Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1917, p. 2

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wriha mtminc n if tot htiu follrtwiutf mu i mlo deal lie ufi iol una ultior jkhii j died alio at men mills on jyjiitiunjr ji 17b mm7 mail arol m in lrr 7jn 1 or ma kin r j n i on mondny ihrh luno m7 i molt mowna 11 in taw of win hililv- aeton ad 30 years j rfon ffrce ixs5 thuiihimy juot si 1017 free piiess subscriptions a inrco number of snliacipuoae oipire with ttie proubt tnciiuiuio com pi u on of tho forty socnndvolumo ef the tin c piitm prompt ronewah will bo appreciated present rates are 91 wfortabflcriptloiwloauposfcamcoe in canada will jioo to uio united blaicsjgreatllrlbam and kralsce b h cleavbrij0jinated in the i iboril intoronb na candida- turo tor tho ifovlnclul ml r a son or iiauroti pouwty at writ aliandfl 1 uiooliij- ol ifaluiti lufcrui a oc atfon at milton lnat kriley ii cior f llitlui m the 1 iui in o ifl rl nnd of lllio oiutoutils 04 caudi late or ontario ifrinjeiure i if cleaver 11 a well known and jirniniimmiluwyerof umtoilhly and fa uio ffrondaoa of one of tlia original settlors la hajton lila nandfathev having coma from i cnnaylvnnla at ilia time of the arrival of the v i inyallala over one hundred years co mr cleaver fa a tfrsduato of oagoodo halt toronto he located in burllnjton in in jo ant eineo uien has sheen practicing that town nod during uiat timo ho has been alllodwiui ana token an ecuvo pax in municipal anil edtffcsuonal interests sad indood hoe stood for ormytiiltx uiat repre sents truotitizonahip not only in his own town but also iu hiahobrftcoontytif tjalton r i r ix bditohml notes cicada 1 u have nntionat daylijjbl raving hir fleorgo tosfer introduced a oovemipont bill to royle for tbo time mjlndabojnrio adajoo of tbo solar ifcoan fime during tho summer montlia itofizplajned that it meant turning t clocka aa ono hour and would coins into oftoct opop proclamation hy tlia corcrn moot lb w intimated tliat tlio rovoraion to nolar mean umo would eomo anin with uio ond of september tin dum inst week in oocrot noatjon puseila rculuuon for an immoillata ofton airn hy tho uuaisun troopn tho nwiolntlon doolaron a sopnrato penca with oerraaiy or prolonged inactivity on tlio batlafrant to 1mi ignol la troauon toward itnaiaa alua for which fotiiro ioncratlom ooror would pardon tlio huim of tlio present day tim dama tliereforoconiidcm tlio rco- lotion addj llllt tlio maintananco of tbo libertiea whicti liavo boon obtained ho in cloaa cooporatloo with rossi a altioa tuz caupamih for incroaaod food produo uo has ajready had thooftect ofmaurialiy f redocing tha cost of firing a tegatablo crop in ontano that ia confidently expect ed t bo of record proportionji and tba oub- look for country andtown gtowera 19 en oonraging- already an abundaneo of green ataff haa boan marketed and prioau haro boeti orooght down to a mini mam a substantial improrotseab in paaturaja iirjojr the last fortoif ht haa bnfbtaned tho ttltaatidn for lira ktock breeders mean ilotho ancultnral labor probum has oeltin itself andtheezteoaire move maafc from town to cfloatry largely under uto tnfluoneo of patriotic motives haa gpns far to reliara a altaatian that was looked forward to with anxiety warm wa ttier has arrived and we are ready with everything in the different lines for summer wear ffiil o utt tlioi dys parments s showy wlutciiyou ux itou coo mnko tlio foamiest creamiest lathor in hot jvntcr will a few of luc dainty sillcn little flakes that cleanses perfectly without rubbmjj hence unslirunkcn umhickencd little ijarments that are a delight to feel try luxyour baby will bo sure to appreciate the difference will b tieolux britlth majt h terer brolbers tltaitc toronto ssu by all gwl trcn fit imluttmtt mcrccriied mulls mulls are in fjreat demand this season wc liayt