Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1917, p. 2

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s ulrtl n manlaca i a h a i wlr qk iiv i udnj ma ill j j ilawmri 11 juiui ii u nlut lay mnyl7tl aru i 1dj7 i corrylxirry or of ilomui t- nj ti kulip dnukl tor of ihotnas monik luronto died hherlotk at his 1 ome garden j tor ou on inlay ihui may richard hliorlock uj od 76 years- mooiu lulled in union in irauce i sat inlay may n 1017 1 to jolt ixi win moore on nelson 1 and agf muoro acton pcxi 5 years 1 mil eti at 1h wth harold htrent lnrt william on tuesday may loth 1017 walter j yle non of mr and mrs cliia a oodoo in hl sixth year stlj rfoit jfrce ms tjiukhiramuatr2ittriin pte j l moqre makes the supreme sacrifice another of acton s bravo sohs killed in aotion in franco only son of nelson r moore we will all look forward of 1 ox ti truo i aj o wfii silh i sort full peaco comm cjnco s ajo call o run to mr u 1 mr ol may lutl 1317 editorial notes iqi i to tho uoited htalen will nob oavo oiiibie joan men from tho necessity of leinjr enrolled as soldiers now they ore juat on lial lo to bo conscripted there- as in canada tii luc is still tnno to volunteer jour services to kidg nil j emj ire you op nin you ii feci much bettor if you rot into tho ranks while oluntoera arc being accepted a volunteer ban always bean giron a much higher pomtion than a man preeoed into aervice report killed the iovieu of municipalities te inveotj gate bd 1 control prices has beeu greatly o crossed by reason of tha rodent action by tho minister of labor the new regula uorui ara that when a municipality wishes to conduct an investigation under oath it will bo allowed to name the inveatlfttor and tho minuter will clothe him with all tho powara in thia regard which ho him self posocssen in many instances muni a pah tics havo expresnod too dosir to make tho appointnlont of the inveatigators oe of tbo frroat movements of qur time ia tho movement for lho conservation of our f natural resources we havo jrono oa as the world were coming te an end when wo wore dead now we are getting a bettor perspective tha conservation movement as waa natural was at first moat consplco oosly identified with the conservation of out forests and our water power but it most extend beyond tha- forest and water power it muatmoroimmedtately concern itself with the ponsexratiea of the soil for even onr brief history tolls us that fertilo fields ray become abandoned farms throwrb other causes than lack of rainfall gov lpudcn now that tho government of canada has faresbadowod a bill for conscription of men to fill tho ranks being so seriously deplstod at tho front and all ngbtr thinking loyal people will endorse this act it is absolute ly necessary to take another stop and pro hibit the manufostoro importation and traffio in intoxicating liquors it will be a crime if the brownra and distillers are per mitted to go on destroying millions of pounds of foodatufis when lloyd oeorjjo announces our food stocks am alarming ly low our doldters and oar people must bo fed tho millions of gallaas ef alcoholic lienors now held in bond an ample to supply all needs for the manu faoturo of munitions itiivtaivavcr of the highest state of ef cctoocy in transportation in canada tho railway companies chum is dependant on tho granting of their application f or an increase of fifteen per cent in passenger farea and freight rates which they have placed before the dominion railway cqro mission tha coat of labor tadsy as com pared with a few years ago is pointed to as evidence that present railway rates ore in adequate for tho transportation companies to keep up a maximum efficiency inti mation has been given that the application of tho railway companies wil be acceded to and that it will be treated purely and simply as a war measure and remain forco for a giren period tue must be a good deal of disapamt- meot among progermana throughout tho we rid orcr the peaceful ooaditiaua which prevail m tho united buua progermans generally wore confident that in the evcot of tho united 8tats entenng tbo war on the side of tha allies there would be in thab country a german uprising which woyty eftjfotualty parajjrio tho government and prevent