Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1917, p. 3

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wair window curiam polei wo carry 1 prices aro r ni moidwk oil uau1i1aoc llchhtll1 izwujlu cko acrrtjm hynd8 ontaiiio farmers rimiii warrtinlikni demand that vh f the qnciwn of seed special attention tin y seed t dcsirublo vartiri u hl ermtrm hon power vill o fnctuni mllncdclar yieldi if you have not secured your geed jlet the o depart ment of agriculture help you formers having coed grain or potatoes for cola may forward samples to ihii office fttnunji variety and quantity nnd price farrocn wishing to purchaio need reaivjirrvited to communicate with thla offico stating variety and quantity fend an effort will bo mao to put thtnn iu touch witli farmem having toed for tale wrjto lo w f strong district representative burlington onl w ii heakst min o agriculture sto rtxnt giq tytess thuu3day march 10 1di7 jbbief local items tho snow to gradually diminishing fishing time boys in soother an weeks auction nalcd am becoming numerous agsin have jou applied for your share of too war loan jot the crows tn namtroni now end the roblhs ere coming spring coming sure tho boys aro playing marbles again sovno splendid stock has been shipped from hero dunog the week several earn of chestnut coal lara bean delivered daring uie week tho automobiles aratoalo furbished np for tho opening of spring sunday was a murky foggy day but monday sunshine dispelled uio mist mr tii oe j speight georgetown m hspdliog tho cray dort automobllo for haltoo georgetown council f propariag a by law to regulate- tho inspocuoa aod sals of milk and bread the salary of mr king cooper georgetowns now municipal officer baa bona flxod at 000 the displays of now garden soods i attractive kt cry body should hao garden tin summer not maoy people havo really altered from tho shortage of coal i but it has been mighty locooteoiout at timee thero mil be no special rates thr year for l holidays excepung to etud eata sod commereial travellers sjeigiungs getung thin now ttt aboat tme anyway weve had nearly three months of tc without inlermptloo tho town junctl of xlracocridgo baa decided to pay the twe town papers 25 each per annum for publishing tho council minutes bltaiegtot sotpreparoe for yourself this lummcr maple- mr walt 35 lots sailauc lira harold nickiia sang a solo at tho msthodut church on sunday with splendid voice and axprcaaioo it was much appre ciated by lie congregauon eggs am dropping rapidly in pnoe- they are down to 34 oenta this week by easter sunday they will bo tow enough to be on tho family bill of faro again listening oa party telephone unas and repeating the conversation thus overheard is to bo a pooiababte oftoooe according to legiauuloq to ppift the ontario tele phono acc a new record baa been made at the free library during tba but month 101 j books were issued by- the busy librarians da nog tho name month but year tho number was 023 it is now reported that lbs toronto sqbarban railway will be moiling betwoan toronto end cuolph on the 1st april- the wire men are now workiug between acto and kockwood on monday tmsniug tho members w miss ltllio t rsnkuio a hn inlay school claae pent the oreniug al hor boiuo sad preaoot stl her with a handsomely bouuj volume of whiuiero ioenia barlldgtoo council u having anch uvalyseaaiona thai the miiioo arc called la to quia the obtrjcraus moinuora ceuncil jars weaver awl coleman make it hot fr the other mom bora in championing ljo iuterests of oltixeua mr danisl if voung of lna toin ship has purchanod a 100 acre arm lo loogiitjf to ii e d h mclean aod losing the wcox half ol lot number ihtrtyonc in 10th cooocaaiun uf iijuealog towoshiji sle waa ujaito by j a vvilluuhty 0oortroi a ciiiaan t lisllaiiily ab lo piles of dnftoi a m that uj ou tho iilowatk in front of hii buuoo ua llowcr aveiiuo the othsr biommg wlial wuuui