them in pinks blocs lawns and blaok ricfi mercenred finiili 36 to 38 in wide special at 50c per yd colored reps in all the new shades such as kings blue lawn pink mauve etc special at 25c yd voiles in plain and fancy stripes all the new weavei special at 35c 40c and 50c mens balbrlan comblnallon under wear sires jg to 2 penman- make long ihjevcs ankle length special at 100 j mens slrsijjlafs at50c 7flcrl 00 sdmi oys strrfw hats at 25c 15cvd 50c mens new tics j aft pfwd t5 doyen of mentjit todate ties at 75c in stock and up- 50c and colored shantungs silk in navy kings blue rose pink special at 8sc yard notll qostis star itiau mil notm j ml mill street aucoicoaono to hendeiison co ucleavf ii burunoton tbo flbcral nominee for uio legislature for hal ton county ho was nominated by j jt lindsay of arjueatog and john it watoon ornaaia ctiwoja j r lindsay who morod mr claavera nomination and e p earl milton ware both nominated by tho conrentioa and retired in faror of tlio candidacy of mr clearer hryclearer iu bia remarka aipraaood mucli appreciation of the honor which the people of this county in which be was barn and ho bad lirod all lua lifo had coofarrad on luaj by tbia nomination lie declared himaolf to be in touch with all the interests of tbo elector including the farming aod agricultural irtaroatn of the county baring himself bean raised on hu fathers farm and declared his willingnesa if elacted to the iegtjlaturo to flgbt aa earnestly for the electors of italton on the floor of tlia i local agent wanted tdr acton and vicinity to cell for tho old reliable foothill nurscr- jes splendid lkt of stock for poll planting 1917 add spring planting 1918 inpluding many new varieties which wc alono control send for now lluatratcd catalofjue niso agent 0 proposition hjiodkomo frco outfit cxclusivo tcrrilory lib end cotnmisaioni stone cq wellington cstubhaheu 1837 toronto ont wimj bin ynmn lutnukra coataa llods tar a mlareadum install of ramrnuj coimcrlptioa for mtlitarj florrlco wy iuito otoa foreo tho promot u not tho timo for u wa uuor a m rofstbodnou meo aro oootlotl and thoy lofiauinnj a bo bu for unay yera fought i0p n0 aobo necos sjld 0th6 et- everyhoaytgomg io cuelph bylaw no- 455 iorbejttlatiflfr milk pro duced for sale offered for sale or sold within the municipality of acton passed in accordance witli the provisions ot section 111 of the ontario milk act atre deadod no tfaaro is no time for de lay th cohacnption bill provjdo roa onably forsaloctire clasaes and calls tho men beat able tofefn tbo first drafts sir wilfrids con mo is no doubt intended to bring qashoc into line dad remore any creases that proyinco may pres for not enforcing onllatmaot hut now ia uio time men aro needed it would be criraiu aj tc our mon at tho front to delay tending roeniotoementa tlio oonscnption bill ia the issue it must bo supported and pnt injoeffecurq operation at once tnc mid30muoi eraiiiktlo t are commencidg- already the jut oiat of suixisus hoarta is heard to roarih this period is no unimportant ereat to thoa whose aspirations lead to it dot it may be wtrndorod- bow many of duryeang people urinjc of ib aa the end and that now all thing are not finiahed but bagan we cherish that motto beat but a fair begin nipg it ia out of school ufa into lifea j chool where the theoretical mast giro puoo to the practical tha fictwn- to the fvjjil the last day of ojaminattons ia but the opening day a passport into an nnde- relopod fisht so far there haa been simply akirniuhlng tlio great battle tho ictoryand tha crown do beyond tharo foro say not i am through but betar think of it jnab begun v wiiateter may bo thought of tkm atu todeoffiir wilfred launar op tho con eerfptton bill ha linearity is undoubted hpoaifng to ida amendment that the rnrtisr conaidaration of thin kill 1 dafer rod until tlie principle tiicoof