Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1917, p. 1

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a voijume xli1 no 50 ttvery flulirjpllo actcvn ontauio tnukbd4vjuqunik iukell 1917 i rricr 610 icr annan singiic conns pivlc oes ijc xtan jnu ress aotow out tim or filiuuurnaii sl60 per year alrleurln kdtum sjjxj to autwcrlbera in thm onherf utatee all ratwcrtpuana nlsoeotijiuaa wuea the lima for wtucnthev have been nai4 vaoaplrd tbadats lo whloh every anbecrlp lou la paid la denoted on uie a4dreea label atmnuia iuto tranalsnt anvertue- naau io omita put honpell lie id llrst insertion and a otnupfi hoe tor mfbnba j qnntraei display 4r v 7 aitvsrubementa wtthoot apeelno olre 111 be injferted uj1 forbid ami chareea a lj traualant mlnrummoou mull b directions oa eeoord anrtlmmvounul be paid if advertisements nth desired be pid for at rafulor ni ah a oollecud marimir a r 1i0qi1h hollor ana proprietor iii be chanced mi eaeh vot abangaa of teaer oban mum xmixuz imtoriv mxd1ca1 savage co uotabllihoq iu4q jeweller guelp1i the old ond rejinble watchmakers and jewellers y general hardware savage wxb guelph ont mill supplies builderi hardware agents for yale and peter- boro lock co louden machinery sup plies dairy supplies t the bond hardware co limited tjthos cray m d c m mcgill 1b a p euiaa iazlw r aboujoaw nmin uimioai ajmocunom pro k stows aetonont vl j a oicnivem jbyelelea and snreeoo 275il 0wf kill and john vetebjuast took lawtion w vetkhimajlybubakon oo ontario nstenf odurio veterinary tjbaawaavi laxuiurs jiloe lualdesee atill bt day or night promptly attended to ufoix a 3 maokjnmon luumo boxjorroa ooavattaaaxm ors m street la rarrmia block if yon have any guests at your home are going oat of town for a vioit or know of any interesting newit let us near from you wo always appreciate such favors phone u c c speight for uptodate goods w6e bell pianos the main essentialb in a piano are tonal quality high- class workmanship and dur ability these arc comprised in dell pianos as a result of patented im provements unique in piano manufacture sold only by c w kelly cgl son 33 tower wyndham st guelph ont lament we though tho h tiring at least wm ours and when the iiolnu oamo tain our heart would dnoa aoj lumo again thtmplint with tha lowora wo tioujht that witii uio iiiac aptro soma tandsr hlada wauld aprinnnaw in duaty waya and bnna idiv tba old awab ion daalro wa uioujht itlrer wiotar took witli aod of april aod would waka our wiatlul yrtgtii and jod would make laueltur iu trm mud irook but all in valo lho roa laid tlilayaar a roaonlarj bora tu thalr focoa oocaaofair to ua no otldan glory made far wa am bousod too long wilb griaf to virtue 11 6 d in bud or laaf in vaio tba field i rarfaw thamaelvoa llieboodirn llodaa raaow tuaromlvoa tboir fift how allsht how briaf i canadian magfcunv ovarcamo witli aurpru and rulitud ood nina rociitorrxl licraalf tkomly in uino to thank tlia alrairgcr au ho loft ue fltoro your viulauiuuat iiara lacui cliannftd nina jeaji aald laughingly aa nnta ollll atood oqiftrad at lho good forlune tint lid ooma lo the miaiion tliala lha only way ta account for tbair wxiuf aucb wandorful fruit harmad llioy were tndaad bub tha aixtll wu a aimpla on a wrought by lhe lovo aud aympalliy uiat haij mjuriil wilb uoir kelp to maka aiokneoa anil ufjennp a little eatlar lo baor the blooming of the violets kw t a melbam banubar bollaior and hotary pnuie oomka 3 bclaan i block doaoloa atrae loan eataia tran araelol ottan jmnraju dr j m bkll dja lda dutut aorax rnoaa no bs i pfflaa a t cot aful and radailak himoa uoapoara or tom uatrxaarrt u l l bennjctt dzht i3av m1scxuuamxovs t jtabujta xiflajk ikkjtullnuuu aaaaant hooka of ail klndm mad u orda ranaolaala at avarr daaarlp uoaooraiou j bound baunakilan4 prcmpurdoiia vjabriaoe hoehbijfcv imvu ortuaouoa zaoxvaaa ft rraaa osoa acrfom r j noon igswaoanmonu far lba ooutuaa of vtaluacbiii halloo paal ad dnfiarlti and tba ally of dnalpn salaa aooduaud wuh aatlafaauoo and npoa br lauar to of con p o or oaladoo i to raajjan la aociaaeuoo with tba a irt aa to dataa aadadtar- s ia cftad onura i aft faxa pmaai ulrktyo lmmadlala attaouoo