ycu take to clean tin wolk be lcl a lasaiuj school i jiy a rll ul milltu- aiii ilia arcliia a bo pi xdod uu to ncliool catabru cahnoful cured w ical aitlicvtions m hej oaooot readi ilie t uf uio iliteaao catatrli t a leowl jioao greatly moutumi v by cuuuuiuuual cdnjlnou nd order to cure it you muil lake so i uteri j renteily hells catarrh tiro i4 takj u internstlv aiul xiu ihruuu uia i luod che mucous aururoi ut uio ayatom if all a ltarrli ture wa procrtbel by one of u a bet hylcian in tliu ojuniry fir year it is eomood of aomo of tho bett toitcs koon oomblued with aoiue of the la4 purifiers the tieifect oomutmttou of the inirrwdiante lo llatl catarrh cure n w produoea auch woadetlui reaulta 1 caxarrh condluoua ffend for teatimonials jj chrnur co rrup lolodo o all druggists tia if all a family imii fur cmntipatkm hews of local import tho loairuora vialtlo goorgfitown arton i pworui iiagbem arrxunpnniral by the hunday kchool orchestra viiitod inorgfitona camgue on tuesday vcmng there wsre fifty uiree in uio party and ttev mr avivon the paitor liad fatherly tiveraight anxaioellant proraumo was presented by uio tqemlern of acton ieague wliilo thel6ergotown members entcitnin od the visitors right royally the oien itttff outing was greauy enjoyed uclplnff hod cross fundi the hullo of uio red cross fi inline uiair funds from whicli thsr purrliaao materials for hospital shirts pyjamas and other eoro fo rt for woundoj sold lorn geumg low de- dscided to make a dltoct appeal to uis people rattier than by uo mora indirect mean a of some form of entertain men t- i tho canvass was made last weak and uio cluxens ronponded generously nearly j tlo was received by the solicuorn coo tributlons by any who have been missed will u11 be g bully roceired aud may be coot totho face rt pffica tho bocoptlon at hm nlqlcllns the reception given bymrsa k and har oi4nickiio at uqfaioiy reaidenoo power avenuo on tuesday aftoroeon was a rnoafc interesting aod largply attended fuocuon the mesdamas fieklln received in uio parlor and were assisted tharo by mrs dr drydon and mrs it k nelson ouolph mm h b ilolmea and mrs james bytnod were in charge of the dining room and were sauatad by misses bertie flpsijjbtrand mao mock miss isabel mo niven attended at the door the floral decorations were camauooa aod tulips sovonth lino to bo improved ksquesiog township council has let uis con tructs far decided ixaprovemeobi to the seveaui line from uio actoo crosaroad to itoodersons school ueuso the comintr summer tho big hill at silver creek is to be graded and the deviation at uio creek is to be straightened to conform to tho concesaioo line a concrete bridge w ii lie built ovsr silver creek sod hills on each ril bo cut down to ao easy rrade ritchie nros actoo have the con tract for the grading and will commence work as soon as the frost i out their work is to j be completed by uio grab of june- the roadway will bo bads with brukeo stone aver the section referred to bov hr uuio3 locturo rev ceorgea litus baoi chalmsrs preabytanaq church guelph gave an excellent address at the k o b c open meeung but monday evening hsv jjr little is an expert on canadian history having made of it a special study ife reviewed uio leading sventa bi uio biitory of upper aod lower canada showing uio difqcaidea that were encountered aod how they ware overcome that confederation tnfght bo consummated his very interest ing re r low of tho charactenaucs of the loading fathers of confederation will not soon bo forgotten mr little is an exceptionally fine speaker his language is chaste the cadence of his sen tenons one and uio information asiimuloos to the study of canadian history tho mem tiers of uio k o b c are to be congratabited on having had mr ltule both last year aod thtstbo sdnday school orchestra coo tn bated some splendid selections and mr neil mcdonald sang tn good voice my mothers 1rayer principal