Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1917, p. 2

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cvvfr tj iltiin mttfurina fihinii wclarcn for h ii o r ii wit ih llrtlii mstrui i imi i joar died r n mr i i thljilsllw ma 3rd 1017 editorial notes tin out ii ia lirr han bto maov cftoctitq oain under an amend mo t maue to uio onuriutomieninoo act and it i aoaiar uow to havo wan liilod tlikn form arly uiiclor t o liccnm katam tboiasioc tor hail o liuro authority from a rlatlo or omilncr or duftrdidi to ulaco a man oa tho jrohihltel ull now tbn iirrpoctor ir any justice of tka paano qn bia olrn nili tire can bun such a flaraau lutnel aixirrm by th uulted htatoa qf tho olacuta conacnptlon draft lyatem of ro croifo h mathj profound imrirsas on upon qluciala t ottawa it la coneauam that to render conscription eflectivo in the utiud suusi canada will bo aakftd toap- proximate tho system now provided for there th failur of tho idoreramonba homo dsfanco schema and tho erfsr growing indication that it is not naoosnary may cormhiao in view of tho unitod lata decision to forca tho froyorntnent to talks action a droajn in toronto this week prnra it to bo illegal far two man to clnv lotrclhar intl send a way rorkiuor and it lif also against the law far anybody to ha to liquor belonjfiojr to htm id any other hausa bat huown magistrate dettoa so dead od and as result ft toronto man who was guilty of both thane breaches elthoonunv tea pcranoo act was laosqo in eachonao and ecu or thra months en jail 1t la illegaftor anybody to hare liquor belong ing to himself ia any uaaso bat hut own a crown auoroey hughes road from a copy of tho ontario temperance acei 131a worship endorsed this at the asci banquet of the amerl can newspaper pobltahen association held ia new ork at which major general bridges rsprweouoi the balfour commit- sien and other dislinftnished gentlemen poke mr jj w rowell leader of lba ontario opposition dftutorsd ori inspiring address oa canada and the war in the course of which he expressed canadas appreciation of the entrance of the united stobns into the struggle for the defence of liberty end democracy the occasion marked one of tho jams most notahln create which bare taken place runce the outbreak of tho war nob only in view of the bomber and character of the guests in attendance bat in regard to tho new aignificancs of the msmages delirered by the ranoas spoolers both american and canadian emphasmng the bgb importance of tho new relations between the two countries now that the united slatea has jtsnod the allies hiscc rax cqmtmi of woman boffragn liberal women in several flediona of tho pjonocohatnactbasjttbt to diknea the probjema arwtng- from their new arruaiion and hare bhpwna marked sptiuide for pablio ftffairn and puhlic aenioe the first time that they will meet in a father ing pronnoewids in scape will bo at the acnnal moetink of the ontario womena liberal association to be held in toronto on friday may llth iaritatiooa are being sent a women in all tho ridlnga of the province and it is expected that a moab re tiro gathering wql bo then held sir wilfrid launer will auen if his parluuaentary duties permit mr itowall will be a leadiof speaker together with a number of the women f hernial tv rcn more important however than any speeches will be the open discussion among the women themeetree of tho beat method in which thoy can meet thoir new responaj liliuea and tako adrmnuce of their new opportunities- mora than ever before the women of the province now hare an oppor- t unity for public service to take a direct hare in theijjiflluoencung the inter i nf tl lnmw fln tho tamily end it la i anticipated that discussions on these topics will iako place at this convention tub bxe pimm ghvllr ifiven iace this issue to the appeal of the organization of ileaeurcea commit too to our people to take docuivo action to prevent world hunger tho world faces a eorioas food cruls lb ia not too much so say that fammo atorea mtllleos of human beings in the face during the latter