Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1917, p. 4

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fitljc dan m flics thl u0iin1no summons wi o o o i iho ilvnr nod tl a i a r j umo nil tl a i wood 1 aunts 1 in aoduoir ol tl ait i lo 1 cxui iilli when u o ahy t nti and thu i only on calcb uj i wirt 1 foel letjtnjt life tlruulliwi larnolukf iali thi then him immwi ou morning like i ujie n vc tho llwl tlma el a kul of rau f rattu larger like a mi a con t si leaver flower froi for tl n h po li tli ball dm and tho lienner cry onward calls tl a ugcarda into line there i glamour of urn mnoahgl b when tho ium ram oc lolow but tin filir nnl nmll of morning la btllsr tl in to ln w while tj o n nht ii limbed and holden oil uinii bit by d roam j onj lo i the dawn hriogt dew ed fire and ti o raj turn of hie atroog richard barton in atlantic from his side now lr aail die bullying- couijwl atornly tn hn ihlnot from tho country i want you to uu mo plainly whether on toffart bai or i ai oov been mado to make you toll a very different story 1 yf nir several persons havo tried to get m do that hut they could n l now air upon your oath i wish to know who tuoao pcrsonsaro i the witocw scratched his head and at last replied well 1 guan you re tried about the hard oul had weak and dizzy spells was cured by ml lb urns heart and nerve pills mis j s nirhnth istowcl chrt wntxs i was weak and ma down my heart would palpitate and i would take weak and dixxy spells a f nend ad vised me to take your heart and nerve pdjs so i started at once and fdond that i fyji ranch stronger and my heart was e so ranch better in a ihart time i can pnuse yoer n- too highly for rt has done me a world of good- my husband has also been bothered with heart trouble ever since childhood and finds quick rehef by using your valuable pmtb mubarnfl heart and nerve pius have been en the market for the port twenty tc years and ait universally known as the very best re for all troubles rising tram the heart or nerves unburns heart and nerve pills ore coc per box 3 boxes for 3125 at all dealers or moiled direct on receipt of pnee by trut t mruuax ox laxntd toronto oct whether the com bo om or new growth ik most yuld to ilolloways com core tho dm pleat and bmt care ouredte tho pub lic 2s castor ia porinfimts mid chijjeri in use for over 30 years always bears the bfgnmtaro of wjfatwo knowebout othera abd don b toll sometime makes as foci very supenar and virtu ens many women suffer from pains en the back when t trick lyypi r ni fia r surcsin that there i omcthmc radically wroac with the kidnevs what ou at ij n kidney methane doan s kidney 2 ah arc not a cureall but a mcdiane for the kidneys only mrs- mclanson jjunpton ns wntes i urn cmd np you this tcsti monial tcilink you vhat a wandfrful cure doan kidney iills mn e for me hot jcars i had tillered t with my kid ncjs i could liurdlj do my houscworl 1 used central untl of pills but none of then sccnicd to be doing me any eocki at l1t i vms advi cd to try a box of deans kidney 1 ilu when i had token tlic first box i found relief i have used five boxes and today i feel iile a dew woman i cannot recommend tlitn too hichly doan s kidney pills icarthe trade mark of a maple i caf and a j tit up m on oblonc iny i o see that you set- doan s v l y j ila furihem jpncc xk i lnx tor 51 2t at all dealers or nude i ilrect on nceipt f once by 1 n 1 miliwun co liwrnd toronto oau when ordering direct specify doans someti nm wo ru i acfnn a mm who i uch a poor hunter that how njou had faulu a am all ainou it of trutli will tincturo u tnmoa ureal lo juantity of pt3i m lol of f ilk are ucl i s or a crap who are afraid to lopit it children ory for fletchers castor a silt put on an ink hli i froahly mt e will looaon tho mark vinegar in watlii i with wotor rloaufic crease bcihtetn rluna an ha lis j n foe loo l i srck headache aod