Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1917, p. 1

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voltmic xlit no 37 ktctt ouuchptlon i u1 in j acton ontario tituksday mobning maitoii 15 117 t pnc blxa i e 8ingib copies pi vis cicnts lje xf0ii jfree 3rfss i rifsijiiinn uvbiiv tllimiloayuoilhimu 1 at tiia mii runny uuilmmt max ftnotbt tuna oy 1 atrwcminox u pes year waujt la idnooj blnatoaolaeriuaraldui wnori tho uma lor wbldi jiov ba boon mid rtorto oi inches mon par annum jo sets pr in oh soon tiiaarllon yearly eon tracts orial perincli seen luacr eit wu apeclfla dlroouous 11 bo lasartsd till ieiu ud enargsd wobara- tlr trs severussmsnta mm bs psla jtf wl11 ebaaeaa rim aacb aeeln u da ire ohangw oftsnar than all aooocnta oollseted moatldr n r moons editor end rroprlmcr isnfihttsa simtarp gray mrd c m mcgill yop e bimn ttiwag anoaunm bra oaf martrt tur ir j a ucniveff pb jsiaian nd bareeon osnes san ojtsmsxcs cor mill sad john to tns former ham of tbo fatff w h tjlarn aetna on veterinary ontario uraauals of onu rio velarloary collars ukx yiihihi 7m n call da or tuctil promptly alungea lo u0u a j muxinhoh lukaima baucrra oesrnrxasrcu osnas mill btros t ta parrrraan bloc wm a mcleah uarrioter bolltfto and rotarr pubus offlos ka t hi oct v j street unelph t mmt loloan cat uoo 7 v xw tvb jmbbu1 a aottax its offlos at ffssiaonoe corner bltsots hostes iaxmjaxa or taaosrj thlubb maasuinuo dmd tf d li l l behnktt dejntu3t mlscxlijrxqvs puatfi oib hunan liwnml book of all kinds mode to ardor prlajlji of t dm eaniallj bound m aiiuiaqe iokhbes h s moomi- jdnuoibfif no wltnsama ngotrad laniad raamaoaa la iha taolac k tor th oocatlaa of wellington irjpa paal and dsflarln bad tba city of uaalub ioti wlu akiufaouon iui npoa hua ooadui onlara by lattsr to ortoo r o- ox oajadim talapboa la ranjoca ta oooaaouqr wlui ib 1111 bairaarracmxiaaua4 todauaaddkdrar- uakur ao te muu onun ult 4 rsa rxxas dooa aston will raealva toitaadula t u i 0paaul aa to him ta alwd aod tioinjlj ituki ta oku as unrr d alex niven survey batxlivisiona pinna ro- porta dcacnption bluepnata etc certificates or purchaser ond inrt- frsigtiai burvayn for architocta boli- 3ortod muoldpal couocfla dnun- ajitoporta kstimatos etc merchants bank bldo aoblth pbona 10fh out j e chbbvbrs book dimdxr qptbm0tkmt atulpb ont hooka and maiajuoaa bound tn h ajd ilabataauaj unn tluaaa lmafd la pld oa lutoaa lijtnn book ad fitu hooka a wojk iromitlt kxxoutbd the old and reliable granlto and marblo dealers wm ax- maoufaoturara and illrait impottan of all klooaof moauniaataj attdu aadalotia work waaaudlraoatoouraubtoman bol ula ptioaa aaflflf our ouatuiaaiau par sn wt ht uia baat artolauoaa and iba natvmaatuiuloa lu ilia domtuluu who 4 opao ja dhumalla loou itottarlr wa n ktva 7acano from hoiulrao of our mtonn lu iroroot aod othor ile lu atliara haa to uw aulta la onlar to olll w baa uia larsaat at baat atock of unttula ih uia llwuinio or mora thao aur uira aaalara 14 in waat waaxa latiilloiala dmara ou atu pjoy no mkm and uu natr mimw karabr- hn lauumiir f rlara aiuplov omltaloa wjl and oafr aoipauuodib hamilton sons o- wrtou and ivoolvleu au uubw1i savage co uotnbllatuitl 11141 jewaixr glelpil the old and reliable wafchmaera and jewelers savage o guelph ont ir vov want warming up extrcrc with spirit and life buy a pur of boxing gloves or a striking bag glovra 150 to 500 pair striking ujk 2100 250 md 3 00 letterayirmtyarod promptly the bond hardware co urpltod fbuna una ouglprt if you bavo any guests at your borne are z ou ot tovva for a vwil or koow o any interesting nown let ns h6ar from you wo always apprecloto ouch favors phono u c g speight for uptodte goods silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and graniteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves svsby art1cljs ib op excbp- tidnal value c c speight mill strtcf axton see our new spring f hats y the couniict shape the newest shadeb pcrfecr mocjels of the latest hats out priced 250 300 r e nelson xsibna outfitteii aiitlpfa ontario robtnoble l1mitkd when you look at the biscuits t you uro glotl u beo unit tlicy nro juat done to n ninety 1 hey bavo lint beautiful buowv iateiiof ttiflt it tho result o perfect flour our llour teiiijt wltliaut fault in iimkink easily rrtoiija to llie efforts of tlto brcitii wad juistrj tok tlio lxsit llour unt 11 rally coaies out cst iu tlio huv it j l warren hanaqbh tttlkllomb mo 4o w6e bell piano built to last a ufctime the most sulbtan- tially built piano the piano with tho sweetest tone the easiest action the neatest case c w kelly el son 33 lower wyndham st guelph ont resolved during the coming year we will continue to improve every op portunity to better our service to those who need glasses we onind oun ovvn licnbies opticjat nqttn thitosr orrax aatajx jgucjjttjlm3i c btnnnnnndnoaopnpiatbin oood eeoondband cooking stoves for col and wood ciil heaters roz stoves a all kinds second hand furniture a foi qu in the red lilookc liaase poulrrnv n l starkman younq atnisirr acton anadqnanrjrjaahtiiuimn5 canada stand past iuarl frota l to wvo iaju of freincti alxonr and bravo koriu our fatliera vs lie lliyjaw divine ijyal heart thy pjnuidour auij- hoat od loat tltolr tjibulo bnny go jan lelu lliy cladtiyhtb all our lurs be ihlne- iiid of mddrfi waalui untold 1rajhea yaat uf wftioj sold mnuotainm hlc ature cold uudemel in wpite flruidly aitifrn lke lanflt wide iruudlyrolli th inland tide moiyiy dotii liio fml kinjf ride lend of our dellgbl iand tialomd for ever v jirtti in fajtli bnitvarily onuijoua in protjwrity te uiy kreatnaavcoujii ftece o canada bo uima fiu0iltl and majaety divbie lror on thee clory ebioo canada our homo n art union ncora uie traitor band sid a by aide tor boor laj hpprcn kocp your noeealr lod wullo tbo world ahall lul junuc toad uia a thy fight l iuio thy fuc in heavona light erap be for uatt and re canada bland faat c w chad wick nnnnaaaanaddd mothers bed ofheuotrope edgar l vineont m grand trunk ivtxx winter tours cpecial fares tiow in efiect to resorts in flor ida georgia jlorth and south carolina lopisanna and other southern states and to ber muda and the west indies helum limlttmay 31st779l7 liberal st0p0veks allowed tor full iuformntfon wnio to t c e iloltning d p a uniou btatien toronto out fi s- hohnes agent acton phono no 13 a good ally tho mnn who caves nothing remains ctxitlon- ary or gooa pohlnd tho man who flavoa pro- grtaucu money nxakoa money money out at luteroqt worka for n man and helpo him along the road to success itinhjji boat ally next to bia ability and integrity opca a mylng account with the bank of novascotia paidup capltaf uh kuve cuhu total wkuurcbiiu aooooo li0qooqo 110000100 jlttatfcms at actun ouelnh morval milt on nl strantsvula dnnnnnnddnndd ax loan od back id ida choir oral mtodftr taivmieaa not tlial there co9 not plenty to do tbo top of hla deak wm 1 high with casea that wore to be tnofed and ietun which auht to be aaawared t once along towaxd rdght a dark would come in look ob that bifj pila aod take moot of the pacjuges away to another room to be at tended to before tho days work waa oer waiootar found any fault whan relief of that aart came to hlrnt it vu all right he might bare worked hia way through overy hit of boaioea that had bee aaiifn edtohim if ho bad folt like it but ho aimply did not fal like iliie woa wild in bla poution some pull of on iofl pen ttal fnend of his fathers had aocared him tho place and ha was sure he would not be discharged no matter what might coma no could work or