half of 1017 and the following year tbs war has token many million of roan off uje land aod million of acrea out of production europe ia producing only a fraction of what it did in peace times and on top of his baa como a renos of comparative crop faiurcs in a number of exporting coiutrica outside of k a rope the world never has mere than three months food ahead but areo this surplus now ncars exhaustion every canadian man and woman and boy and girl can help t moot this situation can help avert the threats nod food famii those who dwell on the land can drive theinseltesaod their machinery and what help they ran gst to the utmost in the next few weovfi in getting a maximum amount of laud under crop leoiih iu cities and owns can aasiat by giving all the help thoy can to the furniom in their vicinity and by raiaitig all tho voataljoi thoy can on vacant land and m itai knurls the wholo hty ll itirt l can fovulual lo ihitu ice by oxrciiip ocnnouiy iu tho nso of fowl i tie avoidance of extra vo- gango in consuinp too is ulmiwil oa niixif untoua uiuiiumin inlreamici nroiiclton fannora imvo u o inceiiuvo of jjalrioiinu humanity and sih troll to to ntimulato tbein in tiie imiid citurt to make two buahola of ool ferow during 1d17 where onlyono grew tmfore tho allied araiioa and people have to ofed- tliehumao race uoh to bo fjvtil from starvation at the appeal for iiicreaiod food production slates thoaoifon wlilcbcppa ore grown is tho strafiigla groun i on ubiili wars are doold od otitavio mmt hold die line lory larooor olid tjrry rnan not oti octlv aorcv oan hol i 100 reward 100 the readers of this paper will be iileaaod to ipam ujat thtro la at least one j duoaw tliatscionco hoe been in all tuslagonaad tliatficau being rreatiy uilluenoed by constitutional condition riuirenbonaululienal treat metib ifalu catarrh care uiaksn inur nally and a its through hie blood ou the mucous burjacee of the hysteru thereby dofltroyleg the foundation of the disease sing the patient strength by building up e constitution and aasuerrrg nature iu doing its work te pnorlaaare have bo niacb faitti in the ourabfva powete of hairs catarrh cure that theylofler cue huadred dollars for any oaae thlt lb falls to cum fiend for hat of testimonial addraan j 01ilnkvootulla j ohio fctold by all druggute 70a inspection hilicand dairies tho council 13 considering thblinact ltir or dy- lawrop acton hotri uusihhih taxhs nrruhdi d at tl o ina tu of tho council pu m duy ro ung at wlurb all tho tnemtxirs worn teient uio matter ol milk iiipeo- xion wai tfhon coutlilaroblo attention llie modsl lylaw aul mittetl ty the pro vlnciol hoard of llcalui was contidorod as well as die i v uw adopted 1 y iorgo- town the feastl illty of tho operation of die i y uw la boing tfene tuto coral ally the eiglitb report of die oammlluo on finance rooommonded paymeat of the following account ok ekju c a speight tepaln town hall 9 200 j c hill coal y 103 lcgate eipenaes toronto ti00 cliaa a docksr buiineastax 1010 refunded 30l0 h mlaaby ra funded 327h ilrnnr ktxcnur c w chodwiek oloctrfo fixtures o o speight supplies fujiuo conduit co suppllee hydro nioctnaco supnlioa 102 g3 2803 2200 1200 050 the matter ol uio business lax levied on the dominion and station totals was cor sldcred ondit tfoa deodfrd to refund uie 71 83 received from this source hilitabv notes- hia pto j c murray oi oeorgetovrs been wounded in i ranee pto j i smith of the 05th overseas battalion has been wounded but not seriously pto u it waters of milton boa received- gueahot wound in his head he went overseas last year sergt kenneth oax ef milton has been wounded the second tfrne ho got his first wound on tho semme last september pto john mclaaghlla wsanded and shall shocked oa the born me last septem bar am red home at milton last week pto- il uocollutn of frntold bosk son of john i mccollum formerly a mer chant at krarton haa been killed in action in france engiaecr harold h nicklln left st johns quebec but friday for overseas mrs nickhn west down to say good bye to him there mr