biliousness cured by milbvrns laxa- liver pills wrj willarxl tower hlusboro n d i have suffered something uwfui with jrl hrodaclir at tiroes i would ixxtmc bilious und would have severe iamj in my atuuucli after catitlf and har a bad totc m my mouth every in niink i told some of my friends al o it it an t i wu3 advised to use mil biriu iia uwr 1 lus thi j did and und tliri ctlrcd mc vl en the hvrr becomes ajucjriih and iiuicie the bonrejj becotne constipated the timihua bccoiiics coated the stomach f fnl mid i k unl bilious headaches occur wilbtfni 1 laia liver 1ib clean the foul coaled lunatic and stoaiocb and thttuali the diarrrtuhlc headaches mill unts 1iin uver pills are 26c cr viiil 1 iab for 1 00 at oil dealers uriiuuc1 d rect oj receipt ti price by tia t miiburkco lncmui toronto ot news topics orthe week wrnnisdav thotalrmr had a nnrrow cicppo from an osnaiidnn hultot moro valunblu ntiatral uhlpa voxo dostroyed by tho niibmarlncn a romflrkahlo campaifcn wan con cucted tn tcat italy u war loon tbo prltlnh government la eonnld crlni stato control of tho llquor trado a tan well lias boon of ruck near port htanlcy with a flow or a million foot a day a larco number of canadian troops reached indand oafoly including olcht battallona mr l mcmahon york mllla baa turned over bis form of 93 ocrcn to tho war producuon club mr u h coosins or tho toronto harbor commlnlnon ro porta a plonti- tudn of labor alone tho waterfront according to roportit madn to tbo department or agriculture vecot abloralnfnk la boomlnr lo ontario tho branch banks thro uch jut on tarlo win bo roady to acconxmotlato furmora in buyinj seed after thurs day at a moo tin i of tho toronto board of ilialth alderman manulro declar ed liltt- opposition to a food dictator appointed by tho interests salnrlcj ln tho civil norvlco arc to ho lucroatcd and it will bo poaalbla for thosa in clasi iii to pans into cipld ii by rocommcndotlon tho cmadtin dcfonco lcacuo pa a jo d a resolution favorinc selec tive conscription and criticized the govlrnment for not put line it in forc before coorgu moytro a farmor near port i3urvch wao found uncon ccfouii and blooding much from a ninnbot wound probably caused by a stray ballot from woods near by london presbytery meeting at bl thomaa and stratford presbytery strongly disapproved of any n unpen nion of tho lord a day act under tho guise of patriotism lo help formera product moro thuksdar nmeot william bcekott occond baron grimthorpo tbo woll known english banker died in london assessment roll returns yesterday gavo orlllla n population as 8 864 an incroaao of 800 over laut year tbo city of nlafvra falls ont will plant a civic potato patch and will nell tho potatoes to tbo citizen nazt fall sir gcorro foster otatcd in tho honaa of comraorjd that thoro wcro nowot cant conn in canada and none would bo created tho labor and socialist parties of tho allied natlonu will hold a meet inj in london next month to confer on tho position of ilucsla it lo officially statod that twenty four ships wore sunk last weak by german submarines bclnj a ellght decrcaao ln tbo numpcr of victims a proposal to tax hachojoro heav ily or alternatively to compel them to adopt ono or mora war orphans will shortly bo discussed in tho oer- maittlolchiitas russian and german troops oa tho eastern front arc- reported to bo fratcrnisins the warriora done in no mans land to tho accompaniment of a cramopbono majorgoncral kaxlxoff command er of tho siberian rifles division baa boon aasooalnatod ho was at tacfeod whil walking near th ral juiaixantcubappoar tujid station lng ei prouldant taf t addressing tho canadian club at london ontario predicted a long war in which a largo american army will be needed to holn administer tho unlshlng stroke tho united states has arranged to mako a loan of j7g 000 000 to bel tium which will bu expended by tho bolllan relief commission