voumis xmlno 38 livery uubscilpilou i m lu ajintt acton omaeio tmitbbday mounino maiccii 22 j17 singiic oopiiss fjcvis cunts lje jactoit ifrcc fjrcss uvluy til khijwuohmihci ittrj imlk11 jlulluintl m111 hrnsurr actow owt sulfai ico pw sutiacrl lie rati inuaerlptlaoa disc rthtly 1 1 united hli ah qlwoilptlatia diseoatlnasd wqea uis uu for wd loll u hkva beef paid iimeiplrea- thedautewhlohevartsbbecrlo on la paid i denoted on unminnvbl axmnrrutima 1 urns trmiunl advertlso- jhul id mdu pw horiparalt una lor flrsl umtloa and 0 ctau per lloe for eeh anbse- aaanl insertion cdatiaoi display sdvsruse- mjwu for co or inches mw vmubkul tfariaidl-eakasetiiint- entree la arfcung matter 23 oauu par leeli seen inser aanrautaau without snecjno dtreeuans i if u fa chugtd aooorf- fatly truaianiadvartlsemaaumust be pekl j advaooe adnrtlmnmiu will be obvuai ones acq inonui a desired jfer cbantae qtudm than menllooed ib extra oompmlllon aiul m paid tor at raculax nt all aeeoanta eollected morjlttlr n r mocuiq editor and proprietor savage co ustattlflhod 1040 jeweller cuelpi1 the old and reliable watchmakers and jewelers tfsavage co ouelpli ont if you want uxcrcne with spirit and life buy a pair of boxing gloves or a stoking bag gloves 150 to 500 pair sinking bag 200 250 and 3 00 lttaro annvqivd iranjduy the bond habqware co ulrnltod ihoae 1013 qudlph 90 snsinrss fflirtdorp t hos gray m d c j mcgill l jl o p emraoaan l f p ah qumow f ujotmb mgotoax awocuneji pre ofjloe rredarlek b treat aston oat f fktt j a wchivbk jlr llysieloa anosarfaon j oman amd axaismic qnr ulll and john 1 pmca u oria w ham ot tti uu w u flioret juh- aeton out veterinary vetbiumaly buaanow aotoa onurlo oreolaalenf onttrlo veterinary ooflaea ifflo offloeaarthura block ltluanoo will u 011 day or nifht promptly aueoded to zjcqam ml j mxokinnom huntrtt bouartos oostrsiasraaa pig mill atr in isrryman hloafc wm 4ucleah lrrllor uollutor kiui hotary pnbllo offloko uclwuj 1 ujock doo1m ttrmt momy to lo iuu c apmui u- xvtftx dtt j m ueiil dd 8 ld a umitrtkg jwto ttiooa ua so auvt etoao jnutotra ox taaavto unnumr tb ull ulmulml0 omrf u dmltkl mtucsuufxous f 121anci8 nuhan noauuujdsu tvyiu3titu bt intlpli ontario utr vvuiuaa htr iooomn books of al ktnda mad u ordmt ptrlodiaaoaoiararydwacrlruotioarciolljboabtl bnllcmailtvi cromplltilona h aiatnnntnih ues u t uooiia pmataoac tioltaaaaar4blrad lauud raaadaooa la uia ctanina r ptw offloa acton ft j kbhu llqkyakd atkmoajxxa ror ui oonntlaa of wellfonwo najlos pal aod dnffarin nnj u city ot udblpti salaa 000 duo tod wlu aatlafaouoa aaa upon raaoivbla tanu orst tr letter to oftoa p o or oaladaa alapboaala natdaooa in ooaacuorj rlui tba dau wbanmufunadum to ilauafbdadvai- alalnc oa b loada ordara lari at pum lmaa tmooa aalon will rtoolra immajula attanuoo llpaolaj kltaiuoa to aalaai lo asma and tlalulty vlaxa to liix cut luxr d alexniven sarvcya sulxlivimpnn ilaus re ports xtescnptionn blucprlnu otc ccrtiqcfttca for purcliara and mort ffnjtoca burvoys for archtttcts bull- dors and municipal cougclli drain jo ro porta ultimate etc merchants bank bldo odmlfh pbooa 1o0 ont tpjroisnro can a04 j e chbbwbrs bofu dzndifll y qupobukaal ouvlpiwont lloukauid uaialnu bound iuhaodagauaaud aqbataulul ootxra namaa laimtad la bold 00 lulilaa uymtt ikioaa and olbar houaa all work fuomint lxboutbd the old and reliable granite and marble dealers vv vu uu utanufaoturnra aud llij lultoctara of all knitnor ueuiuruntjoah mjlatuna urk wa aall dirat tu our auaumian al liuu bja uci uia alug for biiatutmia 1m bnt w i it u tt 1 llkuaoa and ula only niacbatilnmij ilia ikiliili luu wh oau ow uuinalld toola proirly v o0 lt rvfmvwwjrwbliiiii irada ar onr ouii wm jn turoul 1 otliw i lcaa wliaia otliai liao to hao1 u mulm in mlr ooluot wo dv i in uruwi j 1 l t of nratitta 0 uia d0111 1 ril 10 o in ir hii auy tliraa doalra lu 4ti val waio lalimjt dafft an i tul plai if you tiavo any