tlrll a maiiltn a ii of ii wil i ii v at am now etinml lalx- marrtaba rla ufe ide ir in meuowah f r iiftiim i lii g inftnory ojurdear uephuw lull ii ltirmrwi hurfonl jackie who iwsajreway teu 7ll idlft a ysaajim pd hut nttu n mm i im noor kill his memory fade htreeleat uiougbtn will oer liuger itouifu tho place where bo ii laid mald wiu jtr nerxrecunncrtai be jktttn tfrce fkess thuilfldvy rilmcaitytf 1017 editorial hdtes tuc mfitorialoiimrrt liasdocidftd to introduca uio following etnenuinarita to the manitoba liquor law complete ohm tnatlou uf ctmiriii kiori houses proiiitiitjoo ol all ma oner of advertising in manitoba of liquor fur bororage purposes curtail pgoi traffic in liquor for boiereo pur poeeo in liomw auditous report presented 34 giu00 pjtsred through treasur ers handi in 1010 of which g7j4 ot was for hydro itovonuflj j 0501 paid tfoft county hates oounnl in ft un monday orening la regular nesilon members roeont goo ilyuibi iteevr i a ho dersoii w il kennoy and w ii hmilh tho niiiuiuoe u linanoo presented tiuir third report anil tho following an counts wri juiiwd r i glmjux acoouit jinoi hnnderar woocl chant i 1 atkinson luory 1 alox nitm surveying n 1 urum blnckainlt lilng til- 1 iug i held butijilloa h ilaokenilu repairs tlienfcv war saving certificates created by tho ontecnmail to oncoarsgo thrift aft 1 ocpnotny nntl to give ovoryooo an op per unity to vil iu financing our war ox penjuurettiro now on rale at ototy bank and rqonoy order ist nfc in canada the s23 certificate toll for 21 so lho 350 for j13 no 1 tho s100 for ifl aa on in vcntmene tl co certificate- afar many attractive feacuru chielof which are tho absolute accunty aad oxcoucnl mtwtut ro- roretery s so lent to tlio go rum nt now si5 will bo returned at tho and of three years -jz- tin ocraj l mirrrt lrsnnn is uainif its bast endeavor to impress tho people with tho importance of tho conservation of lde by accident pretention every tpotor ist in ontario la baing fumiahed with a card bnnginn tho following lasaon tnstraat tafcly prominently before tbem to all dnrera of vehicle wo ask yoar holp in pre renting accidents of all kinda on the atreeia ou who oao tho atroata daily know that caroleaaoces ia the cauna of moat accident tako uma to bo caiofal tjfio extra prooautiani when pair any dt tho schools t when ciildrea t oo uu road way when approaching atreet camera when you croon a railway track wljbh tho oada are wet or nhppary haunn ting and advertising strootn and walks school iurpoaea j ire purposes town hall camclory park charity street lighting sinking feund debentures and coupons free library county rate m laceuanooui whan fauulu meubeira of tho lagtilataro capocuily are pleased that tho house is opanibg una year on the 13th of fobruary at loat two weeks earbor than laofc year towards tho end of each session although lighting jm07 co miscellaneous s1303i nch important bmdneas cornea at tho end duetodolny- ot the bojnin members jt raatlees tho fanner mem bers particularly want to gat back to theic tsrma to do their spring work in tho longwjsworxs of 1913and 19m before the war it wai well into may before the legis lature closed smco tho war the oya bare onl boon about half as long aa previously thia year i c earl lertharjio iqigand the early date of the opcoinc probably shows a xleire t3n the part of the ot eminent to finish business by tatct as thoy rosoa to do last year jr wc wcile to ask the man at the front said newton w itowell apeak ing m drum bo tn his amu conauuioncy of north oxford tho other day how would they nuggest that wo should com memorato uio flfueth anniveraary of our canadian confederation would thoy not remind us that confederation was made possible by tho union of parties in ca tq avrrta nstimial prd and attain a great national ideal and would thoy not oak us how could wo- more fittingly or mora nobly commemorate ujis fiftieth anniversary than by the union of all partial to avert a still graver national peril and to achieve a greater national ideal a union which weald oocuro a more concentrate effort in thicprqvepuuon of tho war a mot ado quate consideration of the problems gnnr ing outdf tlie war and help hi pood the day whet canadaa eons will return homo paint s military hotes pie j ioaver ol oeorgetowu is