tha loan will bo advanced at tho rato of 112 boo 000 a month of which 7 000 000 will bo avallablo for relief in boltium and fi 000 000 for ro- llof in northern franco f1udat heavy austrian attacks woro beaton back by the italians a filon holnorwna cloctod to tho brltioh house of commons spvon austrian d team era wcro pur- chasod by american intorests llovtn german destroyers woro chasi d from tho lntlloh coaflt alberta cloctloruj it ia reported are to bo hud june 11 and 1g local option was passed by both houses or tho new york st a to legis lature of tho rneinbonihjp of tho west y c ai toronto mora than ono- thlrd have julnod tho colorn tho now brunswick logialaturu convened with thu now prumler nan walter 1 foster ln hlu place sir hunry drayton made a strong pica before tho canadian club to ronto for thu nationalization of rail ways retired formers are nocdod to in ntruct amautur i ardnnurn who aro worklnb in tiio war production cam palgn st catharines residents ln throo days ravu 21 000 for tbo patriotic and hud cross linds an avernxo of i 3 per hood brant ford trudeu and ijibor coun ell ditldeu to form a urautford in deieiidtnt ialqr party to enter tho political an no ontario udrolectric cornuilajlon ofllclalii udvluo ai almit wliuluora i uylujt out t i 3 w a street ltullvii ut prcsuut i lie lcyndum with tho austrian aii niiriiir la thn unitejl- iitatvj- uud bin iurl on loird ijillol t rt ui hall for it tjiuiinatlon haiu boon eoiui lut4 i ii u u itarlo i glial itaiicblso i ui rtjolvc to uupt ort only tho i t raiidlilatt n and ask for tbo uy- iiiutuiiiit f a nturm i eoldlur as ill li ti udi nt of thf jull farm huuiiufl alrou n huiapeni declare tl jt th tvrnmijiit has potiltlvo in j ti i tlln thiil th arlunllno salllnh i orlai u iih bt t u sunk by a gor- it t trim n i papnrn uay thu l i i 1 nl i rnv r than thu slnklnf of ti 1 hi i rll rlio and d ln ih t tl i ilou ruin nt m t tr tf rd inwytr li drad tltlrti n am trlan nubmnrlnra worn mink r italian patrols tin c immrinn dlnrtuiiw 1 nhlpbolld ini in 1 tho nilimnrlnu inmiaro nlni ara in not on tho hat of mill tnry cainrn to t t oponod on may 20 i iru did jaropoo damngn to tho plant of thu cuft ammunition works storllni road 1 urty frull 1 tern am waltlni lo lnck tbrottrh tbo hoo canal beinr do lai nod by ice mai idtrnto joitn of hamilton fined oeorro hovnii 1 000 or six months for soiling liquor tho inth of mrs mabol ryan of toronto followlnr on altercation is to hu ftivenlibntcd the tonnans confrontlar tho po- oltlonn held ty tbo canadians or eonoldorably riinforeod indlansaro to apply for tho fran cbluo whiqh han ikkio rrontod to in j i ami on active enrvlco sir adam btck in an interview said n a uo nail cation of rail way a would hnlp lite hydro radio scheme halifax and sydney tradoa and labor couflelln hvo paaood resoln tions urging oovonimont control or food stnffn night hon a j ilalfour tho brit ish foreign kicmtary will vbsit to ronto tho end of noxt woek or tho wcok following during a riotous oceno tho chin ejus ttouno of roprcnontatlvcs rof used to approve a declaration of nr against germany a 24 foot highway wan ordered by tbo ontario railway board for tho ovo miles of tho toronto to i lam ii on project noarojjt to toronto monday nolablo progress woo made by tho allies in asia minor retired formera are coming to tho old of tbo war production club tbo canadian lnplrioern contrlbut od really to tho success of tho arras drive firm marshal jottro was accorded a treat reception in montreal on sat urday tho german chancellor was tho targnt for attacks by tho junkers and the radicals church loadera have issued a call for periodical days of prayer for re- pentanco and victory teutons admitted that tbo british tanks and gas weapons were giving thom considerable trouble beforo the mod leal commissioner surgoongenoral j t fothorlngham said cares of soldiers wore exciting