its becoming an important factor in the war this la another striking instance of gorman miscalculation not only has there been no uprising at all but ws are told that all the heretofore blatant ptogermaonoro now iniqcaptly quiet and docile the nitotom evidently do not relish tho puaiih li ly of havlu their poss jnlens confiscated for noditrluus words and acts the auu oitiinntod to ho aorn u ter wheat lat fait is bi 4u0 acres of which cw 500 ocrci are in oourto 1w 700 aorosiltsaaaatchowan 38 000 acres in at beru hoooacree in manitoba and ti mo acres in britiah culumlua in ontario tha proort4ou of tho area reported to be winter killed is 3 per cent it manitoba 14 jr cant ia alitor 4oretit and in hnfc- uh columt is h t teut nuroperta on tho winterkilling of fall wheat ap avails le for st k it 1 id wuh but as tlia iroportluna in tim two iioithbouriiig row nces of mam toha and alberta are 14 at i lf cr oeiil reapoctivoly it is avmuioj that tint propur tion of ih per cout also plios to uukat chewan tha result is a total estimated destruction thrtuh winter killing uf 1h7 000 acres of fall sown wheat or 3 r cent this tcoportion is larger than inany of the two previous yearn when i owovor ute amount of winter killu y was oicopliooally low being not mure than about 0 per cent in each year laal ihursday a in luc inl oilfco ottawa i moore nnylij ottawa nou o 1 moors acton out inroroy roj rot ui infonrj yo i co200 i te to n i m w infn itry illlcially rnixiruwl wnu i ie4 may htth iiiiiotn seventee i wll noi d furt r particular when received otdcor in cl ard itecords this fiawa naturally 1 rouylit frreva at xiety to tiio 1 owe 1 nl wiji a bfao all 1 uitiout coursjjp mr and mm mooronwait- ed further particular of the casualty earncatly hopicp that ib would not 1m un duly oerious rrly aloodsy morn i no- a second mesas ge cauio from ottawa being tins hoartren ting iauulganoo otuaa oiil may ioth 1017 nelnon ii moore acton onl j cable received to lay nutes ufl2290 i u john ioiis moore infantry roviously irtetl wouudoe now t ihholiy reported action may fifth i inotoon seven teen foircsr in cl nrge itecords looro won tho only win of tho his sud len lcreavcmont cam ai a ntuiining uow to the tumrtu of these bravo jiarentn who had given their ixjy when the country s call came pte mooro onl suxi m u o 3itlt natulian ab guulph in jsnuarj 10it ho was a member of the bufje hand of the regi ment after nmo roontli of military drill and instruction atguolph and london he weut overseas with his tiattalion land ing in i gland tl o lost of october 1015 after some months in camp in i or ian j tha 34th waa divided into special drafts and sent from time to time to thcfront to reinforce regiments that bad leen docimat od bugler mooro was then transferred to tho military bandof tho montreal french battalion the 23rd which waa a rassrvo foroe this band was under tha leader ship of a french bandmaster from paris remaining in lnglsnd when his comrades were being dent to the front became irk some to this intrepid young soldier and ho applied for a place an a j nvate once or twice the medical board refused him persisted however and eventually secured a place in the ranks last fall lie went to franco with his battalion ii march and was evidontly with thocanad ian divisions which won distinction in tho battles of vimy hi j go and beyond lie foil ia actien on saturday 5th may john lewis moore nan born in acton on may 13th 1894 and weald havo bean twonty three tho weak after he fell ho was the only son of nelson f moore who is tho only son of tho lato thomas c moore who spent his life in acton deceased waa a younjj man of noble character ens of whom any father and mother might justly feci proud after passing the iltgh school entranco oxamina- rtion be came to the fuee piilss and spent pfoar years in this office cor a time ho was foreman of tho gazette at burlington in hicb town his christian activities were much appreciated larly in lifo ha became a christian and accepted the faith of his fathers ite was an active worker was energetic in thefpwortli loaguo and was president of tho kings ordorhes bible j class and an efficient teacher in the sun i i day school when ho enhttod bo was j mode ifoo president