oxpact- od to smve home from tho front today sergt il- u swackharamar is in toron to learn tog- physical drill and bayonet frighting ptb edgar suwart has returned home altera month in a toronto hospital with the mumps the long eaton eng advertiser in a recentnesuv publishes tho portraite of pto bmallwood of bandiacro and his two sons ilea herbert and 8 mall wood thoy are the father and brothers of mrs w chisholm and mrs iage who have resided at acton tho past yoar the throe brave soldiers father and tons have beoo in tho trenches the two sons liavo boon wound od one is in hospital at oldagow and tho other at croydon m surrey an officer in tho overseas canadian forces who is home on short leave in speaking recently before an audience in toronto said that exhort tiroo agd bo had bean through villages in scotland and they wore typical of other places in england aod wales w bare not a man of military ogeoould be aoea and where all tho work was dons by wotnou old moii aad boya tins villicer went un to aay thai bo hx not ceased to tell canadians siucehis return tliat bo far canada has felt but uio slihtort pmcli ol tit war and ho urged hit hearers to be prepared for far more sacrifices for utoir own eventual spiritual and material good pte kennedy whites home brier lottor p his brother says ho is in tho trenches and well bom o whore in france jaunsxy 13tb 1017 dear brother i just a few tines to lot yuu know i am the beat of health tho weather b very cold and dreary out hers bow aud it ti kind of mu idy in tho trenches but wo are getting used to that now so wo tlon l mind it at all homo o uio i rooch cualoma about liero mom peculiar to u ybon thoy hitch a f team up they put one horse in rant of tho other aid thoy thresh with homo iiowor i was very grateful for tho parcel 1 received from tho kod cross and when i jaw tho maplo leaf it reminded uio of good old canada and tho days i aiwiit in acton well i guoan i will luio now but will write aain at tlio tint opportunity 1 romaiu your luolher juk pto j j honuody jolotll c company 1st 1uu- il 1 r lirauoe army iostoflice london england c7 00 i 2s lrj7ft 705 i 00 hi lit 4 koi i utui kt mclam ii macxem i tlio an litota itcport was prosenicd i a slwilnict rdiowed tho foltuwing receipts id exponditures t tlcrrtrr ohuice trom ldii taxes collected for lolfi tsxeo colloclod for 1011 berrowed money lines town jiall rents cematery btreet and walks rloctnc ilant miscellaneous overdraft el cmuitcoj loans repaid tnffllwit pn fjiiirin tire schools uonon roll standing- of tlio pupils or acton pub- he and high schools eu month high hlhooi ol pautmi nt iou hi crju iroltve mowat vunvi ii margiinrlto htowart clajw iii iloy brown letuo scott loorgo an 1 arson ooorgo agdow jughostin physics margueiitokuwart iu algohraolivo mowat in latin olko mowat in chemistry ixittit hcott louti ii ctaici i aunio hnydor oiuci ii violet smiui ethsl stark man adam orr willi i toss ida craw ford ulab iii fjudya molooghlln alice jolinstono hsrbie lutchle- laura macdon aid mabel ilohlnson btella mclun idena campbell delcine ilbbena harold ken nedy aanie martin highest in oepgraphy aunio snyder 52tut inaritinirtioas i- israsn tary scionoe annlo hoydsr in art oladys mclaughlin j in history vnoio fnydor v i hum 1 ci aw i oara lantx class ii luy agaew duff wfliou jessie mowat kenneth henderson juflio swrwart bessio woodbajl idna johnston betty eowrlo lawrsnco llbhens adys huffman class iii jack waldle nail gibbons mae moffat florence itoberteoo isabel flllott lloyd kenney jhlghest in loography clara eaolz in french clara lanlz in arithmetic kay agnow w h stewaut pnnciiml p 7 baueu aaslklanl jiuho 300 joixbh 1jjoi30 040000 li ii 00 1g0k5 10k35 1ih09 132l0 io b 300283 ooaoo 127x30 263c0 7m8 r 244 82 20001 05 20 07c c025 1437 co 2 500 20 2mq03 28500 cc0461 4oasa 2783ab3 tho assets now total 370711 20 and the liabilities am 35426 10 less the total receipts from the hydro- electrurdepartraent sgercgatsd 10 731 07 and were mado up as follows noose lighting lmilt v commercial lighling jlcoaoj power rovenno 160563 j street the cost of curr and main ui nance 4777t0l7lhobnm of ji00waa allowed by the hydro auditor for depreciation charges and tho not surplus for the year is 1457 hi trwclerk was instructed to haro thai auditors