lot- it alone es he had a mind to the company ii able to carry ua all on lbs pay roll even if we do not do half a days work n woek and thea declare a big dividend at tlio end of tiia year so why should he worry he waa get ting pay enough so that ho could put a nice littlo mim in tho bank ovary week and then have now and than a bit left for mother and max often did that it was fcood and kind of him mother said so ho might hate sent her more but she want ed him to get the habit or aavlog bho got along just as she always hu since father wont awav oven though tiroes were bard and prices wore high max yawned his way through the day as usual the clerk came and cleared the lop of bi desk at three oclock so that there was very littlo loft for him to do on the tick of tho cloak he put oa his hat and wont out whistling a bit of a tune e waa really wol satisfied with himseir the world was going well with lutn ho was about as lucky a chap in his own etli mi as theie was i town down at a liule fruit itand ho atopped and baughlauaaketorgrapesand peaches how neatly tboy were arraugod j something about lbs whale thing made biro think of m but then ft couldnt be that mother had packed that basket she had act out same treea nod planted some viuim a fow ysjs ago but it could not be that tboy had coma luto bearing so ho paid for the pack a go and wont on to bis room to enjoy the fruit wonder what makei this banket smell so fragrant he thought when ho lad planed tho package down on the table it like heliotrope j0 iffiked about the room o see if any oao had brought him a buuquqt whilo be was away but none was m aiglit and all thatmetho frsgrauoo uf holiotropa was com log to him from soaiowhero ho lifted a buuch of a beautiful k rapes from the baskat and laid out a few peaches there it wei junt lu tho middlo o the boakot a sprig uf hollo trope ukeauaah his mind wont liack to tho bed of flowers down borne mother always had do much of that growing flhe lood it and he thought bo imiat hvr inaruoj to lovo it too frorn in mothers blfiug for tho door old tluwar hho always had a bit uf it ou hi tabla whoa u was ia blossom- it always keeps u face turned toward the auu max 1 it noomod ss if he could hear mother saying that juat as aha had a good while ago doeau t it make you tbluk of loyalty t it koops to trua i it koejxtso true 1 that was what mother eeiacted him to do bhodld not koow that thisbaokot at fruit with that flower tnakiug evorytliing so frsraut oor wuuld hud blui aay out heroin lb d world oicouro but that waa juat her way of sending a message to everybody who bought tho fruit from bar trees aod viusn and thoabaithad ruach d the heart of mas and touched it at wiut whore it van all ii tender itkeo3o trao i oor and oor motliar sworda seomed to come to him in tho perfumouf tlm luwero and he knew he hod not been jest su true bis devotion in tlio utoreota of the pttople for whom lie was working as ha igbt to huva ixxn to ouuio oilier ways too ho might bavo been more loyal u tho bast in ufa i am glsd mother did it any way 1 i will write hor now aud 1st bar kuow all nboutlu it was a long lettqr ho leaned back m his uhairoiica in a while to tait of ibo do llclaua fruit which had a caver now um waa uiiltba any he ever hwq toated ho put tli spray ohullotnio iu aaw end sot it where it would spook lu him as 1 log as it lasted ho wihel it were morning atliltrtho tliouihtha kuultl gu atrallil to uie olllos aod nuufuss unit ho had been robuug lio ann that was wliat it wnn it mo was muney and how aamafuuy bo had wauled itt hut- he finally deridwl tliat thn lietter way would ijo ta proo by ilia work in uia futuro hia regrot for the neflocb of lie past- tlie big bun din oi papers ram lo him m aiata tho next lsy lb lid been finih ed before tho