baa by moana of tlie referendum iq aubmltted terakirapprorod of by theelectora of can ada he aaul whan tke conaultation ban fceeniaadwwhantlio vordrot baa been pro nonnced j pledge kny word my reputation hat to tlio ordici auch as it la erery man ill baro toaubmlt and i chum ta ejteak a leant so far oa the iv rioce from which i is concerned la that an unfair altu xi u at an unfair appeal j can lbody aay that it is not in accord with tigu democratic principlaa and i repeat the pledge i gave a moment fo on tho part of tnj own trotinc that every man eves althpngh be la toduy oppoeed to tho law shall do warrice as well aa any other man or any other race fjm ofc aai ett tho aeml centennial of oanjtdian confodorntion on iho 1st of july if being overshadowed hy tho prawuug neooaaiuasvof tlie war and tha asrlea of polimcel criiet3trougli which canada 4a liylllt from anotliar view tiowwver the eitranrdlnary find ctitical olrcanialanoes of prosont time mako thhteevil centennial even more significant jf it ha oeourred pe afjkaco proepenty ther juld doubtless lao beeaxtnany roorej3re diapuyad anil much taore nofae and jubilation it ii dottauif hfuvatgr if tlie people of tbo entry wdsuwwro ffirn aa tnunb ntten aioti ur thaugtd the oaaadun cuiilodtr wuhoth ip ittovlko ia ih7 and inlfa prevent aute in 1017 m they will do u ider ytbfutwt more aewoua and thought ivafclng times of till ywar ontario in hrf oelabrauotji by iu u fouio dlffidty wiuit jt hoped interpret khapli of the proino wfgejfmqti if ur ltowell in f4fcvaj6 eoaalsn ifnuaeedltverrango paulfe thmugheut thn llttjt eeked ta oaopente la r denvjoatreljena to li jbl26d ami tavorabln j tvetfreel irom- a urn1 fpr them in the court of hal ton toronto i and olsawhare mr clearer reviewed at some loogth the prorjncial nuoation cnuciaing the exlrava gaacoef tho legislature in relation to tho op torn men t hrjase which thus far has cost ovor one million dollars he emrihasiaad thoextravagance of tfau hy ahowitig that lee entire aasowment of ell the boildinga of tbo town of alilton with its two thousand inhabitants was not ona half of the total cost of tho government itnase property in toroato and claimed that the conitrocuon of a building at thia enonnoui coot especi ally in war time for ooe man to live in wu an insult ta our democracy he also dealt with tho granuog of mn ing lands to the international rtickel company made up of foreign capitalists and tlio inadequate taxation of foreign corporations as well as the confusion and tho improper miiing up of tho provincial financial resources including the throwing into tho general fund the fees collected from motor owners which tojite thiajear was 80 000 which he claimed ibeuld be be epent on the highways mr clearer cloead is remarks by defining some of the thlngu for which be will etand which are as follows i no further grants of mining unda to foreign financiers without full value being paid 2 no more secret or private agreements wboroby foreign oorperaone making im menae irofltajire allowed to pay lose uses than tiioio flxad by the legislature 3 all motor vchlolo licensoj foes te be kept in n neparato account and umu on tha highways and in the rural eocuooa the fees to bo murnod- to the respective coudtiaa to bo used on the reada where their boldera reside ltadljthu to the provincial appropriation made and the through roads to be kopt up by the license fees paid by the cities licensees and to lie no charge on tho rural municipalities nono other than a practical farmor so prostdo over the department of agncul ture 0 the consulting of our rocegnued church stiren rations and 6u womens organization in uio matter of all legislation relating te tho moral welfare of our pro vince ti a prudent economical admin latrauon of each dojwrtmant having in them j wol fare of the people sad of our damocraoy with