lie port printed in pamphlot form as usual thetboarld of education how closot sysfom being- considered and tho nnth hpom to bo furnished tho board of education met on monday evening members present boot scott- chairman john kennoy c c speight wm johnstone and kobctt mcpharsoo letters wore read from school furniture manufacturers giving prices for ttesta ssd desks from tho national equipment co iftoring to nenh an ouiomr to give plans ipecificauoas and estimates for closets for lhaachool promibsa a letter from t t i company stated that oa january 20th inspector c 8 msrshsll had made an in npecuon of the school bailor and found it tn proper working order free from any indication of stress with the various attach ments and connections clear and working freely aa a result of oils iuspacuobv tho superintendent reported wo have no suggestions submit tho property com initios was instructed to confer with tlio principal as to the sites aad styles of desks and scats required and to report to tho secretary who will order same 9 the hoard then adjourned westih0h0use bab11acks news tho hon oro all a prions for an nouncement of date of going v ovorsoas the men were very mqcb disappointed that shay did not got their peas for tho weekend we havo received no word yet as to date of our leaving for overseas but expect it auy day tho whole of tho battalion baa bean examined u musketry and havo done fairly woll 4tc anderson is taking a course iu bombing at toronto sorgt bwackhamsr is taking a course in beyouet practice and physical drill ot the school in toronto i rogrot to aay thai ploia watson of acton is again in tlio barracks hospital with a sore thiosl on saturday the ladies aid of tho centenary methodist church entertained nearly 200 men of the 104th liattallon to a hot clunk an and ham aupper after aup- or a bpleadid mi tor tain man i wss given tho kladnens of tfio diltorent ohurcbas in rovidlng fur the comfort of tlio man u causing a great rhaogo in tho avtltudo of tho inon toward tlio house of tho lord this is ory desirable in every way on sunday ho battalioo paraded for djvius service to tho central presbyterian church caroliao street where tho pastor tao a splendid seruion o i tho grace of perseverance tlio city streetaaro in a slipicry condl lion sums bad falls are being experleuq od pto e c stewart has returned from tli base hospital and is now- home un nick loavv j r b balctrrarad- mr oarvln creo had bis loft arm dislo catod at tlio wrist on sunday morning while cleaumg one of his horses ho was in tho stal id and a coll caiuo up iwbiod him aud kkkci h ui on tlio arm lho arm was promptly treated and uio atone roplao od in jfoniliou hut tho injured member lias been very sore in oouaequeuoa rhe storms of tlio week havo trucked tho reads badly in places chewbons c0bneks quarterly services of tlio method 1st church were hwtdj in hock wool on sun day ihere ware nsrjair vices hora visitors to onlaio from tlio west do not lind much difforioo in ui weather here this year frej thoir own weather this winter being fjoldar than fur somo years iii if wallro isiw 15 lulph hon dof ijt us tcr cfauer 130 tjoruun wild lh a hir white 121 i iigoue mr ihcr nn iii r tl 170 m 11 iirtfiir teacher public b0ii00l department ljttrrttt trriim so iv ilaiwoll bou 247 yida andcr ca 210 hazel maodonald 200 elmer henderson 200 willis stewart 105 agoeo dobbie i ho total 350 ja- iv david henderson 2qi helsn- andersooj 107 annie crawford 104 esther surkman hm nlargsxet mcnabb 10 1 may wildguat 185 total 30a m z bksmtrr ttacher tuiiid drrajitmckt- so ill isabel mcniven 105 marie mowat 154 martha orr 150 joao ken nedy 140 jordan awaao us iinby joysa 115 tots 185 jn 1ti uoyd forbeti j4l floorgo jig gins 123 myrtlo caroochsn 110 honald ksmnady 100 joan barber 80 ilobart 8towftrfr85t6ul 18q m c wnxwi teacher 8coofi drrahtmtrrr siwii willia uoldstein 164 earl coop er 253 roseoll ross 143 jesaio mcnabb 143 teddie tyler 132 laird mcdonald 120 lilurr 1kj autuk1t mix iharry loidsvein 230 joseph hnmt 210 willreso rcid 108 mauliew tylar 100 jim bark well 1 norman lo- forosi 174 ialioflrcgory 174 total sco iii i clisrlle joyes6 annie dunn 147 fcrank kelly 142 stanley macklo 141 toddy clifford 133 john armstrong 138 total 100 i foumnz teachar 1itimaky 1f iautment