of tho k o bc and held that hoaoiablo position until his death several jours ago ho decided to oiler lnm self as a missionary to china and to thab and gave up the pnntiog business and returned to fligh bchool hero he was when tbo call came tor volunteers for canadas oversea forcea ha had oonsid ersble talent as a public speaker and ha was successively granted license as aa eihorter and a local preacher of the metho dist church only tost wodneadsy even ing tho official board acnowed his local preach or o bcanoo- far the- y oar he was an exemplary young man an affective worker one who was always uncempramlsin in atanding for the right and putting first things flral as his father said to the writer tha day the sad news came that hi ht had fallen in action ho was truo to his friends to his cointiy and to his god as an index of the happy relations with hii home here wo prcasut tho followiug poocaa which he sent to his parents last christmas r- to mr tucur or 1aiji my m wncu msythe card watch forever between mo and thee when we aro aluicnt out fn in ti d ottior are the words that i send with a 1 cart full of love to the baibat dour pa inyiuglhor tor king queen and country wohri big honor and kul t li our watchtmrutruo lho initjht at drat mamod u bold svay naujrht shall couquor the ited white an 1 mv blrrcin mmratiirn dear ol 1 dail when kite i ener called o i mo to oomo up witli tlio bt n i th tught of you and my dear old 1 urno and tho beanos of my cl il ihood joya it n ii to me to u o it at d help li o other hrnvo cl aps at tl a front nov or iqi it be cal 11 was ono tliat jibbed while otliem iwre the brunt- wlien nurn go where oar duty calls an 1 i hopo tliat won t ha long we 11 rat the if una well en tho run to tlfo tuno of our marclilpg eong memoriae of home and my dear ones are ever with mo night and day i 11 ono happy times i ahall never lorgat while in linglsnd nr o the way obituary mi wn v early a i general sympathy is tnunity for mr arid mi great sorrow fslt by tha com moore in their hassaqaweya mr iraakp hay era is in brit tab col ombia on a buainera trip the may meoung of the woman ji inati tuto was held at tie homo of urn william i rank tha juno meeting vtlt oonvone at fifra v v mayera there ii be a big garden party at brook villa thlf afternoon itov mr moycr of paisley memorial church guolph will preach in i enexsr church next- fjumfay morning sndltov xv k allan of noosagtwoya will take hut work in guelpli mil arena lor boo ef uon mills fell down a stairway at mr itudd s ou sstur day afternoon may 12tli and fractured her left arm at tho elbow miss i rope anderson underwentan oper atlon on ber tonsils and for adenoids on tuesday 8 lie is doing well mr albert ware of campbollvilto lias nud part of mr wm alexanders farm near hnatchbull and mevod in eal art time ago rev j t strachan preached in tlio ltenexer church lost sunday evening at tho mission circle ne price the bethel union sunday bchool waa r orgonixed last fjuaday with mr 0 t wilson as saperinteudant and mr w f darby secretary treas i miss mamie near organ tat and mrs cameron ramahaw assl orgonlsl mr james moffat is bible class teacher miss mamie near has a class of young rirla mr i nebtengalo aclass of boys and miss alice hume the primary class there will be sunday school every sunday afternoon at 3 o clock during the oommer mr byron sta offer of goolph occupied the pnlpit in the moffat methodist church last bunday afternoon mr diaries a darby of knatehhull who has been laid ap with varicose veins in his lege ia not making tory rapid recovery w 1 1 utoh iurtou juiotly slept away incsda morning iflih inst til o hail lcen 1 poor hoolth for several years ai d c lolly iiaw weaker but her dcatli wm i it axpartad her younsjer laiigitcr mm uello gave her loving caro an i 1 nr n inistrationa meant much in her declining years mrs t often was a daughter f tho lata ca t uicliord smitliers for many years ono of tho iioit known ca tains on the groat lakes fjho was born on wolfe iilatil near kingston on the icth juno 1hi a e married william j iuru n who iirednccased her in pebrttsry 1u07 live daughters were bern to them of whom miss anuie dertrude of o lovers villo n y and miss sadio louisa who lias alwsyn