ffuesta at your homo are going out o town for a visit or know of any interesting riowii let ua licar from you woalwayo appreciate socb favom pbooo i c c speight for uptodate goods silverware in tableware fine vanety also fine cutlery 1 hardwire tinware and graniteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves c c speight mill strut acton y see our jew spring j the correct shape the newest shades perfect models o the latest hats out priced 4250 30t r e nelson ibbno outbittleit qaalpti ontario robtjsloble oiaiitauuiiu ioltuora y tuputiaulca our aod df hamilton sont when you look at the biscuits m you ara glqd to nca lia thoy to jut tloitfi to u ufcoty 1 hoy liitvo that bnutifillnnonrvliitciiur unit is ttia fcaiiltof l perfect ftour our klouit bciujf without futiltin muklu gaally rcniionu to the ccort if itio wad ami puatry took i ho itat hour tint tirally mmca owt twit in the buk j l warren rlaaobii builuqjlaslllfhlme the rpost substan k tially built piano the piano with the sweetest tone the easiest action the neatest case ptay dalli tliia oorltlj a dlajnoiid vriui tlio lao laid r t ami on it 4afl crul fuao ot ball is play od tho loauut arc human uoitig vorsun falo autt tituan tlio uoiljiro wlcliiu by liio lial wova at tlio ixit- our purimao o ar auj 7 o wield ambiuoo a club and try to ncore la try lo aolra ui purvtt tbo ptlcbor aud lata tba apbora wiior ool a tlttldof tfooa utoo of taa aou u lat vui skill jmmoiiao koockftifr louc baara qo alito uop fielrf otiioro bunl ibfioul bila lut aujdly raoo ami boat tbo ball duwii to u10 iritaal liaaa uullotbora tbougb thoy atnva tljair imst bo diiulit iiajj wddly at uo ajr and uionilriko put tban aaok tbo baocb downcaat witi viugo drawn crajauallon bapofaood bl mbiuoa on raff tbo urfpjre growllosr like a hoar you robber 1 tbat decision wu tfair i tbata aot tba gatno i bo not a jtoaeb or ajgnilior 1 whafc though jqro not a fltndftbtiloo bittar vo fol anotlior rhanr butod to tba orab tight your bat got braced and calmly wait t cw kelly sor 33 lower wyndhjan st guelph ont resolved during the cominf year we will continue to improve every op portunity to better our service 10 those who need glasses wdonind ounqwn lckqe3 aminoaddddaa nan an m oood aooondluuiri cooltlnir h stoves por coal and wood caal hcatcra box stoves o all kinds second band pnraituro n for snlblntlmpotlbiooai fao q pooitnv a ctahdojd rocnol kind of uw n poultry n l stabkman 5 youno qtheict acton grand trunk sy winter tours cpecial fares now in effect to resorts in flor ida georgia north and south carolina louisanna and other southern statei and to ber muda and the we j return limit ma liberal stopovers ed for full hi format o rriio to horning union mutton toronto ont s holmes agent acton phono no 13 service by reason of its wldcnpread brmocbea in ovary canadian evince and in newfoundland uaica cuba porto uico ilon chicago and no york fjila bank la enabled to fiovido cxcoptlunal facultica 3r economical and speedy olectiuna t4ie bank of rot scotia bau a savincb department to ovcry branch la canada and depositors are assured in oat careful attention a com plots service lit given at eacii braucb of u the bank of novascotia paiiiui capital t moo t lmvk tlftl is 000000 turallufouuljljani 110000 00 ullanchbs at acton cuolnb norvab milton and stroohnulo wait for a rood ooa lal tbo olhar rip and wboo itoomoa now i lam it liaru aod up i its got to so 1 aad ao must you old uiko or uia baao kaop galue yea you xao i btoal nooond 1 oood 1 kaw caay not to ei 1 thare 1 jet a lead i a lilt i now youre away 1 keep on ioa t atop t loo t loao uiat dandy auido i youtdgot to beat tbo throw in shdo now i 1k1q i hurrah j you did it 1 boorot of oourao you acorad sao therob your tally marltad up oil ibo board and now joajl win tbo jwiid- ifb doubl at all 1 you jaat can t loao old nuut if you play i1axl i by paul waat road it again thoraa a ftennon