Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1917, p. 2

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t aal i go 100- i ruths b 9 nly llllh hi i muni i nho ftw of n uttnhf t thn ndv r 1nl ml iii hutlli iclr 1 ht- i lll i jir ui i i jounl rlot u uncoil dild s in full monday u uui 1017 ioli henry cldoit win of john h hamilton 31 yoon waunr at wwkertnn en rrdej wh juno 1017 james warren d l h ejsd ho yearn kmiiiin- at reck wood on thursday ilth may ijiv william kilrbing sfed 71 yearn yt at her romdciire georgetown tluiayjmio7 1017 mm kalh cnno ryan widownf the leto john ryan bread and milk byllaws wcin inlil at tho mcctlnp or tho council on monday kvonlnjr 1 iii i 1st of accounts passed t l 1 il nirb rr iur mu on mni lay all tho in mix rs w era 1 1 recant myosin the hai ipo iiijortaul by uw whi ch ats ftop ticuiwijay 1undm 1017 editorial notes i fimi srw toward national prohibition 1 the united states was taken on mondmy an uio benato jodieisry committee ro rtod tho sheppana frohibitien dill with eq recommendation that it oo pawed by fcebenslo jjie on amzatiox of resourcea commit- fctho parliament ijoildings toronto rt ll jtjl c rittteafl to conscrvo tlio mpply of meat snd era h lht 1 runon of fish a look of recli on t to cook fiali will te sent upon reason to tho committ or omnlornuoi fur rome umn worn pawed bt tli wwj tlmiy regulato tho leaf orcail and tho pnxluctlon and salo milk tint by lw aro published olso- wlttmr in tln uauaaud gia thniiaulia oil information u lo their provisions an spphcalioi from ir ii a coxa for ieroii ion to inud a gaaouuo tank on mum strrri adjacent to his property waa granted muiucipil officer rcl was appointed inspector for li broad by law and ir il a coia for tlw milk uy law tho hinaacoconimilloos tooth report lavied tho following aocaunt hriiwiwiutnn arroiivr winter joincrco ktanphea ltolwrt htoroy work acton tnfcmc co cuppliea w j 1ux1 f lun iomerod pole hydro illplrio rower com in uai on aupplie 1 hyipoiicommmaion snppbea noruioni ilcclrio co bylaw no- 155 lor iicsnilatiiik millc pro- dikutl for hale offered for hali or sold within tlio municinality of acton paased m accordance with tlio proyimoiis ot section 111 of tho ontario milk act- x i j tht wurui concnptiontira a reaont- tutliat i pot juatigod our pnhlia yitemj virtailly conmnpu etory fodflterj jcirl ab a oarlun ro tho uateai tonacripta a large part of tho ulauov if it la tho word itself fobjectionablo lot uacall it eloc beloottie military draft vonthi companion titb acnnv rff the municipal conwed in nine bylaws rejrulatinf tlieoaloof milk and bread sapphod to onf cititena will ro- oaltb g commeadatton com pete ot inapecuon f bakertea and dainea wdl riv the pablio an ajbrnraaca that coaditioaa are nuchas are oondocite to cleanliaeas aad health- tb ptottauma requincg that brad ba fall wetgbfc will also be a sauef ac hotj clinae ax oaosa iiv cogncj waa pauaa and ifded farbaddmx bettutc m raoetract canada front anjrnat 1st tu t2e oad of the war better lata than narar bat thu action abeatld batw bett taken long ago mouona otdouara woau have been fecpt oat of the dntciaa ei lire raoa track rb- lara hajh mod law in iua m address at tbs aajbcaa synod last wweb btahop swaeoey aid tbe prahlbjuoa of raoa track gambling ahonld tartst- be pg aain- tut v stana kaa adopted a taoasoxe sriuefa weans that jaea who can asard ta pnrcbaae asd epczate fnetw cars will be naioirad to pay a fair abare oj the wrtax tha sebedeja imposes taxes as 1ou5ws antatraoboes eastaajj 5jd0 and less 9750 aatomoailes ca 500 to 81000 10 uaemobiles coauns 1000 u 2000 15 aatomabosa easting 52000 to 83000 320 asd for antomohnim coating 9000 and more s25 motor eyebata mast pay 150 pec annom upon this baaii canadas 150000 antomnhnea would yield 81600000 in war taxaa the tax la to bo sdoced uo par cent for each year rtajvor tahitlas bare hcen used up to ne years tilt c5adiaj afaaazisc far jane con tains an illustrated article on the psomin eat social aad patriotic women of brttiah golnznbta by miss mabel dunham an artlclo oa canadas yearly prodocuoo by w l ffpiwl an illtutratod sketch of alexander ross oao of the pieooers and leader in