Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1917, p. 3

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wallpapers window shades curtain poles wo carry a eumplrto ntotl price ra nghl baiiftiaqe uocnana lutyono grjfi hywds ontario be ximt xtt rs tuuiudav may 2llh 1017 brief local items thle in bloenom time truly thine are rowiat7 now splendidly there hu looa rapid growth the post week victoria day a holiday for every body fight tbo fly wiui rieenliueae lull no tod veotllauon plant potatoes today dunnjz ufa forenoon at least oeorffofcowq credit xalbjy- treat clob he obtained charter muton easejctmorit 1 sc770s0 cjin- ween of 813000 aver teat year a call for prayer loday has been sent out by lho ieedors of the churches of on urla tbo milton textile jumitod u boior f nd by tbo hydro commission of tbo town ter h0 mill stront tar mcadem roadway i make cm street bat it ta tombly dosty in dry weather the twenty fourth of miyu tho i qnoone birthday if you donl giro as a i holiday well all run sway the record o lj17 will not soow i btonn on tbo af tertroen of may mat it i lasted or bat ojfe wymote a load of kria potatoes ro brought to i town oo monday thoy wore retailed far i v500 per bef- or ooo ter pock there ia oo place where tho epnojx i clean ap la more noceesary than on tho i farm and in the farm home aarroandina mrs craig for many yuan a mission lery in india gam a very interesting ad idnu in tho baptist chnrcb but oveninff tbo folia now is attractive every whrt tbo aspect ia pleasing from ail thu ij oncriof apnnjja companaa- monu sazoa creamery at georgo- tod is a biro of industry now ha ia manatee taring aboat 3000 iba of batter 1 per week make thy garden fair as thoo canot ithoa nejrer workojt alone jvcrchenca bo iwhoaw plot ia noxt to thine will ood it and ond bia own tbo toronto s aba r ban railway will no a fuller ocbodalo unlay can will ran 710 ad0ksem endegoaod 720 l m going aaat letters ffomtbo northwest tbia week ajtjiwxxopaarobxikitje aa d thro ftao provincoa of manitoba saakatcba- aajsd albert at tho aajual mooting of tho womans kjiaaiooary society of tb methodist burob milton mrs ev bdreper was 1 1st vioo proaident- 0 aplandid rain on saturday otaa ibr which cuso after a couple of woaka of r wmatber wu a great benefit to tbo and newly ogwn aeeda isnt ib aboat umo komo acuon waa ioa to arraojfo for the cuatocoary half lay for tbo merchant atari tbair employ daring tbo summer montbe a number of tbo members of adcoa dge l o o f accompanied their oowd brethren in attaadioj diriao rioo fn that tewn on snoday eenfog tbora tho dear lituo threeyearold mghtflt ofsorgt godticoof7 who la in jcnglaod with bla regimeat fell uat friday irhlle playjng and fractored bar ngbt ana b lha elbow itewsofldcal impoht ilomorlalsopvlcoln mothodbtchurch a metnotiai ijcriice oubof retpcrt to tlm mamory o ila john ij moera who wu killotl fn acuon in i rancoeo may ath will bo bald in tho helhodint cliurrb in coo necuon with the rnordinj eomco at ii oclock pto moore waa an official mam bar of tbo church a woolca ulsslon at st josopha a eariea of mliatonaerviooa in hl jonepliu jhurch will commence noil hunday morn inff at 1010 oviock tbo rodcmptiqat fatbara of loodoo will conduct lho aorricob ucb oveoing during tho wook moetinga will bo bold comonciii at 7 30 oclock tlio pablia will be welcomed 31840 for bolnp drunk ae utq result of a chargobud liy inapoc tor ilarroy againai john morgan ooocro town for iwmg drunk on the atreot ho vanflnedliaooeodcoatr total of 1h- 40 laat friday monraa pleadod guilty roere hartwoll and k r near j i aat on tho bench at tbo bearing of tbo caeo tho dos wasnt worth it the action of wiluam 11 armatrong against m g smith former mayor of bur uogtod io tlia county court ab ham 11 too befonr judgsaidertteetwaa diamiaeed by the jary tbo plain utt auod tb defendant for 3100 damagoa for the loea of a podirreod dog which the ex mayor caoaod to bo killed aftr it had bitten bicn- sudden death of fergus han mr che grovos j p f ma for many years rjcaueo laxpector of east