Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1917, p. 4

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ctijc vrfoit jm 3l55 a l 5 5- fr mi jfiuuuus f1 irua r ii iro s eo la school j ro an i stern ici id tlhr u rt w u not ly a r i iw i d dirt if ijjlu al 1jj jiixlw llg slj l 1 tj i iw my ivor clitijf aiw lucto 1 xl 1 i w b ruin lliu i licjfi which had ijoya ll row twenty irogfies prow upiant hull frog ltny lccatna al uit hot ono losnou uioy lorj ol not o ip dm rn anion the lob labshadmujiifthelflra a incti ff ojjis ouejil to 1 nnw tlioy nit i i other lot lead injf oilier liulo frog a rid on the pilot it was too cxoitinfl a railroad trip to do ilopaatd an eaiilrrn marwwao riding by fa throut ii tho itocky mountains a friend liad to hi him about riding on tlio pilot of tho engine through uomo grand mountain nccpcry aud tbo cant- crncr tnm eager to havo tho uaxao ex t pcricneo at tbo first opportunity therefore ho nuked the eondtictor whether hla trlcnds and bo could rldo on tho front of tlio engine tho con ductor very promptly said they could not nothing but o- permit from tho superintendent of tho lino would en tltlo any ono to nuch n privilege as tho napcrlntcndent was a thousand mqco away it cccmcd a hopeless casa tho eantcrner opoko of his disap pointment to tho pullman conductor who told him that perhaps tbo nffajr could bo managed after all through his diplomacy it was arranged bome- how or other and at tho next station fonr or tho party including two ladles took their places oq tho pilot tho bccnery woo oomo of tho grand est in tho now world but tho easterner could notxnjoy it tho two slender raits in front held bis gnxo with a sort of horrible spcll ho eould not look away from them ho felt almost tho sazso senso of insecurity and terror that a man would feci if ho were and denly ivhirlcd off into inflnlt npaec suddenly as the train rounded a curre ho raw n hand cat- on tbo track ahead ilia companions saw it at tho samo mutant a man stood beside it and was mating desperate efforts to rcmovo it from tho rails fjo cot tbo wheela off then aa tho englno bora down upon him bo fled tbo engineer did notaeo tho hand ca oncc ho was at tlio moment looking at bio gnuscs when bo did aco it it was too into for him to check tbo speed of tbo train ho coajd only look on i tho band car wan on tho nldo ortho track nearest tlio man from tbo cant iio bad an awful half minute ho roao to hli feet not knowing what ho did and leaned far over in front of tho oihrn hla cci were riveted upon the band car lie saw nothing rcatlx- td nothing except u approach tlio iihiio clrucl tbo bund car with tirrillc force an 1 the pilot lifted it from tbe rails it rolled up ground a j alnst tli try place where tho aat etutr bad hem ultting j lowed a deep groom in tin ironwtrl and then top- i led over ut lhi iilde of tho track tho frlrhti ncd tnj luecr net tho bra li j and brouj bt tbo train to a titanillfll not one of tha party waa mih touch il tut ttuy bad bad tuoui li rldln on the i hot and in dtttl it van tlto end ot such riding for others i roin that tluu all soch trips were etrlcttv forbidden it nm two jtarfl twforo the man from tire can could sco a iiand car cen htamllng lianuleaty bealde n rail wairoet ittimrt tui fatotand dlir ioutba couiponi thrift is served and health preserved by wearing rubber footwear around the farm in rainy sloppy weather quality and long wear whether in rubber farm boots high rubber boots or rubbers are assured if you choose a pair bearing on the sole any one of these trade marks hebcdahts gmmbv- jacques cadtien maple teaf dominion daisy v canadian consplidated rubber co limited areat manufacturers ol ilubbcr goods in tho bntiah emplro executive ofrices montreal pq eveh ladge uptodate manufacturing plants in canada bb sebvice bqancue3 and warehouses tiitlouchout canada i w canadian girl f set gossip agog dranotrunkvy c i j many women suffer from pains in the back when the back bejina to ache it b n cure in4hat there 13 oniclbint radically wrong with the kidneys what you want is a kidney medicine doan a kidney pills are not a cureail but a mediauc for the kidneys only mrs l mchuion plyropton n s- writca i am centime you this testi monial tcihnr you what a wonderful cure doans kidney pills made for me tor ycaxs i had suilered so with my kid