Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1917, p. 2

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lllrtl for el u i ux dcill pr-rhute- lura mm kail imtl rrif im hlitl e- mi i vanla t k uannild wlatmje i i iit1 a 111 elioiuef f tl olmdn willuw street arlon tin wednesday 15th a if ul 1017 i jr urn r h i iare it a 1 f iteee ilrock weeds of caopt inlmi tohsdioixiuiso d ib kr of tlio utt win ft id hfrali turtnn luaham aim im u at wnlton on wed nesdey lfiiiati 1117 bj lit ir msrslj ot toronto williamlnoi jrehsm mansficr of the unnk not bcotla aclnn io wllholmfns ads youngest daunt ur of mr and mrs alexander jsrdincr walton thursday auoubt j 1017 editorial n0tes tlir lamiiv ilniaiiiakiiwkkltltfatail monica no often quptod to the publishers locallpora as a 1 iflr newspaper nd tfiabltcost onty 1 00 per yoar ban boon obliel to increaw itfl nubscnptien pnco toronto da i he and woeklics hard also all been inrrcajttxl in price tub ounrii of tho united stales lood admin uilrationa uiafc all um of foodstuffs for distilling spirits mast stop on septm 8 anal na accumulated supplies ceo bo used is direct drsstio action to sato feed ijajl and empire and our tiljj city con tornporery would hafoboan qujta jaiticwl to adding that similar action by our caa- a n minorities would materially aid in thtr effort to kxti food hassagaweya c0uhcil tho tax hato for 1017 has boon strncirat 10 f2 hills wnile tho woat ia now poeslnc through a critical pondd and ia in difficult to gaugo complete results it ii fairly wollwubllshod thatcropcomlitioqi hato shown material improvement recent and sentiment baa become distinctly tooro optimistic as nit of tho beneficial nuna latest rport ton sutchnfc iu una tin rr i jgsss yield ef wbaat will 1 fiftaen to twenty bushels to tho acre and of oats from twonty to thirty bushels wheat ia flllinff oati much better hi wu thought poeaible a fortnightago ilarraatingliascommino ed in a few localitiei id soathero sukatch wan and it ia expected to bacamo fairly general qua wook jfrrrr years ago thora waro 10o oax milbila caoadavbatat tho time tho war attirtgd thro ytnra ago tbo induitry waj almoaa ezunct at beab eight or aloe fafitonae were in operation tha endoatry ha been rotivod by the war and daring the coming winter thorn will bo 30 or 40 nulla in eparatien ontario farmer bato planted 8 000 acre th yoar to thur crop tbo csea of which are perbapa more varied than any other known plant tta production offering opportunity tor industrial aa well as agricultural dorolopmaot tbo domio- in goterament has oatablubod ab ottawa an qzpenmental flax mill for carrying on lnroatigation work with flax and flax libra and the progresa being made in tbo dorel opoumt of thu iioat iotereatlng iadoatry will be abown by an exhibit iq tho qorern ment building ab the canadian national exbibitioa 1 of tiik baais of presoob conditions a wheat cpbp estimate of 200 000 000 bushel farwotern canada is undoubtedly wor- raqtea thia was tho summary of tho apjuyaia of conditions in tha prslrio ptot adcg made by the rrapenntondant of tho canadian bank of commercon wipaipcg tbo above fhrnroa were q noted of tor care fpl investigation during throe oxtennivo tnpa covering territory from winnipeg to the foothills of the rockies and may bo taken as a fairly accurate idea of conditions as at tho middle of augnit prodlctiens from other aourcos are that tho 1017 rein will bo larger than that of j oik nrtftti oil and cas atr0ckw00d reported that tho suindard oil co jlni toaiod 10 090 acres drilling to commehcl at once tor noroml dnya i toe k wood baa oea undrjrpomjf k roiiuiim oil well oxcitement lb 1 rk rlod that tho sundard oil cam iany liak loaned 11 000 acreain r ramoeaand nonruijaweya coonng uie territory from mi itml em n form on the fourth conoua- ion of i ramoaa to a point in tlio vicinity of campbcutilli in niuwagmwoya laib 1 ridsy mr h later cbief mlneralo- gut of uie standard oil co mulo lna ap- loarancq andnaid tliat the leasee liod boon made ho statod uiab tlie company bad for some timoconwdorcd uiab tbo distric was an oil eattlomenb ana that in reeti ga ll 00 bad been quietly