Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1917, p. 1

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1 51 ovary nubacrlptlon t aid id ailvani aoton ontakio thursday jhounino junk 21 117 nutcriuon nice llnicr auqu singxic copies itivic cents f aovsm tr bobswrfp- aflabs savage co ratah if iihad 1040 jeweltelt guelpii the old ond rclinblc watchmakers nnd y jewellers i general hardware swage co ont now bra setaa ont abd 8nrgoa aft oor mill aad john aftuslataw uetcrwj mill supplier builders hardware agent for yale and peter- boro lock co ouden machinery sup ply j uanry supplies the bond hardware co- if yon havo any guests at jour homo are ffoinr out of town for a visit or know of any interouiig nowv let ua hear from you wo always appreciate noch favors phono zi onurio jconjobt rotary ubuo eoajse street w6e bell pianos the main essentials in a piano arc tonal quality bigh- class workmanohip and dur ability these are comprised in bell piano as a result of patented im provements unique jn piano manufacture sold only by hoys wanted wanted boy how ollon wo 1 hrjo vory gommon worda may see wanted boy to errands ran wonted for ovaryuiiug under tba nun al uiat the men loday nan do to morrow the boya will no doirfff too 1 or tbo uma la aver coming when the boyn rauib stand in tho piacof moo wanted tlio world wuu boys today and aho ofter thorn alt alio 1ms for pay honor wealui position farao a uuful ufa and a doathlets nams ilajm to sbspo uto paths of moo boys to guide the plow and pan boys to forward the tasks begun i or tho wprlda groat work fa never dona tho world la anxious to employ not juxtuno bubovery loy whoso heart and bra in will oor 1 to work lira hands shall find u do honest faithful earnest kind to food awako to at il blind heart of gold without alloy wanted tho world wants euch a boy ixa trno dlwilv tahlwl jtou i puly liabannd txt a few mntfliiw nijd then chanced my ual hut tho roault la that i wish you would cbllgo mo by requesting willi pardon mo i kom him by no other namolo como to my office to morrow morning ifg will know whoro to and mo i viib tu make him uio ofter of a portion uio valuo of which ho will understand more fully than you a mail who haa uo audi aim in life aa bo doolared hltnself to have in uio man i want- i require no other reforonco gratefully joar friend jamas t worumig- english as tea diunkbrs 4 tomorrow by this 0 w utno i shall be aoll on ray way c w kelly ft son 33 lower wyndham st cuclph ont c c speight for- uptodate goods ibmudau kttdetftibt i iookdihd1u1 silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and graniteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves bvbnv articlis la op nxonp- tltlnal vali c c speight mill street acton new store dry goods groceries and furniture lstarkman exniven kllvudorja plans re- itions blueprints etc r puxcliiimtra and mort jya for arcliilcct buii- iclpal couutlls drain sail mates ctctv p4t3 bank bldq pnont 1004 ont ffttferonto cajnaq4 k bindkii t ouaopbont una boaud in ilaodaomaaud in gold oo ultilaa ujmu kcmitly kxucutso and reliable d marble dealers jl utw aad dlrjt lmtkjrtra ouuiaqt and ii mjatuua nlloauromtoiutn awbola aalni our cntoq a w p ha bl niilauoaa aud ilia uta itemlatuu wnweaaopav la iftjimrly wa a ojrada of oar vnttmtnm ui lloa wtiar ouian ttav to urdar la oollaai f la a i atock of tlraalla in lb a tbaa any uira daalara la lasluualai daaara anj an- u1 do uul aui r im oiu- oat ignorantmih aniri pawaotfaaitardnrjr and dalv on sons has removed from his former resi dence on younp street and has opened a store in arthurs block on mill street acton with the adovc lines or ooods the patronage of the sciehiltsls estimate that ccveti out of every ten people do not sec correctly only two of these seven nre wise caougn to wear glosses that prod u co accurate eye sight tbeotncr five arc handicap- pod by dangerous undecessaiy eye strains these drains disturb tho entire nervoui system causing head ache nero irritability and depres sion dont procrastinate consult ajjcjpti oatll gene public is invited l starkman a good ally tho man oho cavei nothing remains otatlon- oj7 or goes behind tho man who saved pro- grosses money