Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1917, p. 2

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iitrlli mantain ami i- frr at tlio fijnwfn rales 1 hah med jr pod april lmh hi iv by hot italian u of 1 mny iailiuir f mr near artnn o wednesday il j martin troll to klho ml mr jamin uant at pi re marys c william ira died i homo of hie non alma at n huriday juad april 1017 nt in his rljth year jtljc cfnit jf jrts thultslay aiiux 20tli 1017 editonial notes with ukujuiu to i ho crop ontlook there ero indications of o7iu lis lajitl ally larger caw in 6i whllo the nupply of farm labor ia iiot etiundftnt thn enthusiasm which tlio iroductioii alogan lias brourrhb i with it vt bellovod to ho nufflehsnt to alleviate tbo farroont problems back yard ffardonlnj anil a more oitenilro mo re meat of ubor from city totteunlry are expected to play their jiertn in eurrmentjng- the supply of foodstuff aitotn uio many institutions dirofctly affected hy tlio ctaounr of womans gnffrago la tho provincial wommi libera jlrnociation quito apart from uio vote uiia amociatlon haaboon in oiittenco for two or throe years and has doao good work ln keeping women informed on publio affair individual clnhointho association particnlarly those in torontoand hamilton hto douo splendid service fn patriotib worlc the toronto liberal club aa a matter of factluui pstahluhod a high water marie in uio amount of tupplioa fnrnuhod to military hospitals in canada and e a rope j with tho coming of womans franchise thoao cjabi will not relax tn uio loast their patriotic andoavorr batnevr id addition timy will lisvo uio responsibility of present ing to uio women electors the facta oo poblio isaum of tho dey in which now for tho qrab time women ha to a direct part s- himosa m meplo ilarat uio beautiful homo of mr end mrs it j kerr wu en feto on wednesday nigh but whoa nearly tho whotp neifflinorhood gathorod to spend a social hoar with and hid farewell to mr and mm kerr who are reurinrj from farm- lifo after en hour of social intercourse mr joseph benham tbp chairman stated tho object of uio meeting called upon the awroy orchestra for a eolocuon of after which mr and mr kerr wero called to tho front and mr jeremiah medormott read uio following address dear mr endmrs kerr wo yoor lo off- time friend a and neigh bors in view of your early dojiorture from our midst deem this a fib and proper oocaaion to mark in aorat tangible way onrnleh rcrdf0rxqnr xstnj excouoat qaslitiea of head and heart you mr kerf aro about to leavothe licolonr homo t where some of as haro kpowri jou wince childhood andofor nine yonr gonial cheerful and obliging dlspofltioo you hare endeared yeuraolf to un all yon have been a dilifrent and procteealva former and of late year jm hare falnx peneml cenfldeeoo ee an euctioewir we would not fnrjret your partner- in life who holt nobly iweonded yea in erery irnod work aa a elipht momonto of our lone friendship vo ank yon tn accept theee chaira and tiar wlahand prayer in thaji yon may innfirenjoy them it la oatlifacuon to know uib jronrjiow hornowj nob bofar from uiiwtiawidr uto often meet epaln- may yna both lo apared to peace prosper ity and happiness signed on behalf ofjho community jies comrf wiidokni jeucmiau modrauott david dotraixt at tho proper lino two beeotifnl chains ra in by messnr jeaeecoflny oad darld doagua and mr and mrs kerr were placed in them as uio roosts of hooer mr kerr who was much affected by the nnexpected kndneaa of bit neigh bor mode on able and fittlnc reply on behalf of mrs kerr and himself referring t tho happy umea spent in tho old homo and to the pleasant intercourse- and god fcjuowbhi existed between themselves and their neighbors dnrinr j1 the years utey had lived a the old fana ho also expreened deep retrret at their dopcrttire from their plesxant associsuons hot hoped that they won id not forjreb them in their new home tho utch key of which would always be oat