wonder anthony douglas a young ennia- tcillen farmer won killed ln a run away accident saturday evening in petroloa mrs s w day of kingston pcr- lflhod of suffocation and burns when oho n truck a match in tho cellar her wrapper catching dm london mens tedcration strongly condemned race meets in canada during tho war and asked tho gov ernment to prohibit them mm sarah radccrow toronto risked tho uvea of herself and slstor- ln law and wrecked her automobile to save children from injury llslo rojlnoky toronto aged sli tocn was arrested charged with en torlnr a house and stealing money sho told tho pellco that ber amlly had no money to buy food m reno vlvonl former premier and now mlnlijter of justice of franco delivered a thrilling address to the senators and commoners in joint session on saturday tufcd y tho strlko of engineers in england has broken down saskatchewan wheat is about throefourths sown t a zoppelfn was destroyed in tho north sea by rrlltub worublpa hon m a macdouald attorney general of ilrltlah columbia has re signed brant farmers havo formed a co operative society jlh two hundred mem bora tho toronto city council voted in favor of tbo enforcement of tho militia act about ijo 000 pri onoro bavo been taken by tho allies in tranco ln tho post month mr alfred sheriff deputy minis ter of gamo and i luhcrlcs died at ala homo in toronto tho toronto and york patriotic fund mado higher grants to meet tbo inrnnimt i ff sir lyman molvin jonea died leav ing an estate of 1143 004 to hla widow and his daughter ma craw ford brown tbo dominion department of aff riculturo recommends tho planting and jwting of beano as moro rroqt ablu than potatoes tho mcaford board of trad is asking other boards to toko immod action urging govarainontol otoppoko of racetrack mdts tbo wcstom racing association has offered tho lndold of dovonsblro park near windsor for working mon s allotments for cultivation five brantford men will plant fifty acres with potatoes and fifty acres with beans to further pxodnc- tion not loojclng for financial suc- ccao colonel dr hoxbort bruce a re port replying to tbo baptio commla- siona report has not reached the miutta deparlmorjt though bo states ho aent it- the exocntivo or dlfltrict no 13 united mine worker of america has called a strike affectlnb about 6000 oal minors in alberta and british columbia broad is tip 12 cents a standard loaf in londanand iarau twicw th price of a year ago and will j o to 16 bakers say ihu week unkaj tho gambling ln wheat tl alouped ut jonn x h mk7cijlotjgh mj do ii chicf opvicwl ol tub ritovingial board ov niualtll to rashooutoutailijy through mcnstruation continued rationai mitiiod s nil that is pecensary oreoptlni in those casoa whom corrtrtlon of anatomical dofocts may exist woman a early tralnlnr tcacbos that bathing must not be- dono during the mrn i tninl period therefore- at tbo tirao nho needs it inmost bathing is done th 1 oj t in inquiring into tho cauno of this very renorn ruin i find that in moot inntanccs rrlfl and women havo lived nndor conditions whoro cold water was tho only klnd obtainable with extra trouble and not much privacy in tho homo was posilblo ir anyone thoy over heard about bad bati c 1 at such timui such practico won held to bo ho cauno nf any illnonji from dropsy to tuberculosis which ralrhl dovojop tbrrflfom modonty nnl u ar were tbo provalllnr first causes of poraonal uncloanllnon i at thl i film 1 h y wiro tho foundations on which tho teaching wan based londitfoi of llvinr havo itoproved hot wator orrjneoments anj slmot i ni ml and necessary as cold water arrangemnntu a npcclnl room is n w li t uildo for tollot purpoois where tbo individual occupant can laolatn lion if vot only ran nho have hot water but sho haa a bathtub cup dally a i ipld for bo r purpoaca and moat important sho can ropulatn the iniperitun tbo bathroom to suit ber neods even