Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1917, p. 1

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y voijouc xld no 41 bitt huhactfpho ij in ailtaik acton ontabio tiiukmday mounino arlttlj lii 1317 dubsc iptlcul iltcf 6jc0 i cl annum single copies tv10 cents be qttan jm tss in re iuihiu bvimy tduaiidatnomiiha at nn vbbi rucfjn 111 luiufu atnx brkxxx ammsiojrm muni ay bcaeuanrruw ly la ttlpm au u i buiw alt sabsertp 5 a absartpttons dlseoauassd on lb uat tor wnteb ibsy b bwsa t u ium of wbico ulsv toa paid ueaaotsa an utoe4dras label aiwmim jutii tvaaelsat advarua- w m v vnr naeparell line for tlrt in end a mu per una for mcb nrroa 2a ffthi ot display sdr tof or locoes mot wiuabl io jbttpjcinahrtilorttoo ysarlrood treats gj j nnugr k rants nss ju bwlmnauij forbid aodnlrrsd soeord- uivma 4nrtlttau mast be paid aa vw ihoiiu will tw rr seab rf dsatrsd for cliupi otumt loan mmtmauoood um m eaatpoelllaa mm paid or a retolar ibm j ah annnnla eoluotad moathlv of acoobb atlsorandrroptfater ifluahttas fflirtrttrrp fcrxnrrjae x1ilgp ennpus asteaow r dft j a mchrvbw fb valeun uk barfscn 1 own aap bnnmci onr mill and john b focmav boms of the lata wuatort txterlsaitt savage h co en tab hull at iu40 jeweller guelml the old find reliable watchmakers and jewellers general hardware the pussywillow bright i jsaxage jil- guejph ont mill supplies builders hardware agcnb for yale and pcter- boro cocjc go louden machinery sop pily dairysupplies the bond hardware co r 1 you have- any g at your home aro going out of town for a visit or know of any interesting news e wo always appreelato sach favors phono n j iraawuon varbiuhatty bohoeos ontario of oou rlo veterinary colli 1321 3 maokemhoh i tansaan boxicrrob oaamikxi qa am ami etraot in rrymaa mock r a wcljban r bountor and notary fublio dtuttjlu -1- dimn aotom riiao mo n offim u uaoaanov oomar kill sad fradarlck d 11 l l bennett dehtibt qkxalkujf axocx uosonon miscxrza no us mtfbaho oookbludxa k booka of ajl kiajf cud to ojtojk iattorttoajof uj 1aiiilpujboajraj3jpoqail ttaunr bl a u pcomptf v doaa aj1b1aqb cjoehbea h r uoona ftt ttntlliuwinuiitii1 iao3 raamaboia um taalaa vim rym oaaa aotos r xaobmao atjcnonxa 1 aad upon oadora or iwr bo orton p o or cauaoa idmcumi mltit ilia bolc wbaf wnntmwu ao todalaaandadvar- tlatlitf oaa bw maa ordra ull aa pajt 1km oolaa amoo wtu retfalra loimaduu altaouon apaalal aitatitlnn to aalaa in aotoo aod vfadnlty jrautvto bau oa jtaxr d alex niven sarveys sowlvtjjioda piaos re ports descriptions btnopnnts etc ccruflcatca for purchascra ami mart ngeos survey for architecta bail derand uaniciiial councils drain ago reports eatimatm etc mejicmant3 bank bldo olrt tjfcfcofjto canada j e chbbbks book d1ni1kr quhrtt t anaftptioat pookaad maaxlnot ooonj i gaailaowattfl ualiataatlai oavara nmiai latmrad u oid on woua tljmn uookw aa4 oltw itoofca jtr wokjc rftoatlttilf kxkoutso the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wm arm maaufaaturma and dir4 laporiara ir alkoiuuuotiaidablaiailliadaoa aark waalt9 2i prtoa u aartoc nuvwlwurtwpm hot wa ba uia afp aad u antv ti ln h lotnloim who a epw im nnmitofuq 1 lroplj w o lfafvaom troi buojrd of oar lattauiat la rnuu aa otdar plaoaa lr blbara tiara 10 h2u ntw tu u to jl wa ha uialantaal baal umk of uraajt u uia mio m aarlo no o f j mat oata- c bf awwllfta oq lwrmimf i aoual 5iia antcaajr watoiajitaa ly a4 uf iiamuvton 50ns cothortoim am foollab hiauuituli c c speight por uptodate goods silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and graniteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves isvicnv aittfoua is oif jsxcbp- txortai valufi c c speight tiill street acton w6e bell piano built to last a lifetime oil o i utrtj willow