stewart mr karl vincent aod inspector dooyes added words of appreciation of tho splendid eveatng tug board of educatioh now fjoprlng required in tho two lower booms or uio old building sdeioht ahd scott deleqate3 tho rrpu monthly i wft of the u haldol ljlurellon wig held on monday evening all uinminiljcp herd present aod chair man scott preiidod tho commitlse oa finance recommended pay moot of tho following aooounta tetonio hchwl supply co euppllen 8l7 it win jjrigga books for library 3121 iredanrk hmiui eleaxu vent i ho arton taimwigfo flue cleaner eto 370 actoo 1 bekfuk-i- repottcalds 0 00 ismeasymon hardwaro 3 woodall mekay brooms 000 i j haasaxd chalk and hrusltos 3 72 aotoi fuzk inti annual report ii co 2 do 21k1 coo x72 y25 tlu7 olohe pnnunri advertising uaiinnui adverunlog mtas pearl a tker lupplies tj10 herretkry war tax eiprea etc f johnatonaafo fraromg d a henderson wood eto j1iqh3 tlie report won adopted kx chsirmau pplght and ctiainnan srqttworo op j 10 in tod delegates to uio on tano lducauonal associaticio oonvtmtioo at toronto on april loui jiuiaod 12th tlie hoard arranged to meet at uio school at flvo oclock uiisaftarnson tooqnid r uio matter of reqoering the two lower rooms in tho old bmldidg and to decide sbout seats and dcika for ths proposed ninui room 104th battalion news laut wednesday a rob to march through thecaty was taken part to by uis lhui 10 fall marching order packs were worn and wery available man was present thousands lined uio streets and a very deofi jnterosb was taken in ue parade thin march was undertaken at uio request of tho hamilton recruiting league on the occasion of the visit to hamilton of the lieut governor ool sir john sgnard- of honor was man abuie c 3 ic stauon tho following needed r- wdobbtgj pte m kaloy and pto l lasdowu 1 regret to report that gorpi 0 w cook has beeq sent to uio muitary hospital suffering from tonsihtis his cojntsdes hope for his speedy recovery pto a anderson passed uio examine uoo in bombing at the district bombing school in toronto lt sunday uio whole of uio overseas battalions aod the homo regiments iu hamilton paraded to uio several churches where special prayers were offered an their behalf the 10 ui attended christ church cathedral where a eermoo was prsefbed by the dean rev dr owons on christ the way to cod 1l cbnst tho only way 2nd christ the abort way 3rd christ tho safs way itv capt woodcock chaplaia aasviled iu uirfsarvica on tuesday uie battalion was mspeeu od- in u v ul 1 t j v s military notest ito h corfllsb wlin was reported miauug ypl 7 tli is dead deceased wajlft rosi denbof iiieuwilliams and went oversea with tho 70ui batt ho loaves a wife iu lowland bugler joho l moore of a co 23nl reserve 13auallon cl1i now wiui hh batlaliou at shorotism by sea itulur m ooro sa ya uiis la in huiwi 011 uie border- of uio hoa ui i tho bouto of i bo uutun ho aaya thu uallj severe i ir an obimary ciiiiuci caueiujn harles cameron son of uis late james cameron acion died atux homo of bis dau mr w j cairns dinuha ill on uiqjrui robruary ha had been in failing health for the past year fcnd lo jan y bulfared a atrpko of jiaraijets from which lie never rallied mr and mm cameron went to california from their 10 in uttoiotor ontario four yearn ago mrs dune foil dioj littlo ger a year so ami mrs caiunron rundod 111 acton many yea an i were highly evleomed by nur iitiun tho surviving ntoniliers bo family aro mrs w j cairns and mrs r c kiuer dinuba cal mia a c murray kan fraiiriaco cal jantoa st pilot ilnlt aaak and k 0 at chicago mrs c midgloy of vancouver and mrs joseph lutterell montreal aod mrs an dervoo mrr l ii arms and mrs thoa christie toronto are sisters mr cameron was born near utreetevdlo abd cuno to actoo wiui his parents when bntia lad nassagaweya mr henry hortop has sold his flour and chopping mill at kilao mills to james harden twn acton who gat josseuuon next wook tho