if it haa no upcclat beniint ipparatua sho can heat it by running the tub full of hot wafer oral tnd c ol the water down after tho steam has boated the room temperature in tht niont important olomont at the menstrual times and ho forior which attuuld entirely ulaaolvo any persisting fear it was tho eoldwuter and the pro bab la cold ruhm that urolorrged iho fear dfbalhlng at thin tin the wu ii in of today not only can uao a warm bathroom but nho haa hot wati r or water temp red aa abe wiahea it many batbroomn have a cpeclal tub tor her th silx bath but where thia la missing nho can rot the sanii tit e thourh aomowhat lean conveniently by using the ordinary tub durlnr ten tlnjaof every month of a womans menstrual hie tboro in no inrrta lni activity of tbo ovaries and tho glandular atructuroa of tho uterus a portion of this activity in preparation for aadaportion ofir in a i trt of nirnjtninllon thia mcwn increased blood in tho structures involvi d slower circulation through tho parts tbolr site and wolfht acrnmpanlc by f ollnga of tension and heaviness varying from oliglh uncontdaj mt s to aches or acute pain as tho cane may be uch in i tbo titorun ilea a jdoxus of nerves sometimes called tbo ab dominal brain which controls sensation and blood supply and connects up with the bladder rectum uterus and appendages and even tbo external renltala an irritation to ono or another of tbo pelvic organs supplied by thin nono counteracts on tbo entire rroup of organs tbo uterus itself is in part a rian 1 its mucous lining being rich ln glands hero aro also tbo termlu ttlonu of inlnuto blood spacea it in also in part a muscle tbo muscln bandu lylni in inyors in each layer tho munclo babdn are distributed in such a mannci that tbo aire sbapo and length of tho layer can bo ah solujoly chant od by tbo kind of stimulus to which it reacts just 1m faro a menstruation tbo uterus la very irritable and ha muscular flb ma act to thilr physiological limit at the beginning of menstruation tbo glands act to a point whore tho socretlons and tho blood supply to tbo hnlnr membrane lo exhausted then tho muscular activity again comes into prominence thl i should bo tho predominating factor during tho iptramonatrual period tho activity is as rhythmic aa hi breathing and should be as pain less anythlnr which affects its rhythm is disturbing to the other pelvic orrons tor this reason any agent which will oquallxo tho circulation or which will produce congestion ln tho poriphory or tbo body and which will otlmulato rhythm is indicated nothing la so efficient aa tho s1u bath to accomplish all purposes dcalred ejeanlineyj loifl of symptoms and limitation of time involved it is best taken when a woman can rest for a short time afterward tbo bath nhuuj 1 b bcrim at body temperature that la so that aho feels prac tically no difference between tho temperature of tho body uncovared tho water an 1 ttu room tho water should cover the hips come about to tbo navel 1 ut never njipvo tbo walat hne tho temperature should then bo incrrattd 1 tcc point of tolerance from time to umo until tho akin of the- abdomen is d i ly reddened then tho water should bo allowed to ruji out and tbe cold to run in at the saran time until comfortably cook a general bath at i hi j time that is tho ira moral on of tho whole body- should not be taken cto be continued use for over a dilembu nell oh dear i m in such a qoan dary ball wbatu ftr ku jack promiaes to atopdrinking if i marry biro and tom threatens to begin if i donl had severe cold on her lungs daised phlegm and blood miller w orra powders act mildly and without injury to the child and thara can bono doubt of tbeir deadly eflbct open jrcrma- thayhxv boon in a a as far a loog lima aud are recocnirad as a leading poeparatioa for the parpose thsy have proved their owr a aambvruas cases and have given relief to thoasands of cbildrea