wallpopcra window shndei curtain poles wo carry n cmnpkfo stock our uric nrorinlit maltniaole llohmoetj id3ued gitfq hyjstds ontahlo new store dey goo03 groceries and furniture lstarkman has removed from his former rcsi dcticc qd yourip street and has in arthurs block on millstreet acton with the above lines of ooods patronage of the general public is invited l starkm an 8elje qztan jfrec reas thuesday may 10ih1017 bhthhxkjal items tha tntyfoaruv iaoominje rather better iraalhor this weak qetaa70ar gardoa ia urooit sow ffcrotod yoar garden crop of potatoes yttt tb jsarofoot boys rilt sooa bo fn prl- dcaoe mgtin tho farmers aroprstty well on with tfcalr beading sow eoooamy frnjjality productisn ia ths doty of every tnassl borne ttaw a camp borden asroplana came down r q las frida ow to sng i os ftioabta dr iawsoo tyul lbs murdrtono to havs i oooploof nu broken last week while doctoring acoll the rytfsr gt mowat glas co have removed to thair no promises the domin ion hotel property aciiodoce was held ia georreuwn j last friday avealog to pay for the no irgdctirv the town hall the drovers are making large ship- i suopi of stock twice a week now record i pcioee are beiog paid a splendid system for lighting tbe i beardmore tennis cobrta as tbe little i property bos bao installed a ulueleaabime for amaeeuaata oow i takeyoar recreation with work ia yoar i own or some other ragstable jrsrdoo saturday sleet and raia storms were i rather disoanoorting bat agricaltaruts say f tbe load- profitodrem tbo moisture pro- daoed i that man eoal moit besick who ti ooteeoaibly roorod by tbe maylimo freah- 1 oaee of new apple bloom blossem time la ljiand attotnejfjdeosral oragory of the suite gives alien onemlea thia ioyobey tbe laws aad keep ml tbeatadeate of acton i4nmmdmr work oo the oeighbor- r farms under tbo regulations of the i eduoatloa dopaxtcaent mr a g clarridge of mnnockbarn i who bad an ankle very eererly epraloed i aereral weeke ago ia gradnally recovering i and ia able to get about oow on cratches every yoapgman in town would be the j bettet for a boara work in the garden f each ewilng try it lutd note tho pleas- 1 are it giree yon aad tbo belpyoo aflard the eld rolaaor eomeotbortfjrida tbainquesb on the doatb of norman faql tbe man who waselotroauted at tbe i o toronto bnbarbaa i bail way decided that be had socidee tally contact with shtgh tension live i lr at st albane church an sunday i dioroiog tbe rector lav a h e- hmltb i ii a announced that mr john wood i baa been appointed rectors warden ana i mr george luog was elected peoples rardeo- tjt i tbetro fine comperdown olrna which babt w r i kenney j- im churob street bare been f aiowd bodily w tbe commodioue grounde of mrr john olarfte oaelpbstieetiir 1 kaoaey arranging to baild a new reran- dab and aad 6 b elm bad to bo rftcrlaw r miutahy notes n likllln italmna of t lbiip holmoj of tbe army sertloe i ow waa hero from tbo exbiliiuoncami litorooto over sunday ofllgtel iwretbaa tjmitocowodtba fta- i ietor molbride oravelland formerly of aoton baa boea inionlng aince oth april ite nolldeaaie wboenluud uab year with tbe 2sth battalion at harallwn end i went ereaa early in tle year returned thome l6 weok hoirm rojected owing jli exueiue youth nail has been dlnga weekwlih hla aoton reuutce d 00 wx jfil umi oae dreaded ji ke bl totore ulbatlaoatarrh oatarrh jrflueuoed by oonitltutional riniree ooaititudeaal treat- jhcmbarrh gum il ukart iuler 3m tbrouuh the hlood on tho jrfaoee at ue hylin thereby 7 uing ibe foundation of the dieeara p lybolldlna uj m rtlilutloh and aitln nature li ii k tim proprietor bvo m dt t fait ibecurailve powei f llalle issrb-cir- that tha ofloc oua hiwddl jn tho u u llip j i u tor an oae lliat it flifu news of local import bakory bualnoss chaiifrca iiardi mr i a hnitell hai djkol o lis bakery buninnw to mr wen wombajckart oierienoed baker from grand valley itufjtolb will continue tohandle producta of tlie baksry n tlio ntore but mr wood- do 1c wilt conduct urn odbuda luiincxi a potato patch in tho park a ciuuo who took a walk through tho iark the otlior erening saggoeted that tbo lower jart bo daotod to potato plot for ojtlreiib who bare no other land it ia rich and oanvanlently aituated- will tbo iark oomtnltteodnor itfor thlalworuiy objects bolfimjpi communion sorvlco tuk laitaacramantal urrioa of tho coa ferehce year wm bold in tbo matlioditt chaxch laat sunday and