craw aimny noov mo it uld dxo littlo fumy willow my fur i aotl am ailk ami iwant adrop of imlk and uiiii j 11 po lonleen andlioopatill o i think of milk for a iiuo iuwy willow i oil tho air u rary mild and tlrf tun wu tory warm mo w uid tho littlo vaxtj willow im am ilaopy a am ii ut aj aiiyono call h0 1 bvso k tlm iui of a pillow ttht uuy littlaaloepr 1uwy willow 1 mooi lluw sajd cnd ua htuo puaywilhjw iieca to tatfm oil anil no uno cauld pay tlipy iwro their own nick dear nt tiiln muat tiavo nhmd lu jioro accldonllly wo muat nond il lack furl momonl his wifo wno mlenl than nlio looked ujut hio aad lriod to amllo vvo coutl do whn1 it rilil doarnliotnid nloaddy itut tlio yirl without word luritod and went out of tlm rdljjn horn momnnjt jioro u alien co tho miniatr acroea to tlio window ajid ukmi itkikin out into uio jaalditaiices 4fc w tecxmcdhw nyjfowdtmlistarori eitliiak that if wo try wo 11 im cairaiu lyo and oyo but yon know uiat they noor nover w uiero oor fluch a nilly vxumj willow 1 conntaiico ixarcy uaekoy in lho llouae koaper the most substan tially built piano the piano with the sweetest tone the easiest action the neatest case c w kelly cq son 33 iiower wyndham st quelfh ont you will be better able to do your bit if your eyes arc well we are eyesight special ists nd we domnow how make and fit glasses to wg orino oun own ilcnueo 19 ioptlciaiy wan at rat rwt ornc annadnnaannnn a a a a a d a tndollar bill tvjio tiilirro a a a a n a a a judge our spring stock a3 cbitfcall as yottwitll yba neednt ukp anything yoa bay ob faitli xamino every shoo you buy here critically from any angle weiyhamr shoes tn the balanqe of your jadftocnt and youll not find iliem wanting many respect weve bnllt ap a big bus n era hero on the idea that good value good service and good ntylo are what you want come in today and aay show mo well prove ear claim to your aatw faction tprloea tnavt repairtny feilffully and promptly done rubber ileel put on whilo you wall acton kenney bros ontario grand trunks plan your summer vacation now afiapge to vult boiuo of tlio following iiutall beauty iipots cloko t uature- imkohatmkai aimxilli iark oaoncliui umjfm ukf at ny tm4punl icaivrhftiaal ukd full infoniatiou aud descriptlvo liter ature rauy bo secured oa upptliatlou to o l horning i i a union station ttintito out ti s noltnes agent acton phon no 13 aawnnnnnnnaarjnnanauajt ooo4 sttooad- tiand coounff stoves for coal and wood coal heaters box staves all kinds second hand purnituro kovbatoln ttio roi bloekc houao poultry t starkman yoono bthbbt acton odandaaoapncnn save and serve scrv your country by help ing in tho accumulation of savlncs remember that thrifty iodlviiluala make a prosperous nation also tho larger tho peoples kavidcb the more a bio will the- country bo to bear tho burdenfiof tho war the readjustment period after tho war will be a trying time tor thosavjwllhout money ho prepared or this by open ing a savings account in tho hank of nova scotia and de posit log regularly frojtt your incomo si the bank of nova scotia paiijup capttax ctoaooo in kiive runu iioooooo total luiaouuceaottfiioooa000 urahcnks at acton gueiph rforval soiltoa and iitrootsrllla irrrttbrftlllillmsj robtnoble naandddddanan wni clatrnaino of the how hoofo ncrosa tho ffozan pmno grew fainter andfainter it waa a hitter day and tho doctor hxa manxnuloa- jyutl toga iatotho ineiicothattolinwed tho wind rtiahad wltha alirtok and tho cabin troiablcd an 3 ahudderod under the bloat thq fhh mt th wirlfw ttft out willi hard unoceitig oyea her coo ui or caroo from tho utile bod room carefully cloamct ho door behind her fajth daughter alio aatd alter drly tha girl poko fiareoly aha did not tarntier eyes from tho bleak wiodawept