messrs harden give uioir farm at hiluburg in part payment i mr tboet btorey jr of aoton had uie misfortune to lose one of his horscn from j paralysis mr 8 lore y cams out to draw logs for mr nail patterson on friday l morning and tho horse took sick and died there sunday night ilugar making will soon be uio order of uio day thoao whooogajo 10 that busi ocas are preiixnng now for uio opontng of tho wood chucks bio coming to bfe again after their long sleep this is an indicatiom uiatspnng will soon be hsro 10 eunng birds sro coming to cheer things up social aud personal r r mr i j 11 too koiinoy wan hnnio fram kitchrner una west 11111 ii hievanv of nawtoo brook open toey in town iln and mrs james carnslian vtvlod frismla llr nasiagawoya lait week miss lean laylor of alloa visited tier fnodt miss ag is scott last week mr and mrs joseph uolmos made a week cud vmt with nenda 111 toronto mlaaoa ixilaandldnabalaiice of jeor town ijiont jjunday oxslr jss carnatiao a mr brant havlli lift 00 tuewlay lor mofitreaf to tako a poittion willi ha dominion bank in that city mrii tluncan mcikiujall of toronto spent several days una week at mr uugli mcllouffslln frederick slreol miss 1 lien h to wart- of llsimlton rpuirn ol homo on tuesday after npendiuf a couple nf weeks witli actoo relatives mr john kenny waain torunu on mon day at tondmg ths funeral of uio late mnuj darms williams formerly of georgetown mr and mrs ii j ifraukum liaift gone to winliatn to visit their so3lhera before ptoceodiugfo tisi ristan to their now 1 omo mr james kennedy formerly of fioorgt- town died at his home in toronto laal wook and vasbaried in toorgotowp on saturday mr aed um a bishop and family havo romovod to wei land mr bishop who is no experienced iardcnsr lias a positioa in fho nurserica there m it c stevens who went lo toronto last fall to spond thw inter with bis mar rnddauglijtrllcrcia very ill on i not hkc lr to recover the old gonueman is in his wluiycar mr james henderson who wjnt to the jcnoral hoapital fueljili last woek for treatment of an affection of tho jaw haa returned and tlw trouble u raiudiy dis appearing why woiuerj to lydia pinljiam mcdi- dtno co- district boprcsontotlvoot hilton lver ainoo uio spjiointmenl of a dis lrict iteprenenlauve for helton county milton has hoea endeavoring to havo that town fixed u i lie location for his at ho msoelug o uio county council but week the folio lug resolution was paaol on a vote of seveu to nix that this cuun oil behoves uie liutc iteprcne tit live could serve uio inteienta of tho agricultnr- miii thtscounfy to a better ad vantage ty living ra a raoro central part 0 uio county aod that tha a minister of agricultnm bo requested to have bis office changed from bar ling ton to uie town of milton worm ri who aro v ell of u n nik aro thn lcttcro whicli ui 1 11 1 i i 1 iwmra modicino co arotuiitiiiujlly pul lijunj renuinot aro tliry tmuifiilf why do womtn wnto tuui j turj in uiawrrwo nay umtn vtr hnn wo pnbuahod n fictiuouu lutu r or mums ncivor knowiujly havo wo publiitlnjj on utitruuiful itttir oninu lilhout uio lull and written cot mtuf uio woman wlia wrotfl it tlio rcaaoo that uiouiandu of wncn tnknasl pnrtnofhlm wrardxy wntomch grotoftd itittcm to uio ijiho 11 jmpiu- hajn modicino co 1 1 uwt lytlin r mlc- haino vc ctriblo o mjioljid haa brought health and fiappinai into unlr hvia oirco hurdrnrd wilii pnm and ouftoniii it has nln ycd wonicn t ram twinili of tiiowomtforwi of f mnlo ilia fromiiin- plafmcnl iuilammntioi ujc muon irrcitj until i ncrvouincon w juiticjli stornapll txobloo am fram tho blurj it 10 impossible for any oun who in wall ind who has novrr bnitrrcd to roalljfe how thco pctor fluffnnj inin folwhui roy ntorcd to hoalth thrdr kern dcnlro to help other women who aro ouitcnng oa thoydld i ehrly j i spring style showings j g at macdonajds are replete with fashion interests am dcpittfnctit are iiow diuplayint