tbaro- jnnnonnnnnnpnn a a a a p d a a a question of speed jauci wnjjau jaluaayi rr n dnandaaanoann yvile tbu lot of puolia tut tom 1 mr ardbam will bo round pratty juick aad im afraltl be baa tbo idea that you ara alow tom ilarcourt who was rolling up hu aleeroa flualiod at tbo yardmoatora remart a questioning look on hia faca lod tba yardruattwr to toll turn a littlo more mr nardhani tbo owner of tb lumberyard wherw tom worked bad aiiod why ba was half art hour luto tba day bo f ore in deliver na load of lumbar at thompson a new hoqjta i was blocked by a long- freight at tbo croaaing tom explained tho iocomo- uo atalled for uftoen miautaa and tbogatea wara up and tho way clear wban ijr gardbam droro by tho yard maatar intdrruptod abaitiiy why did you k p and leavo your team atattdlpg idlo io tbo atroet ina of m ojantt a hurry order tba boay yajdmaitarmotedrou without waluajj for an anawar tool drew a doap breatlr it wit dtacofiragidjr to liawa tbo bead of tbo jrm question bia oqiciauoy eaecially at lbat- momant for a well bailt wh flft r mftifir tions bid only yattarday applied for a wagon tom feared that be was to bo puabod down another peg in tho iodua trial acala ia had boon a clerk with good prospocu in th oilloo of tbo valley foun dry com pany until tba comrwuiy bad gone out of buainoas work bad boon acarco thou and ha had boon glad to gut a job driiofj a wagon- poailiona were atill acaroer now awl tb a thought of tbo people at homo who ware dependent upon bita tbo young fellow wcirnod over tka appareat disfavor into which bo bad fallen wjth all bin liaart bo w tubed that circumstances had not ioyed him auch a trick the day boforo ho bad lift tho yard with full half hour a titnp in which toraakoouly a twenty ininuto triik outalde tbo gaaoa ho bad turned up thognulo that led rouudaatroet corner end tienco to tbo railway crcaain hehad had uoaa the inuat valuablo borao iu the yard on the off aid i and aha liad jiut recovered from a leg apraiu with alt tbo aolicltudo of a fond inanter t bad takeu apodal care of lor aad bad watched r any algua of a rebvpee near tbo bonier he bad auddanly npiwi the roadway a heap of wood ovldoutly oppod from a houtowreakera wagon lliore waaouo piece fruoi which big nalla pro trod od and a jagged ploco of tin on a fragmont of rooowtf timber tuajo it very igcroua a carelofuly driven bone or automuhila would bavo been aura to e to jrief ou that ploco of wood uulovv aoui otto had removed the obatructiun tom liad driven to the top el tho grade and roumliug tbo corner had atopod his lioraeauu levej gruund 1 hero bo bad left ula loam and tutlnlnf back had plckod up uis dobria and dumpod it into acoitvouioot i lol when lie had reached tbo railway trck a few mloutoa la tor tbo gatoa oto juat going down thon tbo jmalig freight locomotive bad atalled ftud tom had i ecu i od tliat luck wan agaitiat him f but tie bad not known until new that the eoulor niaiu ber of the firm had naaod iu bia carrlago nd haxl eean tbo abandoned team suudliiir idle and elcuaoa i aupimae will aound weak i tom muttered to ltklf now ui he hurriedly piled tho lumber 111 jmil itave u aail in and luako a now reputation for fut wotk ihorora much activity ill tho huy luuilurjaril wagooorn thixiulod th ataoka uf tluttmr making up luafl a i hilt log tngiuo w tahlng outaud putting lu caraol tbo aiding u big creaking cretin wm ttulbading coal from a canal boat wid nending il rattling down tho rhutea laston a yard worker joined tom on tho pile a few quiula4laai jard- bam run down tho yard with tho aupcrln tondenl tlio senior inotnw wa accnm jmniod by hie tunallson ileoiiy while mr anlham and the aupotin tendon l went aorao dutance along uio aiding llio ymtnguter ntopped lo watcb tom and bur male- pllo planka iater tbo ly welke1 over to the aand pit not to tlie lumber pile and nturtod tu play in it the confomnco of mr oardham jiud tho niiperintnndnnt