t wat ivrfnit jrrc ijjrijiss lan aliultth idi7 thi siaoh i when i ho lilllo lirj oor ijiu hills amiihg iweefc and clw when violcu jtfcji through tho bud irui 7 tliem aro the nigm that apting ia hero whou ixsrriaa aro ripo 1 i hit and bonoy bees when caitloalaiid udtjortbo aliady iroest tliono uro aigna that summer ufip- cams wht doe it mimi when criokem chirp t and awajr to tho houlhuud tho wild goovj nteiir 7 aprlsi oro faluilg nnd nuta art ii t tlumo are tho aignn that tutamn 1 i tor whb does it mean whau days aro siiortt when ho loaves aro fioam tho brookanro liumlit rnidinjiotiotrci imwlnffl wjlhtfie driit- ingnnowj tlioio aia ho signs tint winter has tho old atarfl set od tho now on as and nuol that want atormy growjlibfchb and clear and no tho uautifn wcnjerfiil uigna oo riuqil tnd ruund with the changing- how to keep welii selected news topics of the week r v- 3p71 wki1nkhday colors were pruuentcd at nlagara- falln to tho 176thiiattnhon klvo fhihcrmen loot their lives la a pain of tlio nova scotia coaal britain lnui commandeered too seal oil outpiitofnwlqundlandv the american liner now york struck a mine but reached liverpool safely dean pakunhata wan cloclcd pre sident of tho ontario isducatloual as- soclatlon it waa ntatod that tho urltlob vero destroying on tlio average ono oub- inarlno a day owing to ionaau agonta activity martial law ban been proclaimed jn cunlumola dr thomas sparkn a prominent physician of fit marys died aftcxa -jlngoribg- illness- y north day ministers unanimously resolved to oak tho dominion par liament for prohibition- tho body of mrs ellen dinner 7f yearn old waa found in a cistern at her iioiiif at jtldgoway ont tho fourth canadian and interna tiona goodu heads congress waa opened at ottawa by tho dnko of devonshire oliver j wilcox mp fdr north enacx has announced- that bo will ooon re tiro from political life on ac- counlox-lilo-health- j s drown a native of wood stock ont for 30 yearn deputy ito- lbtxargeooral of tho winnipeg land tiuea offlco la dead workmonfl compenaatlon for tho year amounted to ajmnxt 2500000 lorfroly in excess of tho provloufl year accidenta nambered ocr 10000 tno jlydro offlco nt cllntoaan- nouncca a redo cu on of ten per cent in domestic and eommctcial lishunff and a slight redaction to power nscro alberta cattlo broodorn associa tion adopted a rcaolatitfn appeallm for wider maxtcta thrpueh lbo 11ft- lng of tho britlshi omhacco ncaiosi canadian cattlo tiiukspay dritiab capture monchy- brrcrirf- turning movement eivins thf com mandof hich cround tho ovapornllnff plant of b j graham bollevlllt waa destroyod by flro caualnj a loa of 9300000 one at the most diaotroua urea la tho lilntory of tho city a despatch td itoutcrfl tdocram company from iuo janeiro braxll aaya oaoiiportn woro handed- to tho oerman mlnlator at pctropolls tb ooxman colony tuesday niornlne- ooorso a motcalfo haa been n- pointed by tho manitoba cabinet to j tho oftlco of admlnlatrator of mjecca- eion duca with of calary arteur j balfour british i minister of iroisn affalra and m i vtriaiio minister of justico la tho i french cabinet- will head tho auled conncii to visit waahlngton roard- lns cooporatlon in tho war waralne that german bubtnarlaas aro bcllerod to uo operating in tho faciflc wora uant to all etcamahln captaldfl at sea by wirelcaa by order of lleutcommandcr e c wood of tho 12th naval district si vancouver hon andrew broder rcprcaexita- tlto for dundaa in tho house of cominpna was cuddenly ovcrcomo by weakness in tho victoria iluaoom ottawa wn erode r haa just sot round after rccovorinir from a aor- iouo operation it was decided that tho lafayette flying oquadron compoaod of am ericana who have dlatiotrulbhcd thotn selrca at tho front will chaneo from the french to lho american military uniform and hereafter carry tho am erican uak nt tho ivench front- j ii a hlrd a former church warden in a toronto cimrch waa bent to jau for a year for atoauns church iundi both his ooon aro in klmkl ua ttiat ilra utrd and her daukhteni aro lort