la aatoo and iloualiy jr d alex niven surveys subdivisions plana re ports d blueprints otc ceruffutlator purceaacrs and raort- mcoes survoya for architect bull- dws sad mnnaial councils drajn- ps report eu motes etc merchant bank bldo adblph pbataa io0 ont tpbaowto canad4 j oh bbvqrs cook dihdcn otmbam st fcait j- oualpluout baaka and kfaitaalaaa bound lt llandaomaaotl snbvteolui ootora muiim uttarad in fold oo ulblaa bjnui book and olbor hook all wok iomitly kxedctjbd tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers work vnalrdiril toouroualouian alwbola aala prioaa urn aluj our ouauitnataao p aaitt wa b uia ltat at ulauaa and ua only aiflbaolc in ilia tmnilulou who aii oir ota inwtoauo uxili proyikljr wa pan 1 raiaraiiaaa frui1 lluolrla or oar ouauuom lu taroato and otaar plaaaa br otnara faa vo band law milts lit onlar to oollaot wa haia ml and bk atoak of iraalla in ha tw ibau any uiraa daaiara lu loltlinal daaara ajm atu- an 1 da not aaaty rpona- h oqj liaoranloniar aoliak hhttiim ouly and day ttcin stsonj silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and graniteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges farnona heaters small stoves oil stoves avonv airrxoxa xa of qxobp txonai vaxu1b c c speight mill slrecl acton ii-new-st-ore- dsy goods gr0 211e9 and furniture lstark has removed from his former resj dence on young street and has opened a store m arthurs block on mill street acton with thiiytovl li nfs op goods the patronage of the general public i invited l starkman si raw hats an excellent display of mens new straw hats in proper btylcb- for thissumm rs rttar 150 to 440 panama ats in fedora and tele scope styleo 9400 to 1000 furnibhings all pntei shirty pyjafnas hos iery underweir tica etc from all the lead- mpcanadian inakeib as well as the famous eughsh houses r e nelson headache nervousness dizziness idigeshon uad many other diordersare nympr toma of trouble caused by weak or defective oyc3 we relieve these troubles by means of glasjcs which remove tho drain from tho eyes and nojvoua nytcm your eyea will be fitted hero to remove any trouble which they may cause we onind our own lttnbea to c t tlie hoapjtal jti9ntf julgulrjqncj of tlojetf ihjllkliiil good times in spito of tho high coat of living tnoao are protrperotis tl wage carnexs hto steady employment and good wcea fllioso who an wise will save a part of their weekly earnings aod deposit it in oar saringa department for no one can tell just what labor conditions will bo two or thrco years hence enquiries are solicited the bank of novascotia 600000 iioooooo auojqmuwo branchls at acton guelph honrol uillqu and strcutiivilu paidtrp capttal rk jkvb lrurid total usaouuesa n our acton custo mers will be pleaded know of our change address to better ju tcrs at the form occomurc store 124126 upper wynd ham street uck lohjlainc was nina mornholta day lo dutrlk- ito qawera at tha hospital and eh had tnoked into tha graat boakat o fragrant bleaaomj ooa or two bnnchoa of vfoleta mod oat ood aweetacenlad which aha fait aura would maka eojabady very happy aa aba en tared one of the varda a aro aaid to her c muo nina you moat bo scire so givo aoma flow era to that pan tie man yoodar ha in a airanger in tha city ood mob with an accident yesterday he oaetnj to foal forlorn nod a bunch of qoter may cheer him up a bit 1 am going to leave yoa torn qowara rfina aald pleaaoatly aa aba approached tho bed indicated whoaw occupant looked up at her question infly what ahall ft bo t panaien rooea vieleta 0k may i haia iolato tho geotle- maninterrupted eagerly bia finataca ligul- lug up wilh plaoaaro they always re mind ma of my boyhood home in england uladly rtiaa draw out tho fnifrranb bunch she had gathered thai tnormag they are favorites of mine too ahe said handing them to him i hopa lhab they may help you to a speedy recovery tluxnk you ha said almpljr if they de lb will be because jour fnandly aym pathy goes with lhem rlaoka ull me something about this work ypu ore doing lb ia a beautiful lpc and be lute nod witli interest to niuae- accouat of tha howsr mjion through whoso oftorla a bit of hngjitneaa and beau