tfci lo lllf ttacka led tu eoma doriiion uiat matin thorn uocd a mcavonror tom trying in hurry hia work along hnplxmed lo look that way aod raw uiaaupevlnundont beckoning lo- bim an tom approached tfio nuporintninlont and tbfnoiiior member were dlacuating tbo lumlxir piloa odo pile in jiarticular had met with mr fiardboma disapproval it stood on the farther fido of tho aand pit aod wan mado up of especially long plonk a only becauae the yard was o badly can eated hwrhumbot bo6o piiotihoro at all foe the driveway nwept inwartl at tint point atul ao the stack bad crowded penlounly close to the railway aiding beo uiat mr onrtiham cried with a frown the yard engine at tho moment poaned out alone the aiding and the cat uiat it wni hauling wan olmoit aerate hod by the projecting tiinbem however it waa not a high pile and a large part of it waa to go out of the yard immediately the aupennlenrfont promla od to give tbo tnjtltar hia attention then tbo two proceeded to diaouwi tlio goneral lack of room in the yard tom ntood rei ectfully by until uioy alioulit bo ready to use him i meanwhile ha watched the engine it dtooal of uio car it bad taken out j then it backed up to a loaded the bio brother i he bit brother should bo irt- ifotwoon tlio beadn of urn honn and tho thefainfly mother has never ixrn a iiai fnvpiontly forgtitteu what it in liko of umxliator nmali ixy of iy anj father but uo older brntker is dlwio aiipugb la hi a own tjoyhood in ml m an intnrprtiterjl lu7e marliaj tt matcaiplio i in liied to lio overbearing and unnyiniathatjc no m tn tliqt family can bo iuch a jialp in gtiardlng tho nmall ioy ogainst itlo uiovital lo 1ctiirttioii in t eljnng him io rlinoae 4ije right aaaociatej aili to implanting in bin nature tho high est idmu cm tljo big hratber wlui li wottlty of bia calling the netltoh abou of cauailabenovooaeas keforoa lstuaflold ior ecarred france uiurhod in aipiletapot among tlio troca a fitting aapiiloliro designed by l lu genarationa ggno bin falben camo k rgtn that earno prance in wboew juat cauiia died and tliougb ihero may be nolhing in a their blood calledputand would not be doaied hpt dailies growing in that ballowod pleco hear in tlio wfitapertng wind that ruatlem by t an echo of tho winds near boniface aod with tho broexo they bow tboir bcadj end aigh 1moat luack hranoo deceiabor 4u 1110 foot of tho alack mr oardhani gathered llle eon into hia trembling arma tbo eon lor member then wrungtom a hand and told him to coma into tho oflloo to catch up bin woandod ktioo by the way mr gardbam aafd on tbo way to the office thou imoo yon know the owne- of tlio boueo raw and told me what it wax that delayed you with hia load yesterday aa a lover of horaea be forgives you ao do i tbat boomed to mako toms knoo leas painful mr gardham probably did nob rcalitn tlutt for he took an emergency roll of liandago linen from tbo drawer of a desk near his dru and not to work defuy car aad with loudly acreeobiogw heels to wrnjitom lilackaad hlaoknoc mean iegan to puih it t the nvitch- mr oardharn remarked that it waa time arm bim to take his eon downtown to meet mrs gardnam at the mention of ronn tom glanced toward tbo aand pit and dta- covarod that lhebayhadlafttheforthodied been building in the sand and waa gingerly climbing up the face of iliolumbar pile that hot fattier aod tho au peri ntebd ont had boon discussing a moment ixiforn tue incoming cor of timber hod by that time cleared tho switch and was already heading down tho ido track towartl the group tom caught ilo breath oharply look i lie cried a he auddcnlv leipod eway tn tho direction of young benny tho car wab stacked with now lumber and its heavy cargo had made ttie retaining poms bulge out- tom hwl sren ucaglance that penny gardbam woul 1 le crushed against tlio tumlier pile ohlivioua of tlio fact uiat the car waa bearing swiftly down on him th boy con tioued bn