who but for lbs good afflcea of thu luperiar coropooad would have con tmuod weak sod enfeebled they cbumso whllethey oura the vegetable eompoaads of which parmelees vegelahlo lmls ore cemposedi roaioly dan delloa and mandrake clear the stomach and lateatinee of naleurieas matter and re- etore the deranged organs to l aetloo hence they are tho best ramedj for iadigeetion availaue today a trial of thom will establish the truth of this saaer hon aad da mora to convince the ailing than anything that con bo written of these pills hot air often proves cold comfark many mothers have reason t bleas molbar graves worm exterminator be cause it has relieved tho little ones of oof fenng and made them healthy there are people who get into trooblo with greater ease aad frequency than th got out of it exact copy of wrapper thirty years castoru maplehurst now on w6e market 35 centrally located building lots for prompt sale at very reasonable prices choose yours today the new maplehuret subdivision wih ita numerous buildinp lots iu splendid utuatton hi now open to purchasers wide streets aqd larpo lots all near ibeccntro of tho town convenient to station post offices churches chool3andwithiniafowytds of tho new shoe factory building sand m evoy cellar or supplied from a sandpit oa tho property pure- water easily obtainable for full particulars as t pri terms cto- call en robr wallace acton i crndibunkswrcsj a tcwarn tiai3 rail a now li aeloo 5rtla i 7tn m jro uql ii jikui ia n j n 3j sii 31 ita si ixi m j m ib 4h1h m i tn- at aup m good things to eat -at- j r living tones f revhn ceriea frciii nnd salt meats a bpec it hnt of sanrjgoand hauiburj steak vficublen canned floods bread i xeah frnlu confectiooery all grocer n sundries or lent gladly rcceiyed promptly delivered tiic children conrteonsly dealt with wrwan trta mako buaincttt jcar i9i7bnr biggtfst j r living atone orocr4ea andlprovledosai aotorl ont robtmoble we have a ood supply of sheds ua hand for the spring trade red clever alsikc alfalfa timotbyandtjluo grass mangolds sugar beets tornips vege table and flower seeds onions are scarce gex year dutch sets before tho supply is exhausted tkuephorib h warren hanaoer kcton 11 vt er x bus lin having parcnoscd the uveryand j goodwili of the business from x mr a mccann x solicit with confidence the patronage of the public comfortable ngs supphed at reasonable rates special attention to supplying ddinga ana funerals- motor cars furnished when re qturod never neglect what at first seems to be but u cjtht cold you think per hope you urc fctroug enough to fight it off but culdi uie not o eoxily foueht off in this northern cliulatc and if they are not uttcuded tu ut once will aoouer or later devciup into ekiiue serious lung trouble euch as bronchitis pneumonia add per- lui that dtciwjf ul disease cortnimptioo mum kasyc mcdonald byduey mines n b writes iist winter 1 contracted a severe cold and it settled oa my lungs i would couch anaraisc phlegm and blood i had the coutfl for a month and had medicine from thfc doctor but it did not seem to do mc any good i really thought i bod consumption my fnends udvbcd me to use dr wood a norway pine byrup wluch i did and it twve me great relief i am very clad x tixd dr wood 9 and would recommend it to every one r ruuty you can juocure lr wood a jorwoy ime syrup from any druggiat or dealer llau otuamera i hul ure tt k dr wo hcn vi r in nutik you ask for tt a5 there are u njunber of ikw u hc v tioinliumt unitutiooji ua the market which some t dealers may try to palm oif on you as a good cook in tho kitobeti in tnurh moie i the gctiuinc t 1 ii des rwl tl an plan u iiv tbo rlor f sec that it la put up in a yellow wrap ct 1 jj lrt three puietrecs is the trade mark hildren cry foiil mauutactkc i my l till t mib 5 a s i j r i i co j is4itij luftmto out- tit

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