for hjfim all and hoped that uiey would come and haro a meal end i enjoy tho beautiful chairs a rood programme of music songs and brief speeches followed all uio speak ore expressed reepecfaod affection for mr and mrs kerr and- roffreb at she wrerenoe of theic relations as close and intimate neighbors they npoke in lorinp termit of the many- excellent quojitlas of hand sad heart that had ever boeaexhlhited a uio kfadbelpful hanil and loving sympauieuo heart had ajwaygbeen open tnthstti in all umea of need or sorrow or trouble of any kind mr kerrs aoooese in many linen was spoken of a an oxamplo for the younjr men anrf aeencoaracretnont in uieduuea of life the farm which he took hold of as a mere lad and which was practically a wil- dernosi tie has brought to its present high state of cultjvauon with 1u splendid buildings and beautiful turrouddinjrs ii is faaio as a breeder of choice hogs fs trotlflrowido and of late years ha come to the fore front as a capable and respected auctioneer ills beloved mimosa mothodist church will mlsi mr kerr perhaps more than all else lor msnjr years be has been an active nietnber and official and in church sunday school uuaiooss and social gatherings hit untiring eaerey seal and ability conduced to the sacvesnof thsno enterprise after uio prof ram mo a liountifut repast was partaken of end the meeting wm hraukhttoaiiliehy fooul be wiui you till we meet again worthy citizens ray farkwell mr johns colo man ilia tlothor and hiscliiukmor ethoj loft for tho woat on tuesday ll tie with l rr tjot tho eoplo of action liaro itl goodbye to mr jilui h felorpan who iflft fur hamlote manitoba on tuesday afternoon twentyfuur years ago last novointmr mr col thn an and hin family came to actoa from lreeltoti end they nave alwnyji rn- oyt tho high catmin of bo cmnmunity during their reiideijco hero uioir joys aid uielr nonown havn been nterminglod tho deaui of mm coleman when tho chil dren were atnoji was a sad ovent as was alno tho deauf ormrs colemans other ten or twelve years later tlioo there have been tlio cd byes to brothers and slater and the retnnvai of uio eld out son free- msnlowiaconiln end uie enliatmciil of victor for ft re mean aervice mr coleman and ldnamllyhaynlen useful and helpful ci titans in uie church especially were tliejr acuvklos oonstant hut uie community in general profited by uipir eftarts mr colsman was for yearn a member o the itosrdof rducauon and dine yearn aso was honored wjuj tho ch air- raannhipof tho board ito was for years fiacrstary of uie lords day alliance here took a live interest in uieuihle society and wan a strong supporter ef ac too citl- senn committee for tlio prohibition ef tho liquor traffic his worth jn connocuon with uio public and high school was given radical manifestation last friday aitar- noon when the teachern aod pupils joinuy cuulfl him a gift of gold aod a oomplfmea lary addroca in uie methodist church mr colemans character and usefulness were splendidly manifested as was set forth id a compre hensive address presented on so ndsy after- noon at the close of uie sunday school ser- vioo bis willingness for service an j ability id its execution won for him tho bestow- roent of tbehlghest offices in uio gift of theiocal church tho address was arcorq- panlfd by a beautiful gold headed cane sni inscribed for uio ajrod mother whoso interest in uie church has been incessant miss coleman has also been a most use ful factor in uio community as librarian of uie public library she served tho read ers faithfully and aatiafactorily while abo aimed constauuyto direct uio reading of all uio javeollo patrons of the library alone channels calculated to be helpful in the upbuilding of strong character and useful life she had the pleasure of seeing tho monthly list of loaned books grow from coo or 300 to between 1000 and 1100 per month as pianist of the sunday school orchestra and a work or in uio ep- worth league and womans