tieys i could hardly do my housework i tisilseyeral kinds ofpdls but- none of then seemed to be doinz me any eood at last i waa advecd to try a box of doan a kidney piuai when i bad taken the first box i found relief i iiave used five- boxes and toda i feel iifc julutnnlqaly good new woman i can recommend thera takoa mthool ihm too hijhly soans kidney p1ii3 bear uie trade mark of a maple leaf and are put up tn an oblone erey box pee that you get koina when you ak for them f pnce coc n box 3 for ji 25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of pnce by tim t mixhujln co likithd toronto ont when orderinx direct specif y doano millars worm powders not oaly taako tha infantile nratcm nntfinahlo for worm butilo tliolr ctloo on 1i10 nlornncli and liowelx tlioy corrnal nuch troullos ai lack of appetite bill jneis tmix oil er internal diwnlora that tbo worms crttato childron ljiriro upon u em and du roattor what condition tliotr worm infoatcd atom achi may bo in tlioy v 1 nliow itnjirovmont on nooo as tlio lroalmenl befps poetuih palo rttatlaas and sickly child a own thair condition to worms mother gratcv worm hxtermloalor will rcllsra them and re to re health corns and warta disappear when traatd with ttoiiovray m corn caro without leaing a scar castor i a for infantn and chlldreii in uso for over 30 yoars shrnaturo or mclts a chalfanoeu vhat do you know nltout tbo ilflll electrochemical production of slnml nura the arhisou pry as for nianu ractnrlng carbontndum he wilson method of opplyln- acetylene indns trlally the lorejoy ijradley plant for tho fixation of atmospheric nitro gen the aylry invention of the dry air blast in iron making the uerres- hot metlkd of clcctrolytle copper re- llnlng th ivascb procesa for rednlng crudo oll7 v e feel aafo n asserting that tho great majority of our readers could npt namo offhand much leas dc ecribo any one of these eight dis co tries ct they are tiaslc steps in odr iiqeit 6t nature wo aits all tn- di htt d to the in every day of our lives colliers weekly tha 0a of natl oris fee lino sntit nal fct hnr is obviously only a coinj icuuuj hi luneo of tliujo corporate tnthuiiainii1 uhkh oro sontaneously l ciicra ted a booh an ono reconixes hiuuelf to 1m a member of a group he t her ono 1 cl 11 a to tho trench ln- atllute is a ll4uliter of tho uovolu tlf 11 u braklinnu on tho itaulmorii and ohio n de e ato t n religious contrcsa is nktin for llarvurd or ascending bis euealo leal tee lie hilda write jnijuu homy itol bison in tbo cen fury hla 1 e ru nality airetally ex panuin iilir dlflldint mid diucon tenter i bccuinca l ruud nud cofitklcut wl com odd christian namu an ni 1 lllant rt j khu in tho curious i 11110 f hel 1 nt the 1 it nit tint of tlio h nun t till una eaiiecd nn lijaulry mliro lio nt it fr iu ho rej lied from tho hill it ri it hi only mentiouwl once i t ironlcli a ii there livid for in in uirs in tl a ultra f lwcr- tm tiitli on untied mult iio waa 1 oru a tivlii mid ldu 1 ireiitu thriftily dlvlih i tin in hillncd iitmio or jero- mtih hetuuui thein thtt oiuor iu b- lug cliruttneil jcre luudou tjlubc- didnt advebtise an advurtisiog msoafrer at a sphinx club dmner in new york told an odvertmiuc etory a man lis said entered a nhop one hitter cold day asd ixuight awoolleo muft ler when he opened tbo mauler ha found inlda the iholouraph of a beautiful girl together with a note saying 1 if you nro amgla plaaao write to tup a name and address folio wad and the man smiled it was einglo and ho put tha photograph od his sitting room mantel there every avsalog looking up from his book ha bshold it- it was rory boautifal and lo a wek be bad fallen bead over heels in love soiie wrot tlio girl another woflk of anxious suspense than the lovotiak man received this crushing letter t sir tha mary south to whom yon wrotawoamy graodmstber sbediod nnia years ago agad 80 to ura truly our heartbroken bachelor on looking into this strango matter fodnd that hed foehahly bought the mufnar from a dealer that did not advertiso children cry fob fietcher5 oastori a children cry for ftetchers casto ri a a 1 ill for rralo workors the man who works witli his trains la luoro hallo to ber derangement of tho digtntlra system than tho ranti who works witli tin hands becausa u o ono calls upon his nerroui energy while thootherspptioionly