j rr rrrrr voxiumjs xlii- no it nenf uoljacrltillonrpal actok ontario thui1sbay mokntng mat 21 llf llptlbn inf suo i c jx singiic copie0 fjcvj5 oent8 btlje cfmt jfrf rss is i nut mibd uveuy tihjiu1i1a uouhino t ma imsis liiuiu jiuiuhku mat imwrr ae owr 81c0 p t ubttniminila u all subaorli uom discontinue im soosubjitiom cfakf fliate all sabaerii lions i w for wweb llini havs been dald jjuo is pw u ilaaotml oq the address label iss i nonpareil iid for ant klr otmu p or aaeli aebas- i55rl leo contract display adtoruas- aevfienianta wluiool speeiao direction lavas p- lewf ehaia ofumar loan paid jor an rtur rates all moobiim oollsetod monthly rfulur and frcnrlstn wnsiiwas flfrfftorp flhos gray hi d cm mcgill sjhop cddtldmb l a f p a a ouimv i brru itaraou ahooiatios bto tdiak jtrew aetanont savage co uoulbllahou 1040 jevkeuxb guelph general hardware the old and reliable wofchmoltera and jewellers savage go guelph oot mill supplies builders hardware agents for yale yid pptcr- boro lock co louden machinery sup plies dairy supplieb the bond hardware co limited iiiooq una quclph lj ucnivbn 1hyslaun anil 8nrfeoa sl n co mill and john jstbkinary okmlawbon r j wttwimaat bobokom i oradaata of ootrrio veterinary cello lma i oowlrthir block itmldioea k1u btt 5imitflrcnutitraiapily attended to j mackinnon kintk boticrroa oosrrstasjcsa ornoswiuu etntl la parrynuui dloek tma hszjlam barrister bohuter sod notwy fobua offljf o mclma l bloc doaslu afal jmstio iou butt klras apaaul htn- 0xwtjlu if you have any guests at your home aro goln out of town for a visit or know of any intcteiting news let ua hear from you we always appreciate each fttvorn phono n c c speight for uptodate goods kb j m bell di b l l a aotom rhouth u undum oorbr mill mod pndaxlck ft ultdull ov tojwwto ukitkaajt omuiu and u dlnd tt- ij li flbnnktt dentist mxscxljmjncous bookbjkdbu at hooka of j1 klnda mxli u ordr bajaofrrrrlaat1cnaaauriiiltbdaoa uavnaamtmnrtpfoxapurdimi 40e ligknbbh u p uootus imim or tluaum rt nvauofllo nowllaommroqojjikl iaeaad pt pmm odof aoton orti coonum of weill oeton llaitofl pool tbt w ortoa p x or olodon ptoola rtddo lu apaoccuoa wlili th ft wbara wtdiiiiiiiu lo ujile ajjtl adrar- g od b wd urdvrs lat at paxa jum aeioa will rla uuroiuu ttoauoo ml stuauon to mtatm in aoton aad tldnuy to ttjujc ok ttxarr dakexniven larviya sobwvtnion plaua re torts dcscrrptidn ujueprinta etc fortiflcaies for ptircboncni and ruort- borvcyu for arcliitccta buil- en anil miiplclpnl oninctls druin c reports eatimatcs etc 4rchant3 bank bldo kublph iphono lom oht jtrorontx can au nouk b1nuuh btmo ot- uttt oualphtont unim uimtwi lu 1alj oo hlilm urmo i btm oilr imi- waui wurk ihomitlt exjcootbu tbe oldandfleliable anlte and marblo dealer in ufurr uiil fllfaji lriiortors i 1 1 kiutuuf uoodcuxilalcmlmmmljuwa w all dict 1 qurutouxt t wtiola wa lliu rjlnu ou oiibuiiiul 40 i tiaro p rijiuo au4 tlia lo in imulutoo who mji opar- lualio mol rrop w a -fnrf- liuotroj ouauima lu ujtvlti loaom wllrotljftrt hava to im in orvlur ki eollaol v tint ii al i atk of urulu in um or lora ijmj ur tttr daaltira lu wo aro lattitlwam daaaxs aim fchl li out ajiuiy jr-w4eua- o i r rf u 11fua vaf avjlcf l h i if irtia i tea uiy m4 daf f son silverware in tableware fine variety alio fine cutlery hardware tinware and graniteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters srnall stoves oil stoves av0hv artiolb io off mccbi- tiohal vaxud a c speight mill street aclon new store dry goods groceries and furniture fustarkman has removed from his fortner resi dence on younf street and has opened a store in arthurs block on mill ritreet acton with the auove lines of 1o0ps tilt- patronre of the general public is invited l starkman bell pianos the main essentials in a piano ire tonal quality high- class workmanship and dur ability these are comprised