missionary sosiety ber serrtces were much valued the address was signed for all depart ments of uie church by rev il w avison m a ik d pastor frank kennody day school superintendent ii p moore secretary treasurer trustee board mrs a t brown president womans mission ary society mrs j c nelson president ladibb ijjuwminnlo boniiett president ep worth league and earl vin cent president kings orderlies bible class an incident in connection with uie pro ceediogs was a brief odd roes by mr thorn as obrien a roman catholic friend and admirer who requested the privilege of paying his tribute to mr coleoisns worth in concluding ho qnothd tho following what matter though at different urnee oar fathers- wou uie aod what matter though at dihoreol shrines wo worshjpuie enejqod as they loft on tuesday afternoon uiero were many esd hearts left behind mr oolaman and his mouier will make thsir home with his brother james a prosper miss coleman will become dio brido of iuv james ralston brown b a and will grace a metjhedist paraonagft in tho albestajsooierancn countylicenses ohamted boon granted puce aotoq burlingteu hurliogtou llurliugttn flutloa freeman qeeetis raymond village inn oak till oakvllla uiokall miss m follow in gapplicauous for hundsrd hotel lloeiues for the year 10l710jtto arrunarrr laaby ham m hakor harry smith il i mckay w d campbellviuo crawford m lon williams hill tj georgetown weight hairy kxchang jeoruelowa mthilhhoo s1i motiiblwn jeeryetown ssohn aiiert priuoealu milton kennetlr j commercial milton mann oeo a uoofhboq norral voturi aimrt hollywood tlio funds this mwttwtlo 1uj cross cliib ilbeop jos r olbjoii were enbaaew by eat prooeu of awut mnmiy lloo the village doctob this anmslng amatouv drama ably presented last thursday evonlnar tho members of uje intermediate red cross oirls club after seme weeks of care f ul rshcarsal proaented with ability clara andersens drama the village doctor in uio town ball last thursday evening the efforts of thi young ladies in their worthy cause wero rewarded wltiigenoroua patronage by our cltfuns the hall was filled to capacity there was ample msoi f rotation that the production was apprecb ated aa pxnsonted by uio local actors the several scenes with their vqry appropriate settings their amusing but natumjand homely features the ahlo characteriiatioo by tho cast of actors whose quaint and semowbst antlquo costumes played upon theyisibiliuos of the audience and the btrikiotr local hits introduced all gare interest to uie play the several scenes were scene 1 mrs cranes parlor soens 1 doctors ofuce six moths later sceno3 doctor office uiat night j scene i doctor office next morulng i scsuo jtotho wedding j rooopuoo assisted by local artiits the culminauon of uie drama was the marriage odr youog and jatmcrano uie trained nurse the wedding was a gay affair wiui itfi congratulatory speeches its entertainment and accompany lug activi ties tho cast ef the drams was as follow dr yeung uio dociat john wood mr wiseacre farmor il s harwood mr lovejuy village youth tlordbu me- mr lrslbe niggardly farmer dan ritchie mr brief lawyer will iluutor mr urook village teuor harold wild gusl jane craiio trained uurse miis ixira clarke mrs crane janes mother miai kthol montelth mrs hniat ponsliiiiat benuatu mrn were potir widow mlayjarui miss knowing lery literary mialaur attaxjray miss cliilgir gushing young lady miss alva harvey mrs oman full of sohee etidufin mias reowick mrs lrablxi mr tirahbas wits miw myrue koper tommy mrs wares little bay harold wildguat jr the moutodiit sunday school orchestra provided the uiuiiu of uiq evening with much acceptance numbers weraalu introduced by jie misees mason mrs wltdjruat atd uestra harou wildgust jarawi smiui james- mann and t mo- clure tub new provincial highway ovup 300 dolokats wultou upon iromlor hearst tosupport tho conlxal uouto stbonq reasons for this route the deputation whirl on- thr 1rovjncial jovommerit