votumj xlii ho 3il nry oabaerlptlon cm id in advance acton onlaiio tuuehday mjottudtg fkituuahy xr 1917 huuacrltlon vncr sij0 1 cr anns to sength copies five oentk ijc atfou ifrxsc ress im nrni iuj nvbulf till itttia uoumihu t tom jflteli riutm iiujumhu mux btwwt actow o- 0 suwluhflni- strutty la 14ium sxqo to aubscrtbatb in tba united tltota all subscription dlhoouobad whan lb umi ror wbleb tha bars been nld bee uplrad tha data to which svery bobserlp- tloo la paid la asnmad on uie addrass label axmuitxaiira iuts traeaunt oavsru- msnto jo wau par hpnnareu lln far flnt in and 0 hou per llns for each eubas- quaol ltiaaruon contract dlaplav oavaruaa- mania tor co or incbea non par annum 10 eeets pameta ooob lossrtion yearlroontraota to seeding matter 23 oants nor ineb eoeb lnser ttacu advatllsemsnls without peelflo alreeuona will os lnsartaa till forbid- and aborted oooord iocit transient sdvarusemanu mini ba paid uadtuot adverusameuta win ba ensased ones soeb moatu11 dastrea lfo ebona oftonar than oners mentioned tba extra composition must le paid ro aa recolar rouw all aeoounu oolleeted monthly a p uqqiin- eduoe aol propria flusirucs sirrxlarp aocdicax t hos cray 4 d cm mcgiix xi n o r eotnoaoa it b p p a fl qisoow mbjarmaiaonoxx associaxios era offl lvaaariok btnet ejbtnnoot dilji atcsivkn pbjaiolsn and bartnoo orrtam amd nntcuia cos- mill and john baraata ua former homo of lbs lata w li starry ban a oat i vjsterinart toon lawbon i vejbilihajly b dbg eon aston l ontxrta orartnato at ootrrlo veterinary fyn ihbd offles arthurs liloca itosldanoa miu tit ootla day or night prompuy ausadea to j minb7nhqh maxsuxu baucttoa oovtsxakss otrtomju btraoiln perryman block w vofflea no 8 uroarj i lilock denaua otawpo daju billl ddb i d 3 dunn aoton i uooa no w uqm kt l oomar mill and rradoick umu ttamo uumuia a tsaavto umrrxaamc tba lata a caad lf daalrad i li i jl uennkttikph1bt- cxkklham alocc oaaaoitovh mjbcxlxjlkxoxrs f uanoib hdman booku1hbu1 aaootxaft books of all kjneta inada to ordar pariodloala o f tory daaorl t hon oarafoily boond itollii m o ail t pxatn p lly don m axuuage hohnbktj p ifoohh pnvata offloa howunaaaaaraaalrad laraad raafdjnoa la iba aranlnc fraapraaa offloa aotoij k for tbv ooollaa t wallioxtoa dal ton poal asd dnffarto and tba ally of ijualpa baw ooodaotd alui aallaiaouoo and upon raaannabta tanna otrdac by uum to otioo p o or oaladon lalaobooa in taafclaapa lp oooaacuoo wlui iba uau wbora tmupiunu aa to dataa and adtar- tlala an ba mada ordata laf at ltaju laaaa ofooa aotoo wllj raoaltk lmnnnluta altanuon spaolal attaautn to aalaa la anton and ifelnlty wammm to sku ok hurr l d alex niven sorvcya subdiwuiona plana ro- erla pcscriptloas blueprints etc rtiflcatca for tnirchaacrs and mort- jcmftkfl sarvoys for archuecta buil- dot3nl municifwil councils drain njro roporta eali mates etc merchants bank bldo qubjlpu phono toi4 out eipltavang rrtonto cni axtt uouk binds ilooka and macaatuaa bound in lla and ugbalautul corarv mamaa lottarad jo lidjd ou ulblaa uyuio llooba and otliar luwfcx all woitk vuoitltuy lilbqdthd the old and roiiablo granito and marblo dealers wje ara uianufaottirara and dlrojt importorw of all albdaolmouaioautalandllaadaloiia work wolltlroot touurouatoiuari alwbola aala prioaa uia aavlug ourmiuooituiapm m w liava uia bnat at4lnaa and tba only niaojiauloa lu tba uumluluu who oan otar- aaa pnaopgat tooia lropilt w nn kt lafaiatma frnm buoitrada of uuf ciuhmima ir toroolo aotl kbar iln wliara otbara liava t kanl law aulla in utilar ut oollaot wa ban tba i aft fnd baat atoak of ilraalta in tba uonaliiin or mora tlian auj b tba waat w axa lafluuiata j plor no a ml ai do not atu daatan in savage co entablfshod u4tl jeweuer guaph the old and reliable wotchmntiera and jewelers ir voir vtant iixercie witli pint and life buy a piir of boxing gloves or a striking bag giovlspt5o co 5 oo pair striking bag 