go f w woeks he now claima that- there ia aoy amount of gas and oil there and doee not beeikate to eay that uie prospect look bettor than any place ho han hlthorto nlruck he guarantees that ho will slnke oil 000 feet frem the surface mr ulster ia an export mfotralogist and t was be who discovered oil ab learning ton and other place ilockwood i prec ttcelly in the contra of wo land loose it baa 00b been revealed bow long the standard oil pooplo have bad their land experts in the district it is understood that drilling will com men co im mod lately tho famous oil well enterprisea at crow sons corners and eden mills which had their respective excitement a few years ago may yet be developed into commercial propositions of megnitudo if thawg itocke- eller intorosu get in to exploit them guelph picnickens at acton tlio barbers unlori and thoirprlonda ilavo enjoyablo tlmo horo trlw unloi tlio mornbcni of luelph b dec led u bold uieir annual pic nlo m acton s fine park on the ebore of feiry iz6t tlootsiitjnaurialid iasi tliurs day afternoon and resulted in a moat pleanant outing fer all concerned the ouelph herald aay tho oqelph barljer bad a greab time yaatenlay ab thoir anoaal pio nio ia leikesid park acton they went down liy train accompanied by their families and a number of friends au4 from the tfmo they arrived in acton until uie hour come for tha retarn there not a dull moment oamoa races etc filled a busy afternoon enjoyment and then the ladies supplied a repast that did them credit and to which full justice waa done the barbers ahewing that the can eat a well aa work altogether uie event waa voted eno of the finest outings tk barbers have itald the marcnry eaya the annual 1 io mo of ouelph barbers union held a most njeyeble pio nio at lakealdo pork acton tbo party on their arrival at acton ware mat by th bacbereof htiwn with motor tara and driven to tho park sidee worn ohoeen for a jmcball match and for eome time the sb-cent- balrcuttora emashod and swatted at uie ballwith just as mm li vim as uiey used to display in the good old daye when the wholo family conld get their hair cut for 35 eanl there waa each an abundonco of feed got ready for tho hunrry artist that muck woe left dor tbi waa turned over to the children a bheltar tho two acton barbers tom morton aod bandy mclean certainly helped to maka the pionlo the success lb waa 9 co 10 00 020 c75 1x30 10 00 2o0 1000 at uie mooting pf uie township oonncu the following account were paased 9 760 060 mrs a ucpbxil gravel aaum alexander gravel vf ii service gravel wm fraaor irta matthew job work div 47 municipal world supplies austin flotcbor ahoep killed duncan mcgregor ahoep killed dr cacwrt expenses m0 h a grant of 85 00 was modo to the board of agriculture tlie roevo and secretary of polio vil lage tnrstoea were appelated a deputation to interview tha provincial treasurer respecting tho debenture debt of camp- bellvill a by law wae passed to assess uie differ nt school sections for tho amount required for running expenses the by law fixing the rate for the year resulted as follows county purpose county patriotic fun govt war tax good reads mainte general school township bate 3 uio mills 1 8 10 0 10 c10 1 0 10 1 g 10 total 10 12 mills council adjourned to meet on november fetb at 10 o clock joint mahahaix clerk 1 t 215 i ywj woold be iboeitwsoty eaahela tcrfhftus ontertst will hare a btunper nab crop and other crope are meet encouraging iei tui couiirr couwrii have perpetrated the deed at tuesday a session tho by law providing for tho 60 000 bridge at tanaley to be constructed with uie ec iron girders discarded by uie intercolonial railway at m one ton wo passed this it tho face f tho flvo councillors who cod unneel their protest against it and re minded their colleagqe that in june wbeq this matter wasnp a resolution waa noan imioosly paased to the affect that owing to the financial roqulrojnonta of uie war and tho increased coat of bndgo building that the bridge betopaired aba coat of 81600 tbe county engineer gav uie aasarauce that the bridge would then bo oaf for tea or fifteen years it la passing strange