ty la brought into many lives that would otherwise b bare whan aha hod passed on his eyaa followed her ami ha noted tbo eager pleasure with which these messengers of lhe lamffitrs glory were received by lhe ethnr patients of tba word it la a beautirat work was hia thought more than odco that day as be breathed id tbarfragraace of his violets and aaw lhe lendernaefetwifh which hta companions la misfortune hxodtrd the bloaeotna that had been letl for thain when a foardnyit isler il came ninas pftis we have moved our entire stock up here and are in a better position than ever to serve our iitlds ceo iiomicillyaiid wtil t3he grinyer co limited ookuljti s d that parhaps the atrangar who oo loved them wquld still be in the baspital and aa be was aa alio saw the memant aho enlarod uio word but he looked brighter ana bappiar tlin wheo ahe hod aeon him but yea i am almost wall ha said gladly ia answer ber inquiry and i am sure the violota bate helped me nina smiled at the idea bub he want on earnestly they brought me a maaeago of fnandly sympathy and reminder that lave and kindness bloseom every where my des pondency at beiog ia a hospital in this greati city where i am a total stranger was hindering my recovery bat the violets ioftsasb choered me and i began to im prove sb onoe glad nioa ails we red with un mutaksblanloceriw than haodiog him a dainty cluster of bloaeoma she added i hope those will uaish the work tho qlhora began and make you quite well thank you or your tjood wishes ha replied i aboil probably be dlsobarged from the hospital before you conjq again htitahaunotfoigscyvur klndaeaa the fragrance or these violate will be with me long after the bloasocna themselves havo faded and i aboil always be mterestod in the work of tho flower mission which help ed me- when i was tick and a atrangar these words of appreciation sounded vary sweet la kino my violets have had a beautiful blossoming she lboujrht as aba turned her steps homeward but the mission of the violets was not vet ouded as nine diioovered some two weeks later ono bright afternoon she chanced to meet jean maaoti onothar of tha fjrls of tho 1 lower mission lu a dawn town rapiio store and as thay looked oror the nawmuslo together lhsy began to alk of an entertain men t thet ws soon to to help a poor old lady a protego lesion absorbed in liiediecaaiioo n whioh the name of the mission was mentioned moro than once neither of the girls noticed a tall gentlouisu who stood hoar looking over some music and who lor ooma minutes had baoo listening to their con versa ti on with aiidoat iutareot aud pleasure niuan astonithmctit waa canoefpienlly great when fooling a light touch on bar shoulder tho turned end recognised lhe gentleman to whom she had given uia viotota at tho boepilal you muit forglva mo far having luteued to tha conversation beween you said ynur rtsnd he aaid addreaslng hflr vvhou yeu sjkike of ilia flower mission it attract ed my auoollou at ouoe and i felt bouiul in listen and i am vary glad i did fur it givoemoa chanoo to repay lu a measure tha daut ufkindnaaa i 00 to tha mission llea odd this to the proceeds of your aalartaliimont and ret it dowuau the au count of the viulots which hruuihl mo a mdassge of uheer when i wm uuml in neod of iui i this proved to to n hill of such a gen erous denomination tliat the girls worn half a century qv confedku- atioh 18671917 u counts iho writer ram am bare very well uio day on which wefirat celebrated iominioo day mantiay july 1st ltl07 a boy with 25 cents or r cents at the moat in hia pock ob considared himself well furnisha to meet the demands of the day in aocunng 16a cold lemonade and cako goyoaraago it la a long time to live in this rufthing modern hfortf dure bnc- rarraw ofthose years fornishes indisputable avidenoa that uio bond of ood iiaa been ujrau ua as a people for gnodtdunng all tlieaa decadea of tbone who were tlion adults how few are now living to read these lines hero and lkero may lie found ono who lingers will ue a litllo while longer but soon uot one or them all will be ml tins ia surely a chastening thuught confederation may not tiave teen panacea for all our