james camahan received word on friday that his brother pte john corns han 133rd battalion sjmcoe was killed in action ea april oth at timy tudge col a a gray of uie fort garry cav airy and adjutant general for his district winnipeg made a bnei visit at the bonis of his father dr t gray on saturday mrs gray woe also here on a brief visit last week sapper j v coleman writes the fnx pazs3 from halifax k b that he expect led the corps to wliih be belonged weald i emhark for overseas any day he rays the toronto men with whom he left for england oro on exceptionally fine lob of allow a latter from pte w t andrew of the lwthnttilton winnipeg aays we are leaving for england this weak per bape i may see some of the 101th boys from acton when we get across i will send you my address for tho fnxs pnesa when i got to camp in england tko many friends here of lieut h m kennedy will be glad to have the assuring news sent to tho fkxk pnxsa yesterday morning by hie father that the lieutenant is now at the first western general has pital frazakerley liverpool england a cable just rece savs improving sgd mervyo tho fact that be has bee a bufficiendy improved t be moved england ia encouraging indeed work for the council the following are a few enterprises which might profitably occupy the alien tion of the menicipal council this season i so maad equate improvement of bower avenue roadway 2 providing more satisfactory intakes for the variouaalraebdraina 3 taking etopsyto secure the properiyy reaiiad hlo to cure catarrh catarrh sarrounding corporation pond as a par manent park far the children of tho town 4 complying with the petition of the eastend residents for a fire alarm system 6 arrange for a weekly cleaning of the litter from mill and main btreeta 164th battiuon safely landed cablograms hocotyed that our feoya arrived in england last wednesday it won with much gratitude that friends hero acelved the cabled news last thurs day that the transport conveying tho 104th halloa ihiiteria battalion across the at lantic had aafolv reached england and the troops were lauded letters f rem members of acton platoon may be expected in a faw days now crews0hs corners the friends here of uclianl bharlock of toronto will regret to learo that xho old gentleman has been coo fined to bed since christmas ll a result of paralyalo mr kberlock tia always enjoyod the aateem of the pccplo in his eld home here and his visit in tho past were welcomed by many a ilumbor oflxijb from ac ton who el dently havo littla regard for otlior jople a property mtd mr willmm lcimls vacant jiouaq on hunday amaehed doors and windows ail comailtud other dot ro dat dna mr lxianla arrived n jjio iceno n tluio to catch the vandal at their des liurtivo iaauuie and chased tberu ta uiuo hpring park here he was able to locog i nits one or two on monday he ont to acton anr deruemjed rjaratloo sad a letlge of good cuuduot in tba future satisfactory premlecs were made and court proceed ioga stayed dauxhatad mr i oter icrgusou or has returned after eluding fsw days id toronto mis conover of lriudale was the guest of hor eieter mrs i it vannalte ovarvl hudijay mr will kerr who had his leg lajly irokonnlwat two years ago aod had to pon j a laug dine iu gusljih ifoxi ital bos been obliged to go lack to the uoepjud aud have the limb amputated mr peter llrydeu baa purchaaed a driver from mr hobert lowrlo mr i red slnolair has goae to wood bridge where he has a position at bridge bail j log with contractor held of toronto ukhoqse wills worklog ta hu biu will the onltiraur a week ago mr cowan lladtay san of mr j ft undaay bast tba rmafor tuae lomset wtthan auxriritaft which roeiiu ediu the jrootur ttf hi rrht jog neilscms ice cream r wish to announce the opening of our ice cream parlor saturday april 21st with a full menu of pew fruit sundaes sodas soft drinks etc we uie ncilsons ice cream purest richest and best upstairs bulk tee cream bricks cones and drinks also served down stairs sub oun win do u foii fancy daiqno russells mill st acton v e ev 4 s s sie a