vflthont nupport theoo facta were urfeod by monibero of the concreitatloa oocklns leniency bit judiru coato worth imposed a hiiavy nunteocu vnihay tho canadian bavo tafcen part in a oocond dcaporaio onfiocoment ln- ddo of a woca drlvlnj tlio oermana from a dominating hols hi chairman webb of tho ilouao jlidiclary commlttoo will introduce a hilt at washington to allow tho all hid tlovernmjinta to recruit their cltixoua in tlio unllbd btalcs kmuraon st pierre of cdrmrab waa iientoncud to jlfo impriaonnjunt for tliootlut hiufatbct and netlie itichnilre who lived with 8l pierre rocelvud a nntinco of flvo years oa an ucceauory after tho fact liimitculouol lebol of tho cana dian iloupltul at paris imo boon awarded tho ionian of honor cel beauthnnip ortliu dvul j loop to la in londuti hja milt in temporarily at joliivllld lo point pundliig tho erection vt hula at vlncennea rorla f- ltrturued tioldlera formeda mob irr toronto and utiacitud ruatauruntu where alltui niiuiuled were iiniployad boyital of wliotn woru ilena maul- luf- tho men objected to liaviue auhtrlunn auif oemionn umployed wiill rctunftid caiiadlaiut were jiul- of work auatrla in preoolni iopn lutnedlct to tiiovo for jkax imiuiij tho eur piiui tielllhrniita urcurdliis toati utithnllc itport in vatican el n- lea the corrlite delia sira in m-alloii- ini hi ntfivti declared that tho holy kathin h rnfuniul to proceed now for tllpliunatlr reaitpiui tho unek uteatuor nraloo with a carjjo hw hcut for tu roller of thw bufferlnr iriokfituia been tarpwdood nud ih uk than depriving tho uroeku aftuw meant luxuries pronuked r tho eofitcrtldt tho qermano hod bon lnfornid oftlclally of tho mla- joq of the tihlp and tlio greek gov- cnimont will formally protest acainsrtho lilnklnc hatditday thuttrulnhliocililml ohii haitn was ounk by a mlno hi tlio en liah channel on april 11th general ilale uaya in hia offlctaj mport tluit tho british arc nntfiin of tho illndcnburg lino brlfadlurooncral char lea bucko loyjohnsoa a famous brlthlh cav alry teador was klllcd during the brilliant chaxbo uiat contributed to the capture of monchyleproux llcul wm loefo bohlnaon who becamo a popular horo in encland after brlnglnj down a- xcppelln waa uhot down by a german battle aero plane tho united stabaaqcrvcrnmqnt an- nouncoo tlxat aopio of the german vessula wjiud when war was declar ed will bo in commlaalon within a fortnight to carry uuppjica to the allies colonel vernon eaton of tho ilc iia- dltd of wounds on april xi lb colonel eaton cauio from truro n h ho waa a south african veteran and director of military training in canada from 1905 to 1011 ono boy waa killed and two o there may dlo an a reimlr of an accident at hlverdalo station toronto where a largo crowd aremblcd to see tho ban lam battalion depart thoy were standing on the track when tho mid land expreaa came along washington announces that it would take over aix yearn to raise an army of 1 000000 if recruiting were to continuo only at tho rate marking trio ten days following tha declaration of war in that time 4 3 55 men were recruited grappling for tho body of a run away horse that had fallen into tho canal at wetland workmen came acrooa tho body or a murdered wo man weighed down with stones canon kenan d one of tho leading anglicans of montreal died suddenly of heart failure monday tho greater toronto labor party waa formed and officers elected british troopo by clever tactlco in flicted a oovcro dcfeal on tho turka beyond bagdad tho united statea nouno paaacjl- ho j7000000000 bond bill without a diasonting vote bov dr j 11 jowott of now tork dty haa tho call of s lon- can eng church tioldlera and employers tnecvin an offort to adjust tlio matters which ro- bulted in rocont raids mahlon ie lyon elwarden of elgin cquntx diod at monrovia cai at tho ago of sovontytwo sir lyman mclvinjonca senator and president of tho maaneyiiarrls company died in his 7th year hydro ratca were- reduced in brantford aooa to canoe a net aavlng to consumers of 59000 for tho year east middlesex liberals noniin- tttod