last itriday to urge a central route for uio proposed provincial highway load in jf from toroolo west num ixjrwl over 300 and incluilrd municiiiel end i yard ef tnulo repreentsuvoe from windsor to brampton and from owen hound to jsl instead of following the toronto- hamilton route uit deputation unnd uin huildlngoftlia road from toronto via brampton georgetown acton cuelph kitchener stratford- lex id on and chauism to windsor the central route it was argued would eorto07573 poopls where as tho eouuiorn one would pass through a of a population tho now toronto- hamilton high way frtjhi present uidicauoiis would be ovcr- crowdod wiuiout tieing truuloa link in uio trans provincial highway it wan argued by uio various sueakrra the gist of uio arguments presented by uie various speakers in favor of the rrntral route wan 1 the preponderance of population 2 tlio greatest amount epentalreudy on roads and bridges on thin route 3 by far uiogreataslamountof territory to bo served tlio moat convenient for securing buildjof material through which tg fanllcl such a highway c the greatest agricultural interests to bo aerved it was made tory clear ly the speakers and tho government spparently concuned in it ai well uiat the highway was primar ily for tho use of agriculturists tc enable uiem to draw uielr produco to uio centres of papulation wtiero there would be a demand for it and to assist in making farm lifo more attrocuve the arguments wero well presented by uie various speakers premier hearst listened with great in terest to the various speakers ne replied on bclialf of the government stating that it was not uie in ton lion of tno onvemmeot to proceed with any actual conatrucuon work in conntcuon wiui uio proposed provincial highway onut alter uio war wiui reforenca to uio exact location i have an absolutely open mind he do- wife cured by lydia e pidifluims vegetabio i compound den moines iowa four yearn ngo i waavery elck and my ufo wna ncnrly dpcot ttrn doctors etntcd unit i would ncviir get well wiui- put an opcrnuon and thnt wlutout it i would not llvo one year my huaband objoctcd to any operauon and got mnndmoof iydlnc pinkhnmft vi-grta- blo compound i took it and commrjiccd to get better amj am now well am otoatnndoblo todo my own housework i can recommend tho vegetabio com pound to any woman whv in aick and run down as wonderful strength and hea lh- restorer my husband anyn i would havo been in my gravo era thla if it had pit beep faryour vegetable j3mnourid mrs blakcup jeffeh- tlon 703 lyon sl dcs moines iown before abmutino to a surgical oporft- tjori it lawbo tntrylolhllirlup tho femalo sybtctn and euro ita derange ments with lydia e pinlthama vege table compound it has uaycd many ttdtncn troxh ettrglcaj opcrauona write to the lydia k imnkliom medlclno co ljynnniass for adtlco i will bo conildoiitlal l 4hjs wc arc showing five specials in white voile waist- in plain voilcsi with embroidery fronts plain voiles trimmed with lacco and hemslitclicd fancy stripe voilca trimmed with cluster of fine tuclcs deep square collar hem stitched and tdrjed with cluriy lace sizes 34 to 42 special at 125 1g0 200 250 sm6 three big specials in black sateen undehskirts sateens have advanced 25 since these skirts were bought wchavin stock three lines made up of aeoodquality of black sateen of lustroub finish and are cut generously fall and are pucxtra goodvaules lengths 38 1042 in stock special at soc 100 and 125 clared i can say tliat we wil havo bo one object before us and that will he to naceruin the best possible location for uio road in order to meet uie purpose for which it is iutended hon f jtxcjiarmid poko t the aamoeftect the members of tlio depuutfon rere quite pleased with their reception and uie attitude of tho premier and members of uio government respecting uie provincial highway projocl lota of peoplo wa know have no other excuse for living except that their fathers ware born