my namo lantfajth alio cried it ia rebellion i dont yoa aappoao i know a woll u if i had heard it it uot modlctoe euio oeeda ila ood rich food aa if wo loaded a doctor to tall en that mother hat la cod tlifoking about why doeaat ho keep big proroiaeu ive prayed and prayod till there wot any mbt of praying ibu ia mo and nownovfin eu hard that i cant fool anything any more somo- uaioal woodcr if i raally caroaboiakuio valth i cried hcr mother abarply tho pain in tho tone reached tho girl oho turned back into the room her mother had dropped into a chair aod wma looking at her with aharp auuertn eyes faith ran to her and knelt down boawio her nutting her arms about the dear thin abouular oh mother hpw could i hurt you oa i aha nobbed now could i and i was going to be bo braro and strong i i didnt mean it mother i will deaarfe my name i win r i know you will dear her mother aoawered it is hard for ua all terribly hard uut god baa ao niaoy waya it biao eaay for him to aend ua lielp ha but tho bra re voice faltered it bad been ao long 1 for ten mtautea tha two aat there try ing fn the pitiful way of thoae who tova aod can find on hope to giro each other ailoot comfort theo tha mother gantly ncloaed tho girl a hand i tfloat go hack aho aaid father baa to rido way orer to iadhaiaa thla aitamooutaiid i muat make him reat firab if i can will you mend hia test dear it ia rip pad around ona of tlio pg i toaaottoaoit7 t im afraid i shall not ha to time l spring tcrms frtlnb on tneailay april tath und nier c into bummer scaioii from july ird nnfurced varationa no waalo tliur tomo- frco catulogiin wnto shaw n schools toronto 393 7 ongo bt wo have a lod supply t hand for tho npnng trade alaike alfuuu tlaiothym mangolds sugir llcita 1 1 table 11ml flower scdx on 10 11 a uro m irre aut facta before the supply la oj f buids on itcd clover il iilt6riraaa irnlpa vegc- your dutch iliaiu ted j u warheh mantakh tttlidpllonh weub acroaa to thoaowiogcoraer and picked up the veat it waa iaxt of a warm cheviot auit that had been soot in thd laat miaionary box laith touched it tenderly so many ttmae tunce it came her father had gireo anecial thanks for this auit that il oimoat aaemed to her like aome- tliiug sacred act apat from com moo unoa that had boon nuch a rich proviaion why would 11 tuodproiido for klllo ap the next tnomeut aho was kaockjog breauilaasly at her mothers door her mother openod it ttmckly oveu though she had juab laic llhe aaloep a aliarp foar leaped up in relonao to tlio knock uut the girl before tier bad radiant eyes acd joyoua roioo and aho was puahing a bit of groan paper i u to her aouiera hand it a coine 1 ala criad oh tnother the answers come it woe waiting all the timo aud wo uoror knew it jjiut it good 1 oil iant it good i 1 her mother amoothed out lho bit of paper and her laco grow whilo- john ita ton dollar t oho aaid id a hualiad vaioo then auddauly aho turned away and tturiod hor foou lu tlio lck of tlio old rocking chair tli a girls eyea widouod and liar voice choked hor laut it ouough t alio criad iiiti fully looking fruni on to tit llien it waa her father wlu anaworod bar it w row money than wo hatri neeo fur woeka daugtitor aod it haa cuiuo it ihe hour of doepeat need huroly d dooa not forget lili people uut whu brought jl fuh r notxlj tlo girl aiiaworod catching back hor bappiuau agaiii vou had beou carrying it father uobojv fcnuwo how i long i found it whm i waa mend lug your vot it had alipjted way d iwn j laide tho tiuiug p wasnt it aatrango way or it to come t hho uugliod lightly over it but tlio thought beoealh tlta taugh waa tlmt ahe aever 00 uld doubt again the minikter louketl from thoglrl a ahtu iug oyea to tha little figure in tha uld rock lug chair