that uie council could not see it way to making special provision for immediately increa log the grant to our brave soldiers wives because forsooth tho pile for the year was struck when tbey could see their way to initiaung on expenditure ef 900 000 totally uanocessary ab thlrl time after the rate wa struck harvkstkbsi look 31000 farm laborers are wanted in th provinces of manitoba saskatchewan and alberto far the harvesting of uie crop tho canadian northern uailway will operate um first exciirsioa train for the west leaving toronto union depot at 10 ptn august 23rd and 30th and running through solid to winnipeg teo equipment will consist of electric lighted colonist cars lunch counter cars and in addition uie railway will continue their loab year innovation of keeping a special car for the accemmodatit n of single women and familio and of placing it in ute train where tho occupent will bo separated from uie other peasengex the unitary norrsd by tbo canadian noruiernxues offer u widest chotoo of em ploy moat with high wage but regard leas of where you may locate rnrneinler we gir you tho beat eervioo to winnipeg where you will ropurcliaae to final desu notion no matter on wbat line it may be- far leaflet allowing special train service with dates numlxir of man required at various point nnd other information ply to a t brown lown agent or general poesonger doiarttuiit canadian northern itoilway toronto i military notes lieut col j ualuuuutf i h o 70th titiliou who has returnod to lift homo ab geergetowa has boon struck off tie etroiigu of the 01 f oihcers generally who rqimn from ovorseae on aciount of tbara ijciu no opeutng for uioni uier are struck ot otiierwiso they would continue to draw iy gihls on active service colloffo girls school toachors and othora choerful to tho last doffrco the girla from college school and farm are doing uieir hit taking the piece of men who have fcoav overseas or are doing other work serine in tho field mndjg- canning factory tlienriirit with whicbar these war time m diftnh to onyuimgthoyaji evfdono fouowinf active aarvlco originated from one of the uhbs00sk the removal of mr and mrs thomao msrabbll to- acton is much regretted here they were geod neighbors and spent aeer- ly all their uvea hare the motor car traffic down th sixth line to the limebouse crossroad and thence to the seventh una is increasing sections of the eoveoth line from ilendersena suhool to theinion cemers are almobt imps able a rood many people would like to see uie proposed new stone rood there common oed farmer in many section are reporting big yield of hay aod oat people wiu hove to travel a long way before they will find better crop than in this vicinity even the cern crop i geod 00 numbers of the farms hereabout a geod many pooplo ero arranging their affairs ee osto spend a day or two at toronto fair children ory for fletchers casxori a lahofn qnant for soldhiris 4 dependents poutlons u county co u nail to uaka uniform payments through tho yoar during tho post yoar tho county cw nl has boon reducing lho pay mo 11 l to soldiers wives from 10 to jj per month for uie six months from june to docorolxir ab u10 ouuob tho 10 monuily iymont wan oontlnilod during uiu year wllii tho increased cosh of living tl 95 00 is found to be inadequate it m els considerably lower than uie amount bom received jjaoldisrs wives infethercodntio who are paid from tho fund ef u10 natii el ratrieio aanociation on tuesday inijuantial delegations of huliea and gonueman from the five toi of uie county walled upon uie county council and presented petitions from the soldiers wlveo preytng that tho grants l iscreaeed to assonnta equal to tbeeo jkaid 1 y uie national association those petition were supported by earnest j pools tii tho tlependanta of ilaltonabrove soldloia be treated a generously aa thooo of ottior section of uie dominion ly mr hughes cleaves of burlington uia lie wax of milton mrs ii p lewoot georgetown mr w s dia oakvill and n p moore j p acton councillors nicholson llynda ijiao rorster and warden iteadbead roj ilodjnr tho council expressing uieir desire lo do their best for