first 8- irs a qean jrpsy ete alth y skin ia tho birthright of every child contact with count less unclean germlad en things every day however brings tho constant quota of danger and tho happy artless ways of children mako them especially liable to iniectioa even sa thcro is ono suro saieguanl you can use 1 health it 9 a wonderful disinfectant and a bland pure rco lathering soap for all toilet purposes tho most tender skin welcomes its daily -use- tho mdd disinfectant odor you notice vanishes quickly after use at all grocers lever brothers lttimid toronto i 38be the prlafof lifebuoy soap is not altered retails at 5 cents per cake dont forget us when you arc looking for new cartain materials tain sqrim3 atx5c 18c and 20c bungalow cartain nets at zocr 25c and 40c floor oh cloths 1 yard wide 45c 2 yards wide qoc 4 yards wide at 300 running yard euglish linoleum mill street csxjgoussonb to hbnoimaon dc co acton it still 5000000 tho nbovo figure represented the estimated itiis by fanucni through shut in unun crojia in ontario in1015 if you iild u field of oibi barloy ot w licit you no doubtcuiitributcd to tho grcni low hy rcawju of tho piovulcnco ot twiiut lust year tho dunger la gendered greater thiycur thcro is ono way to prevent thin- and that ia to tiieat vouh oeku fon smut tho tijethod uauully luloptctl l as folio wu mix one jitntof for malin with 40 ullony of wuter r a tiiblctpoonkful to i puil of water llacbthe jruin to bo treated in a heap on clean cjiuvoh or floor sprinklu tile formalin solution over tho irrulu then tdiovcl kcicat this until kviiry grain is uoistknkij by tho liolutlon then covlirthi5 pilk with hackincj mid leave for 3 or hours at tho etui of thiu timu spread tho aln ont thinly to dry utinvulliuc it over three or four tiiucs will bajileii the dryiujj immcraiuc the kmin iu a baj i aoaictlmcn jiructlsed und iu ctpjally effective thturfi rout irj rig furuier inlorinut ion apply to tjiil wu 11 huaittft w i ntiionq miu of ariejilture torouty district rcprca llurliutoti roadster 950 country club 1110 motor gins caaaas without ootua style cjiriifort power economy there are definite advantages in the overland light four which make tliiu car ctnnd out conspicuously above other cars in ibr price class in appearance tlija car represents the highest perfection of modem streamline desipuunvccpiacljncaand low hung cryhah dedgn 4 it 13 cuarrjcasinguvpcifonttancc wicbaji abiindancc of poverdekvcrcd by a cmoothruniiiiig motor lhat haa been thoroughly tented before a3crably- in comfort nothing 13 lacking gcncroua whcclbasc large tircaand joag shock- absorbing cantilever opriags all make for easy riding you get all these advantaged in the overland ijght four at a price that ia poiiaible only becauiie it uliania in the economics of the cnonnous whya-over- land production call ontj inspect thin car at our ealca rooms r m mcintyre diatribntoni for uibj district georgetown fltiu jlfibcrltsfrnffitb kiirtrmjnoidt rxijurclj actan ii w avinon rfladdmlnitev v oondfty afiitl3o10l7 koijcanonal anniversary irev qoorjr otsoa cummora d- a- of lowvillo will preach morning nml cvtnlntj dacdatll bc1iool in tho afternoon nt 330 ocloctc all welcome glove makers vvanhd rate if taeeaatmtld ftwitl wojk ti jeerrouod llilltltnixvkhrlmtterl 43 3 yio lilrjininililuw wcaltqtonio tendektf eorshingling rpchdtltlt will t ttiraij tla nndarstcn x ma farahlrirtldgllis town hall a own op to flh day ef march uit flpoclncauaas may be 1 ml nod as clarks offlca actoo a jmekiiikom i33 clort aeton sanitary woitk ad to aiaente all onion for claaqlaa cloesta and eeeapoola in a thoroughly aanltarr and aali tactort maanar leavlnk ie premises in a ajaeo aod udy eondllion wj work in tlia peal is mi beet raooipmanjatlon orders will haveprxmip atuntlon utuliau ii cuttikfl tl 0 ctiuioii utteat actod farm to kent 100 inff ot oood banlc liarn comfortable hoses tlptlds creek ruca through the farm imtnad- lain possession- for