anl be fought uuoof lho iiurosat temptatioui ot hli ufa flat whou lio apulxn uiero was uo faltering faith child bo aaid gently wo havo no right to una wo muat send il back l tli church that feut ua uiojwx thoafirl lookw at him xtiih bowliilered eyea i 1 don u uudarabmid ahe iruxl fatlior what dxuu mean t lla our i found it there m your ol utie uiothtr ufted hor face wlili the old sad liueaheary ujou it again nha ootid aottvo up the bupo mighliil sue of our people hao lii it to you john f alio aaked with trembliuk lip one of thfeto who nwn ymi you know yon forgot aonirtimen thomiuiater aliook hla bead i bale trust hi voico hia wild weot up 0 lilm and put ana hand gently on his shabby are- you worrying oirer 6aitl aho asked wo noodn t ipr juat htave tier alone and fod himaelf wilt comfort her by and by her and ua ahe added m a low voice 4 tim diiiiialer looked down attho tittle worn figure ohuoab reverontly through all tlio bard yearn how alia had held up his i will go and write the loiter now alice ho anawerwd surely wo can aay aa the prophet did though ho lay rpo yetwtll ruuabte him ilejoiill tbo wido prairicn and acrnia tlio great ncr luy tjio city from which tlio nmiionno a lux liad lcoa m nu theikttplo who had ion to it of tl oir poverty and of their wealth had ti q their buiy vays and aimoat f u it t ih family which hod hold uicir intrrct u tloaely for a few weeka itut mm 1112i1l at dinner mm jafk had a uu ry to to i hha jookod at ijitj swiaw1irrh yoo rcnrinlier lat fall wlicn you lost too dollar- t nho anled vou goinj to ay jn cnl iill mill ihooglit at omt that you hadnt token tlio manor until you found jyi- accounts ten dnllarv abort that month yes ho aniworod hnlpinpr himself to olive h113 it rftmn to bpht it liai como to bpht aho replied delightedly but you could not ruohh hero in liakota mr park looked up ia mitoniahmei in dakota ho repeated riii wife biughed gayly i though 1 atiould astonish joo it wa nt the tii the church waa projarinjr tho mluuonary and i hent down your ijit winter i felt in the pockot of course hut found nnthinff of any value today i wtui calling at ir hadlayn and mm noriley aaid that i was tlm very peraoo nhe wanted to aeo that the doctor had rarctved a letter from nor mniionajy thae morntnet eoclosing a tenfollar i 111 ho oaid tho larv i mrjiii- tlial hi daughter i ad found it down in tho lining wl n ahn waa mending tlio reat and thrro pmims it iphaotly nrroi tho table ia 3 our ng teadollar bdl i tho morvhant tonk it curloualr ff bo half expected to ro aomo rocoid nf ip wandering on the hit o ifttvin rp a ho glanced up from hw altontmlndod crutlnv lie mot hu dauchtern aeor evea ho amlled lack at hir nho wu hia 00 1 v daughtnr 0nd dearer to him than even piw pied well f hequeiuonod i mi junt wondering what vou wer goinir nilo willi it blioansirorednnifjtlr what rould vou do with it if it were your iuvt liooikod indulgentlr oh i thepirl cnl wilh an eoter httla goature id aend it ntraleht back l her fntltor lookml t her in aurphha h had oipacta a pretty a p poet for aomo now thing that all tlio other jjirla had he oevtor had heard tlio girl apeak of minion a nee twfore are von aure dear be oakeil it conld buy nrimtit t tl inetm aionarv iwl neodad it don t too auppone id hiitq ytft fltt itj courtesy at tiohk ti often tun ottcq th it it idiwuld lies jfftlil lihierourtcaieii of iifn jl where it 1 mint luiikirn rememborod fn tlio hutiin an 1 uith minn own famii polite attootiooi rnit i ut u tlnintil hia areof 4o wprlli iiiptn thananoncyhomo- huociu hajdifcoxkiegi good pcojilo apixor to think pi lilenoru in utr tho aly halt only et no home is ao hutnhlo that lho j rartiro of courtemo1 will not add to lt comfort nod happmcit a habit of