the aoldisrs wives andonur ing tho delegation they would toko iha motur into eoraesb considerayou tbo matter wa subsequently cons dorcd by uie council but action was deftrred unul noxt sitting ecrloe girl at waterf ord on acuve service at waterford ontario i am berry well fbave been admitted into jam factory and em suffering from amoll shock bench bock and huller qogara life hero 1 jusa ono jam beme after another i have bad strawberry rash and quite expect to be berried soon this work will make us a cross a bear 10 we bavo had potatoes for dinner ence also lettuce and more lettace let us not forget the le ttuco i am being sent into th fields shortly to hill sixty rotodf corn i hove received your lotter dated erased wiu write soon i would be so crataful for a letter eoon signature jeremiah doollttle date july 10th 1017 my addraas u weierfcrd ontario p 3 we are havlag an awfully jolly time waterford star nassaoaweya tbo giru club gave 0 phy in the tewn hall on jbriday eveninc entiued an old liashiened ladies aid meeting at mow hawk crossroads id was a decided suo cess lash character took hor pert in good form after expenses were met uie neat sum of over 50 00 wu realised for rod cross work sergk instructor n b marshall paid a short visit heme oobl wayfrom volcoruor que to camp borden but week he been elterihod to uie hlb highlander uedor which be will be instructor of o number of recruit in different methods of warfare we with him a u coca in but heavy undertaking iters rjtrachan and htepbanaon are boll r iwewlin thorn a much deeded vocation tho engagement is aunouooad of jeeei pearl only daughter of mr and mrs goorgo mitchell or campbell villa to jauiee alexander bervice eldest sob of mr and mrs service of milton the marriage ui take place quietly in soptemaer on iitior day september 3rd a re- uaiou of tho pupu of m 8 no 7 will be held on tho school grounds there will no deubt be a rood attendance of uie old girl and boys of the years of auld lang syne h itev mr stephoosou bos arraugeut a coiuprebensivo plan for filling the pulpit of uie four churches of the circuit every sun day the following local preach ore will assist w h kobiuscn ii w buuffer 1 ii harlow j jfolmee an 1 john mar shall ilv j w hitching it a of mt hi preached sondu sermons at lbenezer end stctirwhinbtehome church last suadey brush wool coots hand come styles see them in tho window mens wool sweater coats no 1 quality in brown grey and mnroon seo namplca in w dow auto dusters umrlo and double brcatej up uuatc 250 to 3400 i this for values jut 1 few of the iiwtra good values we i offennr look tliem over and compirl the price i with the city tore price 10 to 15 per cent lower it will piy you to you will find our black silk poplintins sillc popln will k r wear and has a rch finish full 3 ip wide ctri rood value at si50 per yard ilky white llaftulal silk th walbtj 11 full 36 in wide nlli uill wah and rive good weir iixtri ood value at s100 suitable for while english flannelettes hou before the hi advance in prices every person knows that flannelette have doubled in once in the past vcar what we have in stock is extra k value at 1c 20 2 ajid j5c per yard plain and tnlll bleach sheelin twill extra good value 38c yards wide good quihty cotton plain and buy your flannelette blankets now now is the time to lay in your stock for fall and winter as reports from wholes de houses are blankets will be double the pncebeforc th first of the y if we bought these blankets to day we could not sell them anywhere near these prices double bed size pink or blue borders 3185 extra large size pink or blue borders s225 a bargain in sideboard or dresser covers just 2 dozen double damask all pure linen sideboard covers size 17x50 remember these are all linen and if bought today would bo cheap at double the price we are asking extra good value at 75 each flta afltirrjistmtnt kljr 4itrthput ffihurrlj 3don it a ic lialtcji ii a b d- isxnujt sunday auoutitsaui 1017 irii m ubjett aintr in cinnr a u10i1 m sulijcct perfect manhood unoav oohool in tha uftenjoon at 3 30 o clock all w ricom a j10mio fott 81udunt nmr nijijii n m uii