2 oo 250 and j 00 lttppn ansivered promptly the bond hardwabe co p h 0 n if yon bavo day cucstu at youttiome nro goink out of town for a visit or know of aayintctestipj nows lot as hear from you wo always appreciate each favors phone n cjl c- speight for uptodate goods silverware in tableware tinctvanety also fine catlery hardware tinware jind granueware in vjariety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves jsvbry aeiticljn is op excep tional valod c c speight will street acton robtnoble feed is gom to be scarce this winter but we are going to try and keep a sopply on hand we have at present bran shorts corn chop glutton meal schumacher cotton seed meal oilcake oats and barley j l warren hanaqer tblefhomb no 40 tliy aaodlok out ifluorautm i urdf a auktur uiootianioa ouli iinnatlljon auj daf hamilton sons oor norfoufl ttoa4irb 3 uuklllf bargains at nels0ns pleece linwl underwear i regular 65c for 4t colored stiiitu in ftitey 14 16 i6j 17 17j ouly worth up 10 9 50 ff odd iihcj in youthi wool uudarwejvr to clcitr ut ptr uurmeat 50 itdlca wool mitta rcru lar sw for 35 mcu ilrucea regular 35- fr b5 onoonly boyil ij 1 wo4 oveicout til bo t3 9oo for v 9300 a only men a qvrr worth 3 18 for 9h mens heavy wool uox 35c for g5 r e nelson mrntt outflttbin ouajptt otttnwd c the danger of invisible light may sonnd fantastic bat its very rcar- in all light the rays that bring color to eyes are the harmful invisible fays that often cause eye- stram crookcs glass otn called ultraviolet lenses absorbs all these harmful rays onouno oh tim pnauisks w6e beal piaifco built to last a uft1me the most substan tially built piano the piano with the sweetest tone the easiest actipn the neatest case c w kelly cq son 33 lower wyndhm st grand irunraffie winter tours cpecial fare now in effect to resorts in flor ida georgia north and south carolina louisanna and other southern states and to ber muda and the west indies return limit may 31st 1917 liberal stopovers allowed for full information write to c k horning i i a union bftition toronto out he w0hbied about it thaauna tiaaf will rira out in tan million yeaxn mora t and ho worriod alout it- jl wlfl auro gir out thao if it iloeant lo- fore- and im womej about it it will urly pia out bo tho sctantiiu ald in all ncienoa booka ho had raaul and out whola loundlofla uturanw umi arillhjdoad aod ho worriad ahout u and aotna day lha earth will fall into th ban- 0 and ho wornod aijoql un just aa aura find a atralght as il ollot from a run and ha worriad ft boob it vvhati alronrr graittlo on buck 13 box traps just pictar ha and arhat a faarful col in poo 1 it will cocao m a few nullioa agon par loot iu and howomad and tho anirhlroaja will curvo aod now england grow torridor and ha worriod aboqt iu than wbji crr tho chmale of mnthern mort florida band ha wornod about 1l our iccrop ua- bav knocked ipto nroall amithareens and crocodilos block up our mowing tuach inns t and wo u loan our gno crop of potatoes and bean and he wornad about it and in loan than ton thousand yearathnrna no doubt and ho womad about it ooranppljof lumbar and coal will guo out and he wonjod atxiut juab then loo ico fio will raturn cold and raw frozoq men will atand with anna out- atretchd iaawa aa if aioly boaoochlnff a general thaw aad ho warned about it ilia wifo took in waabitifr half a djauar a daj ha dido t worry about it- ilia daughter aowed aliirta tho rude rrocer to pay- he didnt worry about it wlula bia wife beat her tindeaa ruh-a-dob- dub j oo tba washboard drum of her old wooden tub ha eat by the etora and ho juat lot bar rob ha didnt worry about il sam walter 1 oaa nnnnndnaannnn n in the oven an h s holmes agent acton phone no 13 speculation in time liko these prudent people exercise tho greatsat cro la tho handllag of tho means at their disposal- tba gradual accumulation of your bavisgu fa a deposit account prints