welling ton died vory auddenly at liia homo at fergua on monday of poplojty lie wont out to dig m bin garden and diod within fifteen mm u ten ho waa a prominent local reachorin tbo metliodnt church nod a atroatf coownuc llo ia a brother of jroro of llio aleiaodra hospitaj a florco oalo blow the woatorly glo wbirb preceded tbo tbuttdoratonn on saturday evening almont reeembbxl a cyclone at tho liomo of mr cnubolm at uiecoraer of mill and wilbur s tree la tbo door on tho wcat aido waa not aocurely fastened and the fierce wi blew tt open and blow out tho aoaboa of tho two windows on the other aide at tho corner of willow street and bower avenue j half of thofine old ailrer maplo on mr c c henderson property was torn away other minor pranks of the wind are report- cheery letter from lieutenant kennedy wastwico woundod at vimy rldiro hngnf rem tint tjut recovering nlcoly tbo following luurefttiog lettorappoared in mto oixinotown harald butt week franco april 21a 1017 dear poojila at home hero i am in hczipll ao a reanlt of woundn roceiod during tlidrooentcgbtiog i reoeivoil iny wound on monday and am pjnuil tofinj tatlgut tbem wbue leading my own man and within a few yards of ourohjoclive i wm on tlto geld till they had laken the tranch su tliat i ha to tho natiafaction of knowing we were succeesfob my qrnl wound waa a ptooe of shrapnel fan tlio left thigb which ly tlio y ia atill uicro and i will try to take it bomo aa a souvenir j tins i got early n the fight but was able to go on as it did not cripple mo much the otltor wound waaamachine gun bullet through my left lung my ilatoen atrotcher bearer pulled me iulo a eheu hole and dreeeod my wound and then wont on with tlio rent to tlio final trench afterward tbej camo back with four ger man prisoner end theeo oermanajsarried nmhicjtlo dur reo bow rrybatloatnff an overcoat round two rifle aa a stretcher and put mo m a dugout it was aim oat aoton hours liofore i got to our medical officer and i travelled in a stretcher from then till ho noxt morning when i bit a clearing atatln and wu at but able to stretchout in a bod and ber really cctbtort- ablo both wounds are doing nicely i am in a vory cboory place and get plenty of good things to eat i hare lost mj iwota soda coat bat oercot revolver and in fact nearly everything i bad on at tho uino bo it lajuit e a ell for theprcmuit that i am con 0 nod uj bed i oiioct to lio over to blighty soon mehmv social ahd persorval letter from sebgt c0xe i laatitaboottimotbetowkabipabthor- ues were getting the contractora besy on t aeenth line jobt it will take al r u complete tb from aetoa 1 to hoodereoae school mr b vl turner has been nominated i coxtaerrati to candidate for tho lagida- i in tbo constituency of maaitouhn turners wife jj mue nellie grant sho plaffti acton a her birthplace mr harry- m do tocb blacksmith who been employed in mr k v- mclms top tbo past four year has purchased br husbands blacksmitbingbaainess at a juille and will toko possession ebert- mr and bin charlos ooodovo bereft tbe fort william times journal of laat wednesday aaya mr and mrs charles a ooedevo of 218 north harold btroet rooora the death oftheirson walter lylo ooodero aged flvo years aod ton mouths who died last evening at fle oclock niter a bngenng illness tho funeral wa boll this aftaxnoon at two oclocktfroin cameron and companys undertaking parlors to monntain view cemetery the services were conducted by rev e d itaaud paster of tbafirtt baptist cburch llttlo walter had been ill and m the b capita en flaring from scarlet fever mrs goodevo baa also been ill with the ferer but n now ooovaleecing their acton fnonds iym p deeply with mr and mrs floodi ta their aore baroa reman l ballinafad i seed log ia aomo tlung of tho past now the farmera ar busy at tbir root luoda iboitork calld at tbo homo of mr and trtwtromwl snil loft a llule baby girl 1st week servfoe werp bold in knox church aa inday evening it is hoped this will be lrvgniar thing aa the long reabnre fr coming i mrs rout akitt who has been very i improving nicely i