politetinmi of iaymg lilllo iatetul nttuntiona to uqo another goci far to proven l d car die guest comes only for a timo into tlio family the wiah to mako him cyoif stable aad atvajte 1 1 oxj reined in iwhto ausntiooa how much more important that tho nxtao deairen aliould lie eiprokaod to u10 family on whoao liappineaa and good will your own depend our schools roll op honor standing of tho pupils of the public and high schools at the eastek examinations hioli 6cho0l mpaktment bin letter r rut tiit would have been hecrnnir 1 the fih on 1 indignant v tlien nlin ran and put bvr srtoh cmmiiijry about hrr fathjr im in earnest truly i am and f youll cive mo the money ill send it to her father draw her down ao that he xild i00u into hr fnm what mkoitztf want to do u at piimv he akod aenoulr if w tho nnimionarv maetintr in itian fndesvour ut oitht uie ifrl ero1 oayrtv dr hadlov talked to tii for awhile nod apa oaidthat th aaracti mjrv of our hmn miaainnarie i oolv threohutidrrdand miventv livndollarn a year t i m dreoilfullv stupid in fifruren but i cnuld nodontand that 1 it came to a rn idenlv how much vou apend for roe it jcar juat for inaaiooa witlmut ooumin luimo or food or enythiiiir of that an 1 ft wax iwico aa mueh sa it aafil to mo i rooldnt liear it t that i bo dm i know how to do any good 1 r help anyotin but uil hava thinfrs dano for inn and tuan to mn all my life hoiim u p mouov enough every voar tn iay fur i wu rtnnai unarm ion t tean me papa ploaan i itj ro jil eamsat hut ttiero w nuthlnp teaamg tn tlio o lint looked temlrly down l hr ahall haro your ten dollar hor father aniwrrod ml two tenx ttinre from ttiaiiium and ipo an a tliank odeting for s daughter who ih nut too tupld to make homo the dcarcit placo lu tho world to u will dial coolant you doar truly iom tho nirl aid j jiwaly oh ou dear dcr im jjad and tlat lory iif uio too dollar hill which iaith thdutht uu had uken from them alurtod on hn juunioy luk with lo rirhtui i luahln- uiat hia lovo had bcou holding for tlcm all tho timo- cuuld hardly ijo i r asthma writes omi tuau ili nftor jiam of ultiuing ban fiuml lompluui inllof through ir j lj ivclloj n athiim luinrdy no j ho kilowrf how ucodlud u- been bit auihing thh mat oh ua rrmoily ivei auro help to all alllictod with xhhiiia 1ihalrvaa nmukfi or vapor it tiiwigi the help ao lung- noedod lvory deal of him it or can it fur yo from his uhulaulcr v ctjjtt145live llowst clamj ii jjetlio bcott ciasi iii hoy iirown marguerite stewart jeorgo anderson ilighmt in anciool history letuo 8cou io algehra ohre mowat iu literature margqente stewart foou il craa ii ethel slarkraan claii illida crawford f lady a he laughhn mabel itobioaon violet smith laura uacdonald deleino oilibona alice johns to uo luena campbell aouie marti n herbert kttchic stelb uclam harold kennedy adaoi orr willie iton higueat in ooograjihy herbert ritchie in crammer luena campbell m ltead ing fthei btarkman io arithmetic ethel stork man oiu i class ii hay agnow llsia stewart clara lanti clajj iii isabel elliot jewlo mowat jack waldio iaft wilaon florence itotierfon edna johnston boaiio wood hall mao mouct kenneth henderson lloyd honnoy betty lowno iawrwieo cihbon ghwlya nuftman keil olbbonb highest in algobro itay agoow lu art blurorace itobcrtaon tn anthmotio clara lantx w ii bttwaut inucipal i a jjaaau assistant twentlf yeabs ago from tho iesuo of tho fco pros3 of thursday april 16th 1807 there ha been a grxat run of nap tho past week in eomo localities moaara w h fttoroy fit son are arraog 4auler house at the public school department iboubtii detautmehy sk iv maiwell boll 2c0 charho mann z5 vida anderson 25 hazel mac donald 25 agnea dolibia 23 i imrr henderson 21c total 400 ju iv esther btarkman