makes money money oat at interest works for a man and helps hlra along the road to success itishis best ally next to bis ability and integrity open a mvlags accotmx mio the bank of n novascotia p1to0p cirrtax a6eo00 uksssvb buitd 11000000 total 1le30 urces oraf itoj90dm branchiis at acton guelph woxral uutoa and streorarul n straw hats ol men s vks in ilhissl an excellent display of mens new3traw proper styles lsumuuirb-wear- ol50 to 3400 jp panama hats in fedora and tele scope styles s100 to 1000 furnishings all prices shirts pyjamas hos iery underwear ties etc from all the lead ing canadian makcis as well as the fa moo english houses ioh oun stock ovuh itla now oomplat hrte1velson msns outvlttuit our acton custom mcrs will be pleised to know ol our chang of address tobrtter quhv- ters at the former h occomoce store 124ij6 upper wjnd- liam street we inve moved our entire stock up here and are in a better position than- ever to serve your nui eco- noinicillya nd well t5a grinyer co limited a to chieai i aliall mias you more than i can say nut i inppoao uiat it la an oponlng you cannot afford to rofuao i would not refuao it for anything it may be tho maaua of my rotuag into tho officio hero a thing i havo tried for oor and otbr again wilhoot aoccana if i inanago that i shall ire horn in a year or two you will certainly writ t wutfuliy to bo nor i will and go to seo mother often of coureo itwaa ilormtrnj hard tlio next morning but in apito of that alice told hor mother that aho had decided to 0 to tow a you dont mind do you to tall tho truth i foel all turned about by wiua leaving im going to miu klm ao i would go to aco hi mother today but i know perfectly well that tbo moment ahe began to talk a boot him i ahould cry and i dont 3eliovo that would comfort her much i lovo tho snow and til go and aee aomo pictqraa and tato lunch with laura ityou aro willing perfectly willing dear only if you gad thae there la going po bo any trouble 00 tho road you will como homo on an early train wonl you yes indaod good bye alice had bad hor ourlng and waa juit aaatod and tho traio waa on tho point of atarting that afurnoon whon ao me body aakod may i ate bojide yon t and at tho sound oriholamltlat vole aha looledt np hor eyes wide with aatoatahmoat- whywhy will i you ahould half way to chicago vou told me that thay would only hold iho ixiafuoo for you unul tomorrow i yas quietly hut i ho given up the position alloa olvon up tho poeumn i that means givine up all hope in tho homo olllco t do you mind explaining or would yon rather 1 would not aak no i do not mmd explaining to you it ia almply thla i found that my mother waa creaking bar heart over it my leaving home 1 mean sho tried her beat to hide it but x found it ou ut night after i loft you i but what a torriblo diiaj pointmont 1 vi at ii da disappointment and tba more bo for tlio loss of bopo for the future hore but alice there aro two tlnnga which i havo prunilaed tnysolf never la do one la lifting hia head that for no earthly consideration will i commit a dia honorahlo act in or out of lusincs lho other that i will ueor qod hahilug me grieve or dlaappotnt m inothor there are parhapa with a faint a mile other poaitlons id tlio world thoro is but ono mother an old gentleman aaatod dlractly boluud them who bad glanced up at ahcoa wordd now ruao ajid changed hia oaat i dnut bcliove all uiat waa neth for my oara no growlod aud i aatpovj i oughl to bo ashamed of myself for lisle iuff uuttm nnl i ldoat know that i over did a better eh log in my ufa but how will i over man ago it i wonder where ho uhkb t i behove ill apeak to him i ilutibeforo ho had daclded what to do tlio train stopped and to hia dismay tlio two vouug peroona in whom ho had felt auch a deep interest got out and ho sank baok lu hia aoat with an oipreatlon of dia apiktlntmont upon hit kindly face hut in leaving the train at hia own atauonv few mile further up tho road la glauoed involuntarily at the vaoatod atat aaw that a book had been left there 1tok ing it up oagarljr ha turnod lo the uy leaf while waiting for tho train to atuji not hi but it wilt aerve ho exclaim 4 imilbaausfaouon- blaoyo roatod upon tlio aame