mr e walker and daughter jrenobave turned to their huino at tho cataract ter spending ftiur weeks with fnonds mr od ura hsrry hiltz and family 1 alloa were week end vuntem at mr liver hliua itbo liny pot eouictiniei seen on lemon vre the egg of iusocto and should bo hbed oir before the lemon is used a lg f mutton boiled iu a rnuabu beg ik better when oooked and looses ian bile cook i uk than if boiled without plant grow ijuioker bo bright moon lt bece c mtbu roduce whieb ia sery ffood or plarta k alngs because tho air ia the l escape- by lit uhea tbo fclngiug il starts and so iiolte thi 5100 reward 100 roadora of thi eper will bo pleased lni tba tlwro u at least ono dreedej mmtn that acionoe ha boco wo to cure imtalikoe andtliatiacatartb catarrh uutrotly inuuenced by oooaututiooal uditiui requires conetiluuonal treat- llidls catarrbcura is taken inter llv and aa through tlio blood tin- the neoua hurfaco of tl hysum thereby atntliff tbo fouudation of tho dtsoase inr tbr lliont t building ui nstltuton and mleur mature in t it9 work tbo proprietors have so r fiji in tbd curmtivtj powern w halps ruli care iba ollor oo ifuedred 5roraiye tbet it fella id cure ja for o tlbnopiela il f j chunkyacalulodo sid by all droffiriau 75c ohildxen ory for oa3to ria beatless days far institute uoinders at the annual meeting of tho acton branch ofthe womens institute held may 4th the following officer were elected president mrs george ilavill 1st vice pre aire aux bell od mrs- jos holmes 3rd mr jno folsur lh mr a t brown boctreaa mrs wtlllainl directors mr w il stewart mrs n f moore mrs a h e smith mrs w arnold tho institute passed a rosoiutioa deciding that tbo members of the institute have ono meatlewdaya week to show their eympeihy with our noldiera and that aa mora bora of ho jnauuitathetdiaootuge the buying of real and bunb so long aa tho war usta weddod in toronto last week a sery pretty bat quiet wedding look puoo mt hope method ut churoh ban forth avenue toronto on thursday i7ih may at a 30 wbeakaue theeldest daugb ter of mr and mr tboa morria of 60 cedarvelo avenue toronto became tho wife of victor gunton fourth eon of mr and mrs tbos guntan bowor avenue acton the undo was atured in a grey travelling suit aod picture hat and earned a bouquet of white sweet post aod tmilax and was givenaway by her fathor while her outer miss munel attired in wbito silk antj with a bouquet cj pink aweet ieas acted dower girl after tlio ceremony the happy oouftlo left for hamilton to apend a abort honeymoon the present were both num eroos and useful after the ceremony a dainty luncheon was aerved to a number of friends and relatives sumjnor piro hazard a senoua flro hazard is tho si kitchen or lean to frequently thern ia no ohunoey wttsehai yet stares are moved out for the warm season and a atorepljjo put through tho wall or roof this is a ery dangerous practice aod should pot bo permitted btovee should to at least eighteen inoboe from amy wooden wall or lrtitioo tbo hear ahould bo cote red with sine or icon bedcath tbo atovo tu catch any live coals tho covering should extend beyond tho ntovo for eighteen inches in front and on the side on which tho fire door opens where pia pass through partiliooa projwj- thlinjilc with air rpace should bo provided as iiisur aooo companies will not knowingly mouro building where a tovjim ianae to the outside through a wall r roof tho tunurar risks being una bis tucollnct tlio amount of hi insurance njlcy in cam of tiro il fol lowing lira prsctlco a prosperous church yoar tl bwt meeting of lho olliclal bpir1 o uie motliodiat church fur the conference year was bald last wodiieoday ovening reports frptn the venous ujtaruueuu o llio church ware uoaoutoi and theeo all ahuwad iiroeporous conditiona tho mom bership u increaaod by el dunug tho year the nuance are in a healtliy stats evor fund liavlng a balsuce on hand i bo mtsainnery oflorliig abaw considorublo in cieaaoandaggregaujmx iter mr avin on tho pastor ox pressed much eat isf action ilh tho ooudiuun of thacfiurcliapirilkially and