ills indeed we do not know of any mstcnal arrangemenui that would be but we feel sure utat without confederation wa woo id have bee far behind our proaencpoaitiob and our people would bare grown up with narrow views in keeping witb a horizon houndvd by tho narrow limit of a province now a canadian knows that he belongs to a country which rents aa both great oceans ho known that he can traverse die conti nonb from the eael where uio atlantic hisses ita billows on the rock bound coast of newfoundland to the west where tho calm iacific tells lo lhe beach hsr summer dreams in oca blown murmurs soft and low without touching any other soil but that of canada that he can remove from here to a point 3 000 miles distant and still remain a canadian and under the aame hsg that floats over him bare- this leads to nobler aspirations uin it is possible to fee among apeepto who axe kmall and inoignt flcoot jd without any hope of locreasa and growih it would therefore hcem a iroper lbing uiat aa a young aationality we should renumber july 1st 1d17 to be celebrated with festivity and rejoicing with patriotic speech and ecng in commamnrauon of eur national existence what of the years preceding 1h07 were they belter than ujeeo iter dr tal mage whan a boy sold to his father ono day are people so much worse now uian they need to be v he msdo no reply for a minute or old eoplo do not like la confess too much to uio boys but after a while his eye twinkled and he aaid well dowltt lhe fact is uiat people were never any better than uioy ouhb lo bo very true vet wo believe the present age of tho world notwithstanding uio frightful war lhab is upon us is better than any one that preceded it of course wo do not mean to alhrm that uio present times ore there is suh enough of cause uio heart of a good man to ache and almost to bresk but uunga ore not ao bod as uisy once wore- we who havo our lob in tho jo tli century are favored above all our predoccsaare wo are environed by a material civilization incomioxably super lor to any that uia genius aud eulerprito of our race have ever before worked up nor is uils all the general averago of morali ty la censtanuy though slqwly improving batter still uio church dsspita its rouii fold defecta is purer stronger more aggressive than at any previous ponod ho that walketh iu the midst of tho oovea golden coadlestlcka would deubusos find mora to commend aud less lo condemn t ho found lu tha seven churches of aaia lfll us refresh our niomory by a glsnce l attmo lutprovoxueiita made in material tbingn oven wiuiin the bnot penod of uio reoollecllon of many of tho roadora of the volte piixjt in tho matterof letter peat age o couu w yeara ao uien lator 3 cents and in 1600 reduced to 2 cento the old merchant ship ia which our perenta came to canada required from an to lwalre weeks urea the irishman put it 7 woeka and tfi dsjs to vruee the athtuuc nuw- tlie voyage u ccotnplialied la lesq uian that number of dayot- thou came uip telograpli and uick click weut tho mee eage and wilb lightniug speed bock come tho answer tho old atagaooecb lias long aluco boeu rallled out of tune and m ilu placo the iron horse nweepa proudly on in his esultat can ran at aiioed which rivals in its onward llight tho bird a free wiug thro axuro tietdd of libl it is within uie axy memory of living men how mum aud his doc trio telsgrsph were ridiculed in acleullflo circlo ui to the very uine whan ho put his lirst hnainuiioratlau when cy 1 us wlield was trying to erouse um peoplo of lnjlnud mid iuanct to help hlui in b a pteu jf the atlantic telutaiji he mode trip to 1 ngland aud vuitcd many of tho uohlaa bub tbair fixhuuud- aod the chane wo fjrouiiiioul iu ihmr miuda a d the bcliouio if telegraphy was u lituo or no uccumil at last mr h icld vpnturod to tulk with 01 e euueuuiii uhjo the i uglubi uni favorite subject at do mr riell asij sir spoaklne uf dogs you i id urousod my inteieat 111 the oub jeot uud iyoo will indulge n c l vujld like to ask you if y m cuuld iniamo a dog as large as tho huum ut parliament r wol indeetl mr isicld you reelly aututiiah ma with uch a strange quostian but i oufil iiusginea du as