htnion derautukkt ctss a iilerence harr 73 joan mo- donald 73 herbert pryei 03 adelaide rturnl 02 huph leaby 50 to lai 103 ci ari b ida goldstein 70 lottlo holssrn 08 manon mcfjean 07 thelm strnaser 0g ifacal james 05 ida cwltello fltrpcartattxrrot cljull c albert hall 70 john fibbon 57 dorwoujd deforeat 4b arthur nendorc son 40 mona smith 40 clarenco i fend or son 43 total 83 cijjw d ooorgfl hruoow 40 clla- savill 34 jack bymon m a but it teacher junion piumeu craiji j irene dunn hvin camhla raymond lambert dorothy cordfner miko backwell dorothy blanch ciau b dorothy mclhornon lddto jlvoos violothallgiadyshcarrowjiarold wildguat arthur lawabn ciaks c wilms white stewart mai coltn gilford dovaroll normao savill oor don reed charllo tripp e mottbmi teacher nassagaweya lollowing i the report for school no 0 for january bu iv a kltohllts j kingsbury ii wilson k dennis jr ill b kingsbury e wilson b nightingale o molaughlio ada nellia oishnro i nell is jn ii c molaugblm r kingsbury it wilson m darby violet shrive jb t mclanghlin 0 nightingale edith nellis a erwm wilson lottie shrive siwaxt richardson marked present every day r e nttejt teacher two homes cloysly related were csllsd upon to mourn the loss of loved ones loat week very singularly mrs robert wil son fhr and her daughter mrs bartd boles suffered from strokes within a fow hours of each other- mrs rolos succumb ed to the ouocui of the stroke on tuesday and her mother mrs wilson on thursday this double boron v otno ot has cauaorl gnat sorrow in the homes and families bereft and their friends f parity purity purity the one dominating note that runs all through the making of sunlight soap is purity the 5000 guar antee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement it marks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice sunlight soap materials for the soap boiler for the expert chemists for the girls even who wrap and pack sunlight all are mindful of the guarantee it is a source of gratification to all the sunlight workers i sunlight soap w6 new store 256 cent off all winter coats and furs io per cent off all other lines see our windows for good values j 7 blnshill co mill si rtvii niook acton frwx wc wi3h to anuounqc that wc have drpocd of our buitneij in acton to messrs mclcin coqway ot uxbndge who will take poisetuon in a week or ten d iyi our most sincere thinks are doe to pur friend and cnatomcrs who have riven us their patronage lor a great rrnny years we- appreci ate very much the kindly feelings and cordial relations which have existed between us and sincerely hope that thoy will be continued towards our successors announcement of the exact date of transfer will be made later and irrthe- meantime we wpnld reqncsrallthosc whrr rravracconntswith us to make immediate arrangements for their payment acton the minister of finance requests the people of canada to begin now to satfe money for the next war loan jam a na cristudtf ow ottasa uilattire of fiie i proince of ontario it teiortcxt session thereof for an act ex tending tbo time for the commencement and completion of the construction of tho companys rvcral lines of railway hcro- toforo ttnthunzed to bo constructed by tho sovcrnl acts rvlatmc to tlio company boyce hjtknaasok bovu tradcn bank bmlding xoronto ontario solicitor for tho applicants dated at torbnto this3nd day of jonn oryttcb 1517 7 buoplus auction sale f1bji stock gkajqt jlto tho undersigned has received instruc tions to sell by public auction for bdw j mwaaoanv east half lot 5a oon 6 nassagaweya on tofcaday stkbtf oahv eo 1017 at one oclock hsrp tho following cows i polled angus cois 3 yearn duo march 17 1 ayrshtro grado cow to years duo march a it jersey cow 1a years duo aug 15 1 holstcin cow 4 years due april 1 1 durham grado heif er a years old duo in march 3 dur ham grade heifers a years old supposed to bo in calf a durham erode heifers rising a years supposed to do in calf cattle s head of fat cattle 1 fat cow 6 steers rising 3 year old 3 steers tmngrycar ol d- aheifero riaiogty old a holstein heifers 1 year old a durham grades i year old i durhflpa bull 14 mouths old hogs 3 young thoroughbred york shiro sows supposed to bo in pig bred november 17 1 yorkflhlresowsopposod to be in pig- carrying her eeoood litter