alice m iwvflaud neatly written ihoro ill aavo the company the trouble of taking charge of lu the next ovouing whon will tnulay aupiod at tho poatulilcooirhla way home from tho tatjimi he i ruughl theltoound a malt a uaual an iuteroating looking parcel alioo he aaid and a lettor dirocied in tho baio hand why i wonder wbueo riiug it ia 1 uaveraaw it before and taaring open tholottor inwhat will called bar woman isti maniiar ahe jlaucad at uio aitiaturo no help hoio ahe at claimed who over la james t warthlugtoa t jamea t worthjmrtou why uo a tho hand of tlte homo olllce why allco what ia it r for tlo girl had ejirung to hor feet and waa fairly datuing alut tho room aa alio orioal will will listen to thlil an4 turning a to tbo lottor ahe read my ltofjmlaft lullandr4rtuna yur book whicl you left lu tlio ira id last even fog thauklug you heartily for ao doing a the finding of it has nutpod me out uf a difficulty i have to uuufenn to urin overheard 1 few wunla uf a conttsrinll m uitweoii you and your fnend aa 1 at ono romnruahio feature of i ngliah do anoatio hfo hon baon tho incroaao in to drinking in 1871 the consumption of toa por heail tjf tho population of the unitod kingdom was 41 j paunds in 1014 it was a3 a pounds the increase haa boon all to the good from tho point of viuw of tho ua tion a sobriety it re pre ton ta a real chaage in habia merly it waa customary for buaineaa men to clinch a bargain ovor a lam of wino or ajo now tinn cmuiihjjf faxmore honored in tlie breach thau in tlio olicrv once in buay cities tea ia tbo beorayo- tho clerk tho foreman tlio operative tho working woman nil drink toa greatly to the advauugo of health and pocket tho great inrmaan in thoconnumpttou of taaui very urgnly iluo to tlio oftorta of lin tih plantom in india i ottnerl all tlio toa como from china itnrtiinaloly however it was discovered uiat the tea ahrub la a ua itooi assam ono of the indian provincoa jjnbrgelin bptoni atarted planting in ai asm tllaireaenb day indian planter is a very different individual from tho luxuriou goutieinauof tom crinirla n jog and tbi romances of maxryal his life is ona o assiduous toll aweotened by all too brief furlough luxury and oxtravaganco aro very far from being inovltablo concomitants of hia existence in rjarjooiingorkotagirl hoenjoyn that awoet half gnguah air of which the poob slnga in tbotorei whichatretcbas at tbo foot of the himalaya ho ban to contend against all tho iniquities of a fearful clltn ato alwaya and avarywhera ho ia tlio aame cheery roanluto fellow facing with eciuauimity alike tlio rmka of dioaao tho difficultioa inaoparablo from the manago meat of nativo lalior and die many plant diaeaaoa which are tho enomiesof all culu vation in the tropics tho pioneer planters luid before tbam tho task of reclaiming those junglo was lea of replacing their tfiitilo oxtravaganoij of vegetation by well ordered gardana populating those tiaro tracta aupplotnnur tho scanty and inert inhabitants by larger numbers uf orderly aud industrious work aro from other provmcca planter are men convorssnt with modern scienctfand use ingenious msohu ory well adapted to tlio purrioso it aorves largo gardens carefully planted aro cultl yaxod by ot porta v plucking- the- uai undergooa many processes it is rolled to ccpmoozo the juioe on to tlio aur faco it ia oxidised to dovlop tho davur and aroma it ia fired to tlrj it it ia packed jn cloan lead lined air uht chesta ah these proccasoa aro parformod by clean automauc machinery thus the teas from india are pure and froo from all contaminating admixture coming from healthy well matured plant they contain all tho essential ulomcuta lu rich abund an co va1uers allsknck uahally atux father turnn lho nori open the gale vravri inn hand li waiting griiupat iho window and rum tho path to the door hut to night ho inn t coming home ho lias gone on a trip i ho may bo goiio a wcuk hut tho grouj i lands at the window frau forco of habit then mother gaiiw why children fathoi ian l coming to night t rho flxm aupjwr in uio kitchen maybo he will net lx 10 miavml tlion tho toiilo is nmojl and tho children aro rrovdad but uiat la mathoru idea thero isn t any vacant placo at