intereitiog climb tho shriek iug wheels aa thoy crunched over tlio a witch puinta drowoed torn a warning about and thero waa no ono ooar to pull htm down tho englae msnwore not aware of tho situation caatan tbo yard work or htd gone into tho tin vow ay to help chain a big girder on one of uio wogono tum waa nearer than anooaeue to tho child hut oven ho was two hundred yards away ho bounded along uio track toward uio lumber pile and mr card ha ni calling id tefjor to lit eon hurried after him as fait oa be could como downilonny jutrk tom ahoutcd oa bo drew near tho pile coma i the boy turned a quosuoniug face to ward tom andtbon ntarted to o boy hut to tutoi dummy ho saw uio youngjlura foot tint well goi ugluy- between two belling hia toelli anj clooching ins tists tom increased in npood ho had loft benny a fatlior aod tbo so pen n tend out far in uio rear tho loaded car waa shooting down tho track now only a hundred feet jukuiuut i i -away- oouhl aae tla vhld- it barely scrar uio lumber pila meanwhile iinn with bis fat lituo body humped out from the atacl was trytig valiatiuy to free hia foot the cdj inter of uio locomotiva wav on tho wrong aide uf the cab to sea uio boy predion moot tom realired that oiory thing dopondod ujior himself whau lie reached tlie pdo the 1 udod car ha cut ihe bundrod foet uf dlttance in two uroalhloa1 but wiui undiminished speed ho wont up uio otup uf uia stack llko a cat and ruachoil uio upllve boy molding on to the alack wiui ono hand low workod fast with the other tlio planks seemed to jrip the jittlo foot llko a vies itcail of pernpiratioo cauio out uu lorn a fico aa thuftliaduw of uio oncoming scrcoihing timtcr car oocuied aliout u full u him 0 cb twio thieo tim i ha l khd at uie iy a ahoc altbouili t r wu tu iuoii ou tary terror loo t bo pull t o child luw uu uie rack in front of the train tho i4t was within tw only foot o umin uie 0 ueer bad at last aeon the da h but 1iii knew u al the train rould uo t btu k in thu hulklii load twuuied fairly to rush at the lumber pile lult ust lorn frood uonuy a foit climb 1 ho nhuutnl and lo biiunolf isepcd a otei higher ihero was not utuo to gu down and uio top of uio uu was only a jnrd t r m faithor lii willi e ilthtuuig kiau h it in grasped tl o hok of lho chiuy bltuee an 1 llttod uio lilue fallow har an jaitent u uil 1 foeb trod uu empty irjiat-o- ihu car hsd ulready iuu1ic1 uia fr m lo oftho lumber j lie and its hrakchvuro siaping jiio a uioy ground the wlidel iliiu plunk usppod lkn a mate uddeo lurt uf auflut thli with a ilflixi tho i lho ifio inatlm aloi iil htm oly shot out a iiaiki ijm illialidutltually touched tljo at u umo uio other ban 1 lac go ii and ho wont tumbling backward dltuir at tho hold aji ho landed in ui tho ini rushing ii the pile end huilc ituuok him i thu knee wlloli l a u t utei 1 pit ad ti foul lolow plsuk nut 1 f eugcfiftlv alter blin i guiuit g bn o kill n nd tuvt1 him wl ii ho hi hhi i ah 1p lhi fn htuio1 u ny pdvonngjilo caaluif cwrried tho t itiarp imiu owly plouod ng roui bin lo l id bt lug lop t f tl u wi at tlio h do ho talked with apparent irrelevancy about uio aeml coa rderk wbo bad last presided at that dank he waa a rapid worker mr cerdhatn admitted bat be was oomeucaes rapid whan b ought to have bean slow and care ful tbo man before him never mt4 b mutakejmit ho could eot rise to speed oven in emorgenoyltko that you faced a minute ago for example tom blushed a iltue and mr cardhaio tearing tho end of uie bandage into two strings tied them neatly then boamiled at tom ive beard uiat youre had enrporionco as a clerk he oaid perhaps you would like to give op your wagon to brannigan and help ont at thin desk with my person al worl t iljou would i feel euro yew will oomliloo tho d at i red degrees of care fulnoaa and soed youuia commoix tbe piwe aot op toleration t know e woman to whom all doom are open writes paul creighton mtljo ion