largo eillial mr tiolil thou said can you imagine a dog aa urge as ioadon lhe f 11 glial 1 man slowly aasend that ho cuuld imagine a dog as laige as ihhujoii mr i isld al cn yon imaino a dog aa ltna u lni land that wen a ioser bub st last be oqj well 1 suppose 1 oud luisymo a lug that luii t yrun v wislj 1 indalgo mo uii one iiioraau positlun cuuld you ui4 i no a t as long- a froi i terkiol to new oik 1 ho gent ionian finally agreed thon mr hield aaid the dog that i am trying to jtit you niterestod in is a dog uiat when you pinch bis tail in ivanool will lark in now york irom uiat on mr i ield nod no lraulle in aronsing popund sji well am america fong years of toll and many failures followed in lfi15 uiey went nut wiui lena of wire but in mid ocean lke ceblo broko and all liojie for a little uine waa c up bob tbo attempt woe mode egam in ihc0 mr fields slat trip across uie atlsntlc and it was accomplished tho writer recollb four linee of a fieem ef cotisidnrahlo length which then appeared in on 5ngluih publication two mighty lands hov shaken bonds across uie deep wido sea the world looks forward wjui new bopaa of better innea to be the mostj eotnprebeqnive thinker fijlo fow yeara an robert hencer laugbad at the idea ef taming electricity to practical account aa a motor for drying machlosry in view of uie fact that theuaandfl of straet- railway systems for years have used no ouier power mr hpencer can tiardly be rankod aa a parf ecuy trustworthy prophet a uioogtitful fnand ls accustomed to soy since uia telephone and lhe phonograph came i do not regard aoyunug aa ch linen cal tho telephone which la now ao uninvereally used never ceaaee to be a wonder to ua tho raoogniuon of a human vdico hundrods of miles way is marvellous a genuemau called hia dog through uie telephone and though many miles inter vonod uie animal recognised tho voice and gave evidence of bis groat pleaaore in the usual doggish way chnrehe may be connected by telephone and the whale service ia reproduced from first hymn and prayer to benediction bos uie instrument t allogeuiar loo impartial in its trans miss ion of nounds for the suoro of the aloe per the aneexe of lhe aault taker and the cry of lhe baby wilt alike mingle with the gospel a joyful sound ha elaberale and car 1 one are tha triumphs of act once and discovery in method a of communication that people now havo freo chnlce aa to jjow they will converse whether by jihnne or wire or air or mail or almost hy signals lo the stars we travel by lightning and uio doads are or ateedo all uie notions era in touch with each other and uio u- news reach ua immediately iiving psrnnoa who were born doting the- utter part of uia uol century have eeen and heard of mora important a vents happening probably than methnsaleh did dnnng uie 0g0 yeore of lu life steam ehtpa railroads telegraphs flying machines improved farm implements and meclianics ools of all deecnptiou ore uie products of uio past fow decadca a science ood industry publication hod the followinghnea in a recent isauo in ntberumea wo took a ear irawn ly tidrscv if coing far aud felt that we ware blast now the coo due tor takce uie tore and attcka a broomstick ia uie air and bghtning doea uia rest in other days jotsgtlu a tree t a irhmmenng ion tern led eur feet when on a midnight stroll but now wo catch when night u olgb a piece of lightning from uie eky and stick it on a polo time was when one most hold hia ear close to a hlipering voice to hear like deaf men nigh and nithor hut now from town lo town bo talks and pate his noae into a box and whispers through a wire note also the great advancement iuuia stylo ood amount uf advertising sscoidiwr cd with former timm in uie village of ookvilh a gentleman conducting a general atoro buunce inserted uie following ad orttmcicnt in uie christian faonllon of toronto the subscriber haviag com induced uio merchantila uo mercantile btiaineav at oakvtue would inform hia friends and uio public that lie intends lo lceep an hand a general aaeortmont of dry goods and hardware also a fow groceries and medicines mostly used in uie country which ho oftera low for cash j w williams juno