a e e a see our window showing of ribbons embroideries come in and inspect our dress trimmings -25-oll- the balance of wall paper jtmlashm co mllllsi acton i dont waste io- in war times jt dsssl come to thin ston and buy a bachelor handtailored suit jufit instock a nice range of patterns in gray browns and blueu fanqy worsteds the bjphclor guarantee stadds behind every 3uit wc suit y mens balbrixjan underwear at last years prices wc have in stock car ried oyer from last 3casop a good range mens balbnggan underwear 5hirts and drawers all 8zco in stock old pnee goc each mens merino underwear sizes 32 to 44 shirts and drawers the correct weight forhis time of the year save your winter weight underwear by buy ing merino weight special at goc each mens merino sox sizes qj 10 10 and 11 special at 25c and 35c per pair mill street coiiway ii mclean j aucobasorfl to hbucisnaon co acton niiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hi mililineily wash blouses tub fabrics womens suits the universal cry for something new ee is answered here by constantly changing stocks stock which in the pleasing variety they offer from day to day are alike in interest to that which is created by the variety of new scenes and actions offered at the moving picture entertammentwhere duplication of thefilmof yesterdayisnaturally deemed nnwise there is change and variety in tins store many interesting new ffrst showings of authorized styles are constantly taking place and you will be always welcom ed when you come here to see and look around whether you buy orjjpt when yoa como lo guolph you will had a visit through macclopald a most interesting something now to oec this week special interest attaches to tho now summer styles in thcro ui always neuokeae tub skruts boys wash suits coats gloves hosiery childrens wear ltc etc perhaps yonr special need this week i3 something- in tho lino of house furnishings whatever housodeanlnk shown that you neod youll bo able to meet yonr want at macdonalds whatever yonr may time need in wearables for spring and approaching summer yoa may meet that need at macdonald a vanilbty quality hodldnatb piucjno threefold suafouonlnabodp4nktauphit4rto rivawdothrtii limited guelphs leading and largest store wyndham mcdonnel and carden streets guelph ont s thebes r for evert one in our spring clothing display the diversity of styles in ou spring displays has but one object to pro vide the proper style for every 4 man its an advant age that this store has de veloped to a rer markable degree the styles were featuring number rather a vait total p aygfo tailored perfectly to your individual measure in any of a variety of new spring models of a se lection fromjmndredsof jin c- duroble fabrics are moderately priced surprisingly so george wallace guelpi ontario ai wliair fh t r kve good reasons forbu5riii this good white lead 1 itisabsolutclypure ensuring the bnlhancy of any paint in which it is used i2 it has great covering capacity and long hfe 3 it is of unequalled uniform fineness is never crystal line 4 it works easily under the brush 5 it need not be bcrapcd or burned off whui after several years the building recnurea another paint its high reputation has been gained by nearly 200 years continuous manufacture used and recommended by experienced architects builders painters ownera sold by leading hardware and general stores throughout canada m lut lcta jtulirrlisrinrnto tjlje triljourbt jfjurtl acton if taavifjonb3 aoixsinlali ounday may 6ui id17 jacrami ntai jaimatir to a m lovo ica t ojul fellowship 11 o m subject riio austrlaus q cauailn 7 ji m a communion sermon sacrnienc ot tho lord n supper at tho close o th oveninj service eiaddathoouool in tho afternoon strjoo clock missionary day allwelcoisb hqiiajafc plakofok 8ajje ma v tf ualn uirosi aatab for sale 1 llcljlo wlrefon applt to 1 r iilabiiill glovjo majcer8 wantkb wd riar rftfiincl glor makary or mailing mini aitntm iloveo iligh i ntaot m 1j titaady work tnrav round apply onilfif aiivkh umlud 433 373 lilrhmood ouwmt toroato 1 