the early life ol selkirk by dr gsorge bryco an articb by lacey amy on yio english farmers place in the war as jay hy alfred curdoo enutled com meats on flsni poetry f a sketch of mrs lettua yoamsns the first prasident of the womans temperance union up the great lakes a travel sketch by randolph carlyle with drawings by dertbe des clsysa and a number of clsvcr short stodaa trr dnarr of tho new selscuvo conicnp uon bill introduced in the ho oao of com moss by pramiar borden on monday is cleverly drafted and corera tho situation generally as wall a auch a measure reason ably could some clauses will no doubt be atneadod and improed during tho debate but in principle the bill must comincod taeli to tho puhlio generally is is esti mated by the authorities that allowing for exemptions and ioshjcibles there are albt 450000 canadians available for service in thaean clsases fsraiofl 1ijrthflraacinly bill- it ia beuered ilit ffia lirat throo clases consulting of unmarried men and widowers with no children between the agon ef i0 and 31 iociubito ahould be able to furnlah the jo000o or more now re qulrod over and abovo exemptions and in llgblaa v- amoitt the women who era arganiiing to order to study public cpestlaua and to bo able to fulfil their new responsibilities ol citixooabjp are those of the- city of 3t cathanneo and tho iurrooniling district at a meeting of tbs riding committee re caatly bald attended by both men and women lb waa decided firsu that women bould bo addod to the executive ef tbo st cauiarlnes uberal associatlou attd ssoondly that womens uberal clubs for educational and patriot o punwsea should ho formed in strcathsnoesralemuaaaod otherrunta in the constituency it was r at this mosliug to see the do of womans eiilnlen at first ot sajafepodestly thak uu was told cflf v st they would jut 4i their way alowly and cauuous stthi isumloubtedly true rot bo leting was far in progress tho eluding sotirsl from counuy riding were taking a leading lidiacussion wora ahowinf uio digance on tlio uilnt lofare and by their owu acuon thomsewes socurely as factors in tho work this aaoto if all fver the provinoe ummssspttullty kary where rrutl akit ihmlnlon sowor 1tpo co tile a ii hitchie teaming acton tanning co aupphes w j- lteid uwo hall robert storoy work tlioman utoroy james henderson cametory tamen hytnon nupplies chaa cunningham workatcemo- teryy su70 173 a3 200 70 a 40 1 10 1 00 3428 c2s3c0 1703 04 1 co 2503 1h75 0c0 153 71 co s42sg4 teaching staff beehoaqed tho schools coal supply will cost about9t0 per ton tho board of education met on monday oroning mr ilobert scott chairman pre siding tho finance cammiueee report passed tho following accounts i a henderson wood and lumber 3qo5 wm anderson wood 200 jamas symoo nails glass stc 307 actoiv fku ptu35 pnnung 27a the secretary postage war tax etc 367 ur may be injurious shall lie received offered for sale or sold within the munlci palily of acton for human consumption ices uian 11 icr mat ol ant be uly hlrh lilrti rental n 2ass a utter from inspector denyes camph- xsented the beerd on tho excellence of the toecbing stall and also that the new lib rary being installed provides very helpful snpalemeatary reading for the sc he also pointed oat that the joaior rooms have a larger numbar on the roll than is compatible with beet results and hoped an additional teacherwould soon be en gaged tho reengagemcsili of teache was con- zidsred a resolotieo was passed that the following members of tho teaching ataff whose terms eararo at the summer va we reengaged with balance aa follows j tv h stewart principal j12g000 miss pearl z baier doooo miss mmma z benastt 72500 miss mary black csaoo miss ihusy felatcr 65000 miss ethel monteith 62500 tho secretary reported that ho had or dered a car of coal aa instructed by the board that u waa shipped oa june 4th and that the price waa 360 at the mloea which would mfa a coot of about 310 per ton bud down at the schools bunkers tho council of the corporation of the municipality of acton enact as follows 1 milch cows muai be koptf clean and must not tie abused in any way 2 mo milk shall ha sent farwardw sold from any oow that