inn muscular streegth drain fag begota irreulantiea of tho stomach and liver and tlio best remedy that can bo used is parmeleas vegetakia pills they ore trpecially compounded tor ouch cases and all those who uso thani can certify to thoir superior ower never keep vinegar or yeast in atone crjrckjlor juga thcie acid attacks tha tlio otltortbo vaxmara bottle of dor- ff wuiol ba to poisonoas tliomaa ecloctno oil in tbo form houao ill aavq many a journey for tho doctor iac-tbs- w takoa sithooll mature who nuffar from pains and aclioo bntthersaxa directions for ita use on cattle thorn should always hoabnillonf itjn tha bousa put a silvered spoon into tlio most dali cate glass and boiling hot liquid can be pourod into it without breaking it erpect help rem oery parson in tho ofiortn to mako tho town sanitary sick headache aad biliousness cufuid by milburns laxa- liver pilts mn wiuard tower ttillihoro njb writes i have suffered oamcthinj awful with act headache at times x would becoine bilious and would have oevexe pains tn my stomach after eating and have a bad lasts tn my mouth every morning i told come of my friends about it and i was advised to use md bum s laxa tivex pills this i did and and they cored me when the hver becomes sluttish and inactive the bowels become constipated the tongue becama coated the stomach foul and il and bilious headaches occur mdburns loxa liver pills clean the foul coated tongue and stomach and banish thg disagreeable headaches mdbums iaxa liver pills ore 25c per vial g viols for si 00 at all dealers or mailed direct on reddpt of pnce by tnnt mamns co lnirrkd toronto ont aha waltd tho boatiuful orrlng wnyward prlnct as do chi may who died a fow days ato in iadnu italy but uttla pait hor primo and whoso ud vnnturen tor iwonty years furnlshod goonlp for lurppcaii boclnlyaud beo national ntorlon for autorlcatl nnwa- padorn which woro not mlnlmlxod in trnnsinlaolon waa known in toronto botwoon 30 and 3c joartf ago when sho opont a few carofroo happy yearaqx hor fcrjcht prococlouo child hood oho wtui educated partly at miss dupontn a moot fasblonahlo school ioryoung ladle irvthoo day on john struct opposlto tll qoorgoa church and partly by jsucitsh gov- nrnoanoa and waa brought up in tbo most careful way her father was captain hbor ilrock ward n canadian by birth who antaased a fortuno in detroit and died worth a groat doal of money in 1870 alexander cameron a woll known lawyor of toronto married captain ward a widow and brought hor to tho old family resi dence which still stands at tho nortb- oant corner of church and carlton dtrooto clara word lived with her m tbflf and stepfather jn toronto for x or novon yearn during thla tlmo mrs cameron ontortalned a great deal hut oho is host remembered as a liberal open bonded woman ovor ready to help any charitablo objoef who founded a wine in tho homo for incurables at a coat of 415000 and also aaottaco at mlmlco asylum called the camoron cottage sho was a groat friend of tha late oold- wln smith after mr camerons death in 1893 abo married tho late john morrow a toa broker of to ronto and after a few yearn went over to cngland and routed a fine country placo in wanwutkshlro lied charleentn park near ijtrat- s1fjgja1dep tell otliera ho tliey wer carried safely through change of life dnrand wis iain tho mother ol fourteen children and 1 owo my life to lydiae pinkhanaa vogo table com pound when i was jcbnab6rxn6 change of life 0 frland rccom mended it and it gnvamu sudi relief from my bad fcel- inrn that i took several bottles x run now well and bealthy nnd rccom- menil your compound to other ladies mrs mahy itmcwayjnrand wis a lasjuicliusetta woman writes blackntone masar my tronbles wcro from my afc end i felt awfully filck for three years 1 bad hot flashes often and frequently suffered from pains i took lydia e plnkhams vej ltadlocompoundandnowamwch mrs piluue coltunoyeh box 229 blackntone mass such warning symptoms on sense of burtocation hot uashcshladachcs back aches dread of impending ovi tlnn uty aounds in tha ears palpitation of tho heart sparka before tho eyea imgn- laritjcs conabnauon vansblo appetite weakness and dizxinetfa should bchceded by middleaged women lydia e pink hdms vegetable compound hoa corned many women safely through this crisis t 04 how to keep well nr