materially tit ntewards for tbo year era elected as fouofta a t brown xv h btowart fhk oambjo n p mclam j cheater matthews a l nirkliu j p and councillor jlaiiey irlifcijial buwart ae elected jlooerdiug flteward h p moore wae olctod reprooentatlre to bis trlct meetlug with n p molawi alter nata j h deuny and n 1 molafflwsni eloeied a ccumittee to apjiear lefure tlo butiouieg oummlttee at confereuco if noeeary 1 be animal ihatrict in ec ting waa bold at guelph yesterday woundod at tho soramo and agulo at vlmy bldffc thlnfca war will bo ovor before ho boeovora the following interesting letter from sargt kenneth ciu brother of ir ii a ooxc actoo wu wnttaa stnn 1 caned ian general ifmpill franco on apri 12th dear bro a few line u lot you know am still living though i havebeen wound ed again i pot hit in tlio leg by a ballot at tlio vimy budge engagement it le nasty and very pais fol wound bat tho bone wan not injured no dodbt you will have road of our great advance 1 had my share in it i think it n my last fight for by the umo i am well enough to return to- service the war will bo over wo certainly garo fnlx a sound team lug it taken tlio canadians to fix him i bad letters from mamie and mother tho night before the big hattlo started and they cheered m ap eemo i newer slept any that night though for thiaking of mamio and my babes at boms yoo can novor imagine tho fooling without oming through it one nover knowa whedter bo como out ahvq or not but once you get started in action tho only thought ia of winning i think i am lucky to get oil so easily ono thing will always stay with no i got hit whila leading my platoon to victory i stopped in front with my men until wo reached our objective and then fainted like a fool tboy said it was ftoi lms of blood i dont remember touch of what happoued after i was carried out say harry keep this letter fort it u written on german paper jc belonged to tlio hun who shot me but i vral a better man than be and i got bim even if i bad been aliot myself i got bis belt bayou el too tlio weather here ia awful it baa beei rajmng and snowing for weeks and wi weroo mud nndaralcc- up- to- the- waiae bonjc thing to put up with bebavo mo tlio nurse sya i must quit aod lie quiet oo good bjc write as boon aa yoo can lovo from rock wood home fine catches of trout era rejiorted by gahermsn this locality lately tbo third of the staropfboya joseph loun of hn2 furestora uraffc is now in england one brother lies in a grave in franc q another was honorably discharged unfit fur further service after being wounded bodcuiptnnst fatlra of loodoo opened i wcekrfnusio in st petore cliurch ouiuc on sunday may 20th under thasupcrvuuonof bev fetherdoylo of acton privato marvel gneres who has spent 15 mootlis in tho treacbee i now ro- xirtcd wounded for tho necood time ho entered the hospital on may 4th with a gunshot wound in tlio hiji some umo ago he sustained a wound in the band ho t in hia2lhid year and has como through four of tho big battle on the western front including vioiykidge lite older brother goorge is with tho oyouat corps mr and mra aim mclean will horll reioovo to guelph mr gordon jiayward ullurento npent last week in acton miss lucy gihnon was homo from guolpb oa a visit during the woek miae 1iiu lane went to fouojt last week to practise there as a nureo mr and mm amoa mason of alton visited acton relatives on hunday mra john precious attended tlio wedding of liar brother ia toronto lab thnmday mr and mrn w if guney and child ran of wingbam were at mr robert wallaooa last week mr and mra j m moore and friends of goorge ba wn motored up tu visit acton relativpejbn friday ur and mrs w ii gordon of hills org were guests ef mr and mnt g ii brown over sunday iuv nw avison m a if l sad mr ii p moer attended tho district meeting at guelph tlm woek mrs harry joans of guelph lias been j pending the week with her friend mian sadie turton whose mother diod last wed- needay mrs william syoder of llora and misa wagee usraliall old lime resideals of acten were hero renewing acquaintance