has any ai that would affect the quality or wholeaorgancra of the nulk and any caw subject to any ailment shall be removed and kept separate from the milking herd 3 only clean wholesome food shall he kven the milk cows ne strong flarorad od which will affect the odor or taato of she milk shall be ed to mil cows at any umn t 4- allwater suhpued or atailahli milch cows fox drinking and all water jnxdeensiag utenslts most be dean pure and pro tec tod from any danger of polauoo 6 itho stable in wtuch milch cows kept or in which they are milked mut bo kept clean and in a sanitary condition it must blijifhled and ventilated and e conatfucted aa to be freofrom dust it muatfba provided with an efnoent manure gutter which most be kept properly clean ed night and morning the floor must be made tight and be previdod with a proper slope for drainage u ho milk shall bo forwarded to acton j for sals obtained from any cow within six weeks before ur within fire days si ter calv ing 7 milkers must he in good healthand moat be cleanly dressed and persons uy clean at the time of milking and at any time while handling the milk any milker in whose family any disea occurs mast absent m or herself at once from the stable or dairy until the medical officer of health certifies that it is safe for him or her to return a all milk utensils mast he kept thoroughly dean and the process and of handling the milk in stable and milkhauso must be each aa to insure a supply of clean fresh muk milk must nob he allowed to stand in the stable hut shall at once be removed to the milk bouse strained and cooled to a temperature of fifty uegreeefahiwnbeitaad kept at or below that temperature until shipped a all milk cang mast be closed- tiht and sealed in the muk houses before being nt forward ta acton from the milk boose 10 mdk that shews supm of aay dirt or ipunty must not breceivedatanysuury no milk shall be held or offered for sale or eeld for human tnettwr ir the tempera ture of which is above fifty degrees fahren- jieit or that oontalnfl bacteria which in the opinion of the medical officer ef health ta fata solids of which 125 per cent butter fat i 1 1 all person snjfyl in tho handling or daltvsring of milk must be clean and froo from disease and all rchirlta used in tho dslltery of milk must bo deau and ijiropnate ng as approved by uielnspoc 12 all milk sold in thomunicipsllty of acton must be delivered in sealed cans er chun lxtue tightly ntonpcrwd or other receptacles approved of by ue medical officer of health hut dainea which sell milk cream and hatter only and no other commodities may sell loonenilk in tlio dairy only 13 mo person shall place any preserva tion in milk intended for human conuump- uon or to sell or olter for sale to any vendor of milk from which aay part of the hu tier lathes been samdod or to which water has been added er- which otherwise haahean changed from the normal oondl- uoo and no tender of milk shall eall or ofter for sale milk neb complying with the standard or from which the potter fat baa beam removed or to which water has been atjdsd or which otherwise has boon changed from its normal condition 14 no person shall nail milk la the municipality of actofaaf tar tha p this bylaw without having first obtained a xacenaeand paving a license fee of fl 00- 16 that lr if a core shall be milk inspector for the municipality of acton te enforce the provisions of the milk act chapter 221 passed under the hevisad statutes of ontario 1dh aad also under this by law and he may prohibit the sale within the municipality of ac to of milk for human consumption which in- his jodg- mentia produced or handled contrary to th provisions of the muk act or this by law i 10 tho iupector may inspect tho pram lsea of every vendor licensed to sell milk within the municipality of acton to see i that the provisions of the milk act and this by law are folly complied with aad may tke samples of milk for examination end testing 17 the inspoctor may enter thepromis- ee wherever located of any person produc ing milk for ssle or consumpuon within the municipality folly inspect the same and tako for ntsmttihn and testing samplos of milk