john w s ttccwllavau std dj- n cimj otnem oi till lltovinciai boabd 01 ihaim tm hm tbt your prouiliaiare abovo criu t tin can dutncts beoomo germ bread rs batiisb them from your town igood worlor and jou uiy ho is an industrious worlar it 11 a tonlsh me 1 had form oj iuot tlu uphuliu 01 inlun of blm lie j the ni it hi luoirioua worker 1 t ver mitt ui 1 rob iblv worlis no many ta n dht u j tot plo a effy or tries to liumum-lamil- 1 a toxt trom drar williams 1 tli u l want tiut dorhh tnanagot kiiona uilbty wnltmio alnt ntntir turn it hnrje nu 1 men t want 1 ue j what nlu t ft n hies 1 in on it i w i nut ver money i ml 11 mlchty toed ii n cold niawnln tlanta couatltu- oi ilnnt ulnn nnd rrpnuuoo aro easily 1 1 1 111 d mimr htji luejidoil j rjul llu waga wsr an ilaf nipsqaitooa weed or they carry and cause dlsaaaa and had severe cold on her lungs baked phlegm amd blood never ueflcct what at first seems to be but a dlh t cold you think perhaps you axe strong ciioajii to fight it off hut colds are uot so easily fotifht off in this northern climate and if they arc not attended to at once will sooner or later develop into some serious unx troublo such as brouehitia pucunioma and per haps that dreadful disease consumption imim kayo ucduiudd sydney mines n s wrttes last winteri contracted fsevcie volet und it settled an my luncs woiid coueu and raise phlegm oud hlootl j had the ootixb fur a mouth and luul ajcdieiua ftoju the doctor but it lid not seem tu do uie any good i really tlioeislit i had cunsumptkm 4 my friends udvued tnc to use dr wood 0 nonuy linc syrup which i did gndit lave 111c sreat relief i am very lud i iuct ir wood a and would ceuuuneud it to every one you can juocure lr wood s norway pine byrop ftuci any drutgett or dealer but te ure and get dr wood 9 when yon u3k for it as there are a number of imitations on the market which soma dealers uufy try to palm off 011 you as the genuine sec that it is put up in a yellow wrap per three 1 uie trees is the trade mark j lice 5c and f0e m inn fact tired o ily by tim t mil t un- co 1 1u1t1u1 1 ront a oat tilc 1a11yh clothing ountinard laundry ilulca iic jplannlls knitted bands underabfrtn rte obould bo washed without u washboard by soft oouoexinr lth tlio binds in warm water any good soap without too milch alkali should bo used they should then bo rinsed in aoveral watora of tho aamo tent peiaturo a sudden change- from hot to cold wait r hardens the llbro of tho ool and ihlckonn up the garmoot cottt n rnrments may bo washed in aoap and hot wator caro of diapers a inrto tinnmol or flvknisod iron pall ahould in provided to noak tlio wot dlnp ru vticu taken off und another for soiled dlatw rj iloth sliould ik covered to fcoop off tbo flies tbo wet diapers should stand in water till thoy can bo waaliod ibo bulled dlaporo obould ho cl uncd separately thu rlnalnta of tititli ubould bp dlupoaod of in tbo water clo t dlaneru olujuld 1h orrublxd with jood noap and hot wntor uqtll chan fhi y uliould then be rlniied in two or threo wators uutll the watt r uhowu 1 ir soro and raw buttoclcj may rctult front the use of ttuprnoi r nop or tuperfect wash inc or rltalnk if th water 1b hard soften ltby utilnj nurflcleiit pure borax cjqthj irlt j out of doom aro always whito and iimell awootor than those dritd hmldo ij hicicm i tho funs baby who tuny just lw bej inning to tnt alck and tho nit k laby no niati r from what all moot should be kpt strictly in bed do not rock or mrso i i111 keep viultom away from tiiiu how nruyou to know that bo may not ho ut thu brluiing of an attack of ocarlot fnvor measles or dlphthtirl 0t a eouipi t nl doctor and in tho uuaiulmu uectin ood voutilaton by huviiil the m in l iw p 11 with ifioosllilo a rnuflnlii lh room the loiupcraturo y uld bt at 06 dm v iry it with a thonnomoter write town u rteord of wliat is happ 11i11k 110 that you may bo able to itll tho doctor when bo comes lako the t ul y i tomprrnturu if you bavo a tin riuoiinli 1 nud kunwhjw to uia 1l mark downthe numbur and- char aetdf r ho iiioveiuuuts and tho seat of ialn if thi ro npi ears to bo any ihtuk of what food tho buby has bad tho quantity urln and aavo a uptclm n in rlean eiitiit dlh noto if thoro is cough rapid breathing or miltlnc reutl tinm na und crying work tho color nijd m nil appearance u huuin of ulo p tho written