wow tory inter- eatingand imiiroftalre her mr aviaan eermon wax alo end itelpfuj tbo num iter of coromuaicante was larger uin at aoy prottoua communion during tbe yoor tliroo new adult roaoibera worn received biff jowolrysato at llphardfa r jewelry uito continuoe friday and bat- uriay evening mayhuyand 12th beo advortieement on igo 3- p j kfirr auctioneer will oondoct both koiao tbero haabaon practically no roscrvo and ao i mr yrrdt hfdeclttolocntoia itockwood aboat june 1st ho int coda to eell babuioo of watobea clocks chains ringm etc at big roductionji tho vhlaffo doctor at gockwood the young people who produced o uo- esarully tbo amateur drama callod the viluge doctor uuder tbe auspicon of tbo intermediate hod croat clnb ia april tflproducod tbe play- aluockwsod uat thursday evening tho itockwood pooplo them a eptandid reception and enjoy ed tbe entertainment very inn eh tbo fanda of the rod croon club prafittod con- alderably from tbo ruit safety flrstdrivora or vohldoa the ontario safety loagno haeaent out tbo following request to alt driforn of voh- loloa we aik your help in preventing accldoate of all kinds oa the atroola you who use the btreota daily know that care- lessneas ia tbe canse of moat occidenta take time to hobo careful anfl iure extra procautioaa wbonnearany of tbo schools when children are on tbe roadway when appreeohibg street corners when you crowitrallroaa track or whontihe rolidt are wet and slippery better bo safe than aorry prison eorormatory belngrchanffod membere of tbe military lleapltal com mission are in gnolph and will continue to be there for eome time in connection with the great work that is being under taken at tbe ontario refonnatovy guelpb which is being transformed into a borne for wounded soldiers at prooont tbero are beds and accommodation for five hundred men bat it is tbe intention of tha commis sion to increase this number te 1g00 this work wih-baaa- to be -done- immediately and one of tbe biggest rush jobe that was ever undertaken la what the commission is looking far- at homo in ttapkow homo t a lsttcr from mr j h cols man nays they arrived safely atllamiota man after a tory ploasaot jeuroay they were met by friends at- winnipeg and spent a brief visit at mr laray brawns at brandon grandmother coleman stood the trip well and enjoyed tbe experieuces of the 1500 mile journey mr coleman says wo are domiciled in a lovely oomfortablo farm home on a 010 acre farmstead wbeie thore is every evident purpose to make as com- forurjo i expect to help in increased crop production this year by locking after details many young men here havo en listed kind regards to all tbe friends in the old home farm tractor at work at halton hal ton oounty boa been favored with son tiring tbo first of a dumber of farm tractors that are being tried ei peri men tally throughout the country the government ban undertaken to supply these machinea and men lo nrwrato tbem rfg tg mcn the crst on to bo turned out under tbo new order it has bean operating at tbo oslar farm near bronte the engine runs social and personii miss kuhy clark was home from toronto over hundsy mr ii katay of hamilton visited hi sister tliia weolc mls intli mooto wai homo fromttiron ui for a few hqlidays mira jxitfjdlll speight hu besn vlfiltlng ftlendn in toronto this wol mtmrs jmes and htanley carnhajl left on tiiesday on a prospecting tour ef tlie west miss luellaluiid of the western hospi tal toronto nu homo on a brlsf visit uat wk mira joan wilwm or the manse basr gone to bolton to spend tho summor on thq xm of her untile mr and mrs diedougall and cbildran of toronto visllod at mr n r- mccut- choons second line this week miff ella molheraon and mjsa bunchn tkompflan came home from toronto on haturday flomooa for a all orb visit miss florence cbapraan loft lait week for calvary alto wheie she will take a course ae smrmt io tla benpital share w i gamble son of mr woo gamble florist georgetown stood third in a class of joo ntodsnta in the elootricaldopartment of toronto tochnical school mlss jiotbjandnraan acton- who bos boon io tho office of dsyfootsc co for the past five years lias accepted a position in the dominion bank brampton previous to leaving she was presented by tbe ocfloe staff with an ebony clothes brush and by dayfoot co with a fountain poo herald 6i disproving the statements of the it gleans and safeguards lifebuoy soap ia viynyis on