mr a j v sarraw an i children were in toronto last week attending the wedding of her mooo miss kslia muma ami mr military notes lto auitm 1 llaimltoii rrni i wool ity james mllli whu hiii ticen in muntus abtnrnutt a few da a lto thou bennett sor bennett iko ave who i ranee sotno inonthu ai n n lho ii d i n ildit uavu uim j tho mlh itatubon a huijulj for natorsl was hero thin treok for if mr ilobort has recovered jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh and is ncjw nleut to rclitm to tho lrenchcn churchill llcaam imnny and conlincr common ceil work ou tlio erection of a tmo now brick farm house for mr arthur h track lis roer on his property on tho town lino between lsquesing end i rin a number of lho famous butter make hi who had boon supplying arton and torun to austonior for years are uow oelhrg their cream to avoid tbo hard work of churning victor oontoo col c a a warren of the head quartern staff toronto accompanied by mrs warren apont sunday with mr jo l warren and family muv dorothy nojmjh who lias juat com- lilctol her rouro at uo scl of ftcullj tor n i u bit lou i p uo it i iw wi alirltn in n muiiitluu work in tlio cit mm iuih with mr c b dayfout and son arthur b ivo left for die paeillo ccau mrs i foot plana to in i i tlio aii nuiar tharu witli imr frtoud at her old homo horsld mr mathis iamliert wa t toronto u tnomlay attonding ha fueil uf hi brother in law the la to itichtrd sherlock for many yaara an esioomod resident of crewbons cernern anoie turton arrived home from glorcravilla n y utt thursilay the news of ber mothers aenou illness did not reach bar unui after her death tho telegram having been delayed at alliany in trniic mr and mrt w h speight toronto announce the engaimenl of their elder daughter florence mae to fred oiarles admit b a 6c nnn of mr and mrs j ladaeu guoib the marriage to talo pi co quietly at an early date the following fnendf ram a distance attended the fuueral of tho latd mrs win turton on saturday mm a g turton gloversille s y mrs m a harvey todmorden misa laura turton toronto mus majfgio tost gloowilhiins mra il jeans mrs t kumtt guelpli mrs h wnghc mr and mrs fraok hancock toroou3and mia mattio calvert juolph mrs thomas lbbage and miss cii returned bomo laat wook ftfter ajtonding neatly a year with relatives at johnstown gloveravillo and ailany n y thny ere tery glad to gat homo again and llieir friends are pl to boo thorn hack mrs ebb go is the oldest en itinuoua residoub within tho limit of tho corporation of acton when she first came hero with her parents 07 years ago uioy residod in tho iiouaeon main street now owned and oc cupied by lr ii a coie am aipdlciaiili asslt if any hero shouted the terrtriet- rcotocturor can name au honest bust icssthatlits loeti liilxl by the saloon i wfy siond uio rest of my ufo workinir for tho liquur maple a man in tlio audicnco arimo i consider my bunlne liwnct ho said and it has boon helped by tho saloon what u your business v elled tlw or i odi an undorlukcr rush is coming iqw ior vt ral wr ci wc iiavc fort tin that tht unseasonable cod wcatlicr of apjil tnd may would result in a lii dtmand for the new merchandise op summer win n warm sunny dnyi arrived wc are irtparcd for even the very bubic t rush prepared with ample modes the very smartest andncwem styles and prepared with a full and completely satisfactory bervice for summer utility and sports wear or the afternoon outing for the annual vacation for all dress occasions here- arc appropriate arid smart new wearthings in bounteous array prom the handbag to the batliiug uit from hat to hosiery from the sweater to the separate shirt every one of your apparel needs as well at the many other requisites that count for so ranch in making oncn vacation a hnndred jpcrcent successful and ones summer season a satisfactory one for inorontoftown customer clothes service the macdonald store renders a wo ndcrful 1 id e illfos limited h g goelphs leading and largest store g wyndham mncdonncll and cardcn streets guelph ont s a way to soften the water of