resided at homo survive in hi early inamdd lifo mr turton resided ab angus adjoiaing ts now famous camp borden he owned a tannery there later ho to up uio tanning business and for eight years taught school in ietfrboro and uabcsyieo i betuning to the ton nlng interest mr rurton5iovod bis family to acton intbss tor nearly thirty years this lias beon their home mrs turton was a member of tha method 1st church and alwayn onjoyed its services when able to attend tho funeral was hefi on saturday afternoon interment lioing made at lair viow comotery itov h w avlson m a b iv alhciated i a good copk in tha kitchen is much mor o to le desired tliau a jmanala in the parlor 81 fc put on an ink stain frcihly mods will looeon tt o mark vinegar in waihing with water cleaoses limaw br htens china and is a good dis infectant acton machine shop blow overhalt machinists special attention to repairs of afolor curs of any moke tires repaired and vulcnnirct agent j for tho famous goodrich tires auto accczorica f all kinds our motto promptness mrvohlno shop nloin eireec near eornoror mill street ontario ring of sugar prohibited by the government or many years the canadian public has been eating artificially colored sugars government reports ehow that some refineries nave used ultramarine blue to make their granulated sugar look better than it actually is others made use of aniline and vegetable dyes to give a brilliant appearance to their softoj yellow sugars the use of dycaortolonng matter ing the coloring of sugar and in cases of any kind io unnecessary in refining where it 13 found prosecution pro- cane sugar this is cmphasiicd in cccdingo will be entered under tie a notification sent to all refiners by adulteration of foods act the dominion government prohibit- we wish the public to know that we have never used coloring matter hrtantic pure cane sugar andimecerwill lantie sugars dmmp the last twb ycara we were toid hat we could increase cur bumness in cer tain occtiona of canada if wc would color our yellow soft cngarfl aa ritt pablic were accuatomed to the more hrflhant color wc refused and are ffad wo djd tbo recent action of the- gowern- zncnt lanbc pure cane sugar wanfirct put on hie market about two ycaro iro since tliat tune over 2oogo0ouj lbs have been consumed by the canidiin public and we aro now turnmrout 750000 1 bo of jurc cane sugar eacii day tlio reason for thia enormous buxi- dcos is not hard toexplam it means tliat t he discriminating consumer haa learned by actual use that lactic pure cane sugar is superior to all othrrs tfaving erected the most modern sugar cc finery in the world cooling over u 000 000 wo steadfastly adhered to our original policy of making only absolutely pure cane sugars of highest quality in which no bpbts are usfd no ultramarinrdlvfisvsed no aniunf dyes aw used no vloetadul dyes are used monlrealqoa atlantic sugar refineries limited look for htedjba31 tmdraarlc to lie absolutely cextahi of get ting lantlc pure cane scgar oee that the bed ball trademark a oa every bag or carton it taour guaranty to you pf canadaa purest sugar your grocer has lantie sugar3a stock- tm will get it for you if you insat st john n jj 13 iuui aubrrliunnenlfl e nil w avhjoh m a c d unlta sunday may s7ui 1017 woitnina memorial service for the into pie john i moore killed in action in prniico mi muy 5th tho dead match in hul wilf be play cd evchino bermon on the siiircnnj irvnnl in tho book of iiiamli sport shoes with sport clothes thats the vogue this year to have ones shoes in harmony with the sport suit or outing skirt and sweater we are showing this week extra good values in ladies and childrens hose house dresses girls and childrens gingham dresses and readytowear jtiats etc 8unoav bchool in the afternoon it 2 30 o clock all wklcobje wanjed m mios waftoe slaoo 1 tioardatid uandrj an ly uathoj ij01frooduanitarltia io2 uaaliti o0l oattos of thanks tuje undsrslonod daatra to aiprsesibelr ele- s errest lhank or us kind vrnpathy i nressad to thtm in tlintr irreat sorrow in the ooaui or lbalr dear mott ar ah tlia kind words end ddi rs appreciated and will avsr be re- mem be rod ahhil amp iladre tubt0h builrowei saddle tavr na jdcturnbd soup weslaacoanmb 1 art yeoleradm