in bell pianos as a result of patented jm- prtovements unique in piano manofacture sold only by a plea for playonounds ilonty of room for divtw nj ixtom jilttor and glare amd aiu i ilaatt of room for pruon io uatlkor lha cnmlrutu in rieiilf of ropm for jaila iwl ooort willing enough to puj ijut imrer a place far iho bxd to race no no or m pioo to pjjx plan i y of room for ajiopa and atoraa miramoo must iiavq tlio losl i punty of room for uio rannlnc morca tltat rot in tb citja lreut 1 ilonty of room for uio lure tht od tlio haaxta of euryoutkmtray hat norer o cant oa playjptjunu bixiot no ooror plaro m puy 1 ploutji of room for choou tudla lloaty of room farrt j rieaty of room for lea bdu lnll litform tago ad mart proud fa too city lo finds apuco for maay a fad today jiutuham more thin lillod if mo tails to hod a place for the ooja to lilay qio tliem a chaoco fpr innoeotit apor them a cbadoo for fun batter a play rrsund plot tlian a oourt and a jail when the harm u done i give tham a cbanoofif you atint thorn tomorrof tou11 dao to pay a larger liu for darkar ill ho give thani a place to play 1 dating a mccarthy lu tournal at rlu catiou c w kelly son 33 lower wyncftiam st ouehpm ont headache nervousness dizziness indigestion aiid many other dicordcni ore ayrap- toma of troublo caused by weak or defective eyes we relieve these troubles by means of glasses which remove the strain from til o oyra and nervous rjtem your eyes will be fitted here to treroovo any trouble which thoy may cause we anind oan own lenses aura optician guttpn out w the mark of class wlijch dlelinciiishci cualoro lallutiajf lu bmit in ucry fiurmcut i 7hz4ihof at ay is jiut about two wrckj umj lot that ujoukut uilluciko yttu to preparo in umplo tinio wo havo probably the ureatcit no lection we havo evejr ilisplaycd lu wonoteos ttvubou guarnnteed fiut colon iu hluea and fllacku merges and chev iot mode to measure on tlio premises out showing of mart now sprint otviesjn huu cups ijhirta collars tlovaii etc 1 now complete r e nelson hknb ouifrrrcit ouelph ontario the fanner with a balance in the banklj in on easy position ho la prepared for nay emefkocj and ia able to taka avdvantaso of any opportunities offering t fn tn fitf nftt a tho most favorabls terms bis cecd implements nd other requircinenta all cost less if paid for ia cash open an account in cor earr ings department and maloa ctart towards indepaodence w the bank of novascotia pairvnp capital 000000 kb iimva mnd ueojooo totaxueaourcaovarxukooajooo branches at acton guelph narralj milton and streelivflla n oui acton custom mcrs vvil bt ph ibd 10 know of fin change of addri s iu belter quar ter at the former h occomorc itore 12 jfjb upper wynd ham street we have moved our ennrt- loclc up here and ac in a better position than ivlt to m rvcyour need ceo uoiuicall and well tshe gnnyer co limited avuuvtu owi o d akted a elexk ac50 wah joton strcol thlm wu the adrcrtiso- ineiit that appoarad in ooe of tho morning papers of a largo- city jflaoy a yrjrqng fellow who bad beeneekiiif employment for week felt bi bopea mae aa ho read it fred barker board it at the breakfant table the day after it appeared bin sister louiao aald o fred i forgot to toll you that i saw in yeatardays paper that mitchell tyler want a clerk that will be i ho place a bo to all others for you ito a aplodid atora of cooree yoo caa get lbe plaoe if yoo are oot too late yoa caa take a letter ram uncle ifomce hta lafloence aod yoar appearaaco will eettle the mattar i board mr mitchell was roal fay about hia clerk bat im sure ho emu find nothing to oljjtct tola my baadaocoe welldrosmd brotlier aod the elder sister looked admiringly a frodn fair face nmoolh locks and well retliam til call around thera after awhile fred said csxohuuly floase harry and po oow wont you his alster esid im afraid