fll iagic iaking i powder contains no alum mode in canada what she wahted coldest r twtv j poonat hy with about and blow fl eoald hardly go cuneand with iwft tr in md inrprim id of truao nd oold td mid hmr fakl for gold told tbir story too g unir vbalo ufa uiroufa j oold and atoray wmtbtr fraz and cry tofother ly ri bat tby tnrood to ywsrd had rttd tior l r of him who ay tcriaaf ray poor always log ihoa trotd ill fawned on his matter tuu a dumb tiling know faithful cn like aomo torpid lib by the sun in injtxim uko poiaonsd him lu train of g of word or dod r aaulah frood 4 rrtdj that wvredumb v fcim on through tbo agoa tholr homes m found that the t of botno bjjpuwt mountain ntrctra waa no cold and clear cunt tbo cam porn had no is it freely oftttmca a mllo uao up tbo at roam no- mora atopptar on tbo banku or tbo otroara woro poliutlns iroclly by uohutin itn bankn thp cam pom who tko to mountalna uro many typhoid eoa- ad carrjorn when ucb pollutn a ntroam thorn bra fair chanco 7phnm will develop fortbp rapid flow or a mountain stream carrlen tnrllll to downotrcam consumers boforo thoro baa boon timo for purification tbo rollowlnrf am tbo provincial laws rerardiny dollnuon of watof socnona 9n91 public llcaltb act ontario tbo iyotlaciai board shall havo tbo general aupcrvlnion of ajl aprtngn wolja pondn lakojj atroams or rivcra uood aa a aoureo for a public water nupply with referonco to tbalr portly topothor with tho watcrn foedlnr tbo namo and shall oxamlno tho xamo from time- to umo whon tbo neconaltv for such examination aline and inquire what lr any pollution oxlata and tbo cauoo thereof 3 geo v e g8 a 90 i no garbofj excreta maauro vocutahlo r animal matter or fllth shall bo dlocbarrod into or bo dopotdtod in any of ujo lakeo rivers ntroonio or otbor waters in ontario or on tbo oboreo or banks thereof 2 the owner and ohioera of boats and othor vonuoln plylnfc- upon any irach lake rircr ntream or other water shall so dispose of tho rarbaco excreta manure vetcubic or animal matter or nlth upon such boats or voooebi aa not to create a nuisanoo or eater or pollnto such lake rivor stream or other water itealdenta of a health rcoort or uftmmor resort shall so dispoao of jrarbaeo excreta manure vegetable or anjmal matter or filth as not to create a auioanc or permit of its gaining- ontranco to or nolluune any such lake river ntroam or other watar 4 any person wbo eontrftvenoa any of tbo prorialona of tnla aoctloa bbail incur a penalty not oxcoedlnj j100 2jooo v e 58 a 91 vaocmatton against typhoid fever those who ed camplrur or wbo tiait munmor rooorts whoro thoro may bo a qnostion about tbo pcrity of tbo water or aa to tbo fcocral banitarr condltloiui would do won to hato their doctor racclnato tbom acalnst typhoid and paratyphoid forcx tho record of tho canadian army for 1916 in rropoct to jhcso diseases is an objoct lesson worth conslderinr tho etopartmont of aculua and defence have just announced that for t tw months endlnjr december airt 1016 1g7 casoosonly of typhoid ftorer wore reported as batldk oocarrod amonrat th many thousands of 2sk ca2uwia a tw notwlthfltandins tbo fact that typbold fvrrcrlu a disease especially afloctlny youns adnlts from iwyrenteen rcara of and dlsoaao which la endemic in all part of canada- this eomparauto freedom on the pert of tho c e p la seen to bo most striking when it la recalled thai dorlnr the boor war ono man out of every nine in tho rrttfah faroe in south atrloa iu invalided throurb tnla disease and that in the spanlabaxoerican war of 107000 men in tho campo at tom do florida and elsewhere wbo had not loft tho shore 6f tbo unltod states 20000 contracted iho dlanaflo tbo remarkable change can only bo attributed to tho proocks of inoculation tho provincial board of health for ontario has onppliod to dote all tho typhoid and paratyphoid vaccine nsod by tbo entire canadian ex peditionary porco abont 4g0ooo men in oil nearly cooooo dooes havo boon supplied froo of coat typlioldnocq lotion is simple devoid or any dancer whatover ennnreo almort certain safety ncslnat typhoid and is irappliod froo of chare to nvnnn t uts fldst pcppytove caroa waks uj mother llalfln don b croak hio bod i dont pcepl tar aur boya room door im open and hes talking in his altcp- ifo oaodto haro that hfcbit m a