih black and and blue worth 38 a suit for ss2 a suit made to your order first class r e nelson mans ourrrrrbn quejpb ontario robtmoble feed is going to be tarcc thia winter but vye are koinr to try and keep a supply an hand we have at present bran shorts corn chpp glutton meal schumacher cotton seed meal oilcake oats tnd 3a r ley xl warkien manaoih the danger of invisible light may sound fantastic but its very real in all light the rays that bring color to eyes are the harmful invisible rays that often cause eyo- pdor old j ad oo can acaco pick up a paper an uio poot oornex greet k oepc ye 11 aoo or purty poem flout tho mother aainurswoet hut yoll have a time a aearrbln i yea will bo ar clilr hd i ro ya overtake a poam wrote about uio poor old dad no it isnt wiflfdl m ora thorn utat writo of mother dear that uteres novnr notice taken of her old mantmittin nar tto its riot or meant to alight him ilut hit looks a litue 44 ail t bfto for m not a bloom for poor old dad true oar tnouier watched abouvoa till her dear old eyu would ache poor old dan he humped to feed ua till liii back woald nearly break mother crooned across tbo cradle fnredovotjon all abo had t3 till uioro waaat any circus all this umo for poor old dad do not take one lino from mother whin you wrte tho soul a ewoet eonp but if theres a word for father now and tbo a it wont be wrong poor old soul 1 ilon bent and wrinkled and f know twould make him glad if while yon are pralsln mother bomotijin s said f orveoor old dad nnahvnictadrocale strain crookes glass olten called ultraviolet lenses absorbs all these harmful rays qr6undon xuicxaullss9 w6e bell piano buatt0 last 4 ufetuvte the most substan tially built piano the piano with the sweetest tone the easiest action the neatest case c w kelly co son 33 lower wyndham st quelph on grand trunk winter tours s pficial fares now in effect to resorts in flor ida georgia north and south carounalouisanna and other southern states and to ber muda arid the west indies retqrn limit may 31st 1917 liberal stqpovers allowed for full information write to c ii horning d p a union blntion toronto ont reaajg jljtffl- gseg how the strike was settled paxton etarod unaeomnly at the wintry panorama that roshed past lb train wiodowa his thin sen oaa facoeob irrharah hoes for bo was think ins indicurely of the butinesa that await od him at paxcbnviue where eight handred obstreperous isaarors had firmly arrayed uiemselrea agtdast his authority soma of tbem had given bim catuie to avail him aeuof iegai eneasurcstail bo uiteoded to puolah them to uio fullest extent of uio law which would mean cntoldhardshtpefor their families daring their prison debeo uoo pxton bad no thsugbt to eparo for the indigent families however for he con corned himself absorbingly wltb his own personal looses and the protracted anxiety the sinkers tud caused bim suddenly his gnm uioughts swerved from bis own trouble as his glaooo fell uponaqueerly dreeed girl of fourteen or thereabou wh entered tho coach half carrrying a little hoy whose wasted cyok ed frame was unable to support its own height eton with tho help of the crutches ith which ho tried to make bti way his the gaunt impreis of suffering yot it held a strange mpleiicable radiance that aoern ed to emanate from some hidden spring of thqy iook saatn directly in front of pax ton and now and then fragmente of their oonrorsatioa drifted back 03 him by which ba learned that they were on their way to ruut their father a rarely rood fauier ho must ba to inspire euch worshipful adora tioe as that which the little folks revealed thought pazton he thought also of what 1 lay before tho little boy wjth hla warped pain racked body and his ajf tooapparent porerty and contrasted hi lot with that of his own favored indulged physically perfect boy with a resultant pity that woohi hare sstonlshed bis sullen employees for to tbem he wss not a normal human being but a vaey rloauess grinding force that trantmioftii thftirdiilj toll into gold you mean youre goto to let knowlton go free blurtcdya brutal young slav as noon an powblo i ahalltake uio fimt train to philadelphia and mean will id ploasoseo uiit tho children aro well cared for will you yoa neednt worry yourself