tlio head of the latilo to ntaro at tham i 1 it in verj tjuoer to begin tlin meal with outfathar llip childroiriook at tuothor llioytannot get sorted at all motliar bowa her head and 111 hor low hwccl voice returna thanks that holf anitio but how strango mothain liulo trombhng voico aouada in place of father a deep aaa the winter c0uqh the winur cough of pooplo along in years ta usually chronic brouclutih tbo victims are fnirly freo from cough in tho summer llaio but each fall it atar a up again in spite of all kinds of highly rocoui moodad cough medicine tho icuui it re tu rni every winter is that our houses aro ovarheatod and houco too dry lec ially in that essoin home where thero aro elderly folk with chrouio hroncttitls and for two reasons fuat tho notion lliav tho bronckitia i duo to cold weather encourage overheating aiul second elderly pooplo bao a tlow mclabalinu and thereforo aro inclined to fool cold an tlioy insist on cod dling under tho emvlio belief that oicoi lo warmth of tho air will maintain a coiufnrtablo lody temperature which i contrary tu tbo actual fact- 1 lie ixxly to rnc nature is if anytlnug loworod by tuo continued broathing of overheated air or wm llrody a noted authority triaa ui explain how overheated air is dry tbo bifjior you heat sir tho wore you dry it- teko the air of ati ordinary winter la which in aay laro temperature briug it in and heat it up tu 70 degrees bahrouheit and you imiko it drier than auy air of ilia driest doacft iii iiry tliat it cracks and warpe the furniture no matter how you heat it it becomoa a nuain upon tho respiratory muoous mom braoea of ovoryuno in th houao and oa lecially tlie aged lxcoasivo ovajioratioa la cauaad by tho dnfd out air front the oratory tueuihraiios aa well as from the kin this ineana irritation catarrh b ufcli tendoticy to colds lirouchiua it o means a fsvling uf chilliness ulucll lb older ooplo fol particularly 1 hey 11 for mom boat which dnj tho air aoll oru and aggravala lho brunuhiti tlie bronchial patarrh tlio dry catarrh tho rointdy ia uhiviaua falop ujuur u kaotgmd aa i warm aud try keeping cool and welv ixit tu u il7 uoj rooa i bo tlitv aehotd teuipvrat ure and lat tbo tliur muuieter rule not any indivi lual a uiuniui tary lie footings xhu m irillo to road about i lit if you wilt put kilo practicoyou will llu to think thn njnictltiiig in lu it is no jnku i tit a aad rolil tliat the old folks tako their winter toldfrum the 11 to olhclunt boating plant withthl uhst intentions loddy hail boon luvludiut to to ho wanted tn liio the afternoon olf fruin sthoel but his mother would not hour of it llsbcdtlmowaata ratlicr a eh irt v sit anil tvi be wa hlw rirte pan wirdialty linwwnu you ve liocn ablo auil little while door i eddy rnmemlwre 1 tlj mother lujuur tun to u puhl on u aattma mil anitttucd aoatl o it- pi1m 1 nij- uiioub thank you tho suptwr is rather a makoalnft i athora big jolly laugh in usually tho lt part of ho meal finally it ia over ami mother and uio children o into th lor tho big casj 1 hair u empty i that la atrango oh yea poriiapn fauier is 01 ira tired bo is lying on uio couch of courao no the couch trntchci out long brown and shiny 1 ut ho isn t thoro i tho daily lies on uie table t wis tod just aa tlio nowsboy threw it on uio torch hvory uilng apoaka of fauior bedtime romoa mother climbs upon a chair and winds uio clock tho children stand around ond watch her it is almoit funny 1 father wore uioro watching too it would bo funny to night mouiar roust loch up bouea tho children aro clone at hor hoola things boom rauier creepy click click goes uio ksy and a chair is jammed up strains t uio doer knob i oh father nover does uiat with doors and windows all locked every tiling ia cafe oh but can things bo safe without fauier in tho home father is a very important man oftar all ha fs riaiog in valuo ovary minute if ho ahould walk in right now bo would bo fairly choked with huge and kiascs aea rule uio hall light ii snapped out boldly butftomght mother studloi a little while and liaveo it burning toiog up toira the children ding to mpuiera dress aho doosu t mind at all mothers room is uio only room in uio hnuo uiat h safe at all