a- herald slie in popujarin ovcry aaaembly sho meeto high and low wiui a coriain n lability tbel noae coo mint no one over know her to do atorlhwct an unkind or adlacourtdoufl thing i think uiat some thing i hsnrd a friend say abouo bar ui nuier day gives uio key to her popularity she han cltluvatod the flue art of tolera tion to a degree said my friend i hsd nover boforo heard toleration called an nrt but when i ooino to think of uio remark of my friend i foe sure that toleration ii really nn art quite ai run oh so as uie art rr bciig cqurtooejior kindtbn wtilcirfutart la more pleading t know uiat no one can live happily and comfortably without htittnjj a great deal ri the gonoroua spirit of toleration ono must elwava lie ablo to got tho jkint of viowofothera and allow them uie ritfht to hold to tliat point f view if in their judgment it ia uio het tiling to do w bttook thronglt our glaaaes nor havo wo any wht to pre sumo tbat our point uf vlow it the boat one other have quite aa much intelligence as we have when ono hoe acquired tho qua art af toleration one tiovor forgets uiat others he a nht to uieir aiacera con victmnu and that uie ainoero coavicltons of olbora aliould always lie roserted pebsonauty first a prominent now yorkor a man who la credited with having picked mora high priced aaeoduvaa during tbo 1al few yoara furuio vnouu into res tawiui which ho isoon ited than any other niau in america has recently lot the putdir into his rouridonco a ilttlo a- uuioljiingfll ichhavointluonc in in in making bia selection ho admit uiat tho man who comma up from th i rnnka uio lieit oimnro lcaiieuiar xqueatof diillculties bogeteatreiigth howantaniou of thorough educauon preforahly a oolejo tratrwl ml d krai- facta much inarequioklv than ouiers id m liuio itut when ho i- inoviug for to till an important poitlou ho pule lerwitudity irt- tho nn who will till illfifootorilf the placo ho hsa in mtn 1 i iil 1k able to mako pooplo feel uial he l frank biimaii eaiablo honeat rod bluod 1 a i road guale man this un ideal worth koni g 4i mi 1 iphitiuo iying j imx a vor but ll f you aro snilittlotto to 111 an imfiortaiit place it tbu bilf world and till it wurully tir1 all jou an uluvete frloudalnps uiat are helpful not in the asko of tho v uorcenary bu ord hut rotao hat you are end tint what yni inch in k o oounl most future in riiuiitliij u your e nuccesa eb04iality oonie irst- lluantul uakobn bih 111- uefnro ploughing tli priog rake togchor ai i no ktah htitkn an iibtt- bust peri viorius ai piuaah uj llhi boetlei gnnl on palcli this ami i mi all the dead i i any ouior sort f 4 season ridianli from u slonllll at the liuio out i lhitl nit mdj aduffxlmriinlioti plant buu bu ijuiotuir hixiuei ikiuto rlckjuiii ablui o buj boaii lat twenty yeads ago prom tho issuo of tho frco press of thursday mar 2filb 1897 muii of aleady elsighin nearly ti 1 koi- 07 four or live inchoe of snow fall on ti day afternoon an i night mr too t vipps has pmrrhsixgg chas cameron farm on tho first im ijuttor and eggu are oelliug uns woek at 12 to h conts ilutter has an up want tendency mr win swackliamer has moved to his famier above crewtmni comoro a large ooospajiy f acton friends wero entertained at mr john htaikeraoathurs day evening jtnrlbnouior aettr iaao snyder n on friday o mr john harvey drayman met with a sertnu irm in tho death of hie big dray horae sandy on monday ho weighed 1700 poundn anil stood 17 bands 1 inch in height inexpressibly osd are uie circumstances in tbo deaui of mr donald mann third lino who leavea a lituo mauierleii baby aoo who will ovor mlt her loving care 8ho was a daurhter n mr hufch mc doujall second lino all tho la i os lutsa havo lieen collocted and collector graham baa boon released from further dnties therein a very heavy freshet flooded olenwd bams monday ami monday families bad toinnva out and mill property was serious ly diaiagod mr