about that wss the noncommittal anawor thank you aaid paxton courteouily then lie burned sway ho was gnno longer than bn had expect ed for he on coup to rod sovoral uulookrd for obstsclea in the way of knowlton 0 im mediate releaso bat in uie end paxtons monoy out weigh todlogal ol jecuona ifu and knowlton returned to pas ton i ho toward noon of the third day having protioualy- advised bclty knowlton by telegraph of the tlmo of bar fatbora arriv eh tho minoownor went directly to his coaling yard where ho at onco became ooqsciousofa real change for uio place resounded with cheerful tabor thoiong qnuod opginei bitl dn uioir trac and jwc0ullnidus mattlq pf ennt jillri tram uie overrosded chute order protalled everywhere a few of the uuay lsborerti gavo bim a wont of greeting as lie pasod them o thorn merely glanced from uioir work in a ottfsory way uiat bespoke a friendly contciouuiasi of hi pnuonce tho lord oaiy known what happened said thesupennton jont in anawcr to pay tons eager quonuon all yesterday something was browing and there was a groat deal of talk among tho leadoi especially at nlgbt when tboy gathered ia uio neighborhood of nowltous cabin this morntug every msn of them reported for work prompuy at seven as peaceful and cheerful as you please blovitnky uie troublesome slay said tho fuss was al oror and things would run ail o k here after 1 behove bt meant it too though i ceo l imagine what brought about the groat change a but pax ton understood in one illuminst- enthusiasm tho 11 otle with uu 11 rgy vlf 0iiiig pare 1 will ho j- 1 who fairly 1 ul i lei 1 irtg ininrct in what 1 n ii d u tf i play with kim bo will tiotlioro 1 liuilacni with bun ho will nncfool mo fijy i ram will tako new nv with bis tho ntlmulu of hu sluggard blood in my vein i can ieond po him for ho ui owe not the ofprocraattnatlon nnd acorns nhirkirif ilemsymako tniitakoa bleae iiirn wo doesit ti he a got tho vim and tho punch an 1 uio nwift lifo is mdo of find itisiniritakes nn rolatako of aggression audviot ef hesttauon- keep your brilliant men your learned roon your wlw men givo uio llio enuuuiaatlo man new and forever ning expectation tjl mo live on i onltvk lolfvn uatil the war bo ended and i aee wtiat ii the vordlct that the hcavonn give to wron and fraud and force and treachery i would outlaat una ntfiio twero but en huur t i wouia see itelgium righted and repair i would aed gallant trahco in queenly power t and littlo gorilla free and uuairald and atoriod italy regain her coaita and mighty unvna aoatad on tho kos and martyred montene a m lioau jto hack uioir sons a larger liberty and i would know u at poland breathed anew ifor ancient glory granted bor again and my tirur ijrhin greater than she knew and my dead son ono hero of the slain ti b in ijcmdoa times arteiks in canada betw the tftfnf iskfij4tcafisa60 sappinfj deeier tho iireuch engineers had counter mined uicir foes and vory early irthe morning with a tiiuuderoua exploaion thoy blow up the german poi dn many germane wore killed hat nome escaped and ran for their nearest trench the french leaped uielr embankment and daahftd foward to occupy uio crater that the explosion hod malot but the enemy s fire drove them hack 80 now fronchand dormant faced rach other not thirty varda apart with tho demolished trench iwtween them neither srnrf ahlo to occupy it nona dared abow hit head above uio trench for aharpshooters watched with keen eyes and ready rifles from uie opposite direction a great mlenco rolfrnod broken only by tho agonized cnes of tho wounded who were unalls to crawl bock to their lines gradually the cries of tbeao unfortunate caaaed all except ono whoae pifooun wnih filled uie air hire kilo um ooue willon i he repeated ovec and over again but none dared po to him tho hot aun nhone down meroilewly upon the half buried suffering man ho wx severely wounded and pinioned be neath the fallen timbers of the trench it appeared he mint die a mow an 1 agoniz ng death with help no near and yet no far with powernooloso tolnm yet k impotent help help for gods aske help mo be krpt groaning ttin mint 1tcamo weaker and weaker water 1 wotsr oh give water hfl tnnanod cut nonodarcd help him saddaot y withauru wegard ofli f topottlritnroofihw