to night and tho lituo folks all crowd into hor iwd without oien asking permission sho doom t qlijtcb the ithor rooms are ao i i and empty yes mother room is the only safe place tho children cuddle back against tho wall mother munt keep guard 011 uie nido near cot uto door not an eo li closed the ittuoj roup lioawako ihinking about fauier heretofore ho had been talcu no a matter of courao- just father but now bo has tiecome a wonderful man a man dearly lovod and vary sorely missed there might bo a wreck oh no no nab with father 00 uia tram onoo something inu done which made bltn fool very badly and his voice shook wlwn ho spolo of it it will not happon again hia work la vary heavy u will bo light sued aftr una ho is often bur donod wiui great respond i ilittos ho never roonuoim uiom thats tauior for from uns time it will bo watched closely wurry allows in hm oyoe wh comoa homo from this trip things will lw diftoront- fauiore train whirls through tho night e loo is awake thinking and his thoughts aro about mother and uio curl dlod children at homo homo is a won lorfui place ho iiojk- ho con jjat homo a day earlier uian ho had axpsoed what ild bo havo aver amounted tn without mother at his aide ho uunle it all oter sometime i n ha lioen noodlcdy sharp wui iho children their noido worries jmn at time- well doon ho wait thorn to bo quiot anting about on chairs a 1 ulk login auuluad oldurly vcico o 111 deed whon ho ota betno ho will haio u romp wiui them tlio vory iirst thing uo docideo to do lua liost to cut that trip ono lay shorty ho nuvor roslicetl before uit in hn twenty year3 ago frorrttho luiuo of tho froo prcsaot thursday juno 34th 16i7 thn wank of jolua has com a tho ipln havo boon truly iool and patriot- been rauipauu an impirna hoinagp waa oyally tald to queen irtona on tuotday no words can ilcicribo uio maonor 111 which briton bonoroil umir iolovod aoverclgn on jubiloo day jt wns do lnrcd tho reatesb day in in tho hiuory if tho world canada was brought to the front the flower of civil 1 tail nation wan presont in london kvcrybody sang 1 havo uio quooo a aampt r luxuriant growth of rod clover waa loft lu uio 1 mb ijikli offioo last sturda it uaa grown on uio farm of wm saycra and measured 00 inches in lengui tho lardeii party wivou by knox church ladies aid at tbo homo of couiiclller stalker was a splendid success tho pro coeds of uio evening reached tho gratifying m of 40 00 hoove nicklin arrived homo tost tlmrs day from hu john n b wlist ia cuumdorod tho prettusit sight artou oior uw transpired last friday in connection witjt lho echo lam jublleo oelo bralioii whon over j50 piarchod in pro cession from tho school down main street to mill alour mill to frederick street uiouco to bower avonuo and alou bower avoiiuo to willow street and uie town hall tho procession was headodby stan dord bearer tlioarunt br and acton cornot band tacli achahtr carnotl a flag and wore a rtrotty jubilee badgo tha programme consiitod of addresses patriot ic songs and elisors for her majeaty queen ictoria tho scholars sang tho rod whito and blue my own canadian homo anil the maplo loaf a chorea of senior girls song tho lond of uio maplo mr hynds was cliolrmsa and addresses were givon by bnv j e howlo m i iuvs j k godden m a kov ii a macphorson itoovo nicklin col allan ii moore and iut il b cook tho ritao was gaily decorated with flags buutint maplo leave and portraits or hor majesty bo ui micaik iia in nasiaaweya on sunday d mrs john mc the oalendab n ioarmrs whitaitt ifound thssolinea in an old to rap book and i aand thara on for uio other mamttara haid tho cad end ar year aa lb turnod on tha sphoro oh i ono month i ow and ono month i reap komoumes i am joysue kometimen i wocp iach monui i m toiling fc umoa worth its whito oiro trie n respite 1 oob month to amils- wnsn music a discords- are sweetened to tuno ijt motm idlo night morning and noon itousarutt riot la ihrhttf uvmmin cot uio years playtime ito the faifijune mortals bo morry just for a while make tins your gay tuno ono monui to smila mary baker tiie schools hohob noix tho pupllo who won standing at tho monthly examinations the following are uto pupils who won placea 