j1h arthur hentoa los 1oarl wallaco 1d2 sabnv nelaon 1h0 ma carnochao 170 annlo crawford 17a total 100 m hevsctt teacher tiiij dcrautiiecr so ill jordan lawooa gt uuhy joyos 153 martha orr l2 renvillo maaalea hi austin iteid ulh fred warreo 135 jo ill ooorgo jiggma mmargirok morgaaon a7nbyottarbts si donald kemiody 73 joan iurber co myrtle car aoeaoc7tumtie blair 67 total xxl if a white teacher pro tern sccoiu ierairrbrr so ii willie goldstein jog earl coop- 185 lairdt mcdonald 1cu dons sear row 1uj hmiacll iums 1g2 iuy camblo 1s4 calvin wiboa 151 total j10 ju ii ralpl hendoraeo 12 madeline maaaloa ico dora lambert 1u arllo white ul kugauo macihoron 140 nonuau wildt lli total 200 a ii fleuuv teacher flu3t dtl autwknt iu i helen ooae 255 harry joldalein u0 ohvo cooper 32 mauliow tyler j23 wilroao iteid 215 lailio gregory 2ia joud 275- ju i jeasto masters 222 1doa morga son 220 annio puuu 200 mary huwart 2a stanley mackio j03 charho joyea 201 total jc5 i foittea t puimauy dliahimlnt slmm pumau ciat a charho provost xx adolaido liursllis uerlwrt irjer 15 mvrgarel uoortj u0 hugh issby 130 harold ltoid 13s willie uttle 13a total 11j class ii hdhard pnoo lhu hazel james 105 lottie holmes 117 marjuiio smethurat nt jack fwnig ii totl 251 cluia5jobii clblmmt 104 albert 1u1i 123 llorwud iefutot km tarxmoo heoderon 101 aitliur uondumon ilk ltoao unitowhl clwum 1 jauc ynioo 1 15 toorgo unlo 07 zeilahavill total ifil m a biui x loachor jthiuu 1kiueu clabj a lions duun uiko iurlwil kthul jaiuo ltayuiun 1 lsmuirt markrot onruull lorotby cununor cicdb charlmsiliiilllu hddiotlitin huly- scartwvj wilfied cook arthur ci aim u- wilms white tjutlfurd ioter ull allies maud nowtuii- hurat norman ill tlordou iteid l muarutil loujmf 5huill blhefleth umuery 00 main street mrs h a seoord wiui her onual thoughtful run a romembeted the fnca iiuw witli a liourjuotof the first crocuses of tho season on monday jumlw and sajlor two well known canines boufc- toafo got into prrrjun sunday in front of j c ililfa bicyolo window mr hill ia wondcrmg wholl pay tho dam a go done the window all tbo old machinery boiler engine etc which went through the fire av gnndoll a machine aliap have boon shipped away ao entire new outit will replace them in tho- now- nhop tho concert on friday evening under the auxptces of tho baptist v p c waadeaarv ngof highest pralio tha programme waa given by the haines quartette mia free man of burlington reader ulsm fomtcr el denwilltaoia anloiat and mr mcalpine of toronto scotch aiuger itev o o langford b a pastor of tlio baptiat church occupied the chair mr c ii moore who ha lioen taking a coonvo in tho commercial deportment of alliert collcgr lioltuvillo re turned home on tuwuu slcwni hcudcruoo s co took tn between 200 and 100 dozeu eggfl over the counter in regular trade on saturday mra robl creoh of woodatock baa lioeu tho guratof horautej mrs l fraahia dnnng 1j10 w mian ida mcnabh of toronto general hospital was homo for a couplo of days mr and mrs i a elba of toronto spent monday at moorocrofl jiokf- neiwi in uuelh 00 sunday april 1 1th to aid and mrs r e kelson a smttii at south riror muaknka on wednesday 7th april to mr and mra george smyth a son din surrii at sou 11 1 rivor muskoka on wednesday 7th april jennie wife of caorgo smyth sged 31 yoara when apml c0mcs flkr when apniremea witli softly shining eyea and daffodils liound in hor vriod blown hair oh oho will coax all cjouda ftnm out the akios t and every day will bring noma aw set nur- pono tho awollowu willcomenwingmguirougb tho air when april comes i whoa april comefl with tender nmlle and dear dandelionn will gild the common wayih aod at the lirnak of morning wo will hoar tha piping of the robins crystal clear