langerotallelim joung french captain mon junfi c 3irackhamc h s holmes agent acton phono no 13 thrift the longer the war continues the greater tho financial harden that canada will have to bear it is therefore a patriotic duty and decesslty to save as larco apportion of our esrnlags u we can tbo larger the cavinra the better the country can fin- anco ita dhutttions and tho- bcttcr tbo individual will bo prepared for any einerkcnay open a savings account with the bank of novascotia paidup capital a see 000 k8mtveyun 11000000 total fcssouucbhqwloo 00ojm0 25rahches at acton goelnli horval itlitoa and btroobnrulo aotom oitan oil a t wyant manatjrer term now open in shaw a lluainrsa bchooli toronto l ntor any daw no vuiituoua poai- uona assured til rrudnatea vno catalogue write for il w ii shaw pieskient atpaxtoovilio the two jossg travellers 1 i i inff instant what had wrought uio change i mado ready to leare tbo train u rf 1 with umid eagernass that showed uofatnill srity wiuj travel iaxtoo loanejover and touched the crooked shoulders saying you had better lei me help you a bit than he etoopod and lifted the wasted form in his arms and carried it carefully to the little hoard platform of the bteuotr if you please air said the girl a litua enxioasly would you tell us uie nearest way to minera flow 7 oh yoa mean the mine settlement aid paxton to what partioular part of itdoyiu wlh logof to the cabin that mr knowlton lives in was tbo answer mr ben knowltoo lies oar father so wvre como to stay with htm aepell at that instant uia millionaires thoughts hashed tiack to a turbulent scene in which a grim faced determined miner had defied bis employser and his money openly in oonefrquenoe of which par too had lnstaouy made a charge of lawlessness agslnst him which resulted in hlaarreaiaod banuhroent to a philadelphia prison to wait d trial that man was ben knowltoo one of tho acknowledged loaders of the labor agita tion whioh had dislocated pgxtone vast ooallninduttry to the ex ten b nf an enormous losof iretlta paxton intended to make an ecaaitle of knowlton as a warning to hla associates why im very sorry said be in a low voice but ycur father is not bore at prersut thoopmpany sent him awy our baalneey hodidn t send or you did hst as he spoke the light died out uf uie boys wraith like face and a look of on apsekatdo weanneta settled there oh betty whstll we do he l well ro right tn pas aback an atay there ill be potihack ald uie girl hravo- ly bhe urnetl agrexe anxiotu faoe to paxton could i qnd pwtjunt when he will be back t she asked l- i will try to do it for you ho answer ed turning away hurriedly but the girl followed him to the far end of the platform julta oat of her little btnthors bearing where eba laid a timid band on paitons sleeve pendoot know bow bad offho t oho whupered pa dont kuow noluier cjuse he sin t seen bon eince he got out of thajiospiul the doctors said ho would never get well hor voice broke off in a dry sob whioh aba iimtantly smothered he may go jeat any day an thats why im so aexloua niglt lnm to whore pe ia aunt mary was mia afkedjllaiiiltrfl that slitila wealth and power end authen ty had faifod to offset one littlo deed of human ktnduea had sot to rights the dislocated machinery of those rebellious vindtcuvo licarts hearts that had uloltod all msnnsr of violence egamat uicir arro gant enemy who bad eoddonly become their frjeod through uiat one touch of nature ood knows i needed that lesson very- sorely said bo in uio silence of hla own seul if for no other reason uisu to keep my boy from following in my fooutepa and thus miaoiug the beet things of life inmuhbus hqw did christmas go off at your place v as naual christmas ovo wo wrapt ell the presents we gave and tlirutrgia day wo raj jwd all tho presents we rece v ed twomen wero once talking ovor uielr respective eons careers at college and ono remarked well i some ttips fool like tsying as did aaron in tho wilderness behold i poured ti uio gold and uioro citae out oils calf i want to oeicuad aaid theworricd looking juryman addretuiug uio udfe i owe a insu so that i burruwed and bo is leaving town to day for ftoiuo cara and i want to catch huu bofuro be gcti on tho train and pay bun the