a real censa of security and satisfaction while specu lation will only add to your cares and may wing yotiei tualloss tka ftaancul alrenath aad ataaa aof ihu suk aonnl tba blibaat pre lac hap tn 4opoalioia wa imita tuiiot iccannta botb laqa aod amall 41 the bank of novasieotia paldupcpirahj toeooa ukhskvit vimu lt0o0joo total 1uuio uucejorw v jlxmmjpo brajicuks at acton guelptxj norval milton and streotsrilla a u wxant x term now no open in bhuw n iuimiicvi bthoom lorouto lulcranydnv no vm ntuui ioai- tluusi tuiauroil to iudnatct lioo liittuoyue writo fur it w ii shaw piciidrnr it w child m n n a on annnnnndnnand 4 tp am iaclinod to think that a girls a wit la quicker than a tight plaoo il uie place u tight enoagh mr colchostar had apaken altar we had bean bilootlj sitting for aevoral oninutes watching tlie mist that wan creeping the moonlit water and intoning to tho chirp of thoenckats in the graaa ita way iwgaaa ilary by stating tha moral um way was to present soma conclusion and than prove it by a personal experience i was lomktog of my aisler he ax plained hho onco saved us both eom a fearful death if it had not boon for her ready wil i should hare been a biscuit t at this everyone straightened upperoep- tiblyi mr colchesters stories sroro always interesting torhapsall of jou do not know that my father was a cracker manufacturer h continued and that he had a shop with machinery and three- ovens in it of course that would be considered nothing today whoa there are bakeries that supply thousanda of poo jo in every part of tho country but when i was a boy x remember fused to wonder tha there were enough mouths to consume all that biy fathers workman made i often went down to the shop fgr it was really faacinauag to watch the mixers tuniog the great rolls oldnugh over and over and see the cutting machines chop pmga long strap of it into little sticky lumps then old car berry the baker would toes tho pieces which had boon patted and molded by hand on the ulod floor of tbo oven sometimes my sister margaret used to ffo with ma or we were great chums and it was on one of tboao oocaai ana that we got into trouble j the day 1 remember bad been raiuy and altar a discouraging attempt to amuse ourselves in the house margaret said lets take umbrellas and g down to the bakery x waa 00 glad of the suggestion that i forgot it was tho noon hour when tha men would bo gone and tho machinery shut down it wasnt until we saw the deserted room that we remombered it well said i wo are bright arent wet dutlets look round ill tall you let s look at tho cool oven 0ool oveo i oxclaimed mamaret in surprise i explained to bar that in the ordinary course of business only two oieon wotw us ed and that nulesa thore were extra orders thare was always one oven which was out of commission being shut off from tho ruraaoaa halow by the big obsetirou damp i raised tbo ulch oltlw heavy door and bent down to look across tho list tiled surfsre inside m its juat hke a cava iwifc it llol t cried my alitor aud i laughed at u10 idea and asked hr wbsuier nh0 x pec led u see a boar or a rohhoc walkout of course i duu t t aim sold for nhe always waa oo her guard srainst my mak lug fua of liar lasts crawl lu all right said x touching tha brick walla to make sure i hadnt made a mis lake 1 and then 1 followed her lusido lhruugu lbx gloomy aptfalog w1u it got my diaaaiurty f margaret asked out of the darkness ko indeed said l thsy ilsvo to kssi tlieaa ototin clean on utn ha ihay are fussy about every apock of just- i lis jjajdly quuhad wltfn the jimi door ixibuid us aluit with a reaouixluig ijsng one o the workmen who linil lckto wutk hod closje 0 hob nod my alitor with a little scream of irfjjht were shut in i iiiko twohisouita laughed iou l you mind all we havo to do is to shoot and a0ubom will coma hut margaret wis rosjly ncarod and groped her way near me to put