ja m boao of lucan a merchant candid at o for tho com mons speaking nt a memorial berrice bw t g wdlloco said oolqjcro staadaxda would compare with those of the church prof j c mclennan of tho do- dartmeat of phynics university of ttarrmto baa boon invited to ait on the british board of inventions and benoarch a foaryoajrol o by a caylo near woodstock holds tho ca aniahpoonf vhahe lnal fonr hours this is li nil two by john w 8 bscouljumga asjj djpj cmtcl officer oiy t1im lkovtwclaii 1maiu oiv ukaltlf llbfspsa ifok nahy stood etc umo water uti of unaiakod umo in a quart of boiled t largo bottlo ouch as a gem jar mid lot atand for twenty- tho clear fluid ntandlnc on top may then bo run on water barley water level teaapoonrntn of itoblnoons or ijrooka barleyfloor mji with wator to nkn n panto add water to ono pint boll for twonty minutes in double mlor strain tbrouihtwo thlckneoacs of chcrno cloth add boliok wntor in nabo up that boiled awayo antohavo ono pint flmej oatiical or barley tje olthbr nobhisona or llroka tmrlrr flnuror ltnhnnojljiaunaalrroalotnktbn0terurp add xjinilcnt u water to form a paato and add ough water to make a pint ioolt ro- iweniy mlnuten in a doablohollnr add a- plutfu of salt strain llirniijih wo tblcknomos oe choejiocioth tho gruol should bo thick onoueh to jlly rrftry fold if too thin cook longer whejr to nc quart of nklmmod milk hoatod to 10c dcg l add foiir loa- rpnonfuin of pmtd renpet let otand n n cool pjado till tho curd forms nrik ii ifo vu with a fork ard strain uirough rnur layers of cheesecloth or muslin iiat tho llauld whey to ipd dog f and allow to cool grad- ono quart of milk makca 24 ounces of whoy auiioacn water our oaccna of wator hcatod to 104 dog f add the white of ono illajaarouuilldlaaolved do not beat or shako strain through and notyjor seeding soil should be allowed to warm op before anlinj s031b first crops to put in ally t up on ico gg rtli chceaecljth jbui1 put a- pound or meat in ono pint of cold wator add a pinch of aall cook iilwfj for lliroo or four bourn strain through tvo thicknesses of chcceectfib and cool itomove all tho fat beef jdioc partially broil ovo coaln both oldeo ofa hair pound or tho top of a round or lcf cut jn rnall piecea and aauoczo out tbq julco using a meat prcna or wotdon lomon squceier add a pinch orjjalt bau a nonnd at hoot aic two onncoor dcdrjajco scraped beef scrapo a plcco of round atoak with a knlfo and then very slightly broil scaped bocf la free from fibre and ia bettor than minced beef janice to one quart of wholo milk heated to ioc dog 1 add four teaspoonfuls of liquid rennet add a pinch of salt and a toaspoonful of granulated sugar ujt otand in e cool place till tho card forma strain off tho liquid tho balance la junket coddled ess- put tho egg in bolllntr water and immodiotoly romovo from tho are cover and let stand for cercn or eight mlnotea the white of the egg should bo oo ft and not liquid pnx juiee take half a pound of good primes wah and noait in water orer night cover with water and add iialf a teaapoonful of sugar cook in a double boiler uuti tho prunes aro perfectly tender strain through cheesecloth tho resulting liquid ia prune juice soap snppqbitary toko a piece of castllo or common brown eoap and cut out a portion ono or two inches lone polnied at one end and about as thick aa a lead pencil this wu1 make a very good suppository slichtly wot when about to uao it borocie add sotntjon 3 per cent put ono tablespooaful oiboracio acid tryatala in a clean cightouneo bottle oiled wnb boiiod water shake tho bottle not ail tho cryntala will ik dluaolvcd but the water will baa saturated porcont nolutlon soma if thin dllutoc with equal parts or boiled water will bo a 2 per cent solution the 4 per cent solution should he bo labelled and used fui a stock solution a j ropotlpr dttiaa ty uis air u a oi a runnlno haa baw lpfbatod to hlw rsln mntljr from the wlpdahlaw of mi auumcmuj rocoxd it is eta tod for butter yield having givontho equivalent of lsooo pounds in a year owing to chinese