uiuuoy litijaro dicutioil reluniod hit honor inlay toaca 1 don t want anybody on um jury who can lio ule that ap kuiiitflug story com 03 from bulgaria thecrostu pnuce af icnnoey wanted uio two- older- hoa f usllula klttff- u- visit hi hwadiiuertora liofure yardun and be prerent at its downfall flin young men accept ul ilia iiivitutinii n am mod a monui then ery much lirtni oxlumki tbemmlve and wool homo what im pressed ynu mutt t their fauior asked tboy replied iiiiultauuuualy iho resistanoa of the fronoh in tllk yearij to comi 1 likuier wliat did ji u war 1 nursed nu while j selttn hags tho united hlata yoorly kponle 000000 in building put 1 10 noli 00 1 r it is normal fur a man to 1 roetho ul good to him but esn tirade a inhiute il leaped to tho top of tho trench j a hot rang past him instantly but he fearlontly held aloft hla hand to command attenuon then ho nhooted to tha imprtioned gor man tell vonr romrado tn enmo and fotchyou wo will not fire wo give our ord ho jumped down again the woundod man heard surara his last remaining ntrength he rsied his voice and cntd uie message aloud to hie comrades there was a ehort conference lnide tha ttorraan trench then four tall soldiers in the uniform of uio pravuan guard cumiiad over their parapet and advanced baldly into uio ppen carrying a nt re leber they faced a hundred riq barrelsrbut tboro was nn ahol the word of honor had been passed and men were acting as human beings aavlng- instead of destroying qufouy the germane reached uioir com rado a heavy beam of uie demolished trooeh had fallen upon him and crashed both legs working with a will thoy noon had him re and placing hlmph tho etretcherthey borstlfra cwsyto uie safety of their trench a moment later some aixty pnmtian hoi toets were houted enuiuaisucally on rifles above the trenches and in a mighty chorus there came tho shout thank you com radea thank you the french captain climbed on uio trench and bowed courteously and roipond od it was our pleasure comradea now to our duty again h and pluisrs war reigned onoe more be tween tho hnea from tho issuo or tho froo proa3 of thursday fob 4th 1807 iook out for icialos ororhanging the walks thos c moore bon hare purchased mr j a cornfield s etook of groceries end removod it to their store the j t r authorities hko all 0u101 largo employers of labor are still ecpno- miring thoy hate cut down tho wage of freight hsndlers earolog- 1 25 per day and aver 10 ceata par day the veatmsrkot era has installed v fine larjio press appears in now type- and is now a quarto instead of a folio t itov c a hitan ot toroutot gavo a splendid lecture on kiui and kin beyond the sea in uio town hall under the auspices of uio baput young people a union on i ndayoighl mr aiejtlaidhew s fine uew bouse corner guolph end agnen btreets will bo completed ibis week tho now not jo lour and feed store is beinff opened in arthurs old etand ivortjp chool january examination alice brown mink gamble i cleave ids johnion fiora plank nollio brown harry roid hannah plank willie iteid frc cleavo fro i plank psith plauk botmrt kjngil ury prosenc every day nellie irowii anient one day ida johnkton harry kid willi o iteid jessie mcdonald to ichor acton ncbool for january miss mciuiu room mabel soper fttto mcdiw i georgo oram florence tue way you look at it not luug ago a picture was popular wh ch roproaaniod a ploaiant nunny room uud a protty woman look lug at borvslf in 1 mirror the aculiar thing about it was thal if you ntood at a little distance an 1 jut glancod at tbo plot ore it 000 mod to bo u fckull with pty sockets and grinning tooth it an a scene of cheer aud beauty ar a aytnbol of gloom according to uio way van looked thli picture iaeuggoatlvo of many thinjfi thatcomo into our livon tho vory wino experience may look like a hloiiing from point of vew au lrrearahls diiaulcr n snuuier whether you are hapi y or uiitarablo depouda ioah on what happoni to iu than o 1 uio way y m look at it obab these ileal uto following yoreoa over twice tbov crime from tha talue field of 1 ratico and at jlra twill eeeru rid iluious aud irmvor ent butonsecoid reading uisy convoy a ditterbii niesni f itjs nut oanqy rolf gioui but religion with its catchy air it b ui o ol