ropiouh new hpring slock b and rcvctlinf the di itipfjuihcd new spring styles originality diver ity and ilimplicity this g 1 tho kbynou of tlie itylf itaation 1 he divefity of styjt tin m ion 1 one of the moit fratifyin fitures since it 1 consequently an cahy matter to choose stylci hccotninj to lvcry figure kichnrs of matcnal and strikitifj novelty of dcsint ire noteworthy ch iractcri tic of the new fashions sport wtiaz styles will thn cion reach thu zenith of popularity and novel character e ourrcaciytowear dcparlnicat 1 showuifj a magnificent aicmblaeofwomcn i ind misses new spring suils and coats these afe clever typch f the most s authoritative new fishions di tinctive creation hi comprehuniive selection every model henfii proof of macdonald price reaspnablenci- a well aastylcuupcnonty now woah folirlt- nnw drr- fnbrici now suitt isi new coatioj nuw 1 nmmlrign now ncckfixingii tlico nro among other ilitcrc ung neiv thmft to cojin mid 10 hem tiu wcek- now 1 mlirpideiiei new trsot 1 new glove t macdonald u will yoowecept our cordial ijivitatlon nrw wallpaiters new luraijiing3 for tho homo wyndhnm macdonntfu and card en streets e maedob i bros gdelphs leading and largest stobb guelph onl a tebswater man who was hood 10 ail 1 coata for cutting down a treo 00 the public highway failed te pay the amount as a result is loading ton days at the county jad new wonderland i fniday uaiich 18 sainis i sinners- i ssn baturday fflakcii 17 louiso iovely tn the gmsp of tueapay fflanch eo piaale indoor tho irooila tho trm inpti of tho laughing musk wednesday hahci1 ia the lush with muriodoro pnlday tsalich e3 m cooimon i clara kimhai l law young prom tho novel by roliert w hiamlwm thia excellent fnturo will bosliowu uijlo time matinee 3o night 7 30 and q ii oclock so that tho children will imvc a clnnco to see hits picture uio prtco for tho matinee will bo children oc and adult 15c end at night children 10c adults 25c r il gregory itfeelotmmking fir a horwlatheucldisworthtwo gr in ihr lurn yoo rant prwrut t dvrpavffl itib tb putllujrjruirlionelm i far- tsratiat 7u am pa awnx these iroablcfioni kerplnr borvnla uie iiara nrrt kng yoo can fcet kendalls spavin cure tanr liuitltuiat jtsbolllr flforssnd 1 utlauillciirr tlotiiinaoffnit h 1 i itrmrii lll av ml out ufc tiotucon tlurltorsa tier 1 1 or b j k ma ail co easaawrfl ralla gaatoi form opona apfll loth opan all yaar vj j elliott principal to investors those who from time to time have rcjwjnby tieijbihhsfg investment may purchase at par of mm debenture stock in sums of 500 or any multiple thereof pnjiapal repayable lot october 1010 intcrmt piynhlo lialf yearly lt april and let october by choriun fn- of ijtcharoto at any chartered bank in canada at uio rato of five tr cent per annum from the dato of purchase holdmi of thui trtock wiu havo u111 privilege of burrcndenng at par and accrued uitcmtt tui uio equivalent of caah in pay ment of any allotment nuulu under any future war loan issue in- canada oukt tliaii mi loun of ircasury bilhl or other hko ehort date docunty iyocccdji of thu otock arc far war purpooea only a ropamikjon of onorpiirtcr of one per crat will ho allowed to rocogniicd loi and hukl brokcrn on allotmcnto mado in rdpect 0 applicauoni for thiautocl which boar their stamp i or application farms apply to uio deputy minister of iinance ottawa uc aiiyuuiisuiiciui cuuu 1 tho soap with a btandord famous bou ui duwu wiutrr h itocn uu iiliali win tor a nolo xo uio 1 1111 1ulis rum cop llobt 1 id 00 of u luui cm j o ut loniiun in ayi hut father 1 u hi uo rank au t n a 1 mini box of tho ijulti i lattaliou tl oy bad id le ut j in iiidnn limy woae oimi iu scot ian 1 wj 11 led hjialurj al liked scu d tetter than tiolstit liobly miuii hi i kirds to ill the a clou ty dj klhi1s sales lltunulay ilanh isui ll mtlviu iy 1 nn ius w u nnl oy iianh itfth luuiol whluey nasiabwe fa friday i imrcli sid- 11 ihiley kra