produced therein and of ths water supplied to cows or used in cleaning dairy nteasila ib the inspectar may inspect and take- samples of milk for sale or for consump tion within th municipality while in transit and may eater any premises in order to procure taampleaof auch milk 10 tho result of all such tent shall be open to public inspection and may be pub lished by tho medical officer of health 20 all milk dealers using tickets must use them in sheet farm and must not use aay ticket moro than once 21 all persona contravening any of the provisions ef the muk act or this bv law passed hereunder shall incur a lenelty of not leas than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars racoverablo under tbaoatano summary convictions act passed this 11th day of jane 1017 a j mackliriot xo hrde clerk reeve this by law will coma inte force and effect on monday june 2sth 1017 has arrived and we are ready witi everything in tfce cbfferent lines for summer wear mercerized muds mallu arc in rrcat demand this season wc have them in pinks bluer fawns and black rich mercerized finish 36 to 38- in wide special at 50c per yd colored reps in all the new shades euch as kings bluo fawn pinlc mauve etc special at 25c yd i voiles in plain and fancy stripes all the new weaves special at c 40c- and 50c mens- balbrisiran combination under- vcar hizes 36 to 42 penmans make long sleeves ankle length special at sic0- mens straw hats atvpoc 75c 1c0 125 boys5aw hats at ffltc f5c and 56c x mens new ties jnst placed inssjtqck 15 dozen of mens new andsl- todatc tics at 28c r 50c andr 7cc h jl mi jr thltrt ot vodio u1k jkota oxuitno oluuw toronto avidfttrtt fruhloo sun will u il ruawiw jumintk btup iloul unhai nit minirdooil 1 yo rt not iua itl si ppwwmum ol jo4r jlr onw jlubu bta wlw w0of fmohtfjif ftp hiutaby hotes ite percy ludford who enlisted in acton and went to kn gland returned to toronto reoontiy very ill and diod there about ilia first of jane- harold saviu has enlisted in the 10th royal grenadiers toronto he was home in khaki over sunday and ia now with the battalion in toronto letters from engineer harold ntcklin from the canadian engineers camp in england say that sap victor coleman is in the aamo camp and that they aaa each other daily noas has just been received from pis george linen that he waa not wounded as reported a few weeks ago but waa in the hospital for treatment of a lame ankle a nd had he ia now in the convalescent hotpifal 10 england pte groan has been at tho front for twentyeight mon and hawo far escaped wonudaaf aay kind a remarkable statement mrnshcldonspentieoo for treatment without bentv jfil finally tvuhcwcu by ly din e pmkhaxjav veg- englfrivood i1l wbila go i off ihrougli the change of life i sofferod gwith beadftcheimtr- bvouanees flashes of jbeat and i suffered so modi i did not know what i was doing at ti i spent 91900 on doc tors ord not one did any good one day a lady wjtd at my boose and u4 aho bad bean as tick aa i was at one umt and lydu e link- hams vegetable cum pound mado hrr wcuao i took it and ay i mn juat as well aa 1 aver was i cannot understand why women dont is agl juy lifunrutlupt rao from tho insana id why sro bow much pain and suffering they your medicine 1 coniiut prniao it cnougb for it aaved hospital mm e siiexdon 6c67 s hoisted ht pnglewood iii vtiysicmna uncloubttxllydld their best battht witj uiucaaofltondily and could dot qiorntiut often tho tnoetsdcntlflc tn a trni nt n turpoasod by tho medicinal proikrtii a of tho good old fashioned rouui nrnl herbs contalnod in lydbt e ilnkliiuns vicctabltjcompouno if any complication oxttits it iiays t ivrttti tlio lydba 1 11 nk- yim nifxllclnu cik lynn jluaa ror uiecuil icoo advice r spokt shoes with sport clothes thats the vogue this year to have ones shoes in harmony with the sport suit or outing skirt and sweater olored shantungs silk in navy kings bloe rose pink special at 85c iltia jmlurhctnuntb hw aviuun kaahxvmlnltr auriuavjunts 17th tor7 tile iastur will jircicli morning and vcnjiij dumdav ocjittox in tic aflcraoon nt a o oclock allwb codstt wanted at once e uanuil ibirrij aulo uauav roller nood cilr woik liuadr