00 tha acton bchools honor roll for last month 1 xik1h school dpifartment fusu iii ohva mowat marguonto stawaru fouu ii luana camitboll euiel b tor k man ida crawford fuum i jack waldio buff wilson cura lanu w il htewain principml aaaistsat ub mr mailiutu iftxiitx sdititcit at palmorston oa tues duy j2nd join rev t albert moore tn aniuo launt daughtor of ir m forster ivlmorston gentle hits iii 1 homo he ngslu ann io l moaaonpur iiow uardlls ark made all boys like marbles but who knows how they aro mado or where tboy romo front uarblcs aaja uio cbioagri her ald aro made in groat quantities in sax ooy for exjort to india china an 1 thp united statoa a hanj calcareoub otooo ia used this is i rekon intoajpiaro blocks and alout 1w of thoso blook aro uirown iufu a mill in which is a hat alab of uo wiui uuuoroua coutoiilrio furrows on tn face a i lork f ouk of the aauiti illauiotar as tho etono a tort of which reatu on uie small stones la mado to ravolvo on the slab whllo water flows umit- 1 ho whola process rcipjiroti bub a quarter of au hour and one mill can turn out twenty thousand marbloa a week ii o milu at oborotcin on uio nahe in ioruuinj maiiufacture marblna and anliui oapaoully for uio amorlmit market hu uiarl 1 ant rotw t thioajrli tbo mill and keai g tl nmgli or rubnsj oil tho odjroa atnaothed down and uto msia ground into glub lur furtii and buy a aro mado lulu imin in tuuib thn aauio way by beiiii run uirough llfo a school whioi u their mill uutl their nugh lontcr uu i odious tlljutprtear uiul tboy lio omo ruuudod uud hit o luiod auil t for uau nil 1ov ml hanl t thuut uud 111 u101 lor glory horeafu id urd lid 1 lolt lho ha 1 wan loavi ig tt an unuimltlll ulcultd i i11 damn uciiionof ii lu 0 who has just dltl 1 bin mill oar i i tide lu tho fact thai during a norvk j4 ie irn tn 11 icmouiouio onj luuur ho 11 met with uu uutiilont iiio ictord worthy nno and is nhitof kill and t fuhiuss on uio prc of the ngluoar in q liot il in to tie iwttl of lihtim iirit in 1 u irul that quito u low tif t premier lloyd teorga asya tlio nauon uiat ia nucklo1 o nlcohol is doom tho alognn of tbo aviators and antiair craftgnunor ntximi to bo swat thn fliers our ohornlion ta uiat a littio boy a fav onto diiea 1 11 tho one uiat koops hi ont of bchnol loiigut ii india tliotiativj have a medicine they call miram cnv wnrrjvateu to attangthca uio memory uud rolieie mental woonnoss penplowhocunnol remmber to iay then dabta tihould ct somo litundicpiuf water onlluofninnofaanj mako a mighty difference in uto price of land results of prohibition public school dltpartmvnt fourth detalttmeirr ss iv maxwell boll g03 williej stewart 020 charles mann c17 total 100 jn- iv holen anderson ik violet davis ifto margaret mcnabb 183 total 250 m z bcifhcrr toachar tiijbj drjabtanurr 8n hi martha orr 249 isabel mcnitoo 23a mario mowat 227 ju ill donald kcnnody 20 uoyd forbes 233 minnie blair and joan barber 210 total 321 hi c wiujmi teacher secoid dei autkiit sil h bsrl coopor 204 laird mcdon aid 1s7 willio cjjdsteio 181 ju npugsno mcphereon 102 alfred budiop 101 dors lambert 152 total 21 a- m h flxout teacher fltno rem tl utltut ibu i y u jlliy jti to tlio mi tor 1 lie liquor interest muit bo largoly gcr tnsn at kail tboy hsro a aimilar confi donco in falaohood ponoulsnuy ro tested mtiu4imlt to veto on prehibiuon of uio liquor tralllo next novombor and tbo liquor inlerealfl keop warning uio ooplo through tho iresj of ujo dreadful rcsulta that will follow if tboy voto tor lu they frequontly refer to wichiu in uie dry stat of lksjtaaaas a dreadful oxamplo of the effects of j inhibition tho truui is tlvit wichita an i aoveral other ciuos in kansas njuaid to enfurco tbo law until a fewjcaraago lot that did no iirersat tho liquor in ton vi frout roiirosonting it as a prohibition city collier- weekly tolls uio atory uius wichita a few oaraagowas uiocibral lr of lho saloon 111 kanssn its salooiui were ruiimsg jearn after uie luuisss law wont into rlltcl pulora were mado at btato cnntontiooi an i uommauona wore rod uiraugh tbopromibo or on saloons for wichita liio proteat waa long in rived and iikotuanyotbet reform movements of uto day arrivod with momentum a dry