arthur peatson left oo monday for hortney men whore lie will join bia brouier mm ircd htowaft of elfrtda b spend ing j few weokn at tbo home of ber father mraiooao so yd or m hon- mass in fqumiog on march 10th to mr and mrs lxinahl mann a boo cttu- in china mich on march iiud to mr and mra i- fi duuin a da ugh tor dlld wnijaiia in olenwdliama on march 17th sajab m willjama la hut 72rd jcar paasuqiuiii i lock wood on march 20ui tolrt paasinore oeimater agod 00 j earn 3 mouths mas in hvuosing on march 10th jessio modougmll wife of donald mann aged 33 y w tail ii mont- the things we say without thinking everybody voowa that much tbat paaaes an improm ptn aloipjoucou carefully thought out beforehand tho afterdinner speaker who nata wiwjji thg toast maater cajbt do tutu to respond to a toait ia not taken by bnrprtoev hnd spoutauaous were all thought out some daye iiafore iiomo of uio worlds great parlm- mentary do bat or havo prepared themaelvca by weeks of oiliaustivo study and thought against all the possible developments in tlio discussion of hit- subjects and oaliaio been ablo to meat each crista with login and oloquence which had uie effect of betug eouroly tnipromptu uioutfh 10 reality uouiing of uie sort- hut it is only for uieir public utterance uiat such uiuruugh preparation ui made moat of our talk ts uioughueos wo aay wtidlovar ceinna in uur lisada apd fail to rolloct whillker it is worui aayiag it una or what tho coiiseueucebi sofa likoly to bo if while 1 would bo a july to mako you uanaral ou iivarsatiuii fortnal it ju ion harm if it wore inaiio uioufhtful and cou ncluntioua carefully prepared dpeechc count far lout tu human llifo thai ui utilise wo sy wtuiout thlyklug flawtlha a thousand tbles a day uv maulinelty a iiiachino originally doaiguod to loci 1 1 tale tho work of soluug out- tomato and cliuju puuta is being used to uul trooa in now otk litaio uiilerupervisinnuf uie ruvl sr ktuin 11 uou ui lulkh forest tree rvc illun ara planted in a day a tiiuo u 11b this uiodjimd i h ihilrivaiie big iii in buio and roquiroi tho sarvices of three ineu hii1 lwoh irscjt olmjjiiao drive wllllo lhauduir two handle thu aeedlinge iu opirotion tho msbino makes furrow uiui wbh tho suiall treoi lie dropped a regular inturvau giiveruid i y aulumatio ajiscer as una ti duue a eir uf rullors to plsoe lie dirt bdout thu ronta which aro lori intuit ally uj pliotl willi watej and fr ulieer a marker draws tbo line wsfwhioh u e naxtauw uf trocn is tu toilanlod oa tho iniu in iu travels alou i aunit the wutal alio teiuin to tei wi us wdui aud looked sumictoub as widow watta bent imluacfiously over hur waslilub aha was treatoil to mlile tionvoral ton hy a uiaio friond who preeeiit ly tu tucd tho touvornalioo on matrimtiny win ling up with a prujkiaal of turh o io you auto jsluioiw sihr 1 the buauni iiu psuii g in hot wrluj ing anl tbo illau owol bo did tur 1 tho iio the wil i oud toi ly nhe i u hint chivajju o mistaken fh1endsuip to the 1dltor acconling to the prase many fnenda of oar returning noldiers tiavo furnished them with liquor eidier beoro entering tbo province or havo qulouy slipped a boule to uicm unobeerved tfa uie occasion of a vleil on new year eomo at tbaaa who liad laloircajifa amnggled-le- them io montreal reaclffd tafoaloin a condition that made it vory embarrassing for relatives wbo mat uiem uiore i while uio ifaspital commio- iion is very atrict on tiuu point it ht next to imxissihla in uio rush lo prevent those mistaken friendn rem paaaing a bolide to uio opldtora there in etill great need fo- a campaign of education aa to the injurious effocta of jin linrnanahsjafcv a manifesto recenuy isauoilby ono iiundred and gftyaoven medical men and women of blruiegbamand other midland towns uiojeay alcohol iannta real food it impairn the moral sense impedea into b fata prooeases and rllmljtllhes tho quality and outppt of wnrlt a writer o of