voaltlod tirafvthl apply vrosdaloe oar 1uu11xual ltjax piano cahk organ jtoit rjaljt notice to fbopektt owners vanftiwtmi i lot saen walks ae4 11 tban monjtjanssui 1917 a jwackinhoff ua maauipu cleric notice to ceed1t0b8 in two- bflattes ot ub kmtmtm ot alx- anaai nsan it of tbw towrnadilp of kacinaeanat in tn cowntjr as esao- tonrau piniinniiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiuupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii 9he i ants summer shoes are the most complete line of summer footwear ever made the fleet foot trademark goes on shoes for every summer need for work and play for men women and children aak yoar dealer to show yoa the fleet foot ene- yoau find exactly what you want and the price are a half a third and even less than equally attractive leather boots would cost fresk fruits and vegetables notice l fcarcvr bv buiol ta uias i 1 1 yfcalu i al ix af uun bm aad ouiar pavsatnvmhv isauawi alntui ltt at ataxsadas stann laseec lmtowaslpo1 e lasv ceaaey ef dale fall prualani of instr wim auij tmsd aad tli pauare off faa aiwwrtstae u wt nald by iheea aad after tne seal isc ewv of jqij im lb auil aamiamtrafru win ssw ei aiauuxite un a s ol n aujwiei anvwia ui dtu aatiuad tttsrafo h r- tpu4 eel f u ot etaiin ct waista pe vah had nooea aad tfct win bus a uabte tor aev part ot tb aaid ia aay p ot wbwae lain tiimj auail ace uhb bav bad mao ajmao ruivtitar ta ik a dij tt j 4i day of jaa 1327 notice to cftedho in ue btmlte ef tnm ktxe caretqasaoa tttlm ot to t0b8 1 vttjaf i ii lusall widow i nvmcz u carabr clvaa may uwrau aad eaba sessc pba ueaual saavsarsc qaascse tna vicacs cj xns csvnsy c bataaet apruunsjra ot jattwts ttoiiilwihimil taw t jb tae exacaseza at cam aaid ksraiav aa er aacsse amlsatbxatjp7t t paftiegadiai uh statement of liabilities and assets at 30th april 1917 liabilities to the ohaaiidlderw capital stock paid in rest or rescrvo fund dividends declared and unpaid balance of profits as per profit and loss account submitted herewith s 7000000 oo 7000000 oo 7ib5 on 41293 j6 z to tho ponlla notea ef the bank in circulation 3 98363 00 depoalta not bcarinc intercut 37101507 so deposits bearing interest including interest accrued to dato of statement 650004s4 43 balances duo to other banks m canada beev 08 balances doe to banks aad banking correspondents in tho united kingdom andforeih countries bulspayablo acceptances under letters ef credit l not included in tho foregoing 390490 7s 411806 78 assets current ooln deposit in tho central gold rescrvo dominion notes noteaof other banks x cheques of otner banks balance due by other banks in canada balances dno wry basdta and banking correspondents in the united kingdom balancea duo by banks and banking correspondents elsewhere than in can- odn and the udltbdklngdem dominion and provincial government securities not exceeding market valuo railway and ether bonds debentures and stocks not exceeding saarket value canadian municipal securities and british forcian and cokmtal public securities other than canadian call loans in canada on bonds debentures aad stacks call loans elsewhere than ia cflnndn current loans and discounts in canada leu rebate of interest currents loans and discwunta elsewhere than in canada less rcbatn liabilities of customers under letters of credit as per contra real est other than bank premises overdue debts estimated lass provided for bank premises at not more than coot less amounts written off deposit with the minister for the purposes ot tho circulation fund other assets not included in the force k w blackwell vice-prcaident- ejoing li v hebden u hanging director tart30558 sa s 76643 a 3500000 00 7650700 50 793367 00 5li74a3 67 afr3s 33 6 sa5 79 3413 i qo io 3wi507 19 3764as 4 1 1363176 0 467853 57 3461450 47 53041624 as 62733950 74 37753a 4 411806 78 s941q7 7 1 47 039 63 4617400 3 j 375coo qo 591q g ftlsi i30ss s d c macakow general manager earrtotsw rnj itin mni nattaisl and ujt wul bcs ba uaala for aas pert ef law bylaw no 453 a by st law to appoanx farce the raovtaiaesi of ths act iqspectea to eof- tho raanaiadnro and sale of 1 chapter 221 1-3-0- 1314 wbareaa tha cocncil of every alansai