bttla chaii yon know but wo tboojbl ha d loor ootjrrown it for thats many yoars la many yoa r warav f r gaont hungry old prayer communication with bis uak er by prayer is the most exulted function in which man can be eturaccd been use it exerrlsm tlw hbjhoot foactlona of tbo il with the intellect and tbo n 1 1 it la the channel of itrnuim cholceat blessings it rx luotn no one it embraces nil in the i drclo of lta benediction it jtitm uvzm t bccobstoournearculy rstbrr k tte hidtb in all plntfh nod tin t drcuoiatancwe in a wopl prayer rctulora oa coott erators with our creator lu tbo moral so of tbo world cardinal gibbon a- i ya did it to ibaaa b ad weary with woa ib aaoaa yoa will still which yoa shall o lalody orr him roilt ijr requiems ovar lot tod la n gooy new 1 hlmaelf aaiolnhispaw utda thonxht aona ever sty and blows ware few bo follow m eror ib uj omaumm io tthwll lbak heart trodble and swjtbcring spshs niog th weoknesa psc associated with cspcoally wben ra make it n dlgcaga r which prompt ro- e are greatly to be in of dr vowicrt awboiry in givins t from the poin uciit and irritating wnflch and bruciug t re it w nent of all bowd koid andtmen mcdorn ave used df jow- strawbcrry and at aatiafoctory and 1at f ftdretnedy rojritl rcuable for iron be t mil- oat children qry for fletchers oa3tori a tho two girbwara walking with ayounj lautonant who had got a ballot throajrb bis arm and what woro yoor emotions daring t bo first battla t aakod one eirl what were my mauoaa f yoa how did yoa foal r oh rflgrhtly bored was the ropljr when the heart becomes affe there ensues a fccbnjt of a cnokittg- sen- aatioo a shortocnof breath polpitatioo throbbtngv smothering a and dirrtryw and a weak sinking ollgooe fechng of oppression and anxiety on the first dgn of the heart becoming wtsbencd mitbcraa heart and nerve puls aboald be taken and yoanh find that they will give prompt relief and booh effect a complete cure mr john douccttc he iuver cxoos- tmt njj writes inuffcrd greatly from beoft trouble which canaed dnzioeas weakness and smotbcnnk spells i used a great dcawof doctor medicine but received no benefit a fnend advised ton lo use siilburas heart and nerve imh and before i bad finished the first box i fdt oo much better that i got on other rm and was completely restored i highly rccoouncud llicae pills to every one buffering from heart trouble milburnn heart and nerve pills are goc per box at all dcsjcm or mailed direct on receipt of pnee by the t milburu co limited toronto ont woman had nervous trouble lycua pinwhyimtt vegeta ble compound helped her wt danby n y i havo had nerrooa trouble all my lifo nntil i took ldia e pink hams ago iid i hoar him saying- proanme ana of tlia prls vbat that buls ooa of bantleys with tho f racklss and tho catti ah now has talking plainly hy woh bavo to grit tbo rule fqr bo a talking ef a oouag and of dropping one of school i a job in binghams hardwara twanty- fje a month ho pays wo can lira on that much haul and i m bound to gt a rsla w can rant a famished cottage for eirhtaao a month or u that laavaa seren for coal and groecrioa- wo can aaay uako it g w woob lako anr trip till anmutr for 1 u haa my raiao by then oow dont talk of wailing longer now dont puit off again i did yea catch hu meaning mother t yaa its pappyjoto i know i its nob fatal to tbo laddjo boya hare always acbad so bat vm tblaking of him motbar wkan bo had his httla bednglt where dad oonld reach hb hand ont to tho curly btuo baad ono night dont yan ramambar whon bod eaten too much pie is again to lore oo daddy and oe mnxzer till i die sad ws ii alio lira ugntxerl no wo shouldnt make a fnoo imu tamght twas all for ilaxel not a single word far j1 try to sloop agju now mothar lot oanot booomo so sad this must always be axpe fb the mother and tbo dad 1 0 an old lady u laking hor fint milr rida slanotlrrt th bolf oorrl nrrln and tunimg to a littlo buy tiltirr acl ilofiiilc i santij whatiitbhb or tlfct m in 1 said w ith mchls- oiii twlnklo in hln ojo in to ring whin jop want inidllniijf to iat uhortly slterwap tlio old lady rnarbivt her ituibralla up arfd ro tho con a vlfcor sua j auk tito traiii wan in bo middla ol a trau ttie whlaus thndad tlia trlu began to nlackon aed windows woro thrown opn queitinna were aiked and oonfusioa rcignod