her hand on my shoulden iconfesi ttro dsrkuonaand uioclaee ntumy air were far from clioerful i ijejjan to call as luud as i oould and not getting sny answer i cropt over to thw solid iron door and bejsi kick ng it will my heels after a momnt io top pod breathing hard from my oioroiso and then i hoard margnrnto voice behind mo saying i mtrained xny oars and from the out- judgxvuiuulioarsrmhliogthat seemed to come from far far away its tlin machinery i d cried itn after one aclock and they bve begun work again no wonder they couldnt hoar tin lly that time- 1 luul became really frightened and i suppose i must haro temporarily lost my hsttd f ntmutod wild ly until my throat was tore but it aeemad only to fill our oven trap with nouie there was no hope whatever that it would penstrato tha thick brick walla suddenly i was ataxtlod into silenco by a sonnd of scraping iron uodsmeatli uita familiar nolso to my ears some one hod pulled open tho great damper that shut us off from the urea in the cellar below i they warn going to hsat our oven what was that oxclaimed my a later touching my haul uh her cold llnjrora what did that noise mean bob wshe seemed to know our lunjfor by instinct i did not answer far with a sinking heart i felt on my face tiie cmt- breath of warm sir tell me hob i datnanded margaret tboy are heating this oven oreut they v bho had caught my wrist and pressed it as hard as a girl could squeeze yeo i i gaiod trying to ak bravely i rememler i felt tiist if i were elono i should notr care nearly to much but the idea that my little sister would have to die too put me into anotlinr panic a socoiki breath of air a good deal hot tor than u10 first fanned ray check i jumped up with a scream and beat and kicked apoa tho mugh brick wails and on the iron door in blind terror thpn ex haastcd i crawled along the floor to the place whoro margaret eau bho wan rrying quietly i could tell because whon i put my arm about hor i could fesl that nbo was shaking thoy will never never hoar usj oho nobbed don t cry m said i p uk- iter wet choek while i triad la aroui own courao 1orliain tiiero it another way i tried tq think but the heat had then became aim oat unbearable it ntung my tcxt6 end aoo 1 nod to huttycalomo onco when i toudied a place ou ono of tho tiles i drew my hand hock 111 real pam tiiero was no hope of breaking tho latch of the iron door and no one could hoar us though we put our mouths to a littlo crack at tho top of the dooi aod sproamnd i was surowe would bo baked my arm was still arouud my kilter and her hand was still in miuo as if she were seeking the comfort of tha touch ic was becoming hotter und hotter but neitlicr of us aiioke for soveral seconds than nuddcnly margaret started u and ened out eagerly toll me uob quick rave you got a piece of paper t i felt in my pooketa yoa i liavc an old postal card 1 i oxclaimed what aro you goion to do with it thoy can t hear us but we can make them sea she cnod hurry to mo and yonr jack knife x handed them to her and she began to pick at the bom of ber skirt with tho point of tiie knife wo nsad thread ttho explained citedly and if this h a chain stitch on tins hem wo pan got it 1 i tlgbkd a matcli anil it is bob it is alio cried i roohx ed that sho had caught on end of thread and was carefully ripping it out now bov she commanded handing tno the card putichauojsj tho curd and tie it through her voice was weak ram royowu struggle to keep my souses in the awful hast i kuow that she was uesrly at the collapsing poiul what are ou going to do with il i gasped the door 1 sho answered faintly dangle the card through the crack in the door 1 tbbn i understood her plan attast and crawling painfully over ou my knees i thrust the postal cord down the jittle crack between tho door and the iron jainb pull it up and lot it down cried margaret wltii a final effort and 1 jiggled the string