i 1h31 and this reuioia ed for j or 3 years without any change by way of contrast note uio follow log ad or a big atom undergoing ecteuuvo repair even to uio feundatioaa yet uie business and their doily ada went on as usual match this wonderful atoms pro gross if you can other stores would hare closed up for a week bu not ao with us it a uot our way yesterday the big aisles were crowded today a woodorlond ef bargains and marching crowds carpen tern bricklayore paintera goa men 300 ployeea aud 10 000 people will maka tho teea bias of glory to morrow tvo largo dairy farm oneatlslunrloii ami the euior at ieorgotuwu receiving dally tho i rsduct ul 1ju milch cows barn building ou form with caiocity of storing 3j0 tuns of boy and 10000 bushels of grain dairy lunch room in uio basement aur- plied with cream butter mid mlk direct from our own dairy farms and capable of aooonimodauog 3000 people a day though uio aute may have displaced uie wagun delivery to samo oxtent yob tbo boraea still needed are cloanod with a steam or electrta clea uer as to uio newspaper itelf we am told thota tree can be cut down turned loto pulp aiul paper aud issued aa a uewalietier in 3fl hours and uio ordinary uawsuajar is o letter from uie wbolu aarui fcacilitie uii liviug moko ono bfa now equal to a hundred 000 wintury ago would that this wore true iu morau olsa anjung sit uio discovonoa for quick iiileruianga of though among men not uyo lias been uuuil uu fur inura oitetuvo 00u uiuumu with lad our graunus lolher anlicqauid all human progress and in uio vary bogiuniug opened a xirloct telograpli lino utaitthis uuouoond ovory ullovuig tieart i low tbo lord otdaliued 1om1 tacauae lie lou huanl my vui o aud uiy aut phuiuona llocauaa ha liatli lacliuod bis car unto uio lhe r of or o will f call upon him as lout as 1 live iho wireless telegraph called prayer bub hufiuni inventions do farllltate divine rommunicationa tha promptings of a good heart in rosiioneo to prayai praaohuirr can now inalanuy ho rijjida known to jioor and needy woaodod sail dying sinful jnd lost anywhera on god a footstool in city or wildsmcan or desolate place ortanglod jungle among pagona or christian wherever hamonity is found ijoltors given to missions or phiunthrephiea can bo sent lo their denuaatien in a aeoonj ollirao ifoneof ooda workers in india or on bo or africa dies the world knows it el meet before tho mortal body is cold quick reparation is poesitile for any lose il 11 a poshing ago and the church raunt push aa hard ee tbo world all human ingenuity must be made coalencenb with dlvmo wisdom ia making this si nonfood earth a paradise of purity and peace- it is characteristic of man to magnify uie faults of uie living and apeak only ia glowing terms of tho dead bub tibcptta of uie magnifies nee and power ef previous cjviiiiouona in apile ef the masters of literature and art who have laft hehisd them monumente which have never been surpassed and which will tax to uie utmost the genius of coming ages la equal in spitp of uio mighty men of ood who have towered among man like oak a among rush ea in spit of all uie beauties all uie rug redness and grandeur of previous ages the twentieth century stands like a snowcap ped mountain peek bathed in the splendors ef lhe sett jog eon while its fellows are already wrapped in mist and twilight in tho foregoing conoid cratioon there is groobt for hope wo can labor with mora energy and mure joy if we believe our euorta ore yielding fruit and that the good cause ia which we are engaged ia got a log ground lt ua bo hopeful and believe that uie beet days of lhe world are net behind but ahead ood means that the race upon which bo has expended so much love and effort ahall move forward lo the xisaeasloo and an joy merit of a glory of which we bate now possibly only tho faintest concepuon oar weak n cos and vacillation and wickedness may somewhat delay lhe consummation bat it b coming to doubt it is lo behove that the davil is to win 10 hie agolong controversy and conflict with fod we da not doubt il almighty power and goodness ood mercy are pledged to bring it to pass let ul be diligent our hoaieely father has