tenders for shingling tendnhjlsilioarmmimlby ina anwmlsn- l jorbtlrmjina tn town iiil actuo up toib4ar hnrcli uit spmiacatkms may lm stslnad at clack s offlc acuo oa clart aon sanitary work tug imilbnfiriifcl ba now a ooaapittm sai- 117 ooult nlsurwrlor kiadaadls prspar- a to wut jl onir for ci1dc ej and eesmpools in a iliorooithlf arantrarr and salls- tsetarr manner laatlcif tb prtnltee in a elsaa and udy condition uf work in tto jmot le tay btreoedcdbntjtktn ordcis ui natapcoarpe atloaltoa wilxlau h cdt 11 a cnureb uueet aetna farm to rent 1 f acnna lot ll third ifn rrtntovnetilp 1ui nubutoj- culutnum and itoek raii- ing good buik bora cotdforlanu boas tiprin crank mc uiroagli tttm urn itamvd- uvta possession var term and pat apply tow 1 il- lot 8 cr it- iu no s acton fine double dwelling for sale the waubuiu cement block doubt dwslllna si tba earner ol llmin and cbareb bt acton plsndii3 caatrmj loeatipti ssau rooms jn qtcb bpam ooodcsiur aoft watae ta kl lab- lam arm oa tbs preinltm it dot eoitl una etda will bs avallabt to rant on joaalai us3k hdpfalajtl besidjsncefor 8alk tliat eomtonoble inrtek roldsnoa ol ti m- danlciwd on uu1 tjirsot oppoedu helaon aociumi acton it boa eisbt loome and batli ttnnx eletrts ubta pantry darab vajarandcbnaobblnt tnubousalaeestral 1- tocauj uprseucallttiswandtaanaacalunt nus ol rwpair it baa sttatandab and baloon wtinsmsll porcuat ui back hard and eon volar cm tt rrenlas also a rood svdan and a 1l brown mut blraat aetna theptjbli health crrttena arc nbquit9tbd to cobuly wit2i turpuouo healthact pramletv and 1 trorrram ii dirt tuatu ur oxid olber eubetanea wtlcb mmy oojmntor th public nollb and to httliaucompal by tho tanub day ol uar neat or wbuh day tfi sanitary inapactor will oommeoc canaral ididmuod ajmumlbar tako nouc tal th mctloo r lbs i oblla iimiiu act prooll hag ib- kplax rt buaa bwwrti tbn lit or uu aod lha lthrjnonm w airrmla pn at lwt to ft jwaa soy uwiiliis uqor an 1 mfoat frdtn any atrsxt or lane with floor krpt clrar trntn an atanulos atrr aod ruliy elooiod will ba atrlcllr a1lciilxuaar omtjoalty rrqaoeud tn kjwp tlu pr uiren en tii lycloui and ihoroajblj dlilnloctatl acton prllni ti r n new wonderland d phiday may the prirfe v mary of the clan j pford an unusal productinn srjih all tho fiction chirm pnc 15c and loc natoiinay uayb the jncim uity hobart bo worth a mi can drama aonoy may 1 w ittl trtt uith rann ward ttlttdav may s 1c 4 ot ttio scctct xinr- dn 1 tim ii i orablomr oven iaw an t tin 6 part tlrnmn vho mind ol rckcticrntioii with edith mort wcdmlcanay mavq plow girl witli ito murray couing clam ktnitioll vuung in tho foollih vinin d r l gregory d buy madeincanada goods sensitive throats need careful treatment from within more than they need bundling wraps during changing seasons the purecodiiveroilinj scorn emulsion b helpuijr thousands to strengthen the under lining oi their throats while- at the same bmo it alas tha lungs and improves the quality oi the blood huron spedsssts indorse scotts emulsiojtny omi bnnw twoohov i sale sale sale i jewellery watches silverware clocria lease expiring selling out m sate continues until saturday may 26tlt solovt lomo of tho banralmi in watches clockn silvorwarc clc ott thofo are aonlo very lino baialnuu cuooo from yo- f by auction auction salo contlnucn frluny and fantnruuy oveniuu of uoxt wook of may 7 jwuro0ml aaloa oat i e4liphardt esifllllliluuiihuiljiiiiiiiiiluiiiiiuiiihillulllllllllllllllllliyillllllllllllllllllllllls ladies wool sweater coats a lurjo variety of colors to choose from 111 plain slndtt and striped patterns the are the vtr ntwcbt designs with detach h collirb and hasheb to match very smart for tret wor rcaa- onabl priced 700 nolicriloo iiosienv tor wohiiim wclmvott ixumleto nsirt nunt t uio and colore ihoy aro vmy mnurl opain ai40 pair fur ft3fi5 cu irurttetlitfx motiltin s pain bilk 3so tiunruntced thretf clootrui i r e nelson huns outvcttsut oumuod ootj4o is- ajja kiiat s r wfxsmmifssbmsfsbmbs tgji ajw uimgi

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