no more million dollar castles to be built out of tha aaaetj cj the people 7 the placing under tho jurisdiction of thj domiuion nrernmimli orery tinman and material aaet which oau be uaed in assisting m tho mighty struggle for uie froodohviotoujjfof our jjntfeh laipire tintlbo freedom of tho world traetipiis july 2nd aig time afternoon and night is assured arrange to go right away balukafai wo are glad to report that mr btuart lowne is bomeagain after being in cnelph general hospital for two week somo of the young people bore attended uw qlan garden party last friday night mra stephen i teazel has returned borne after epeoding the winter wfth her daugh ter mrs if barth term cotu miss lillian carapball of toronto is spending a ceuplo of weeks with her par ents here mr ira itoexcl has returned heme after pending a week with her elster mrs a d thurston toronto tho council of ujo corporation of tho municipality of acton enact e follows- i milch cows mnsi be kept dasn and must not be abused in any way 2 ko milk shall be aont forward or sold from any cow that lias any ailmoat that would affect the quality or wholeeomences of the mdk and any cow subject to any ailment shall bo removed anil kept separate from the milkinghord 3 only clean wboleaomo food shall be giren the milk cows no atrootf flavored food which will affect the odor or tasto of tho rnillc ahall bo fod t6 milch cows at any time all water auppliod or available to milch cows for drinking and all water used in cleansing utenad moat bo clean puro and protected from any danger of poluuon 0 the atahle in which milch cows are kept or in which they are milked must be kept clean and in a sanitary condiuon must bo woll lighted and renulated and goojitrocted aa to be free from dnst it muiit be provided with an officicot manure gutter which must bo kept properly clean the floor must be pains in side and bim how mrs kelly suffered and howhe wa cured bnrungton wis i won very irreg mhu- and had paloi in my sido and buck but alter taking lydfa e inlthama vugotnblu cuin- pound tnlilots and ralng two botucs at tho sanntivo wash i am fully convinced thatt antliitirciy cured of the oo trou bles and foil hotter nil over i jcuow your rcmodtus havo done me worlds of hnod and i hope every buffering woman will givo them triulvmra anna keixt 710 choatnut street burling ton wis thomanycortvincingteaufponialscon otnntly nubtished in uio nowapaptru ought to bo proof enough to women who sutler from those dlstnasfng ills picu liar to their eoruiotlydlftl iinkhame vegctablo compound is uio mcdiclno they rjeod this food old root and herb remedy bos proved unequalled forthujo dftad ful ilia itconteini what la netdw to restore womans health and strength if tliexo la any pociillarlty lu your caao rouirinfr npoclul ad vice wrlto tliolydu i ilnk- bnai modldne co coatideintlal iyun flffljufc tor txvo iwlvlco od night and morning rnada tigbt and be previdod with a proper slope for drainage 6 ko milk ahall be forwarded to acton for sale obtained from any cow within ail weeks before or within five days after calv ing 7 milk era must be in good health and muat be cleanly droseod and personally clean at the ume of milking and at say time whilo handling the milk any milker m wlioae family any disease occurs muat absent himself on herself at once from the stable or dairy until the medical officer of jjoollh certifies that it ia aafo for him or her to return h all milk utensils mtut he kept thoroughly clean and tl e process and of handling the milk in atablo and milk ho a to muat be auch as to iusure a supply of cli fresh milk milk must nut be allowed to stand in the atahle but shall at once be removed to the milk house atrained and cooled to a temperature of fifty degrees fcahrenheit aod kept at or below that temperature until hipped 0 all milk cans muat be cloeed