pehty are enpowerad of becuoa 3 of chap ter 221 b- 3 o 191a to appoint aa iirfpscter for tbo pcrpose ef eafforcin the protuoaaa of tho said act be tt therefore enacted by the council of tho manicipality of the village of ac sen w j itead be and is apeotb in spector for the parpoae of enf orcias the proriaiooa of tho act respoctins tho mane factore and aalo of bread being chapter iielau 1014 pssscd this 11th lay of juno 1017 a j mackxstot geo hrna clerk near tha by raw will come into force aad effect on monday june 23th 1017 robtnoble unrntd car of potati j ubt arrive at 375 per l wakren f- manaokn dr ll plant optomotu1st okp taroatti iko lonmta oc acorgetown ontario wji bo in acum at mr a t browns jlotg sloro im lmtay ol each wook for aw i ojttl lirocilblng oz kumm houksrom jo to fcjo p m tt we receive shipments of these lines twice a week and promise yob fresh quality goods lettuce rreen onions asparagus tomatoes spinch cucum bers carrots pineapples strawberries etc we have good values in pvaporafejji peaches at 18c per lb il 4pp at tic per lb prunes at jjc and sqc per- lb cooking figs fresh at 10c per lb allthese are sunkibt brand maple syrop we have in slock the mine rood syrup as wc had last year made in muskoka jextra good quality and pure imperial gallon s200 have you tried the wellknown sunkiit brand canned goods finest pac v 1 1 v i peaches pineapplcsappricots pork and beans etc wc carry a full line ol mclearans imperial cheese lirnburgcr roquefort pementb im perial cream chilli cream we have told our bakery to mr woodcock but will continue to handle the same good assortment of cakes and pastry r watch onr windows russells eg report of tho audlorao tho snarobololersi of fho alamriavtito hank or c in arxs3rdanwvrlththoptoti4jonsof subaectionaiannd so of section 5vf tbo bok act i report to rs the shareholders as follows n zzz i ftavtieanrinhoarjovbalancoioct with the bookcoraccfiiint and qtlicxieaniaif iho llank at the chief office and wttb signed returns from the branches and agencies 55 i have checked tha cash and verified tho aecuntics of tho bank at tho chief qlhoe against tho entries r in regard thereto in tho books tho bank aa oa 30th april iu7 and at a different time during tno year and found them to agree with sufcb enterics i have abvo attended at some of tho branches during tho year and checked tho cash and rerigcd tho stearics held at tho dates of my attendances and found them to agree with entries in the books of tho bank with regard thereto e i have obtained all the infermatlon and explanationa i havo required in my opinion tho transactions of tho bank which have como nodcr ray notice have boon within the powors of tho bank and the above balanco sheet is properly drawn up so a to exhibit a truo and cerroct viowof thostatoof tho banks affairs accordiar to tho beat of my information and the explanations given to me and aa shown by tho books of the bank vivian iiarcourt montreal aist may 1917 of dcloittc plcudfct gtifhlhs co auditor h l b shorey manager acton branch g lliluuuluillll telaplionc no os aqtoit- machine shop blow overhoit machinists special attention to repairs of motor cars of any make tires repaired and vulcanised agents for tho f amoua goodrich tiros auto acxesaorloe of all kinds our motto promptnoas hnoulm saop mala staoot new oraar of iu11 otroot children ory for fletchers qk s t o r i a lnwjon5fca v- slifei v v ikaiiwiiisrs h8r iv 9- nkw wonderland 1 fnidav juhc ia ff i wttlsam uloou i farnuu uaxultday jurtk 10 little lvo ifdgarton wilh dainty llta ilall tucsuayjlnba 1 piaodi 10 of the secret king lum the phantom fortunea a tuuicdy drama in 5 paxtn coming u the pri clan obhl kimball voung paid r l gregory d d grand trunk svste attractive trips to uumcoka lakes alqonqu1n ialtnv uaoanktawan 111vkr ljvkc of davs kawaittlla iakeuj okoituian 11av hound tny touiuvt tickt now on tale from station in ontario at very low faics with ural stop overs okt voult tlcmkru ih advak berth ttrvat4ons and full in tian at all grand trunk ticks or write c k hokni v icngcr akcui grutid fc ttystem toronto otitf h i hoimcst acton 1

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