duaid ostoinat dixt ottd disease in tho home at yoar work for hands and ace for shampoo and bath it mil be found nlvrayv on tho watch ogalnsf germ antt- microbe- withal tho rich creamy ufcbuoyiathcr mflkca it a real pkasirro to- 050 this super haaapj oq eitbercosl oil or gawllne and 1s of c make farmers may apply to tbe district representative w f strong for use of tbe tractor tbo farmer pays far tbe fuel aad oil and boardsuurman besides paying the sum- of 35 bents an hour wliiie the macbioe is ia actual operation it is calculated to do the work of eight horses and so fax it ha coma well up to expecta tions rocord of liqcpr snlpmonts license inspector harvey is ia receipt cfa oedyef the amended ontario temper once act in which tbero is an important clause in reference to records of shipments which must be kept by express companies aod other carrlars every railway com pany express company and other common carrier shall keep or oause to bo kept at each agoooynf such company where goods are received or sbipmenfc or are delivered an accural record of each consignment of liquor received aad every delivery of liquor msde bythem at any of lb cm or by tbeir clarka eervante or agents at or from auoh mgsooy lit a book tobe kepbtor that pur pose andeuch record shall show tbe time when such liquor was rocolved and the name and address of thq ooraon to whom the same wss delivered and the apparent kind and quantity tbareof and suah re cord ahau at all times be open only to the iaapoctien of spy inspector provincial oon- atable or provinelaloificeri but no infnrm- atifu oblainsd in this manner by any aunh inipector or omosr shau only bo used for the parpese for which it was lawfully ob tained ebin tbeoraugevillolyashyuryand womens muwiouaryboorsty mev ioiitnaburiuiia week last week mr mccounell gob word that his eon harold f who want overseas last winter had boon killod iu france harold is tbe first from hillsburg to make tha supreme sacrifice mr el wood ieavoy 6th lino erin had the misfortune to have tho thumb en hii left band badly mangled whllo feeding roots into a pvlper last week mr goo trimble who has finished writ- lug his axams at victoria college toronto bitken uptatwdonarytrotkat- sou they bask where ha will put in the summer at tills work at ue metbedist olhcial uoanl uat week mr goorgo griflld ws elected delegate to ts guelph diiurlct moeting on msy ird mr t k akin w olccte1 hpocil iwo- gate to tbe annus couferenoe at brest- ford an opening meeting of tbe w 0 t ldhne school the following is the report of s h no 12 espjesifg lor the monlb of april tbe names occur io order of merit iv caroline hyder effie maoeaohem sit iii arnold maadonald elmore johnston wilmerwatklns ronald mao- escborn b jn ii benlo msdonald josiio bydsr and hector macdonald equal boy john- ston 8tt- ii gordon johnston angus uxo- kachern edna crowsonj iuieacrvwsoo jn ii harold swackbammer ilaura murray cbarlea lambert ijtimra mary maceachorn velma murray not onr6lied20atejsge attondanoe 1r bessie h mulueacher mu- w e kamy k c in an address but weok at toronto to anglican clenrymea continued his attack on raco track gamb ling ho quoted figures to dhow that ex- horbitanb profits wore being mads by tbe race track shareholders and placed tbe ropanslbillty for tbo continuance of tbe avit n the door of tbe ontario government will be pleased to know of our change of address to better quar ters at the former h occomore store 124126 upper wynd- ham street we have moved opr entire stock up here and are in a better position than ever to serve yoar needs eco nomically ant well grinyer co limited ouelph owt a health 81 tho old proverb prevention 13 better than care is another way of saying use lifebuoy sonp start using it today and sec that the children use it l tho mild antiseptic odor vanishes quickly after use at ah grocere lvik biionmb ivimltjid toronto thericeof tifebabysoap isnof altered retails at 5 cents per cake it still cvsievilv4 and vegetables i we receive shipmenrs of these hues twice a week and promise you fresh quality oods lettuce qreen onions asparagus tomatoes spinch cucurn- ber carrots pineapples strawberries etc vve have good values in evaporated peaches at 18c per lb apples at 17c per lb prunes at 15c and 0c per lb cooking fifjs fresh at 10c per lb all these are sunkist brand maple syrup we have in stock the same kood syrup as we had last year made in muskoka extra