ihiooi in acton iky vb tr crxwl 1 n in kclorn tar lttit loi atllj i r letur in mux o fiilii i imjy ovvtoa store to kknt that erxnmfxllooj torn t um rear of ihe- lnvirntnm llnlwinit on willow litre iim iilen 11 i mwenl door ctiar inll aim or i ullrllt sjij wjii 1 a ttctlol i til ft not le jlo ir and fcod buslncsa which i as ixtrnt iwl it for four to u loan i r auc lit lml jaukd alattllewfl jtll street stora cxooeei 11 o noon on wodneadavya durlnff july c aujrust acton enter the along tlle rathzphohe five of tsase urfa tiuoet pbooocrapi rich wttb twelve rcoarda atrea tnl ptuca n district conic tta vatoe ivxjo llxa so la x 34 in x 44 la blca at rural school fairs in ontario tho campbell hoar mills company a great offer of tha tug onehandred and fifty dollar patho phonographs rivo of thera 1 and oilier valuable pnica for tho beat loaves of bread baked with cream of tho west floor is surrinf pp remenduua interest all over ontario many girls aro already busy 03 beea praciiaint with cream of tho west flour last year many erhi declared oh if i had only practised i m euro i could havo won don t wait another day decido right cowl practise practise practice with cream west fioaf to fiord tobot flour tbat is gumranttmd foriirwad lvery urao you ualto with it you find out neve quahuca in tbia flour that moke such splendid b g loavca of dchcloua light bread practi30 1 in five d stneta each cnmpriain several counties wo will jivo nuray free to the winner of tho tirat district pme a laro cabinet pbanoraph at each fair them wdl bo given a hno liat of local pnia list of prices on nnd after atif a j7 hair cut ilso chltdrno usvlrcuc soa shampoo coo ilnodnub laemdloo hnlrfslnfro loa ijottrclthtm alono too uoardtrlmatllttlrut 35c dhsiva loo neob jbavo 6c moo j shsvvs alono xoo pnao tavetafco so r nuodlonlnff zso outsidswoi hr 2cavna60o- motiob to oun cuqtobiina iteaac como id for work before 8pm our men nuit work at that bonr ex m friday aod saturday even thosamoirton a b mclean bandunu ceptinu oi tnjjb prizes worth trying hard for lat xoeal prtxa olru bifqllfnllj loood illastiatad book with bod pce turlcs mad anlclcs about people rt bolmau fardaos wine crtxheiinc itaryutlnc ibat prtlcourly i alert la jonoi elrls older glru lad their mothers this la a wander jul pruo thai joa can treasare for jaars 2naxoeirtmra biorlei urtajnanr xttn anj wo- raeo heavily cloth bound with olti 1 1 ilea taxoy basutl yal picturcm in colors entrancing uf ilorlci of ploroasw hlxntlnjile utiri uarllaa horn uacdoaald jennj- uad h lets qasea victoria and others 3rd xecat prize ilrlula orerscas a fclj naafl aomalj bound boot wtlh coaar colored pictures lauraattac storiea mail dcacrlptions of be cooatrlca aad the pcoplaa of llrltaln a woru wlj lmplre 4th icat prtxa tha qaesns olft hoc a book rtnrea and aprclal articles by llrytala a beel followlnt district 1st dutrlct fclia iven to tha fin iuooojrpb i to tha ann ti e dalii phonos prlie it will c io jmi ti tllcii pkui for a 1 oliibc it li ie 1 r- inj jm id cnttrtaln reproducer attach 1 buj at klnda of flat mu tha i lhpbon ouilc bouga and lagny juo of tha famous loathe writara th proceed from the sate of ibis hook i ha benefit of disabled aoldlcrs la cnguiui aia or more only n ola ualcu ha cntrlci nnaur flnt and acoiid prliea will be awarded unltaa eotilra eunuer tea ee mare na fourth prtta will totmt to menta anil oa lira oi dtao rarorila of no raproducaa band muic plecea perfectly wiui i rscorila lotsl value 2nd district pries he of dlikeaa wka 18 tplan dldly bound voluiaea wilt puny illuauatlou am one tha booha in tho aat aro ur twin and old cur oalty tihop thaaa aro two of tha mail an iran clog atorlcs er or written 3rd eta and stb prix- casnck lircad nuers this aimpu jet walt mada machine takea tha hard work oat of bread making laatcad of lahaiiuua knaadlng oi the old method jou juat put in tho tdstadleala tora th handle and the douh la thoroughly and iiuua avc mixed read carefully conditions of contest are you looking for a farm if so heres your chance 200 acre farm acton 4 miles gibbons homestead 65 acres workable balance bush and pasture 1 acre orchard soil