bred december 17 9 pigs about 5 mos old tirde of sale 7 pigs about 4 mos old time of nalc 1 yorkshire hog 10 mont old st time of sale grain 10 bushels or black barley jo bushels of no 73 o a c oafs 50 bushels of american beanty oats im plements 1 scuulcr and 1 cutter terms 9io and over cash over that amount 10 months credit on furn ishing approved joint notes 5 percent off for caab fatj cat 3 months groin cash jo j kboik a l wyant clerk anctlonoe r s3j1ke vour dollriis fight at the front- b bj y powitilow of threeyear war saviwgs certificates 2boo for 2160 0000 4300 10000 seoo ih1uvidua1 purchases lmtstj to xvqp t puu particulars apply at any bank ottany monev order post office ixqsn enjoy mooring tody e motorcarsensafion off 916 consider these chevrolet features somllejankbur a im o sw ft m 25 o 30 miles per gal ofgasolirvg parts are lowest priced ofany car on the market quality considcnco morepowrjcomrori wstyli mori fiji iy equipped than any other cah at its prici the cijevrolet motor co fivvo- ujtv toronto rro oshawa c jt flrht jvubcrlicsmttits sift illttljoiiist ffiljnrcl don llwavliohm a u dbiinlti duriday rrnnuaitv u riv j ifallnwi ii- ph ii i driytfn will prcicli mornipf and cvfn aabdatirchool in tho afternoon nt a 30 o thick all wnlcomie wanted auohklso 1 nuaakvnpor fnr lha jlotna- wood hani tar loin jielih j oltilra iw la farmallon to uio mation 31 i bek8 wanted ctatd irfc a- it vaniatti if llalllnarad oetarior taxics notloe ah ll lanoeaaaarr u al ilia cotlocuira rimi it raluriind tif il a titu pabraarr tl is im- peralir tl at all lama l raia wflra toat data any ratniayri ralllurt to pay lho arrroaiu rtpa txforo too liui will respecuva amonou t coats aoilad to iim1 u j jtnid allslor application 10 pait- liament moticj5 in hereby given that an nppli- cation will bo made by tho totonto stih r ai compahy to tho leg- p new wondebcand i d pbldaypaimoahy o susie wlt annpennmeton sflow- amusid cn p tertaming picture of i lake village and stage life satotiday pbbrtjabv id the bye of god a remarfcotilo photoplay with a moral lesson nonday pcnnoanv is episode 15 of the iron claw wednesday fedruanyh the dream girl with mao- mnrray coming shoes a great problem piny wjedhkday febho zt amateur nighl r l gregory auction sale i vaxirable town lb in order to wind up tho ertatc of the 1 late mary swacltlin turner ibcro uill be j old by public auction at tub poctmion hotel acton on 81tuhday pttonuary 2ath 1m7 at the hnnr of 13 oclock uoon that valu i ablo property in tho said village of i acton consisting of lote number one and i two in bloek a in the tirvoy of parti 7of tho south lat half of lot number twentyeight in the second concession of i tho township of lsqucsing mado by herbert j bowman i l s for adam i cook i ti113 property ha a frontage on llaial street of ahouc 66 fctt by a depth of 100 1 feet and on it there u said to bo erected a brick eneer dwcllmg twostoricshub r containing twelve roomi end cellar ml good state of repair there i alo al frame wood ihod at tho rear of aidj dwelling there is also aatd to be crot cd on this properly a imall frame stab tho property will be sold subject to a rcservp bid terms of solo 10 jwr cent caih oni the day of talo and the balance withtab 30 days thereafter i further particulari and conditions ofa jslo made kuown on application to pjfl w horcourt lsq official guardian forb infanrs dominion bank building toj ronco or to cuarlcs u dundab 14 douglas sl guclph solicfcitor for admiotrator i fhed cook agent georgetown intending purchabers or any one interested in the excellenciea of thp clicvrokt wil 4c given full particulars by calling on james symon mill street acton ooodsoaondtiaiia cookuur stoves a for coal and wood c coal heaters box stoves a all kinds tgcond liand 1 urntture for hmlm in tsa red bloeat house o poultry d csisux pud for- sul londsi ol uvo d poultry 5 l starkman m youhobtlldkt acton sihbiiibiarjddaodarjdnannasibisistb good engines ouo nf our cu toniors 1 run uingu 10 inih chopper with u 4 b p stover ln ho iv it bus morq polling ptiwer than nny 6 h p uujiui ho a cvi write lodjytifmir7h ei txioklct uuil a k fr niuu a ktlrr ihopmo ll mrmu bnmiround k dcaurahoul the sic vflt ii t nauoiial -xtqulp- mwitco- ltd 40 wabaah ave toronto ont t rtmai you hoped uncy