j stable and borrovt 1 ll nrafrnrn without permls ton u emilitaryaa lie of pi latnar tbo late ool wm allan i prlaa uil rsllo ot air rallies a mllhaurflavs vary i1uui7 and arneetlr reqamt that tbo peraon l o borrowed the saodla mora h at ones k ills not returned iscsl aolloo will be token ao soc ire its recovery uiuj a a huith h0use for sale tnii comforlal le vh i will ii roc rood piss tercd bamo 00 hruh avanua good ol ar willi eenia t floor lath fonlrv wood abed soil wslsr o urn flood cardan with soma small i mil rilandlu locatlna will give poaacssla 1 imtaodiatalv ii not sold will rani alto a jailor cook flood gbaox ooal stove for particular apiily an it a premias ios alli alolkah fine double dwelling fon sale the woll4olh cement block doabls dwaluai at lb o corner of mala and cbcreb btreeta actoo splendid oenlral location mayn roam in eaah house good cellar soil water in kllcb- eos kloctrio llarits lo lbs corner bonss la tloodlil jspalr brines cood rent- all parties lore given ix not sold oa june 1st lbs promlai ladies hose in black and white with fiber ailk ankle and feet with lisle thread top sizes 8k g gh 10 special at 40c or 2 pairs for 75c girls fine ribbed hose fast dye doable spliced heel and toe sizes 5w to g extra good value at 5c and 35c per pair boys heavy ribbed hose a good strong stocking for the boy a stocjung that will give gpod wear and fast colors sizes 6 to 10 special at 25c anr of goodqaahty dark print i give gpod wear and fast colors sizes 6 to 10 35c per pair house dresses jnst 5 dozen in this lot madi ida will be a vol labia to real una b uvvpuxn the village of actoif court op mcvieiom ofiictaa wllfb i old la lua council chamber zsonday 09av zdtnl9t7 ibt p jn lo boar all complaints efisinsl lbs eroeetiull for 1 017 all persona bavins i aslrtctsla tbasaut court era reqaasted to attsad at loo asms time and plaee a j uackiijhok clark doled at aetna lbfs utb day or way imt tss sizes 34 to 44 special at 125 childrens gingham dresses to fit children 3 to 5 years made of good quality gingham in plaids and stnpes pinks bines fawns etc special at 50c each girls gingham dresses to fit girls 6 to 12 years a large assortment of patterns special at 85c 100 and 125 ht summer shoes are the most complete line of summer footwear ever made the fleet foot trademark goes on shoes fair every summer need for work and play for men women and children ash your dealer to show you the fleet foot line youll find exactly what yoa want and the prices are a half a third and even leas than equally attractive leather boot would cosl lllue aa eotne time slnco that i loft uiy loved lo answer old l uodncry tie partnj wus i i 1 u d lloijli sho tried to bo i rave rhoro was a tour in n y dtmr ti other ojc jul blaas juu sail she i bloes her said i lor of matt or ua miwi ul a lllcr and while j m m luui i or wl 01 i to to tha frout bhe knows i will never f irjjpl i ir 8q choer u dear mothur my truo it of pau though at port lug your heart may fool purer chews0ns cobnlits mr morgan oihwwiii has unhal a new live mwaor lord or mrs 0 lltlon an 1 mrs r 1 luu mrr ltockwxkl mted frlo i is 1 uro last week jdra jax kn mills w an 1 murloy acta t tuutod at jtfr m rewson a an hun lay ft i mrlaw abrotliorur miss mary mocaw of tills place has lieen wuundol la action a seouml tiiue mr fulm mcoaw owen fuutid iias1eei nothing harmful tit scotts vlsiung ills sinter miss mury mocaw ewtl ft ddwhi torouu out 1w there are thousands of children who are bright but frail not sick but underdeveloped they play with their food they catch colds easily and do not thrive they only need the pure rich liquidfood in scott emulsion to otort themgitp wing and keen them going children relisn scotts and it carries rare nutritive qualities to their blood streams and givdi them flesh- food bonofood and strengthfood allover aprons 5 dozen allover aprons in good quality print mostly stnpes sizes 34 to 44 extra good value at coc a big range of floor oil clotlfs in one and 2 yards wide to match curtains nets and scrims in all the new weaves forttris seasons trade township of nasaaaweya coo itt or bbviaiom notice la beraby king that lis first msv- tojt of lb coottor itaruinn lotjtbs tovu ahlp or maoaaaavsya will be