so that lho ixiimr would dance pan tho wall outs do my head swam wih tho affect of tho tarriblo brat and it seemed ages t ml aro any ono cauia then auddeuly tho latch wm lifted the door awung ujmo and in npita of the blinding daylight which xiuroj in i could tbo antoulaliod fane uf old carberry baker eariug 10 at un j i caugl t my maters dress pulling licr tjwnl die iipoiiiug with all tlio btrajittb tliat was loft in tno aud full uut aflsr her iuto lbs old man 3 arms that is yh xiwy- cuin1 idd mr 1 cheater as he loukod round upon ua witli a smile that it waa a mfl w that koj t troiu being bakad ilka- a btsuuil an 1 that in u10 reaaunvhy i nay thai a fcirt a is tha in a light puco provt lnu the tnata la ullt oiiouih sir david bbattys reply in the album promnted to tho kitchener memorial bund by mru ian malcolm tlioqiiotauou oontribut d aliovehm loldy written signature by kir david beauy in sa follows rant that with cool and skill thin day i ho what mntodokitipoveit w commandest me to do rautthatl do it sharp at point of moment hi arid whcntdo it grant mo rood success fn it hir david ileatty lias done many liraio tlunga la his fime bat i doabt jf he baa over done a holder than m adopting th a q notation lor the four linen area translation of part of a hymn written by a german johann iroermano tho wntnr of a long list of hymns who has been in bis gravo in poland for nearly three hundred yearn v what we may expect to the editor judgirjgfrcfm what baa occurred tn other places that have adopted prohibition may reaaofubly expect the folio wi resulljl crime enpeciallytontasn willbe rodi ed throe- fourths i all business with tho exception of the liquor businesa wdlimprovo proatly there will be a very notable increase ii the number of savings ljnv deposits most of qur jails and peorhonscs will bo vacant and useles many old accounts that have been writ ten off as worthless will bo paid drunkenness will bo rarely seen and conseqnantly many unhappy homes will be mode happy and prosperous about onehalf of our pohrameitwlli not lo needed taxes espocially in cities will either be greatly reduced or sn will have mora and bettor improvements many men who are now nils and nsslons will find jom and hold tbem men who now jiva in rented housee will boon mo property osvi nolo af lutorrogntioi how it lookld to tommy a taai iter wai iryli j la 11 ij nu i plls with hho wrulu un- miiuiico whore jugoiukt tho hoard and asko1 lu y to rnad it loutuiy rood wham ore i u uiag khah chaugo at that setituio an aouio djirpjenco bet we e hul ho sh lu it ajnln lli mid look ljirefu lly ollyuu iluiibnnuoo 1 it and the uthoxa 1 u an i road it gain tommy wriggled bjk bi oitort u bo nhsrp and the kiiowhxilf shone forth fmii ho roal whote aro you 101m hook t own homes tiiero will he lasa child labor and mare children will ha bettor educated ami hare a better chaaco in life consum and nhr diwssseethat s csussd by wookoned resulting power will bo reduced many saloon keepers and bartend am will turn out to be good business men and roipeated citizens and thankful for tho change asylums for the insane instead of being over crowded as they are now wil gradually reduce lho number of inmates men will spend thslr monoy on uecessi tie for their own families instead of 01 luxuries for the saloonkeepers family fewer young men will be rejected a unlit to assut in tho defence of their country in time of war men will grow tailor and stronger aa thsy havo in norway not half as many babies will die before they are two years old house- of vice will become unknown they cannot exist without plenty nf boexs and tho filthy- diseases which they breed will die out degeneracy which moons dying out of tho race may bo expected to come tn an and and a better tone grow up to inhabit this land with bettor clothing a groat many will attend church and bundoy school who did not do so before wliat