somebody has snatched up tho place beforehla fred finished bis hroakfaabiu a leisurely way put a few extra touches wu hia already careful tollsk lighted a cigar aod sauntered fortli botter throw away jour ciffar bftforo jou go ia mr mitchell may object tot that said lowao wbo stood in tlip front door as be passed out hell hare to takq ine as i am fred said wilh a lofty air all renuamea smoke i do pot propose to be a alare to him or any other man he called in at bis uaclos othcrn on the way aod procured a latter of re om moods lion thus equipped he fals coo qd ant of su ccea justbohiod bun thera wlkod with brisk stop a boy of fifteen a year or two younger than himself this was iuvid recg ha too had soon tho odvertisemoat and was 00 the way that rery miaqte to coo wasluoctoq a treat- ho woi the eldont of a family of children wboie fauior had died at too bojpaatog of a loog winter david bad tried bard to find employment bad improved every room out m doiug odd jobs forauybody had studtod tho psperd and answered ad reitiaemente unut he was wel nigh discouraged the iiuoes were sum to ira flljod by poraoas who bad eofluontud fnoods he liad uoao fur hit fsthor had moved to tlio cty from tho country only a abort time boforebia death and iiowniore becauso bo sppltad for otorythliif ha hoard of than from any hupo of yrrmw he had ruen very early that morn toe mado tlio tiro aod whilo his mother was preporiuj breakfast put biidmilmii tlio no teat pouiblo ordor tog t mitchell ottlora when hp aporod ab lho hrokfl tablu looking to hrghb- and oui hi mother thought be was a sea to bo proud of iha handsomest boy iu tho wbolo city yet his face mm actually homely as far as beauty of foaturoa was concerned hi clothaa vera cparso and he had oo fancy uecktio no flashing pin or gold cuff buttons like tho elegant young goadnrnsn who uatr walked before him what wss tho reason that among tho largo humlnrof boys who gled id and out of mitchell a tylors privato otbco uooo of tbeiu had jot ixicii aolactod to fill the tscaut lorkship mr mitchell tbosoiilo partuuf tlio drui bad asked sum plain ih t forward piauiiui of tlioui wuoro ou ajmnd your etcmugs kyou phiy cards gi to lb uielro io fov mr milchell had daclarod lu hm pfulor if there it a lfqy lu uo world who lias good habiu and right principle im gunh to bunt him up if il- lakes all aiutor so u tumol out that mauy of the boys could not glo aatiafactery ooswers to the aarcblig junction and ouuir wheu mr mitch nil aoundoil uicir kuowlodu of figure woro not really reekooera thoy caiuu aod want for uaa whole day and as soon as the dour wai opsuod tlie tt monileg candidates came ilocklug la like hirda and now is was fred barker a turn ue stood lofor mr mitchell bis list ou his liead his cigar rtuiovotlirom his mouth it in true bul the smoke curliug upward into tho merchants face ife prewouted his 1 otter uf intruduutloii mr mitchell read ir thou asked a few questions mesuwhde bis practical oyo was taking it olliii tlio ctgr tho luiitatioo disuioud tho laig seal riujf the llashiu uouklie lie koo lo a twlnlfjitih wboro i raxl lurkor ptolial ly apenb hhervnings and thar li w aid uo tuoie money to nulutyq hir taitcs than lie cot honofuy cam o fiodfl ostoikihumiiit he proaoutly heard f do not think young inno hist you are just uio one wo havo in mine fur linn pune than before ho it now it ha was bowed ou l thsneit boy who was admitted did nob advance with such mor osiifidnnt air ifohahl in lint jin hjiiml and ujioto in a inodont rcnjioctful uauiicr l have you nnj rooommoiidation 1 no nir i hexo none ijavid ausworol a little dejoctodly wo havo not ifeeu lotur n the rlty well you ueed nono if j can trust my oyo5 mr mitchell remarked to buniiolf thehrfjht frank fr and tho manly air ir um loy iroprcojed him most favorably ho was still innro pleanet when ho drow