the bath get out the lux package pour in 3 or 4 table- opoonfula into the water and utir a little the water immediately becomes creamy soft most refreshing tihd very beneficial to the elan try it tonight youll be pleased well pleased people where the water is unusually hard just revel in selling out sale saturday may 26th sale continues until saturday may 26th this is the last opportunity to buy watches clocks jewell ry silverware etc at the greatly reduced prices there arc yet some fine qual ity watches clocks etc etc buy atr your own prices auction saie saturday evening may 26 sale will consist of balance ofstoctk of watches clocks silverware rings etc also a piano in fjejod condition to b3 sojd at auction terms cash 1 his piano is in finest condition and will undoubtedly sell at a bargain jbwellob and optician m eo j ljphareifc liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini wmm tho instrument at tbet eight is tho sjo columbia cjafonnla it has the hinged rrw losing cd tho tonocaqtrol loavae at tho fraul tbo now end wonderful columbia rcprodieer and the powerful motor that plava three records with a atogln enadnag young women may avoid pain need only trust to lydia e pmkham vegetable com pound says mrskurtzwog buffalorn y- my djuigbtcr whoao picuiro 1 herovritb won much troubled wiui jwin m her back nnd sulos every month anil tboy would eometunuii bo o bod that it would acorn uko acuto in- lnmrjaafion of aoiuo organ sho read your advertisement iu tho dewapahm and tried iydia e itnkbam v o g o t a b 1 o compound sho praises it highly as alio bos bicti relieved ol oil theao pojna by itn ui alt mothfrs nhould luoivof tills remtdy ami all youty girbi who utilltr ohuukj try it mra matiuia kuittivyiaj bju iliilb st itlutnlo n y young woniq who aro troubled with painful or irregular piriixu bjulaum iiuodacbe dntjjrgingdown atiisnuuus fainting ojhilld or iniligijuoii should take lydia rl pmkhaiusj egctcma coenpnuud tbousnnitif tmvn bctn re- blortid to htaltli by this root aud bcrti rumidy if you knot of any ouiifr o- mnn tviio in rtick 1111u iirdrt l s 1 1 ful ad lcuk tier ti trrltti to fjm iydlu ljliliiklium mll ino 1 0 ijiiii mitns only ivtiic will rtrolvo hithtur inn ft vtu bo licid lu u trie teat con lid etico scait on approval and on easy terms if accepted tms 33 or 50 mode columbia graf onola the 33 model of the crajocx ola here pictured poe all tint caeentiala that go to coajxo q ai reed mstrmnenl of aasutc ai follchjar natorej tcaaoi etronx mooxavj tonecontrol hattore in mabonv or oaztcred oejc may 8th to october 30tri evory tlfesday au bailo by thursdays steamer qro la floutos tloesminsvicatkao your future is in tho west thaferulaprautm bv put waaotn ca en the mao iho ai tlll tlnmuiidi of aors waluno lor um man hfa wwtts a turn and pnnpatty take advantaoa of lew kb tea ami uavel via canadian pacific w q hqwaill dutrlot pnewtanarei aarent to homtx ontai1io horaeseekers excu ktiuiid trip tickets to klnu in man itoba soskatcbowitn and albcrtu vi i ncrtb liny cotliruno and 1 rauuxiiitiu cntal hun to rviu chtcuro st luul or pululh oiifiatb cvb tucsdoy until utu 30th lilclnaivc at low fares i uiouiji i our lit tilcepii curs to wmniicy un above dutci lei vinjf lur onto 1045 p ta no change ol turn vi 1 lyauscotiliucntal routo 1 ucturu limit two tunntba exiludvi f dnto or sale hcrth rencrvnth nv and full partliiiunt tit nil grand trunk ticket officcj or wriloc i- hoknln pbtnct puxnctilcr agent loiuiito out look to t urn nii liijuj 1 and uorl jjo lcs pb ntilnl for y- tl tt3 tnd ott will hlvm n flit jnij ullfl lull lloftll luuldtci douul e future fill f ywl aiiadian hunk t li i b ti1 win iu vir mo ti tb majtou b bby of it s i i line abovo 1 hurlmr touiion h s holmes agent actojj pbonno 13 ac1 on branch l b shorey manager it will pay the people of actpilnd vicinity to come in anasee the bargains we are offering- pefore sending or going elsewhere for their purchases 20 per cent off a 11 lines 25 wall paper j7blashmco mill si acton

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