bald to lbs town- ablp hall oa monday may 23th 1017 at o jo a m to hear ell ootnplalnu acaloai the aosaeoment uoll lor uit allpeaeenehariecbastaessla tfii mold ooarl are reaneated to attend at tbe asms um osd plooa jo un h ak3latx doted at nassacawsya this lolb day of may wit conway mclean mill street oocokoaoaa to henoeiison os co actoa a small amount of truth will tincture an mmoasureablo quaatity of froesfp lots of folks are oohlujr for a scrap who are afraid to begin it orlamc in thebarncatiogoicfr beads oil vonciaeans profit the other means loos when a horse i oca lame develops n spavin curb splint lhuume ilont risk losing him through neglect duo t run justasjrcat a risk by trpcrliuenlloi- with unknown curat get the old reliable standby kendalls spavin cuke dr ll plant -aptoijoripiatv- an d toronto bit d o 7areasa 009 georgetown ontario will bo in acton at mr a t drown s drug storo on kriday of each wck for tho examination testing and preecribinjj o glasaea hourb prou no to 6 30 p m frcsli fruits x and vegetables x qpond tho bumrnor- month ays w j bujottpnimcipal enter any time for a thorough conrso in any one of suawabtfvcd uuunegs scboots tor onto wrilo for free catalojne homo study courses also provided w h bhaw preo ur nft d tfv k i ww u ltubeaejodtnc u c 1 your uvln cure for araaid kuowll to be a ajod tnc llo trady tut cmcrxcnciem keen a uf kendall a lo the barn the ii ftatuc l have ho icmc if unbuild to cure tbe trouble uulckly ji l tile ctrorlsutuit kiiiii ak yuurilfaur turlixo oojy of booktreu outjwllomt or wrilc uadiicci dr n j kehdall ocx enoadukc falls veruorft u sjt n busfnbss change yw voodcock baker havirig purchasd the baking dcp utnu nt ol u c kuasell will contyiui the imsiiw i usu il utna practicil btker vnd tmployiij cxp n- c need help and bt in ncrul i condduit i c in pleisi the public my brud cakcb and iabtov n iy be ind ab usual at uusoulls itore 1 invite tui co tinued patroiie w woodcock acton judge our spring stock as critically as you will yoti noedu t toko auytbltijr yen buy oa faitlt cxamhioovcry shoo you buy here critically from any anglo wehrlt our shoes in the balance of your judgment and you u not find tbem wan tins in any rcspoil t we vo built up a bijr business bero on tho idea that good value good service and god myle aro what voi onnu in today and aay show inc wo 11 prove our claim to your satis faction ldlv iqenillne lou blath out frorn hloo to oz0 oood unesi oi tteiiai ftuot euustl 11 eavvy ltootsv hcpairinr akilfully und i ruuinlty do do rubber llocbi put on wlido you wait kenney bros acton ontario we receive shipment of these lines twice a week and promise you fresh quality goods lettuce jrcen onionb asparagus tomatoes spinch cucum bers carroti pineapples strawberries etc we have good values 111 evapontcd peach e at 18c per lb applci at i7c per lb pram at 15c and 20l per lb cooking fif fresh at 10c fer lb all these are sunkut brand maple syrup wc have in stock the same good fcyrup aa we lud last yeir made in muskoka extra good quality and pure imperial gallon 200- i have you tried the well known sunkiht brand canned goods finest pick known peicnej pineapples appneoti pork and beans etc we eirry a full line of mclearns imperial cheese limburger kqquefort pemento im perial cream chilli cream wc have sold our bakery to mr woodcock but j will continue to handle the same good assortment of cakes and pastry watch our windows new wonderland i thunuday may 4 tho uorelund llyitery a tbrco part dradvn taken in toronto and charliacbuplm in comedy fflipay may 6 marie ro41 with gerald ne tarrar oatondaymarsar- the love f- wri hall tuesday mayjjl lpisodo 7 of the secret kinj dom and tho livo part society comedy drama with may roloou coming wary pickford in tlio poor little rich girl r l d gregory j rvssblvs i buy madeincanada goods si raw hats an excellent dispt y of mens new su iw hats in propi r siv for this sunmn r s wi n si 50 to 100 panama iiati inkedoi t un 1 1 1 scope st les 100 to 1000 furnishing ll prict s shirts pyj un i in icrj undcrwcir tn etc from all tin leul in cnndi in in ilti a welt is llu f uju u english houses look ooh bltiek ouicli it i now 6oniilt re nelson

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