kind of a man ut bo who would not bnflg about such daairahls changes j ii arnott m b jtcvr jolly pine too it s a pity to put his overcoat claimed the fond parent as alio gazed miringly at bar young hopeful attired for a party in a new velveteen suit with loco collar and enffa oh itwootnuu teatd master montagu igiidriog the remark ma gored appre hensively eut of the window look hero montagu oh aaid tko this quarter and if ic rains wbeuyou cumo out of mrs liafoot s take a cab home klhtt ma remarked young montagu three hours later it was raining call aud dogs and the fund taa blosacd lr fura thought- but mouty returned wt to tha skin with the velvetocui chuing tn him a bathing suit didnt you coins hack lu tbo cab as i told you t indignantly demandod lhs uiothor sutvajiuguioapoctaclo withantar course i did ma raiua the excited anajtar it was jolly una too 1 i rudo on a box by the driver awkwafiuly put tha other day gentleman furuior hav nig run pigs fur aaia offtutxl to diituc of tlioiil to a i kirk butcher il taltar called attlio farm whore lola iruooedlng u lho yard h was liitroduood to his hual a daughters a gallant man is that pexkial ami una who oavar lets past an opiiott unity of pay ng npli d luitl lu ojl h of yes and nuw sir naid ho on loaviug u10 room 1 been your young ladies aad 1 m ioinj to boo your young swine aud if lho twtia much ullka thoru woo t to no dillirulty in uiakiopfa diul onli one oustaclli a beauufnl fuuuu lady in tar law ad a furtuns lailor en the utual subjects isily said the clairvoyaut you will flail foreign jouds and lhe courts nf kln luid cjuoeua yon utlll tamuar all rivals and marry the man of yutir choioo ho wil l lai and ilsik and orintocratio 1 ol uig and young v interrupted liio lady as and wry nrli i ho boauli fullady grasped the fortuaa tellri hauds an t pressed lh am liard thank yuu 1 she mid now tell me one tiling mors how shall i get nil of my present huuhuud twenty yeabs aqo ji prom tho issue of tho proo prosa of thursday fob 18th 1897 council has decided to build a so baton tiat bridge over the stream from main street to cooks survey on brock ave mr and mrs jamaa gibbons sen of the aeoood lino celebrated their golden wodding last week a large company were prescnt- angns johnston tun who removed to johnstown n y last year holds the skating championship for fulton county ny wt foil miss lotuo ebbage little daughter of mr the ebbege met with an accident at play by which her left leg wa frecturpd last week ah was consid ered tfbe re le gsti a on wednesday went out to enjoy sleigh riding with two or three cirl fnonds and in tlio frolic on of them fell afminat bar and the limb s niaiq froctored kurgical aid was moeh reqbired last thursday barly in the morning there had to bo a call to mr ebhagea to reduce endlive m their tho frsctnm to jiia liltla dsngtit limb sustained the evening before in a fall st tho tannery henry bower got his finger caught in a crevice and it was broken be tween uie second and third joints while adjusting tho pi an at tha deep welljn ttiesoteteather tannery mr jat mclam blackrmitfi by an unsuspected jerk had hfs left thumb didocated tba viit of thp four hill brothsrs last week to their homo here all of whom or successful artists recalls the fact that the loco studio has turned out artists who ere a credit to tho prof ohm on it was estab lished in iffp by mr i j o itdl now of toledo ohio bueceedod by mr c w hill now nf monroe mich t3o prosenb own or mr 11 bamshaw received hts educa tion in art here the following grad nates served their itmo ia acton chester t hill cleveland ohio henry v hill buffalo k w j hughes detroit mich chas t moore lancaster ohio cha a msttlidwa n y john mcclura hamilton george i lair jamestown n y ceorge thurston whitefleld n y albert adams at present in town mr and mrs ii i moore ire becoming comfortably settled in their one new home buijt