while bobolinks will whiatlo through tha when april comes i when april comas tho world so wise and old wilt half forget that it la woniandray winlar will seem but on a tale long told italituer winds with all its froaa and cold will be tho by jono things of yesterday when apnl comoa t potato peelings fob seed eat your potatoes but savo tho eyes and crow horo j a dlk aald u madool lioilcd wu i mxioped out lllloil 1u1 aligod vogotablon ai d served ull iohulo laavca with trench j dretmng 1 ivoluibly iiulhing luiros a until mora llian i to h iu another uiuu ihk an uiplaoatiuu that lo bun ii ui jtuu gumg to oijilam uuovar ofturt to have all oaublixi that sjn oxpmol fur sulo aiucuod j vino and ruae will loautify your corn ah mid always tn iuc fruai tho tpb very carof uliy evkjiig lho mi idle of each row of koruola with sharp kulfo wnd scraping out tho puti- and many a man has ruluod bin ej eiight sitting u a nsloin looking fur work flood lookn utsy sirh a uihh but it taken good liuumjkixpiug to hi 11 i liu hoyscuaio3nxau0 wtjatcahe of it boj a and gi rlfl and iittlfl people are oftao roajaaaiblo for groat results aod maybe iou do not know- that thfi dhatory of that nnmujant inuumoit tie celeacope may be traced totho curiosity of a btlhj boy od ihn 19 huw it came about the littlo 1 i am tolling jou about was tho aon of an opucian who lived in holland ha and bis slaters lovod to play about their fathers woxk nviacd them ca by looking at tl o aoa th rough the little smooth cooeavo guaaoa which uiiir father used 10 hit work no one day t happened that tho boy whilo placing with of thoao jhiwi diancod to hold them before bis ojei 111 nuch away that tlio face of tho cathedral clock ncauiod very near thm auqinod him it r ths clock waa fcq far away that ha could iarcely eoo tho bands with his ulod eyes ho etared at tha click and then at tho glasses oach of whirh ho tri illuird hut tho ll was a far a ay ai ever aod ao it remained turu uicm as ho would until by chacoo at ant liq held both up together slito lo 1 aa if by imiio uie clock stood beaido him oh i knour i luuw i ha cried aloud it tlio to uj odicr 1 hen lo groat joy ho roil to hit fuhor end told him of his arkul io disco rot j tho father triod tho glasses tu turu sud fouoii that tho boy luul npolen tho truth whau ho said ho dudd bring tho great church clock noarer hi 1 lil- u tlio way that peogile learned that putting a coucaio utuf a cuuvez glass together lu jut ilto nbt jkisiuou wuuld mako distant ut jocta mom ucar v itiiout this liiuulu should have never had ihu lilojcopo and witiiuut tho teloscojio wu nlimld bv limwi hiuo ui tbo nun luu 11 r auiin so ll jui vgi lata chain o to look through a telcscojki ao 1 soo t hn win id em it i 41 w ioeaj luat rauieiober uiu littlo luy kl u hel u far off liul uiid li huw si ulh t woolforooo hundred lkdlars itonaxd lur any ijiio tif t atarrh uiat cauuok bo curad y hall o catarrh cuin hall a catarrh cure hai been tokou by catarih buiroiora for uie eat thirty he years on 1 has become lnum aa the moot i talublo muiedy for ttarrli halls calarihcutuiicu through tho bluod on tha mucous nurfstoa ot poll log tha imaati fruui the itluuil and healing the disoasod ortionft- alter jou have takou halls caurrh lura fur u aliurt timo you will soo e grat iitpnmiticut 10 your geueral health losti yon may not bo able to eat your cako aod have it an tho well known adage auas but it has boon proven you can eab your potatoes and havo them for potato poolings if properly treated and planted will produce fine potatoes by caving your potato from now on yon will have enough seed to plant two or threo rowa in your garden by planting time owing- to the scarcity of sead potatoes and the high prices atdxed u will