record make 1 it oaakr for tho physician to coiuo to a satisfactory conclunlon rot ardngthe trouble jettina w 1 ii when tht baby bt 1 iuu to got woll do nut stuff him with too much food a child will take food when ho needs it sonio dhwnuea uuclt as ucuto rbou uiatlum tons llltls iuitl diphtheria roqulru projt ucud rust if full recovery in to bo uxpoctcd taking tlio rcaiptraturc w a baby normal tnmporaturo runs from os to 99 h 11 u v if above loluos tet a doctor ut once take tho tuinporutun in tho following innnnor aroint tbo bulhtnl with vaa lint and ins rt into tho rectum for nbout ono inch if carefully dona thoro in no puln 1a avo it thuro for i ilf a miuutt und mar down tiiu record don t bo unnit if the tempera- turo i 101 u 10 lit 1 i or over many tuiupornry ullmnnta of children show iuudtiii1 ly hlih lumporuturea and rt lief la ofton obtaluod by almplo vu ajiiirtr croup llmtlo eroup in a npnnmudlo eoiidltlou of tho urynx wlatlplpe with u rautlnj touch and tlimrulty tu broothluj it often alarms tho mothor btit in nit dunroroua in tho uhntmcti of a ilcxtor it la a tnud plan to induco tuinlthiii wh eh may bo duno by tho administration of a toaapoonrui of uyruii of ii an infant of nix moutl a tdd should bo glvoa qvo drops iv ry iirterii mlnultu till relief lo obtaliwil lobulation of stoam is nto ubtirul mnhr a tent over tho bed and proluco ntnanj by boiling water over ill ahobol stovi a ttonpoonful of tliirluo of lunln liviars balsam qi point of wut r li in on usoful hot comiuumoa or a utustard plaster nvt 1 thu n p r part of he chwil la a good ntmsuro five clropo of syrud of ipitac h iiiily lu tho ovtuliic will b ip to nruruut nicurrln attacks have llu luctor 111 uw hlumotf that tbo baby has uu adenoids or largo tiiiinlls ttu this 1 ar a eoinmoii cnuso of croup fordon avon which belonged to tho percy famity i woojcbio pork nearby where mrs morrow died xlttlo clara word waa very boao- tlfnl every then jind tgoat otraordin arrd mrs cameron took hor abroad and put hor to school tiro or three yearn later through tho influence of tho canadian commissioner in parja abo wan introduced into parisian so- cioc asd mo- those very desirable men who possessed titles for it was determined that nhrj shoald marry the possessor of a title hero at is years of ago abo met and wan mar ried to tho prlnco joseph do chimay for years everyone has seised the slightest opportunity for costing an additional stono at the unfortunate princess and it is pleasant to say comothlng in iier favor when oho was married t th prlnco nbo was an iimulxnc child uf 18 years of age ho was a lightweight and aha did not lovo him she wan considered tha most boon ufa woman in europe and bad great wealth and a title was considered nocossary ills qualities were ail nogativo and his estates were mortgaged np to tho hilt sho gavo him hor exquisite self paid off all his dobts and sottlcd a largo nam on himself how did ho repay hor instead of cherishing thp incut woman in europe ho still kept np hla intrigue and maintained blsjlttld imitalo chalets tha result woll sho waa a high bplrjtod cana dian girl of great beauty and sho bo- caxno fed np with her princeling sho kicked ovo tbo traces of the late adventures pooplo only know by hearsay but that la how clara ward was sent on tho career that made her tho talk of two continents jancxy uigo tho gypcy violinist who was once tho husband of clara word after the pfinco do chimay divorced her has boon giving inter views to the now york papers tbo violinist mot tho jirlncess when sho and tho king of polgium and mem bers of his staff wero dining in a restaurant in paris rlgo played and after tho performance kissed hor hand a few days later they eloped dressed as gypsys for eleven years fao nlmwith pre tents and costly gifts today ho is tho possessor of caskots of jewels worth thousands ot dollars tho io- ua on which he now oxhibits his talentj h gift ol tbo princess chimay tho gypsy talks of nothing now but clara ward and her gonor- snity toward him of her gifts aad their romanco ho declares that oho left him 5500 000 lio la now play ing at tho- tjttio hungarian restaur ant in now york ho declares that when the war la over bo will claim hla fortuno canadian lead pencils to a firm in newmarket belongs tbo distinction of man u facta ring tho rot wooden lead