htm into ronvornation and learned what hooks he wsj food pjond how he was going on with his studies oruhlnyrf although ho had been ohh oil to leave tlio high uchool an corn his living mr mitchell list very r harp oyoa ho took hoto of tho vroll brushed goniisnui tho nhining bootri tho snowy collar and cuds tho dolicatoly clean finder itsilo oven by such small things ss tlieso is character read and abovo alb the look of sincerity rtwl boncity alijniug from tie blue oyci well dsvjdt mr mitchell said m he gotunntl walked back and forth hat if i troro u tell you that you can have the tuation providing you will work a part of every hahbath it was a mnt mi 1 tcit tlio oy h i talod jdjt a noinaiit than ho said while color roio and hu voico choked should y htr litil i cannot ncicpl it not oven whon joar tnorjicr ueoda money to badly urf my motlier would not uso monoy au aarucd bho has always taught mo to oltey doil and truit him como what ill that has tlie iruo ring pnro gold raid mr mitchell bringing- hit hand dow on david a shoulder my dear lioy iran t you aod i do not want you to do any k far mo on tho sshhath i will jiay you ten dollarn mere a ma nth thao tho hut clerk received because i am glad to find olio buy out of n hundred who remembers his mothers teachings and fcors to disobey his lord christian work v hands and mind t9t tpt tlillij the jpung men of our town willcomjujio w xl f with those of any town about un yet with our sj laodldnrlioulfat ill ties there is ne eiceso for tlio evening loafing soma time to ijp soon if ike hands cannot jnd etoployinent shomiod nhould lna kept busy jo that winch will irolll slrougtlieu and edify for tjatan always has work for id la hands to do how mothers can become theib sons confidantes so many mothers of tho present day bemoan tlio fact tliat thoy loio hold on their sons when they attain tjia age ap proaching manhood what is tho cause tho rcnaon and what oh what is tho ramedy t in her all understanding grasp of things jean lilowett linn dealt with the question in a recent issue of k very womans world fer which she edits an ontiro psgo with the caption joan blowotts own pago as to the remedy there is only ono answer alio says becauso tbero is only ooe wsy and this is to be perfectly em euro with him tho oyes of youth are sharp eo aro tho intuitions and no m fitter bow much a boy may loio hisuiotlier ho l not going to trust her wholly unless sliehliows herself a good fellow which means that ohe oan lie depended on fimt lost always tlio necxets a boy hsa to congda are weighty orreta to him ho will not tell thorn to his mother uoleri ho dooms her worthy the high loat or confidante jjimt and fore mast then ho must find har maccro not si one with him hut in her daily walk and talk if iho be addicted to what is known poll to prevaricating a habit many women ba uf uiakiog life easier for themvilvri by u 0 mho of tho bocml fib the convenient hoadacho the improvuvod pre tious engoguuiaut tho bit of flagrant flattery or if olio lo gucn to gosaipiog to tolling a tllng oau way to day and auothor tomorrow to lettiuif out noreta with a cautioning reminder tliat they were mahe kuorrn to injr in couhdeuco aud must go oo further than bor family bo knows it site in judgment on it and all lbo relent less judgment of youth 1 and ho will uot tell lier tho socrot oalrud matters which eogrxhht him whiu sincerity is rawt imjortanu it ia potovorytliing hho matt lie companion ablo no matter whst virtues uiuz posses os if sho lack thin una of rcaolung out as it warauod drawing her boy tuto hor ovoty dsy life makiu himaud hm aifairit a part of it olio will oat bo a eucccsv ho una knows more iiuickly than he njian ho is wautod or resents lumore readily when ho is not a wuuiw who domron tbo post must aymjiatbalio lo u deircu ready to enter into hts ilaus hm uleals