noxin hour wonfyodank uciii tosoud too in an other lot of work t ho askod tho file clerk who looked nt him wilh wmn ourprv in idi face romamliorlng wluit had taken plaro in tlio days gonn by ye 1 mean it iora maksjva good big jqj too f you will pleaac r homotlilngslaa lutppened after that too somethinrs which mailo rnnlhorn heart glad as ahft workodjway with her fruit and lowpn out at thouluo couutry homo letters cimfc more frerruodtly from her boy now aniljjwaja thero waa a slip of pa i r it n just la help out a hit mottjer don work too httnhfiol seme bodyto help you and mothers bod of heliotrope wan lug gor tbanost ycarthan oynr bofore so that whan the time camo for tlio fnpt and tlio blossoming of tho ii j worn silo buvjod mora of them deep in tho hoart of her bankets than alio bad in tho past n truo 1 keep true i tboy aro calling to erery uno whnso hoart is mado glad by tlio aprig of purplo end ngrsoco of its crfurio who knows bow many hao been lunimonwl lo a bighor aonso of duty juit oa wm max woodworth let ue go for the day bbeaketh cqdooib 3220 ie go the day is breaking i the nliadows qoo away sow patiently and persistently tlio young man who looks forward alonj tlio course of life ia almost rnodo to deepair at tho mighty ntruggle tliat is befarr him if ho wiahen to do sofnilumg in life op pofliuoa m upon citlior liand livery yn dantry is crowded with eager workmen who strive earnestly for tbo prieaed the nun w maotatart forth nnknuwn aiil un sided to make- hlawajjecla that ui otruggle must be air energetio one and long continued liut is this sufficient reason far triving up n desiair surely not tlie higbost prices are thoso gained with greatest nftdrl add then too there is tins assurance victory is certain to all who will pay tho price onlyhavo endraje to jt nteadilv forward and many apparent obstacles will be fouod to bo only as tho images of bona standing by tlio wayside never play tho abjoct part of tlio craven and shirk tho world is so i0tjhty nays ono and i havo no ono to go to for help- i an sure i fhonld fail and iiav all my cflorts sad trouble for notliing 1 cannot lhink it worth while to make the attempt and theaioro tho actual words ultercl byan ahlo tjodiadhsalthyyoungcansdisa surely one with no more spirit docs not desert e to conquer the world mighty to 1k bure but for tills very reason the geld for action la much greater and tho pruea to be gained are more numerous and more valuable whoa once they are secured vou have no one to whom you may go for belpt let no one say thin in the fao of the premise of him who gireth abundant ly that thoy who ask shall receive alono no i only otrivo in the nght toko tlio truth with you into ovary business and altatrof life and you will tale with you a fraiud that stick eth cloaer than a brother tail there is no such thine ae failure to those who will go- forward in the right only moke tho attempt in doing eo there is nothing to be lost and erery uiing to be gained coltor fail a thousand limes while trying than to fail ono because of shirking the obiladea that block the way aro not really as form idable as they appear fnm a dstaticn- uichael iaraday tho famous sciantist who made hiswayfrom a boyhood iu0ia sluma of london to a manhood of mo poet- ability and worth was asked what lip gsrded as the chief thicg that led to hia sucoesa tlkora was really nothing remsrkabl about it waa his reply all i did waa to attempt and do tho vory best i could and tlioo wallet patiently fur the result let n awl t ulats of darlncai uilit of sadn tlshor in eternal day v ic ino fo the day in aod tlio momiof oouietli fspt uia4nig error and dsluuon irulh will trmmpl totlio last ist ronton the day is hroaktn aod lin clouds that gathered round all have rani tlied at my wakinf okpel trul