clay to gravelly loam imrame house 8 rooms barn 60x66 ood stabling driving shed and pig pen com bined school 5 lots rural mail price 8000 terms arranged 160 acres acton 3 miles carty homestead 100 acres workable balance bubh and pasture good bush 2 acres orchard s01l clay loam frame house 9 rooms bank barn 50x60 ofmng shed price 5500 terms arranged 85 acres well sitnated close to acton this farm is suitable for dairy farming has splendid spring crook 75 acres workable balance pasture and bush brick 4iouse 9 rooms nice lawn bank barn 65x70 large driving and implement shed splendid place for a man who wants to retire to asmal farm pnc- 8000 terms ar ranged 50 acres esqueslng township acton 3 miles 35 acres workable balance bush tnd pibture 12 acre grapes and small fruits sodclav loam frame house 7 rooms frame log stable price 2200 terms arranged 111 acres nassagaweya township acton 4 mile 85 acres workable balance pisture and bush 3 acres orchard soil sandy to clay loam concrete house io barn 54x80 sheep pen driving house silo school price 5000 v iey compete at tha rural acbool fair in aer dlaulct whether or not aha attenda ocboul providing- laol her 12th birthday occurs before november lat 1017 or bar mih birthday doca not occur before no 1 1017 one loaf of bread muat be aubaijtled haked in pan about 7 fl incbre and s incbaa deep and divided into twin loavea o that they may be acparated at th fair the loaf moot be baked wtta croon eltha wast iloar one half will b judged at tha fair tho other half of tha briie loaf will be seal to ontario agricultural college aelnh to compete tn tha dlatrlct corneals the jadgingt will be dona by ulaa 11 i 1 only of tha department of llraadmaktns and hour tea ting tha local eon tea i al the fair will be conducted under the booh rulea aa all tha alher regular contcata at jour fairs the standard by which bread will be j edged wul be district ho 1 coonuae of glengarry wrt i das uranville leads troatenac vmaaax and adj bumi carle ton let on lanark ltanfrew district no 3 counties of iuatlnj ince tdwaro aa follawa 1 appearance of loaf is narks lb texture of cruel e bhapo ot fiaf 3 taxtorr of romb a i leinveee ap marxa is merka it color h vlavor of liread 5 marks bi odor 20 marks imporujil lach loaf raot be accoa pa tiled by tha part of the fluur bag containing tho fsco of it a old ulller aad peterboro o7tbajnbartand vjctarioi curl dutrlct a s- countlaa of york ontario j eel hal- con wentwonb oxford lirant watoxloo wuh a fw fairs u wellington and lerlhj district ko a counllee of walland llauunand wor- folk llin kent kaoex lamb ton olldduaea with a aw lairs la lloron and lincoln district ho 0 conntlea of hroca qrtr tuala blni coe diitricl of moakoka 1 arry bound rimiakao b a cocoa alanitonlln tub bksultfl of the conleau a th fair will h- made known in the uanal way aa in the caae a th- other regular coat eat the uialrlct reaulu will be nooneed a eoon aa poeelblo after tha caaclualos of the ltaral tlchool salrs la tho 1 rovlnce do not mihh tiiih oltrat oppofttunity eery irl belweea 13 aod in yeare ehould ceeuxia whet plendld way to eur tap increaard laureat in bradwkiugl llet a aupp and preclli tea al wlnnior u lo the campbell lour klllle oo ohoneae of wlnniac if yoi wrtta lo the caaipbell lour kl we will pxoqplly tall you aa naareat jjlato i gel i an entry form mut be a gned by he girl ai d pen mi or guardian elating date of birth v ejjrea an 1 fitting sana of deatnr from whom cream of the wcat 1leur woe vurchaaed itio furnt will vtate that lie girl actually bated the loaf eutarrd in tha co opetilloa tha forme will be provided at tha time nt lie fair tie deciaion of the judges ta flu el hot mora than oris entry may bo made by each girl and not more tui one luml priio will bo awarded lo lho oinie family whicn district is ton re 7 this liat ehowa yon which co unite you rompeta agalnat if yon be coma a competitor for the dlaulct prlooa ly ho com1 etiti0ns in counties nauci lltuiv the competition 1 open to all j arte of the 1 roller wt itural hchool kalra aro held aioepl the uuuicu f 1 khrer heaore and itiundor hay rbeae dulri onlj parta of the 