hia discuvortas hid quihiuon if uha isuh ul what m the schools itoll of hohoh tho standing of tho pupils in tho- high ana pupijuischoolii tho nam o aro in order of merit tlio bcit tbroe 10 each class being reported hioii sciiooi dl1t foiim hi marguerite htowart ohvq mowat houid 11 i thol btorkman annie hny dor ida crawford loiui i ray agnew jack waldio ukio hbewar stlwaut prlocijial baker assistant in ili ji 8 hooi dki t hit iv maxwell ueluofl willie htew art 105 llinor hcndorson 100 toul lfio jil iv davjd hsndnrson hj margaret mcnabb hi helen andorsou 77 total warbv m bltnc teacher sit- iii jordan umoq 203 martlm orr 2s5 jean kooiiody 273 total 355 jit ill lopald kennedy 2x lloyd fivrlios jid myrtle carnocbon 104 total 355 m u wiuot teacher ha ii r- bar cooper 154 russell itoss us wlho goldauin 139 myrtlo ityder 139 total 10a ju- h harvoy rawaon 03 para lam ixirt ht arlio white 85 total 100 m ii fuuuny teacher sit i holon coro 1g0 matthow tyler 105 harry joldstelo 1t9 total 200 j 1 1 t udna morgoaoti ufl anmo iunn 120 mary stewart 10 total 150- i folflteit teacher sciiior pllluell cii33 a hugh liby gi adobwlo hearst g1 john man q 53 total k0 cijtsa b marjorio smelhurst ch jack lwing 07 hatol james cc total 7- cijlu c john qibbena 80 cltrcnro lleo 70 mona smith ci total h5 cijii f tack hymon 4t aolla gavill 31 joo bristow 33 total 58 m a bulk teacher twenty yeaits ago from tho issuo of tho eroo proas of thursday may 27th 18q7 may hou lcnii an unusually showery mouth a no sidewalk is lieiog laid en tho south sido uf lake avenue knox church christian lndcavor society hold tlieir annual plo mo in hlynnn grovo on queen n birtlidny it was not very largely attended but was very enjoyable tho annual contention of halton leach era was held in milton on fridsyend bator day mr thos t moore tho 1resjdeat gavo an analysis of gray a licgy mr lo man of milton was elected prasldenb for tlie coming year and mr j sorgo midgloy vice president tho annual townnlnp sunday school convention was held as bsjlinsfad on fri day it was a good coutsotton aad well re presented a section of tho canadian contingent that will form the g6ard of honor to hon mr launar premier at uio forthtoming diamond jobjloo cslobratlon in london aasombled at toronto tuesday and pro- coodod to quebec where they will be join od by tlio other members of tlie escort the postmaster doncral has provided for a singularly appropriate national celo oration of julnleo yoax by ordering the issue of asiocial diamond joblloo postage stamp on which tls head of lho quoou appears baaed oo a xirtrait made whon she ascended tho tlirono and another as she appears to day tho john ioton va iepartmont store comer yongo tnniperanoo streets tor onto wai burned to tlio ground early ust thursday morn og loot eitimated at 50 000 uhich u covored by insurance tho froat of fcnday ulght did a great deal of dannj to in wssurn ontario wiiniiej wm viwtod by a snow and sleet storm nccompanfod by a high oorth wind it rained all saturday night and tlie snow storm started about 0 a m on sunday and hitrd till about 2 p- m two anfjlens a barefoot boy a whito birch iwlo a can of worms a swimmin bole a baited book x tug and awish a steady liaul sumg af fish a whito duck suit a canvas boab a costly rod a patoob float a gaudy fly a cash and nwish a ielty sght but nary a fish i national efficiency juiuu pujmkh a irouo dunn mike black well doro uiy oordiner tl lady scorrow loona waller charlio tnpj o ixjria iaoix judn smith borouiy lwiig l c j mofteini toacr ho uloua alio cliuj youtli to you tli uudaratandnig sort of ly whnh taken the sling fruui ihiui laughter and xobuuatiuu bho uiujil luten and learn as well as talk and iech last but not loasu sho must be human enough to be young and jbui with into yos and to be oliy witli bim too shy to ell all tho mysteries