good quality and pure imperial gallon 200 t have you tried the wellknown sunkist brand canned goods finest pack known peaches pineapples appricots pork and beans etc i v dhlimrof ivtctattr3ltnperiat 5 cheese limbuffier roquefort pcmento im- i perial cream chilli cream we have sold our bakery to mr woodcock but will continue to handle the same yood assortment of cakes and pastry watch our window k know and you know too that there are people who believe that all retail merchants are thoroughly inconsiderate of their patron r and who continually tell you tfrat oldfashioned sharp practices and deception are still in force- they tell you that evcrythingpossiblc is done to ipducouyou to pay more for an article than it is worth perhaps they aire correct in ioine cases but not so in ours the macdonald store is in a different class altogether there is no mystery no masquerading of purpose here we accept a legitimate profit on all sales but never an excessive one prices are marked plainly and are not subject to preferential discount or rebates what you pay for an article is what everyone else pays us and every every instance you receive ipo value for your money tliia in a kod reliable ntoro in which io fill your spring and sumrnrr nccdu and tbo lorgcrt tirc within n radius of nmity tuilwl aumrtmonlu vuricttoi nml ranjici of ivclcctiotfhojo carrcnpouditigly large every department now hn n vnit nrmynf new kptiiifj nticl summer ioortfi thkhousfukhisii14flkrarniint till- walupatijit tjkpartment women ueaivtovlvau diciartment the wash ooodsuepaittment the duess goojjs department the mens and hoys store all dtpartmriilu fenturo bountlct of spriuj uinl summer supplici youll find it a tat iiifuc to ry unci a prnntiiblo venture to come to macdonaeds to buy y d e maedonald bros guelphs leading anj largest stoke wyndhatn macdonnell and cardcn streets limited guelph on m terms to suit any style you dont have to wait until you get fifty seventyfive or even twentyfiv dollor to- jrussells gether just select the initni- ment you want make it small first payment and have it de livered to yotir home at once payments so small you will never miss them and the pleas ure so great that you will wonder how you could have been without a colombia graf- onola before come in today and make your selection we can arrange convenient terms c cspeight acton ont imrlrtouliaonil r coudty 1icsi- icjuiltcou light four roadster 950 country club 1110 f v ti turroktc a car of pleasing design tlie design of the new willysoverland light four is notably pleasing and satisfying in lines andproportlons crowned fendcra owecpin in their curves and unobatiuctcd running boards emphasize thejong low dppcaraiicc thia car is a beautiful cxamplo of the modem tendency toward tstraightj lowing lines thc attractive finish in keeping with the other distinctive qualities of this wijlyooveruuid car completes its thoroughly ctyllsh uppearunce and tlie tremendous volume of the willyoovcrlitrul factories makes it possible to oiler una efficient otyuah and ccanfortablc car nt a reasonable price i rv u mcintyre of course ifoiibeligveiti sidiis there are good signs badigns and inaentsignsiridicatinp a variety of things this sign ia a guide to all who use paint and it has a big double meaning it emphasizes the purity of the ingredients to be found in every can of bh english paint and it guarantees the satisfaction you aviu hav as the result of its application its constant use by men best qualified to judge paint valuesis another sign of its merit be glided by this true sign and buy bh english paint to beautify tlie exterior of your home acton ont cntekany time luru thorough ourao in any o o of shaw t seven 11 luiiici sotioou tur- onto wrilo or froo cuiiil home stuly c iirerit ulo prov ilod w ii shaw prci- 1 is paying this week 45c to 46c 5 fur butler bat ti y a rubinoff f actonllxmity f- 5 iwxwiiwwskiiis lease expiring selling out srle soraeflne barrjalns yet to choose from watches clocks j jewellery silvofware etc till ial is- wlhik out wile not on onliiiury annual sulc 1 hero uo yet boiaoihof wnlchcji mtutlo clocks kitchen clocks rculw- tors riiiii pilw hiooclic etc ut llijj rmuaiouii auction sale friday and saturday evenings may ilth and 12th twk iiiurryoningi only amtfoil hulo will coaxial otjwliice of ijiicltnclniliiij ue fino nioduiu t anuro plan e j liphardt jwllrooptilaa actod oat buy madeincanadagoods