end gnu abound ixt mo ro the day is break irijf aod tlio sngfll sped away flub bo left a glenoua blonaing jorob folt tlie commgday words of cheer and words of comfort hpokrn by the angel ware r israel i thy name henceforward tod hath hoard aod answered prayer wo would crave an angels vnit wo would wreatlo now inprayer iior tlie- faitli which bnngn tho blosaing qod can auswor every where mill ata m hluimastrr tlie abaa uomu was composed and written in 1s7 by mrs anaa m ilcraslreet ipandinotlier of tlio editor the manuscript waa copy pressntej to the editor by his mother recently as a valued heirloom it lias noer previously keen iubliah ed i- fcvrc ltirrg j jhle pbayeh of cyb vliejiropar way for it man said ifcsacon lemuel knjes and tlio only proper attitude is down upon bin knees gyros nnovm no r iliould say tlio way to pray wis rzzz5z2 said itev ib is staoding straight with outstretched arms and rapt upturned eyes 0 noj no no said elder bnow 1 such txmture is too proud a man should pray with eyes fast closed and head contritely bowed jtfleems to mohbi liandantonld be auaterly clasped in front with both lhumbs pointing towird the- ground hold iuv hr hlud lov your i fell in hodgklna weu head first said cyrus brown with both my heels astickli up my bead a piutln down an i mado a prayer right thpu aiidtheie rest prayer i avor amid tlie prsyiogut prayer i ever prayed a ntandin on ay head st ci have you ever been la a housa where otorylhing creaked where there wsa not a hinge that did not make an andlhlo pro test agaiost being diitnrbed end where from tbo sowing machine down to tho doer knobs there seemed to beacoalinual squeaking demand for soma missionary with art oil can t if so you must hare longed to bo that missionary latum loll the drops of oil just whore they put an ood to friction it is just possible that lhbfearo days when you remind yourself of uie bouse we have descn bod nothing goes smoothly nobody seems cousijorate or helpful your work drags tlie letter you expected rioss not come somebody bos mislaid the lioekyou were reading asagoneral thing all tlui inward frictica causes a great deal of audiblo creaking the complaints and fretting and sharp words lhat fall from your lips at ouch times aro proofs that eotnetking needs to be done the bible has something to say about the oil of gladness and this seems to hare boon designed for needs like yours if your heart is full of joy little things will not rasp and irritate you nor will will there lo any of that anappmg and scolding so mnch leas pleasant to bear than tbocreakiag of a rusty hinge uoo thm wonderful oil freely till the signs of fncuon cease and what is still bettor the fruition itself come to an ead so that your itvos swing ou sweetly and smoothly the dlrfeuenci well george said tlio presulont of tlie onjpn to old iooro how goes it tljair to middlin sir george answered and bo continued to curry cotnh a bay hi hero buss coorge said has worked fur you aixteei mo an suuldouly yoor well well said tlio president think lug a little guilty of ijaorgo a salary and i sunjhiia you aro both highly valued george oh v f ii iiiaatd ucore tha both of us was took tick last woak mud limy got a doctor r tlio buss but lhay jut docked my 1 allltlbut teaohqr now boys i want to flee if any of you can tnako a ouinplsto aoulojice out of two words botli having ilia same und u the ear irl boy lean mm buillb loachor very wall llubert- lt tirst hoy wright rlil teclier verj good socoud hoy mioahtnlth i can laab tlisu i can uiako ihrca word uf it wnjjtt write rikhl third lioy excitedly hear this wright wrilo rito nbl wtlcomh jttlljtiiahului i inlcrostiitr evaul oicurroil iu the bounohuld of en cnilneutauouust nut lunj- su i ho ptulcaior tlio moat prufc is very absent ttw inded