to htm merely o he uoods lo kuuw and whi h wit ie hlui a bettor lad and by and by a iwtter iiuu fur tho kuonlug it ia a mi is i bio km t this one of uchir a mm s to a iulh it i alls or upctjl quuh ficationit hut il i- wonli whllo take a dhop u of drop u otno in 1 ulriuuiuiil nstbiig i t tiuo ijm no miko i m ntu ice lliu kili dltd ho wax uuo tf uio livowob fcllnwn in thao jiarts hut ho imu tho droji t usi uesain han 1 lihamiou n nalouii it was a drop of boiuuthiug out of a i itu at jirsu but iu 4 littlo whilo lim took a few drupn too much and then he tin pwd lot tho gutter lie diopjjl lus pluro ha tlru pu 1 his money j ho drajipo1 oierllii g i ut his thirst for strong drink poor iiinl dlut tho worst i i ho tnt crary wlthdriuk one uuj a a man and the ioal tuna i saw was taking hm list drop with noato mound hii neck i hs dropping 1 uiits miktv 1 havo soeii loo many k f wl c whikoy hn 1 lho drop on thorn 1 hoy took jun a dioj iiii tho i kittle uiou tlioy dropjxd pit tho gut it r tud limn ihuy drupixd nit t o fim killtvl quit tin who abe the happiest people tho hap pi sat pooplo i havo ever known have boon people who wero a tnde unso phisticated who havo accepted things very simply not trying to salvo every one of tlio problems of tho universe bat acquiring such knowledge as came in ihsir way with the truo relish wo ell feel far what we loam throughlotcrcaungexpcrionco writes an cobhiqticd porsou hi thi giru otralon don ooo of tho grnatost truths ahumao lioiiig con loam is tliat everything is interesting and that i should nover toko life or any ninglo day of tt as a matter of fact wo should rocognixo die miracle afrosli every morning and paubs for i moment t itod ourwilvai exactly where we are no tuoro at one time than another iu tho hands of aud viuljy coohocted with tho plan nf tlio hihor lulolhgeiico it helps a hunt day wonderfully thus to adut ourselvoi and wo aro urioctlirg our beat prejiareduoas for hfo when we fail to do nothing adds quite oo much xoat to ng or bfllpi utt gracefully to row old i hmt ntly to buar tho atlhctloita thab arn lho coaiiuon lot uf buiuantty as tbo ulih- wo know how to tin jf hero in a curtain thing you winh to loarn lo do by all meant follow it if you cu it will tocouii a part of a vut lirojwroduuav fir qulot days for union whon you inaf nool the canijiamoiiihip of ploaaant vfork 1 uii think of nothing much worso tlian iiavfuitilue hang heavy upon my bonds but then there has oevor boon in my eijierisuco auy opportunily for uiat- lifo has kept me so busy thu urgent quustlun iuoiui alunjrs to bo whoio shsll 1 tiud time for alt tliat u ho done bitsfbiusuanl tin of tho k klnenili 1 tlioughli fiti il will or of the huai in rmii-uj- tore uud if rilllropjou n drop diyphu mike h a ivamuufc to day 11 buniuo inaurnnp iruth aud mithiut hut llm truth inter iminjjy jnoaoiiltd uiakos tlio bjal jiowb 1 ho l iiiuuolily of mlvurtuniff itoo ihuum noil at a pru u permittiui a fair to lit to tlio seller loll of tho out csa lo hilblllowh li attilb utabls to the gwotl fortdoo of toe u ring tho aorvico of capable aaslslaiita the uewspapernaro to tbo modoru wutld hat the puhho square was to athens au advortisnuinnt to bo uiloiui uiusl ponon four cardinal points it muut lo icou it must ik read it mint 1 uu lor ilootl aiid it muni bo believed advortulug will sulve puhlio r 1111 liettsr luduitrial uuditioiia and uiuke people 1 appor ibu uowspaper in dovsl qung more and more asocial nclqulo lb is learning that diihnueat must be awilted as wall to tho lly uli0iua hluoo of amy i usiuusi is uut mlhnr lent to tho linnmnttiui th nqht thu work i snuut bo qairnxl on without greit loss of motion touiofdtior lhtwe turrdlo iun or war are making us think bf at 1 plan for cllicioncy it is to ha sincerely hojied when peace la di c la red that tho icjjaif loaroed at so great a coat will