projudico against overythlng of gorman origin tter a p qulrmbach a methodlat mlftlaonary for of teen years haa changed his xuunu to qucntin j b houston principal of vic toria public school st catharines and secrotairtroaauror of the school teachers association of st catharines and niagara falls la dead i tuesday the canadian government has placed wheat on tho list of free lm- porto tho french opened their offensive in the champsgno by capturing 10- 000 aormnna sir ilobert borden and other over- seaa delegates will receivd tho free dom of manchcnlornuit saturday ytodcrjek brlgdon ono of tbp plonours of tho engraving business in toronto died at tho ago of 7g years princess victoria opened a recrea tion hut in tho canadian forestry camp at windoor england it was hullt by the forestry corps in aornn dayo tho st quentin canal in territory stilt hold by tho germans has boon deatroyod north of klbuconrl tho nlulcea and bridges have boon reduc ed to maaesa of debris suamun saved from the torpedoed danish ships nouzy and saxo have reported to thn banish consulate jq bergen that tho shfpi were sunk fortytwo tnllcu from land and fpur miles outside tho blockade bono ah persons in tho united states ci tire no and aliens are warned la a proclamation isauod by preaidorlt wllnon that trcauonahlo acts or at tempts to ahiold thou committing such acta will bo vigorously prose cuted by tho government one of the first efforjor- of tho british war commission coming to america will bo to round upah tho slackers who have boon avoiding military service by remaining jn tlio united statcsr and forro thm iuto either the american or british armloji advices received from ilcrlln uay that strikes wero declared iu greater berlin yeittorday amutig a portion of tho metal wood and troiinportlu- duotrlnu including largi munition factarlea and the gunnral buiiliieau nr the city have not yet been affected by tho isolated strikes charles h- douglas a former jiayor of vancouver and previously u member of thn manitoba lolula- turc hldead juut bffore bis duath ida wife formerly mrs elizabeth mauley of toronto received wurd if tho death of her uou lieut johu mauley at tho front awild ttthkby freddie aged fie had been watching ida mother propmrlog thn thapkagitinf tnrkeyfiirdi6iior ad finally aaid imaaima id rather bo- a wild turkey than torn po why to laar t alio oaked bacauw wssuiovaply wild ope can run oroand on tho proiris all his ufa and a tamo one p6i kluod avery jew children ory for fletrh c to r i a an oil withoab alcohol some oils and many pjodiciaes bao oloohol a a -promia- i ont ingrodiant a judiciaua mlagliog of i air oila corapom tho fmoua dr tbomaa ecloctrlo oil antj there la oo aloohol in it that its eqecta arafjaatlng there la do medicinal oil compounded that cae aqual thla oil ia iu prerontivo and haaliar power bronchitis was so bad coughed every few minutes nn woods amnway piwf gvrnip cured her constipation the commonest ill co is one of- the commonest ills of mankind and one too often allowed to gounlookcd after until sonic serious complication seta in if the bowels ate properly looked after there will be no constipation jaundice sick or bilious headaches heartburn coated tongue oour stomach floating apecks before the cyca etc milbuma uualivcr pills will keep the bowels regular and cure all liver ilhu mr phibp mcleod tarbot ns writes i ougcrcd from constipation ever since i can remember and foe years had paina in the left side of the back if i walked across the kitchen floor i would have tb sit down and rest that 1 think was terrible far a man of 20 years of age the condition of my system was shown by pimplo breaking out ofl my face i buttered to much pain and stiff ness in my back i am sure my system was full of potion mil burn a loi- livcr pills have entirely cured me 1 thoroughly recommend them to everybody milburas laxauvcr pilbi are 25c a viol s vials 8100 ot oil dealer or mailed direct on receipt of price by tub t mjjlbukh co lottruo toronto ont wartoo tho haudo ia a diafigurouio lit