be decidedly worth whilo mr tim carter city park commissioner a member of the firm of howe a carter flansta stated to tlio record that the boss potatoea he raised hut year wero grown from sesaj abtjpsd pda way when peeling potatoes cot tho eyes off onoquartcr of an inch thick and aava the for aeta spread them ont in cardboard liexes patting only one layer in eac box and place them in a light roam where tha temperatare is not too high i changed my basea around to tha light about once a woek do not water them will thoy not dry oat and eh rival upt be was aaked no ho replied instead of drying up if the room is not too warm they will grow by the 20th of may bast year when i eet mine out they had grown to be thick round httla tubera i planted thorn only four mche1 deep potting two or thrda pieces into each hill aod than molded tha earth up around them el torwards tho hilla were eighteen inches apart no this lafe plenty oftootn to get around thorn to culti vate i never had such good potatoes ans tho reason i think u that by germinating them thin way in tho house they get calouel od are not ao susceptible to woathcr con ditiona a eoii condition and are better able reaist peata i was carol u i to aava tha eyosrfrom perfect potatoea only windsor itoccrd ip you are a mothee doaaecold ion bo kiclr dont bo croaa- ioot fret or whine dont bo despondent 1km t work too hard dont bq complaing doot act bad example dont forget to bo a lady dont wear alipahod ahoea dontnegloct tho children i tootjor5ottojauiprtghar don t rob yonrjielf of alae dont bo a flond of neataesa doo t read worthleas uteratarn ddat forget to bo kind and aweou doot wear uncomfortable clothing w dont allow jouraeir to bo nervoua doot stand when you can eit down dont try to do two days work in one dont forget to lovo and cartas tlio child- don tgo without a lunch when yon ore faint dont forgot that jour huahand old lover ixmt slump the ahouldern and bocamtra hunchback dont forget that homo without a mother desolate ikiutgot out of tlio liablt of walking with tho apine erect dont forgot to inflate the luuga with pure fresh air dont forgot uiat no 000 can rob jou of your truo womanliueaa doot take on a whole lot of outside work whou your handji arc full 1 jour rueraj cure at ami ct mi of catarrh sood fyc r i hi sly ax luletlo ohio soil t i all ruclut io the stone in the ho ad on 00 a rich man livnd iu a beautiful palaoo near a village ho loiod the people in the village and tried to help them tho pooplo iu umvitbuttdld unt ukato ork thoy were imtiappy becauso they wore uot noli thoy envied uieir friend in u10 palace one day tho rich man got up ly in tho morning audput a largo atone in uie middle of uie road m front of hia homo ihou he idd behind a bush and sited to eoo what wuuld hapjien by aud by a jioor muu como along ha sa driving a cow ho was angry because tlio klono was in tho road ho kicked tho otouo and wont 00 then a furmar cum he druvoaround 0 stooo aud lolt it in u10 rood many icuplo paaod uioatuuu but no one touched iu itwanalmoet dark wluui a millsra bay pound ho was v urod hut ho aaid tohmisolf somo one my fall oer uiia stooo in tho night i will muto it alter trying for a long timo to lift tho heavy atouo bp finally mo rod it from its place thou bo saw a whlto bag lying benaath u he idled u10 bog it waa heavy becauso it was tlllod wiui gold thoao worde wore on u10 bag ibis balougs u u10 hiraoii who moves this tho hoy wont homo with a happy heart tho rich man out hack to bin costlo ho waa glad to find somebody who waa uo alraid to do bard thmi t lo on tho uioory that u10 icaa you the amuuior uui cooler you will 1 ihteiaiolv of raukur light 1 ut lieurliih

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