vu 0 tu l time t ico by tho buixxl at uio li habaurloit bo li btibtudy eoiiio abstruio talcauti m irefcssur said umuursa vtry prouihy t a ty tbo rufcssor lookoil up half uudarotaud iugly well hold ba oak huu what bo n a side 0 big to uch uuowkltlnl from tho nli j mistaken beading a youth who was tho son of poor parents whllo only a boy worked for an otnployer whose library consisted of a few volumes devoted to seafaring life and included romantic aooounuef the una of several pirates tho buy tared reading sod knew nothing about the sea read tbeao books ovorsndover they fascinated him till lie licgan to feel that a life oa the ocean wavo was tho only bfo for bim ii made up bis mind to go to wt he wsa a persistent youth as bis after life showed he did not readilj yield to the persuasions or his mother to surrender his intention other influences come to herasaislance a serious illness proved an ally at length bo wa induced to go to school iusteod of to sea probably lie noter regretted his dec ston for this boy waa jaraos a tfarfleld who before be died had secured the highest honor bis country had to offer to him tho presidency of the up i tod jutes the words we read help to make or mar our future younn oarhold for all bis sterling qualities came very near wrecking his career through a title unwise reading an impure book msy loava an ludelible imjiressiun oa tlie mind so tliat its unwab coin piqturea will flash before the memory ator long year it is an easy thin to break away from tho nudasirahlo acquaint ance bus if oooe you have read an undssir ahldllkkjv qirjtitnqrjbroiiiul ta makiug you forgot it in a o thing do we need to bxercisetrood senso and discrimina tion mor than in ouc reading twehtt tears ago from tho issuo of tho froo press of thursday mar 18u 1807 the epworth league of the brick chqixh v tilled tlio acton leagna an tuesday even ing oa friday evening mrs orams sunday school class spent the evening at tho horns of mr henry townsond as a farewell to mus annio towuaend 0ns of the chun m ambers previoa rsmosl to manitoba ot the fsmily a sleighing parly of about twenty flre from acton and vicinit apent an enjoy able time at mr george lealfss 1st hoe enn on thursday evening last week mesira philip kaioy james modougal donald and aisx mcoregor alexander wsl lio jr and j p warden left for the west miss ada clark left on monday forglov ersville n v when she will in future re side mr hr ehbsgo lias obtained a good posilaan on tho tillsanburg observer ajits tens blair oi pana is vliiuog her outer bora william garvin of itockwood dropped dead whilo working in tlie bush oa moo day mr di id wren ia moving to his new hocnelu honaall bouj mtmiwax in lsquesinjf on march 11th to mr and mrs j a mcmillan a son m attn it d vila kyulu at the borne of tlie brides uiolber on macrh lotli by iter h a mopbcrson andrew vance of chsltoa ham to itertha daughtar of mrs james it v dor acton mcrlii uik ciieiui in lino on sunday marcli iilhmsicnlm m aged years 0 months tueuuildings ihhotftevldso munteidm capital of uruguay has 100101 an orduaure requiring tliat all bulldiuga be orwcted at least s2u foot from tlio boundary buei uiospt iu tlio buaiott dllflot wliero 131j foot spare fruntoga ust m allowed for walks ami arking and must bo froo entirely from slejn liolus ttodes and uruamouts ut1uz1nq till wjuhth sllnutks o succetuful work ii that winch u tliuughtout bofuixdiaud wlisu a woman goes down to h dmner ajid ugina lo jiliuor over tlio irstna ol tier took book it uooda uuthiiig uiore to show what aort of a aim is tlio icojdo whu make ibn days oount are tliuao who kuow wlten tlisy s iu the morning just what thoy are o iug tu occumpluh lieftiio ulghl vvtien oio learns ui u til to waste mluutos thinking out plsu ing weighing daiudlng