mayor waa olootod heavy pcnaltibs for violation of tho law vcre exacted iho eajuoua died hard but boy dlod and uoto tbo result bofuro tho aalooiis cloaed the hook leanua of wichiu wore 5io0o0xi weak ly in throe yoaru f hoy had lucroaaou to somothlng ovor 810q0u0a the city in toad of 01 uclwaral has bloodily ruwn ono nowsjjtor changed xom avuring the auloous to ojipoaing ihom io x vet kn its l ire u labi 011 had lucreosad 0000 copies mott hauls iloclartwl uiat uielr tolloctu hud increased workmen wro liq wimkly for iuauranco bolero loons 1 iluu 1 lorty per cent of uioae d workuun wore in arrears within il short lima allot lho ttufufoauieitl f tlie wfjuju1 i ud dikqqtcared and many wore lviiq in odvn lbtu odit rial w written in 1u11 but tboy fnj tliul jjiiduons are still bettor ihouat y u y a wdoons was umi7 when lank ueurlugs were tte kwkll lor lillfihoy were tloci ii 000 w uhll hauk depuaita 1 ij07 wtyo s71u 1 0 1 t thay w oro for the aame 317 04sooj wlolntas pxt party 1 in 1uim1 uio year before uio i iod waa j jtilula thoprop vlnauuu dij uie namu liaais was 571 4 i hii ilijfta 11 it claim i hat uio projwr ty valiaiitit lu otry uiw uiat iruhiai h ikiuud to l trip iid in pirio years hoy d laim out tho uikivu liguroa do tboalmiurultj uf tho aigumont that ipunly i boy njte prove at odiicator after three i 1 ki utrdiiia otiutiu i ii flxalu hy lou uiuita urgwa fiilbt drrantwrt 8a ijaan orr 230 joseph hurst 228 willrose raul 223 ju i ldtie morgasna 218 willta bab- cock joi v10u waller 203 total 200 d fourran tsschsr primary department stnrpjujirtt cioja a harold rold and herbert fry or 01 adelaide hurrt and hugh los by 70 fred stuckey 07 total 127 class b msrjone smethurstoo marian mclean 87 haxsl jamea 85 total 128 ciuis cmona smith h2 lais morton 71 albert hall 6a toul 103 cina d jack flymou os zolla ssvlll 4j eorgo uristow 45 total 85 ma bracx teacher ihu i iajiriiy ii n ju m ii m c p h probal ly it out lur 1 1 letter q liters jlkiuk paiucu a dorouty cordlna margaret onodsli fresktdoaira gladys scarrow leona waller harold wildguat marjono mann dons lanu dorothy mg e mustietu teacher r- y pnepahed m sorgeanl during rest on routo inarch pack too heavy why look at jones thuro hu dosnut complain tho wreck corbo o dont it amt no uiln froji for irn l used togooutshop- pin wtv is missus 1 ijondon opinion akha1d of what pkqple will say thero is a groat luueranco between being afraid of what people- will say and loving what ia pu re and trood m any good topu lations if analysed would prove coward io is takes something more than avoid log criticism to mako a character noble u0ut asttuou buildutaa eatnuy mother was asked by hoi daughter mother will i havo a mansion heaven tha answer was how 3i1 building material art thou sending up my dear t wo know uisl wo aro building our heaven as wo journey along the way lach thought is a uall uiat is dnvun in a structure that cannot decay and uio mansion at hut shall 1 given to usss wo build today heitvouinesi do yov 1auio utiuk you would bo norvxtus 1 m s ite i would confessed m um i d imagiu lvory time i hoard a can no auouior of my tiroa had hurst san h rajilumdo chrunlcl hlht f r fv troubles tjia atom ach ia uie centre of uie nervous nyateu aud when uia atomach auajtejida healthy atluoii tho result is umulfaat indiaturhaucca of uto iiorvoa if allowed ta persist nervuus dublhty a dangerous ailment may rnaun iho tirat coiuildorstion ia to restore tha stouiath ti prohir actit47uil uioir is uo rsulier reinudy forta uian 1armeloss vetitablo pills thousands caiauest tho uo of u uso pdbt in curiug uervoua dls milleia wurut powders are a pleasant odicinu fur worm infestod cklhlreu and they will it tako without objection when duoltiona uto followed it will tjofc lujurotbo uioatdotlrato child as uiere ia uiiug nf ajtujunoua nature lu ila omu jhiaiuou lhey will aiwodtlj rl 1 a child oj ma and restore uio health of uio illudf sulforeie wboau vitality has become impajal ed by lltaatlscka of uisso in tore al posts worts will render uia pretusst hajfl nightly lour uio aiirumuupos a by lining hullowuy a i urn cure whp h ihoiougly und utmlessly f

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