not bo forgot too lxperlooce is a door lcschcr writing from mesopotamia to a friend in winnipeg in may 1910 the late sir victor homtoy says our grois failures and iitupidity are in mynpiujau duoto the whukoy suectingtho ntelloctual organs and clearnou of our load cm of courno thoy do not realise that alcohol inamall doses acts as a brake en their brains if they dill tlien the would have auflicient loalty co fallow their kings examplo it was ne fas fotcliod or fanciful dec far atluu of pre in i or lloyd j cargo when be said i alcohol is britain s greatest foe prof kruejmilin of munich- invented an instrument for to ting human efficiency with it ho proved tliat a single glass of ixior leaons a man s efncjoucy by seven jmwceat aud two dnnka at whiskey robs him of twenty uireo per cant- of his normal power leavlug him littobotter than tbroe fourths of a man the cxar of all the ulana know tlio truth of all this when icflvctlto aald to hn army you are nly three fourth mou solsor littlo japeo hipped us onco wo want whole man to ht the nnaui and vodka must go in ono moutli ot prohibition iu tho midis fllie must dovaitaiiug war russia evor fought hho won nblu to bavo ibirty mil lio twice nnnncli in ono mouth whon aobor a m wbolo yoar whon drunk if wu uood f lurfourths mou to go to tlio fmut what msuuar of moo do w need for uio heroic halt lus of homo and pcanj j ii iluxiwooi1 muthotltit dep t of riocisl aorvloo oct the happiness habit moiiaml woiiioii should make it a part of their daily work to put aj much jay and as iltuo bitterness aspoaslhle into the lives of thuituoui tunm it is a joy indeed to romo intocnntact with awaotsplrlted mou mid wunitt i jkxjplo iho carc for their followa au i rrinpanioua who with to spend a imttc la umi ii mou i here is plenty ofioojifir nnpiotuuiunr oot tho ho bit u is uio littlo thiols tliat ouunt and if thoy jre on tho mdo of bulpfuluoo tho world would lai i iianod era tbo udbiouco causing it ould lo roc k llgiittrueslno au ihshman eforsiu munlhor i 41 ki i i nit into a jowolo 13io bhopuiuii aho 4i shop red lin certainly tmnj th an lhjtxlay t lock dolurs fur that j it j unylblua ul ant wl4l1llj w by ihopiuan that ked tho pixiihh eight days with iud so much se tliat nalil tho irish ncrallhliig his hoail liogorra there thjug i d like to be idler jinking you goes oij lit dayfi wjlhoiit win liii how for um sake uf ml patrick will il wind if wiitur in win shoul i lo ihiurod rvaoud it will miptoto y h fish ho i oiled u tho t uiukii g it into hoi roaci wonderful going to manitoba incidents alonp tho way of ihtorost a to travoiiora 1 0 vory ono wbo goes to tlio northwest furnished observations of travel in tbo fiitr puca tlio bulk would hare to bo d sell cod fnr want of npaco and as do many readers bavo mode tlie journey or read of ft farther obaervatloaa might- be considered superfluous but having had ia my younger ilays a tendency to uoo print- ero fskslbeib with poesible atainfng of fingera i am venturing a few note per- liajm readable if somewliot random am is surely well known by this timo x left tlio homo tosen on tho afternoon of tho ultli basking in uio glory of the goodwill showered on tho dear once accompanying me and to so mo oxtent 00 myself tho separation from persona and places meant more than possibly appeared an the sur face for after all friendship and goodwill ard priceless poasoasiena surrounded also by a cotone ef former aoton friends at tho unioa sutioe toron to wo entered our tourist aal almost on the tickof a 40 moved oot darkness como oo before leaving the good country and on arising from a lagged and jading- nights unrest found uio rocks and barren noes of tbo sudbury district much in evidence from thoro w eat ward whether algema bainy biver or what district wens passed tho constant succession of rock aad water and scrub timber