the b nrglir says of the uritiah pour war and tho euduraneo of tho boer soldiers many had not oven ono worm cloak and yet we endured the fiery heat ef the african day am tho following piercing cold of tho night wiuiout injury to haalui wo were often for months under no roo and inrijlbed but no stomach warmer wee over hsndod oat- hir frederick trovet writing of those me wareaye as a work pre nccr alcohol ia exceedingly ortravaffont and like all ouier eatratogant meaaurea leada to a physical bankruptcy it is also cunooa uiat troop caonjwork or march on alco hol waa as you itaow wiui tho relief column that moved on ladyomiui and of course it wai an exceedingly trying time by reaaoool tho hot weather ip that enormous col a trio of 30000 the fira-wbo- droppod oyt were not uio tall men or tho short man or uio little men oa the big mooptiiey were the donkcraand they dropped out oa if they had been labelled with a big letter on uisir baefca no matter- how welt men o ing uie sold icra fnend may be it is a mistaken friaodabip uiat furnishes him wiui bqnor j ii iujwoop mouiodist lpartment of social semen spabetiie cnid3 hirda havo aomotimea eatoo half their weight in ifnecta in a day unmolested they would arve tho conatry tflnfioneor dollars annually tbo natural aavago aeems to be in every man and is shown in every rrnufand u shown byuiodetlro toehootand kill every living uung soon thoughtless larenta give boye air guns an r powder and tall nllco and accidents aad deaths frcququuy result scores of useful birduatyt sntinabi are wantonly slaughter od who wdl join tho let lave associ ation no initial on focu no dues only agree to lot emry uwoful thing live as far as possible to encourage others to do tite unm to lend a hand cheerfully to man or boaat when help iq u coded wonderful h bo andeeelespa becomes a member of this organisation members are not restricted by iooauoo race creed color or financial standing some beauty oown don t wbat thin ahoea und gossamer silk stockings in cold weathsr or nature will takn ber rwvono and you will have uiat piuchad look tbat la aa unbecoming don t economize in shoo leather dont tako everything hut exerciae and then coaiilaii uiat you are growing stout- licrcise eveu if um w oath ex ts bad liy ire paring for it- a brisk walk ou a cold day is a eplendid cmrqjeiion beautitior duut fail to dry yuuf bands uiurougly after wasbiug if you wish to prevent them rom geluur clisppod don t forget to wear a veil if your akpi is susceptible to cohl winds don l wear any hoavy head gear ll is very hard on uui hair dont lei your rooms get too hot aud nover sit in a room that livo yuu chills have plouty of heat and keep a window c pen a iltue a6 a long walk will tako away uiat tired worn look so many women have tuy1 nil tubalootll it 0 villi ultiog judgo on eni accused yuar busbaud iofaudaul i admit hitting him your huuor hut uio woupou i used pruvus tbat 1 did it mo tu aotruw lluu iu auer juj lut di 1 you int blu wiui defendant a aud iron yuur bonor millers worn i iwdersdo not nool the alter bolp uf castor ii or any other purj- llvelocoiiipleta uiaillinrougliuoaa ttan0 tliey aro thoruugli in uieuisolvo one d so uf ttieiu aud thoy will be found pala tabloby all children will end ell trouble 1 y making the olomajh and buwetu unteo ablo tu uia uurniiloa and not only this but the powders will be oettaiu lo oxurt tnont beuejlcial inllueuce in uie diguative uremia llioy hoothe bin tod torvea nomoiia alloctloiia aro aauslly at trlbu table 4o dofoct tvo tilostiuu as uio ntumath domiualea uiduorisidulnul a course of i sruirliw vnlahle 1 ilia will null all duturbncoo of una i haracter an 1 by restoring uio stuinach to nurmal acuou roliom uie nsrvos fruui irrtlatlou tllem ia no sedalivu like uieiu and lu u iorrk tion uf ttreultrluoe of tho dljeiia iiruconjoa ri prejieruijon bus da ip su attctuvs wotk unai bo toetl tied to tiy uuiuaauihi j