um song of tho trenches the llejla of hell 4fo ting a hngajing for jfiiu but nut for me h r ulelbeangela angaiiig ajiug 1 heyve gotthu goods for me lieaui whro is thyauug a hot a tin o gravo ihy victoreet the ilella of hell poling a hug a bug itor you but not far die aathtua no longer dreaded tho droad of renewed aliake from asthma has no hldd upon those who have icirnod lo rely uoi vr j 1 kellogg adthina hetuoiy ho safe dg they feci that oomptoto re i in uoo ia placed en thia truo spocilln wiui tho cor- unity that it will alnnrrs do ad that ita makeroolaim if yon lisvn nut jyot isamod how safe you are with this preparation at hund get h today an 1 know far 3 otititolt ackhamcr luili milk i hu porrymao llirtliltjiriom room myrtlo mat thews 1uurl itowuri boy arnold jennie mopfilmon howland brown hazel mann willie prout harold mcklin john purvis miss mcnceloye room myrtle cook hilton jeans malcolm monachem vida boliter bert moore ruby clark irene mullin chsrho matthews alfred bell with where honofc dwells 8ho was 000 of tun worst women whom tho ladies of a csrtalp church tn low er now york had tror had to doul she bad sunk to tha point where abo begged money of uio church only to sfiend it in uie nearest saloon l molly tn answer to ono of her appeals for money the apokoaman for uie womens society aaid no msggio we can do no more foryou the women of this society have given you up a youngman walter g by name who was a worker ar uio oe uio meat connected wiui uie church overheard the closing re mark and as maggie turned away be said yes maggie uio women of thia society bavo yen up but god and i will never give you upv sho passed out into uie waiter of slum ilia andllaeemedas uohliviop had awal lowed her for no one board of ber again for years meanwhile uio young raoq who had said that he would novar give bar up had diod or a disease that be contracted while skiirninga human wreck homo account of hia dramatic career together with a picture of him appeared in ono of uio tiow york paora two years more nllppod by thou ono sunday ox onlg tho minuter of the church was ahaking hands wiui uie congregation an thoy filed out alter service when bs nouced a woinuu otamilog off at a distance weeping cqiivflhnvoly when all had gone ho looked at her more inteatly a faint ehadow of reoollection crossed his mind as he scrutinized her face more closely thou ai alio approached 1 im lis saw that she was msggiu jot not tho old maggie of a fow ycaro agu i ut c ucfw maggio of redoauieil wouiauhood maggie ooned tho converaauau doc tor b- aho said you rememlr uiat noma onra 00 the women of uns churcli told tuo thai thoy had jivoii mo up whit or 11 iwhl to ma that ho aqi god would novor ivo tne up i ruw uioaccouut of hie dtuith in tbo paper nd i cgt his turu out nnd hud thli modalbon made m it i wprkod tmo years acruhbiug olllo before and after hours to aavo 1 tin 1 oy enough in hvo it mail a it has kept nio ntralght over since but i want yuu totakq it now fur fear that ifitfchoulti be fount in my paooaalon it ciitbt lirjng rej rouoh on hia name when you jnrescli yowmltihtaq uuies ell tbo isopls that what saved mnguiott was waiter o saying to her maggie tho women of una churrh havo givon you up hut god and i will novor givn jou ujk anptiirilullustot llluiriu kweaana irustler duesit t i10t well yun hen always onorgeltr in roarhinganuiktual in that sauie thing ought o bo joqo j provcnlaclofl boclrty wlllruttiit men in dominion prcaldontelguihorloti dabtjtniiinot tbo toronto branch of tho pro vonl- zoloa knrtorla society hnn rfftolvcd word that tho onvoya of tho vonl- coloij revolutionary govflmmimt and uhomnnlvcfl in a peculiar nltaatlon tn now york ifn and italy ex txnicncon no uinruicy m aondtsg t uicir rcjwrvlntn from tho united staton but tho vnnlzollat onvoya bell ovo that if they iro rnlng to send any ofcokn from tho united statoo to aid tho revolutionary government it will bo ncccioary to send them to canada and recrnlt tbem bore this information coqtb in a letter from nlcbolnb kuiomanln who was sent tri now york by tho knrtorla society to endravor to hao former members of tho venlzolfnt cnbinot vinlt to ronto and ppcik for recruits wai kfliomanlo wroto that six of tho vcnizellot lcadoni