among tho paeogr- tkoobl lady aat calmly through ib all presently the conductor camo ruoofog through tho car who pulled that ball x bo roared i did rapliod ft old lady meekly what doyau wintaakod tha condnct- or i m patiently well aba rajutmodiuungly yoa may brinfc ma a ham akadwjch and a cup of tea children ory for fletchers- casxoriv it will curo a cold colds aro tha com monest ailments of mankind and if neglect ed may load to serious condition br thomaa eclactno oij will rehovo tho bronchial passages of in aposdlly and thoroughly and wilt atrongthen them against aubsoqoent attack and aa it asoa tha inflammntfon lb will stop tbo cough beoaaio lb allsjs all irritation la the throaty try it end proro it castor i a for infants and children in use for over 30 years always bears the signature of vegetable com pound for nerves and or f emalo trou- blmand it straight- enedmo out in good shape i work nearly all the time as wo uvo en a farm and i havo four girls i do all my nowiog and other work with their help bo it bows that 1 stand itteal welt i cook the compound when my ten year old daughter came and it helped me a lot 1 have also bad my oldest girl take it and it did her lots of good i keep it in tha hoose all the time and recommend it- mrs dbwttt slnceluikm west danby n y sleeplessness nervousness irritabil ity backache beadacfaea dragging sen- satioos all point to female derange ments which may be ov by lydia e plnkhsma vegetable compound tab famous remedy the medicinal ingredients of which ore derived from native roots and herbs has for forty yaarspso to oorwgaort rafaahfateaic and invigorate of tbofamalo organism women rsrywbare bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of lydia e- ptakham vfsjfltawocompocnd r irotoct tho child from tbo raragaa of warm by uaiiij mather orarna worm extarminaur it iu a ataiulanl remody and yaora of um uavo anhnfai il rapo tatiikn u ono ba troul led witli corns and warb hu will had in llnlloway m com cure an application that will entirely nhova nutfaf lqsdianahentiroernuut alurl euipitu uftititotia ia twico aa large aa logund waloaboetand and iraupd comhitiod hulktcbawan i aa lo aa uio htaiaa of na oik lcimvwni oliu iiiinu and miiliouri cmiil moil children cry for fletchers c a sto f i a canada baa tho laroab tuffalo hard on ibo oantinaut tha niagara ianiimula grown tlia fioeat machoa in tlio win id i caiiatta lioa the tnnt oiunn i hoiktl flslienea in tha world t canada produces oir alhhty per cflit i tho wwldaontpubol ulikal ontari and noa npilnn uni ii olfcjly uwmaeltaa for auuaao gentle hits etch a ban can aoratch up troiiblo ba- twoan oaighbora there ls no radical ear for laxiaaas bob atarvation will coma tho noarasb to it pills will ssmstlmoa refuse to neb on tha livar but sawing wood nersrwilb a self mado man grnarally manages to spoil his job aumawho ib a not the clock that atnkoa tho loud oat that kaes tba bast dma itii hard to get a dyapaptic to beliota that the mlllsaium will erer coins if all tho churcboa in the coantry war taken away how much would your pra- liarty ba worth t tha man who spends aix nighta out of tha woak away from boiae hhunes his wife baoauan aba dont nsiao tlio boys right cuum 1 itiror iu aroa uiao tlio uaitod slatoa by illuo mjuaro uulos so bad kfitb kidneys kod1 faint away cured her mn ahctt wiltmma imom ensk writes x have the grcutcst pleasure in tctlnnf ion what uoaus kidney iub did fur tuc t tcn cnra ago i was so bud with my kin 13 hmt i would fumt uway and ro iuv tul h an thing i had bn ikni way for- two cuv and had dt nc uikl ciiuul liut did not get any tctlrr until one ila nunc uttc iut a lihir ikxiltjn our door and i suw bow uiiotlirr ythhig kirl had miltcrrd like i wan lien so t bought i wouldtry tbem und i uf blihntv bay that alter taking four ikixh 1 huc never had the saow thing nxidti thaim to doaiis lhttm kidney fllls arc the original haat pjll for ijll kidney voublra they nrc mt i i mi in thl ii luyy 1 und bear ihr timh in itl of it triple laft see that ii pet doau vhrn yti wak fur thrill ftj im r wk xr t at ulldnikni or uuitlitt hurt un iuyji t if jut hy the 1 mduuju co luuiicd pronto oat choked for air sam bttlo irntant be comae lodged in tho brencaial to bas other gather and uis awful choking of asthma result nothing offer