1 rovlnca where acbool aire the lej l of agriculture in which thia cuui i will not be a feature there aro uo diatrin npn of the depart men i of agrkullurr in tho too liu i bury uaron 1 erll uclllogloo llallbnrton 1 reacult m aell or lincoln and no rural ic uul falra era held lu tb coanuee by the llept of agriculture liters ar i ever a few falra held by local achoota in walllnguui 1 huron and 1 incoln and thees are ineladed ui the paullon auction sale- hotjsbhotl jood9 htablb etc tbo untlcrnignell will cell by public auction for nodert wallace on his premises north of tho grand trunk railway station acton on batdhday esth auqust at two oclock the following i stove radiant homo heater i oil stove 3 bnrncrs t cook fitove x organ i dining room extension table 3 kitchen tables i leaf inble i bed room set nnd a beds i fideboard i large burean i kitchen cupboard i cellar cupboard i half dozen iitchen chairs and different other chairs a bed cpringnnnd mattress es 3 hnnfrin lamps 3 lanterns 3 flower rtands pictured carpets of different kinds a stands i fancy amoll table i lawn mower i sufjor kettle a milk cans x naraber of other small things includ irik dishes is or 20 plymouth rock chicken a 1 heavy spring wapon with stock rack and shelves will carry a ton 1 set block and ucklo and quantity of rope at thosarso timo there will bj offered the stable 18x34 ln which tbara is a quantity of timber and rood lumber thero arc also thirty fine building lots for sajc building caud on the property for every lol terms for lots madoej known on application terms cash no reserve as proprietor has sold the premises and u giving up housekeeping r fflllliqan adctiono mortgage sali w valuable tpau1 phopertx ndl r and by virtue of the poj of sale contained in a certain rrr jaco which will lo produced at the- i of sale there will bu offcretf for fall public auctiqn wedncsilay an gust j tho hour of two o clock m the afterndj the station hotel in tho villoco of f j 1 uie county or hal ton by r ui ship of 1 snuedagv4ei inj ot hfthon and provtncoaf pnl talutng oao hundred acres met being composed ot tho v ast h number 3 hirt in tho fifth of tbo townshipof lsquewng i there ure mild to bo trtctdb remrsc itoro nnd l oue nnll als6 framo iwra perty ib situated six milr town and tlrrco miles fn m chaser will have t raak 1 with present tenant ro icac thii yar erupt terms 9f salo twenty jier purchase money ou dato of itlq ance with in ten tat ix in thirty dayn 1 urtliir irm may be in ado ro uymeni purch lie monty which will ik isfactory to ihu p ir ha cr- property offered f 1 hale serve bltfc ior furtlicr lerrai 1111 1 sale apply to bhiltonwali rtufjfb acl boliciloi- lot 1 o m rilk ot rjitown 1 ii sin 1 1 am auctioneer dated at v it w thu 1 lurtictli dy of july a 1 1 j the campbell flour mills company limited wet toronto peterboro pickering bbss vooma j mile cs cream of the west flour is sold by the following dealers d c ku slii acton p h wilson burlington w j moore campbtllville a m grundy georgetown blain hannant milton harry smith oakvillu a wales oakvillc a e carpenter oalt- ville crandtrunkvs j a willoiighby real estate harvest help excursions 12 00 to winnipeg august anit and 30th ftum olatitma lyu oat utl wl to toronto inclusive augum 33rxl and oth from 0uu0u3 toronto nnd west iu ontario for pumculars ua v ticjicu wrat of wiunllkt cle nply to uujr rand trunk rlcku agone h s holmes agent georgetown acton phom no i records 8sc up for sale by c c speight acton buy madeincanada goods 5000 w0min wanted in samutciicwan rive tl servant i u baawal lu not in 01 1 in dcmuik 1000 pur side walk t uunu ttuiu mi t 1 wan govciiuur it tion wiunlit bureau i 1 tlo ji 11 1 iiiotcit dometic i i n j ir the aru of i man konpltxi with ir tl ii alm greatly ivj i f i iiualo help ith with liard no 0ll- lu saskotche luilwav ota secretary d new wonderland kkiuay uuulr i two i lajs i a il run in l i novt1 mat uhhav ou 1 i luiiuhtm i with illl da i uara t iida afuiuoui uoubts6 lvcr atory of trl with tttlctliav 1 p o 1 i otrrjcj dot so i urty nn a drury i rr d r l gregory i

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