in now york would so in canada artor tbo boll- day rush wonorrt those who axo to como ore p kafandarlo former minister or interior in tbo veulseloa government g awasltopoulos a former deputy zuvoa arintadea di plomat col traulln knlcnos bead of the military committee john glanicoaton con of gottrrral glsnieoo- tqs nnd an officer in tbo nary as well as another- naty- ofheor james papaloroponloa as kinr constnntlno la n till rocor- nltod an klnc b britain and as amboaiador vouron la king conntan- uno n representative nt washington the poultloo of tbo revolutionary ro- protontntlven in a very dolicato ono thorn will likely bo two ot and lag committees formed one in canada and ono in tho states dago u nan says thcao will be mado up of the vcnlxolon representatives in new york who will npnt in two tboy will have cfiargo otall rrcrultlng and will adhpt tbo beat means of rc- crulunt tbo orcoks in amerloa and of getting thorn out of tho country mr dagounan layo it is tbo inten tion to rent largo halls and have ujo envoyn ntldtlsa all thq grcckii la iho city j rom toronto they will pro ws ctttotonttc ar aro tho torontb g rocks going to tako tho uamrj ntand no tho greeks in montreal and rcfuso to pray for king constantino ho was asked they iilhl pray for conntanune ho rcpliod whether thoy will do ao nt sunday or not is problematical it all renin wltb the church authori ties but if they don t soon omit tbo prayora tho pooplu will force them to can adrt5 good klabinff b during tbo canadian fiscal year 131g 1c tbo fluhorlcn of iho sydney consular district comprising tbo island of capo breton and ure two adjoining counties on tbo mainland of nova bcoua cmployod mora than 11000 doraons directly angoced in qohlng on 4000 vcoaols and boats nearly 1200 of tho boats being gaao- llno motor boats in addition oorno sooo labororn were employed la sojung pacltlnff etc making a total of is 000 ongaged in tho flahorlos of this district to oncouraro thia industry tho canadian government during tho year mtnuo nod paid a bounty of 2 to tho xcosulu boats jind nnhormoq in thu dlutrfct thlr was at tho rato of jl for each rot is te red ton of tho doopooa flahlng vesaola and i 90 to each mombor of tho crews while tho uocalled shore fish ermen received 1 fof each boat en gaged and 93 45 for each fisherman employed to sharo in tho bounty payments a person muut buvo been engaged in the nsborloo for at loeflt jlhron monthfl and have caught not icuo than 3 100 pounds of flnb no bo n city is paid to flsheriwm engaged in catching ohell- flpb nalmon nab taken in or at tho mouths of rivers or ooh caught in trap nets pound nets or wulnt to assist tuolndustry in this particular district tho government on its rail road hab a fast rurriki rotoroar ser- vlco 0110 day each wlmji from mul- kravi on tho u trait of canao to montreal and on lo m than carload lots of fresh nah tbo government makes payment of one third of tha oxprruu clinrgoa from the atlantic roaut to pglntn in tho provlncls of quoboc and ontario brsldm tiieao direct aids to tho flnhorka ot tho dlri- trlct oli ht hatcheries are main tained tho nnherlof bad a very successful enokun in 1015 1j not only in tbo quantity ot flub obtain d but also in tho good prices received iho quo titles and vuilu i or tbo fljh euuiht and mnrketod in tho pant two y urn were heoaoii or 1014 1g 05371 hod poundi valuu landed j1218 841 voiuo markutud 17g1 120 beauuiii uf 10 1c 1g 67 19u 400 txnds valuu lauded l252u8u ralae markntnd 52u9h 430 bbiefs a certain lecture now and then is relished by um wives of moo likes ostag aumps mana valuo da jxjndit on hia ability to aucks to n until ho irelo there if una in an oea winter we knew a lot of tiooplo whod like to calrhui0 fe4 low who opened it no grander thing cau a ipan do than u gives helping hand to a luau who has be ooine discouraged careful ooula who hato to uo auythlog going to waste are of tho opinion uial wo tdiould boglu lo use the da hi ht aa soon as it ia tumad on borne uf uie reform npnllcrn uiouh ua ous hi tho t him ilu not aj prove of lint when uioy have tho roper nubjeot uiey hul oon kuuwl too short- rggs 00 ooob a doten wo do not know who inspired uio bona to ntop work hub no doul t thoy have boon egged into it