tight and sealed in uio milk booses bo fore being sent forward to acum from the milk house 10 milk uiat ahowa signs of aryr dire or impurity muat not bo received at any dairy no milk ahall b held or oftared for sale or sold for human comsubiption tho tempera ture of which ta above fifty degrees fah rah halt or that contains bacteria which in the opinion of the medical ofhcer of health ia or may be injunoua ahall be received offered for sale or sold within the hunicu pallty of acton for tinman contumptioa which con ulna leas uun u per cent- of ota solida of which 3j5 per cenlcnusrbe butter fat 11 alljxirsonn engaod 6 uio handlins or delivering of milk muat be clean anil free from duoase and all veulcua used m tlio delivery of milk must ho clean and appropriate rigs as apfiroved by thalaepoc aliaijn the overland light four is a light snappy powerful rnotor car economical in pnee and in gas oline consumption its a perfect beauty the body is a rich brewster green with whit- ivory striping set off by black wrieels fenders and tnr aings e ay convenience is provided better come in have a look at the car and try it out r m mcinxyre dmnbotor for hio pilxcl loiujeti if wfflyorerus limited wert toronto ontt dua hit nth dr of jus bylal h5ahy low to ap force tho nrorialo uio manufacture anj chanter 224 r vnsreaa the t pallty a ter k fl tnrfrector for the j provsrtiona of thej bo it therefoj tho municipal- thatw j hal lcctor for thj firovuionsof actum and j j2i it 8 f passed to 1 a j maikii thisby w idoct on mol f i alio jtfcrfe all your preserves witfi lnnfic snqeir ja pure cane fine granola tioa order fv nanw from athmljo supix rffiilrnca limited udhtsicai occr 2mhautonj 11 all mlk sold iu uio municiality of acton muat be delivered in seaiod cans r gloss bettloa tightly ntoptered or ouiar recoptaclos a prored of toy uio modical oillcer of heolui but dairies which eel milk croam and butter only and uo other com modi ties may sell loono milk in tha dairy only no person shall place any preserve i milk intended for human cumaump ttoti or to belt or oiler for sale to auy vamiur of milk from winch any jiart of the butter fat has been removed or to wtnoh water has been addedfir which uthcrwiaa luu heaii chuuotl from u o normal oondi tion and no vendor of milk aliajl sell or oiler fur aald milk nob complying with tbo standard or from which uio butter fat uni teftajemojedttowtiichwatdr tuts boon aiidsd or which othorwuo has been ohanjred from tli normal couditiou i no iicrsou aim 1 1 sell mlu io tlie meiifi ipajlty of acton after the jmsairii ef thin by law wlutnut having int ot uined a i icenite and paying a f icoiibo fee otfl tx is lhat dr h a cuxo alisll be milk iuajmjctor for tho mnniciimlltyof ac ton te tho proviaioimtif the milk act cbaptor til paased under the lteviaed htat itci of ouurio 10h and alia under uila by law and he niuy prohibit uio sale witliin the munlcijnhly if ac toe of milk for huiunti cunauiuptioii wliichm his judg inaiit in prixluctul or handled ctuitrary u the provuiona of the milk act iff una by l search no farther wfiot you reqdire 16 here straw hats the very newest styles 1 50 to 400 panamas a very special new style 400 and 500 underwear- truknit balbriggan b v d stanfieldi and pen mans apiece and combination from 50c to 5 00 new neckwear to day r e nelson i fresh fruits and vegetables we receive shipment of these lines twice a week and promise you fresh cjuility qoods lettuce tjreen onions asparagus tomatoes spinch cucum bers carrots pineapples strawberries etc we have good values in evaporated peaches at i8e per lb apples it 17c per ib prunes at 15c and j0l per lt cooking figs fresh at 10c per lb all these are sunki t brjnd maple syfup we have in stock the same good syrup as we hadlast year made in muskoka extra good quality and pure imperial gallon 200 have you tried