pencil ever made tn canada here to to ro pencils usod ihrouchout tho xomlnion wcro im ported from austria england and tho united states but now that a pencil in ovory way satisfactory tp tbo trado is being produced in can ida ordura ore pouring in in inch lumbers as to keep tho mills oper- iting to capacity tho company has men manufacturing wooden ware in now market far tbo post 70 years bat rill now devote its en tiro plant to tho making of load pencils and in ito near future will rofnoro its heavy 1 cachlnoryto a new mill nosxer tho amber limits where thay will con- inuo tho manufacture of woodn rare keep hens this year p gg and poultry prices the itlc of tohlcli have seldom j2s or never dccn cxpcnliiced certainly rrnvr it worth anyones while to start keeping hens by doing 20 yott have fresh erga at the most trifling cost at the sxdk time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that you arc doing something towards helping bntam f aad the alhea achieve victory this year increased production of food helps not only to lower the hieh cost of living- but it hclpa tq nrr tho urgently needed surplus of canadas food for edportj 43 it saves money otherwise spent for cgj and poultry at high prices and saves the labor of others wbnae euort is needed for more vital war work y the ontario department of agriculture will give every possible assistance by affording information about poultry keeping- write for free bulletin which trt bats to keep hens address below a vegetable garden for every home nothingshould be overlooked m tis vital yearoi the ifror the deparlnient earnestly invitc3ecrycne to help incrcasc production by growurg vegetables even the smallest plot of ground when property cultivated pro duces a eurpnsmg amount of vcgetatjles lirpenencc 3 not essential on request the department of anculture will send valuable htcrature free of chuge giving complete direc tions for preparing soil plantuipcuitivationetc a plan of a vegetable gardt indicating suitable crop to grow best varieties and their arrangement in the garden will oc sent free to any address- address letters to vcgctnblc campaign r department of asnculturt railiaincnt buildings toronto ontario department of agriculture w h- hoant mhdstor of agrkultar parliament buildings toronto 11 kcton livery bvs lim6 havrjr pr7- the lt v ami oodwru rf he business from mr a ilccaan i ioheir with consctesce the ponxmage of the 1 p coafertsbe g ssinphed at rcatorimc rari bpccjal ala to supplying coarcyiace f wccldisgs and fcacrais uatcr cars fam2edwhcn rc- quired qua kkbtts alx tttaia3- mhi st l e- atkinsqiv acton- ont cnnnnocsi grain chopping well done and qeiickly at only i 1 1 5 cents 1 per bag j harristfco limited ockwood ont annaarjqnanqnnoi rescued prom tho fteaw captain bvenden hla wife olate hanson and a crew of three who oro helpless on tho derelict bargs bonald d lntjuocn charlotte sound 1 vcro rescued recently by captain a 0 davles of the o t it steamer rlnco john the transfer was mads rlthout tho s ightest mishap ol- 1 hough tmxoondous aoas wox rua- ung nad weak and dizzy spells was cuftco by milburns heaht and nerve pills mrs j a nlcbolls lutowvl oat imtea i was weak and run down biy heart would palpitate and i would take weak and dixsy apcils a friend ad vised me to take your heart and nerve pills so i started at once and found that i fcjt much btronicr sad my heart was ever so much better in a shortutna i cannot paaise your medicine too biibly far it has doao mo a warkl of good my husband has also been tothcred with heart trouble ever since childhood and finds quick relief by utlnc your valuable puis mil burn s heart and nerve pi lis have been ou the market for uie past twenty five years and ara universally known as j tho very best remedy for all troubles arising from usq heart nr ncrrcs mllburna iirart and nerve pitu ore 60c per box 3 boxes for 1 30 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of priceby trial mttnusx cotutxrao toroow ont j 1 cream wanted sweet or sour j best prices paid cans supplied all express charges paid k farmers dairy company ltd toronto when ou necu boots shoes at any time am fbom w williams acton ontario 1 amous i or satisfactory footwear hi asovablk twos buy madeincanada goods marion ik ka11iun

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