quite such qoick and positive relief udr j d kellogg -h- ramody the haajing boo thing smoko ar vapor panctrataa clean the pasa- i and gives untold rauof uaoally ib iplbtcly cures 1 has behind it yaara of snecess it is the snro remady for ovary aaffarer sooitce ov affectiqh ju sympatbotio visitor to ths jail saw b one of the prisoners had a rat in his possess ion ah yoa havs a rat i see ha said blandly y air said the pnseeer i faads him every day i think mars of that rat than any other living creature t that reply pleased tho visitor immense ly la every man bsaald there is somo- thlng of the angel loft if ono can only find it iiow camo yoa to take such a fancy to a rabt cos be bit tho jailer s you cafj cure constipation dy the use of hilburos laxalnrer pills ontario is larger thaa spain and nearly as largo as franco queboa is as urge as norway sweden belgium and holland combined british columbia is as large al france portogal and bohpum nova scotia and new brunswick are ergo as portugal and denmark a free motion v the dowels daily should be the rule of cironc for if they do not move rrjmhrly coiutipatlon is sure to follow and bnnt in its tram many other troubles when tht bowels ijccame dogged up miss imma e mclanaon nalifaa ns writes 1 am now 20 years of age and ance 1 was 10 i have been greatly troubled with constipation so much oo that at times i would tie in bed 3 or 4 days a month i tned alt the old fashioned remedies castor oil cuscaru etc with only temporary relief until tny sister in law gave me come of mil burns laxs- livcr pills- i rom tho firet they seemed lcnciiaai und i cave thero a fair tnol thu was twq years aso and with an occusional dote i bae kept entirely froo fni contnation for the period men tioned milburna laxa litct pills ore 23o a vial nt all dcalrrs or mailed direct m rctipt of price by the t mdbum ca limited toronto out mmmm ivomofcadieaiionnzntii- nc v u nd ifcslconlalu udarr opiiun morphine horhaenl wotnailcpxic ffkmiftj- apcrfr ci rrmoty for r lion bourslotri3cadl wbrnisxnbvuuionarociiih ncasa fotsimje sljnaiunicf tkx ooerauncomnurr moktqeauhcw you k ypr infanta and cmi mothers know that genuine oastoria always bears the signature of j almnnth iu j 5d0sii35ceni5 exact copy of wrapper n use for over thirty years astoria pa op jil grwndii aumctm r now on w6e market 35 fitjentrallv located buil01ng lots for prompt sale it very reasonable prices choose yours today the new m aplekumt subdivision witli its nunn-roii- buildin loo in splendid utuntiou m now open to purchase rj wide ctrttts and laio lots all near th centre of tho town convenient to jlation jioit oiecca churches schools and within a few yortls of tho now shoo i nctory building soud in uo y cellar or supplied from a audpit on tlio property pure water evilly obtainable tor till particulars as to prices terms etc call on robt wallace acton musk qic a j lake ok i kvwaiitnj ocoaoian round tnp tmjri from jtion in onh but with hben out vouit tiokk berth u rvation- uon at nil rand tninlri or wntc l iioltnik veneer ajcnt brand v syrlcni toronto out fl s holmes acton -w-w-fr- ii im n ii lahori savc sweeping it kills fjerms brightens floorll make carpets la like new dont sweep out dustbane order a tin today fror your grocer packed in barrels and kegs for large consumers dustbane mfg company limited ottawa ont is rem m m sl a islool is kinds wanted the hicuc t cjk prftf j goldstein p o box 383 youugbt acton light six dsix63 tkia mclaughlin valvcinkend model develops 41 ft p and wtlgha only 2190 pounds which means more aciual power and rxiort proportionate power than any car of its size one horse power lo every fiftythroe pounds ot car weight owners of tilts mode arc establishing new records in fuel and lire economy the body design is novel and pleasing scats are law bides are high with urn u doora extra wide seats with genuine leather upholstering send for catalogue ohe mclaughlin motor carco limited oshawa ontario- j ici j m ught ow roadster mcuuohun uoht six l sixos ttic 1917 mclaughlin oerte includca a completo lino of motor cars in roadster nnd louring 5 and 7 passenger types nt price i com 910 upward tlierc lu a mcluugmm dealer near you anxious lo demonstrate our models call and sec him show i fred cook agent georgetown 5a-rtatas- stanctarct wij