taken us into co- partnership with himself we ore invested with a great dignity and it is our duty and privilege la aid in bnntring bock our erring and droning brother men la tho ruzht and true way and to coatri bato our part however small it bo to uie full accomiilishincnl of lhoso high divine purposes which are as old as eternity london iuno7lh 1917 tiic coldkm nuue doe needs hoi aiioco u t s1v oer which toapeed fiar quivering wetua 1 rum us whu nood lo hm who itevea j i h rough vacuums of furgeuulueaa ltace lurui the llashtug uioaaogea no medium 10 too iuuo or hard blosh distance lima l voia retard irayor nfjedf tvo lontruinoyls elu tixla haarfc and tuned tier with lb us own t i herehignal stations in accord ihou ohalt hoi i uuete with thy i- 1iutou hilu you woul 1 be done by persian- do not llist to a neighbor which you auld take ill from him orooan wliat you would nob wish done to your self do not unto ouicrs chinese ono ahonld seek for other uie happiness ono desires for ono a self huddlsu ho sought for others tho good be desired for himself let him posa on ikgypusa all things whatsoever ye would that mea should do to you do ys even so la thorn chruuan let none nf us ttat hia brolhrr in a way he himself would dishko to be treated mohsmmedon cahauis ygacly rxlqqucnqn according to statistics supplied by wil liam riwls ljmondn ifi an articvs cenui butod to tbo june number of the canadian magazine tba yearly production in canada is as follows isrm products field crops live stock enlisted you went away witbvio first daffodils i woll remember bow thoir eouey yellow heolb llohbed in the garden beds and how the sunlight froatedell uie bills ke pale and gluuoing uioy eetfmod coalel with aiuer and uie birches gloom ed lioch dainty twig and bud dipped in the ailver flood yeu went a way when all tho land was sweet in those divines days tlie willows in uie lane are misty green again tha dandelions glow beside uie a treat and from the lowlands as we pass floats up tho fragrance of the meadow groan p when maple fringes red malta perunns aearbead the ftkiee of iaster canopied the land wilh their delicious blue on smiling april day yoa journeyed far sway before the chestnut bads ware quite furled- you took uie bloom from every tree yoa loft no spring or sumrnertide to n but only dreary hours and heartremembered qawera a canadian uagmxl twenty yeabs a30 from tho issuo or tho froo presstj thursday juno 17th 1807 a party of cyclists went to ittllsborf for a trip en sato relay afternoon strawberries ore much later in moturp this year uian usual btrea sprinkling should be ir- u jl- iectnow j i ef the buildero ore busy again atihswasmi of the beaxdrnoro et co and the aetcafv v tanning co ao addition of sixty fenr tmu ff is balpg made to one ef the tan yards a n hew drying loft of foar storyo is to be pas up and bark sheds built v m the annual meeting of the christian eo deavor socisty ef knox church was hold last week at which meeung j r ken nedy was elected preaident sad miss 1 mcqueen secretary esrjuesiog is in a fair way to aocuring impreved roads the council has wisely expended coo in three new road xnachlnflb messrs mann and mckenaio hare ss cured lhe contract from tha c p r for building the crows nest pass railway the gfth anaual convention ef btalten christian endeavor umoa was held in the methodist church yeaterdsy tharwos a good ausndanoo the delegations ram trafalgar and nelson being large tbs programme was aicellent throughont and eonaisled ei oddreasoo and papers by both ministers and young people oept x j noble of norval was elected 1st vloo president and george vincent ef acton 2nd vice president queen vjatrilse next tuesday jablleo acrvices will be held m all the churches oa sunday itirr la brampton on baturday juns 12th to mr and mrs henry hill a daughter is they see it in he w york im surprised at you sammy said tho teac that you cannot tell me when christopher columbus dlecovened america what does tho chapter heading of the weeks lesson read f colambai 1402 rsplled aammy wall isnt that plain enough t asked the teacher did you dover see 1 1 before t yeea yesm answered sammy hot i always