that troubles majiy uuiioa llolloifays corn cure will romoto tho blomiabaa with out iin eroarhithl blartlwlfli ii short riolntut dry gh accompanied with a rapid wheezing and a feeling of oppression or tightness through the chest at first the expectoration is a light color but as the trouble progresses the phle ari from the bronchial tubes becomes of o yellowish orgrcenuh color sad is very often of a stringy nature- bronchi tia should never be neglected if it ia some serious lung trouble will undoubtedly follow get rid of it by using dr woods norway pine syrup this weilfajowri xemedyhas heeaonthe market for the past 25 years f c where others fail mrs geo lotton tjibridge ont writes d i have had brotichitia fo bad i coold not lie down at night and had to cooed every few minutes to get my breath i had a doctor out to see me but his medicine seemed to do me no food i sent to the druggist for some rood cough mixture and got dr woods norway pine syrup one botlle helped me wosderfuuy x stopped coughing sod could lie down and rest well at night i cannot praise it too much xr woods norway 3ine syrup ia put up in a yellow wrapper 3 pine trees the trade mark price ii5caud 60c manufactured only py the t mu famtm co luirrcc toronto ont an a hplrndkl food prtxluct toqrow this year ilow to iro- ooed in several lines tby tt c joiinbton vsntmbl w dpwelallac ontario ijorjartfiiiiiit of agriculture torontoj having dlseuased tbo methods or nrnnaring tbo garden noil to rcceivo tho seed wo now torn- to tho uowidr of thoaood ltaolf there in no nefld to hurry tho sowing of the oood ilirt- tor roeulu will bo obtained if thn amstour gardonor wii wait until the soil lo warm and easily worked tho vegetables discussed aro arranged aa nearly as possiblo according to -lhatlmo- thaya bou idbeplantcdr itlsxxuois lotiuoo a grown ror its leaves and is our beat known aalad plant it is a sbortsoaaoa plant and hr often grown to follow or proeedo another crop it to quite hardy and may bo planted quite oorly in tho spring grown to matur ity and fohowed with a tender crop such aa forhatoeo or it may bo plant ed between any plants of tho- cabbage family it is a good plan in a small garden to plant only a few foot at ono umo and follow this with aao- oossito plantings mado ovry tea days or two weeks until july brt tho lottuco need may bo soinllo rownconrparauvbly thjnlr st depth of a quart or of an inch the plants ahould bo thinned to atand tian jnrh apart it ono desiros largo singlo i or hittuco tho plan to should bo thin- nod to otand from sovon to nizus inches apart thtliinnlttgbma bo tranaplantod to another part ox tha garden itadlsh tho radish plant is grown for its roots which aro eales raw just as soon as thoy are lazta enough to use it is qulto bmrdy and may bo plan tod very early tn tho spring ftadishes are foqqobiuy sown with other crops which axe not such rapid growers such as jpttxa- nips they should bowovor be puiiod out before tbo parsnips or other crops nood th ground soe- eoaajvo plnntln n fm- this crop radish seed may ho planted lp rows four inches apart or broadcasted tho depth preferred be ing from a quarter to half an- inch only radish a a general rah ra- qqlro no thinning and tho sail be tween tho rows should bo kept loose with tho hoe a crop of winter radish may bo obtained if the sood-is- nown about tho first of august theso should bo thinned out to three inches apart spufaoh spinach la a short season crop which is grown to pro vide table groeas the plant matures in about six weeks from renting and seed should bo sown vory early in the spring as the plant ruti to scad during thohotsnimner mn tho seeds may be planted- in rows or broadcasted and should bo sows at a depth of ons half inch succcsslvo planting may bo mado if so desired when tho loaves are largo enough to- usb thoy may bo pulled off or the wholo plant may bo cut from tho root onion tho onion la grown for seasoning pickling and far eating xav a inrgo poroaataga of- opjomr- everyone respond to racooface courtesy how pleasant it ia to