tonus and particulars apply to a n iikid il4 lot flcril bn01 aomml residence for sale tnajteouifortablaaurroohiedplaalaradlicniae on victoria attnno acton is in ftood rs- pajr aleetrle llbtt has eemoot floor la eallar hardand aofl water there are toqr lols lth splendid canlen and orcliarrl wllb abool atity beerlns fruit trees flood bum 1120 on the premlacav oood location fortonna and par- tlcnlais apply on tbo irsmlaeaor mldrui john leiholiam i3f uoi axi acta a ont residence f0r8alk tiiat oamfortabla lirlck mldanoeef the on- dertlcned on mill tltroat opposite nalson 4 co a a tors acton it has alabt rooms and bih faruses elactrla iihiiu pantry domb walter and eblea cabinet thlabouae lieeotxaj- ly located ia practically rr and in an excellent auto of ropalr k ilea a verandah and baloony wltli imill poreli at the back llard aad aott water 00 iba prerouoa also cnod garden and lawn jor fertlisr particulars apply at any time 00 the premlaoa to o h irnoww u- sllufutaet aeten- enter anv time for n thoroagh conrso in any ono of shawo seven business schools tor onto write frfr frco catalocoe homo study courses sjso providod wilshaw ivcs i thepdbllcuealtn crnienb axib nsqubstdd to comply with thb puduo health act n headacht nervousness dizziness indioesnon and many ouicr disonlcrs aro symp toms of troublo caused by weak or defective eyes we relieve these troubles by means of glasses which remove the strain from thn eyes and nervous aytem your eyca will bo fitted hero to remove any troublo which they may cause wbqdind ouu owt ucmusta cucipii oats bo youdremwmjerz ifeveryman woman and child in this vicinity would only take one spoonful of 5cott5 ehwmoh after meals for one month it would put vigor in their blood to withstand the rigors of winter weather and- help prevent colds grippo and winter sickness scotts ia a fortifying medicinalfood of particu lar benefit irj changing seasons and overy drop yields direct returns in richer blood stronger lungs and greater resistive power jntitt on scotts millinery our attractive assort ment of latest designs in shapes and trim mings should interest you call and inspect our display misses cooper hulbt ihawr7fcte bic lara draloa r vtf urea water elomts uslbulldleca and other promlaea and remove therefrom all dirt manure and other an balance lisle uie bj t7 next on wbldi day tho baoltary i rupee tort wllf oommenoea bneral lospectlnuandftultier take- uolloa that alia aoetioo of the inblle lleallh act problblllng uie kaaplea nt hoc between tbe 13 ui ul may and the litb at wotata- bor esoepllo pane al least to faet from any dwelllus house and co feat from any atreel or lane with floors kept clear from any staexltas walar and reeularly eleansed will be aurlcu ea forced all citlsens are eamoatly rsqeeeted to keep their prembreeeooauuiuy clean and tnorooahly dlalnfected i oeaurhda users omhe at natal pall ty acton april 0th 1010 110 the haunting charm of hawaiian music ii hawaiian music bu a fascination that growth listen to the strange sobbing plainriveness of voices the all- buthuman notes of tho hawaiian guitar and the rhythmic throbbing of tho uhixlele in these canadian northern western canada needs thousands of men spring seeding ste cmplovment cood wanes low fares in etec for tickets and infdrma- uon apply tanearest c n k agent or write r l fairbairn gcu 1aat agent 6fl klut street u toronto ont 0 new wonderland i of algiers t afijir 7 iia vvuimn rnttie caac witli satuhdav 41ltil iul a dmrou of patrictism iiarc-nu- frcnch a oliiglitnl litilenci with icija ilaii iturnir jlluah iivtix zur iuk almissli loc un i5c tijicmdav uav 1 kplsixlc ol tlio hocict kii nni uo writinicon tho wall with vir- uiiiia ioanion cominq mary iiijufottl in tho ptido ot tho clan ad clarn klnholl yoinicia tlio jooliih virgin avs are k tr iv yon 11030 pfamlucuiuia lir i5c ami inc d- miwlon d r l gregory r iiffy triiz rfar ht v j c j

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