tlio etcprt ia the sauia as if lifa igtlisned moat of u spond ouusidsratils lima on the street cars for exam jtlo many reail tltfpepsra to the great detriment of their syasighl others read the signs iuder rutitmon sud lara at uiair follow jmuueucor and a few bavo isarnod ui co ute 1 1 lru te their uiiiidn ut otuu vaied pnjbldiu und uiiuk it uul ui a aolutiun if uu11as1 our wutta lultniloe fgr thinking our waklug hours would bo vastly more alfw llo an i wo should liato niuxu timo for ihuuuh uiug recreation why notfoim tho habit t low priced title a group of wortiienera at a hotel in louuvillo wro picking fun at the partiality of southernere for the utles of colonel major and ju jge what is a colonel bo no bouts t asked one of tlie group and thero immediately followed a dtacussmn finally a colored attemlant wan drawn in wall gonls said tho negro deros lot sof ways ta answer that question is knuwod fulks what was bora kunuols it jest run in do blood fob generations an iso knowod folks what was ut appinled to be kuuiieu an jil uthors what waa made uou by bain kind to niggshs why genu any man dst 11 ves uie a dullab is a uuol to ia hucsfiui fohateh 1 what shu would do clisrloi dear uid youug mm tor kiua i am going to bo in favor of ovarii it ownership hat you t l matter sjiy thought vex intlfnyl h iro ho government ownorstiqi uf radrimuls i might be able ui tell any oundueuir who didu t liud me a seat on lbs ahod side uf the car tliat 1 wouldu l vulo fur bim usitolectiou wosteuto staruy uv fuoxy premier hughu lias introduood a bill iu uie bedaral i arliuieutof australlaiuakiug praoimun for wutuou dunncdad iu australia to mrry soldiers at the frout by proxy tlio lill was toured by several aiulroliau women 4 orgaunuuus ou ths ground uiob uia duration uf tho war was greatly disturb ing tlio normal course ofbngagouieuta it was argued uuvt pruhiuod atiianoon mad fur uiuctliumy and tliat luuiodiate mar nagd whoro dsiiruil wuuldmako tlie oai luui uf tho wuina aacuro and oatiuo her iu tlio usual searatioii alluwauoos vury mny huudreds of australian mildlnro llab mftmod lug bob gul wauwa 1 uguutl a desiro was expreasad alau by sol iiora whu did not expeut lo be away from ikjoio a lujig whau they eubstoil did exaiiiplo of tho h reach law was muib u itod tu tliocuiiuuversy a corrector uf iuliuouary rroublos many testlmjiiialn could be prosouted nhuwisg uio groat suioacy of dr tbonias eclutlrio oil iu curing dlsordnrs of tlio uaiuiatury prorassos but tlie best testl niuuul i aipcriauce and the oil ta recnui md 0 all whu nulfor bom theso donlsrs with thoortaiiity lliat tlisy will hid relief u will fluy intuuiiuatlou in did unmchul tubus f no other pisjiaraliuu uan when 1111 it bollrt uer ua llifl atuvs hptiuklo ui nuuie salt at unco 1ht will ountaraot tlui dwagreoable odor success ujjjte h toady perstslaooo in following one oall tng is what brings success iu life there must bo no switching off for ehr purposed uiough they may seem important for the moment theao days of sharp competition render ib e difficult to obtain emin once in more than ono direction to be in ad ranee of ones fellows demands a tbor ough knowledge ortho calling entered upon and an application that recognbte mo possibility sa failure unless boy of p- n m1 jl ill ilmniis omm in hi till iffn 000 tl pation tliere is little chance for tbom to suooeed compotitlon permits no halfway work in tbeee days it is necessary that the inclination of tho yoath whoee peculiar bent of mind tho ulblq of ability which he diaplays for any one kind af study or work should be carefully ntusmod labor that 13 distasteful may be well performed but not with that cnthmuaam that lifts ib above drudgery and brings tlio highest n access in ell ui trades and professions sharp competition