meet the cordial actual man i and over the tejephoru how one appreciates the courteous pleasant friendly voice j telephone courtesy promptriess in answer ing tho pleasant cordisj tone these have- been the rnsjdng of many a modern business and this farf 11 bfing afprffimrd r anf irmnr rrgery day i get the smile into vour voice practice cordiality rhtndtmess over the wire and insist tria all those who use your ttirnftp do the same the bell telephone co of c kvcry year between forty aud fifty foreign ggasro oooauoiod byeach man wouuta nd child iu tho ilrituh lalosaod bolonj tho wargtfa to thovaluo of oiglil md juar tor millions wore iainrrod anpuaijy into grtat ilrilain from tloconliueiit of burope llroad boards can bo bleached by waah- infi tharfl with umon juico tt witli cold wter ud dryiog tum in tho auo castor i a for infants and chjodien if use for over 30 years always boars lbs could hot sweep back was so sore women are coraing to understaad that weak lame and aching backs from which they suffer so much excruciating paia and agony are due to wrong action of the kidneys on hc first sign d any weakness in the bock doans kidney pills should be token mrs l gonshaw cs3 manning ave toronto ont writes i take great pleasure in writing you stating tho bic- fit i have received by uaiug dpunn kid ney iiila about three years ago i was terribly aollctcd with uimc tuck and was oo bad i could not cveu sweep the iloor i was sdviaed to uae doano kid ney iilu and before i had used one box there was a great hnprwvrtucut and my back waa completely etirrd i highly rtvnmmend doanv for lame liock deans kidneypills ore put up in sn oblong grey box the trademark ii a maple leaf ao accept no other price bocpcr box 3 boxes for li5 it all dealers of mailed direct on receipt of prirr hfrtuh t miuiukh co i imrritd tivitiito ont when orueriug jllroct pecify duoap a pill that provo ito valuo thco of weak stomach will titwl atroogth in ponne- looa vegouahla pi i la because they servo to maintain tlio haaltljful action of urn bloiaseh sod tbo iiycr irrcgulariliea in which ae moaltiatreasing dynjxjptica aro well acquainted with tlioro and value thcra at thoir proper worth thoy have aoordad roliof when othar proparstiona kave foiled and omctod ourea iu oil monto of long euudtdh when other modi- ciued woro found unavailing children cry for fletchers oa fe to r i a a asfo sod sure modlcloo fiu- a child irouuod with worms ii mothor graves worm extsraai us tor oooajxtb or lho land surface of th0jlobo io occupiod by tlio ksssianknipire luropo bosau ot wo vatiotfka of lirda but io australia tlioro arw oo fower than 050 difforcnt ajkkiiao although bevon weeks ou tlio voyage chiliodegkebvoorrived iu londoa froai now zouuid iu oiccollool ceudiuau ohildren cry for fletchers casto ria the pajsw uome a umo will fouio whan onllbtod fartuoro will reshce umt tlio farm hoiflvalwlrf ia tho aoourc of all onargy- ootorrwue ami in- uliigonce that iiiakot laruiioj- a auocwm sod lifooa lbo fann pooniblo it ia tho ind fstfgablof armors wlo utat makoa thofarui homo i altogplltor too ofiea alio niakoo to s real homo in apjl nl l huuod ratlor uion ma roflullof hia cooiwrauoa with hor ho to ids ahauio be it aaid too ofun hsaliy faragroalrapiwwiatjoo tor bora oatlle grain and hay and lhoir itf housing and care hum tho exjuipmsat aud i auvirdiinionla that nak pranicabls ujl proiefrearintodsoworhudron yetho wllloomplslu that tho youog iilo will uot stay i tho ann stored for winter uao aro grown from seed planted la tho soil vory early in tho spring tho soil should bo rich moist- and well drained butfresh manure la not tho best to apply tho seeds should bo planted at dopth of about onehalf inch and tho rown houd bo from twolro to fourteen i apart tho soed should bo planted tory thinly so that there nbnotiodior extra thinning of the onions cultivation should ccaao when tho onion tops aro such a alio aa to prevent easy work in tbo fail when tho tops ore about twothirds dlod down tho onions should be pull ed and laid in windrows so