the well known sunkiat brand canned goods firlest piek known peaches pineapples appneots pork and beans x r x r t f the water supplied to cowl ar used lu eleaa j oadatry teoaila ib ihelnsnectermay inspect and take eamploe of milk for sale or for oooauimi tioa wiuiin the muolciiiality whilo in transit aod may enter any premises ia order to procure samples ol such milk 10 the result of all such aejt shall he open to public impaction and may be nuh bed by the medical omr oniealuu 30 alt milk dealers ualni ical omcttr oniealttii d using uckiu muat ujte uieai la sliest form aj bm not any ticket more than once m all persona contravening any of the lirovlaions ef the milk ac or this by law wc carry a full lmt cheese limbunju t of mclcafans imp rial roquefort ptipfnlo sm- v mqbtagb1 op vaiitjabi pnopeittt tjndl r mid by vrtuc of the 1 of mile conlilncd m n certaml rnr- which will be produced at to ofule there irill be offered for tl public huclian safuruny july itj hourof two oajlqck ji the afteruj the htslion hmfp the village of in the county mi ff y r gnu auctioneer urwap namely all and mo pnrcrl or tract of lajml townchlpof tsincilne j ot halton and vrovmccb taming ono hundred jb being composed ot thej number ihiriv in tli of the townlvm of j thcro nro miih nrernljei itoroy liou jj aud nlso f pirty 15 situated els town and thrcomile lhaicr will have tot with prcnt tonnnt j thin jcir i troiw 1 rms of ate twutfi purlhose money on dj imco vvlth intcreit at ftl in thirty tliyn kqrths may be made re piymenf pnrch uk monc which wil isfrtctory to the pnrcbawsl prnpcrtj offered for sala icrvo bid r i or further terma uad condition wile apply to solicitor f the morugcc ti i i m tuon auction ijuclat georgetown tbi lwciit day of juno a d new wondebland pcrfatcream chilh cream wc havc old our bakery id mr woodcock but will continue to handle the saint jood assortments of calces and pastry watch our windows v russells law 10 tl o ipcctor may ihapoct tho rem laea of ovory vomfor lirvlmed to sell milk within tto municipality of aclon la see phut the provisions uf uie milk act and 1 tkis itydew are fully rem plied wiui and j may uke minptes of milk fur cam nation i an i tofltlnr 17 j ho inspector may outer uio iroinis i on wltomver icted of any pernen jiroiiuo i big milk for solo or ooosiiiuptloo wiunu f tho muuijipality fully luapeet uio name and takci for eiamloatiun and usting amplee of milk piodnced therein and of ldtiiona or uie uk act or thia by la peaed hereunder shall incur a penalty not leeq than ooe dollar nx more uiat iifty uojurs recoverable under uieontario tjummarr caevlcuooa acs passed this llth day of june ip17- a j malufko sxo hviiie cxot iuo this bylaw will opma inha force t aftcct on monday juae 2flui 1u17 tf children ory for futchers catoria mool all kinds of scraps wanted i li uif ik t t il ii im c tini j gqld3tein o ikis 307 onng st ah tlie pnce claka she paid k ihoitordcnla with tho pn of oun nomun wholioi hcd in inxurj und who fl eolf prut tf cully pcumleas oiou 15c und jtx atulldayjunh hett u il oveil u boldil 1 on o luwely ltrtlbz6el and knpltt juliuii tuejday jonkc i pi ic 1 1 or thos h in 3 pirl 1 bo luu mu attractive dr ll plant oitqmtttrlit oph ti tarvmto u q tomato tpc9 georgetown ontario will bo in attuu nt mr a 1 drown s drnj sl rt 11 1 rldjiy of cilii wook for the cxamiiu tfoir tcitinr and lirrt ribinjr n huus to mu kuica lakua algonquin iaik maoanilrtwan i1ivedh lakh olr ijav icawahthrt lakeh ctllollqian 11av kotind trip toniitt u 1 vctjio tromiuitdniu oiiejttfont very low ftirj with 111 rd slap overs 1 okr youil llckbtii ire advance hertli ri rrtttitiii fuu f t nt all t rind runic lcet oiiko rnta 1 iiuknim srlct s g enter u nt franfl trtiwli ihilw yfu m i roiito out holmes agent acton lok 1 v tlwiiil tw yzisi

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