uioaa in lludd in uio salo ia ss w moiday warch jtllh- brack luy 1 tuesday ilsrch 27th ills uro miinoea tuesdav march joui joint and joseph welsuu stuesidu thumd ay march jjlh jsinoahtaoduji l fed ithwet feet puldnd should be preventeo oy wearing rubbers rubber farm shoes or high mbber boots through the slop and slosh of spring you con work better be more comfortable and enjoy better health if your feet are protected by rubber footwear bearing one of these famous trade marks jacques cartieb mehchants maple leat gbanby daisy d0him10n canadian consolidated rubber co limitlo largest hascfactsrf r ef ftatatr coeds lo tha qntiih em sir txectrriveornas honmiiai pjj seveff lacce uptodate marupictuanc pjuttb 1h camada a seuvice ililalfclles amd wacl110usl3 tlliujucuoqt cailasa maa in sonltht soap has a hih stan dard of jmnty which is backed by a 3000 guarantee soap has no standard tbcro is no reason why it should always be of uniform quality always contain the best materials or vfs be anything ukc as good as x y kxvww 4w now on 6e market clntrally l0catep building lots at prompt salt at very reasonable price 1 chooe yours today tho now mapleltu lots in b lclih1 tiilmlivituu with 11 miuibcrou1 hulldidf iw om to piirchaeru wulo mncts u d chi ihotilbuii huilduig uiii 1 in ovo y tollur ir uuppllod piopcrty iuil wiitcr c 1 il obtainable for full pjrttliiuri jj to pricct term ctt oradlr him at wingtmui out 1 sboolu u uiulpil 1 robt wallace actoa w ur lubsgs bk delbgm te overwork lack of fresh air mental strain or tiny sickness disturbs their functions stubborn coughs tear iind wear the sensitive lung t ic j kliui an i j should be taken promptly for hard coughs unyielding colds 6 or when strength is lowered from any cause lb high nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sick ness the rich cod liver oil improves the quality of he blood to relieve thecold and the glycerino is soothing and healing to the lung tissues rciwajcoiksahihtidcswm young men are rrowin more particular about dress we hive prepared forog with spring styles that are unusuilly smart and nothing less than wontlerlul jn suits o coats hats caps mjfoveshosesmrlsijqqlirs- and jkeckn eatyetc we invite you to come up on sat urday or any time at your convenience and see our new stock in our new store george wallace 20 wyndham st guelph ontario s kreicr co acton ontario amonnce a clearing- out sale for 9 days m m saxes old stand to commence ffriday mabce 9th nul will 1 ft until 1 saturday mab 17 watch for our bills kreiger co mjll street acton peerless water systems we are the only firm in cinad i who manui actuhe water sptems we m ike our own tanks hand pumpi cleitnc pump- withes and foot vilvt no other company iu c inada dqes this when v guartntoe our goods we know what wl ire guaf niteeing head this leuer and write for copies of other lettt rs and booklet i bo idolm nllatik 1oit attbur july ia tjio i a afiur atul nutloiul 1 luenl co toiouto 50 alt mi i st 1 o attliux out ijtr bir fctluii thut ym would l uuaious i 1 know vhut ni opinion li if tbo 1 eerlea y torn whit1 1 vu iiiiul cd ul l my an muior vm at louu 1 uko nix lit u 111 nl ill upu i this to toll yoo that it u tr llit satutnuq ity iu vry feature 1 havo no m cans of k low k h lo uut pre iuiu ui tho cm 1 ot the pjpe liiui i lilt i d 1 ltnw unit ui tli bun imi nd 1 f tho lillo udllib i ollld i well on to too foci t 1111 tlio tank tho pics uio 1 mill 1 illy t t to llliow u llwjo 1 tr- uu over 111 y h tuto with uu ul rproi u iro ol 11 pound 1 ut tl heutiiuc i write this icltn mil iiil i tod motvly 1 let y u know thai l04uluoii iii mil pi eu d wi thtllo outm y uis v ry t ruly t ilo cltj aim 1 1 1 wrut for ilt riiivt booldt t national ktjufpment co limitej lit free onrcjut ot 40 wabash avenue toronto ml uk and a u yoljiriikalllt uot 1 lilt iuklli inti buy madeincanada goods

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