arranged that tho bulbs are covered with tbo tops of tho onions this prevents any sunburn which causes consider able troubis in storage- af csv thoy hare been kept in this position for flvo or six days thoy may be gathered op and placed in a slat box or basket and tied up so mo way so that tho rain will not got at thorn and tho wind will havo plenty of chaaco to rlrrtiihtfi around the- bulhs tho tops may bo removed from tho onions at this time if so desired or they may bo left ro dutch sots may be planted as close to go th or as thoy wiu stand in a straight row very parly in tho season they should be barely covered with soli which should bo well firmed by tramping on it and the groan onions should bo puiiod as soon aa they aro ready for uao t pkas peas may bo planted very early lp tbo season and for tho early crop tho seed should bo sown lu a furrow of two inches deep and tho floods placed on inch apart some ar rangements should bo made so that tho pea rlnoa will havo some np- port limbs of trees or rilir wire may bo used for this purpose sat the vines will cling to this for sup port and will be kept- up from tbo ground this support flbould bo not preferably at tho time of pbiatlag this soil ahould bo drawn up around the vino uuanh generally speaking it is not a good practice to add frosh man ure to tho aojl whore one expects to grow beans they prefer a moist deep loom tho seeds pthlli bis plan tod fairly oarly in tho spring tho rows being at least eighteen ln- chua apart a furrow two inches deep may bo mado with the corner of a hoo aud the needs placed from two to thro inches apart in tho bottom of thin furrow another way which is sometlmca foil owed in planting beans is to make boles two inches doep twelve inches apart and in each hula three or four siads be placsd it la always advised uot to touch ths plant wnon thoy are wet wo havo a ood topply of sbeds on hand for tho spring tralle redclover ahukc alfalfa timothy and blue grass mangolds sugar beets turnips vege table and flower seeds onions ore scarce get yonr dutch sets before tho supply is exhausted j fc warren bianaoeri telephone no r tmr 1 ji v jlxi x bstltoe haviutf purchased tholiveryand goodwill of the business fforo mr a- uccann i solicit with confidence the patronage of the pablic comfortable rigs supplied st reason amo rates special attention to pnpplyuik- conveyances fox woddiogsand fnoerab motor cars furniahed when re- qairod palpitation of the heart shortness of breath cured wr ml lb urns heart an ner pills mrs a walters afarspml qtae writes i wisato let ywu know bow nuich eood i aavc rcccsassd by taking your heart and nerve pula i was suffering from palpitation of the heart and ohortnesa of breath tbe tronble with my licart wma caused by strcoach uuuble i had tried all kioiii of medicine both patent and doctors but i found nous relieve me like milbuxna heart and nerve pilu i believe anyone suffaing like i did ahould use uini ionlv used fotnr boxes and i now feet like diflercnt ersoit mifburna heart and nerve puis have beeil on the inarket for the past twenty- livcyesra aud have a moot wonderful teinjution a a remedy for all hpmxt aad nerve trrsibles t of cents per box 3 boxes for 912a at all dealers or mailed direct oo receipt of lriw by tub t mijsusj j co luutuuv torouto oat 4 4 nowohmarket 35 centrally located building lots for prompt sale at very reasonable pricey boots shoes at any time buy from w williams acton orrrario choose yours today the now mapleliurnt biilhlivtilon with ita numerous building lola in opleiidid oituatleu is pow olen to purchasers vido street and laigolots alt uourtha centra uf tho town couvealont to staljon imt officer churches achoalsanj withlu a fowyrds of ho now shoo factory llulldltik oaqd in ovoy collar or supplied from a sandpit on tho property pern wator easily obtainable kor full particulars as to pricea tcrnis otc call on a famous iok satisfactory footwear kkasotunlb juices robt wallace acton buy mddeincanad goods atents promptly egufleol ni utdi in uat n wakkw k hattlph