thought it was his telephone nam her v jvsb jcd1an5 dec0iutkd j 1 3 1 3000000 1600000000 177057 54 172hs0o00 35bg0 70s 2 000 000 doiry fruita otc manufactured gnodw minerals forml products i uhenaa h ura and akina lrond total 91201008102 the article deals with theiariouseourcea of uie country a wealth and is unusually interesting and inatrucuve khewu1scus1mess mrs btnilh hired chmeae servant and tried to teach him how te roceivo calling cards she ut herself out of the front door and whan the now servant answered tier nog aho gave bun bar card the neib day two ladles come lo vuub ura timitb when they presented tkoir xaeub luuahut h i t tnmpsm uienv with mrs baiithscard and remark l lu cloetti the door keta no good yeu oan t come in food valuk of ilkaks it 1 catirnalod uiol on average aero of beans produces oa much real food inalerial as ia usually obtained from five to fifteen acres uf posture lend in the producuou of eiuier insot or milk according lo rwceul detenu i nations and provolliug prices as much valuoblo food material for human co won iu j lion could bo obtoinod lrom the purchase of leaus with twouty cents as from tho purchaso of cheeoa with forty five cento of beef aleak wiuieevanty uvocauta f ogg wiui uuo dnllnr owl sixty one cento riald baoua apprpach animal foods 111 nutritive value they ooiulu a high peroeutage of profoin and aurpaoa thoceroala coumeuly uaoil aa food audi aa wheat and oata thoro la a higher txircentagri of protein tn bonus uian lu the botil cuts of uieat but it isnl ijuile aocoui plotely digastod iu it tu0uulu tuulry 1ody lo immju a a pjlul of tuodlciuo by poat fur a week and ho ven t received it yeu post olhuo lerk a matlaiu kindly till iu una feiiu and stale uio noiura ul yuur oruphuiil luly well il you ryut know luiudi ulutliu lofuullla kituit toil tuu last lvo fruit growers ul the oksuoj an al to llritioli tilumbio rokrl 011 lu cieona ul 3wui ikkah naua in 1010 naarly j 100 liu bentslli jim toior3 ut j t fvwsi lu outotie whole i ho telegiaph onoh day lo ll t lid irnt f iam bwcii do 10 ua lo uf vllh th a bpeclol despatch from delhi india says the viceroy lord cbslmaford i special parade held at tha vice regal lodge presented military medals and orders to two hundred indian officers and man the scene was brilliant and impressive general sir charles monro and a large number of the head quartern staff and public were present the decorations included three victoria crosses and aavsral french and russian decorations up to tha end of december the centra imperial itellel fund exclusive of certain bombay and madras provincial funds amounted to 32400 000 shoeing this rime may 00001 a silly joke remarked old mr snipo bub if you want a stove to smoke a juac to r cincjanatu enqjjirer this rime may seam a allly joke bald wise old mother font but if yon want a boy te am eke just tall him tbah he cant newark 0 advocate an aqe test one time when whlnusr was walking bout loodon with a friand he was accost ed by ao unspeakably dirty street urchlo ho asked him for a penny how old arwyou my boy t asked tho artist im eevon air replied the gamin oh no my lad you inustbo more ujan seven yearn old ir on l answered uie yonogster pert ly i sin t no more nor seven this respectfi whiitlflttlttluod lo litsfrleiid do you really behove ho inquired anxiously that ho oould havogeb as dirty as that tn seven years t hst requisite on lbs farm every forme aud stock raisershould keep a supply 0 dr thomas lcleolrio oil or baud u i as a toady recnady for ilia in the family but because it is a horse and catua modi clno of great potency as a substitute fe sweet oil for horse and catue affected i y collo it far aureaeos auyuiing uiat caq l admlnistored relieves asthma at onoe if y ul 1 rel the uiouaands ef unsolicited lrtter- v racelved by th makers from grateful u- r joo too would realise the remorkah m 3 ing powers of dr i i kellogg mthma h remedy all coeoa mcentanjchroiiic if aro uueflled by this great famuy remly m nd many nfthsm are cured avh- bu i or iihirn ent with worthies lw wlieu the genuine kellogg can u punlv- oied atery where

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