during tho past year on the site of mr moors i birthpiaco corner of church and i redone k fjl mr j a bpetght and mum speight visited friends in marknam this week mr john mohxt son of mr c moust lefblasl thursday for st ivul minn rev ii a mcphorsooand tndoomvad home on tuesday evening they will re ealva hearuont chruuan welcome mr oo aguow and miss jessie iis- coby two of our esteemed young people marriod in su jamas church rectory lelph ost thursday avoning by hev bolt m a the happv ynuog couplowerp attended rospecuvsly by miss nallio hyndaaod mr murray mcdonald ltev ii a mcpherson of knox church and miss maggie laird ot hamilton were married in hanitltoa last wednesday by llov muno braser d x aaaisted ly ltev it b cameron north lasthop tbo bride was assistad by bar sistar miss ggia laird and ilia groom by lie w ex ouelp d s a j m mck nm stoenotu of tehiioiahck 1 hero can im liltio doubt but tiial from the viewpoint of practical politico the oomuiitue will cud itself 1q a strong posi uoo to carry qu ajgrassive work believod to t in cuutcuipbiuoa his true there will be noma aort of organ lisd liquor lutaroat atill i i eiitteuce lu lho lvovtooe for iuntouio il niay tie anticipated that the i iieiivo i victuallarm aosoclotion will con tiuuo iiitoclfor aotua uiuo but 11 aeoina only lojaouabla to suppose that from tho moaidiil pr ilnl uiuu comes mui nupt uft oftaralioii lujuor urganiutlious delorluiate aliko in lulluauoo and laocy from day u day tor tits siuawa if war will bo loukod for in vav trout the couicoa which have furnished tbetn ao largely and uvisldy in tho dsji tliat aro gono never sgaia will big funds be re laired from hotel uion fur tbo latter wilt liavo ceased to make tho teal proiilo whnli rondnrcd bi conli llmlhius uaaible moreover tlirro l no lonjr jn- existence in o lunu tliosa fourtoeu buulrel bars in iy f vulili have ten sorvotl tlto fuuo tiuii uf tmmlttee rooms for liquor lutareala tjhrawd thjtiuciana liava aalluiatoil that lu oluiuat any barruum ttiare havo boon from ten to twenty uvo solid votoa ready le be cartas tha liquor people dictate tnsomo cotfoa tlio n umber uf bulji votes is said to have beou much hilisr and ia fact to have approilmaled tu a hundred ihls kmd of lulluenco will now u a lhiiu of llia ul ii w ita ilanu t ill not do wall if pul in a xw beat wdl dry a i locoof uulimpnr bt af great holp nunni k sums i rout cooking uteuuil only a dad ooly a dad with a tired face coming home from the dally race bnnging little of gold orfamo to ahow boafweil he lias played tho game bul glad in bis heart the bis own rejoice to oeo bun como and to hear his voice only a dad with a brood of four ono of ten million men or more plodding alani in the dally ntrlfp hearing lhowtilpa and uie scorn otlifc with never a whim par of pain or lists r oy tho sake ot those who at home await only a dad neither nch nor proud mevvdy ono of thensurgjg crowda- 5 tnjav l facing whatevor may come his way bilent whenever theliarah condemn aod lieanog it all for jba lava of them only a dad but hogivoqfalsalt to smooth the way for his children small lmajr witli courage stem and gnm tim deeds that fall father did for hinx this is uioiloe iiat for him i pen only a dad but tho heat of men edgar gueat- foq yod and youb neighbors if you had your choice of neigh hers what kind of a neighbor would you choose if yon know just what attributes a model neighbor she possess penaibly wo might le fitting ourselves to become your neighbors the real article not the iceberg starch shirt a toy on yoaroamaideof the- fence kind of a neighbor but a real flash aad blood neighlior who could joy a u sudecsses and sympathito with you ia adversity well in j rai plane you say give ma a comlortable a man who doe not know and knov that he does not know everything the man who known everything is both a frond and a bore whilo the- man who is yet a learner in the