was raj most monotonous varied in dogreo ac cording to locality tbo feeling of immensity takes poeaeaslan of one boui aa regards length of sach a scene and uis profmuoa of tho upheaval or deposit which nate re ban sometime made far and wide the question is often aakod on such trips what good can come out of such a country 1 bat a goo ue man 00 this occasion ventured to mo the opinion that tho heavenly father didnothiog without apurposo at any rate ono scarcely knows which most to wonder at tho immensity of material nature a seen in these region or uio wonderful resources of human intellect and skill in coping therewith tho prodigious task of sirsaofordfiomlog t aad party in planning and executing a journoy of survey throogb uione wilds woll aa tbo cons true uon of tho road is something to a 1 ion m tbo advocacy of tbo cloee affinity of man with oven tbo highest of tho lower ammaia the persistent loyalty too ot tho troops under sir lamet wolealoy m 1870 in forc- luir their way through this wilderncns from princo artliura landing now port atthnr to fort uarrj to quoll uio miscrablotllel bobellion is aoraounng to bo bold hi grate- l ful remembrance tho pity of lb was uiat the- rascal robel wbo violated law and human rights learning of the broopn approach wtui his few miuiona hurriedly- decamped before getting bis dsoerta however flftean years later iu attomptinjr s second insurrection farther west be gos bin daserved reward but to resumo thoro is one reflection surely coming to u thinking trareuer tho confidence woplaroin our x mon from tho wearied train despatchor to the navvy who drives tho ust spike in a tiew laid ral the failure of any of them in any of uio range of position held might mean untold disaster uut w trust them truly wo should havu gresb respect for and give honor to our follow workers slang lifoa path for a touch of human nature makca uio world aklu the first of tbote notes woro jolted in tho swaying coach thoy are being concluded in tho praino farm bouso with uio broad or pa nso of mulling lands stretching in tho far distance dotted wiui moving team and ribboned with uio streaks of browning land the season is somewhat la to and is now being lushed t i should havo said that w were met at wjuniiwg by tdcsire w j humphries aud korr drown formerly of acteo sach wltb bis wife and daughtur also by person al rolativoa which mado a brief halt on tho journey vory pleasant at urandon while waiting for truiiltransfors we on jo tod tlie hospitality of mr percy ilrowu or years a nexudoor neighbor who wiui his ex cello nt wifo maie our stay vory plaaaant i calleut to sea mr j h matuiows but ho was out on some school hoard mltsiou so that truo to bis ac lou days be is filling work of puldio usofulocaa j so s he didnt ukutir will 10 sold uio foachey uuppovo i biul two upjssh pies and cut uaa iu ox 1 let a und thu ouier iu twvw pieces which pio would you rather bavo a ploo of lho ooe cut lu twnlvn piocos replied willio 1 dont bko at u into a vll ware bowl milk ntauj iu ringed cold h an oil for all mm tho sailor th soldier tho tiihoruiau tho lumberman th out door abater end all who aro exposed to injury and tho dtemaiits will tiud lit dr i bunas ltltwlrio oil a true and fsithfid friend lo oao ioin u rnlleva colds drons wuundn eubduo lumbago aod over come rhouuiatinui it has uu equal tbero- fore it should bavo a plaoo iu all homo inodioiuos aud those takouou aourny dust cauiws asuimo- lven a liuje spock too small to nee will lead to agouie whuli 110 words uio dciorlbo tho walls of tho hriytliiig tubui 00 tract and lb wan n if tho vory hfo must jiaa from tills camli leu ir j i hellogg asuima jumody brings tho user to perfect rest ami heallh it iuh4as um iaaaagea and nor mnl breathing u iirmlv ostabliihed again btun iretlr ut t tliiioniul received annually prove its iioctiteum