codes in with a force lhat demands every advantage that can ba gifetit en lo insure prosperity there are twe things however which aro important to wards anccess in life and they are natural taste and aa education in the right direo uoo but those without poralitenco are worth little there to much truth in tho saying that there is nothing beyond the bounds of possibility in the way of achieve ment if tlie will is strong enough to coo linus working through discouragements and seeming failoaea doukhunorm oivk jam i unique gift fvnr uultcrcn made b hrttlcruint women oi polor vcrlglns douk- bobor nottlomont at brilliant b 0 near nclaon bavo donntod 24000 pounds ox jnm far jjsh in pan a for tho nucterlne onea cauood by this war tho gift will uiako a carload and is valuod at j 000 the jam ii rflado from 4rult crowa la tbolr own gardens and in noted throughout tbo country for its excoiont quality it ban boon declared to bo tbo finest jam in tho world tho offer wan con voyed lo pronilcr hrowntor by mr william blakomojo througb whom verlgln an noun cod tho gift air diakomoro boenmo well known to tho doukhobora when hu offlclatsd as commissioner in 1913 on tho d 0 jtoyal conimloalon inquiring into the doukhoborn prcmlor browntor has nccopted tho jam on bo half of tho prqfiooo and in dlocuaslnj with bb dopart- moolal beads tho best moann 0 dlft- trlbutlng it as it is nooalblu that the gunurouu gift in do largo tliat it la more than can bo advantageously used in druiiii columbia at proaeut bomo of tho in may bo uupplled to soldiura in otbur of tbo western pyoytncea tho clft is conflidorod notoworuiy because ortbe nonrcalatlng and anti war philosophy of tbti doukhobora this la tho first imc they bnvo taken part in any war artlvtty nnd tholr magnanimity nurprlood ovon thoae who know thembut in ula lottnr writtun at brilliant b c to mr diakomoro pator vorl- gin oaya mot very long ai o wo held ft mooting at brilliant to dlecuna oov- oral mattura oa aftur all tho douk boboru aro dooply grluvrd with bor row at tho rmiqoiit war tnd oupcclal- ly itoukhnbarwoiiuin aro com- luc to dreadf uln au thai thuro aro so tuany pooplo killed in thio wnj- tho community hail diefdod to dona to a email rarlo id of our pro duct jam fur uan lit canada forfluf- forlrjg ones caused by this war this will not ba luuii than ji00 pounds tho latkor part im con list of straw berries growprirt hrllllant on our owq land i oak you kindly frlimd blako- more to report our ollur to tha oov- ornmont ut victoria or to who is in charge df tlilu d purtmont no thoy should glvu uu through you tbo ad dreua whoru to eund this jam i would bo vury thankful to you if you will arrungo thin uatter 01 ua as it will bu uojjalhld lu u tiuttor way than oursolvia whu 11 you buvo arranged this quo ituin lib mo uilvluo ua with tonsluuiutlim to j ou i l llil vutiain huiefs ii10 bubbles lu a teacup follow uie npuor beoauao it attracts thorn just as a maguet atraqui atesl it is in tho lungs that uur blood becomes rod lleforo it gets there it is of a dark i hi r pis oulor grabaua broad has in it throe times as uiuth iron as white broad hut ooruuieal mush with ereaui is a very good winter breakfast osrei1 uiosllont gems can be made af oatmeal licoeior una has a cupful uf that uselul cereal utu ioit over tub uui be creauieil and lia u ramekins tins makes a v attract- ie supper dish hlfangloil with asuima is tho only oi presoiuu tliat soouisto cenisy what an durcd from this trouble ilia relief from j x kellogg s attlitua hciucdy is boy till d msoruro whore all was sulorlug ti cumrs louicuxt and rest breathing lectuirs normal and llie bronchial iubas iplelajy clfaij una unequalled mm ody is vtuithujany tlinch is ru a to all who use it-

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