wonderful school of ufa is p and companionable he baa loomed that his way ts not tho only way he has found for instance that there are many ways of planting- a hill of corn and that there are objections to all method and he has also discovered that in spits of this large fields of corn are p and much of it oomea to abends ne fruition then yon say give me a neighbor who u always sweet i v reaaonablo let me tell yon a secret soma people always have reasonable neighbors rea sonableness is like chanty it begin at home are you sweetly reasonable myour own home f are you at way p reasonable with your neigubora who may posmbly not be perfect t are you reason able with yonr neighbors pecnllonuea if he ia a man or aoytorce of character le will have peculiarities are yon always reasonable when it ijyour ax that la gor ed then you say i waat a neighbor who isalwajn sq if we give oar neicbbors a square dead the chanc are usually favorable for get ting square treatment in return good- noes sad honesty hare a wonderful way of spnnging into bloom when the dew of encouragement and njrht axamplo falls upon them what wo aro will contribute in no small degree to what our aeighbors will hecama possibly you will say givo me a neigh bor who ts not too religions no man is too reltjrtooa bat some men talk much at tout religion who pomsss bat little then who does not like the joy of discovery and who would not discover seme of his neighbor virtues by actual ejtnenence contact with him rather than have them paraded before him as if virtues were ever on the bargain counter true religion is somathiofj that ts desired eat penanced lived not a matter of dreu pararjn and emotion it aueots all onei intercourse with hts neighbor and oven bis thoughts about him- what i would have my neighbor become that i mua now be 1 what kind of a world would this world bo if overy neighbor were juat hke ms i ceorgow tuttle itaih oh spectacles one ehortsightod golfer asks whether there is any proscription for keeping nun lhe bete noir of the golfm off eyeghue lenses or spectacles herewith a prepara tion furnished by dr c a jaxtubraotford secretary optonxstncaxavsectateuc of ont ario glycerine 2oiwew 1 ox salt 1 dram- put in 4ox bottle shake well loisteu ploco of gauxe wipe over lassos making all strokes downward this also will be useful tor windshields of aulomobllee- wmy he spent wdono jack vrho was a sailor had one day been pi tiling oaino railings end hod nit under it whet xaynln a frtond of his coroijig along and know lu that jack was by on maa a good scholar thought to take tlto te out of htm and as ul you don t spell it that way jack but jaok onnworcd bma tlm well aburo dont i just know it ouly you tsso if i spelt it right nobody would notice it his wbatllett utet iwulodiosncro hurrying duvrn tha street lu the roiti carrying tlioir umbrellas low for irutcuuuu in turning tlio corner aliarly tbo mime of ono umbrella struck a passerby lu tbo forehaad jtxxioei 1 gasped the wamau 1 u kesp an eye uut m tlis future tlooduou l exlainisil too mau yuu nearly had uue out in tho iirooeut ihoro 1 uutbiug repubue lu millars vnrui 1 ovrdon and uiay are as puosant to ubu auiar no hint o hil ireu wilt re ln toko tliom lu aoiuo raottn uiay caum vumitiug tiiroub their ortlou lu ou usound slouiauh but thia is ouly a maui faatatioa of lhsir olsa using powor no indi catlou thai uiey are hurtful ibey can be thoroughly depandad uihjh to clear all- worms from the system a lliorouih pill to tleor tlio ntoniaui aud liuwals of imnuntios and unlauts is uocesaary when uioir otllun m irregular ilo piu thas will do this work unruu areparmelsos va illla which aie luudiiiollioti bul numbly m retults ibey uige paiiilopaly and ulfo lively aud uork apcrnianbntraro ttioycarfho usertwlth uul tear by the m al dalicatoly constituted on tliore oru uu iminlut aftoclo preoeeiliug tlicir iontle opsaeuon yv